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          BEED 1-A                     January 30, 2021

Please write your answer on a notepad, word, or other related material and post (handing)
to Your Google Classroom Work.

1.   Based on your own experiences in your communities, what are the issues that
concern human rights or rights of patients the most?

Ø  Based on my own experience in our community, there’s a lot of issues that concern
human rights or rights of patients the most such trespassing especially in our house in
Hinoba-an, our other neighbours told us that someone entered our backyard to get some
lime (kalamansi), we only went at Hinoba-an once a year to have vacation because we
are now staying here in Bacolod. Although we’re not there, they don’t have any rights to
enter our backyard, especially without our permission. Next is one of the most common
issues is that of invading someone’s property. I am one of the victims of it. Someone
invaded my privacy on my phone and sometimes my personal things. I just felt
disgusted because it is my privacy, they don’t have any right to invade because I didn’t
give my permission. Another one is the patients that are poor. I felt sad because I have
seen or heard that in some hospitals, they don’t accept the patient if they don’t have
money for hospital fees. I had my neighbour before that died because the hospital in our
municipality didn’t accept them. It is because the hospital is already full and they don’t
have money to afford the private room and private doctor. I just felt so sad because even
though the patient is dying, they refused him. It is the right of every individual to get
treated and cured but then in his case, they didn’t give him a chance to survive just
because of lack of financial support.   Last but definitely not the least is the rights of
every child to be educated to go to school and to experience the life of being a child. It
was sad that I saw a lot of children that their family can’t afford to send them to school
because of lack of financial support. Seeing them downtown or everywhere begging for
food and money just to survive really saddened me. However, there’s still a lot of issues
about human rights that are happening in our community and I just leave it here.

2.   What has been done to solve the problem? What should be done in the future?

Ø  In other cases, we can’t deny the fact that it hasn't been solved but, we could do
something for the future. As a citizen and a student, I will study well so that if I become
professional in the future, I can help others to fight for their rights as humans. Let’s
promote awareness about human rights and unite together to prevent the violation
against it. I know it was hard but if we start it within ourselves by respecting and value
the dignity of one another. Although it is just a street sweeper, janitor, pedicab driver,
etc., we must respect them according to their rights because they deserve it. I believe
that they will treat you right just like how you treat them. Therefore I conclude that let’s
stop repression of human rights instead let’s preserve it.

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