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Lifestyle plays huge role in health, fitness, and wellness of every individual.
Nowadays, modernization really influenced us especially the people in urban
areas. Fast food chains are everywhere, bad habits that could be influenced by
our family or circle of friends, and many others that can affect our health status.
A person's way of life is a big part of their personality. As a consequence, leading
a healthy lifestyle can automatically result in healthy outputs at work or at
home. Even a 5-10 minute shift in daily routine will help you develop better
discipline and gradually incorporate the habit over a longer period of time. The
following are some of the health and fitness habits:

 Start your day with BREAKFAST which serves as your fuel for a long day.
Remember, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
 Drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water per day. Our body is made up of 60%
of water that helps maintain the fluid balance of your body so that
nutrients can be transferred across it. That means you'll see the results of
your healthy eating habits sooner!
 Take Vitamins everyday. Vitamin C, D, E, and A are the most important
vitamins that an individual should take.
 Eat real foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean and fresh meat, fish, and
milk. Avoid eating junk foods, softdrinks, and foods that are easy to cook
because it contains preservatives that will ruin our health.
 Avoid drinking alcoholic drinks and smoking.
 Do exercise atleast 3 times a week. Cardiovascular exercises are the
easiest exercise we can do but it was really helpful for our heart and
mental health. It can reduce your level of stress.
 Take a sleep for atleast 7-8 hours per day. Having enough sleep helps you
to look healthy and it also reduces risk of anxiety and depression.
 Surround yourself with positive and genuine people. Always be

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