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Revised for the Education Pages by Lynn Forest-Hill, April 2005.

Academic theses and dissertations

 Barth, Melissa Ellen, Problems in Generic Classification: Toward a Definition
of Fantasy, Ph.D. Purdue University, no. 0183, Year: 1981
 Buhr, Glenn Arthur, 'Beren and Luthien' (original composition), MUS.D.,
University of Michigan, no. 0127, Year: 1984
 Burns, Linda Lattin, High Fantasy: A Definition, Ph.D. University of Missouri -
Columbia, no. 0133, Year: 1979
 Calabrese, John Anthony, Elements of Myth in J. R. R. Tolkien's "Lord of the
Rings" and Selected Paintings of Paul Klee, Ph.D. Ohio University, no. 0167,
Year: 1980
 Davis, Larry Elton, A Christian Philosophical Examination of the Picture of
Evil in the Writings of J. R. R. Tolkien, Ph.D. SouthWestern Baptist Theological
Seminary, no. 0345, Year: 1983
 Dockery, Carl Dee, The Myth of the Shadow in the Fantasies of Williams, Lewis,
and Tolkien, Ph.D. Auburn University, no. 0012, Year: 1975
 Dowie, William John, Jr., Religious Fiction in a Profane Time: Charles
Williams, C. S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien, Ph.D. Brandeis University, no. 0021,
Year: 1970
 Green, William Howard, 'The Hobbit' and other Fiction by J. R. R. Tolkien:
Their Roots in Medieval Heroic Literature and Language, Ph.D. Louisiana State
University, Agricultural and Mechanical College, no. 0107, Year: 1969
 Hurtubise, Paul Gustave, A Stylistic Analysis of Selected Passages in "The
Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings", M.A. York University (Canada), no. 0267,
Year: 1998
 Hyde, Paul Nolan, Linguistic Techniques Used in Character Development in the
Works J.R.R. Tolkien, 3 vols. Ph.D. Purdue University, no. 0183, Year: 1982
 Irigaray, Ricardo Luis, Tolkien y la Fe Cristiana, Universidad de Navarra
(Spain), no. 5864 Year: 1996
 Jarosz, Marek, The Dual Nature of Evil in the Selected Works of J.R.R. Tolkien
M.A. University of Latvia
 Kahm, Trinette, Literature as a Peacebuilding Tool: J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord
of the Rings. M.A. This is available for viewing, e-mail to request it
 O'Hare, Colman, Charles Williams, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien: Three
Approaches to Religion in Modern Fiction, Ph.D. University of Toronto
(Canada), no. 0779, Year: 1973
 Petty, Anne Cotton, The Creative Mythology of J. R. R. Tolkien: A Study of the
Mythic Impulse, Ph.D. Florida State University, no. 0071, Year: 1972
 Reilly, Robert J., Romantic Religion in the Work of Owen Barfield, C.S. Lewis,
Charles Williams, and J. R. R. Tolkien, Ph.D. Michigan State University, no.
0128, Year: 1960
 Rogers, Champion Webster, The Fictitious Characters of C. S. Lewis and J. R.
R. Tolkien in Relation to their Medieval Sources, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin
- Madison, no. 0262, Year: 1972
 Rosa, Adrian Wayne, Elves, The Righteous Ringmakers: Taking Tolkien
Seriously, M.A., Florida Atlantic University, no. 0119, Year: 1990
 Rossi, Lee Donald, The Politics of Fantasy: C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien,
Ph.D. Cornell University, no. 0058, Year: 1972
 Sarti, Ronald Christopher, Man in a Mortal World: J. R. R. Tolkien and 'The
Lord of the Rings', Ph.D. Indiana University, no. 0093. Year: 1984
 Simpson, Dale Wilson, Modernised Myth: 'Beowulf', J.R.R.Tolkien, and 'The
Lord of the Rings', M.A., University of North Texas, no. 0158, Year: 1974
 Smith, Arden Ray, Germanic Linguistic Influence on the Invented Languages of
J. R. Tolkien,: Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, no. 0028, Year: 1997
 Syme, Margaret Ruth, Tolkien as Gospel Writer, Ph.D. McGill University
(Canada), no. 0781 Year: 1989
 Timmons, Daniel Patrick, Mirror on Middle-earth: J. R. R. Tolkien and the
Critical Perspectives, Ph.D. University of Toronto (Canada), no. 0779, Year:
 Urang, Gunnar, Shadows of Heaven: the Uses of Fantasy in the Fiction of C.S.
Lewis, Charles Williams, and J.R.R. Tolkien, Ph.D., University of Chicago, no.
0330, Year: 1970
 Walker, Frederick Arthur, Fictive Diction: Fantasy in Exotic Words (C.S. Lewis,
J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, 'Inklings'), Ph.D. Queen's University at
Kingston (Canada), no. 0283, Year: 1991
 Walker, Steven Charles, Narrative Techniques in the Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien,
Ph.D. Harvard University, no. 0084, Year: 1973
 Whittingham, Elizabeth Ann , The final victory: The evolution of J. R. R.
Tolkien's "The History of Middle-Earth", Ph.D. State University of New York at
Buffalo, no. 0656, Year: 2002
 Wright, Marjorie Evelyn, The Cosmic Kingdom of Myth: A Study in the Myth-
Philosophy of Charles Williams, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Ph.D. University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, no. 0090, Year: 1960

Note: titles of articles are given in quotation marks, titles of publications in which they
appear are given in italics.

 Auden, W.H., 'Good and evil in The Lord of the Rings', Critical Quarterly, 10
(Spring/Summer 68), p.138-42
 Bennett, Catherine, 'In the beginning, there was Bilbo', Times, 22 August 1987,
page 13
 Brooks, X., 'The Ring Cycle', Guardian, 7 December 2001, Review pages 2-4
 Cater, Bill, 'The lord of the legends', Sunday Times Magazine, 2 January 1972,
page 24
 Carpenter, H; Scott, D; Brewis, K; O'Hehir, A; Sibley, B; Hudson, R; McKay,
C; Barrell, T; Goodwin, C; Cooke, R; Scott, C., 'The Lord of the Rings
collectors issue', Sunday Times Magazine, 25 November 2001, pages 3-41
 Cox, C.B., 'The world of the Hobbits', Spectator, 30 December 1966, page 844
 Craig, Amanda, 'Lord of all he conveyed, despite his fans', Independent, 25
January 1992, page 29
 Curtis, Anthony, 'Remembering Tolkien and Lewis', British Book News, June
1977, pages 429-30
 Ezard, J., 'So, would Tolkien have liked the film?' Guardian, 14 December
2001, supplement pages 4-5
 Ezard, John, 'Tolkien's Shire', Guardian, (28 December 1991) supplement, pages
 Fenton, James, 'Secondary worlds', New Statesman, 13 May 1977, pages 642-3
 Flieger, V; Welden, B; Wilcox, J A., 'Wizard guides out of our Middle-earth.
Defenders of The Ring up in arms at myth in the making', Times Higher
Education Supplement, 3 August 2001, pages 18-19
 Forest-Hill, Lynn, 'The Return of Middle-earth: there and back again', TEMA ,
April 2004,
 Forest-Hill, Lynn, 'The Fantastic Seriousness of J.R.R.Tolkien', TEMA, April
 Forest-Hill, Lynn, 'Kortirion Among the Trees: The Influence of Warwick on
J.R.R. Tolkien's Vision of Middle-earth', TLS, forthcoming, June/July 2005
 [also forthcoming April/May in TEMA (e-journal),]
 Fuller, G., 'Trimming Tolkien', Sight and Sound, 12:2 (February 2002), pages
 Gardner, Anthony, 'Literary giant or monstrous myth?' Times Review suppt, 28
December 1991, pages 30-1, 33.
 Hill, Joy, 'Daily life on Middle Earth [Letters to JRR Tolkien]', Bookseller, 3
August 1968, pages 374-5
 Jones, Nicolette, 'The Tolkien phenomenon', British Book News, (January 1992),
pages 16-17
 McKenna, Elise, 'Miscellany', Eclectica(e-journal) volume 7, no. 2 (April/May
 Markham-Smith, I., 'Tolkien about me, my elf and I - and Middle Earth', Times,
26 July 2000, pages 24-5
 Medcalf, S., 'Lord of the Century', Times Literary Supplemen, 22 September
2000, pages 24-5
 Medcalf, Stephen, 'Elven evolutions', Times Literary Supplemen, 19 July 1985,
page 802
 Murray, Robert, 'Faith Tolkien: a theologian among sculptors', Month, 27: 8
(August 1994), pages 320-4
 Murray, Robert, 'J.R.R. Tolkien and the art of the parable', Month, 26:1 (January
1993), pages 35-9
 Murray, B., Philosophy Now, 39 (December/January 2003), pages 46-7.
Abstract: ''The Lord of the Rings' strikes many as being a Christian allegory. It is
not that simple, but nevertheless it is possible to identify the Christian message
in Tolkien's trilogy.'
 Newman, Philip, 'The Hobbitman', Sunday Times Magazine, 15 January 1967,
pages 34-6
 Page, B., 'Merchandising Middle Earth', Bookseller, 31 August 2001, pages 32
 Ratcliff, John D., 'JRR Tolkien: 'Sir Topas' revisited', Notes and Queries, 29
August 1982, page 348
 Ryon, J.S., 'German mythology applied - the extension of the literary folk
memory', Folklore, 77 (Spring 1966), pages 45-59
 Sanderson, C., 'A publishing fantasy', Bookseller, 27 September 2002, pages 24-
 Seddon, Sue., 'The return of Tolkien', Sunday Times Magazine, 19 September
1982, pages 82-5
 Shippey, Tom., 'Slaying, pillaging, burning, ravishing, and thus gratifying a
laudable taste for adventure', London Review of Books, 17:11 (8 June 1995),
pages 16-17
 Shippey, T.A., 'A philologist in purgatory', Times Literary Supplement, 28
August 1981, pages 975-6
 Shippey, T.A., 'The foolhardy philologist', Times Literary Supplement, 13 May
1977, page 583
 Sirridge, Mary, 'J.R.R Tolkien and fairy tale truth', British Journal of Aesthetics,
15 (Winter 1975), pages 81-92
 Turner, J., 'Reasons for liking Tolkien', London Review of Books, 23:22 (15
November 2001), pages 15-18, 20-4
 Unwin, Rayner, 'Taming the lord of the rings', Bookseller, 19 August 1988.
pages 647-50
 Unwin, Rayner, 'The Hobbit 50th anniversary', Bookseller, 16 January 1987,
pages 166-7
 Unwin, Rayner, 'Sentimental milestones on a road through Middle-earth',
Bookseller, 30 July 1977, pages 450-1
 Walter, Nicolas, 'Myth making', New Statesman, 30 October 1981, page 24
 Watson, George, 'The roots of romance', Times Literary Supplement, 8 October
 Watson, J.R., 'The hobbits and the critics', Critical Quarterly, 13 (Autumn
1971), pages 252-8
 White, M., 'The First Hobbit', Sunday Times; 9 December 2001, Section 4 pages
 Wood, Michael, 'Tolkien's fictions', New Society, 27 March 1969, pages 492-3
 'The ring of romanticism', Times Literary Supplement, 8 June 1973

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