FINAL Summary Report of The SA Regional Planning Workshop 20abr2020 CAM FASN - 1587381909

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Summary Report of the

Regional Planning Workshop

for the South Atlantic


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

25-27 November 2019

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this report do not imply
the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal
status of any country, territory, city or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its
frontiers or boundaries.

Photo credit
Cover: Aerial view. Praia Vermelha. Brazilian Navy War College, Urca, Rio de Janeiro.

1. Background.................................................................................................................... 4
2. Unique Characteristics of the South and Equatorial Atlantic .................................... 5
3. Aims and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 7
4. Conduct of the Workshop ............................................................................................. 8
5. Major Results ................................................................................................................. 9
Working Group I: A Clean Ocean whereby sources of pollution are identified, quantified
and reduced and pollutants removed from the ocean. ................................................... 10
Working Group II: A Healthy and Resilient Ocean whereby marine ecosystems are
mapped and protected, multiple impacts, including climate change, are measured and
reduced, and provision of ocean ecosystem services is maintained .............................. 13
Working Group III: A Predicted Ocean whereby society has the capacity to understand
current and future ocean conditions, forecast their change and impact on human
wellbeing and livelihoods ............................................................................................... 16
Working Group IV: A Safe Ocean whereby human communities are protected from
ocean hazards and where the safety of operations at sea and on the coast is ensured.21
Working Group V: A Sustainably Harvested and Productive Ocean ensuring the
provision of food supply and alternative livelihoods ....................................................... 24
Working Group VI: A Transparent and Accessible Ocean whereby all nations,
stakeholders and citizens have access to ocean data and information, technologies and
have the capacities to inform their decisions.................................................................. 26
Working Group VII: Communication Strategies on the relevance of the ocean: an Ocean
valued by all ................................................................................................................... 29
6. The Decade Societal Outcomes and related Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and Targets ......................................................................................................... 35
7. Closing remarks .......................................................................................................... 38
Annex 1 - List of Participants ......................................................................................... 40
Annex 2 - Agenda of the South Atlantic Planning Workshop for the UN Decade of
Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030 ............................................. 61

1. Background
At the seventy-second session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), within
Part XI of the Omnibus Resolution for Oceans and the Law of the Sea (A/RES/72/73)
relating to “Marine science”, the UNGA decided (paragraph 292) to proclaim, in December
the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development for the 10-year
period beginning on 1 January 2021, within existing structures and available resources,
and called upon the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to prepare an
implementation plan for the Decade in consultation with Member States, specialized
agencies, funds, programmes and bodies of the United Nations, as well as other
intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations and relevant
The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
hereafter referred as “the Decade” as used as shorthand, offers a once-in-a-life-time
opportunity for all ocean stakeholders to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and
ensure ocean science can fully support countries in achieving the sustainable
development of ocean. Under the framework of the Decade, scientists and stakeholders
from all relevant sectors will be convened to generate scientific knowledge, underpin
infrastructure and partnerships, and bridge the science-policy interface to support a well-
functioning, productive, resilient and sustainable ocean - the Ocean We Need for the
Future We Want.
The Decade Roadmap provides an initial guide for the steps and processes needed to
develop the Implementation Plan of the Decade, and also formulates a preliminary set of
globally defined objectives and research and development (R&D) Priority Areas. Global
and regional consultative workshops were acknowledged as essential mechanisms to
achieve the objectives and to engage various communities through a multi-stakeholder
process and structured dialogues. The first Global Planning Meeting (GPM) took place in
Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-15 May 2019, and brought key stakeholders with an interest in
the Decade to the same level of information, encouraged them to take ownership of the
Decade, further developed its scope, identifying collaborations.
Following the first Global Planning Meeting, various regional workshops occurred, such
as: Pacific Community (Noumea, New Caledonia, 23-25 July, 2019) North Pacific and
Western Pacific Marginal Seas (Tokyo, Japan, 31 July - 2 August 2019), and South-East
Pacific Workshop (Guayaquil, Ecuador, 24-26 September, 2019).
This Regional South Atlantic Planning Workshop was organized by the Ministry of
Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications of Brazil (MCTIC) and the Brazilian
Navy (DHN), with support of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), IOC
Secretariat, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Fundação Grupo Boticário,
Praticagem do Brasil (CONAPRA), European Commission, and All-Atlantic Ocean
1 IOC/EC-LI/2 Annex 3, Paris, 18 June 2018, INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Fifty-first Session of the Executive Council UNESCO, Paris, 3–6 July


Research Alliance (represented by the projects All AtlaNtic Cooperation on Ocean
Research and innovation – AANChOR, and Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance - AORA). It
was held at the premises of the Brazilian Navy War College (Escola de Guerra Naval –
EGN), located in Urca, Rio de Janeiro and has counted on the attendance of 123 people,
from 22 countries and four International Organizations.

2. Unique Characteristics of the South and Equatorial Atlantic

Issues relating to the oceans are vital for life on Earth. Understanding the structure, the
oceanographic processes, and their interactions with the atmosphere, biosphere and the
mainland are required for the development of coastal countries 2. The sea is a very
important source of food, employment, energy, leisure and ecological services for coastal
nations. Nevertheless, the resources of the sea should be used in a rational and
sustainable manner based on scientific and technological knowledge. The development of
maritime awareness in populations bordering the South Atlantic Ocean involves a range of
activities that cannot be conducted in a rhetorical or playful manner.
The South Atlantic occupies a significant place in terms of scientific, economic,
environmental and strategic interest. However, the area has historically been among the
least studied of the planet, especially with regard to ocean chemistry, ecology, biodiversity
and the potential for a sustainable exploitation of natural resources. Habitats, species,
ecosystems, sources, sinks and internal cycling of carbon, micronutrients and
contaminants are not well known, and studies are mainly restricted to the margins of
continents. On these margins, marine species and ecosystems have been depleted and
fishing resources have been overexploited. Mining of offshore oil and gas has economic
potential but holds environmental risks of great impact. More study is needed of cobalt-rich
ferromanganese crusts, polymetallic nodules and sulphide deposits associated with
seamounts, ridges and the abyssal plains as future sources of minerals essential to
technological development. The same is true for potentially valuable products that could
be derived from organisms living in these environments, through biotechnology. It is vital
that we use these resources sustainably to conserve oceanic environments for the future,
but our ability to do so is limited by our inadequate understanding about main ecosystem
processes in this basin.3

IOC/INF-1291 - Technical Report on Scoping of Operational Oceanography
South-South Framework for Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the South and Tropical Atlantic and Southern
Oceans, South Africa's Department of Science and Technology and Brazil's Ministry of Science, Technology,
Innovations and Communications, 2017.

The area of the South Atlantic is of 40.270.000 km2, corresponding to 11.1 % of the
total ocean area, with a volume of 160.000.000 km3, or 12% of the total ocean volume. It
has an average depth of 3.973 m with a maximum of 8.240 m. 4
The South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone (abbreviations: ZPCAS or
ZOPACAS), also called the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic was
created in 1986 through resolution A/RES/41/11 of the UNGA, with the aim of promoting
cooperation and the maintenance of peace and security in the South Atlantic region. It is
composed by 24 member states. The Eastern Coast or South American countries that
integrate ZOPACAS are Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. The Western Coast or African
countries which compose ZOPACAS are Angola, Benin, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Congo,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea,
Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal,
Sierra Leone, South Africa, and Togo.
The countries of the whole region face socio-economic challenges that require sound
science to overcome. Excessive inputs of diverse material from anthropogenic sources are
widespread in coastal marine ecosystems. Domestic sewage discharge, solid residues,
including plastic, and agricultural waste, for example, lead to the degradation of the
environmental quality, loss of habitats and biodiversity, and jeopardize ecosystem
The effects of extreme weather conditions on coastal populations are exacerbated by
climate-driven sea level rise and the loss of ecological buffers to coastal flooding. Flooding
and subsequent runoff events increase the risk of public exposure to waterborne
pathogens and chemical contaminants, degrade the health of coastal marine and
estuarine ecosystems, and impair the ability of ecosystems to support goods and services.
The South Atlantic Ocean is unique in that it is the only region in the world in which an
eastern (the Benguela) and a western (the Agulhas) boundary system interact. The region
south of Africa plays a significant role in the establishment of oceanic teleconnections: the
salty Agulhas leakage reaches the northern hemisphere via a number of pathways, and
models suggest that changes occurring in the oceans surrounding South Africa alter the
global meridional overturning circulation (MOC). On the south-western basin of the Atlantic
Ocean, the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence is another area of strong mesoscale variability in
which water mass transformations occur. In this region, there is also exchange of heat and
freshwater between the subtropical Atlantic Ocean and the northern branch of the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current.5
The section of the Atlantic that bridges South and North is also important for
understanding the Earth system. A specific example is the Tropical Atlantic sea surface

Eakins, B.W. and G.F. Sharman, Volumes of the World's Oceans from ETOPO1, NOAA National Geophysical Data
Center, Boulder, CO, 2010.

South-South Framework for Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the South and Tropical Atlantic and Southern
Oceans, South Africa's Department of Science and Technology and Brazil's Ministry of Science, Technology,
Innovations and Communications, 2017
temperature dipole, a cross-equatorial sea surface temperature pattern that appears
dominant on decadal timescales and is one of the key features in the Tropical Atlantic
Ocean. Its variability has a direct impact on climate (through the displacement of the
Intertropical Convergence Zone northwards or southwards) and on continental regions,
such as north-eastern Brazil and the neighbouring Western Africa (Sahel) region, as well
as on the formation of cyclones in the North Atlantic. The Agulhas Current, which flows
westward around the southern coast of South Africa, contributes strongly to the upper limb
of the MOC northward flow in the Atlantic Ocean.6
To overcome the need for knowledge concerning the South Atlantic, international
cooperation efforts are fundamental. The All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance is a science
diplomacy work, with a view of integrating research activities among countries bordering
the Atlantic Ocean, in order to deepen scientific knowledge related to marine ecosystems;
the relationship between oceans and climate change; the production of food from the sea;
and also about energy systems from the oceans. The cooperation also seeks to
understand the dynamics of the Atlantic Ocean with the interconnected Circulation
Systems such as the Arctic and Antarctica.
This Alliance establishes a close dialogue with the Decade of the Oceans and can do
much in order to contribute to the construction of a holistic, systemic, egalitarian and
socially focused approach to the development of ocean science oriented towards
The South Atlantic Workshop received a strong support from the Alliance during all
phases of its organization and counted with an expressive presence of specialists who
integrate this basin oriented multinational cooperation.

3. Aims and Objectives

The purpose of this workshop was to promote dialogue between scientists, policy
makers, decision makers, civil society organizations and ocean companies for the
identification and development of engaged approaches to solutions for the sustainability of
the oceans. It was conceived as a consultation tool to communicate the purposes and
expected results of the Decade to all stakeholders and, in addition, to provide an
opportunity to engage with them. It is worth mentioning that the participants were not
representatives of the governments of the member states.
To ensure the achievement of this purpose, it is required to specify a set of high-level
scientific and technological advances, in order to achieve the six societal expected
outcomes for the Decade: a clean ocean; a healthy and resilient ocean; a predictable
ocean; a safe ocean; a sustainably harvested and productive ocean; and a transparent
ocean. In this way, we seek to cooperatively produce “The Science We Need for the
Ocean We Want”.

South-South Framework for Scientific and Technical Cooperation in the South and Tropical Atlantic and Southern
Oceans, South Africa's Department of Science and Technology and Brazil's Ministry of Science, Technology,
Innovations and Communications, 2017
In a didactic approach, and according to the “Guidance for the global and regional
consultative and planning meetings in the framework of the preparatory phase of the UN
Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development”, regional consultation workshops
are an integral part of the Decade design process to achieve the “principles for the design
of the Implementation Plan of the UN Decade” and to engage various communities
through a multi-stakeholder dialogue. They followed the structure of the Global Planning
Meeting with a focus on regional requirements and priorities as well as contributions to
global activities. Working Groups were organized around the six societal outcomes that
have been defined in the Decade Roadmap document in order to ensure that science
delivered under the Decade is policy relevant. The aims of these workshops are therefore
(i) communicate the purpose and expected results of the Decade to all stakeholders;
(ii) engage and consult the ocean community concerning the implementation plan for
the Decade and more particularly assess the status of regional ocean research vis-à-vis
the requirements of the six societal outcomes as well as regional policy requirements (for
example, identifying priorities in research or in capacity development and training);
(iii) identify the possible contributions of regional bodies to the Decade objectives,
aligning their agenda with the Decade;
(iv) workshop possible themes or topics that may be part of the Decade;
(v) identify potential initiatives to be further developed under the Decade, including
whenever possible scope, objectives, expected results, participation and possible
(vi) identify opportunities (but not necessarily commitments) for investment and
resource mobilization for the Decade.
In this Workshop a seventh Working Group was proposed, entitled “Communication
Strategies on the Relevance of the Ocean”.The inclusion of this WG highlights the need to
recognize communication and ocean literacy as key and transversal pillars to attain
success in the Decade implementation. It is essential that researchers improve their
communication skills for other audiences and stakeholders, aplying different tools and
methods. In order to promote science communication and ocean literacy to reach and
sensibilize diverse sectors of society worldwide it is important to be in consonance with the
UNESCO Ocean Literacy Program7.

4. Conduct of the Workshop

As stated before, the Workshop was hosted in the Brazilian Navy War College (Escola
de Guerra Naval – EGN), located at Av. Pasteur, 480 - Urca, Rio de Janeiro and has
counted on the attendance of 123 people, from 22 countries and four International

F. Santoro et al. (eds). 2017. Ocean Literacy for All - A toolkit, IOC/UNESCO & UNESCO Venice Office, Paris (IOC
Manuals and Guides, 80 revised in 2018).
Organizations. This participation included a balanced representation from Government,
Academy, Private Companies, NGOs, Regional Bodies and Communication Sectors.
A Steering Committee worked for one month prior to the Workshop helping to organize
it and to select the participants due to a necessary size limitation of the meeting.
Before the event, an online manifestation of interest was opened two months prior to the
Workshop in order to allow wider opportunity of participation. Further, invitation letters
were sent to personalities considered of special interest to be engaged. It was pursued a
broad range of participation, with special regards to gender and age, geographic coverage,
and sectors representativeness. It is worth to mention the outstanding participation of the
“Youth Ambassadors” of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance. The answer to the
survey was very expressive. A total of 306 people applied for participation, from many
countries coastal do the whole Atlantic.
IOC provided support for the attendance of African experts, and the European
Commision, through AANChOR and AORA also supported the participation of experts
linked to the Alliance, and of the Youth Ambassadors. Fundação Grupo Boticário
supported the participation of their pool of experts.
Participants were grouped into seven working groups, corresponding to the six societal
outcomes of the Decade plus a seventh communication working group. They were
allocated on their priority interests expressed upon online registration. The
communications group was established as recognition of the importance of this tool in
identifying user needs, throughout the preparation process and even in conducting the
Decade itself.
Meanwhile, a co-conveners group was formed accordingly for each working group. A
standard questionnaire was also developed around the workshop objectives and sent to all
participants in advance with a view to soliciting their inputs to working group discussions.
Annex 1 contains the complete list of participants, and the whole set of activities that
occurred during the Workshop is listed in Annex 2, including the relation of presentations
of representatives from IOC/UNESCO, the European Commission, the Brazilian
Government, panelists of various fields of expertise and regions from the Atlantic, and the
event sponsors.
The Workshop by principle, and in accordance with IOC recommendation, was fully eco
friendly, plastic-free, and produced a reduced ecological footprint.

5. Major Results

Throughout the three-day Workshop, participants highlighted the unique characteristics

of this region in both its oceanographic environment and significant contribution to the
global social-economic development. In addition to reviewing the relevant results of the 1st
GPM, each working group deliberated region-specific issues or priorities which should be
addressed in order to achieve the six societal outcomes in the UN Decade of Ocean

Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), and the need to communicate about
the relevance of the ocean.

Working Group I: A Clean Ocean whereby sources of pollution are identified,

quantified and reduced and pollutants removed from the ocean.

The WG I was co-chaired by Vanessa Hatje and Thandiwe Gxaba, and rapported by
Carina Costa de Oliveira, and counted on 14 participants, 10 from South America, 3 from
Africa and 1 from Europe, including Academia (9), NGO (1), Private Sector (1), Regional
Organization (1), and Government (2).
The concept of a clean ocean as adopted by this WG arose from the 1st Global Planning
Meeting, which defined that: „Clean’ ocean is an ocean where inputs of all
contaminants and pollutants are minimized and do not have adverse effects on
physical, chemical and biological processes, ecosystem functions and ecosystem
services. It is important to know the acceptable level of pollution, set baseline and
threshold values, define ecological boundaries and tolerance levels for an ocean that is
„clean enough.‟ This group highlighted how important it is to define the acceptable level of
all kinds of pollution, set baseline and threshold values to protect biodiversity and
ecological services, and also indicated the scarcity of such values for most of the region.

Requirements for threshold values to be determined

1) Baselines of target macro and micro contaminants;
2) Definition of ecological boundaries;
3) Definition of levels of pollutants that would limit optimal functioning of the
4) Understand of sources, fate and sinks of major pollutants;
5) Calculate the half-life of pollutants in the marine environment and rates of

The most challenging ocean pollutants include:

• atmospheric carbon dioxide; agricultural fertilizers; untreated waste water;
invasive species; organic contaminants and micro- and macro-plastics.

Knowledge gaps and research priorities

• SA is one of the least studied oceans in terms of water chemistry and marine
pollution. As such, currently, it‟s difficult to define what “clean” standards mean.
• Further, the SA is a very heterogeneous region not only in terms of physical and
chemical characteristics, but also regarding the social, economic and
environmental available information.
• In addition to this, there is no Regional Institutional Framework that could bring
together all the States from the region to deal with marine pollution issues.
Research priorities
• assessing the human and environmental risks of ongoing and future types of
ocean pollution;
• generating new ideas to reduce ocean degradation drivers and pressures; and
• strengthening the governance regimes to encourage more sustainable production
and consumption practices.

Key regional issues requiring a focus

1) Knowledge gaps associated to baseline/background, pollution levels of :
• nutrients;
• trace metals;
• organic contaminants;
• radionuclides;
• nanomaterial;
• CO2/acidification and deoxygenation;

which preclude the establishment of integrated coastal and ocean management.

2) Identify sources, fate and toxicology of technological critical elements and emerging
organic contaminants.
3) Design of a strategic environmental assessment/monitoring:
a. Marine Spatial Planning of different types of human activities for coastal and
ocean environments; and
b. Emergency/mitigation response plans (application of different procedures with
different national stakeholders).
4) Evaluation of the impacts of tourism activities (e.g., invasive species, solid waste,
tramping, sound).

Key science needs

1) Provide current status of contamination by the measurement of key potential
contaminants on several spatial and temporal scales;
2) Provide sources inventory for all groups of contaminants;
3) Development of indicators of environmental marine quality for different ecosystems;
4) Identification of the main impact drivers (e.g. mining, fisheries, tourism, aquaculture,
oil industry, maritime transportation, etc) considering their synergic interactions; and

5) Determination of the caring capacity for ecological and biological significant areas
(e.g., Antarctic, Abrolhos, Amazon).

Key capacity development needs

1a) Capacity building in: chemical and data analysis of nutrients, microplastics,
petroleum hydrocarbons (PAHs), legacy (POPs listed in Stockholm Convention) and
emerging organic contaminants (e.g. pharmaceuticals, novel flame retardants, personal
care products, pesticides and inorganic contaminants, methyl-Hg, technology critical
1b) Capacity building in public and private policy-making regarding pollutants.
2a) Capacity building in ecosystem and human health screening risk assessments;
2b) Capacity building to strengthen the science-policy interface;
3) Mitigation of pollution and restoration of marine ecosystems/habitats (e.g. corals,
seagrass, mangroves);
4a) Readiness to deal with emergencies such as oil spill;
4b) Capacity building on cross-sectors integration between public and private
organizations and across disciplines;
5) Capacity- building on socio-economic evaluation impacts.

Pathways for solutions

1) Expand analytical capabilities and expertise for labs in the SA region of a large
number of pollutants;
2.a) Better coordination, integration, collaboration and networking efforts;
2.b) Develop legislation to protect traditional communities, such as artisanal fisheries
ones, from pollution risks;
3.a) Development of sensors to citizen science and opportunity ships;
3.b) International/Regional legislation with minimum requirements;
4.a) Biotechnology, OMICS (genomics, proteomics and metabolomics), and
bioremediation (e.g. hydrocarbondegrading bacteria);
4.b) International/Regional legislation with minimum requirements for the Strategical
Environmental Assessment;
5.a) International/Regional legislation with minimum requirements for tourism activity;
5.b) Development of public policies to integrate sectors such as tourism and fisheries.

Cross-cutting priorities

• Partnerships between academia, pollution producers (e.g. such as oil, plastic, metal
and pharmaceutical industries), civil society and decision makers at national and
international levels;
• Philanthropic trust funds;
• International funds;
• Big donors; and
• Oil and mineral resources agencies.

1. Baseline setting and thresholds gaps:
• Baseline levels are still lacking for the large majority of micronutrients and
contaminants for both the South Atlantic and the Southern Ocean;
• The absence of supporting baseline/level of contaminants information precludes
the region to apply an ecosystem approach to evaluate pollution; and
• Most studies that supported the development of thresholds were performed for
northern hemisphere temperate areas, although largely applied to tropical
2. Types of pollution:
• Domestic sewage is still a large problem for South Atlantic States. The region
needs better/cheaper/smarter technology and effective public policies to address
land-based sources of marine pollution; and
• The anthropogenic impacts of CO2 and plastics on the water chemistry and
marine ecosystems need to be addressed.
3. Interface between social and natural sciences:
• Social, economic and natural sciences must be integrated in order to develop
science based public and private policies.

Working Group II: A Healthy and Resilient Ocean whereby marine ecosystems
are mapped and protected, multiple impacts, including climate change, are
measured and reduced, and provision of ocean ecosystem services is

The WG II was co-chaired by Pal Buhl Mortensen and Alexander Turra, and
rapported by Mônica Muelbert, and counted on 16 participants, 12 from North and South
America, 2 from Africa, and 2 from Europe, including Academia 11, NGO 2, and
Government 3.
The group discussed the theme allocated for it and identified key needs or actions and
prioritized the 5 most important.

Roadmap for discussions

• Face degradation;
• Support the conservation and protection of ocean ecosystems;
• Promote inter-disciplinary research;
• Elucidate impacts of cumulative stressors on the ocean;
• Provide more complete information to fill gaps;
• Improve the situation and reverse the degradation;
• Improve appreciation of the economic and societal value of ocean ecosystems;
• Stimulate the development of Marine Spatial Planning, Marine Protected Areas, and
other ecosystem-based management approaches;
• Supplement and complete the science base with holistic mapping of the ocean;
• Support the adaptive management approach towards good ocean stewardship.

Identifying the 5 regional issues that require a focus by the Decade

• Multidisciplinary Capacity Building / Expertise Exchange;

• Infrastructure and data sharing;
• Sustainability and resilience to regional political/funds instability;
• Protocols a) sampling, b) data storage, c) data/sample analyses d) data sharing
e) Identification of special areas for conservation;
• Regional fund system (private and public sectors) for maintenance; large differences
between South and North Atlantic and within South Atlantic.

Identifying the key research priorities for the region, by further developing the science
questions that were identified at the First Global Planning Meeting

• What are the combined effects of stressors in marine and coastal ecosystems and
biodiversity at multiple scales?
• How to connect the existing ocean, biodiversity and socio-economic variables for
evaluating ecosystem services and developing area-based management tools?
• Which methodologies and technology innovations are needed to fill existing data and
observation gaps?
• Understand the influence of tele-connections (e.g., between ocean basins and
continents) on the climate and ocean processes.
• Mapping of marine habitats in general, especially seabed (e.g., rhodolite beds,
Amazonia Mouth Corals, seagrass beds, cold water corals).
• Strengthen South-South cooperation in the South Atlantic (crosscutting issue).

Identifying the specific capacity-building/training/education needs for the region

• Improve the integration of information and data management capacities.

• Improve knowledge transfer (or co-production) among scientists (foster
interdisciplinarity), society and decision-makers, using better communication skills
and professional staff/services.
• Strengthen training programs directed to Marine Spatial Planning, with special
emphasis in the South Atlantic, bringing the topic for educational curricula.
• Improve exchange between South American and West African countries, in order to
learn from each other in joint fora, tackling the continuity problem due to unbalanced
capacity and communication.
• Keep a holistic view, linking land-ocean ecosystems, relating sanitation problems with
unhealthy ocean.
• Support Youth Ambassadors and mentoring programs.
• Build capacity to technical staff (mobility grants).

The participants discussed the existing initiatives / partnerships and new ones to be
mobilized for the Ocean Decade as well as the key pathways for improving information
and solutions to the region. The discussions were done within one group and then in
plenary. Due to time limitation, the plenary did not have appropriate time to review and
agree with the group suggestions. In this way, general considerations are being presented.

Identifying the existing initiatives/partnerships and new ones to be mobilized

Regarding the existing initiatives / partnerships and new ones to be mobilized, the group
did a non-exhaustive and a non-prescriptive list of initiatives, which was considered by
the plenary still not representative of the region. The whole group thus considered that a
comprehensive effort to create, maintain and share an inventory of initiatives in the
region would be needed to foster partnerships in the Decade.

Identifying key pathways for improving information and solutions to the region
Regarding the key pathways for improving information and solutions to the
region, the group presented several suggestions that were summarized as
• Build capacity to technical staff (mobility grants). Engage and participate in current
international initiatives like the OO‟19 Live Action Plan.
• To accommodate user needs in the specification of databases.
• Sustainability and resilience to regional political/funds instability.
• Enforce and strengthen present initiatives of collaboration and foster new ones.
• Promote and support decadal (mid-long term) programmes to ensure sustainability

and resilience of regional programmes.
• Innovations in methodologies and technology to fill existing data and observation

Plenary final remarks

There is less information for the South Atlantic in relation to North Atlantic, especially
considering the huge influence of Antarctica in South Atlantic.
• Lack of effective integration of datasets.
• How to accommodate user needs in the specification of the databases.
• Lack of regional representation of the ocean observing communities in global
panels (e.g., definition of essential ocean variables).
• Improved pathways of regionalization of EOV classification.
• Political willingness to be improved in order to support science and to develop
technology and innovation in the South Atlantic.
• Capacity building to use science and technology (~asymmetry in capacity in the
• There is a need to understand the influence of the Antarctic continent and ocean
on the South Atlantic.

Working Group III: A Predicted Ocean whereby society has the capacity to
understand current and future ocean conditions, forecast their change and
impact on human wellbeing and livelihoods

The WG III was co-chaired by Karim Hilmi and James Todd, and rapported by Leticia
Cotrim da Cunha, and counted on 26 participants, 18 from North and South America, 6
from Africa, and 2 from Europe, including Academia 10, Private Sector 7, Regional
Organization 5, and Government 4.
The vast volume of the ocean and its complex coastlines are neither adequately
observed nor fully understood. In particular, the deep sea is a frontier of ocean sciences.
Under the Decade, sustained and systematic ocean observations can be expanded to all
ocean basins and depths to document ocean change, initialize ocean system models and
provide critical information for improved ocean understanding. Such information is
increasingly needed by nations and the ocean business community operating within or
beyond national jurisdictions. Improved access to understanding ocean present and future
conditions will be a pre-requisite to the development of sustainable ocean economic
policies and ecosystem-based management and will lead to more efficient shipping,
mitigate storm damage and flooding of coastal cities, sustain healthy fisheries, protect
coral reefs and other key marine ecosystems from degradation, and improve climate
forecasting, amongst a few. The Decade will also build on advances in ocean robotics and
the combination of remote and in situ ocean observations which offer new opportunities
and will reduce operational costs; it will also promote free and open data sharing and
multi-stakeholder contributions by governments (rich and poor), the private sector and

1. Knowledge gaps/ scientific questions/ research priorities

• South Atlantic carbon budget/inventory including biogeochemical components (e.g.
organic matter dynamics).
• Knowledge gaps in the ocean-atmosphere-land connections (processes and models,
seasonal to interannual variability) remain.
• Incomplete knowledge of ecosystem dynamics in support of sustainable fisheries.
• Accurate bathymetry needed.
• Use of citizen science (crowd-sourced science) and link it to FAIR principles.
• Assure data quality for measurements (metadata, accuracy, calibration etc).
• Consideration of historical data (scientific cruises, industry, military).
• South Atlantic interaction with Coastal Zone Management.
• Lack of operational modeling centre for the eastern Atlantic.
• More sustained observations for the South Atlantic (surface and deep ocean).
• Ocean – ice sheet dynamics controls on South Atlantic climate.
• Regional solutions for sustained observations (local development of oceanographic
instrumentation, cheaper, easily constructed and calibrated, ready to collect data,
link/connect to citizen science) → capacity development (CD).
• Ongoing projects (EU-funded) will promote CD.
• HABs and extreme events prediction (eastern and western South Atlantic).
• Better integration of already existing platforms (e.g. utilization of industry cruises,
inclusion of other sensors, vessels of opportunity).

2. Existing international initiatives/ programmes/ partnerships, and resources in

this region that could help address these knowledge gaps/science questions
• Seabed2030, GOOS, industry measurement programmes.
• PIRATA (since 1997), GOAmazon from previous Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere
Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) programme.
• OceanPredict.

8 IOC/EC-LI/2 Annex 3, Paris, 18 June 2018, INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (of UNESCO) Fifty-first Session of the Executive Council UNESCO, Paris, 3–6 July


• Amazon Coastal Observatory (since 2009).
• ARGO (including Bio- and Deep Argo).
• AtlantOS programme.
• NOAA/AOML Atlantic XBT network.
• POGO (e.g. training).
• Open MODS → cheaper instruments.
• Oceatlan (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay).
• IOCCG (International Ocean Colour Coordination Group).
• National/International oceanographic databases (government, military, industry,
fisheries administration offices).
• Calibration/validation data for SWOT (satellite observations).
• Blue Belt initiative (African countries).
• GHRSST (Group for High Resolution SST).
• Future Earth Coasts (former LOICZ).
• Copernicus, Mercator.

3. Potential International Initiatives /Programmes/ Networks/ Partnerships, and

resources in the region could be developed, established or explored to address
these knowledge gaps/science questions
• Local/regional/global (with focus towards the South Atlantic) hubs for low cost
• Best practices for observations.
• MIPs (model intercomparison projects such as CMIP-6) approach to South Atlantic
Ocean predictions.
• REMO network (last 12 years) 1/24 degree resolution → within OceanPredict. REMO
could launch a MIP-type exercise for operational models in the South Atlantic.
• RAFISMER NETWORK for African Countries.
• Distillation of scientific information ready to use for coastal and fishing communities.
• IOC initiative for central African coastal regions (6 countries).

• Community/society engagement for observing programmes.
• Engage with communities to address their perceived needs adding value to data.
• AANChOR/AORA projects, Belém/Galway declarations opportunities.
• Collaborative effort for cross-basin measurements (SAMOC/SAMBAR, autonomous
• New platforms such autonomous vehicles, drifters, Argo “exchange” between eastern
and western South Atlantic.
• Early education initiatives involving ocean observing programmes.

4. Four cross-cutting themes in addressing these science questions, and share

the best practice(s) if any:
a. Capacity building and technology transfer
b. Partnerships and financing
c. Access to information, data and knowledge
d. Communication and awareness raising
• Evolve data management strategies to optimize use of observations (c).
• PIRATA project (a,b,c,d) (summer schools, “Atlas-B” tech transfer, sharing costs
among 3 countries, access-free data, children‟s book in press).
• Sea Grant programme (USA/NOAA), Sea Grant extension agents interact with
communities) → Sea Grant could be a model programme (e.g. Korea adopted a
similar programme) (d).
• “Floating university” South Africa‟s “Seamester” - 2 week programme for students
(not necessarily ocean sciences) on board, mainly during SAMOC maintenance
cruises (a).
• International Joint graduation programmes (a).
• ANP (Brazil‟s oil regulating agency) makes sure O&G industry invests money
(fund) in research projects (a, b).
• AtlantOS best practices ( (a, b, c, d).
• Free data access under GOOS-Brasil (c).
• Training courses for African students, but effort is still needed to adopt best
practices and instruments within the country‟s labs (a).
• Incentive by national research funding agencies to publish and share data (under
“penalties”) (c).

5. Additions/modifications to the current R&D priority areas as formulated in the
Roadmap, and any major marine science for sustainable development that has
not yet been highlighted in the Roadmap and the 1st Global Planning Meeting
• Achieve the objectives through collaboration and stakeholder engagement.
• Land-atmosphere-cryosphere-ocean (Earth System) connections to the GPM
• Best practices in data acquisition (metadata, methods, calibration facilities, calibration
• Evolve the concept of data gathering.

6. Information about any willingness, or potential commitment(s) of your

institution and/or your country, to the preparations for and implementation of
the Decade
• A living document is recommended for this subject.
• Regional representatives for best practices.
• National committees for IOC‟s Decade of Ocean Science.

7. Who else, or which institutions / programmes / networks shall be further

engaged into the preparations for and implementation of the UN Decade?
• Port authorities (vessel traffic information system plus collection of oceanographic
• Ships of opportunity (all types, including fishing vessels), Internet of Things.
• Continuous plankton recording systems (autonomous) connected to databases (e.g.
TARA Oceans) (question no. 2).
• World Bank ProBlue to promote more cooperation and equality on data acquisition
and distribution (calls for scientist exchange programmes), involve investment Funds,
banks, foundations to invest in a sustainable and predictable ocean (new sustainable
energies, Blue Economy).
• Engagement with offshore energy companies to support expanded ocean
observation networks.
• Include national energy regulation agencies (for the case of wind- and wave-
generated energies).
• How much would a predictable ocean reduce costs (for adaptation, mitigation,
transport, energy generation etc)?
• Submarine cable industry (biology, additional measurements).
• IMO.

• Coast Guard, national security.
• Mining agencies.
• International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).

Working Group IV: A Safe Ocean whereby human communities are protected
from ocean hazards and where the safety of operations at sea and on the
coast is ensured.

The WG IV was co-chaired by Adesina Adegbie and Nickolas de Andrade Roscher,

and rapported by Carlos Leandro da Silva Jr, and counted on 13 participants, 10 from
South America, and 3 from Africa, including Academia 3, NGO 2, Private Sector 2,
Regional Organization 1, and Government 5.
Ocean hazards such as storm surges, chemical or biological pollution, oil spill and
coastline erosion can damage the quality of life of the coastal zone communities. The rush
for coastal recreation and economic expansion in the maritime domain has increased
access to the sea to a multitude of users. Rivers that pass through several cities are the
main vehicle for imperceptible (nano and micro) pollution from industrial and domestic
waste without any treatment which hit the sea changing the quality of water and creating
bioaccumulation in marine life. Climate change impacts will have profound damage to the
oceans with implications for all human societies and most of our activities. The Decade will
promote research aiming the reduction of the impacts of various changes through
adaptation and mitigation, at assessing social and physical vulnerability and help clarify
interactions between natural and man-induced changes. It will also support the
development of integrated meteoceanographic and environmental monitoring systems
throughout the South Atlantic basin, contributing to the knowledge and efficient
management of this region. The use of new technologies through private-public
partnerships can help to quantify and understand phenomena and propose efficient tools
to mitigate some extreme impacts. Community resilience and adaptive capacity, with
elevated education and awareness as regards the use of data collected systematically, will
also contribute to reduce impacts and improve efficiency of early warning systems for
natural and man-made hazards.
Key regional issues requiring a focus by the Decade
• Increasing the maritime culture of the 1. Oceanic and coastal monitoring
population living in the coastal region, 2. Food security
because once knowing the marine
environment is important to protect; 3. Integrated coastal zone management
• Monitoring rivers pollution, especially 4. Safe navigation
those that pass through several cities
5. Marine Spatial Planning
before reaching the ocean carrying all
kind of polluters;
• Systematically survey the areas of
influence of the following activities:
offshore mining, oil production, urban
pressure in the coastal zone and finally,
monitoring of overfishing of endangered
marine species.

Key science/information needs (linked to the regional identified issues) and

providing pathways to solutions
• Creation of a program for the 1. Data acquisition
dissemination of marine sciences at 2. Fish stock assessment
different levels of education for people
living in the coastal region; 3. Coastal mapping

• Network installation of water quality 4. Fleet monitoring

sensors in rivers that cross industrial 5. Seabed mapping
zones and large urban centers;
• Use of oceanic monitoring technologies
of the chemical, physical and biological
conditions of the areas of influence of
activities with the highest risk of marine

Main key capacity development needs (and associated pathways for resolving)
• Data collection equipment with 1. Data processing
electronic sensors requires large 2. Data storage and sharing
investments and demands a lot of time,
so it will initially be necessary 3. Infrastructure
investments in acquisition, installation, 4. Centre of excellence
maintenance and training in the use of
5. Capacity building
data collection equipment of different
• Simultaneously, technology transfer
would be carried out gradually.
Historically developed countries are
producers of oceanographic
information, so data collection programs
could be created to improve knowledge
of the South Atlantic region and data
and results could be systematically
shared with the scientific community of
developing countries.

Main partnerships needed to achieve the above
• Creation of a coastal and oceanic 1. Numeric modelling
monitoring program in the South Atlantic 2. Private and public sectors
region that would bring together a
network of high-frequency radars, 3. International organizations and NGOs
satellite data and in situ measurements 4. Government cooperation in the South
that could be assimilated into Atlantic region
hydrodynamic models that predict the
5. International funding
drift of: oil, mining waste and plastics in
the oceans.
• The demands of the South Atlantic
Ocean are distinct from other oceans.
Although we do not have certain
concerns such as tsunamis, extreme
events such as hurricanes, typhoons
and oceanic volcanism, we do have
storm surges, oil pollution, mining
waste, domestic and industrial waste
polluting the rivers, as well plastics and
urban pressure in coastal cities. Coastal
and oceanic monitoring programs are
crucial for South Atlantic Ocean turn
safer for the next decade.

Main key pathways for improving information and solutions to the region
• In addition to the Navy, universities and 1. Training;
research institutes, and private 2. Regional cruises and meetings;
companies with a data collection 3. Communication platforms;
structure at sea should play an 4. What the population expect from public
important role in this process of and private science; and
continually improving coastal and 5. Reliable data collection protocols,
oceanic monitoring over the next consistency, analysis and interpretation.
decade. Of course, organized civil
society should be invited to participate
in monitoring coastal areas using mobile
applications that can collect marine
pollution data in their daily lives (crowd

Working Group V: A Sustainably Harvested and Productive Ocean ensuring the
provision of food supply and alternative livelihoods

The WG V was co-chaired by Guilherme Dutra and Francisca Pires Delgado, and
rapported by Veronica Kapula and Raíza Andrade, and counted on 16 participants, 9
from South America, 5 from Africa, and 2 from Europe, including Academia 7, NGO 3,
Private Sector 3, Regional Organization 1, and Government 2.
Society now depends on the ocean more than at any time before. It is a vital source of
nourishment, supporting directly the livelihood of about 500 million people, especially in
the poorest nations, and, indirectly, the global population. Ocean economies are among
the most rapidly growing and promising in the world, providing benefits to many sectors of
great economic value, such as fisheries, biotechnologies, energy production, tourism and
transport, and many others. The Decade should create a better understanding of the
interactions and interdependencies of the environmental conditions and processes, the
use of resources and the economy. A major task in context of the development of the
ocean economy will be in documenting the potential impacts from environmental changes
on the established and emerging maritime industries and their ability to generate growth,
especially for LDCs and SIDS. Defining safe and sustainable thresholds for economic
operations in the ocean will help policy-makers and stakeholders in implementing a truly
sustainable Blue Economy. New research should develop and flesh out sustainable blue-
green growth agendas and link it to efforts in ecosystem protection.
Research priorities
1. Joint research on multi-scale (including local communities) stock assessment of
shared fisheries resources and access the status of target fish stocks (integrate
statistics, estimate MSY), also taking into account climate change.
2. Research to identify the key areas (sensitive areas, breeding/feeding/ nursery
sites), considering physical processes, species life histories traits, environmental
connectivity and socio-economic aspects.
3. Multi and transdisciplinary science/information in order to develop regional Marine
Spatial Planning integrating all the Southern Atlantic, providing data both for
areas under national and international jurisdiction.
4. Understanding trade-offs between different uses of the ocean and its resources is
relevant for safe and sustainable Ocean Economy. Develop new technologies to
take better advantages of the ocean potential and to understand the impacts of
the present and potential uses.

Knowledge gaps
• Poor fisheries information/ management, many IUU fishing;
• Gaps in the knowledge about critical areas for conservation, connectivity in the
regional level;
• South Atlantic countries have different levels of implementation of Marine Spatial
Planning; and
• South Atlantic has significant economy activities affecting the ecosystems and human

Capacity Development needs

• Create national and regional expertise to carry out research for sustainable
management of oceanic resources and sustainable blue economies. Learning
exchange programs/technology sharing (best practices);
• Capacity building for government officials and stakeholders, including learning
• Promote the instruction of all sectors on the multi and transdisciplinary data
necessary to develop MSP. Learn exchanges (with other countries); and
• Technology exchange across nations and sectors. In this sense, cluster alliances
play an important role.

Key pathways for improving information and solutions to the region

• To have Regional Funding for science and technology of ocean and regional and
international partnerships;
• Encourage and promote Ocean Literacy;
• Informing stakeholders about what are the most critical areas and the importance of
choosing them. The functioning of ecosystems should be known by the population by
the local residents and actors (e.g. fisherman), so they can improve their current
practices in a sustainable way;
• National/local campaigns on the importance of MSP and development of
demonstration projects. Create a database of the South Atlantic, for data storage and
sharing pluridisciplinary science to action approach with innovative communication -
decision making should be inclusive and open to stakeholders (including
local/traditional communities), authorities, and opinion leaders during all the process;
• Facilitating the legal pathways to deliver intersectoral cooperation. Blended finance.

Recommended activities in support of the Decade
• Improve fisheries enforcement in a regional level.
• Support the countries to advance on the national MSP and promote a regional spatial
planning in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Potential Partners
• International organizations: (e.g. IOC, FAO, UNDP, ICCAT);
• Bilateral programs: (e.g. Bilateral program on Monitoring Control and Surveillance
(MCS), Sweden Government); and
• Collaboration networks: Initiative for vulnerability of coastal area in the Central Africa
Region, EAF Programme, Nansen Programme, BCC Scientific Programme,
AquaVitae, Abidjan convention, Fisheries Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic

Working Group VI: A Transparent and Accessible Ocean whereby all nations,
stakeholders and citizens have access to ocean data and information,
technologies and have the capacities to inform their decisions

The WG VI was co-chaired by Abdoulaye Diagana and Rozane Valente Marins, and
rapported by Patrícia Miranda Menezes, and counted on 14 participants, 8 from South
America, 4 from Africa, and 2 from Europe, including Academia 7, NGO 1, Regional
Organization 3, and Government 3.
The achievement of the above outcomes very much depends on global capacity
building and resource-sharing between countries at different levels of wealth and
development. The enormous need for more ocean information at the scientific,
governmental, private sector, and public levels demands a step-change in ocean
education at all levels. New technology, and the digital revolution are transforming the
ocean sciences; these will be harnessed to deliver data and information to all
stakeholders. Science-policy interface for oceans should be enhanced as well. Open
access to ocean information, increased interactions between the academic and societal
actor communities, and Ocean Literacy for all should capacitate all citizens and
stakeholders to have a more responsible and informed behavior towards the ocean and its
resources. Innovative capacity development schemes between South–South and North–
South ocean actors as well as courses for ocean professionals will be key in raising ocean
awareness and promote better solutions.

Knowledge gaps and research priorities
1. Better knowledge of environment
2. Challenges in ocean awareness and literacy
3. Need for evidence-based policies
4. Uncoordinated data collection and management
5. Availability of accessible, understandable and useful information

Science/information needs
• Data and technology;
• Targeted science and information products and materials to build an ocean aware
• Create an information access system for science-based indicators;
• Standardization and best practices; and
• Data science to create products and services tailored to different stakeholder needs.

Capacity development needs

• Expertise in generating, providing and using open and distributed data for multiple
• Professional communication skills for the information age;
• Inspire and engage all stakeholders on a personal or emotional level;
• Information access and use;
• End to end data skills;
• Digital infrastructures and data science training, users‟ experience expertise.

Partnerships needed
• Partnerships among different actors, such as: Governments, NGOs, Private Sector,
Users, Researchers and Practitioners, Indigenous knowledge;
• Data information experts, Communication experts, Education community, leadership
by universities/higher education institutions;
• Data and information experts in monitoring agencies, policy development agencies;
• Standards agencies, national institutes, researchers, users, hardware and software
engineers; and
• All consumers groups, applications developers, data experts, service providers,
users' experiences designers.

Pathways for improving information and solutions to the region
• Stakeholders workshops two-way exchanges of ideas and needs;
• Engagement of civil society as data providers and users;
• Communication workshops, regional integrated communication campaigns,
Information driven outreach and engagement initiatives;
• Create a regional network to promote ocean awareness across language and
cultural differences;
• Best practices and guide-line development;
• Involve communication experts;
• Stakeholders workshops two-way exchanges of ideas and needs;
• Regional community of practices for the standards and best practices;
• Development of the means of coordination with ocean best practices system;
• Applications to crowdsources needs;
• Hackathons.

Working Group VII: Communication Strategies on the relevance of the ocean:
an Ocean valued by all
The WG VII was co-chaired by Raquel Costa and Ronaldo Christofoletti, and
rapported by Marcus Polette, and counted on 26 participants, 22 from South America, 2
from Africa, and 2 from Europe, including Academia 9, NGO 7, Private Sector 5, Regional
Organization 1, and Government 4.

WG VII used three support documents to discuss the regional issues and the
importance of communication to reach the six societal outcomes proposed for the Decade:
(i) the 1st Global Planning Meeting Report; (ii) the draft of the Communication Strategy for
the Ocean Decade produced by IOC UNESCO; (iii) the report of the „Conexão Oceano‟
(Ocean Connexion) event organized in Brazil in September 2019 by Fundação Grupo
Boticário, IOC UNESCO and Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow), which integrated
artists, journalists and researchers to discuss the importance of communication for the
Ocean Decade and highlighted some cases of success. This event had more than 300
participants interacting with the speakers and this report brings a first view from Brazil on
the importance of communication for the Ocean Decade. Using these documents, the
Chairs applied techniques based on horizontal stakeholder dialogue and consensus
building, drawing on the most appropriate questions to identify the regional key issues and,
afterwards, propose effective solutions to address each of them.

Priorities identified
1. Invest in working and communicating in different languages from the start of
information sharing processes, including workshops and conferences, allowing to
spread the information for all regions, communities and strengthening the feeling of

2. Communicating to other audiences outside of the traditional science channels with a

concrete message and shorter timelines should be a priority.

3. Human faces have to communicate the new ocean narrative. Individual scientists
and their passion can make a difference in that communication.

4. It is also important to identify the target public for this message and to know their
profile to decide how to effectively share the information. Communication strategies
and guidelines must be developed for different audiences, especially regarding
effects and pathways to politicians and policy makers.

5. Communications, Ocean Literacy, education, and outreach are needed to shift global
perceptions about what it means to be “green/blue” or concerned about the

6. The new ocean science narrative should avoid being preachy, and should instead
entertain with stories linked to ocean sustainable development to shift perceptions.

7. Because communication is such an important component of the Decade, it should

use professional science communicators to work with scientists to help them develop
better communication and presentation skills.

Stakeholders to be engaged in support of the Decade
• Artists should be included as stakeholders and communicators in the design and
implementation of the Decade. This is very important in the South Atlantic considering
the range of different cultures and traditions, where there are different voices and
diverse local artists as references to be listened and included.

• The Decade should establish a long-term partnership with the aquariums of the world
to communicate ocean science with the public.

• Cultural heritage must be at the forefront of developing the new narratives that are
necessary to deliver the ocean we want. Archaeologists working in North and South
America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania attended the Copenhagen meeting,
providing the core for an Ocean Decade Heritage Network.

• Partnerships with Yacht Racing offer a unique opportunity for communication of the
Decade‟s goals and Ocean Literacy. While yacht racing is a niche sport, it is one with a
strong connection to the ocean and one that can leverage business partnerships.

• The Decade should partner early with social scientists to assist in communicating key
messages and generating public trust in emergency warnings and safety advice.

• The Decade should establish a communications network built on the communications

and outreach programmes of participating institutions and NGOs.

Ocean Literacy – The meeting highlighted the importance of a broad Ocean Literacy
campaign that will be critical to the success of the Decade.
Ocean Literacy will be needed, inter alia, to:

• Communicate the message that protecting the oceans is good for business, particularly
to Blue Economy sectors and the general public. Public health, fisheries, tourism,
businesses and their global brands, and all stakeholders will benefit from cleaner oceans
and the visible actions of users of the ocean to support sustainable development.

• Promote the use of science in ocean conservation and management and to facilitate
the use of science in decision making. Evidence-based approaches are critical to
improve understanding and to make communications more effective.

• Communicate the benefits of ocean observations and listen to the needs of different
stakeholders, respecting all regional aspects and cultural diversity. Messages should be
developed for politicians that emphasize the economic benefit from services, and
scenarios of risk and loss, and messages should be developed for businesses focused
on managing risk and the added value of ocean and climate data to them.

• Spark fascination about the ocean by supporting educational programs and supplying
teachers with materials, in many languages, for various age groups, with attention to
empowering girls and young women. A specific Decade Programme in Ocean Literacy
should be developed for different target groups, always open and inclusive for diverse
social, cultural and economic realities allowing that all communities would benefit from it.

Key regional issues requiring a focus by the Decade

1) To promote ocean literacy

2) Development of public policies

3) Create specific funding opportunities for ocean literacy

4) Communication strategy

5) Thinking out of the box

Key specific goals/needs (linked to the regional identified issues) and pathways to
1) To promote ocean literacy:
• in different sectors (e.g. scholar communities, production chain, decision makers)
• attention to communicate the SDGs linked to the cultural values of the target public,
highlighting the role of the #14
• always valuing the link of the populations with their sociocultural values

2) Development of public policies:

 Consider the science-policy interface/ strengthening science based policies
 To promote cross-Atlantic Ocean Literacy

3) Create specific funding opportunities for Ocean Literacy

 One amount of money for scientific calls for communication and calls exclusive
for communications
 Promote capacity development courses to people working in ocean projects
 Funding projects should scale up to be transatlantic
 Engage with philanthropic organizations

4) Communication strategy
 Objective, consistent, clear and an engaging message
 Development of communication skills for all
 A coordinated and integrated communication

5) Thinking out of the box

 A SHIFT OF PARADIGM: in this WG, we started by defining themes to be
communicated. Then we realized that to communicate the importance of all societal

outcomes from the Decade - Clean Ocean; Safe Ocean; Resilient and Healthy
Ocean; Predictable Ocean; Transparent Ocean; Sustainable and Productive Ocean -
it is necessary not only to understand the scientific background of these themes, but
should also be a priority to recognize the science of communication, to understand its
processes and then, afterwards, to think on the specific concepts of these societal
outcomes as topics to be used in the communication.

Capacity development needs (and associated pathways for resolving)

• Fostering interdisciplinary team, engaging also artists in the Decade
• To design the course (protocol)
• Space/place
• Partnerships
• Identify stakeholders
• Adapt the message to the local public/language/clear
• Common platform for data
• Create a clear message
• Platform for transparency
• Message: “The ocean is the beginning of life”.
• A simple, consistent and engaging narrative that talk easily with associations,
communities and the public, in general.
• Training expert communicators
• Listening before speaking
• Make a connection with the audience(emotion, values, stories, realities)
• Give people the opportunity to act to allow changes in their behavior

Partnerships needed
• Public sector at all levels
• Civil society
• Universities
• Research Institutes
• Schools and social movements, mainly encouraging youth engagement and
intergenerational exchange
• Journalists/media
• Digital influencers
• Young people
• Ministries (Education, Environment, Tourism, Culture, Sports, Science and
• Navy
• NGOs
• Private Sector (Cruises, Industrial Fisheries, Cargo ships)

• Financial agencies
• Funding agencies
• Foundations
• Philanthropic organizations
• Museums
• Hotels

Pathways for improving information and solutions to the region

• Mapping and integrating initiatives in curricula to promote public policies;
• Empowering of local leaders, multiplication of cases of success, adaptation of
educational resources to different publics;
• Actions from different sectors that rescue the culture of the coastal territories;
• Create and implement vocational and communication training programs;
• Inclusion of Ocean Literacy for all in the national level;
• Creation of a multilateral Agenda based on needs, not interests;
• International conferences between Education and Science and Technology
• Non-formal Training Programs in Ocean Literacy: Cruise Ships (crew and
tourists); Aquatic Sports (Sailing etc.); Cargo ships and Fisheries; Traditional
Communities; Inland initiatives;
• Official call and specific criteria for effective communication actions;
• Describe the partnerships with journalists and artists;
• Apps;
• Budget to translation and design;
• Create platforms;
• Develop and engage media strategy (philanthropic);
• Identify the partnerships and define the roles and responsibilities;
• Elaborate the key messages;
• Organize the action plan, with goals and activities;
• Bottom-up actions;
• Provide touchable experiences using different tools (technology, art).

The WG VII has initiated a discussion on the importance of frame a timetable for
actions and goals. It is important to coordinate the goals for communication in the South
Atlantic region in short, medium and long terms and identity all the steps and actions
needed to reach those goals within the timetable. It was highlighted the relevance of this
timetable to allow to develop the regional steps linked to the global communication plan,
but also respecting local realities. The organization of a timetable will facilitate planning,
resources search, monitoring of indicators and also to standardize the expectations and
feelings of all stakeholders involved. It is necessary to understand the time needed for
each action and goal, taking into account all the cultural, social, scientific and economic
realities in the South Atlantic region. This organization will allow understanding what is
necessary and the time it takes to achieve a goal, avoiding deceptions and anxiety from
the stakeholders that sometimes want to reach the objectives sooner that what is
demanded to undertake the several steps with success. Balancing feeling and
expectations will be a key step to allow a decadal planning.

Medium Long
(...2025) (...2030)

6. The Decade Societal Outcomes and related Sustainable Development

Goals (SDGs) and Targets
The Decade focus on SDG 14 – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and
marine resources for sustainable development. But the SDGs are transversal and
Many SDGs may not be realized without achieving SDG 14 for a healthy ocean. For
instance, SDG 14 aims to eliminate overfishing and illegal and destructive fishing
practices, pre-conditions required to meet a large number of other SDGs as no poverty
(SDG 1), zero hunger (SDG 2), good health and well-being (SDG 3), and reduced
inequalities (SDG 10). 9
For a clean ocean, we need to:
Solve the domestic sewage discharge problem by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping
and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of
untreated wastewater (6.3);
Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout
their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly
reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on
human health and the environment (12.4);
Prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from landbased
activities, including marine debris and nutriente pollution (14.1).
For a healthy and resilient ocean we need to:
Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural
disasters in all countries (13.1);
Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning (13.2);

Claudet et al. A Roadmap for Using the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Support of
Science, Policy and Action. One Earth, 2019,

Sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant
adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their
restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans (14.2);
Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced
scientific cooperation at all levels (14.3);
Conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and
international law and based on the best available scientific information (14.5);
Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources by
implementing international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea, which provides the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of
oceans and their resources, as recalled in paragraph 158 of “The future we want” (14.c).
For a predictable ocean we need to:
Improve education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity on climate
change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning (13.3);
Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change related planning and
management in least developed countries and small island, developing States, including
focusing on women, youth and local and marginalized communities (13. b).
For a safe ocean we need to:
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resiliente infrastructure, including regional and
transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a
focus on affordable and equitable access for all (9.1);
Substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and
implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency,
mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and
implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030,
holistic disaster risk management at all levels (11. b).
For a sustainable and productive ocean we need to:
Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and
production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation,
in accordance with the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption
and Production, with developed countries taking the lead to achieve the sustainable
management and eficiente use of natural resources (12.2);

Effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated
fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement Science-based management
plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can
produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics

Prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and
overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated
fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and
effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries
should be na integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation
Increase the economic benefits to small island developing States and least developed
countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable
management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism (14.7);
Provide access for small-scale artesanal fishers to marine resources and markets (14.b).
For a transparent and accessible ocean we need to
Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in
all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation
and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1
million people and public and private research and development spending (9.5);
Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries
through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least
developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to
move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production (12.a);
Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology,
taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and
Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to
enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing
countries, in particular small island, Developing States and least developed countries
Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation
on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing on
mutually agreed terms, including through improved coordination among existing
mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology
facilitation mechanism (17.6);
Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound
technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and
preferential terms, as mutually agreed (17.7);
Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation capacity-
building mechanism for least developed countries by 2017 and enhance the use of
enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology (17.8);
By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least
developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the
availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age,
race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics
relevant in national contexts (17.18).
For an ocean valued by all we need to:
Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable
development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development
and sustainable lifestyles (4.7);
Ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for
sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature (12.8).

7. Closing remarks

We must rely on the best available science to advise and subsidize public policies.
Because of this, here we present a summary of the proposals made by the participants of
the South Atlantic Workshop preparatory for the Ocean Decade, that counted also with a
significant input of representatives from the North Atlantic, to point key science needs for a
new strategic direction to achieve SDG 14 and related ones, and to provide solutions for
the citizens living on Atlantic shores, taking into consideration the contributions of all
Working Groups.
Regarding environmental studies, we need to:
- Assess the human and environmental risks of all types of ocean pollution; Provide
current status of contamination by the measurement of key potential contaminants on
several spatial and temporal scales; Develop indicators of environmental marine quality for
different ecosystems; Identify the main impact drivers on the Atlantic Basin; Understand
the combined effects of stressors in marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity;
Connect oceanographic, ecological and socio-economic variables for evaluating
ecosystem services and develop area-based management tools; Promote joint research
on multi-scale stock assessment of shared target fisheries resources; Provide scientific
information to Coastal Zone Management and Contingency Plans to face hazards; Identify
key ocean areas to be preserved; Support multi and transdisciplinary science and
information in order to develop regional Marine Spatial Planning integrating all the
Atlantic; Understand trade-offs between different uses of the ocean and its resources,
relevant to achieve a Blue Economy.
Concerning the access to information, data and knowledge we must:
- Map the marine habitats in general, specially seabed; Promote the integration of
datasets; Accommodate user needs in the specification of the databases; Consider
historical data; Create a coastal and oceanic monitoring program in the Atlantic that would
bring together a network of high-frequency radars, satellite data and in situ measurements
that could be assimilated into hydrodynamic models that predicted the drift of oil, mining
waste and plastics in the oceans.

Capacity building and technology transfer are fundamental to:
- Address knowledge gaps in the ocean-atmosphere-land connections concerning
processes and models, and seasonal to interannual variability; Promote a better
integration and use of already existing research platforms; Use standard oceanic
monitoring technologies of the chemical, physical and biological conditions on the areas of
influence of activities with the highest risk of marine pollution, with affordable instruments,
and capacity building on sampling protocols and data treatment.
For the urgent need of awareness raising and communication on the ocean relevance
to the Planet, it is necessary to:
- Use Citizen Science and link it to FAIR principles; Engage with communities to address
their perceived needs, respecting their time for this engagement, adding value to data;
Implement a participative program for the dissemination of marine sciences at different
levels of education for people living in the coastal region and in mainland, also
strengthening the feeling of belonging to the Decade.
This is a long and ambitious list of important goals, feasible to concretize with broad
international cooperation such as the one that we are building in the All Atlantic Ocean
Research Alliance.
We are confident that by the commitment of all who value the ocean as the most
important asset to guarantee our survival and the equilibrium of the Planet, we will deliver
an Ocean which is clean, healthy and resilient, predictable, safe, sustainable and
productive, transparent and accessible, and valued for the next generations.
In this way, we will seek to support together “The Science we need for the Ocean we
want”, towards the “Ocean we need for the Future we want”, leaving no one behind.

Thank you all for this joint construction!

Annex 1

List of Participants

South Atlantic Regional Planning Workshop

UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030
November, 25-27, 2019

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Working Group I – A Clean Ocean


Thandiwe Gxaba
Acting Executive Secretary, Benguela Current Commission (BCC)
Swakopmund, Erongo

Vanessa Hadje
Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA
Salvador, BA


Carina Costa de Oliveira

Universidade de Brasília- UnB
Faculdade de Direito
Brasília, DF


André Abreu de Almeida

Head for Environment & Climate Policy
Fondation Tara Ocean

Caroline Schio
Instituto Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro
Garopaba, SC
Janice Trotte-Duhá
Directorate-General for Nuclear and Technological Development of the Brazilian Navy –
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Jorge Elisio Lopes Gomes

Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
Universidade de Cabo Verde - UniCV

Juliana Velloso Durão

Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Raíza Lopes Borges Andrade

Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA
Salvador, BA

Ricardo Ades
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Ricardo Coutinho
Instituto de Estudos do Mar Almirante Paulo Moreira – IEAPM
Arraial do Cabo, RJ

Sury de Moura Monteiro

Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA
Belém, PA

Veronica Kapula
University of Namibia

Wânia Duleba
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
São Paulo, SP
Working Group II – A Healthy and Resilient Ocean


Alexander Turra
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
Instituto Oceanográfico
Cátedra UNESCO
São Paulo, SP

Pål Buhl-Mortensen
Institute of Marine Research


Monica Muelbert
Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP
Campus Baixada Santista, Instituto do Mar.
Santos, SP


Ana Lucia Oliveira Costalunga

Estado-Maior da Armada - EMA
Marinha do Brasil
Brasília, DF

Carlos Roberto Leite

Secretaria da Comissão Interministerial para os Recursos do Mar – SeCIRM
Marinha do Brasil
Brasília, DF

Daniela Turk
Ocean Frontier Institute
UN Decade NA Workshop Coordinator
Dalhousie University

Francisco Carlos Rocha de Barros Junior
Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA
Salvador, BA

Jailson Bittencourt de Andrade

Pró-Reitor de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa do Centro Universitário SENAI-CIMATEC
Salvador, BA

Gilbert Siko
Director: Marine and Polar Research & Member of the Executive Planning Group of the
Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Luciana Medeiros
Assessora da Coordenação Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação
Projeto Tamar/Fundação Pró-Tamar
Salvador, BA

Luis Felipe Skinner

Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Milton Cesar Calzavara Marcondes

Instituto Baleia Jubarte
Caravelas, BA

Paul Snelgrove
Memorial University of Newfoundland
NSERC Canadian
St. John's, NL

Pier Luigi Buttigieg

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Raíza Lopes Borges Andrade
Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA
Salvador, BA

Veronica Kapula
University of Namibia

Working Group III – A Predicted Ocean


James Todd
NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)
Global Ocean Monitoring and Observing (GOMO) Program
Silverspring, Maryland

Karim Hilmi
Institut National de Recherche Halieutique (INRH)
IOC Vice Chair Group V


Leticia Cotrim da Cunha

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Faculdade de Oceanografia
Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Abdoulaye Diagana
Abidjan Convention Secretariat
United Nations Environment Programme

Alain Claver Batchy

Point Focal IOC/UNESCO Congo
Charge de Missions en Sciences Marines et Écosystèmes du littoral auprès du Ministre de
la Recherche Scientifique et de innovation Technologique
André Abreu de Almeida
Head for Environment & Climate Policy
Fondation Tara Ocean

Aurea Maria Ciotti

Center for Marine Biology CEBIMar / São Paulo University - USP
São Sebastião, SP

Benjamin Williams
Regional Serviceline Director, Americas
Metocean - FUGRO
Houston, Texas

Bennet Atsu K. Foli

University of Ghana
GMES & Africa Programme
Legon, Accra

Fabio Nascimento
Oceanographic Instrumentation Laboratory
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Coppe – Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Francisca Alberta Lourenço Pires Delgado

Ministry of Fisheries and of the Sea
National Coordinating Body for liaison with the IOC

Francisco Alves dos Santos

Director, Modelling and Ocean Monitoring
Prooceano Serviço Oceanográfico e Ambiental Ltda
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Gilbert Siko
Director: Marine and Polar Research & Member of the Executive Planning Group of the
Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Janice Trotte-Duhá
Directorate-General for Nuclear and Technological Development of the Brazilian Navy –
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

José Antonio Moreira Lima

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Lohengrin Dias de Almeida Fernandes

Instituto de Estudos do Mar Almirante Paulo Moreira
Arraial do Cabo, RJ

Luiz Alexandre Guerra

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Marcelo Rollnic
Instituto de Geociências
Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)
Belém, PA

Marlos Carneiro Baptista

Manager, FUGRO Brasil
Macaé, RJ

Mauro Cirano
Centro de Ciências Matemáticas e da Natureza (CCMN)
Instituto de Geociências (IGEO) - Departamento de Meteorologia
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Nicolas Dittert
Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung (ZMT) GmbH

Olga Sato
University of São Paulo (USP)
Oceanographic Institute
São Paulo, SP

Paulo Nobre
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos - CPTEC
Cachoeira Paulista, SP

Silvana Laura Dans

Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos, Centro Nacional Patagónico – CENPAT
Puerto Madryn, Chubut

Terry Schaefer
International Activities Office
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Silver Spring, Maryland

Wilsa Atella
Moniport Ambidados Ltda
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Working Group IV – A Safe Ocean


Adesina Adegbie
Director, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR)
Lagos State

Nickolás de Andrade Roscher

Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center (CHM)
Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Carlos Leandro da Silva Junior

Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Abdoul Dia
Institut Mauritanien des Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches (IMROP),

Edson Carlos Furtado Magno

Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação – DHN
Marinha do Brasil
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Gregório Luiz Galvão Teixeira

Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação – DHN
Marinha do Brasil
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Jorge Elisio Lopes Gomes

Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
Universidade de Cabo Verde - UniCV

Júlio Augusto de Castro Pellegrini

Pro-oceano Serviços Oceanográficos e Ambientais Ltda
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Luciana Medeiros
Assessora da Coordenação Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação
Projeto Tamar/Fundação Pró-Tamar
Salvador, BA

Marcia Helena Moreira Valente

Instituto de Estudos do Mar Alte. Paulo Moreira IEAPM
Marinha do Brasil
Arraial do Cabo- RJ

Patricia Furtado de Mendonça

Acqua Mater
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Rita de Cassia Oliveira Feodrippe

Escola de Guerra Naval – EGN
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Sury de Moura Monteiro
Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA
Belém, PA

Working Group V – A Sustainably Harvested and Productive Ocean


Francisca Alberta Lourenço Pires Delgado

Ministry of Fisheries and of the Sea
National Coordinating Body for liaison with the IOC

Guilherme Fraga Dutra

Conservation International –CI
Director, Marine and Coastal Strategy
Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Raíza Lopes Borges Andrade

Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA
Salvador, BA

Veronica Kapula
University of Namibia


Amanda Albano Alves

Bloom.Ocean - Aceleradora de pessoas, projetos e negócios ligados as Ciências do Mar
Grupo de Trabalho de Empreendedorismo em Ciências do Mar (PPGMar)
Vitória, ES

Caio Faro
Conservation Analyst
WWF Brasil
São Paulo, SP

Carina Costa de Oliveira

Universidade de Brasília- UnB
Faculdade de Direito
Brasília, DF

Francisco Carlos Rocha de Barros Junior

Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA
Salvador, BA

Gilbert Siko
Director: Marine and Polar Research & Member of the Executive Planning Group of the
Department of Science and Technology (DST)

José Luiz de Araujo Moutinho Neto

Atlantic International Research Centre – AIR-Centre

Juliana Lira de Andrade

Environment Manager
CONCREMAT Engenharia e Tecnologia S.A.
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Michelle Duarte
Senior Manager
Innovation Norway
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Natali Isabela Pierin Piccolo

Senior Program Manager
São Paulo, SP

Soro Yaya
University Nangui Abrogoua – UMA

Rui Freitas
Technical University of the Atlantic
Mindelo, São Vicente

Werner Ekau
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)

Working Group VI – A Transparent and Accessible Ocean


Abdoulaye Diagana
Abidjan Convention Secretariat
United Nations Environment Programme

Rozane Valente Marins

Universidade Federal do Ceará – UFC
Fortaleza, CE


Patrícia Miranda Menezes

Rede ODS Brasil
Director for Planning, Education and Decentralization of Environmental Management
Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability of the State Government of Pará
Belém, PA


Abdoul Dia
Institut Mauritanien des Recherches Océanographiques et des Pêches (IMROP),

Alain Claver Batchy
Point Focal IOC/UNESCO Congo
Charge de Missions en Sciences Marines et Écosystèmes du littoral auprès du Ministre de
la Recherche Scientifique et de innovation Technologique

Bennet Atsu K. Foli

University of Ghana
GMES & Africa Programme
Legon, Accra

Caroline Schio
Instituto Monitoramento Mirim Costeiro
Garopaba, SC

Danilo Koetz de Calazans

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG
Instituto de Oceanografia
Rio Grande – RS

Dileine Cunha
Coordenação de Gestão de Programas Internacionais
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Brasília, DF

Elisa Natola
Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Pesquisa – CONFAP
Brasília, DF

Júlia Schütz Veiga

Research Fellow at LABMAR Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq FaDir/FURG
Research Fellow at CEDIS - Centro de Investigação & Desenvolvimento sobre Direito e
Sociedade - Portugal
São Paulo, SP

Pier Luigi Buttigieg

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research

Ricardo Ades
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Sofia Soares Cordeiro

Coordinator of the Ocean Programme of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT)
Coordinator of the H2020 Project All AtlaNtic Cooperation on Ocean Research and
innovation (AANChOR)

Working Group VII – Communication Strategies on the Relevance of the Ocean


Raquel Costa
Coordenadora Escola Azul/ Blue School Coordinator
DGPM - Ministry of Sea

Ronaldo Adriano Christofoletti

Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo – UNIFESP
Campus Baixada Santista – Instituto do Mar - IMAR
Santos, SP


Marcus Polette
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI
Coordinator - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Ambiental
Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – Univali
Itajaí, SC


Abdoulaye Diagana
Abidjan Convention Secretariat
United Nations Environment Programme

Adayse Bossolani da Guarda
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Alfredo Nastari
Scientific American – Brasil
Nastari Editores
São Paulo, SP

Andreia Bentes
BMP Ambiental Ltda
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Danilo Koetz de Calazans

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG
Instituto de Oceanografia
Rio Grande – RS

Emanuel Alencar
Assessor de Sustentabilidade IDG - Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Jana Menegassi del Favero

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
Blog Bate-papo com Netuno
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Juliana Lira de Andrade

Environment Manager
CONCREMAT Engenharia e Tecnologia S.A.
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Karynna Tolentino
Fundação Grupo Boticário
Curitiba, PR

Luiz Henrique Beauchamp Weber (Ike Weber)
Fundação Grupo Boticário
Curitiba, PR

Luiza Pacheco Fernandes

Oceano na Estrada Platform
Florianópolis, SC

Marcelo Andrade de Barros

Escola de Guerra Naval – EGN
Marinha do Brasil
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Maria Paula Fernandes

Uma Gota No Oceano
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Mariana Martins de Andrade

Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
Instituto Oceanográfico - IO
São Paulo, SP

Mércia Maria Ribeiro Anselmo

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC/Rio
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Micaela Belén Stange

Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juán Bosco
Global Penguin Society

Miryam Edvam Lima

Youth Ambassador of the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
University of Cabo Verde – UniCV

Natalia de Miranda Grilli
Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade – Funbio
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
Instituto Oceanográfico – IO
São Paulo, SP

Orestes Alarcon
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC
Florianópolis, SC

Patricia Furtado de Mendonça

Acqua Mater
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Pedro José Martins Queirós Fialho Tojo

Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado da Bahia – SEMA
Salvador, BA

Ricardo Andrade Gomes

Instituto Mar Urbano
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Vanessa Batista
Project Manager at Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e

Workshop Organizers:


Ariel Troisi
Head Oceanography
Chairperson (2019-2021)

Julian Barbière
Head, Marine Policy and Regional Implementation Section
IOC Secretariat

Julie Rigaud
Project Coordinator
UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
IOC Consultant - Coordination team

Vinicius Lindoso
Digital Communications / Web Editor
IOC Secretariat

Mika Odido
IOC Coordinator in Africa
IOC Secretariat

Isabel Chavez
Office of the Executive Secretary
IOC Secretariat

Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation - DHN/Brazilian Navy:

Vice-Admiral Antonio Fernando Garcez Faria

Director (until August 2019)

Vice-Admiral Marcos Borges Sertã

Director (from September 2019)

Captain Ret. Frederico Antonio Saraiva Nogueira

Institutional Adviser on IOC Affairs
Vice Chairperson (2019-2021) Group III

Jefferson Marins Lessa

Primeiro-Tenente (RM2-T)

Tobias Ramalho dos Santos Ferreira

Capitão-Tenente (T)

General Coordination for Oceans, Antarctica and Geosciences - CGOA/Secretariat

for Policies on Training and Strategic Actions - SEFAE, Ministry of Science,
Technology, Innovation and Communications of Brazil - MCTIC:

Marcelo Morales
Executive-Secretary for Policies on Training and Strategic Actions

Sávio Raeder
Director DEPPC

Maria Zaíra Turchi

Director DEPPE
Andrei Polejack
General Coordinator (until September 2019)

Andrea Cancela da Cruz Kaled

General Coordinator (substitute)

Cláudia Alves de Magalhães

Science and Technology Analyst Senior

Iran Cardoso Junior

Science and Technology Assistant

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil - MRE:

Rodrigo Almeida
Head of the Office for Ocean, Antarctic and Outer Space Affairs - DMAE (until July 2019)

Benhur Viana
Head of the Office for Ocean, Antarctic and Outer Space Affairs - DMAE (from August

Thomaz Guedes


Fabio Soares Eon

Human and Social Sciences and Natural Sciences

Fundação Grupo Boticário:

Omar Duarte Rodrigues

Janaina de Araujo Bumbeer Couto

Robson Louiz Capretz

Federal University of the State of São Paulo - UNIFESP:

Ronaldo Christofoletti
Professor, Ocean Sciences Department

Praticagem do Brasil – Conselho nacional de Praticagem - CONAPRA:

Gustavo Martins

From European Commission:

Sigi Gruber
DG Research & Innovation
C4 – Healthy Oceans & Seas

Laura Mc Donagh
Policy Officer

All AtlaNticCooperation on Ocean Research and innovation -AANChOR:

Sofia Soares Cordeiro


Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Co-ordination & Support Action - AORA:

Margaret Rae

SA Workshop Steering Committee:

Cláudia Magalhães
Daniela Turk
Fabio Eon
Frederico Antonio Saraiva Nogueira
Janaina Bumbeer Couto
Julian Barbière
Julie Rigaud
Laura Mc Donagh
Mika Odido
Ronaldo Christofoletti
Sigi Gruber
Sofia Cordeiro
Vinicius Lindoso

SA Workshop Hosts - Brazilian Navy War College – EGN:

Vice-Admiral Edgar Luiz Siqueira Barbosa


Alceu Oliveira Castro

Alexandre Ricciardi dos Reis
CMG (T) Ubirajara Luberiaga Junior
CMG Sousa
CMG (RM1) Franco
Comte. Rosa Nair Medeiros Ribeiro Desrondaux
José Cláudio da Costa Oliveira
Luciane Noronha

SA Workshop Report Organizers:

Cláudia Magalhães
Frederico Saraiva Nogueira Neto
Patrícia Miranda Menezes (The Decade and SDGs Section)

Annex 2

Agenda of the South Atlantic Planning Workshop for the UN Decade of

Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030

South Atlantic Workshop for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable
Development 2021-2030

Day 1: Nov, 25, 2019 - Monday

08:30 - 09:00 - Registration

09:00 - Welcome and  NAVY-DHN, Vice Admiral Marcos Borges Sertã, Director of Hydrography
09:10 Opening and Navigation
 MCTIC-SEFAE, Marcelo Morales, Secretary for Policies on Training and
Strategic Actions
 IOC, Ariel Troisi, IOC Chair

09:10 - Opening  All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance, European Commission, Sigi

09:25 remarks Gruber, Head of the Marine Resources Unit, DG Research and
 Fundação Grupo Boticário, Omar Rodrigues
 Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Ronaldo Christofoletti
 Conselho Nacional de Praticagem (CONAPRA), Gustavo Martins
 Representação da UNESCO no Brasil, Coordenador dos Setores de
Ciências Naturais e de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Fabio Soares Eon

09:25 - Perspectives  Video message from the Executive Planning Group


09:30 - Introduction to Introduction to the Decade objectives, preparatory activities, and aims
10:15 the Decade and for the South Atlantic Community Workshop, and its relationship with
its preparatory the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance
phase  IOC-UNESCO, Ariel Troisi and Julie Rigaud
 All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance, Sigi Gruber

10:15 – 10:45 - Coffee Break

10:45 - Introduction to
 Fundação Grupo Boticário, Karynna Tolentino

10:55 - Panel 1 on Moderator: Sigi Gruber All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance and
11:45 setting a vision European Commission, Head of the Marine Resources Unit, DG
for the Decade Research and Innovation
 UNIFESP, Monica Muelbert, Professor
 AANChOR, Sofia Cordeiro, Project Coordinator

11:45-12:05 Perspectives  Introduction to the All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors initiative,
Youth Sofia Cordeiro
Ambassadors  All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors campaigns – representatives of
Initiative Argentina, Brazil and Cabo Verde (Jorge Gomes, Mariana de Andrade,
Micaela Stange, Miryam Lima, Raíza Andrade)

12:05-12:15 Working group Announcements on working groups

arrangements  Navy/Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação – Captain Ret Frederico A.
Saraiva Nogueira

12:15 – 14:00 - Group Photo + Lunch

Parallel Sessions
14:00 - Working Group 1: Working Group 2: Working Group 7:
15:30 A clean Ocean A healthy & resilient Ocean Communication
Co-Chairs: Strategies on the
• Thandiwe Gxaba, relevance of oceans: An
Benguela Current • Alexander Turra, Ocean valued by all
Commission (BCC), Acting Co-Chairs:
Universidade de São Paulo,
Executive Secretary • Raquel Costa,
• Vanessa Hatje, Centro UNESCO Research Chair for Portuguese Ministry of
Interdisciplinar de Energia Sea, General Direction of
Sustainable Ocean
e Ambiente, Universidade Maritime Policy, Blue
Federal da Bahia (UFBA) • Pål Buhl-Mortensen, School Coordinator
Norwegian Institute of Marine
Rapporteur: Research and AORA-CSA • Ronaldo Adriano
• Carina Costa de Oliveira, Christofoletti,
Universidade de Brasília Rapporteur: Universidade Federal de
(UnB) • Monica Muelbert, São Paulo (UNIFESP)
Universidade Federal de São
Paulo (UNIFESP) • Rapporteur:
Marcus Polette,
Universidade do Vale do
Itajaí (UNIVALI)

15:30 – 16:00 - Afternoon Tea break

16:00 -18:00 Working Group 1 continued Working Group 2 continued Working Group 7

18:00-21:00 - Cocktail Reception sponsored by Navy/DHN

Day 2: Nov, 26, 2019 – Tuesday

Parallel Sessions

Working Group 3: A predicted Ocean Working Group 4: A safe Ocean

09.00 - Co-Chairs: Co-Chairs:
10.30  Karim Hilmi, Maroccan Fisheries • Adesina Adegbie, Nigerian Institute for
Research Institute and IOC Group V Oceanography and Marine Research (NIORM) and
Vice-Chair IOCAFRICA Vice-Chair

 James Todd, NOAA, Program • Nickolas de Andrade Roscher, DHN - Diretoria de

Manager, OceanSITES Hidrografia e Navegação, Marinha do Brasil

Rapporteur: Rapporteur:
• Leticia Cotrim da Cunha, Professor at the • Carlos Leandro da Silva Jr, OceanPact, CRONOS
Faculty of Oceanography - Universidade Project Coordinator
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

10:30 -11:00 - Morning Break

11.00 -
12.30 Working Group 3 continued Working Group 4 continued

12:30 -14:00 – Lunch

Working Group 5: A sustainable Working Group 6: A transparent & accessible

14:00 - productive Ocean Ocean
15:30 Co-Chairs: Co-Chairs:
 Guilherme Fraga Dutra, Conservation • Abdoulaye Diagana, UN Environment, Abidjan
International, Coastal and Marine Convention Secretariat
Strategy Director • Rozane Valente Marins, Universidade Federal do
 Francisca Alberta Lourenço Delgado, Ceará (UFC)
Angolan Ministry of Fisheries and Sea
• Patrícia Menezes, UN/ SDG Rede Brasil
• Veronica Kapula - University of Namibia
• Raíza Andrade, Youth Ambassador -
AANChOR - Brazil

15:30 -16:00 Afternoon break

16.00 - Working Group 5 continued Working Group 6 continued

Day 3: Nov, 27, 2019 - Wednesday
3 min Video from Fundação Grupo Boticário

09:00 - 11:45 Presentations from working groups - Chair: Vanessa Hatje - Universidade Federal da Bahia

09:00 - 09:30 Working Groups 1 and 2 Presentations from working groups. 15 minutes per group for
report back report back and questions

09:30 - 10:00 Working Groups 3 and 4 Presentations from working groups.

report back 15 minutes per group for report back and questions

10:00 – Working Groups 5 and 6 Presentations from working groups. 15 minutes per group for
10:30 report back report back and questions

10:30 -11:00 - Morning break

11:00 -11:15 Working 7 report back Presentation from working group. 15 minutes for report back
and questions

11:15 – Questions

11:45 – Video from Cabo Verde – OceanWeek Cabo Verde

12:05 – 12:50 Panel 2 on cross- cutting Chair: Gilbert Siko IOC EPG and DST South Africa
issues: Capacity Panelists:
development and • Werner Ekau, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
transfer of marine (ZMT), Germany
technology • Rui Freitas, Faculty of Marine Sciences and Engineering,
University of Cape Verde
• Wilsa Atella, Moniport Ambidados
• Ariel Troisi, IOC Chair

12:50 -14:30 – Lunch

14:30 - 15:15 Panel 3 on cross- cutting Chair: Dra. Olga Sato, IOUSP – Instituto Oceanográfico
issues: Partnerships and Universidade São Paulo

• Benjamin Williams, Fugro, Americas

• Silvana Laura Dans, CONICET - Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - CENPAT - Centro
Nacional Patagonico – Argentina.
• Dileine Cunha, CNPq
• Elisa Natola, CONFAP

15:15 -16:00 Panel 4 on cross-cutting Chair: Vanessa Batista, Ciência Viva, Portugal
issues: Ocean Literacy &
Data-sharing Panelists:
• Nicholas Dittert, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
(ZMT), Germany
• Bennet A. Foli, (GMES & Africa - UG) Regional Marine Centre,
University of Ghana
• Karynna Tolentino, Fundação Grupo Boticário
• Danilo Koetz de Calazans, INCT Mar-COI, Fundação
Universidade do Rio Grande (FURG)

16:00 -16:30 - Afternoon tea break

16:30 - 17:00 Follow-up and • Daniella Turk, Ocean Frontier Institute - Canada, UN Decade
participation in the North Atlantic Workshop Coordinator
global process, summary • Julie Rigaud, IOC-UNESCO, UN Decade Preparatory activities
and next steps Coordinator
• Sofia Cordeiro, AANChOR, Project Coordinator

17:00 -17:30 Closing remarks • Sigi Gruber, All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance and European
Commission, Head of the Marine Resources Unit, DG Research
and Innovation
• Ronaldo Christofoletti, UNIFESP
• Luiz Henrique Beauchamp Weber, Fundação Grupo Boticário
• Ariel Troisi, IOC Chair
• Maria Zaíra Turchi, Director DEPPE MCTIC
• Captain Ret Frederico A. Saraiva Nogueira on behalf of Vice
Admiral Marcos Borges Sertã, Director of DHN, Navy

South Atlantic Planning Workshop for the UN Decade of
Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030

The South Atlantic Planning

Workshop for the UN Decade
of Ocean Science for
Sustainable Development
was organized by

Supported by

In partnership with


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