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Effect of milk-based carbohydrate-protein

supplement timing on the attenuation of exercise-
induced muscle damage
Emma Cockburn, Emma Stevenson, Philip R. Hayes, Paula Robson-Ansley, and
Glyn Howatson

Abstract: Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) leads to decrements in muscle performance and increases in intramus-
cular enzymes measured in the plasma, and to delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), partly due to the activation of
degradative pathways. It has been shown that milk-based carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) can limit changes in markers of
EIMD, possibly by attenuating protein degradation and (or) increasing protein synthesis. However, the timing of supple-
mentation has received limited attention, and this may alter the response. This study examined the effects of acute milk-
based CHO-P supplementation timing on the attenuation of EIMD. Four independent matched groups of 8 healthy males
consumed milk-based CHO-P before (PRE), immediately after (POST), or 24 h after (TWENTY-FOUR) muscle-damaging
exercise. Active DOMS, isokinetic muscle performance, reactive strength index (RSI), and creatine kinase (CK) were as-
sessed immediately before and 24, 48, and 72 h after EIMD. POST and TWENTY-FOUR demonstrated a benefit in limit-
ing changes in active DOMS, peak torque, and RSI over 48 h, compared with PRE. PRE showed a possible benefit in
reducing increases in CK over 48 h and limiting changes in other variables over 72 h. Consuming milk-based CHO-P after
muscle-damaging exercise is more beneficial in attenuating decreases in muscle performance and increases in active
DOMS at 48 h than ingestion prior to exercise.
Key words: carbohydrate, protein, milk, muscle damage, DOMS, performance, creatine kinase.
Résumé : Les lésions musculaires suscitées par l’exercice physique (EIMD) sont la source des baisses de performance
musculaire et des augmentations d’enzymes intramusculaires mesurées dans le plasma ainsi que de la douleur musculaire
d’apparition retardée (DOMS) causée en partie par l’activation des voies de dégradation. Des études récentes révèlent que
des suppléments de protéines et de glucides lactés (CHO-P) peuvent limiter les modifications des marqueurs des EIMD
probablement par l’atténuation de la dégradation des protéines ou par l’augmentation de la synthèse des protéines. Néan-
moins, il y a peu d’études sur l’effet du moment de la supplémentation sur ces variables. Cette étude se propose donc
d’analyser les effets immédiats du moment de la supplémentation en CHO-P lactés sur l’atténuation des EIMD. Quatre
groupes indépendants mais appariés de 8 hommes en bonne santé consomment des CHO-P lactés avant (PRE), immédiate-
ment après (POST) et 24 h (TWENTY-FOUR) après l’effort causant des lésions musculaires. On évalue donc la DOMS
active, la performance musculaire isokinétique, l’indice de force réactive (RSI) et l’activité de la créatine kinase (CK) im-
médiatement avant et 24 h, 48 h et 72 h après l’EIMD. La consommation d’un supplément après la fin de l’exercice phy-
sique et 24 h plus tard suscite sur une période de 48 h des gains en matière de DOMS active, de moment de force de
pointe et de RSI comparativement aux valeurs observées avant le début de l’exercice physique. La consommation d’un
supplément avant le début de l’effort suscite un bienfait potentiel en matière de réduction de l’augmentation de l’activité
de la CK sur une période de 48 h et de l’atténuation des modifications des autres variables sur une période de 72 h.
Quarante-huit heures après la fin de l’EIMD, la consommation d’un supplément de CHO-P lactés après un exercice cau-
sant une lésion musculaire est plus profitable en ce qui concerne la diminution de la performance musculaire et l’augmen-
tation de la DOMS active comparativement à la consommation du même supplément avant le début de l’effort.
Mots-clés : sucres, protéines, lait, lésion musculaire, DOMS, performance, créatine kinase.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction 2002a, 2002b; Byrne et al. 2004). EIMD is manifested as in-

creases in intramuscular enzyme release into the plasma
Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is caused by ac- (Sorichter et al. 2001) and the delayed onset of muscle sore-
tivities involving eccentric muscle actions (Byrne and Eston ness (DOMS) (Semark et al. 1999; MacIntyre et al. 2001).

Received 2 November 2009. Accepted 23 February 2010. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 13 May
E. Cockburn,1 E. Stevenson, P.R. Hayes, P. Robson-Ansley, and G. Howatson. Department of Sport Sciences, Northumberland
Building, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:

Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 35: 270–277 (2010) doi:10.1139/H10-017 Published by NRC Research Press
Cockburn et al. 271

Furthermore, there are decrements in muscle performance, time of AA availability may be responsible for the differ-
such as strength, peak power output, sprint times, and verti- ence. It is plausible that timing of CHO-P ingestion affects
cal jump performance (Byrne and Eston 2002a, 2002b; protein metabolism following muscle-damaging exercise
Twist and Eston 2005; Twist et al. 2008). These measures and, therefore, it may effect changes in intramuscular en-
decrease over a number of days, peaking between 24 and zyme release, DOMS, and muscle performance.
72 h. To date, there has been only 1 study investigating the ef-
Many studies have investigated interventions to attenuate fect of timing of CHO-P supplementation (White et al.
the negative effects of EIMD, including pharmaceutical, 2008) on indirect markers of muscle damage. White et al.
therapeutic, and nutritional methods; these have been exten- (2008) found no effect on the reduction of muscle-damage
sively reviewed elsewhere (Howatson and van Someren indices when comparing a whey protein-CHO supplement
2008). The use of carbohydrate and protein (CHO-P) con- against a control in the 96 h following damaging exercise.
sumption has been thoroughly studied (Wojcik et al. 2001; As a consequence, no effect of timing on response was
Saunders et al. 2004, 2007; Cockburn et al. 2008; Baty et found, limiting any conclusions that can be drawn. There is
al. 2007; Luden et al. 2007; Green et al. 2008; Valentine et evidence that milk-based CHO-P has a positive impact on
al. 2008). The results are equivocal, with some studies re- EIMD (Cockburn et al. 2008). However, there are few data
porting no benefit of CHO-P consumption (Wojcik et al. concerning the optimal timing of milk-based CHO-P supple-
2001; Green et al. 2008), and others demonstrating signifi- mentation in limiting changes in muscle-damage indices.
cant reductions in markers of muscle damage (Saunders et The aim of this investigation was to examine whether con-
al. 2004, 2007; Romano-Ely et al. 2006; Baty et al. 2007; suming milk-based CHO-P before muscle-damaging exer-
Luden et al. 2007; Cockburn et al. 2008; Etheridge et al. cise is more beneficial in attenuating EIMD than consuming
2008; Valentine et al. 2008). Many researchers reporting it after.
benefits of CHO-P consumption have derived their conclu-
sions from measures of intramuscular enzymes in the plasma Materials and methods
(creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin). However, changes in
DOMS and muscle performance are of greater importance to Participants
the athlete. It has previously been shown that consuming Thirty-two healthy male participants (mean age, 20 ±
milk-based CHO-P supplements can attenuate decrements in 2 years; mean height, 180.3 ± 4.8 cm; mean body mass,
muscle performance and increases in CK and myoglobin 78.5 ± 9.0 kg) who regularly competed in a variety of sports
(Cockburn et al. 2008). EIMD may increase the degradation (team and individual) volunteered to take part in the study.
of the protein and membrane structures, leading to myofi- After institutional ethical approval, the experimental proce-
brillar and cytoskeleton disruption and the loss of both con- dures and the associated risks and benefits were explained;
tractile protein and cell membrane integrity (Armstrong et the participants then gave their written informed consent.
al. 1991; Evans and Cannon 1991; Gissel 2005; Zhang et Participants were fully familiarized with all testing proce-
al. 2008). The benefit derived from milk-based CHO-P may dures prior to commencing the study, and had no prior expe-
come from altered protein balance, resulting from the addi- rience in the bout of muscle-damaging exercise. Participants
tion of protein, which increases amino acid (AA) availability were instructed to maintain their habitual diet throughout the
(Tipton and Wolfe 2001), and CHO, which increases insulin study and to record their food intake in the food diary pro-
(Miller et al. 2003). Changes in protein balance may limit vided. There were no differences between groups in total en-
the degradation of protein and membrane structures and, as ergy intake or macronutrient content of the diets.
a consequence, limit changes in muscle performance and in- Participants were required to arrive at the laboratory in a
tramuscular enzyme release. rested state, having avoided strenuous physical activity for
Research demonstrating the beneficial effects of CHO-P at least 48 h and having not taken any nutritional supple-
have provided the supplement at different times in muscle- ments, caffeine, alcohol, or anti-inflammatory drugs. Partici-
damaging exercise (before, during, and (or) after); hence, pants were tested in the morning to minimize diurnal
there is very little consistency in ascertaining the optimal variation.
timing of CHO-P ingestion. The effects of supplement tim-
ing before and following resistance exercise on muscle pro- Procedures
tein balance have been researched (Tipton et al. 2001,
2007); consuming essential AAs and CHO prior to exercise Design
results in greater AA uptake by the muscle, compared with Participants were assigned to 1 of 4 independent groups,
ingesting them following exercise (Tipton et al. 2001). How- which were single blinded. Participants in each group were
ever, the response to the timing of whey protein ingestion equally matched on the basis of concentric knee flexion
was not different between pre- and postexercise consump- peak torque, recorded from 6 knee extension-flexions during
tion (Tipton et al. 2007). The reason for the different find- preliminary testing. The participants were allocated into 1 of
ings may be 2-fold. First, CHO increases insulin (Miller et 4 groups: milk-based CHO-P consumed before muscle-
al. 2003), which has been shown to increase protein synthe- damaging exercise and water consumed at all other time
sis, because of improved AA availability (Biolo et al. 1995), points (PRE); milk-based CHO-P consumed immediately
and to limit myofibrillar breakdown (Roy et al. 1997), but after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all
CHO was not consumed with whey protein (Tipton et al. other time points (POST); milk-based CHO-P consumed
2007). Second, whey protein needs to be digested before 24 h after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at
AAs are available for protein metabolism; therefore, the all other time points (TWENTY-FOUR); and water con-

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272 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 35, 2010

sumed at all time points (CON). A 1-way analysis of var- (pain-soreness as bad as it could be). This scale has been
iance (ANOVA) revealed no group differences in baseline previously used to determine significant increases in muscle
subject characteristics (age, height, and body mass) (p > soreness following EIMD (Cockburn et al. 2008).
0.05). There were no significant differences among groups
in the peak torque values used for group allocation (p > Measures of muscle performance
0.05). Peak torque
All participants were required to visit the laboratory on 4 Peak torque of the best repetition for 6 concentric
consecutive days. Prior to baseline tests, height and body maximal-effort knee flexion repetitions were measured se-
mass were recorded. On each day prior to any exercise, a quentially on both legs, at a test speed of 1.05 rads–1, using
venous blood sample was collected for analysis. Participants an isokinetic dynamometer (Cybex Norm, Cybex Interna-
completed a standardized warm-up, consisting of 5 min of tional). Participants were required to maximally extend and
cycling at 60 W on a cycle ergometer (Monark 824 E, flex their leg through their maximum range of motion for
Stockholm, Sweden), carried out isokinetic muscle perform- 6 repetitions. Coefficients of variation for this protocol are
ance measures and 3 drop jumps, and completed a visual reported to be 4.5% to 4.9%.
analogue scale for active muscle soreness when conducting
knee flexions. Following baseline testing, participants con- Reactive Strength Index
sumed 1000 mL of their allocated supplement within Each participant performed 3 separate drop jumps, from a
30 min, and then immediately completed a bout of exercise height of 43 cm, onto a force plate (AMTI, Watertown,
designed to induce acute muscle damage. Upon completing Mass.). Participants were instructed to drop from the box
the exercise bout, they immediately consumed 1000 mL of and, upon landing, jump for maximum height with minimum
their allocated supplement within 30 min. At 24 h after contact time (Young 1995). The reactive Strength Index
muscle-damaging exercise, participants consumed 1000 mL (RSI) was calculated as jump height (cm)/contact time (s)
of their allocated supplement. At 24, 48, and 72 h after (Young 1995), and the mean of the 3 jumps was used for
muscle-damaging exercise, participants repeated baseline analysis. It has been reported that intraclass correlations for
testing. the average RSI of 3 jumps is 0.989 (Flanagan et al. 2008).
Fast RSI is a measure of an athlete’s ability to utilize the
Nutritional supplement stretch-shortening cycle (Young 1995), and provides a meas-
The milk-based CHO-P supplement (For Goodness ure of dynamic muscle actions that can be related to sports
Shakes, My Goodness Ltd, London, UK) had a nutritional involving running and jumping. Although this does not pro-
content, per 1000 mL, of 707 kcal, 33.4 g protein, 118.2 g vide a measure in which the hamstrings are isolated, the au-
CHO, and 16.4 g fat. This supplement provided protein in thors wanted to investigate a global picture of performance
the form of semi-skimmed milk (casein and whey). Partici- that could be applied to a variety of athletes.
pants were provided with 1000 mL of this supplement be-
Blood sample collection and analysis
cause previous research has demonstrated that this
Serum CK concentration was determined from blood sam-
supplement and volume results in the significant attenuation
ples collected by venipuncture, from a forearm vein, into a
of decreases in isokinetic muscle performance and increases
serum gel monovette (4.9 mL). The samples were centri-
in CK (Cockburn et al. 2008).
fuged at 3000 rmin–1 for 10 min (Alegra X-22 Centrifuge,
Muscle-damaging exercise Beckman Coulter, Bucks, UK). Of the resulting serum,
30 mL was alliquoted and used for the immediate analysis
Muscle damage was induced in the hamstrings. Partici-
of CK (Reflotron Plus System, Bio-Stat, Diagnostic Sys-
pants completed 6 sets of 10 repetitions, with 90 s rest be-
tems, Stockport, UK). Intra-assay and interassay coefficients
tween sets, of unilateral eccentric–concentric knee flexions,
of variation for CK were 3.5% and 3.7%, respectively.
at a speed of 1.05 rads–1, using an isokinetic dynamometer
(Cybex Norm, Cybex International, New York, N.Y.). This Data analysis
was conducted on one side of the body and then repeated The current study used statistical analysis that reports un-
on the contralateral leg. The process took approximately certainty of outcomes as 90% confidence intervals (CI),
30 min to complete. Participants were instructed to expend making probabilistic magnitude-based inferences about the
maximal effort during the eccentric phase of each knee flex- true value of outcomes, using methods described by Batter-
ion. During the concentric phase, participants were in- ham and Hopkins (2006). This is in keeping with recent
structed to return their leg to the starting position with trends in methods of inferential statistics (Sterne and Smith
minimal effort. This protocol has been previously used and 2001; Batterham and Hopkins 2006). This method allows
has been shown to induce significant increases in CK, myo- the emphasis of effect magnitudes and estimate precision,
globin, and DOMS, and decreases in peak torque and total rather than the traditional null-hypothesis testing based on
work of the set (Cockburn et al. 2008). an arbitrary p value, which focuses on absolute effect in-
stead of noneffect interpretation (Rowlands et al. 2008) and
DOMS measurement does not deal with the real world significance of an outcome
The degree of active DOMS experienced was measured (Batterham and Hopkins 2006). This method defines the
on a visual analogue scale. Participants were required to smallest biological or practical effect, allowing the re-
rate the level of soreness that they perceived to have in their searcher to qualify the probability of a worthwhile effect
hamstrings when conducting maximal knee flexions on the with inferential descriptors to aid interpretation (Rowlands
isokinetic dynamometer, from 0 (no pain-soreness) to 10 et al. 2008). Magnitude-based inferences recognise sample

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variability (Rowlands et al. 2008), and provide scientists, Table 1. Effect of supplement timing on increases in active muscle
support staff, and athletes with an indication of the practical soreness following muscle-damaging exercise.
meaningfulness of the results. Traditional inferential statis-
tics do not allow for this and can be misleading, depending Mean effect± Qualitative
on the magnitude of statistic, error of measurement, and Comparison 90% CI inference
sample size (Batterham and Hopkins 2006). Change from baseline to 48 h
Each dependent variable was analysed, using a published PRE vs. CON –0.6±1.9 Decrease possible
spreadsheet (Hopkins 2003), to determine the effect of sup- POST vs. CON –1.4±2.4 Decrease likely
plement timing as the difference in the change between each TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON –0.6±2.3 Unclear
group. The analyses of most dependent variables were con- POST vs. PRE –0.8±2.3 Decrease possible
ducted on log-transformed values to overcome heteroscedas- TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE 0.0±2.2 Unclear
tic error (Nevill and Lane 2007). Muscle soreness data were TWENTY-FOUR vs. POST 0.8±2.6 Unclear
not log-transformed; it is inappropriate because of interval Change from baseline to 72 h
scaling (Nevill and Lane 2007). Participant descriptive data PRE vs. CON –1.2±2.1 Decrease likely
and muscle soreness data are presented as absolute means ± POST vs. CON –0.8±2.7 Unclear
SD. Means derived from the analysis of log-transformed TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON –0.2±2.4 Unclear
variables are back transformed to provide mean percentage POST vs. PRE 0.4±2.2 Unclear
change and percentage SD, except CK values, which are re- TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE 1.1±1.9 Increase likely
ported as factors because of the large percentage changes TWENTY-FOUR vs. POST 0.6±2.5 Unclear
(Hopkins 2003).
Note: Mean effect refers to the first named group minus the second
To calculate the chances of benefit and harm, the smallest named group. For ±90% CI, add and subtract this number to the mean ef-
worthwhile or important effect for each dependent variable fect to obtain the 90% confidence intervals for the true difference. CON,
was the smallest standardized (Cohen) change in the water consumed at all time points; PRE, milk-based carbohydrate-protein
mean — 0.2 times the between-subject SD for baseline val- (CHO-P) consumed before muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed
at all other time points; POST, milk-based CHO-P consumed immediately
ues of all participants (Batterham and Hopkins 2006) — after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all other time
which has been used in a similar investigation (Rowlands et points; TWENTY-FOUR, milk-based CHO-P consumed 24 h after muscle-
al. 2008). Practical inferences were drawn using the ap- damaging exercise and water consumed at all other time points.
proach identified by Batterham and Hopkins (2006). Quanti-
tative chances of benefit and harm were assessed DOMS, compared with CON and TWENTY-FOUR. All
qualitatively: <1% indicated almost certainly none; 1% to other comparisons were unclear. The p value for the main
5% indicated very unlikely; 5% to 25% indicated unlikely; interaction effect was 0.827. A summary of the statistical
25% to 75% indicated possibly; 75% to 95% indicated analysis is shown in Table 1.
likely; 95% to 99% indicated very likely; and >99% indi-
cated almost certainly (Hopkins 2002). This method pro- Muscle performance
vides a way to qualify clear outcomes with a descriptor that A summary of the statistical analysis is shown in Table 2.
represents the likelihood that the true value will have the ob-
served magnitude (Batterham and Hopkins 2006). They are Peak torque
also free of the burden of type I and II errors because they There was a likely benefit of POST (–7% ± 30%) and
are probabilistic rather than definitive statements (Batterham TWENTY-FOUR (–12% ± 25%) in limiting decreases in
and Hopkins 2006). Because of the large number of compar- peak torque of the dominant leg between baseline and 48 h,
isons that could be reported, we only reported changes from compared with PRE (–22% ± 14%) and CON (–24% ±
baseline to 48 and 72 h. Previous research has shown that 39%). There were no clear effects of CON vs. PRE or
the point at which milk-based CHO-P supplements become POST vs. TWENTY-FOUR. For changes between baseline
beneficial is 48 h after muscle-damaging exercise (Cockburn and 72 h, there was a likely benefit of PRE (–10% ± 16%)
et al. 2008). As this statistical approach is relatively novel, and POST (–6% ± 20%), and a possible benefit of
p values for the main interaction effects (time  group), de- TWENTY-FOUR (–16% ± 24%), in limiting decreases in
termined using a factorial ANOVA with repeated measures peak torque, compared with CON (–27% ± 42%). There
on 1 factor (time), have also been stated. was also a possible benefit of POST, compared with
TWENTY-FOUR (Fig. 1). The p value for the main interac-
Results tion effect was 0.172.
DOMS Reactive Strength Index
All groups showed an increase in active DOMS for both Over the first 48 h, there was a likely benefit of POST
legs. Active muscle soreness peaked at 48 h for all groups (–11% ± 30%), compared with CON (–24% ± 24%) and
and, at 72 h, each group began to return to baseline levels. PRE (–30% ± 32%), in attenuating decreases in RSI.
For changes in active DOMS (dominant) from baseline to TWENTY-FOUR (–7% ± 18%) also demonstrated a likely
48 h, POST had a likely and possible benefit in reducing in- and very likely benefit in attenuating decreases in RSI, com-
creases in soreness, compared with CON and PRE. PRE also pared with CON and PRE, respectively. Again, there were
had a possible beneficial effect in reducing increases in no clear effects of PRE vs. CON or POST vs. TWENTY-
soreness, compared with CON. Between baseline and 72 h, FOUR. Decrements in RSI from baseline to 72 h were likely
PRE had a likely beneficial effect on recovery of active blunted by TWENTY-FOUR (–4% ± 16%), compared with

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274 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 35, 2010

Table 2. Effect of supplement timing on decreases in muscle performance following muscle-damaging


Muscle performance Comparison Mean effect±90% CI Qualitative inference

Change from baseline to 48 h
Peak torque (dom) PRE vs. CON 2.0±26 Unclear
POST vs. CON 22±30 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON 16±28 Increase likely
POST vs. PRE 20±21 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE 14±18 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. POST –5±24 Unclear
RSI PRE vs. CON –8±25 Unclear
POST vs. CON 17±24 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON 22±19 Increase likely
POST vs. PRE 26±27 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE 32±23 Increase very likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. POST 3±21 Unclear
Change from baseline to 72 h
Peak torque (dom) PRE vs. CON 24±28 Increase likely
POST vs. CON 29±29 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON 16±30 Increase possible
POST vs. PRE 4±16 Unclear
TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE –7±18 Unclear
TWENTY-FOUR vs. POST –11±19 Decrease possible
RSI PRE vs. CON –13±31 Decrease possible
POST vs. CON 8±27 Unclear
TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON 17±19 Increase likely
POST vs. PRE 25±35 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE 35±29 Increase likely
TWENTY-FOUR vs. POST 8±25 Unclear
Note: Mean effect refers to the first named group minus the second named group. For ± 90% CI, add and subtract
this number to the mean effect to obtain the 90% confidence intervals for the true difference. CON, water consumed
at all time points; dom, dominant limb; PRE, milk-based carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) consumed before muscle-
damaging exercise and water consumed at all other time points; POST, milk-based CHO-P consumed immediately
after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all other time points; RSI, reactive strength index;
TWENTY-FOUR, milk-based CHO-P consumed 24 h after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all
other time points.

CON (–18% ± 25%) and PRE (–29% ± 43%), and by POST Discussion
(–11% ± 36%), compared with PRE. There was also a pos-
sible harmful effect of PRE, compared with CON (Fig. 2). This study investigated whether consuming milk-based
The p value for the main interaction effect was 0.218. CHO-P before muscle-damaging exercise is more beneficial
in limiting changes in indices of EIMD than consumption
Creatine kinase immediately and (or) 24 h after. The primary finding of the
Mean baseline CK values for each group were 154 UL–1, study was that consumption of a milk-based CHO-P supple-
307 UL–1, 218 UL–1, and 220 UL–1 for CON, PRE, POST, ment following muscle-damaging exercise was beneficial in
and TWENTY-FOUR, respectively. There was a likely ben- blunting increases in active DOMS and decreases in muscle
efit of both POST (6.31 /7 3.06) and TWENTY-FOUR performance over 48 h, compared with pre-exercise supple-
(5.00 /7 7.62), compared with CON (16.48 /7 7.43), mentation. Over 72 h, pre-exercise supplementation was
in blunting increases in CK between baseline and 48 h. more beneficial in limiting changes in active DOMS and
There was also a possible benefit of PRE (7.54 /7 5.16) peak torque, compared with a control. Finally, consuming
in blunting increases in CK, compared with CON. All other milk-based CHO-P at any time point was beneficial in at-
comparisons were unclear. Between baseline and 72 h, there tenuating increases in CK activity, compared with a control.
was a possible benefit of both POST (12.55 /7 3.59) and Previous studies (Saunders et al. 2004; Romano-Ely et al.
PRE (9.89 /7 7.05) in recovery of CK, compared with 2006; Baty et al. 2007; Saunders et al. 2007; Cockburn et al.
CON (21.49 /7 7.51). There was no clear benefit of 2008; Etheridge et al. 2008; Valentine et al. 2008) have
TWENTY-FOUR (14.64 /7 10.76) over CON (Table 3). shown that the consumption of a CHO-P supplement before,
The p value for the main interaction effect was 0.832. during, and (or) after exercise, leading to changes in indices
Only the results for the dominant leg have been presented of muscle damage, attenuates those markers. The current
because, following analysis, similar responses in both legs study provides support for the use of CHO-P supplements
were evident. for the attenuation of EIMD. We speculate that the reason

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Fig. 1. Relative peak torque of the dominant leg in response to Table 3. Effect of supplement timing on increases in creatine ki-
exercise-induced muscle damage in the CON (n = 8), PRE (n = 8), nase (CK) following muscle-damaging exercise.
POST (n = 8), and TWENTY-FOUR (n = 8) groups. Data are pre-
sented as means. PRE, milk-based carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) SD as /7 Qualitative
consumed before muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at Comparison factor inference
all other time points; POST, milk-based CHO-P consumed immedi- Change in CK from baseline to 48 h
ately after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all PRE vs. CON –1.54/76.53 Possible decrease
other time points; TWENTY-FOUR, milk-based CHO-P consumed POST vs. CON –1.62/75.57 Likely decrease
24 h after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON –1.70/77.59 Likely decrease
other time points; CON, water consumed at all time points. POST vs. PRE –1.16/73.79 Unclear
TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE –1.34/75.87 Unclear
TWENTY-FOUR vs. –1.21/74.87 Unclear
Change in CK from baseline to 72 h
PRE vs. CON –1.54/77.39 Possible decrease
POST vs. CON –1.42/75.87 Possible decrease
TWENTY-FOUR vs. CON –1.32/79.05 Unclear
POST vs. PRE 1.30/74.80 Unclear
TWENTY-FOUR vs. PRE 1.48/78.04 Unclear
TWENTY-FOUR vs. 1.17/76.45 Unclear
Note: CON, water consumed at all time points; PRE, milk-based
carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) consumed before muscle-damaging exercise
and water consumed at all other time points; POST, milk-based CHO-P
consumed immediately after muscle-damaging exercise and water con-
sumed at all other time points; TWENTY-FOUR, milk-based CHO-P con-
sumed 24 h after muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all
other time points.

Fig. 2. Relative Reactive Strength Index in response to exercise-

induced muscle damage in the CON (n = 8), PRE (n = 8), POST
(n = 8), and TWENTY-FOUR (n = 7) groups. Data are presented as The current study demonstrated a benefit in consuming
means. PRE, milk-based carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) consumed milk-based CHO-P after muscle-damaging exercise on peak
before muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all other torque, RSI, and active DOMS. Consuming milk-based
time points; POST, milk-based CHO-P consumed immediately after CHO-P after exercise reduced the impact of muscle damage,
muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all other time possibly by replacing AAs lost to the increases in protein
points; TWENTY-FOUR, milk-based CHO-P consumed 24 h after degradation, as previously reported (Lowe et al. 1995). In
muscle-damaging exercise and water consumed at all other time turn, this may limit ultrastructural damage and result in the
points; CON, water consumed at all time points. observed effect on the measured variables. Previous research
has demonstrated that milk ingestion after resistance exer-
cise results in a positive net muscle protein balance (Elliot
et al. 2006). It is possible that consuming milk-based
CHO-P 24 h after exercise has a positive effect, because
protein degradation rates start to increase at 24 h (Lowe et
al. 1995; Wojcik et al. 2001) and peak at 48 h (Lowe et al.
1995) following damaging exercise, and protein synthesis
rates remain below baseline (Lowe et al. 1995). Therefore,
consuming milk at a time point when the secondary phase
is responsible for changes in EIMD indices, rather than the
initial mechanical event, may allow the actions of CHO and
protein to coincide with changes in protein balance. How-
ever, this hypothesis has yet to be investigated.
Consuming CHO-P before muscle-damaging exercise was
not beneficial in reducing increases in active DOMS and de-
creases in muscle performance up to 48 h; responses were
similar to the control group. The reason for this may be
linked to the availability of nutrients when they are required.
for this blunting is that the provision of CHO and protein im- To promote changes in protein metabolism within the
proves muscle protein balance by increasing synthesis and muscle, a change in the intracellular pool of AAs must oc-
(or) limiting increases in degradation. This may lead to better cur. The process of whole protein intake to increased avail-
maintenance of the cytoskeleton and blunting of contractile ability of AAs involves gastric emptying, which could
protein loss, reducing changes in indices of muscle damage. indirectly effect the rate of AA intestinal absorption (Gary

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276 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 35, 2010

1991), and thus the availability of AAs. The gastric empty- Acknowledgements
ing half-time for a milk protein solution has been shown to My Goodness Ltd. provided the milk-based protein-CHO
be 26 min (Calbet and MacLean 1997). Our muscle- product and contributed to consumable costs.
damaging exercise lasted approximately 30 min, which may
mean that pre-exercise ingestion provides AAs at a time References
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