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s12imG, sttzerioN, AND INSTALLATION 2.1 Purchaser Specifications -... 212 purchaser Drawings 213 industry Codes and standards Bo BAL eee oe : 4. DEMRMINATION OF COLD OIFFERRINIAL TEST PRESSURE . 1 General vee eceeeeereeseneeeeeee 12 Formula. 4 Back Pressure Correction |... « 44 Temperature Correction « 5S. PREISORE RELIEF VALVE CAPACITY FORWLAS ... PAGE 5.1 Pressure Relief Valve Nozzle Effective Areas (Typical) per AM 2 Sizing of Pressure Relief Valves ieccccccccs 3 Pressuse Relief Valve Liquid Fosmule |) Pressure Relief Valve Gas or Vapor Formule s Pressure Relief Valve Steam Formula sss... Pressure Relief Valve Fire Expansion Gas Forma . 7 Rapture Disk sizing. & Tenperature Relief Device Liquid Formula « Vacuum Safety Valve Gaz Formule... 0 Liguic-vapor Mixture .. 6. SELECTION OF PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE ...-.2.2+- sELECTION OF VALVE CONSTRUCTION ‘Open spring Type Valves Closed spring Type Valve [Preferzed Type) Pressure Relief Valves With Lifting Levers | Temperature Relief Devices «+++. Pressure Relief Valve Caps. Pressure Relief Valve Desing 00 0scosscss Flushing of Purging Pressure Relieving Devices feat Tracing Pressure Relieving Devices « Freeze Precaution sesee+s General Body Material =. wanes fee a2 1 eas: eee: fey: 2B feteeag: emus #2015 0.3. Tetm Material seas eed ue 818 Spring Material oecsescsoe oa a 1 81 Valve Bonnet or Spring Housing Material and Costing « au“ £16 Bellows Material for Balenced Bellows Valves BN ae 9.1 Enlet Flange and Inlet Body Rating -. fetes 1S 5.2 Outlet Flange and Outlet Body Ratings «0... a5 0, SoMMECTYONs FOR PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES ..... feet 8 12, HOCK VALVES 0 PERETT REMOVAL OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES 6.0... 1 11.2 Inlet Block Valves 7 Peete 16 1112 Discharge Block Valves... a6 L113 Locking system DOS as 32. SUPTURE DISK INSTRLIATION 600.006 ese ce sees 16 ” 14, ZRSPECTION 24ND oes eTexace GONERAL EIGINERRTNG DRPARNENT SIZING, SELECTTOM, AND INSTALLATION ats K-2015, 1. this specification desines: 4. Tecunical cequirenents for sizing ovespeessure protection Sevier b. Design requirements tor type, construction, materials, and ineiailation of overpressure protection devices. 2. Application of overpressure protection devices and disposal systems Be detined in GMS Ke2D. 3. overpressure protection for atmospheric storage is defined in GBH Kelp and Reson 2.1 Purchaser specifications This speci#ication contains references to the following Purchaser Epect fications: 2. GEMSGC, “General Conditions - General Equipment and Material Speciticstions”. 2. GEMS FIN, “Pressure Vessels ~ Cazbon Steel and Alley - Material Purchase" 3. GEMS GrE0, “NoLse Control” e 4. GEMS s-2E, “Selection and Limitation of Piping Materials”. 5. GENS K-SE, “overpressure Protection”. 6. GEMS K-45, “Venting Squipeent for Atmospheric Aboveground Storage Tanks with Cone Roots” 7. GEMS K-20IM, “ReLieE Valves”, 8. GEMS K-202M, “Rupture Discs”. 3. GENS K-401M, “Tank Pressure-Vacuum Vent Valves” 2.2. purchaser Dravings This spectticetion contains references to the following Purchaser Srawinge: 95-9197, “Inetrumentation for Vacuum Breakers” 2.3. Industry Codes and Standards ‘This specification contains references to the following industey codes and stendaeds? 2.3.1 American Petroleum Institute (APT) 1. RP 520, “Parts T and 32 ~ Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure Relief devices in Refineries”, 2. RP $21, “Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depeessuring Betentn 2. abd 526, “Wlanged Steet satety-Reliet Valves*. @ 4. Rw 596, “Snspection of Pressure Relief Devices” pace 2 oF 37 ‘©7EXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT o exexyo, sxzecria, 24m misraratror cme x-2015 2.3.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASE) 2. Section VIZ, “Pressure Vessels” 1. Pressure relief valver shall be sized using celeulation techniques [capacity formas) that similate the condition during each relief AETEMEISE aaich is consideced. Pressure reise! valve data shests Sith sizing basis snd calewaved orifice azea by Supplier shall be ‘Nonittes to Purchaser for future reference. 2. Rellet load, flusd properties, relieving pressure, and back Breature shall be determined in accordance with GEMS K-30 5. A copy of pressure relief valve summary sheets indicating operating Jet pressure, coud differentsel set pressure, valve size and type; Suak'Specitications, and complete material specifications shall be Suimscted to Purchaser for review, A. Sizing of et valves for seevice conditions, including back pressure given, shall be checked by Supplier. sizing calculations For each valve shall be submitted: 5. AL! itene defined in this specification shall conform to noise Bevel requisenente specified sn GEMS Gn4D. 6 Deviations fron ths specification shall be subject to fuscheter 4. Relief valves shall conform to GEMS K-201M. 6, Rupture discs shall conform to GEMS K-202M. 9. Pressure relief valves for ASME code stamped boilers or ASME code Feinped pressure vessels shall Be marked With a Code stan. b, certified capacity. ce. Other date required By ASME code. 10. Pressure relief devices for pressure vessels furnished without ASME Eiigp stall be subject co Furchaser's written authorization DETERMINATION OF COLD DIFFERENTIAL TEST PRESSURE ceneral 1. cele differential test pressure shall be such that pressure relief Gaive meets ell constreinte of this specification ang GEMS HID. 2. Test pressure shall: Not exceed maximum allowable accumvlated pressure of pressure Helies valve being castes b. Provide a suitable margin to exist between pressure relict Ghive's see pressure and operating pressure, (to minimize Unnecessary operation and/or leakage of relief device) 4, A2i constraints shall be met throughout minimun to maximum range of Variable superimposed back pressure Pace 4 oF 27 (ereiicy GENERAL, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2 96 42 43 SEEING, SELEG1ON, AND INSTALIATION onus S028 Formula Gold dstferential test pressuze (peig) equals set pressure (psig) minus Binimum superinposed bask pressure (psig) (zero siall be used for Dalanced pressure relief valves), plus correction (pei) for nighee service tenperatures that reduce’ spring loading 1. Back pressure corrections referenced in this section shall be used only te determine cold differential test pressure. they shall not De sed to determine relief valve capacity 2. Conventional pressure relief valves with closed disposal system discharges shall have back pressure corzection equal to mizimon Superimposed back pressuse. 3. Conventional pressure relief valves with atmospheric dischacges shall have back pressure cosezetion of © pl 4. Balanced pressure relief valves with closed disposal aysten discharges shall have back pressure correction of 0 pal. 5. For purpose of this specification, 21 closed disposel system ‘minimum superimposed back pressures between #1 and <1 polg shall be Considered to be 0 psig in determining cold differential fest pressure: ‘Temperature Correction 1. Pressure relief valves, no matter vhether they will experience high or low temperatures in service, ace ususily 2, An adjustment shali be made in cold differential test pressure to compensate for effect of nigher pressure elie! vaive service Eenperatures, Service tauperature correction for each particular type of pressure relief valve design and spring material is listed An manufacturer's bulletin. This adjustment ma} be important in Feducing chronic pressure relief valve Teskage 3. As an example, the table below shows sone terperature correction factors. Generally, set pressure minus minim superimposed back pressuce is multipiied by correction factor, Resulting pai is used fo obtain cola differential test pressus (Example only, see Manufacturer's bulletin for actual values) Service Tenpersture (°F Corzection Factor “100 te 200 None 21 to 400, aos sot to 900 03 901 es 1200, ioe 1101 £6 1409 Les PAGE 5 OF 37 (CTEXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARMEENT stzmmc, SELECTION, AND THSTALLATION ones 2015 pressure Relief Yalve Noztle Béfective Areaz (Typical) per API std 526 ORIFICE EPFECTIVE AREA sroman size SEtTeR. —52._INCHES [DESUGNATIONS a ait SBE, WADE, or 1403 2 01386 Sez; 1Me2, or SEs F 0.307 Isr or 2683 6 9503 thes oF 263 5 0.785 orca 5 tize7 2g or Jat x dase Ske oF 3K6 L 283 3h oF 416 % 31600 aus x U0 ane : 6.380 es e 11/080 508 R ie!a00 ERB or 6R10 ? 26.000, ero suanufacturer's standard designations. First number is nominal inlet TESESU Ranbe! ss nominal outlet size. For particular pressure Eatings eanufacturer's catalog shall be consulted for actual size sizing of Pressure Relief Valves Pressure relief valves shall be sized in accordance with latest edition Se Agr Re 520. pressure Relief Yalve Liquid Forma Lasuig presse zelief valves shall be sised in accordance wich AED 2. Tenperature selief yelves for 2iquid thermal expansion shalt 2. Values chas age 25WE code stampa, and avy erin open o8 204 guerprassure in Liquid service shall sollewing mula: ys a. (aru) fer) (P0)-(e8)) we = vihere: A. = Effective discharge area, in squate inches (ci) = Flow zate at flowing temperature end selected overpressure, Anis. gallons per minute. (Kl = Coefficient of discharge, which should be obtained from valve sinsfacturer. 1f Kis unknown, = conservative valve of 0.65 is Fes (it) = capacity correction factor due te back pressure. If back SSiteare Es athoopheric, gactor con be disregarded, or KW = 1-00. Rifaentions! valves with back pressure require no. special SSEISEELSRS ws 100. Balanced bellows valves with back pressure PAGE 6 OF 17 (°TEXACO GENERAL. ENGINEERING DEPARDEENT S12mNG, SELECTION, AND INSTALLATION coms x-2015 ‘OF PRESSORE RELIEF DEVICES shall require corsection factor az determined from API RP $20, (av) = capacity correction factor due to viscosity. For most Apelcaticns, viscosity may not be significant, in which case (10) Foo. it a celiet valve ar sized for Viscous Liquid service (HV) Je cbeasned’ trom APT'RE £20, Section 4.5 and Figure 32. (ty) = Relieving pressuce, sn peig. This equals get pressure plus Ssuce and hall net exceed maximum allowable accumulated (P) = Back pressure, én psig. G = specific gravity of Liquid at flowing temperature referred to Sater = 1-00 #8 70°F. Valves that do not requize capacity certification (on non-ASME Replication or elder style squid trim pressure relief valves built [Papen at 254 overpressure) shall be sized in accordance with the fellowing formula: (ce ci as saeco) A = Eftective discharge ares, in square inches. (Gru) = Flow sate at flowing tenperature and selected overpressure, ANUls, gallone per minute: (K) = Coefficient of dischaege, which should be obtained from valve manufacturers 12K ie unknow, @ conservative valve of 0.62 15 Fecommended. ne) = capacity correction factor due to overpressure. Many, if not ost, relief valves in liquid service on non-ASME stamped equipment Re dized on basis of 250 overpressure, ‘This factor fo Dverpressurs can be obtained from API RP $20, Section 4.6, Figure Set"Fectner than sozsle valve, manufacturers curve or capacity abies shall be consulted for particular valve. (Ke) for 25% accumilation = 1.00 (Hp) For 208 eccumulatson = 0.92 (KP) Fer 208 accumsiation = 0.60 (HP) for St sccumilation = 0.35 (ust) = capacity correction factor due to back pressure. Tf back pressure is athospheric, factor can be disregarded, of KW = 1.00 Egnuentional valves with back pressure require no. cpecial Eerfectiony (hf) = 2-00. Balanced Bellows valves with back pressure Shall cequire correction factor as determined from API RY S20, Figure Sly oF sanufacturer Uw) = capacity correction factor due to viscosity. For mos Sfplicetions, siscosity may not be significant, in which case (KV) Plo. ie a relieg valve s2 sized fer viscous Liquid service (FY) {e"Gbeained fran APY RP 520, Section 4.5 and Figure 32. (P) = set pressure at which relief valve is to begin opening, in peg (PB) = Back pressure, in psig. PAGE 7 oF 17 onmOCO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARIMENT oe testa arnt of L4gte wowing tmperatarecetereed to @ 5.4 Pressure Relief Valve Gas or Vapor Formle 1. Valve shell be sized for relief in accordance with API AP 520, 2. Gas of vapor relief valves in eritieal floy conditions shall be Sized per the following formula: wazy , Tee ee ay A = Effective discharge area of valve, in square inches. W = low through valve, in Ib/hr, C= coefficient determined by ratio of specific heats of gas or, Vapor st stansara conditions. This can be sbeained fron API RP §20, Figure 26 or Table 9. This can also be obtained from sone manufacturers’ Bulletins. C can also be determined solely by {Sentropie expansion coefficient of an actual gas. = coefficient of dischazge, which value is obtainable from valve Manufacturer, K for a nusber of nozsle-type valves 13 0.975. e@ weal = frgest value of (2) would Be'puximin allowable accumulates pressure given im pete (Ka) = capacity correction factor due to back preature. Thiz can be obtained from API HP $20, Section 4.4, Figure 30, which applies te Conventional pressure relief vaiver, or from Figure 27, uhich Sppliss to Balanced bellows valves. Correction factor value hall ber read from curve specifically applying to type of valve under consideration: sSeats cht reteset manufacturer's eens hi be consultes for if back pressure stiser's bulletins shell be consulted for Correction. For set pressurer lower than $0 peisy valve Sanufacturer shall always be consulted for proper value of correction factor (KB)~ M. = Molecular weight of gas oF vapor. 1 = Absolute temperature of inlet vapor, in °F + 460. 2 = compressibility factor for deviation of actual ¢ Pertect ges, Ga and vapor reliet valves in SUBEEEIEADMEISW conditions shall be Sized per the following formil trom a ST2iNG, SELECTION, ND INSTALLATION coms R-2015 (OF PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES a Taek (Pr) Ca- Py neces A = Bffective discharge area of valve, in square inches: We Flow through valve, in Ib/he. Fy = Costfictent of suberitical flow k = satio of specific heats = ratio of backpressure co upstzeam relieving pressure Petr obtsinable from valve whieh value k= coefficient of dischar: Ranufsceurer’ M+ Molecular weight of gas or vapor. = Absolute temperature of inlet vapor, in "F + 460. 2 = compressibility factor for deviation of actual gas from = Jeetece Ges, a ratio evaluated at inlet conditions. reuse peticving pressure im pela. This equals set presture plus @ tip Rensceing pecssure 1p Pete, ee Thtgeed vate of es) would areata ee arama ee peeenire seven in peies (eB) = Back pressure, in pote 5.5 Pressure Relief Valve Steam Formule L. Valve shall be sized for steam relief in accordance with APT RP p20. 2. the following formula shall apply: 4 = Gyre w= Flow cate, in lb/hr. K = coefficient of discharge, which value is obtainable from valve ‘She K fora susber of novsle-cype valves is 0.975: an aquare inches. snenufacture?: (hs) = Relieving pressure, in pela. This equals set pressure plus a Et plus cemapheric prensure, ASME. Code Section T SNSERESEIGES Eke peenitted only 30 accumlation. Other applications Ee ca Ea" contoum to AINE Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, wherein Tot secumlation is permicted. lst) = corcection factor due to amount of superheat in steam. This e USM ooesined from manufacturers" tables and/or APT RP 520, Table $5" Be obeeutaced sceam at any pressure factor (KSH) = 1.0 ease 9 oF 17 ‘eTEYACO GENERR ERCINEERING DEPARTEENT row 96 S121Me, SELECTION, AND THSTALLATION (oes R-2015 Pressure Relief Valve Fire Expansion Gaz Formla Valves for gas expansion due to external fire shall be sized in Sceordance with BPE AP 820. 2. The following caleviation method shall be used only as a last Ibe consulted for alternate calcelacion ction, peice to using the following anu/or equipment m A= Gor p= basae(oz) tt x(a (Jew) (=) a Th where: A= Safety valve effective orifice area, sq. in. (fy) = Relieving pressure, psa. (Gp) * Initial ox somal operating pressure, pais. (m2) = Temperature of gas at relieving pressure, °R. This (12) corresponas to relieving pressure obtained on basis of constant Volune pressure ircrease (2m = Initial or normal operating tenperature, *R. (Tw) = Temperature to which vessel wall is heated, "R. Maximum uslue of (ih) 2 taken az tenperature vessel wall can endure without collapsing. For carbon steel vessels, maximum TW 1s 1200°F. on + mm - 5 = Surface of vessel exposed to fire, aquare feet C= Coefficient determined by specific heats of gas or vapor at Standard conditions. This can be obtained ftom APT RE S20. a2 Specific heat ratio cannot be determined, it i suggested that C= 395 tor hydrocarbons and. = 396 for diatomic gases (chis Sorresponds to specific heat ratioe of i.0 and 1nd, seapectively.) K = Coefficient of discharge, which value is obtainable from valve anufectures, The K for a number of nezsie type valves is 0-975. F = Safety valve factor. Tt iz recomended that minimin valve of F 6.01 be used. 2f actual valve is unknown, F = 0.48 shall be used, Rupture Disk Sizing 1. Rupture disks shall be sized in accordance with APT 520, Section set. 2. Rupture disks can be used én series with a pressure relief valve in accordance with API 520, Section 4.8.2. Teaperature Relief Device Liquid Formula 1, Temperature relief device designs generally correspond to spring Ionced elief valves, Pa 10 oF 37 (°TEXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARMEENT 2. capacities shall be obtained fron appropriate formias oz 3. Relief valve aize, to protect for thermal relief or water side of heat exchangers, shall'as a minimum be N25 3/4 4. If expansion relsef 1s requized around check vaives, block valves, Of pune; sizer Nes 3/€ and larger are acceptable, provided Sheliceble piping material service specification (IMSS) peamits erewed connections for small sizes. Vacuum safety Valve ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1 and Div. 2, does not provide Setety valve guidance (Set pressure, accunilation, and capacity Galoulstion) for vessels in vacuum service 5.9.2 Vacuum Breaker Systen 1. Tf necessary, vacuum breaker system shall ve installed to protect vessels against excessive external pressure. 2, System shall consiet of ineteunent control loop that actuates 4 single seated, quick opening, control valve through which high precsure source of inert gas oF Guergency air enters Vessel that requires Yacuim relief. 3. Contzol valve shall nomelly be held closed by instrument Sit, with an automatic nitrogen or emergency air Back-up Supply to Keep valve closed in case of air failure 4. System shall be installed in accordance with Drawing 95- 337. 5.9.3. Vacuum Safety Valve 1. For zare situations that require a vacuum cafety valve, sive capscity shall be obtsined from specstie manufacturer's curves, formulas, oF tables 2. Refer to GEMS K-30. Liguid-vapor Mixture 1. Total orstice area required for pressure relief of Miquid-vapor Rixture shall be detemained by edding calculated orifice area for [Sguis tlow piss orifice area for gas flow. 2. Quantity of flashed vapor shall be calculated by relieving back Bressuse in accordance with APT RP S20, Section 4.7. The Calculation shall be requires for relief of a tuo phase stream and Eelicf of liquid that partially vaporited across prassure sefety, talve, such ae liquid near itz boiling point. Pressure relsef device (conventional pressure relief valve, balanced bellows pressure relief Valve, pilot operstes pressure relief valve, oF rupture aisk) shall be selected in accordance with GENS #30. (©TEYACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARMEENT 22 ‘sr21me, seLecrioN, asm THSTALLATION ome x-2015 ‘OF PRESGURE RELIEF DEVICES open spring Type Valves open spring type valves shall be permitted only in: a. Steam service, such as boilers and waste heat boiler, if fequired by ASME code, Section b. Steam service, auch af turbine cases, located inside shelters or buildings open spring type pressuce valves located outdoors on an operating CEE RUT Ae "ketai hood over eatery valve spring to prevent UrtéeSeepage into valve anterior or accumlation of foreign Miterial, such es catalyst dust. Drawings of hood shall be submitted by manufacturer for approval, PEase Zpsing covers shoun in manufacturers’ catalogs are not Uypically considered eatasfactory. closed spring Type Valve (Preferred Type) Closed «pring type valves shal be requized in: a. Stean service, such as turbine case exposed to weuther, if Raw cose, Section Ty does aot apply. b. tydocasbon service. fe. Chenteal service. Vent cornections shall az minimum be NPS 1/2 inch. jure valves shall. have vent connections. closed tonnet of pre: conventional pressuce relief valve bonnet vent shall be closed by Shovalling a thveaded plug in vent connection. balance bellows pressuce relief valve bonnet vent shall be vented £2 eioted’ flange system of to atmosphere, Tf vented co stmospher% Sent shell have a Bugepzsot screen pressure Relief Valves With Lifting Levers 2. 2 a ‘Lifting levers shall be fusnished only Sf raquired by ASME Code Applications for which Lifting levers are required per ASHE code SheLese steam safety valves to which ASME Code, Section I, applies. bp. Pressure relief valves on air, steam, end water over 00°F Zervices to which ASME Code, Section VIiT, applies ce. safety valves for air receivers: Lifting levers, Af reguized, shall be standard type Sefety valves with closed bonnets, where no leakage of vapor at Tfeeldy lever can be tolerated, shali have packed Lifting levers. mace 42 0 37 ormvaco GENESAL EROINEERING DEPARIENT san 96 STEING, SELECETOW, AND TNSEALLATION comes R215 Temperature Relief Device 7.4.1 Rater Service 2f high pressure hydrogen or other hazardous materials vould Miecharge to stmosphere in event of @ tube lesk in ¢ condenser St cooler, tenpersture relief valver shall be top guided 7.4.2. sydrocasbon or Chemical Service 2. Valves that discharge to drain of sewer shall be cop Guided standard selvet valves with size and type Eonnection requised by applicable PASS. 2. Poppet type spzing Loaded check valves, equal to Teledyne expansion relief is required around check valves, block Selves, ox punps for services limited to maximum pressure of Class 300 MIST flange ratings and maximum eemperseure OF S00" Closed bonnet pressure relief valves shall have threaded or Bolted cap over spring adjusting screw Pressure Relief Valve Drains Relief valve drain piping shall conform to GENS X-30. Unless approved in writing by Purchaser, test gagz shall not be unlets of pressure relief devices shall have a clean flushing or purging Sedlum if process Eluld my cause plugging of valve inlet, ive, Contains solids or can generate solids by coking precipisstion, condensation, oz chemical reaction. Heat Tracing Pressure Relieving Devices Inlet and outlet Lines of pressure relieving devices shall have heat Efacing if process fisia might solidity ae ambient cenperstures Insulation cover or heating shall be furnished if water would potentially condense on inlet nozzle or disk. ceneral, 2. Pressure relief valve body and trin material depend upon service. Manafacture:'s recomendations shall be followed 2. Ratings, dimensions, orifice designations, and areas shall conform to are sea 626. 3. Materials of inlet portions of valve body and trim shall be "uitable at design conditions for fluid ox vapor contained an Line, Vessel, oF equipment upon which pressure relief vaive tz inatalled (CTEXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING EEPARDENT won 96 4. materials of outlet portions of valve body and trim shall be ihlectea es follows: 1 valve and ts discharge piping are self draining, Janufacturcr's ctendatd Body and trim saterial shali be. Toceptatie, except sn cotrosive services. In corrosive Uevlces, outlet trim snd spring shall be of 8 suitable iSktzicl cs have e suitable costing to resist corrosion from Thy leskage of such fluid or vapor b. 14 pressure reliet valve outlet is connected into a piping Eystem, such a3 punp and compressor suction Lines, or a common keEsMietretidvihy systen into which other pressure relief Eaives cischarge, valve body, outlet trim, snd spring maverial Thali be suitable for fluid or vapor contained in such piping fystens: valve bedy material shall be equivalent to applicable PHSS. ‘trim Material 1. Feim naterial shall be manufacturer's standard for service Snvaivea: 2. Soft seats may be used only with Purchaser's written approval, Spring Material spring material shell be manufacturer's standerd for service and eEnpesstazes. Valve Bonnet or Spring Rousing Material and coating 2. Valve bonnet or spring housing material shall be same material valve body 2, Valve spring and inside of valve bonnet of spring housing shall be ‘a. Manufecturer's standard coating (euch as Plasite #7122) for tenperatures lese than S0O'P. b, Nluninized for temperatures S00'F and higher. Bellows Material for Balanced Bellows Valves 1. Bellows material for ezvices not Listed in paragraphs 2. through fl shell Be subject to written Purchaser approval. 2, Material for noncorrosive services shall be 3161 85 oF Inconel 625 3, material for services above S00'F shall be S161 SS or Inconel 625 Uncoated. Material for services up to SO0'F in which hydrogen sulfide and/or ‘Riotides ate present shall be 316) $5 coated with Teflon or Kel-F. Such services include ‘a. ceude and vacuum towers (overhead systens to fuel gas) b. Waroteester (effluent and recycle gas) fe, Platgomer (efflvent and recycle gas). Riel gas. page 14 oF 27 rExaco GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARIGENT ae. s1zINo, setxcriow, aD INSTALLATTON oes x-2015 OF PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES Inlet Flange and Inlet Body Rating Rating of pressure relief valve inlet body (up-stseem of pressure Eelief valve seat) shail be sane ez pressure relief valve iniet Hlange rating, if possibie. 2. If large relief devices aze requized and inlet bedy rating ss not the sane 4s inlet flange rating, an inlet Body rating suitable for Felieving conditions anal be used. iitabie for design and relief conditions of line, vessel, oF Squipment pon which it iz es be installed. 4. Inlet flange and inlet pody of steel pressure relief valves shall, aes minimum be Class 250 ANSI. 5. Inlet flange and inlet body of cast son pressure relief valves thall ae a minimum be Class 250 ANSI, cast. iron multiport. saZety Selves seed in low pressure steam systens shall os a minimum be Clans 325 905? Outlet Flange and Outlet Body Ratings 1. Pressure relief valve cutlet flange and cutlet body ratings shall be equivalent to flange rating of applicable PMSS of Line into whieh valve discharge: 2. If pressure relief valve can be locked-in during noma operation of ies protected system, valve and pipe components from pressure Stile Valve seat to closed outlet block vaive shall be protected iyainst excessive pressure due to leatage thrsugh closed inlet Block valve and pressure relief valve sest 3. Protection shall consist of a plant operating procedure that provides for spening of iniet vent velve followed by clozure of Sutiee block valve Just prior to tine of pressure relief valve Fenoval- 4. outlet flange rating specified shall be checked against manufacturer's pressure-temperature Limitations on pressure relief Valve outlet for orifice ares required 5. Minimum ratings shall be Glass 150 ANSI for steel and class 125 COMEECTIONS FOR PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES Pressure relief valves with threaded inlet anc outlet connections may be used, provided calculated zelieving capacity can be met, at follows! On vessels in services and aizes in which threaded nozzle Connections are permitted by GENS F-1M fon piping in services and sizes in which chreaded valves and Eletings aze pemutted by GENS J-20 and applicable PMSS. 2. Presgure relief velves with flanged inet and outlet connections Shall be sed on vessels and piping for all sizes and services Sther than those for which hreaded connections aze permissible Flange facing shell conform to applicable Mss. Past 18 oF 17 ‘eraco GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARDERT 2 3. Pressure relief valve inlet or outlet connections shall not be WPS By, Lei/ay Be1/2, 08 & [LOCK VALVES 70 BERIT REMOVAL OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES Inlet Block Valves block valves on inlets to pressure celief valves shall conform to Gms Re. Discharge Block Valves lock valve: on discharges from pressure relief valves shall conform te emis 30) Lacking systen 1, Block valves at inlet or outlet of pressure relief valves shall fave chain or bar devices provided by Supplior that will allow a Padlock {furnished by Purchaser) to be used by authorized persons Pooch Meck valve in an open or closed position. 2, A List of ali pressure relief valves sith block valves that must be Jocked shall be furnished ro Purchaser's field project engineer for lise in precuring pediocks that conform eo plant master lock system. 3, Block valves shall be continually maintained in locked open position, except af follows a. Spare pressure relief valves, excopt if needed in service, Ghall hormaldy be mainvained off-line by locking inlet valve hotea’ “Discharge block valve shall be locked closed, except GP optecaure seliet valve set pressure exceeds design pressure of pressure selisf outlet per API standard 526, in which case ELsENige Bock valve shail be Locked open b. After spare pressure relief valve is placed in service with [oeked open biscked valves, one af the normal pressure relict Selves ney be caken out of service for inspection and test by {Ceklng ite inlet block valve closed, opening sts inlet vent Valve, and locking its discharge block valve closed. c. If all protected equipment is shut dowm, depressured, emptied, and cpened to atnoaphere, peessure relict valve inlet ant Uscharge block valves may be locked closed rupture disks shall be installed in accordance with GEMS K-30. PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE HANDLING BEFORE INSTALLATION AND TEST 1, Inlet and outlet flanges of pressure relief valves shall be protected and openings covered to prevent entrance of foreign 2, Valves shall be transported and stored vertically te keep out a2 Yereign materials in accordance with API s20, Part 2, installation, 3, Valves shall: a. be handled carefully. Page 16 OF 17 OTEXACD GENERAL, ENGINEERING DEPART [OF PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES 1b. Wot subjected to neavy shocks 4. Caution shall be taken before testing of installing pressure celief Valves to ensure that any extraneous material inside Body oF nozele [2 Conpletely renoved. Valve set pressures shall be checked before valve is installed. 6. Pressure relief valve connections shall be cleaned before installing valve 7. Pressure relief valve inlet or block valve shead of relief device shall be blinded off while pressure testing piping systens, equipeent, of vessels. INseECTION aD TEST Inspection and test svall conform co API AP S76 and Purchaser's general instructions for inapection and test pace 19 oF 17 erEHACO GOIERAL ENGINEERING DEPARREENT pee 87 OVERBRESSURE PROTECTION coms K-2023 2. RERERENCES : Reeeiaeieee rere herent ete 2.1 Porchaser Specifications fe 7 s 2:2 Purchaser ravings piste 5 2:3 Industry Codes and Standards et Tete. 1 7 . 10 5.2 ae a0 5:2 Heat Exchangers 20 S44 Fired Heaters 00.) RehicereaeeraeeeE 5.5 Steam Boiler Systens sss. teaser n S16 Piping see eeeneoe : Beer n 5.7 Rotating and Mechanical Equipment caedesv 1 5.8 Locations Not Requiring Pressure Relief Valve... Shee IMOERATURE RELIEF VALVE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS |... 6.2.0. s.0 au 6.1 Blocked in Liquid Thermal Expansion 6.2 Locations Not Requiring Tesperature Relist Valve fas 7. RUPOURE DISK USAGE ......, : 1s 7.1 Generar eee eee: 112 Rapture tee tet e 13 Rupture teaetiedes-teHe 74 Ropeure : ced 0 713 Rupture Disk on Inlet to Pressure Relief Valves... a 16 Rupture Disk an Dixenarge from Pressure Relic! Valve a 7:7 Rupture Disk in Parallel with Pressure Relief Valve... 1 1.8 Rupture Pin Relief Devices ..... a 8. VACUUM RELIEF PRORECRTON 2.2... we 8.1 Gonerat .... fee 18 8.2 Vacuum Relie® Required. 38 513 Vacuun Breaker/Prevanter Systems 29 8.4 Vacuum Relief Valves ..sscsrvvevessvee a 19 © —_E_ Basse there Mortman operating Fresnore oo. . ~ 9.2 Pressure Relief Valve Set Pressure css a 9.3 Tonperature Rellef Valve Set Pressure 2 pace 1 om 62 20. ne a. aa. as. ” ovenenesouns PROTECTION Aupsure Disk Burst Pressure ------+++ Vacuua Relief Valve Set Pressure soc. AccAZATION YOXIMMN NLOKABLE ACCMAILATED PRESSURE «2... 13.1 Eefece on Opening Pressure ....... ss 13.2. Effect on Relieving Capacity s.csecsss AML Genezal se eeeeeee aes 1412. Conventional Pressure Relief Valves 14,3. Balunced Bellows Pressure Relief Valves 14.4 Plot Operated Pressure Relief Valves ALS Rapture DISKS esses 15.1 Meltiple Pressure Relief Valves . 15.2. Spare Pressure Relief Valves... 15.3 Location 15.4 Position ooo. 45.5 Block Valves =. 15.6 Inlet Piping | 435.7. bischarge Piping 3518 Bypass Piping ‘| 25.9. piping stress Analysis Silo Beesaure Relief Valve Sonnet Vents... 15111 eLlet operated Pressure Relief Valve Installation 15/12 Tengerature Relief Valve Installation « 15:19 Rapture Disk installation « . RELIEF DISCHARGE SYSTEM... 0+. 1é.1 Discharge co Atmosphere... 16.2 Discharge co Flare of Other Closed System... 16.2 Pemissiple pack Pressure on Pressure Relief Valves. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY FOR DETERMINING RELIEF LOAD FOR PRV SIZING. ADA Generad eee 2712. Relief Load Causes - 1713. Efgect of Instrumentation. ATM Effect of Liquid Surge Tine. 5 6 spring Setting (Cold Differential Test Pressure! 3013 2 pec 97 18 a. RELIEF LOAD FOR PRY SIZING FOR UNBALANCED VABORIEATION 181 General . 18.2. Physical Properties of Relief Vapors 1813. caleslation Hethod -. ced 16.4 Computer Spreadsheet Calevlation..... RELIEF LOAD FOR PR SIZING FOR VARICUS CAUSE: 19.1 Genecal . 19.2 Block Valve Nisoperation 19.3. Check Valve Fsiluce:...- 19.4 Control Vali Misoperat len 19.5 Exchanger Tube Rupture 19.6 Blocked Exits 19.7 Fires 19.8 instrunent Aly Failure. 19.9 Instrument Power Failure sss. 19110 Electric Power Failure 19112 Cooling Water Failure... 19:13 Airfan Cooler Failure |. 19.14 Condensing Duty Failure. 19.15 Reflux Failore 19.16 Absorpent Flow Failures... 19.17 loss of Rebotler Heat 1... : 19118 Rocumilation of Son-Condensabies 19.19 Abnormal Heat Input .----v-en eons 19.20 Abnormal Vapor Input 19.21 Abnormal Chemical Reaction 19.22 Equipment. Shutdown ---.-- 19.23 wydeaulie Expansion Js. l llc 19.24 Enerance of Volatile Liquid. 19125 Combination of Causes ves... UARE LOADS FoR FLARE SYSTEM S12ING 20.1 General 20.2 Effect of Instrumentation on Flare System Flare Loads 20.3 Effect of Autolockouts on Host Input duties. 20.4 Fire Circle Flare Loads... 20.5 Instrunent Air Failure Flaze Loads. 20.6 Instrument Power Failure Flare Loads 20.7 Electric Power Failure Flare Loads 20.8 steam Failure Flare Loads 20.9 Cooling Water Failure Flare Loads 20.10 Combination Cause Flare Loads. 20.11 Flare Line Sizing and Design «..-.- PAGE 3 OF 92 °FEXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING somms K-3015, 4“ ° 52 38 pre 97 OVERERESSURE FROMECTTON ens K-3013 22.1 Summary Znformation ... 7 seated - 8 22.2, Detailed Calculations .20c csi iseosceteoat ann 4 om 69 (@PEYACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT bec 97 OVELPRESSURE PROTECTION ene Kama score This specification defines minimin tochnichl requirements for Overpressure protection, including devermination of relief loads Purchaser specifications This specification contains refe Specifications: 1, Geuscc, “Genera? Conditions ~ General Equipment and Material Specifications” 2. Gems Ari0, “Design of Foundations and steuctures”, snces to the following purchaser 3. GEMS 6-50, “Design of Flare Systane”. 4. GEMS 1-24, “Thera Insulation”. 5. GMS J-10, “Piping ~ Design” 6. GEMS J-20, "Selection and Linitation of Piping Materials” 7. GENS 3-30, “Sowers, Drains, and Paving Arrangement”. 8. GeMs K-20, “Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure Relief 9. GEMS K-40, *Vonting Equipment for Atmospheric Aboveground Storage 20, GEMS K-17D, “Alarms, Shutdoune, Logic, and Sequential systems” 11. GeMs 4-10, “Fireproofing” 12, GEMS M30, “Design of Water Systems for Fire Protection’. 19, GEMS me4o, “Design of Water Spray and Deluge Systens for Fire 14, GEMS T-2M, *Welded Stes) storage Tanks - Material Purchase” 15, P70, “Emergency Isolation and Depressicing Valves". 16. Texaco Refining, “General Instructions for Inapection and Test", 17, Texaco safety & Industrial Hygiene, “Relief Device Meintenance Galdelines™ Purchaser Drawings ‘This specification containe references to the following purchaser Grawinge: 1, 18-1781, "Refinery Gas Flare systems” 2. 35-2468, “Typical Fittings for Spheres” 3. 65-6891, “Vertical Vessel Top Arrangement” 4. 6507257, *Vortical Vessel Platform Arrangenent” 5. 95-8262, “Pomp Piping” 6. 95-9196, "safe venting Zones for Hydrocerbons Vapor Reliet” 7. 98-5157, “instrumentation for Vacuum Breakers". PACE 5 OF 92 (©TEXACD GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COVERPRESSURE PROTECTION ane 3013 7 industry Codes and Standards ‘This specification contains references to the following incustry codes, andafds and publications “Enexgency Relief System Oesign Using OTEAS Technology", AICKE Design Indeitute £of Emecgency Relief Systems, 1992. 2.3.2 American Petroleun Institute (API) 1. ABI RP 520, “Parts Zand IZ ~ Sizing, Selection and Enetaliation of Pressure-Relieving Cevices in Refineries! 2. ABI RP 521, “Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Oepressuring Syscens” 3. APL Std 926, “Flanged Stool Safety-Relief valves” 4. APL RP 576, “Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices: 6. APE std 2000, "Venting Atsospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks". 7. APT Publ 2030, “Guidelines for Application of water Spray Systens for Fice Protection in the Petroleum Industry” 2.3.3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (AS) 1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: 2. Section £, “Power Boilers”. 2. ASME B21.3, “Chenical Plant and eetzoleun Refinery Piping Code 2.2.4 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Protection”, 2. NFPA 66, "Venting of Deflagrations”. 3. NFPA 69, “Explosion Prevention Systens”. 2.3.8 Cocupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 29 CER 1910.168, "Air Receivers” 2.3.6 Other Publications 1. Francis, J.0. and W.E. Shackelton, “A Calculation of Relieving Requirenents in the Critical Region”, 2985 Proceedings = Refining Oepartwent, Volune 64, American Petroleun Ingtitute, Washington, 0.C., pp. 179-182. 2. Sumaria, Vaile, ot. ale, ‘Model To Predict Transient Gonsequences’ ofa Heat’ Exchanger”, pregented at 415 Midyear API Meeting, Los Angeles, ‘Ch, 1976. (GENERAL 1. Pressure reliof valves shall be sized (capscity formulas) and Selected (type, construction, and aaterials) in accordance with Geus K-20. Gens K-20 and this specification aze companion specifications. pace 6 oF 92 (STEXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARDENT pec 97 COVERPRESSURE PROTECTION omg K-33 2. Pressure relief valves and vacuum celie£ valws Coc atnvoplieete Storage tanks shall contorm to GEMS K-#D. 2 for low prossur: ‘Pressure relief valves/and vacuum relief valves Storage tants, up £019 peig cesign pressure, shall conform £0, Standard 2000: 4. Flare Lines, flare druns, and flares shall be designed in accordance with GENS 650. Pressure relieving systens shall be designed in ascordance with the Following, 26 moaified by GES K-30, GEMS K-20 and GEMS 6-50. a. API RE §20, Parts t and IT b. RPI RP 521. fc. ARPE Standard 2000. 2. ASHE Bosler and Pressure Ves fe. ASME 831.3 Pressure relief valves shall be inspacted and tested per! el Code, Sections 1 and vItT. > Refining, “General Instructions for Inspection and ©. Texaco Safety 6 Industrial Hygione, "Relief Davice Maintenance 7. Ef owner specifications do not conform to industry codes and ‘Standasde, omer shail be notified 1. Standard sefinitions ere specified in GE4SGC. 2. Definitions of many terms in this specification ars included in API RP 20, Part I, and ABE RP 521. 3. Definitsons as used in this specification shall be as given in the fellowing alphabetical 1iet. The ASME Code defines maximum allowsble Secunulst ons for operating contingencies and fire contingencies. Reter to section 12 Condition to stop process streans, utility streams, and/or ‘mechanical equipment chat contrisute tos relief isa. Thia Unstranentation usually requires manual reset. Aa example is trip of fusl ges to a fired ceboiiler on high toner prossare. 6. Autostart ~ Automatic instruentation that decreases relief load by starting wp standby equipment if normally operatine equipment Geases to function” This insteusentation vavelly sequstes manual reset. For example, autonatic seartup of & steam ecrbine drive spare reflux pomp. 7 ptensure felled fave, pace 7 oF 92 ‘STEXACD GENERAL, ENGINEERING DEPARMGENT bec 97 20. a 12. a u. as a6. 1. 19. Balanced Bellows Pressure Relief Valve - Spring loaded pressure Pellet valve with an internal bellows to mininize effect of back Btenauce on opening peesaute, Closing presrure, end relieving Blowdown - Difference between sat pressure and closing eressure of a pressure relief valve, exprsssed either aa percent ef set Pressure or in pounds per square inch. Refer to Section 10. Built-Up Back Pressure - The Snorease in back pressure at pressure Felief valve outlet that develops aa the result of the pressure Eelief valve flow after se opens: Closing Preseare ~ Value of the decreasing inlet pr 3 presture relief valve recloses. cold oifferenssal Test Pressure ~ Pressure to which a pressure Selieg valve is adjosted to open on test stand, Cold differential est pressure nay differ from set pressure because it may include Sorsestions for service conditions of temperature oF mininUn Superinpased back pressure or both. Conventional Pressure Relief Valve ~ Spring loaded prassire relief Welve without an internal Bellows: Performance characteristics {opening peessure, closing pressure, and relieving capacity) are digectly aétected’ by changes in back pressure on the valve Design Pressure - Pressure, in pounds per square inch gaye, used in design of the vessel. Also’ see WARP. Maximum Allowable Accumulated Pressure ~ Su of MANP and maximum ‘llouable accumslatson Refer to Section 12 Yaxinun Alloweble Working Pressure (MAKE) - Maxinun gage pressure Deraiseible at the top of a completed Yensel in its operating Position tor t designated temperature. This pressure ia based on Eaiculations for each element in a vessel using nominal thicknesses, exclusive of acditional netal thickhess allowed for Corrosion and losdings other than pressure. MANP is stated on the Seesel ASME cede stonp and is the basis for the set pressure of pressure relief valves chat protect ehe vessel. MAW? 15 generally, equal to, or slightly nore than, design pressure. Waxtmun Superinposed Back Pressure - Maxinun value of superimposed Dack pressure on an unopened prossure Telief velve at tine valve 15 Eequived to operate. In flare systens, such pressure rescits {vom flow from other pressure relief valves and other flaring. Minima Superimposed Back Pressure - Minimum value of gurerineosed Deck pressure on an nopened pressure relief valve at tire valve is Fequired to operate. this velve is nocmaily taken as zere for pressure relief valves that discharge to atmosphere or flare Systens with a-minim back pressure of not more than 2 psig. Tr Gin be a” significant value St pressure relief valve dischazges inte Non-ormal Device (WD) ~ A non-normal automatic instrumentation systen, typically an autolockout or autostart, that 1s designed to Einetion Sely aufing an abnormal situation to prevent or decrease zeliet load sore at which pace @ oF 92 (©TEXACO GENERAL, ENOINEERING DEPARTMENT bec 97 2 2 2 2. 26. 2, at ovinpnssimn PROTECTION sens K-ab13 Non-Woreal Instrumentation ~ an automatic instrumentation systes Sesignes to function enly using sn abnormal situation. Iv includes MWDs" (see 19, above! shutdown ezips, ete Opening Pressure ~ Value of increasing inlet static pressure at hich a pesssure Feller valve opens of begins to open. Opening Pressure of s conventional pressure relie! valve veries with Ghanges in superinposed back pressure Operating Pressure - Gage pressure at which equipment is normally operated: overpressure ~ Pressure increase of vessel over set pressure of pressure relief valve, expressed either a= 9 percent of se pressure or in pounds per square inch. Overpressure i same a3 Sccomuistion if pressure relief valve ie set at vessel MANE Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valve ~ Pressure relief valve in wich main valve 1s combined with and is controlled by sh auxiliary pilot valve Pressure Relief Device - Cenecal tech that defines pressure reltet valves and rupture disks. Pressure Relief Valve - General term used for pressure rellet devices waich reclose when system pressure returns to normal Pressure relief vaives include both spring loaded type ana pilot operated type. The following terns are often used for pressure a. PRY = Pressure Relief Valve. b. PSV ~ Pressure Safety Valve. c. RV ~ Relief Valve . SRY ~ Safety Reiter Velve fe. Sv ~ Safety Valve. 1. TRV ~ Tonporature Relief valve. 4. TSV ~ Temperature Safety Valve. Pressure Safety Valve ~ Alternate term with sane meaning as pressure relief valve: Retief Vaive ~ Spring loaded pressure relief valve designed for Liguia service. Relief valves typicslly open progeessively a the inlet pressure Ancreaser over opening pressure. Rupture Disk = Non-reciosing, differential pressure relief device designed to function by bursting a pressure coneaining ropture Gisk: Assembly includes a rupture disk and a rupture disk holder. rupture disk at which rupture disk ts designed to burst at = Specified disk tenperoture, It is derived fren destructive tests on Stch rupture disk lot, performed ae time of manufacture. Borse Pressure and specified Gisk temperature are staaped on rupture disk Tontification tag. ASME Code states that specified disk temperature supplied to rupture disk manufacturer shall be the expected temperature of disk during an energency condition when | disk 1s expected co burst. Rupture Disk Manufacturing Range ~ Pressure range agreed upon Detween purchaser and rupture disk manufacturer in which stamped burst pressure most Lie. Standard manufacturing range offered 5Y rupture disk manufacturers loa function of rupture disk type and Poe 9 oF 92 (OTEIAGO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTNT one 97 8.2 ovenpmessuRe PROTECTION cons K-3013 burst pressure. A smaller sanutacturing range may be available, Soatines at aa increases cose. 32. Safety Relief Valve ~ Spring loaded pressure relief valve that ney be used either ara safety valve in gas oF vapor service or a5 3 Pelise valve ia Liquid service. 33, Satety Valve ~ Spring losded presgure relief valve designed for gas or vapor service. Safety valves are characterized by rapid full Spening oF pop action: 34, Set Pressure ~ Inlet gage pressure at which pressure relief valve {S'set'to open under Service conditions. Sot pressure is single Yelue of intended opening pressure and as such is inéependent of Superimposed bact pressure, Refer to Section 3, See opening pressure 35, Superinposed Bact Pressure ~ static pressure existing at outlet of Unopened pressuse relief valve at the time the valve is required to operate, Superimposed back pressure is result of pressure in Sischaege system from other sources and may be constant or Gartable, Se maximum superimposed back pressure and minimum ‘Nperimposed bace pressure 36. Temperature Relief Valve ~ spring loaded pressure relief valve Seslgned for the snail Iiquia zeitef caused by liquid expansion Feauleing from temperatare increase. 37. Temperature Safety Valve - Alternate term with sane meaning as Temperature relief valve PRESSURE RELIEP VALVE LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Unless specified otherwise, pressure relict valves shall be provided sf equipment design pressure can be exceeded, Prossure vessels shall have pressure relief valves: Pressure relief valves are normally located on the vessel. Pressure relief valves may be located on interconnected equipment. For example, # pressure zelicf veive on a fractionator may, with a proper design, also protect side stripper and reflux drum. 4. Pressure relief valves may be eliainated from a vessel for either Of the followlag cases 1a, Pressure relief valve protection via interconnected equipment per Section 58.2 b. Continuously open vant of adequate size per Section 5.8.2 Heat Exchangers 1. Temperature relief valves for blecked-in Liquid thermal expansion Shall conform to Section 6. 2. Pressure eeliet for exchanger tube rupture shall conform te Section iss. 3. For external fire refer to Section 5.8.3. 4. Haat exchangers shall have pressure relief valves if subject to Qvespressure by onuses other than those in parageaphs 1.) 2., and Si above. pace 10 oF 92 (@REXACO GENERAL ENCINGERING DEPARTMENT mec 97 COVERPRESSURE PROTECTION gens K-2013 5. Pressure relief valves for heat exchangers are often located on interconnected equipment. for exanple, # pressure relict valve on 2 Etactionator may, with a proper design, also protect feed exchanger, rebolier, and condenser 6. Pressure relief valves nay be eliminated from a neat exchanger if it has pressure Fellet, valve protection via interconnected equipment per Section 5-8-1 1. Fixed neaters stall have pressure relief valves: 2. Normelly, presgure relief valves for fired heaters are located on Sounstrean' equipment for example, a pressure relief valve on = Fractionator say, with 2 proper design, also protect fired Feboiler: this 1s permissible if the path from the fired heater to pressure relies valve: 8. Contains no valves. bs Contains only locked open valves ©. Contains check valve in heater outlet teanafer Line 4. Contains renote operated OP-70 emergency valve with only one Sperating station st a bP-70 contol panel that haa # Lackout device leh padlock and sey ands sigh "00 NOT CLOSE EXCEET fe. Contains a combination of the above items Additional requirements are given in Section 5.8.1 3. In all other cases, pressure relief valve shall be located on fired heater directly connected piping. Stean Boiler systens Equipment subject to ASME Code, Section I, shall have pressure relief valves specified by thet coves Piping 1. Pressure relief for piping shall conform to ASME 531.3. 2. Tesperature relief valves for blocked-in Liquid thermal expansion Shall conform eo section 6. 3. Pressure relief for exchanger tube rupture shall conform to Section 355 4. For external fire refer to Section 5.8.3. 5. Piping subject te overpressure by causes other than those ia paragraphs 2., S.y anc 4. above shail have pressure relief valves Eeipressure can exceed 4. Piping short term pressure rating permitted by ASHE 831.9 paragraph 302.2-4 b, Piping design pressure 1¢ short term pressure rating ts not permiscinie or if tine Linit may be exceeded. 6. The following piping systens, if subject to pressure in excess of that specified in paragraph 5. above, shall have pressure relief Downstream of steam reducing valves. b. Downstream of restriction orifices. ‘€TRXAGO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT pec 97 ‘OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION cans K-3013 cc. Downstream of upstream of control valves, assumiag that Contsol valve cold move to either open ox closed position 4. Downstream or upstream of block valves, assuming that block falve could be moved t0. open oF closed position, except for UScked valves, which shal! be sssuned to renain in their Tecked pesitions: Pressure celiet valves for piping maybe located on piping oF on [Neerconnested equipment per Section $.8.1 5.7 Rotating and Mechanéeal Equipaent relief valves shall be provided on the:discharge of positive displacement pumps. Pressure relief valves shall be provided on the gischarge of each Hage of positive dlaplacenene- conpressors 11 be provided on the: discharge, of ns of the (Soharse 2 sEsign pressure of the contri‘ugel pune aiseharge ‘SYatGn"ahaal normally be set adequately nigh to avoid the need for pressive relief valver the astinun dischacge pressure” shalt Jobluae censideratlon Snalviauatly of the following type single Stopasdy conditions where vhey az¢ appropriate, and, also 2eqbldetation of combinations of these conditions where they are Srpected to sctuc siaultanecusly. norsally, multipte sf these, and Sohctines sll, conditions may cecur stmuitanecusiy and therefore Should Be considered in coaplnation. a. Maximum pressure at the pump suction flange. Where appropriate Constaee’ the followings (1) ‘The suction system pressure relief valve at ite set (2) Maximum Iéquld Level in the punp suction syszen. (9) Maximum ahutofé supply pressure fron a suction booster b. Maxim Liguid deosity, such ag reavlts from the Lowest °APT snd/or coldest punpage’ anticipates c. Maximum pump head at low oF no flow. Base this of the smanufactsrers puso curve forthe purchased. impeller diameter, fit consiceratfon nay need eo be given co. future changwout £0 the saninun inpelles eaneter. 2f°punp haa net yt Desh furchaaed assupe that the naxinin punp head 1s 200 of the frp design heed. 4. Marinun speed, such as at naxinn of speed contrel range Note that the short term pressure rating of discharge piping may be hbsed instead of design pressure only for short tern conditions withsa the time Limits of ASME 831.3 parageaph 302,2.4. This 1s TyplceLly Limited to suction systen pressure relief valve at its Sek pressure (ase as (1) above), and to driver at overspeed trip Setting (see 6. above) - Pressure relief valves shall be provided on the discharge of Centeifugal conpressors only if the maximon discharge presavre 9 Aigner than the design pressure of the compressor casing, discharge piping or dischacge equipnent. The design pressure of the Eehtrifugal conpeesso! dlacharge system shall normaily be set Pace 12 oF 92 (eUEXACD GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARIMENT bee 97 OVERPRESSURE PROTECTTON cans K-3013 adequately high to avoid the need for 2 pressure relief valve. the IRewimum discharge pressure shell include’ consideration individually Of the following type single jespsedy conditions where they are Sepeopeiste, and also consideration of combinations of these’ Gonditions there they are expected to occur simultaneously Noessily, muitiple of these, ang sometines ali, conditions may Sesur simultaneously and chérefore should be considered in Senbination a. Maximum pressure at the compressor suction flange, such as Mith the suction systen pressure relief valve at its set pressure Maximum gos density, such as results fron the highest Rolecular weight and/or coldest inlet tenperacure anticipated. fe. Maximum compressor head at lew ox no flow. Base this on the anufacturers compressor curve 1d. Maximum speed, such as at mazinun of speed control range Note that the short term pressure rating of discharge piping my be Used instead of design pressure only for short term conditions stitnin'the tine Limits of ASME 932-3 paragraph $02,2.4. This is typleatly Linttad to suction system pressure relic’ valve at its et pressure (see a. above), and to ariver at overspeed trip Setting (see 4. above) - Pressure zelief valves shall be provided on steam curbine exhaust Lines that nay be blocked, unless the stean turbine casing and Gxhsust Line ase designed’ for the inlet steam supply pressure. Pressure relief valves shall be provided on gas expander exhaust Eines chat may be blocked, unless the gas expander and exhaust Line are designed for the intet gas supply pressure Pressure relief valves shall be provided on hydraulic turbine outlet Lines that aay be slocked, unless the hydraulic turbine and Cutist Line are designed for the anlet Liquid supply pressure. Gas turbine exhaust Lines thet may be blocked off shall have pressure relic! valves If design Pressure can be exceeded 5.8 Looations Not Requiring Pressure Relief Valve 1 Interconnected Protected Systen Equipment and piping protected by a pressure relief valve on interconnected equipment shall not require its own pressure Fellef valve. Refer to Aopeadix B of API RP 520, Part. The Interconnected protected system shall conform to the following: 1. Interconnect ing piping between protected equipment and pressure relief valve shall be free of Block valves, {except those locked open), control valves, and equipment that hay fail or atop in'a’ closed or restrictive position, 2. Relieving capacity of pressure relief valve shall be equal fo, or nore than, total relief load of entire protected system for each relist case: 3. For each relief case, no piece of protected equipnent shail exceed ite MAN (Waxinun Allowable Working Pressure), snd no piping shall exceed its design pressure, prior t9 pressure Peiief vaive reaching its set pressure, 4. Protected equipnent and piping upstrean of pressure felist valve location shell have MANE or design PAGE 13 oF 92 (@REYACD GENERAL ENGINEERING OEPARIMENT pee 97 OmRORESSURE. PROTECTION ENS K-SD13, pressure sufficiently higher than pressure relict = @ Valve set pressure eo account for maxamin aysten pressure drop between protected upstream Equipment /piping and pressure rellef valve locat{on. b, Protected equipment and piping downstream of pressure Felief valve location shall have MANE or design pressure at Lesat equal to prsssuse relief valve sot Pressure to account for mlninun pressure drop of 2ef0 {for no flow 4. For each relief case, no piece of protected equipmen: shell exceed its aaxinu allowable accumulated pressure, anc no piping shall exceed sta shore term pressure citing er ASME 831-3, considering the flow rate and pressuse Pretile expected uring relief. This shall be with aarinum Sllowable secunolated pressure on the vessel where the pressure relief valve La located. Continusuely Open Vent 2. Byuigment stil? sou ceqsize a pressure relies valve ic ic has a continuously open vent of adequate size to prevent excvsding naxinun allowable sccunalates preseure Suring Shon relier cave’ 2. Open vents include vents to atmosphere and vents to flare. Maximum flare system back pressure, at vent tie-in Tocation, shail not exceed equipment MAKE. 3. Open vent may have Locked open Block valve 5.8.3 External Fire Exposure e The following equipment itens shall be protected by pressure Feliof valves as requires olseunere in Section s., it shell fot require separete pressure relief valves only for external Fire exposure: 1. Piping. 2. Pumps. 3. Heat exchangers. 4. Smait equipment itens, including filter: cubic feet of internal volume. of Less than 100 [TEYGERATURE RELIEF VALVE LOCANION REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Blocked in Liquid Thermal Expansion 1. Liquid filied piping or equipment that can be blocked in and ‘exposed to heat source other than fice shall have temperature Felief vaive for blocked in Liguid thermal expansion, 2, Blocking in can be caused by any combination of closing of block velves {except those locked open), check valves, and control velves 3. Tf tonperaturs of nest source is high enough to cause vaporization of Liquid’ st naxinan allowable accumulated pressure, equipment Shall have pressure relief velve rather than temperature feliet 4. teat sources :0 be considered includ 4. Heat tracing on Liquid filled piping or equipment. PAGE 14 oF 92 (©FEYACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT bec 97 OvERDRESSURE YROTECTTON ems K-3013 bb. Ambient temperature hest input to piping or equipnent filled with refrigerated Liquid, cc. Sun radiant heat input to exposed, Liquid filled Lines greater fhan 100 feet in lesgch in offeite areas, such es tank farms, Joading racks, and docks: 4. Heat exchange to Liquid filled, cold side of heat exchangers fe. Heat exchange to water side of mechanical equipment cooling systems, inclusing (1) Conpesssor uater jackets. (2) Engine water jackets. (3) Pump seal oil coolers, tocations Not Requiring Teaperature Relief Valve 1. Pedestal or gland water piping for pumps, compressors, blowers, oF Steam turbines shell not require eenperacure relief valves. Liquid filled, not side of heat exchangers except when heat traced or handling # refeigerated Liquid. [RUPERE DISK USAGE conerat 1. Ose of rupture disks and other non-reclosing pressure relief Seviges shall be minimized. 2, Use of rupture disks and other non-reclosing pressure relief Seviges require written omer approval. Meny afferent types of rupture disks exist. Each has significantly: Gielerent characteristice. the rupture disk manufacturer shall be Ghnacited fo determine the proper type of rupture Gisk for the Spocitic application. Refer to GENS K-20. Rupture disks shall be avoided in services in which pressure 6s paisating 5, Rupture disks shall be avoided in Liquid 6. Rupture disks shail be designed and installed in accordance with Segtion 1513 and in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, paragraph 0-127 muptuce Disk Disadvantages 1. Rupture disks do not eaclose Like pressure relief valves Eebuies in coneineing relief until the protected system is Senpletely depressured, 2. Rupture disks are disposable. Rupture disk must be ssolazed, Eehoved and replaced after each relief. 3. Rupture disks must not be subjected to significant superinposed Back pressure since they burst basis differential pressure. mis Stamped burst pressure of a rupture disk is: a. Non-adjustable. b. Established por ASME Code, Section VIII, by destructive tests On rupture disk lot, performed at tine of manufacture, page if oF 92 bec $7 ovmReRESSURE PROTECTION mas K-3013 5. Tk may be difficult co purchase a rupture disk stomped for 9 specific burst pressure. instead, manusacturers typieally supply eupture disks with a stamped burst pressure within a mandtacturing Eange that nay be 108 or nore read! ©. Manufacturing range of rupture disk increases cost of protected equipment by Increasing the needed design pressure so Ehat 2. Rupture disk with stanped burst pressure at maximun value of manufacturing range does not exceed ene equipment, MANE. », Ropture disk with stamped burst pressure at minimum value of fmanufacturing range meets the margin above naxiaum operating pressure reqsired in Section 971 For example, with a 10% manufacturing range it is generally necessary to increase equipment design pressure by 10h. compared to srupture disk purchased weh sero manufacturing range 7. Many rupture disk types zequire a much larger margin between ‘operating pressure ana burst pressure than the margin needed for Pressure celior valves. This increases the needed design pressure Ervine protected equipwent 8. Operating tenperature of rupture disk must be considered as follows 4. Operating temperature of rupture disk has @ significant effect on actual burst pressure b, Rupture disk operating temperature shall be specified for purchasing ©. Since rupture disk {2 located in non-flowing piping connaction, rupture disk tonperatuce 1a not accerately Predictable and is not conscant for ali eabient venperatures nd ail operating nodes, such a2 start-up 4d. Variation in conperature fron that specified will coapromise sctual burst pressure. ©. Rupture disk installation nay requize insulation to stabilize 9. Rupture disks can be tested for burst pressure only by destructive Lesting. Effects of in-service usage may not be apparent, unless rupture disks are destructively treated and replaced ons periodic baste 10, Te a rupture disk is installed on intet to a pressure celicf valve, the pressure betweon the two itens must be monitored because © pin hole! Lesk in rupture disk may prevent relie! in an overpressure, ‘situation. Rupture Disk Applications Rupture disks shall be considered in the following applications: 1. Very rapid pressure buildup can not be handled by the slower response tine of pressure relief valve, Exanples include hydraulic transients, exchanger tube rupture, and very rapid Chemical reactions Chemical reactors whore depressurization is desired, of where Liquid dumping from the Botton is desired. 3. In series with pressure relief valves if valve leakage would be 2 Problen, and a Soft seated, tight shut-off pressure relief valve Ls hot acceptable. (CTEXACD GENERAL, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT bee 97 cumppersstm® paarnerront Gens K-2013 a 4. tn geries with pressure relief vaives for protection of pressure felief valve fron excessive corrosion oF fouling, unless. purging Rupture Disk Alone Rupture disks alone shell be considered only for these situations outlined sn Section 7-3, paragraphs 1- and 2. Rupture Disk on Inlet to Pressure Relief Valve 1. Rupture disks shall be considered for installation in inet piping teva presause relief valve only for those situations ourlined in Section 1-3, paragraphs 1s, 3. and ¢ 2. Rupture disks installed on inlets to pressure relief valves shall have a non-feagnenting design: 3. Rupture disks installed on inlets to pressure relief valves shalt hneet ASME Code, Section VIII requirements, per Section 19.13, 3. Wonitoring of pressure between rupture disk and pressure Setiet waive: b. Capacity derating. Separate nameplate data markings for rupture aisk, tor pressure relief valve, and for the combination: Rupture Disk on Discharge froa Pressure Relief Valve 1. Rupture disks shall be considered for installation in discharge piping fron s pressure relict valve only for those situations Cutlined in Section 7.3, paragraphs 3. and 4. A pressure relief valve discharging to atmosphere may have a Tupture disk installed in the discharge Line to avoid Leakage to Sthosphere. A locked open vent to flare shail be installed Between preseure relief valve and rupture disk per Section 15.13, paragraph 5 mopture Disk in Parallel with Pressure Relief Valve 1. Rupture disks shall be considered for installation in parallel with Pressure relief valves only if two stage Folie! is needed: Presoure relief vaive shail have an adequately lower set pressure and shall be able to handle nost relief cases without bursting rupture disk. 3. Ruptuce disk shall burst only for those situations outlined in Section 7.3, paragraphs 1. and 2. Rupture Pin Relief Devices Rupture pin relief devices are siniler in function to a rupture disk in that they do not reclose after relief. They open basis the collapse of 2 Fed in eoapesssion. ‘Their application, se compared to rupture disks, is ae followes 1. Both can be used for relief protection of ASME Code ve 2. Rupture pin relief devices are generally nore expensive, 43. Rupture pin relief devices can normally be purchased to any ‘specified set pressure 4. The opening pressure of a rupture pin rellef device is unaffected by the operating tesperature of the process. 1s PAGE 17 OF 92 pec 97 (OVERERESSURE PROTECTION ems K-2013 5. The requized margin between operating pressure and set pressure is @ Generally tess for rupture pin relied devices 6. After relief it is much easier, quicker end less costly to replace the element and resume the nornal reliet protection. This is done by replacing the external rupture pin, wnicn does not require Eolating and opening the devices whereas rupture disks require isolation and disessenbly for replacenent of the disk. 8. VACUUM RELTE PROMECETON 8. General 1, Consideration shail be given to designing equipment for vacuum to ivold need for Vacuum reliet protection. 2. Yacuun relief protection, if required per Section 8.2, shal] be provided by a vacuum brosker/preventer’ systen, by 2 vacuum relief Nalvey or By both. 1s of any type that admit air into equipment iateriais shall not be 3. Yacuum elie vals Containing hydrocarbons or other flaumable permitted, except as outlined in Section 8.6 4, Yacuum relief protection for equipment containing flamabies shall rormaliy be By means Of a vaculin beeakes/pearentce systen per Section 8.3, paragraphs 2. and 3. 5. Vacuum relief protection systems shall have set pressures and accumilations Such that equipment design external pressure ie never Violated, either before or during relief. If a vacuum treater/preventer system and vacuum relict valve are both provided, @ settings shall be such that vacuum bresker/proventer becomes fully Gporational prior t0 vecusn relie? valve opening. 9.2 Vacuum Relief Required 1. Byuipnont not designed to withstand the maximum vacuum resulting fon an occurrence shall have vacwun felief protection against such 2, the following occurrences shall be included anong those considered ‘DE vacuum eliee provection a. Bquipsent operating under partial vacuun. bgulpmant on suction of compressors, vacuin pinps, or c: Bquipnent containing steam or stripping steam. As an exception, vacuum relief protection shell not be required if Stean is used solely for Steanost during startup oF shutdown, whore vacuun relief protection shall instead be achieved by Inplenenting operating proceduces on proper steanout mechos 4. Equipnent containing vapors that may condense at anbient temperatures to liquids with Vapor pressures Less than 16.7 pala + Eyutppent with Liquid puspout where Liquid has vapor pressure less than 14-7 pose at minimum operating temperature. No credit shell ‘be taten for dissolved gases in determining Tiguld vapor pressure f. Atmospheric storage tanks with fixed roofs require vacuum e Felief protection per GENS K-tD page 18 oF 02 (@TEXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTENT OVERERESSURE PROTECETON ens x-3013 3: tow pressure storage tanks, spheres, and spheroids require vacuum gelief protection fegardiess of nornal fluid vapor 8.3 Vacuum Brotker/Praventer Systens Process unit squipnent requiring vacuum reixet protection per Section #12 shall be protected by @ vacuum Broaker/preventer system. Vacuum breaker/preventer systens shall use a reliable source of Ges, such as natural gas, through a fail open control valve SSeletea by a very teliable control systen, such as shown in Beawire 98°9197. Set peint may either be at a slight positive prassure to act as & Vacour preventer, or a a slight vacuum to act as a vacuum breaker. 8.4 Vacuum Relief Valves 8.4.2 Generat ‘Vacuum relief valves that admit air to equipment containing amaables shall not be used without written owner approval 8.4.2 Atmospheric Storage Tanks 1. Atmosphesse storage tanks with fixed rvofs shall have Tocuun relied protection per GERS K-40 that generally Consists of open vents ex prassure-vacaum vent. valve Gepending on service of eanks 2. Storage tanks shall not operate with vipor-elr atzospheres An Flammable range. 3. Intermediate vapor pressure flamable Siguids, that would normally have vaporvait atnospheres in flammable range, Shall normally be protectsa by using o-ther: 1a, Floating roof tank per GENS T-1M b, Fixed roof tank with blankot gas systen in addition to prossure-vacwim vent valve: 9.4.3 Lew Pressure Storage Tanks up to 15 psig Design Pressure 1. Low prassuce storage tanks shall have vacuum relief valves per RoI Seandara 2000. 2. Tanks containing a flammable Liquid or Liquefied flammable Gee, aheil have a vacuan Droaker/preventer syaten that Sanite gee prior to vacuum relief valve admitting alr. 8.4.4 Pressure Storage Tanks Above 15 psig Design Pressure 1. TE not designed for full vacuum, storage spheres and Egheroids shail have vacuum relief valves per Drawing 35- ae. 2. A vacuum breaker/preventer systen that adnits gas prior to Vacsun elief valve admitting ait, shall be provided if Kenk contains a flammable Liquid or gaz and minima Storage teaperature may result in vapor pressure below ie7'psia. act 19 oF 92 ‘erEiaco GENERAL INGREERING DEDARMENT ‘OveRparssURE PROTECTION ENS K-3013 9, Set PRESSURE 9.1 Margin Above Maximun Operating Pret Pressure relief valves shall have an adequate mazgin between soe pressure and the maximum operating pressure at the pressure celief Valve location, to minimize operation and/or leakage of pressure Felieg valve Normal margin shall be at least 10% of set pressure but not less ‘than 20" pat Applications that require set pressure margins different trom normal are as fellows For set pressures above 1000 psig, margin nay be reduced to be at east’ 7 of set pressure bot set leas than 100 psi- For steam boiler systems, margin above maxinun stean system pressure nay be reduced tobe at least 108 but not Less than s'pst For steam turbine exhaust systens, margin above maxinun funaust steam aysten pressure nay be feduced to not less than Set pressure of pressure relief valves that discharge to a flare systen shall be at Least $0 psig, regardless ef Low cperating pressuce. Therefore, equipment relieving to flare Shall have a design pressure of at least 50 pela. Set pressure of pressure relief valves on pressure storage tanks, such as butane spheres and propane bullets, shalt not Be'lese than vapor pressure of Liguis at maximum anticipated storage temperature or 115°, whichever is greater. See note in Paragzaph Us-125 (6) (3) (d) of ASHE Code, Section VIII Set pressure of pressure relief valves installed on discharges 9 reciprocating’ pumps and compressors shall have the margin above matimin operating pressure increased to atleast 208, but not Less than #0 pate unless the pressure relief valve 1s Located dowstzean ofa pulsation danpene:. Even then the greater margin may be appropriate. Pressure relief valves on Feciprocating compressor discharges shail be located at least 10 pipe sianetere cownstream of the pulsation danpener- Set pressure of pressure relief valves located domstroa of the following flow turbulence itens shall nave the margin above maximum operating pressure increased to at least 208, but aot less then 40 poi, unless the pressure relief vaive is Tocated at least 10 pipe dianeters downstream (2) control valves (2) orktice plates (3) Tarottiing devices (4) Piping elt oF tee with velocity above 150 feet per second prior to opening of the pressure relief valve, Set pressure of pressure relief valves on liquid filled equipment shali be adequately high to prevent Liquid reliet Zor Blocked exit cases, Normally, this shail be accomplished by having a set pressure that ig at least 58 higher than aximun supply pressure of any feed strean. This shall include Consideration of maximum shutoff pressure of any feed stream pace 20 oF 92 pic #7 CovievsuesSURE PROTECTION ins K-3013 92 conteitugal pusp per Section 5.7, paragzaph 3. Future retrofic Sf'the centelfagel punp with a mexinum diaretar inpoller may Siso need eo be considered L. Set pressure of a pressure rolief valve located on an Untebconnected equipment system shall contorm eo the following (2) Shall be adequately below the HANP of upstream equipnont in the interconnected systen so that the requirenent of Section 5.8-1y paragraph 3a is aet (2) Shall not be above the MAWP of dounstream equipment in the interconnected aysten so that the requirement of section Ster1, paragraph 3-b is met (3) Shall be at least S$ above the systen settling-out pressure that results when the system is tripped to a no Elon condition: for example, lose of recycle compressor in a hydrotreater seacter eiredit. Refer to API RP'520, Part E, "Appendix &. J. For the special case of a conventional type pressure relict valve used for differential pressure relief, the spring fetting of the pressure relief valve shall be at least 1108 of, the macinun operating differential pressure beween the tie-in Iocationa of the pressure relief vaive inlet snd cischacge Refer also to Section 9.2, paragraph 10.d., and to Secticn 5:6, paragraph 2. Margin between maxisum operating pressure and burst pressure on Toplore Sisk protected aystens nay nees to be considerably greater than 104, depending on typs of rupture disk. Rupture disks shall be Selected’ dn accordance with Section 7- Pressure Relief Valve Sat Pressure Set pressure of pressure relief valves shall not exceed MAP of Squipment, except 25. follovs: 1. TE MAWP Le not known, set pressure shall not exceed equipment Gesign pressure. 2. If multiple pressure relief valves are installed to provide total Eequired relieving capacity, only one valve shall be set at MAP. Reasining valve(s) shall be’ set at 105% of MAN? (1038 for ASME Code, Section I, Boilers). If feasible to do so without increasing husbér of pressure relief valves, tho different pressure relief Jaive sizes shall be used, with smaller valve opening before larger (ives) “ceaggerad ast prasanras and smaller valve opening first Will" alnimize the peocest upsets che amount relieved; and che Potential for valve damage. 3. Set pesssure for piping shall not exceed 908 of piping short tern pressure rating per ACHE BIl-3 paragraph 3022.4. If a short term Pressure rating fe not permissible, set preasure shall not exceed Piping design pressuse. Reger to section 9-3, paragraph 2., for the Epeciai case of set pressure of tesperature rolief vaive provides $n ligula thermal expansion in blocked-ia piping. 4. Sot prossure for special equipnant and special piping items, such 25 a'bellows expansion Joint, shall not exceed ts design pressure. 5. Ifa pressure relief valve protects interconnected equipment, the Eet presause anall be auch that so equipment exceeds its HANP, and fo piping exceads its design pressure, prior to the pressure relief PAGE 21 oF 62 (OTEYACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ‘ovenenseeme moneceroit eas «3013 valve reaching its set pressure. Determination shell consider Syston pressure crop as outlined in Section 3-8-1, paragzap 3. f. 164 pressure relief valve inlet line is expected to be filled with Ligusa, the set pressure shall be adjusted for the static head of the elevation aifterence. 7. For pumps and compressors, sot pressure plus 10% overpressure shall ot excned pressure that would cause’ 42. Electrical motor driver to trip current overload protection b. Mechanical overload or high operating temperature damage: &, ereosuze zelief valves installed on fired heater outlets for Eonaitions, heater flow is not reguced ro less shan 304 of esign Flow, considering system hydraulics, unless heazer firing in automatically tripped on low flow, or calculations show shat the Tower flow will not result in a heater tube rupture. jpture shall have 9. Pressure relief valves for heat exchanger tuse ‘set pressures as determined in Section 15.5. 10. Pressure relief valves may nave a lower sot pressure than HAK®, such as in one of the following special circumstances. However, the Eesulting eet pressure shall not be allows to inseinge spon the hargin above operating pressure specified in section 9-1 a. IE it is desired to have the pressure relief valve open in preference to another pressure relief valve at a aifferant Tocation in the system: For example, for the reasons given in Section 15.3.3, it is desirable to set a fractlonating ‘over pressure réliet vaive st a loner pressure than pressure relief Yalve on tower reflux deur, which nay be required for fire if there 9 2 valve between tower end reflux drum. b. If two stages of relief are desired, where only very lazge Fellef load eases will open the secend stage of relief wth Gltier 2 different ‘routing, such es to atmorphere, oF a2 Seasribed in Section 3-7 c.f needed in chenical reactive systens to deal with temperature runaway reactions. Refer to AICHE DIERS book 4. If a conventional type pressure relief valve is used for ditlerential pressure relie! protection. For this, the pressure relief valve spring setting shall provide Sitferentisl pressure relies protection as follows: (2) Spring setting shall not exceed MAWP minus maximun superinposed back pressure. (2) spring setting shall not exceed 1108 MANE minus maximum Back pressure during reliet LI, In atl cases, set pressure plus overpressure shall not exceed naxinun allowable Secunulsted pressure 12. In all cases in which piping ie being protected, set pressure plus overpresiure shall not excond piping short term pressure rating per ASME 8313 paragraph 302.24 Temperature Relief Valve Set Pressure 1, set pressure of temperature relief valves protecting equieaent shail not exceed ANP of equipment. ace 92 oF 02 (@TEXACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARMARNT rec 57 oa COVERPRESSURE PROTECTION ENS K-3013 2. Sot pressure of temperature relief valves protecting piping shell hot exceed 120 percene of the piping design pressure, a5 required By the ASHE 651°3 Piping Code 3. Ifa temperature relief valve protects equipment plus associated piping, ser pressore shall be set by whichever item 5 Limiting. 4. For the special case of using a conventional type tenperatre felist valve around a block valve in offsite piping (per saction 18.12, paragraph 5.d.}, the spring setting shall meet the Feguifenents of section 9.1, ‘paragraph 2-1. and Section 9.2, 1. Borst pressure of rupture disks shall be considered the aqsivalent term to set pressure of pressure relief valves, except Lf aininun Superimposed back pressure on rupture disk is sot zero. 2. Burst prassure of rupture disks shall conform to same requ:renents fs those for sat pressure of pressure relief valves specified in Section 9.2, except as follows A. Busse pressure of rupture disks shall not exceed MANP of eguignent, except for multiple pressure relief devices, which Shall have pressure settings per Section 9.2, paragrapi 2 b, Maximun burst pressure of rupture disk manufacturing range Shall not exceed Linits specified in Section 9.2- ¢. Minimum burst pressure of rupture disk manufacturing range Shall confors to Section 9.1 for margin abova maximum Sperating pressure. Margin shall conform to recommendations of Popture disk manufsctucer for specific type of rupture disk ne specific application 4. If purchasing a rupture disk, Both manufacturing range (aulowable range of stamped burst pressure) end rupture dick tenperature shall be specified por ASME Code, Section 7111, Perageaph Uce127. Rupture disk Cemperature shall conform tS Section 7.2, paragraph 8. 3. If rupture disk Ls installed on inlet to a pressure relief valve, the set pressure of the pressure relist valvo shall be 95-1008 of the Stanped burst pressure of rupture disk. 4. Ifa rupture disk is ingtalled sn parallel with a pressure relief valve Pressure of rupture disk shall be sufficiently nigher than’ get pressure of pressure relief valve to prevent burst of Eupture disk for reileving cases of pressure relief valve per Section 7.7. Rupture disk burst pressure shall not exceed 105% of ‘esse MAE: Vacuum Relief Valve Set Pressure equipment design oxtarsal pressure ‘Spring Setting (Cold Differential Test Pressure) 1. Spring settings of spring loaded pressure relief valves and Eeeporature reitet vaives are not aivaye equal to set presstre of 2. For a spacial case of a conventional type pressure zeilef valve with a Rinimum superinposed beck pro pring setting shall be equal to the Superinpased back pressure: ace 23 oF 92 ermeaco GNMERAL ENGINEERING DEPARMINT cee 97 a 2. ‘OVERPHESSURE PROTECTION cans k-3013, iso, s spring atting sdjonteent is sontines ovnéed for hish — @ Cold ifferential test pressure sha be determined per CEA K-20 Pressure relief valves for ASHE Code, Section T, equipment shall have blowdovns of (1 of set pressure. ALL other prassuce reliet valves with adjostable blowdowns shall ave blowdouns set at 7% of set pressure. Alternately, blowowns of Th to 108 of set pressure may be specified by plane. Pilot operated pressure reliet valves may have blowdowns reduced £0 BE of set presstre providing that the pilot has a remote pressure ecamla:ion above WM uring retiee shuRLIRSEISWSSSITIOVTOSROMR, tr necumalation for ASME Code, section I, boiler systems shall epee cE alte >. Accumulation for Aa code, Section VIII, pressure vessels peseactec Cy sddedetuapssiusesesifatueeiwbetehaitoressssewws Ge Sikes’ Deopl Infchoe of flze! c+ Recumalation for ASKE Code, section VIEL, pressure vessels rn ee arn oe een tera e Accumulation for piping shalt be as required to nowt Section 12, peregcape se 1 Maximon allowable accumulated pressure is sonetines celled Sllovable relieving presoure: Yaximun allowable accunvlated pressure for equipment is 1108 of MANE, except es, follows: ‘8. Maxinun allowable accumulated pressure for ASME Code, Section Tbotler systems {5 1068 of MANE. b. Maximun allowable accumulated pressure for ASME Code, Section VIET presauce vessels protected by mitiple pressure relief valves 1s 1160 of MANE, except in case of fire. ¢. Maximum oliowable accumulated pressure for ASHE Code, Section VIII pressure vessels during fire relief i¢ 1218 of HAND Maximum allowable accumulated pressure for piping is as follows: a. Piping short term pressure rating permitted by ASME 831.3 paragraph 302.2-4, oF b. If a short term pressure eating 1s not permissible, the axinum allowable accumulated pressure shall be? (1) (208 of piping design pressure, except as allowed in (2) oF (3) below. (2) ase of piping a pressure relief valves ign pressure when protected by quitiple xcept ao allowed in (3) below PAGE 26 OF 92 (Ormco GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARNENT wee 97 a. vnReRESSUNE PROTECTION cms K-13 1214 of [piping design pressure during fire relief. EFFECT OF TREK PRESSURE 13.1 Rffact on pening Prossure conventional Pressure Relief Valves aa a3..3 aaa.s Conventional pressure relief valves open basis Gleeecential pressure across valve Increases in superimposed beck pressure result in equal boi increase in opening pressure. This Limits usefulness EF conventional pressure reliet valves to only those Gpplications which have a relatively anal variation in ‘Superinposed back pressure, |The, vartation in superimposed bact pressure, shall be sroent of aet pressure. If this Liniarion is not observed, conventional pressure Eelisf valve will not opea until after equipment! has exceeded 108 accumulation allowed by ASME Code, except for fhe"Unusual case in which set pressure 15 below WNP. For the special case of a conventional pressure reliet Jalve use for digferential pressure roller: 4. Refer to Section 9.1, paragraph 3.5 relating to premature opening. b. Refer to Section 9.2, paragraph 10.d relating to not opening when required. Balanced Bellows Pressure Relief Valves on balanced bellows pressure relief valves, variations in Superimposed back pressure do not affect opening pressure Pilot operated Pressure Relief Valves On pilot operated pressure zelief valves, variations in Superimposed back presaure do not affect opening pressure, provided pilot 1s selected per Section 14.4, parageaph 5 Ruptare Disks 1 5 Rupture disks burst basis differential pressure across ask. Ruptuse disks have opening prossure characteristics Similar to conventional pressure rollet valves. ‘Section 12.1.1 shall alse be applied to rupture disks. Tesperature Relief Valves ay Tenperature relief valves are generally suall, conventional pressure relief vaives to which Section 13.1.1 applies. 2 aquired by Section 15.12, paragraph 2. oF 5.c. Eenperatuse relief valves shall instead be balanced Detlows type, to whieh Section 13.1-2 splice Rffact on Relieving Capacity Conventional Pressure Relief Valves 13.2.1 Major Limitation ~ suilt-up Back Pressure Exc: Ovarpeessure Page 25 oF 92 (OTEYACO GENERAL ENGINEERING DEPARMGENT pec 97 13.2.2 OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION cons x-3013 a. Relieving capacity of conventional pressure relief valves ig severely reduced 1f boiitvup back pressure exceeds overpressure because this rodeces valve Gitferontial pressure to less than spring setting Refer to Aer Re $20, Pert I, Figure 13. b. This typically results in he vaize rapidly cycling Open ang elostd. Each tine the valve opens) buck pressure sharply increases, which reduces differential Pressure autficiently to begin reclosing valve. Ae [low decceases, back preasure decreases and differential pressure increases sufficiently to reopen Valve. This not only reduces effective valve capacity Dut aiso can cause valve and piping danage/ failure: As specified in Paragraph a (c) of ASHE Cove, Section Wirt, maximim permissible built-up back pressure on Gonvontional pressure relief vaives shall not exceed Tot of set. pressure vhen valve ir relieving gas or vapor at its rated capacity (not calculated systen Feliet load) Ges or Vapor Service 42. In gas or vapor service, relieving capacity of Conventional pressure relief valves is reduced 4¢ back pressure in psia during relief exceeds critical flo Ehroat pressure. The critical flow enrost preasuse can be determined using Bquation (1) of API RP'520, Part Ty and normally is approwinately $58 ef valve inlet absolute relieving pressure in psia. b. Backpressure capecity correction factor £2 shown API RP 520, Pare 1, figure 30. shis factor 4s noreally not applicabie for conventional pressure elie! valves because in most cases back pressure Limits specified in paragraph 1. above are exceeded, which cavses valve to hot romain continuously open. c: This backpressure capacity correction curve is only applicable for convencional pressure relie! valves if Beckprossure Limits of paragraph 1. above are not excosded. This would typically restrict applicability £0 special cases in which sot pressure 2 Less than 15 sig, or in which mininan superinposed back pressure Te noe sero, Liquid Service a. Liquid relfeving capacity is affected by back pressure dufing Fe1ief as specified incapacity formule in GIN ‘The capacity formsla shall be used for conventional pressure relief vaives only aftor it nas been Setormined chat Back pressure limits of parageaph 2 above are not exeneded, which could intervene. ahd (cause valve to not remain continuously open. Balanced Bellows Pressure Relief Valves Gas oF Vapor Service In gas oF vapor service, relfeving capacity of balanced bellows pressure relief valves is affected only by relatively high back pressure during relief. The PAGE 26 oF 92 (©TEIACO GENERAL ENGIEERING DEPARIENT ‘OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION (ens K-3013 bacipressure capacity correction factor to be used for igh bsck pressures shail be ehe lover valve of the following: 2. The theoretical nozzle flow reduction factor for: Guberitical pressure ratios as shown in Figure 20 of APE AP $20, Part 1. This shows reduced capacity above Sporoninately 258 absolute back pressure. b, The backpressure capacity correction factor for Balanced bellows pressure Felief valves. when available, se the backpressure capacity correction factor reconmended by the valve manufacturer for balanced bellows valves relieving vapor. Otherwise, Use the backpressure capacity corzection factor shown Un eigace 27 of APE RP $20, Part I. The API figure Shows reduced capacity above approximately 308 gage back preassre, whereas many valve manufacturers allow higher back pressure sefore 3 correction is needed. The APL figure shall be used only 1f wiehin the Following applicapsiity Limits of the figure (2) Absolute back pressure is not greater than the eritios) flow throat pressure per equation (1) of wer Re 20, Part I. (2) Gage back pressure is 0 more than SOB of set pressure (3) Set pressure is at least 50 psig. For cases outside these Linits the valve manufacturer shall be consulted: Liguid service a, Liquid relieving capacity is affected by back preseure during relie® b, Capacity formula shall be that specified in GEMS K-20, Soke chat the relieving capacity formula includes Correction factor for back pressure. When avaliable, SEEN Backpeassure capacity correction factor Feconnended by the valve manufacturer for balanced Bellows valves relieving ligula. Otherwise, use the backpressure capacity corsection factor. shown in Figube at ee Ari RP 320, fare f- sis ARE figure slows 2 Eostection for gage pack pressures above Spproxinately 158 of set pressure, 2, Gage back pressures above 508 of sot pressure shall hot be used uniess the pressure relief valve Hanvtacturer advises that the specific application is Satisfactory and has adequate relief capacity. 19.2.3 Pilot Operated Pressure Relief Valves L Gas or Vapor Service a. In gae of vapor service, relieving capacity of pilot Operated pressure relief valves ss affected only BY Ro5h back’ pressure causing subcritical flow. b. Capacity correction factor shall be thet specified in Figure 20 of API RP 520, fart I. This shows reduced Capacity above approximately St absolute back pressure, Pace 27 oF 92 ‘eRXACO CHMERAL ENGINEERING DEPARTENT

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