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J Oral Maxillofac Surg


Occlusal Plane Alteration in

Orthognathic Surgery

This article discusses correction of functional and esthetic deformities by surgically

increasing or decreasing the occlusal plane angulation. Clockwise rotation, or
increase of the occlusal plane angulation, is a well-accepted technique in or-
thognathic surgery. However, counterclockwise rotation (decrease of the occlusal
plane angulation), has not been a well-accepted treatment approach. The func-
tional and esthetic characteristics of the low occlusal plane and the high occlusal
plane facial types are presented, specific surgical approaches to alteration of the
occlusal plane are described, and the long-term stability of results with both
clockwise and counterclockwise rotations of the occlusal plane are discussed.
Cases illustrating the application of these surgical approaches are presented.

Management of patients with musculoskeletal de- comprehensive diagnosis to aid in the development of
formities of the jaws where double-jaw surgery is nec- an optimal treatment plan. However, sometimes the
essary to establish optimal functional and esthetic re- clinical and cephalometric data do not correlate be-
lationships requires accurate diagnoses and proper cause of an abnormal orientation of the FH. Correcting
treatment planning. Variations in the mandibular plane the FH plane to correlate to the clinical evaluation will
angulation are related to specific morphologic differ- significantly improve the diagnostic and treatment
ences of the craniofacial structures and clinical ap- planning aspects of patient management.
pearance of patients. Wolford et all have clearly dem- Although usually ignored, the angular relationship
onstrated this in reference to mandibular deficiency of the occlusal plane and FH (occlusal plane angle,
patients. Orientation of the cranial base is significantly with a normal value of 8° ± 4°)2 is very important in
different in patients with low mandibular plane angle both diagnosis and treatment planning. From a surgical
skeletal morphology as compared with those with high basis, clockwise rotation, or increase of the occlusal
mandibular plane angle skeletal morphology. Thus, the plane angle (lOP) of the maxillomandibular complex
sella nasion plane and/or Frankfort horizontal (FH) in double-jaw surgery, has been strongly advocated,
plane may have very different orientations in each facial particularly in open-bite cases, regardless of the steep-
type and to each other within the same facial type, thus ness of the presurgical mandibular plane and occlusal
making it difficult to obtain an accurate diagnosis based plane angulation."? However, counterclockwise rota-
on these cephalometric cranial-base references. Cor- tion, or decrease of the occlusal plane angle (DOP) of
relation of clinical evaluation data with the cephalo- the maxillomandibular complex, has not been sup-
metric analysis is necessary to provide an accurate and ported as an acceptable treatment modality.v' and
misconceptions have developed that this is an unstable
procedure. The senior author (L.M.W.) has been using
* Clinical Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Baylor Col- counterclockwise rotation of the maxilla and mandible
lege of Dentistry, Dallas, TX; in private practice, Baylor University
Medical Center, Dallas, TX. as a treatment method to correct specific types of de-
t Former Fellow in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Baylor Uni- formities for over 14 years. With the development of
versity Medical Center, Dallas, TX; Clinical Associate, Department rigid fixation and improvement in surgical techniques,
of Surgery, Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Chicago, Chicago, IL; in private practice, Arlington Heights, IL. the DOP rotation has proven to be a very stable pro-
* In private practice in orthodontics, Arlington, TX.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Wolford: 3409
cedure in properly selected cases.
This paper will discuss two important aspects that
Worth St, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75246.
can have significant influence on the functional and
© 1993 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons esthetic results for patients, but are commonly ignored
0278-2391/93/5107-0003$3.00/0 in traditional diagnosis and management ofdeformities


requiring double-jaw surgery. These are (1) selective If infraorbitale, porion, and/or nasion are abnor-
alteration of the FH plane on the cephalometric tracing mally positioned, the numeric values of maxillary and
so that the numerical cephalometric values agree with mandibular depth may be different than expected based
the clinical impression of the patient's deformity. This on the clinical examination. In addition, locating an-
"corrected" FH (CFH) is then used as a diagnostic and atomic porion can be difficult. If porion is difficult to
treatment planning reference; and (2) selective surgical identify, but the condyle can be located on the cephal-
alteration of the occlusal plane angle to acquire optimal ometric radiograph, selecting a point 2 to 3 mm below
functional and esthetic relationships. the top of the condyle can serve as porion. This is help-
ful in some cases, but in others the required reorien-
Corrected Frankfort Horizontal tation of the FH plane to correlate to the clinical eval-
uation may be unrelated to porion or condylar position.
Sometimes numeric cephalometric values for the In application of this alteration technique, infraorbitale
maxillary and mandibular depths may not correlate is usually maintained as the base reference point and
with the diagnostic clinical impression when related to the vertical position of porion is altered until the max-
the anatomically "based FH reference plane. For ex- illary and/or mandibular depth correlate numerically
ample, a patient may clinically demonstrate a relatively to the clinical evaluation. In Fig I, the posterior aspect
normal anteroposterior (A-P) position of the maxilla of FH was lowered until the CFH correlated with the
and significant mandibular deficiency, but numeric ce- clinical examination of the patient.
phalometric values for the maxillary depth, related to The advantage of establishing a CFH, when indi-
anatomically based FH, can be significantly higher than cated, is that this will allow the development of the
normal, and mandibular depth can be relatively normal orthodontic and surgical treatment objectives using
(Fig 1). Clearly, in this example, the small anatomic normal cephalometric interrelationships. The decision
cephalometric values do not correlate with the clinical concerning correction of the FH, and particularly any
impression. The basic reasons for the lack ofcorrelation decision to surgically alter the occlusal plane angle,
between the cephalometric and clinical analyses are should be made before orthodontics and surgery, be-
that cephalometrically I) infraorbitale may be located cause alteration of these structures may significantly
higher or lower than normal; 2) porion may be located affect presurgical orthodontic goals and mechanics.
higher or lower than normal; and 3) nasion may be
Selective Alteration of the Occlusal Plane
located more anterior or posterior than normal.
Although improved function is the primary goal of
orthognathic surgery, esthetics are affected by the re-
positioning of the teeth with orthodontics as well as by
the choice ofsurgical procedures and spatial alterations
ofthe maxilla and mandible. Traditional management
with double-jaw surgery has relied either on autoro-
tation ofthe mandible to determine an acceptable angle
FH for the occlusal plane, or the angle ofthe occlusal plane
CFH is increased relative to the FH to "improve" stability.l"
This method may achieve an acceptable interrelation-
ship of the teeth, but it may not provide the optimal
functional and esthetic relationships between muscu-
loskeletal structures and the dentition. A common
practice in double-jaw surgery for open-bite cases is to
move the posterior maxilla superiorly to close the open
bite. When the occlusal plane is already steep, often
the angulation ofthe occlusal plane is further increased.
As the occlusal plane approaches the inclination ofthe
articular eminence, not only can esthetics be adversely
affected, but several undesirable functional alterations
may occur, which include 1) loss of cuspid-rise occlu-
FIGURE I. In this illustrative case, the cephalometric analysis using sion; 2) loss of incisal guidance; and 3) development
anatomic FH indicates maxillary protrusion and a normal A-P po- ofworking and nonworking side posterior dental func-
sition of the mandible (small numbers), which does not correlate tional interferences.
with the clinical impression of the patient. Correcting FH until the
numerical values correlate with the clinical impression (large numbers)
Those who believe in the necessity of protected oc-
will allow normal cephalometric interrelationships to be used for clusal mechanisms, such as cuspid-rise occlusion and
diagnosis and treatment planning. incisal guidance, may have significant concerns over

FIGURE 2. Case 1. A. A 25-year-old woman desired correction ofhersignificant dentofacial deformity. B. Anteroposterior deficiency of the
maxillary andmandibular dentoalveolus isevident, aswell asa prominent nose andchin. C. D, Theocclusion shows a class IIend-on relationship
with allfour first premolars missing dueto previous orthodontic treatment.

the application of these traditional philosophies of in- As the occlusal plane angle increases (rotates clock-
creasing the occlusal plane angulation. Selective alter- wise), specific changes will occur. To illustrate these
ation of the occlusal plane angulation to create a more changes (Fig 4A), the incisal edge of the maxillary in-
normal interrelation to structures at the cranial base cisor will be used as the center of rotation. The changes
can enhance the functional and esthetic results for include I) increased occlusal plane angle; 2) increased
many patients. The three most important lateral ceph- mandibular plane angle; 3) decreased maxillary incisor
alometric interrelationships that can be selectively angle relative to the nasion A point; 4) increased man-
changed in double-jaw surgery are I) the vertical po- dibular incisor angle relative to the nasion B point (NB);
sition of the maxillary incisor; 2) the A-P position of 5) rotation of the chin posteriorly in relation to the A-
the anterior maxilla and maxillary incisor; and 3) the P position of the lower incisor tips; 6) decreased pos-
angulation of the occlusal plane. The establishment of terior facial height; and 7) advancement ofthe peri nasal
these three interrelationships will dictate the new po- supportive bone structures.
sition of the maxilla and mandible. Surgical alteration The direction of movement should be predictable
of the occlusal plane will change the angulation of the and stable because all the muscles of mastication will
maxillary and mandibular incisors as they relate to the remain basically the same or shorten vertically. Relative
basal bone structures, as well as the A-P and vertical to alteration of the occlusal plane, the anatomic center
positions of the maxilla, mandible, and chin. of rotation also effects esthetic change. For example,
if rotation is around the incisal edge of the central in-
Low OCCLUSAL PLANE FACIAL TYPE cisor, the perinasal area will be advanced as the maxilla
rotates forward in that area. If rotation is around point
The basic characteristics often observed in the low A, the perinasal area will not be affected as significantly,
occlusal plane (LOP) facial type (Figs 2, 3A) are as but the upper incisor edge will rotate posteriorly and
follows: 1) low occlusal plane angle (less than 4°); 2) the inferior aspect of the upper lip will also move pos-
low mandibular plane angle; 3) well-defined mandib- teriorly. Pure vertical or A-P movements of the max-
ular angles; 4) strong chin relative to the mandibular illomandibular complex will not affect the occlusal
alveolus (A-P macrogenia); 5) decreased angulation of plane or incisor angulation, but may affect the esthetic
the maxillary incisors as in a class II division 2 mal- outcome.
occlusion, but there also may be overangulated incisors;
6) decreased angulation of the lower incisors; 7) class
II malocclusion, but can be class I or III; 8) accentuated
curve of occlusion (curve ofSpee) in the mandible and
sometimes a reverse curve in the maxilla; and 9) an- Common characteristics of this facial type (Figs 5,
terior deep overbite. 6A) may include the following: l) high occlusal plane
(HOP) angulation (greater than 12°); 2) high mandib-
SURGICAL INCREASE OF OCCLUSAL ular plane angulation; 3) anterior vertical maxillary
PLANE ANGULATION excess and/or posterior vertical maxillary deficiency;
4) increased height of the anterior mandible and/or
It can be advantageous in some of these LOP cases decreased height ofthe posterior mandible; 5) decreased
to rotate the occlusal plane in a clockwise direction" projection of the chin (A-P microgenia); 6) A-P man-
into the normal angulation range (8° ± 4°). This ro- dibular deficiency; 7) decreased angulation of maxillary
tation may have significantly beneficial effects on the incisors, although overangulation can also occur; 8)
functional and esthetic results and in establishing the increased angulation of mandibular incisors; 9) class
presurgical orthodontic goals. II malocclusion, but can also occur with class I or III;


6 25YRS

----PRE T X
- - 6 6 MO POST OP

FIGURE 3. Case I . A, Deficiency of the maxilla and mandible in

case no. I is evident. Th e occlusal plane angle is 0°. The chin and
nose are relatively prominent. B. Surgical treatment objective dem-
onstrates the proposed movements of increasing the occlusal plane
angulation to 9° and advancement of the maxillary and mandibular
incisors 7 rnrn. With the clockwise rotat ion of the maxillomandibular
complex , the chin advances only 5 mm and the maxilla at the os-
teotom y level will advance 8 mrn . C. Superimposition of the pre-
treatment and 66-month follow-up shows the changes in the occlusal
plane angulation and the effects on esthetics.

10) anterior open bite, often accompanied by an ac- SURGICAL DECREASE OF OCCLUSAL
centuated curve ofSpee in the upper arch; II) in more PLANE ANGULATION
pronounced cases, loss of incisal guidance, cuspid-rise
occlusion, and presence of working and nonworking Changes that occur with counterclockwise rotation
side interferences in the molar areas as the occlusal of the maxillomandibular complex (using the maxillary
plane angle approaches the inclination of the articular incisor edge as the center of rotation for illustrative
eminence; and 12) moderate to severe obstructive sleep purposes) are seen in Figure 4B. Changes that generally
apnea symptoms as a result of the tongue base being occur include I) decreased occlusal plane angle; 2) de-
displaced posteriorly and constricting the oropharyn- creased mandibular plane angle; 3) increased maxillary
geal airway in the more severe cases. incisor angulation; 4) decreased mandibular incisor

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FIGURE 4. A. Illustrative tracing demonstrates denio-osseous changes that occur with an increase in occlusal plane angulation in an LOP
facial type with a class I occlusion. Changing the occlusal plane angle from 0° (dotted line) to a normal of 8° (solid line) alters incisor angulation,
A·P projection of the chin, and spacial positions of the maxilla and mandible. The black area with white arrows in the ramus represents bone
that must be removed on the lingual side of the ramus above the medial horizontal osteotomy. Since the distal segment will rotate superiorly,
the black area indicated at the vertical buccal osteotomy area necessitates bone removal to get the proximal and distal segments to fit together.
B. This illustrative tracing represents an occlusal plane angle change in high occlusal plane facial type with a class I occlusion, from 16° (dotted
line) to a normal of 8° (solid line). Changes occur in the upper and lower incisor angulation, chin projection, and in a spacial position of the
maxillary and mandibular components. C. Occlusal plane alteration from an LOP of 0° to a high occlusal plane of 16° illustrates the significant
spacial changes of the maxillomandibular complex.

angulation; 5) increased chin projection in relation to tubercles.' The significant differencesin the orientation
the lower incisor edges; 6) increased prominence ofthe of the dento-osseous structures with lOP and OOP
mandibular angles may occur; 7) improved incisal movements are seen in Fig 4C.
guidance and cuspid-rise occlusion; 8) increased pos-
terior facial height; and 9) posterior movement of the Presurgical Orthodontic Goals
perinasal area relative to the maxillary incisor edge.
The center of rotation is also very important in es- It is most important to determine the amount of
tablishing esthetic relationships. If the center of rotation alteration of the occlusal plane to be accomplished
is at the maxillary incisor edge, the perinasal and sub- during surgery so that appropriate presurgical ortho-
nasale areas and the nasal tip will move posteriorly. If dontic goals can be established. Alterations in incisal
rotation is around point A or higher, the perinasal areas angulation will occur as the occlusal plane angle
will be less affected, as will the nose, but the maxillary changes. In the LOP facial type, it may be desirable
incisor edges will come forward, increasing the A-P during the presurgical orthodontics to increase max-
support to the upper lip and increasing the chin pro- illary incisor angulation (above normal) so that as the
jection. When decreasing the occlusal plane angle and occlusal plane angle is increased, maxillary incisor an-
advancing the mandible, the A-P dimension of the gulation will decrease an equal amount toward normal.
oropharyngeal airway will increase approximately 40% It may also be desirable to decrease the mandibular
of the mandibular advancement measured at the genial incisor angulation below normal so that, as the occlusal

FIGURE 5. A. This 25-year-old woman complained ofsevere dentofacial deformity and significant sleep apnea symptoms. B. Severe retrusion
of the mandible and elongated lower third face are noted. Notice her head posture, which is in pan created by her sleep apnea symptoms with
her head tilted up to help project her chin and open her oropharyngeal airway. C. D. Patient has a class II end-on occlusal relationship. Patient
had four bicuspids extracted and previous orthodontic treatment.


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FlGURE 6. Case 2. A. Cephalometrically, this patient has mild retrusion of th e maxilla, but severe retrusion ofthe mandible with a mandibular
depth of74°, with A·P microgenia and occlusal plane angulation of 30°. Note the severe restricted oropharyngeal airway of only I mm. The
upper incisors are decreased in angul ation. B. The surgical treatment objective demonstrates that the anterior maxilla is to be moved superiorly
4 mm and"the posterior aspect of the maxilla inferiorly 3 mm. The mandible is to be advanced 16 mm at the sagittal split area with a IO-mm
chin augmentation so that pogonion will advance approximately 34 mm. C. The patient was evaluated 28 months postsurgery, showing good
stability of results. A significant improvement was also achieved in the oropharyngeal airway. D. Superimposition of the preoperative and 28-
month postoperative tracings demonstrate th e significant changes accomplished .

plane is increased, the mandibular incisor angulation Temporomandibular Joint Consideration

will increase toward normal.
In an HOP facial type, decreasing angulation of the It is important to note the health and condition of
maxillary incisors (below normal) during the presurg- the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) prior to this type
ical orthodontic phase may be indicated. Thus, when of surgery. Any evidence of presurgical pathology must
the occlusal plane angle is surgically decreased, max- be thoroughly evaluated and properly managed. Pa-
illary incisor angulation will increase an equal amount tients with internal derangements, arthritic conditions,
toward normal. The presurgical orthodontic goal may or resorptive processes (eg, idiopathic condylar resorp-
also include overangulation ofthe mandibular incisors tion, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis) may have
so that, as the occlusal plane angle is surgically de- dysfunctional and/or unstable TMJs, requiring special
creased, the incisor angulation will decrease an equal management including consideration of simultaneous
amount. TMJ surgery, or as a separate procedure prior to the
If the maxilla is segmentalized in either the LOP or orthognathic surgical procedures. Patients who have
HOP facial type patient, the presurgical orthodontic had appliance therapy to "recapture the disc" may have
goal relative to maxillary incisor angulation may not unstable joints for the DOP rotational movement and,
be as critical as it is when occlusal plane alteration is unless the TMJs are specifically addressed, the discs
performed with a one-piece maxilla. In particular, if may become displaced postsurgery and a class II open
the maxilla is sectioned between the lateral incisors bite may develop.
and the canines, there is much more latitude, not only
to alter the occlusal plane, but also to selectively es- Surgical Technique
tablish an optimal maxillary incisor angulation, adjust
for any anterior tooth size discrepancy between the Surgical sequencing may be different for the two ba-
maxil1ary and mandibular teeth, and correct transverse sic morphologic facial types. An accurate presurgical
arch differences. Determining presurgical orthodontic prediction tracing and precise model surgery will sim-
goals has significant influence on whether extractions plify surgery and enhance the accuracy and stability of
will be done, whether accentuated curves of occlusion the treatment outcome.
or reverse curves of occlusion are to be leveled ortho-
dontically or surgically, and whether interarch me- SURGICAL INCREASE OF OCCLUSAL
chanical procedures are necessary to achieve optimal PLANE ANGULATION
presurgical positions of the dental units. For premolar
extraction cases in the LOP facial type, it is usually When increasing the occlusal plane angle it is usually
easier to orthodontically move the anterior teeth pos- easier to reposition the maxilla first, creating a posterior
teriorly, but it is more difficult to move the posterior open bite, but maintaining a predetermined incisor re-
teeth forward. Conversely, in the HOP facial type, it lationship, be it class I, II, or III. Although we prefer
is more difficult to orthodontically move the anterior to set the mandible first, using rigid fixation, accurate
teeth posteriorly, but it is easier to move the posterior presurgical model surgery is much more difficult in
teeth forward. such cases, usually creating a large anterior open bite.

Therefore, setting the maxilla first is easier for most first with rigid fixation, using an intermediate splint to
surgeons. An intermediate splint will improve surgical create a posterior open bite. The maxillary surgery then
accuracy. A maxillary step-osteotomy," or other sur- becomes much simpler, requiring completion of the
gical design of the surgeon's choice, is used to mobilize osteotomies and mobilization and placement of the
and reposition the maxilla. The posterior aspect of the segment(s) into occlusion with the mandible, with or
maxilla is usually moved superiorly a greater amount without a final splint. Rigid fixation is applied and nat-
than the anterior maxilla (Figs 3B and 4A) or the an- ural or synthetic bone is placed in the osteotomy areas,
terior maxilla is brought inferiorly a greater amount if necessary. The maxilla can be repositioned first, but
than the posterior maxilla as predetermined on the it may require creating a large anterior open bite and
surgical treatment objective or prediction tracing and a significant downward and posterior rotation of the
by model surgery. mandible to create room to downgraft the posterior
The intermediate splint is used to stabilize the max- maxilla, if that is a treatment requirement.
illa or mandible in the new, predetermined position In some of these cases, the height of the ramus may
while rigid fixation is applied. The surgeon must be increase. However, since most patients requiring this
aware of and eliminate potential interferences in the type of movement are skeletal class II cases, the ramus
maxillary region of the pterygoid plates, tuberosity, and portion of the distal segment moves forward as it 'moves
perpendicular plate of the palatine bone. When the inferiorly, in front ofthe pterygoid-masseteric sling and
mandibular ramus osteotomies are completed and the along the descending inferior slope of the inferior bor-
mandible is set into its new position, the posterior as- der of the mandible. Thus, no impingement on the
pect of the mandible and the teeth also must be raised muscle sling occurs in most of these cases. It is very
superiorly to fit into occlusion with the maxillary teeth. difficult to lengthen muscles 11 and, if attempted, the
The proximal mandibular segments will then rotate results may be fraught with significant relapse of bony
upward and forward. With autorotation of the proximal segments. If the posterior inferior aspect of the distal
segment, even with moderate advancement at the segment in the sagittal split area impinges on the pter-
mandibular incisal edge, the mandibular segments may ygoid-masseteric muscular sling (as in a class III HOP,
end up being managed similar to a mandibular setback mandibular prognathic open bite), it may be necessary
in the sagittal split area, requiring removal of bone in to reflect the medial pterygoid muscle from the medial
the vertical buccal osteotomy area. Bone also must be aspect of the proximal segment and slit the muscular
removed from the medial aspect of the proximal seg- sling so that the posterior-inferior aspect of the distal
ment directly above the level of the medial horizontal segment can rotate down through the sling. The area
cut6•10 (Fig 7). This bone is consistently an area of in- that moves inferior to the pterygoid-masseteric sling
terference if it is not removed. Rigid fixation is used will eventually remodel up to the height of the mus-
to stabilize the mandibular segments in the new posi- culature. If the sagittal split occurs posteriorly and
tion. Care must be taken not to overlook the joints; through the inferior-posterior aspect of the angle, it is
excessive stress on the TMJ and articular discs should possible for part of the medial pterygoid muscle to re-
be minimized. main attached to the distal segment. If this is suspected,
a "J"-stripper periosteal elevator may be needed to re-
SURGICAL DECREASE OF OCCLUSAL lease the medial pterygoid muscle from the distal seg-
With counterclockwise rotation, large anterior open
When the occlusal plane angulation is decreased, it bites are essentially closed with the mandibular pro-
is usually easier to set the mandible into its new position cedure. In cases where large counterclockwise move-
ments are indicated, mandibular ramus sagittal split
osteotomies can usually be done; however, inverted-
"L" osteotomies also can be used. With either proce-
dure, rigid stabilization can usually be applied, elimi-
FIGURE 7. When increasing nating the need for postsurgical maxillomandibular
the occlusal plane angulation, fixation. Specific modifications of the sagittal split os-
bone must be removed from the teotomy may be helpful in facilitating maximum bony
proximal segment, above the
medial cut, or a major bone in-
interface when these are extremely large move-
terference will occur with an in- ments. 1O, 12 Suprahyoid myotomies are rarely indicated
ability to get the proximal and or necessary for stable results. In fact, maintaining the
distal segments passively to- attachment of the geniohyoid musculature will maxi-
gether. mize the increase of the oropharyngeal space, which
may be very important in patients with obstructive
sleep apnea.' When decreasing the occlusal plane,

sometimes the posterior aspect ofthe maxilla will need change of the occlusal plane angle was 5.6° (SO 2.8°)
to be downgrafted. In these cases, it is imperative that with a postsurgical change of -0.6° (SO 1.50, 10.7%).
four bone plates be used with at least two screws above The surgical change in maxillary depth was 2.9° (SO
and two screws below the osteotomy in each bone plate. I. r) with a postsurgical change of -0.4° (SO 1.0°,
The bone defects must then be grafted with bone or, 13.8%). The mandibular depth was essentially un-
preferably, porous block hydroxylapatite.v'? changed surgically and in the long term did not change
In some cases, (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, idiopathic position. The surgical change of the maxillary incisor
condylar resorption, previous fractured and displaced angulation was -10.2 ° (SO 2. r), with a postsurgical
condyles, etc) the TMJ may require reconstruction, change of 1.0° (SO 3.3°; 9.8%). The horizontal surgical
which can be done at the same time as the orthognathic change from point A was 3.3 mm (SO 1.9 mm), with
surgery (ie, disc repositioning, temporal fascia grafts, a postsurgical change of-0.6 mm (SO 1.2 mm; 18.2%).
etc). Materials that can be used to reconstruct the TMJ, The horizontal surgical change from point B was -0.2
lengthen the ramus, and counterclockwise rotate the mm (SO 3.9 mm) with a minimal postsurgical change
maxillomandibular complex include a sternoclavicular of -0.1 mm (SO 1.7 mm). Pogonion likewise had a
graft, a costochondral graft, or a total joint prosthesis. small surgical change of -2.0 mm (SO 4.8 mm) with
a postsurgical change of 0.5 mm (SO 1.7 mm).
Stability of Results
The stability of results, particularly with counter-
clockwise rotation ofthe maxillomandibular complex, Twenty-seven patients (22 females and five males),
has often been highly questioned. There has been very with a mean age of 30 years (range, 15 to 44 years)
little documentation in the literature relative to sta- underwent double-jaw surgery for decrease of the oc-
bility, particularly for double-jaw surgery. Although the clusal plane. The mean follow-up period was 21
senior author has used this technique successfully for months, but none was lessthan 12 months. The average
over 14 years, the development of rigid fixation tech- surgical change in the occlusal plane angulation was
niques and improved surgical designs has significantly -8.8° (SO 3.3°). Postsurgical change was 0.2° (SO
improved the stability of results. In a recent study by 1.3°; 2.3%). Maxillary depth had a very minimal sur-
Chemello et al, 14 stability of the results were evaluated gical change of only 1.1° (SO 2.2°) and a postsurgical
in patients with surgically increased or decreased oc- change of -0.5° (SO 1.0°). The average mandibular
clusal plane angulation and healthy TMJs in whom depth, however, had a surgical change of 4.1° (SO 3.2°),
rigid fixation techniques were used. Lateral cephalo- with a postsurgical change of0.1 ° (SO 1.2°), or a post-
metric radiographs were used, including the immediate surgical increase in mandibular depth of 2.4%. The
presurgical (T I ) , immediate postsurgical (T 2) , and horizontal surgical change at point B was 7.7 mm (SO
longest follow-up evaluation (T 3) , to make the deter- 5.8 mm) and the postsurgical change was 0.3 mm (SO
minations of stability at specific anatomic areas. 2.2 mm), or a further increase of point B projection of
3.9%. The horizontal surgical change of pogonion was
INCREASED OCCLUSAL PLANE ANGULATION 10.4 mm (SO 6.2 mm), with a postsurgical change of
0.5 mm (SO 2.7 mm), for a further forward movement
Fourteen patients (10 females and four males) with of pogonion of 4.8%. The slight increase in mandibular
an average age of 31 years (range, 15 to 53 years) un- depth and horizontal change in point B and pogonion
derwent double-jaw surgery for increase ofthe occlusal are most likely related to splint removal and settling
plane angulation. The mean follow-up period was 23 of the occlusion. These results demonstrate predictable
months, but none was lessthan 12 months. The surgical stability with this procedure when properly performed.

FIGURE 8. Case J. A-D. The functional and esthetic results achieved with the clockwise rotation and advancement of the maxilla and
mandible are apparent. No nasal or chin surgery was performed.

FIGURE 9. Case 2. A-D. Patient is seen posttreatment with establishment of good facial symmetry and balance and a good functional occlusal
relationship. Her sleep apnea symptoms were completely eliminated.

The results of this study indicate that clockwise and phalometrically, the patient demonstrated A-P maxillary de-
counterclockwise rotation of the maxillomandibular ficiency (maxillary depth 86°), and A-P mandibular defi-
ciency (mandibular depth 85°). Occlusal plane angulation
complex, with alteration of the occlusal plane, is a stable was low at 0°, maxillary incisor angulation was 30°, and
and predictable procedure. In fact, counterclockwise mandibular incisor angulation was 150. The lower incisor to
rotation, overall, is somewhat more stable than clock- the NB line was I mm and pogonion to NB was 6 mm,
wise rotation. This is probably due to the fact that with demonstrating a significant imbalance between the lower in-
counterclockwise rotation the bone plates and porous cisor position and chin projection to NB.
The treatment plan included the following:
block hydroxylapatite implants were able to provide
direct vertical support to the lateral and posterior max-
illary walls. When increasing the occlusal plane angle I. Presurgical orthodontics to align and level the maxillary
with the clockwiserotation, bone is excised at the lateral and mandibular arches.
2. Surgery (Fig 3B): 1) multiple piece Le Fort I osteotomy
and posterior aspect of the maxilla and, because of the to advance the maxilla 8 mm at the level of the oste-
morphologic characteristics ofthe maxilla, there is less otomy and 7 mm at the incisor edge. The posterior
bony interface posteriorly. Therefore, the mobilized maxilla was moved superiorly 6 mm, but the anterior
portion of the maxilla may tend to telescope into the remained at the original vertical level. 2) Bilateral man-
maxillary sinus. dibular ramus osteotomies to advance the mandible in '
a clockwise direction so that the incisor edges came
The adaptability of these techniques is demonstrated forward 7 mm and pogonion came forward 5 mm. The
in the following case presesentations. ramus portion of the distal segment moved superiorly
5 mm as seen in the surgical treatment objective tracing
Report of Cases (Fig 3B) noted by the oblique lines at the medial oste-
otomy level. The occlusal plane was changed from 0°
to 9°.

A 26-year-old woman (Figs 2, 3A) had previous ortho- No chin or external nasal surgery was performed. The pa-
dontic treatment, including extraction of four premolars, and tient is seen posttreatment in Fig 8, showing significant im-
presented with a residual class II end-on occlusion. Deficien- provement in functional and esthetic facial balance. The pa-
cies in dentoalveolar projection of both the maxilla and tient is now 5 years 6 months' postsurgery and remains very
mandible was evident in the lateral view. The nose and chin stable, with no detectable changes in jaw position since the
were prominent relative to the lip supporting structures. Ce- immediate postsurgical radiograph.

FIGURE 10. Case 3. A. This 38-year-old woman had a significant facial deformity and moderate sleep apnea symptoms. She has a transverse
facial asymmetry. B. Profile demonstrates the vertical excess and elongated lower third of the face and the significant retruded mandible. C. D.
She has a class II occlusion and significant crowding in the maxillary and mandibular arch.

o o

FIGURE II. Case 3. A. Cephalornctrically, a CFH was used so that normal cephalometric values could be used for diagnosis and treatment
planning. The vertical maxillary excess and A-P mandibular deficiency are noted. B. Following four premolar extractions and presurgical
orthodontics, the final.surgical treatment objective was achieved with the anterior portion of the segmentalized maxilla moving superiorly 4
inm . The posterior maxilla will be downgrafted 2 mm on the left side. The mandible will be advanced 15 mm and a 6-mm chin augmentation
placed, so that pogonion will advance 23 mm. C. Follow-up at 54 months shows excellent stability, with no significant changes since the
postsurgical cephalometric radiograph. D. Superimposition of the pretreatment and 54-month postoperative tracings demonstrates the significant
changes made.

CASE 2 At 28 months' postsurgery, the patient has maintained ex-

cellent stability ofjaw position, with no opening of the bite,
A 25-year-old woman (Figs. 5, 6A) had orthodontic treat- good esthetics, and good jaw function without pain (Figs 6C,
ment 10 years prior with extraction of four first premolars 6D, 9). The occlusal plane angle had been decreased 20°
to correct an anterior open bite and mandibular deficiency. (Figs 9A, 9C).
The patient had recently been rebanded in anticipation of
surgery and had a class II end-on occlusion, but cephalo-
metrically had significant facial imbalance. Maxillary depth This 38-year-old woman (Figs 10, IIA) had a significant
was 88° and mandibular depth was 74° , indicating a signif- musculoskeletal deformity of the lower jaw structures with
icant A-P mandibular deficiency. The maxillary incisor an- facial asymmetry and transverse tipping of the occlusal plane.
gulation was 5° and lower incisor angulation was 34°. Oc- The cephalometric maxillary depth was 97° and mandibular
clusal plane angulation was 30°. The oropharyngeal airway depth was 83 0. This obviously did not agree with the clinical
was I mm. The patient had severe sleep apnea. The maxillary evaluation, so a CFH reference plane was established. The
tooth-to-lip relationship was 7 mm . CFH placed the jaw structures into a more appropriate re-
Treatment included the following: lationship with maxillary depth relative to the CFH of 90°
and mandibular depth of76° . The occlusal plane angulation
I. Presurgical orthodontics to align and level the maxillary was 27°. The oropharyngeal airway was 2 mm, and the patient
and mandibular arches. had moderate sleep apnea symptoms. Treatment included
2. Surgery (Fig 6B): I) multiple maxillary osteotomies to the following:
move the anterior maxilla superiorly approximately 4 I. Extract four first premolars.
mm, downgraft the posterior maxilla 3 mm, and achieve 2. Presurgical orthodontics: 1) alignment and leveling of
proper angulation of the maxillary incisors; 2) bilateral the upper arch, decreasing the angulation of the incisors;
mandibular ramus osteotomies for advancement ofthe and 2) alignment and leveling ofthe lower arch, leaving
mandible approximately 16 mm ; and 3) augmentation the incisors overangulated.
genioplasty of 10 mm with porous block hydroxylap- 3. Surgery (Fig l l B): I) multiple maxillary osteotomies
atite. It is important to understand that the bony po- to move the anterior maxilla superiorly 4.5 mm on the
gonion will advance significantly more than the ad- right and 2.5 mm on the left, and to move the maxilla
vancement at the sagittal split area because of the posteriorly 4 mm at the osteotomy level. The left pos-
counter-clockwise rotation of the complex . terior maxilla was downgrafted 2 mm and the right side

FIGURE 12. Case 3. A-D. The patient is seen posttreatment with establishment of good facial balance and symmetry, and good functional
occlusion. The oropharyngeal airway has improved significantly with elimination of sleep apnea symptoms.

o mm. 2) Mandibular advancement of 15 mm; and 3) 2. Ricketts RM: Cephalometric analysis' synthesis. Angle Orthod
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thodontic Correction. St Louis, MO, Mosby, 1980
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with relatively normal facial architecture and balance. The 5. Epker BN, Fish LC: Dentofacial Deformities: Integrated Ortho-
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oropharyngeal airway had opened to 10 mm, well within the 6. McCollum AGH, Reyneke JP, Wolford LM: An alternative for
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normal limits. Jaw function was normal. Pogonion came for- tient. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral PathoI67:231, 1989
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with counter-clockwise rotation of the maxiIIomandibular
These three cases demonstrate the applicability of complex. Abstract presented at the AAOMS Annual Meeting,
alteration of the occlusal plane in achieving optimal Chicago, IL, September 25-29,1991
functional and esthetic results in patients presenting 8. Wolford LM, Wardrop RW, Hartog JM: Coralline porous hy-
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with abnormal variations ofocclusal plane angulation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 45: 1034, 1987
The documented stability of the results indicate that 9. Bennett MA, Wolford LM: The maxillary step osteotomy mod-
this treatment approach should be considered when ification and Steinmann pin stabilization. J Oral Maxillofac
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double-jaw surgery is indicated for correction of den- 10. Wolford LM, Bennett MA, Rafferty CG: Modification of the
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Acknowledgment II. Yellich GM, McNamara JA Jr, Ungerleiden JC: Muscular and
The orthodontics in Figure 8 were provided by Dr John Valant, mandibular adaptation after lengthening, detachment, and
Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX. Orthodontics in Figure 9 reattachment of the masseter muscle. J Oral Surg 39:656, 1981
were provided by Dr John Callahan, Sr, Fayetteville, NY. Ortho- 12. Wolford LM, Davis WML: The mandibular inferior border split:
dontics in Figure 12 were provided by Dr Joe Crain, Fort Worth, A modification in the sagittal split osteotomy. J Oral Maxil-
TX. lofac Surg 48:92, 1990
13. Wardrop RW, Wolford LM: Maxillary stability following down-
graft and/or advancement procedure with stabilization using
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I. Wolford LM, Walker G, Schendel SA, et al: Mandibular defi- 14. Chemello P, Wolford LM, Buschang P: Occlusal plane alteration
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J Oral Maxillofac Surg


Occlusal Plane Alteration effect a counterclockwise rotation and decrease in occlusal
in Orthognathic Surgery plane angle, and has been documented repeatedly as the most
stable operation in orthognathic surgery!They next state that
"misconceptions have been developed that this [counter-
Bruce N. Epker, DDS, PhD clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane] is an unstable pro-
Fort Worth. TX cedure" and I am at a loss to find any line of logic in this
In the authors' quest to improve our treatment of den to- statement. What has been criticized as unstable is the coun-
facial deformities from both a functional and esthetic stand- terclockwise rotation of the distal mandible with attempted
point, they have suggested that we add arbitrary alteration lengthening of the ramus to close an open bite with isolated
of the occlusal plane to our current regimen as a deliberate mandibular advancement. Although the primary treatment
part of treatment. Their hypothesis is that such alteration of approach has not been to deliberately alter the occlusal plane
the occlusal plane is important in orthognathic surgery to for any functional purpose, oral and maxillofacial surgeons
optimize functional and esthetic results. Unfortunately, there have been routinely autorotating occlusal planes for decades,
is no test of this hypothesis nor data to suggest that either either increasing the plane angle in isolated inferior reposi-
masticatory function or facial esthetics is improved with ar- tioning of the maxilla or two-jaw surgery, or decreasing it in
bitrary occlusal plane adjustment. isolated superior repositioning of the maxilla and/or in many
There are a number of actual and conceptual problems cases a simultaneous two-jaw surgery. If one is going to ad-
with this article. The authors repeatedly emphasize that vocate alteration of the occlusal plane as the primary treat-
"counterclockwise rotation or decrease of the occlusal plane ment to improve function, then this concept must be incor-
angle of the maxillomandibular complex has not been sup- porated into the known functional relationships between the
ported as acceptable treatment modality . . . ." Apparently, maxillomandibular skeleton, dentition, condyle, articular
they do not appreciate that this is precisely what occurs with eminence, fossa, and disc. The anatomic, anthropometric,
isolated superior repositioning of the maxilla, which does orthodontic, and basic bone literature is replete with docu-

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