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Proyecto de arte - Parte 2

Español III - Srta. Tomasetta

Due today 3/19/21 by 11:59 pm

Today, you will create a work of art inspired
by the artist you choose for Part 1 of this
art project. Before you start, please check out your grade and
comments on Part 1.

1. Research and observe several pieces of artwork from your artist
2. Research their personal and professional life
3. Create a work of art about your artist AND in the style of your artist
4. Write a 5-10 sentence statement en español explaining what inspired your
artwork and what it expresses about the artist
5. Submit your artist’s statement
6. Submit your work of art OR a photo of your work of art
7. Be ready to present next week.

Obras de arte:
You can use any medium that you like for this project. If your artist was a painter, you
can choose to make a painting, OR create a sculpture, song, or drawing in a style similar
to theirs. Student choice!

Artwork examples:
● A sculpture of your artist’s childhood pet
● A painting of the artist
● A song inspired by their most famous work of art
● A pencil sketch of the country where they grew up
● A collage of important places in their life
● A digital design remastering one of their works

1 2 3 4

Creativity Work is not unique Work is somewhat Work is generally Work is

or interesting unique and unique and exceptionally
interesting interesting unique and
No connection to interesting
style of artist No connection to In the same style as
same style as artist artist Clearly in the same
Does not explore or style as artist
teach about artist’s Minimally explores Minimally explores
identity or teaches about or teaches about Explores or teaches
artist’s identity artist’s identity something about
artist’s identity

Craftsmanship Work done with Work done with Work done with Work done with
minimal care, effort, some care, effort, good care, effort, exceptional care,
and attention to and attention to and attention to effort, and
detail detail detail attention to detail

Artist’s statement Student submits Student minimally Student minimally Student adequately
artist statement but explains the explains the explains the
does not connect meaning behind meaning behind meaning behind
their work to the their artwork their artwork their artwork
artist that inspired
them Student fails to In doing so, student In doing so, student
teach audience teaches audience teaches audience
Less than 5 something about something about something about
sentences the artist’s life and the artist’s life and the artist’s life and
works works works
Less than Less than 5 5-10 sentences
Student did not use 5sentences sentences

Grammar and Several (more than Many (more than 8) Some (more than 5) Few (less than 5)
spelling 10) grammatical grammatical and grammatical and grammatical and
and spelling errors spelling errors in spelling errors in spelling errors in
in statement statement statement statement


Student did not use


Total: 16 points

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