Theta Rules 11-10-15

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Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV.




Theta Chapter shall be governed by the Constitution of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International and DKG Hawai’i State Policies. In addition, policies pertinent to Theta Chapter
may be adopted by the executive board or the membership provided the said policies do not
conflict with the constitution of the Society or Hawai’i. Policies may be changed or added as the
need arises by action of the executive board or the membership.

The name of this organization shall be Theta Chapter, DKG Hawaiʻi State, of The Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International, hereafter known as Theta Chapter.


The object of Theta Chapter shall be to promote the mission and purposes of The Delta Kappa
Gamma Society International.


Section 1. The membership of Theta Chapter shall be composed of active, reserve, collegiate,
and honorary members. All membership is in accordance with the Constitution, Article III.

Section 2. Theta Chapter shall have full power to act in matters of chapter membership.

Section 3. Theta Chapter shall maintain a minimum of thirty (30) members. Prospective
members shall be invited from different educational levels or special fields, both public and
private. Orientation shall be held for prospective members; and those who accept membership
will have their dinner paid for by the Chapter at their initiation ceremony.

Section 4. Theta Chapter shall keep a complete record of members whose memberships are
terminated. A report of members terminated shall be part of the minutes of Theta Chapter

Section 5. Termination of Membership

A. Membership in Theta Chapter is terminated for non-payment of dues and fees,
resignation, or death. Termination of membership is in accordance with Constitution,
Article III
B. A complete record of members whose membership is terminated shall be kept by the
chapter. The record shall include the reason and date of termination. A report of
members terminated shall be part of the minutes of a Chapter Executive Board and/or
chapter meeting.
C. Reinstatement:

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
1. A former member shall be reinstated to membership by the chapter receiving
the request. Reinstatement of membership is in accordance with Constitution,
Article III.


Section 1. Theta Chapter dues shall be an amount determined in accordance with Theta Chapter
Rules. Theta Chapter dues shall be recommended by the treasurer and/or finance committee and
approved by a quorum of the chapter membership.

Annual dues and fees shall be paid between April1 and June 30 for the following fiscal year. On
August 1 members shall be dropped for non-payment of dues and fees.

All dues and fees shall be collected by the chapter treasurer. State dues shall be forwarded to the
state treasurer. International dues forwarded to DKG International.

Dues, Fees and Assessments:

Total assessment is $65.00 subject to review and adjustment. (approved 11-10-15)

Section 2. Financial Controls:

Theta Chapter shall maintain an Available Fund. The Available Fund is the operating fund and
shall require a budget.

Theta Chapter shall implement a system of financial control. This will include requiring two (2)
signatures on all checks.

An annual financial review will be conducted in the form of an audit by someone other than an
executive board member.

Section 3. Chapter President’s Expenses:

The sum of $200.00 shall be given to the incoming President to attend the Southwest Regional
Conference and another $200 to attend the International Convention in her biennium; she shall
be given plane fare to attend the State Convention when it is held on a neighbor island. The sum
of $50.00 shall be budgeted annually to cover any items connected with her presidential duties.
The president shall present at the end of each fiscal year, a statement of her expenditures to the

Section 4.
A sum of $50 may be provided for first time attendance at DKG Hawai’i State Fall Forum or
Spring Convention to advance the professional interests of members.

Section 5.
Funds may be raised to support the Seven Purposes of the Society.

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD

Theta Chapter shall be governed by the Constitution of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International, Hawai’i State Bylaws and Standing Rules, and Theta Chapter Rules. In addition,
new rules pertinent to Theta Chapter may be adopted by the executive board or the membership
provided the said rules do not conflict with the Constitution of the Society or DKG Hawai’i State
Bylaws and Standing Rules. Theta Chapter Rules may be changed or added as the need arises by
action of the executive board or the membership.

During the first year of the chapter president’s biennium, the Theta Chapter Rules shall be
reviewed by the chapter bylaws committee.

Theta Chapter Rules shall be submitted to the Hawai’i State Bylaws Committee for review in the
second year of the chapter president’s biennium.

Theta Chapter shall appoint its president to represent the chapter on the State Executive Board
and on the OCC (Oahu Coordinating Council).


Section 1. The elected chapter officers shall be a president, a first vice-president, a second
vice-president, a recording secretary, and a corresponding secretary. The chapter officers
appointed by the chapter executive board are a treasurer and a parliamentarian.

Section 2. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed in the Constitution.
A. The President shall:
1. act as presiding officer at regular and called meetings and direct the activities
of the organization;
2. act as chair of the respective executive board;
3. appoint a parliamentarian;
4. appoint standing and special committees;
5. serve as member ex officio, with vote, on all committees except nominations;
6. approve for payment all expense claims;
7. approve publications;
8. fill by appointment all vacancies in office;
9. represent the chapter at meetings, conferences, and other events; and
10. take action, with the advice and approval of the executive board, on matters
that cannot be deferred until the next meeting.

B. The First Vice-President shall:

1. serve as presiding officer in the absence of the president.
a. In the event of the resignation or death of the president, she shall
succeed to the presidency and serve until the next regular election of

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
2. perform such other duties as the president or the executive board shall assign
to her.
3. be the chair of the Educational Excellence Committee.

C. The Second Vice-President shall:

1. serve as presiding officer in the absence of the president and the first
a. In the event of the resignation or death of either as the president or
the first vice-president, she shall succeed to the office of the first
vice-president and serve until the next regular election of officers.
2. shall perform such other duties as the president or the executive board shall
assign to her. The Second Vice-President shall be the chair of the
Membership Committee.
D. The Recording Secretary shall:
1. keep a record of all Executive Board and General Membership meetings on
2. shall have the latest minutes of the Executive Board and General Membership
meetings available at every meeting for easy reference, should there be any

E. The Corresponding Secretary shall:

1. include but is not limited to sending notes and/or gifts to members.
2. send a card, floral gift or other appropriate gesture may be provided in
recognition of out of the ordinary events pertaining to any member,

The following are suggested expenditures:

Hospitalization (3 days or more) Up to $30.00
Extended illness (Recovering - 6 weeks or more) Up to $20.00
Others Get Well Card

Immediate Family Member (Spouse, children) Up to $20.00
Member (Active) Up to $35.00

Wedding Up to $35.00
Birth Up to $20.00
Miscellaneous (as determined by the chapter) Up to $30.00

F. The Treasurer shall:

1. receive and pay out all moneys belonging to the organization;

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
keep an accurate account of receipts and expenditures;
maintain a record of receipts, bills, and bank statements;
present a report at each regular meeting;
submit for annual audit/financial review the accounts of the organization;
serve as a member ex officio, without vote on the Executive Board;
serve as a consultant in the process of budget development and supervision of
8. file required tax reports; EIN, Gross Tax.
9. maintain accurate and current membership
G. The Parliamentarian shall
1. be appointed by the President and shall:
2. act as advisor to the officers and members of the chapter in matters pertaining
to interpretation of the Constitution and to parliamentary usage; and
3. serve as a member ex officio, without vote, on the Executive Board.

Section 3. Nominations. Chapter officers, except for the treasurer, shall be elected at a regular
chapter meeting in even-numbered years by majority vote of the chapter members present. The
treasurer shall be selected by the chapter Executive Board (Constitution, Article VI.) The chapter
should establish rules and assign responsibilities for such activities as:

1. Soliciting from the members suggestions for officers.

2. Ascertaining that the person will serve if elected.
3. Presenting to the chapter, in even-numbered years, nominations for elective
4. Preparing the ballot. NOTE: The nominees may be presented to the chapter
5. Installation may take place after the election or at a later meeting. Officers
assume their positions on July 1.
6. Sending immediately the names and addresses of new officers to the state
president and to the international executive director.
7. Filing a report of the election with the chapter for later reference.
8. Selecting those responsible for making nominations.

Suggested criteria for the selection of nominees for Chapter Officers are:
1. The Chapter President:
a. Should be aware of chapter needs;
b. Should show a willingness to work;
c. Should have time for the Society;
d. Should be committed to attend state workshops and conventions;
e. Should have committee experience.
2. Chapter officers and committee chairmen should have personal qualifications
and leadership abilities appropriate for the positions for which they are

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD

Suggested criteria for the submission of nominations are:

1. That any member of the chapter may submit a name for any elective position.
2. That permission of the person must be secured before her name may be placed
in nomination either by the committee or from the floor.
3. That the nominations of officers should be coordinated through the person or
group responsible for nominations.
4. That the office for which the person is being nominated should be stated.
5. That the nominee should be qualified for the position for which she is being
6. That the first and second vice-presidents do not automatically advance to the

Section 4. Vacancies
A. When a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First Vice-President shall
become President and the Second Vice-President shall become the First
B. When a vacancy occurs in other elective or appointive positions, the President shall
name a successor.


Section 1. The members of Theta Chapter’s executive board shall be the elected officers, and the
immediate past chapter president. The treasurer, parliamentarian, and the editor of
Theta Tidings shall be ex-officio members, without vote.

There shall be a minimum of two (2) executive board meetings per year.

A majority of the executive board members of the chapter who are present constitutes a quorum.

A vote by mail, telephone, email, or other appropriate means is authorized when necessary.

Section 2. Theta Chapter’s executive committee shall consist of the executive board members
and the chapter’s committee chairmen.


Section 1. Committee Assignments: Each member shall be expected to accept assignment to a
committee of work within the chapter as well as favorably respond to requests to serve on the
state level. Each committee chairman shall keep an accurate record of accomplishments to
facilitate the transition to new chapter chairmen.

The following committees have constitutional responsibility.

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
Society Business:
Communications (Theta Tidings), Webmaster, State Bylaws and Chapter Rules, Finance,
Leadership Development, Membership, Nominations

Society Mission and Purposes:

Educational Excellence Committee, Scholarship, World Fellowship

Other Theta Committees


Chapter initiated special committees are:

Theta Chapter may enlist special committees as needed.

Section 2. The chapter president shall appoint all committee chairmen, including the nominations
committee chairman.

Section 3. The committees shall be responsible for any duties represented by the International
committee descriptions in the Constitution, Article VIII, Section B, and Section C and prescribed
in Hawai’i State Bylaws and Hawai’i State Standing Rules.

A. Communications Committee
1. The editor of Theta Tidings and the Theta webmaster will work together on
chapter communications and publicity
a. Supporting the efforts of chapter members and groups to
communicate effectively with one another.
b. Seeking opportunities to publicize information about the Society, its
aims and purposes, and the noteworthy achievements of its members.
2. The Editor of Theta Tidings will edit, publish, and distribute publications two
(2) weeks prior to each meeting.
a. Sending news of chapter programs, projects, and activities to the state
b. Preparing advance stories about events and activities, and helping to
arrange media coverage for special events.
c. Helping to incorporate international and state news of the Society into
the chapter’s programs.
3. The Webmaster will publicize chapter events and maintain chapter website

B. State Bylaws and Chapter Rules Committee

1. Receives proposals and revisions for State Bylaws and Theta Chapter Rules
2. Notifies members of proposed changes 30 days prior to the business meeting
where voting will take place.
3. Refers to Theta Chapter Rules Article V Organization for timeline.

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
C. Finance. The chapter Executive Board shall establish rules for budget development
and approval, and for the supervision of chapter finances. (Constitution, Article VII)
The chapter president and the chapter treasurer shall serve ex officio in the procedure,
which is established. (Constitution, Article VI) Chapters should assign
responsibilities and establish rules for such activities as:
1. Voting on the amount of chapter dues and assessments.
2. Preparing the chapter budget.
3. Reviewing, modifying, and adopting the budget by the chapter Executive
Board and/or chapter membership.
4. Supervising expenditures.
5. Supervising investments.
6. Providing for an annual audit of the accounts of the chapter.

D. Leadership Development Committee

1. Represents the Chapter at the State Leadership Development Committee
2. Stimulates personal and professional development of members as leaders.

E. Membership. Inviting qualified women educators to active membership in the

Society is a responsibility which is reserved to chapters. Chapters should assign
responsibilities and establish rules for such activities as:
1. Encouraging members to seek suitable prospective members.
2. Accepting recommendations for new members on “Recommendation for
Membership” forms.
3. Investigating qualifications of persons whose names have been submitted and
screening for professional qualification. Invite prospective members to
chapter meetings and/or events.
4. Presenting names and qualifications of those recommended to the chapter at a
meeting in advance of the date set for voting.
5. Referring to chapter vote the names of those qualified for membership.
6. Conducting the election at the designated time according to the method of
preferential voting or by making certain that each prospective member
receives four-fifths of the votes cast. NOTE: The president signs the official
invitation to membership. A copy of the Society Information Brochure should
be enclosed with the invitation. A prospective member elected for active or
honorary membership shall be initiated within a period of one year from the
time of election.
7. Keeping an accurate record of invitations sent and written replies made by
persons who decline membership. NOTE: If legitimate reasons for refusal are
offered, the person may be invited again at a later date.
8. Conducting orientation of prospective members after invitations have been
extended and preferably before invitations are accepted or rejected.
9. Conducting periodic reorientation for chapter members.
10. Preparing for and participating in the induction ceremony.

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
11. Contacting members who fail to attend meetings.
12. Keeping an up-to-date file of biographical data of chapter members.
13. Making reports of deceased members, including appropriate biographical data.
14. Planning and conducting memorial services for deceased members.
15. Preparing necrology reports. HANDBOOK, pages 5-16, gives further
information in the area of membership.

F. Nominations. See Theta Rules, Article VI, Section 3


A. Educational Excellence
1. The first Vice-President serves as the chair of this committee.
2. The committee functions as a committee of the whole to foster personal and
professional excellence in education.
3. The committee will provide training for chapter educational excellence chair.
4. The committee will include music, legislative, research, and professional
personal growth representatives.
5. Planning the year’s program for the chapter by using the international and/or
state theme.
6. Adjusting the focus to meet local needs and interests.
B. Scholarship Committee
1. Scholarships. Purpose V is the focal point for the scholarship program.
Chapters may, by majority vote, choose to maintain a chapter scholarship
program. If they do 80% of the scholarship fee paid by its members shall be
retained by the chapter for its scholarship fund, and 20% shall be paid to the
state organization. The fund thus formed must be supplemented by other
sources if a chapter scholarship program is to be effective. Chapters not
maintaining a chapter scholarship program shall send the full scholarship fee
to the state treasurer. All chapters are responsible for cooperating with the
state organization scholarship program.
2. The committee shall provide publicity about scholarships and make available
to prospective applicants necessary information and application forms.
3. The awards include: Eva Philip Curry State Scholarship, Josephine E. Day
Perpetual Scholarship, and the Lucille Hodgins Selective Recruitment Grant.
4. The committee shall screen applications according to the rules adopted by the
Executive Board and shall make recommendations for changes to the rules.
5. Rules governing the administration of the scholarship program shall be
recommended by the Scholarships Committees and adopted by the Executive
C. World Fellowships. Purpose V is implemented in part through the World
Fellowships program. Chapters should support and promote the work of the

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
International World Fellowships Committee and should assume chapter duties of a
similar nature as directed by the chapter.


The Directory Committee shall publish a membership directory in the first year of the biennium
and a supplement in the second year.

Discuss benefits of DKG membership to replace this section.

A. Communications. Chapters should assign responsibilities and establish rules for such
activities as:
1. Supporting the efforts of chapter members and groups to communicate
effectively with one another.
2. Seeking opportunities to publicize information about the Society, its aims and
purposes, its Program of Work, and the noteworthy achievements of its
3. Preparing advance stories about events and activities, and helping to arrange
media coverage for special events.
4. Helping to incorporate international and state news of the Society into the
chapter’s programs.
5. Keeping a file of state and international publications for reference.
6. Sending news of chapter programs, projects, and activities to the state editor.
7. Sending news of national and international interest concerning
accomplishments of members to the international editor.
8. Suggesting to the international editor the names of capable writers for the
BULLETIN, describing their backgrounds of training and experience and the
subjects of current interest in which they are qualified to write.
9. Sending to the international editor well-written, interesting, unpublished
manuscripts for consideration.

Scholarships. Purpose V is the focal point for the scholarship program. Chapters may, by
majority vote, choose to maintain a chapter scholarship program. If they do, 80% of the
scholarship fee paid by its members shall be retained by the chapter for its scholarship fund, and
20% of chapter fee shall be paid to the state organization. The fund thus formed must be
supplemented by other sources if a chapter scholarship program is to be effective. Chapters not
maintaining a chapter scholarship program shall send the full scholarship fee to the state
treasurer. All chapters are responsible for cooperating with the state organization scholarship

Chapters awarding chapter scholarships should assign responsibilities and establish rules for
such activities as:
1. Establishing criteria for awarding chapter scholarships.

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
2. Selecting the recipients.
3. Maintaining contact with recipients.
4. Reporting to the chapter.

World Fellowships. Purpose V is implemented in part through the World Fellowships program.
Chapters should support and promote the work of the International World Fellowships
Committee and should assume chapter duties of a similar nature as directed by the chapter.

Section 4. Committee Assignments: Each member shall be expected to accept assignment to a

committee of work within the chapter as well as favorably respond to requests to serve on the
state level. Each committee chairman shall keep an accurate record of accomplishments to
facilitate the transition to new chapter chairmen.


Meetings: There shall be four (4) general meetings per year devoted to implementing the
program theme suggested by the International Society. However, other related topics may be
used as a theme for the general meetings. Attendance will follow the policy of International as
set forth in the Constitution of the Society with each member accepting the responsibility for
confirming RSVP requests. Failing to do so, members shall be charged for a paid dinner or
luncheon. Non-attendance must be reported by a phone call to the hostess of that meeting.

Quorum: Chapter members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Workshop: Each member is encouraged to attend the Beta Beta State Fall Workshop and to
assist the hostess chapter if requested.

State Convention: Each member is encouraged to attend the Beta Beta State Convention, held
annually in the spring, and to assist if requested.

Southwest Regional Conference and International Convention: Each member is encouraged

to attend, and to submit a written statement of intent to the state executive secretary in order to
qualify for a stipend, if available.

Information regarding Theta Chapter, Hawai’i State, and The Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International activities will be mailed by the recording secretary to members without email.


Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (current edition) shall govern the proceedings of Theta
Chapter in all cases not provided for in the Constitution, International Standing Rules, Hawai’i
State Bylaws, and Hawai’i State Standing Rules.


Amendments to Theta Chapter Rules may be made by any Theta Chapter member at a chapter
meeting. The amendment is approved/passed with a two-thirds vote. Thirty (30) days written

Theta Chapter Rules, approved November 10, 2015. REV. DATE TBD
notice, by mail or e-mail, must be given before a vote on an amendment is taken.


The key is a symbol of pride as having been recognized as “key” people in the field of education
and therefore, should be worn at all chapter, state, regional and international gatherings and

The key pin is worn in a vertical position over the heart; international, state and chapter
presidents’ pins are worn directly below.

Any member of Theta Chapter who fails to wear her key at chapter meetings shall be fined a fee
of one dollar ($1.00). A member resigning from Theta Chapter shall be asked to return the
Society key to the chapter. The chapter shall offer to reimburse the member 20% of the current
price of the pin. The chapter will sell the returned pin to a Theta member who has lost her pin at
50% of the current market price.

The membership committee chairman shall be responsible for all ceremonial equipment. All
other equipment shall be the responsibility of the first vice-president.

Standing Rules
A. Each committee will be allocated funds from the budget to finance a chapter meeting.
B. Funds cannot be used to purchase refreshments.


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