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_ JR. Rice and G.C. Sih, Cracks in Dissimilar Material: ‘Plane Problems of Journal of Applied Mechanics, 32, 1965, pp. 418-423. JR. RICE Aeseorch Aodiate, of Eninerng, Town Gavery, Proudene, Rt G.C. SIH Plane Problems of Cracks in Dissimilar Media” The in-plane extension of two dissimilar materials with cracks or foult Hines along their common interfoce is considered. A method is offered for solving such problems by the application of complex variables integrated with the eigenfunction-expansion tech: sigue presented in an earlier paper ‘single complex potential resulting in a marked economy of effort as contrasted with the The solution o any problem is resolved o finding ‘more laborious conventional methods whick have not yielded satisfactory results. Bound- ary problems are formulated and solutions are given in closed form. The results of ‘these evaluations also give siress intensity factors (which determine the onset of rapid fracture inthe theory of Grifth- Irwin) for plane problems AA snoncas of considerable practical importance is that of two semi-infinite elatic bodies with diferent elastic properties joined along strnghtline segments. The. problem representa idealization of two disimar metallic. material ‘welded together with flaws or cracks developed along the original Weld ine owing to faulty joining techniques. ‘The bonding ma- terials also may be metalic to nonmetal. ‘Although a great deal of progress has been made in solving elasticity problems involving tins of discontinuities, mathematic cal formulation of the problem of racks between the bonding surfaces of two diferent materials remains inadequately treated. Recently, several autor have attempted to sole the problem by methods euch asthe egenunetion-expansion approach {2}, the Hilbert problem (8, and by techniques using integral trans- forms (4]. However, not one o the foregoing papers has given satisfactory reults to the problem. The presnt investigation therefore is undertaken to give a complete formulation of the ‘wo disimilar media” erack problem in a manner which i simpler and more thorough than would have been possible by other, hitherto known methods nan enlightening paper [1], Wiliams considered the plane problem of dissimilar material with a semiinite crack. Tt was ‘iscovered forthe Sst time thatthe stress poses an oxilatory character of the type P=" in, (or en) of the argument «log 7, chanics, Lehigh ' Formerly NSF Fellow, Department of Appliod Univeraty, Bethlehem, Pa "This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research, U.S. Navy, under Contract Nons-810(06) with the Department of Mechaales, Lehigh University. ‘Numbers in brackets desigate References at ond of paper Presented at the Applied Mechatia/Fluide Engineering Confer- nee, Washington, D. C. June 7-9, 1005, of Tue Awentcan Socter oF Atzemanrene Exon ‘iseusion ofthis paper should be addresed to the Eulitorial De- partment, ASME, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York. N. ¥. 10017, aad will be acepted until July 10, 1005 sion received after the closing date willbe returned. Manu "ecelved by ASME Applied Mechanics Division, May 8, 1904, Paper No. 65—APMA, where ris the radial distance from the crack tip end eis a function of material constants. This problem was later extended to the case of bending loads by Sih and Rice (2). While the eigenfune- tion approach of Willams issn expedient method for determining qualitstively the characteristic behavior of the stress in the Vicinity of erack tps, it doesnot give the solution quantitatively.* ‘Associated with the problem of disimilar materials having cracks je that of the lest complinted one of punches acting on a half-plane. Using the Plemelj formulas and Cauchy integrals, “Musleelisvili (5 has solved the problem of s single punch with traight-line profile pressing on a horizontal base, He showed that the atres changes ite sign an infinite numberof times under- neath the punch. This oscillatory character of the stress is in fact the same as that observed by Williams (1) for the ersck. problem. Furthermore, upon identifying the width of the punch with the length of the bond line, the Goursut functions for the punch and crack problems take the same form, Similarly, the problem of two collinear punches corresponds to the dissimilar raterial problem of two semi-infinite planes bonded along two Site Hine segments, For a detailed account of the similarities between the punch and orack problems, refer to the work of ‘Muskhelishvli (5) in conjunetion with that of Erdogan (3). Tt should be pointed out that the Hilbert formulation in [3] is based fon the condition of free erack surface. A more general application ofthe problem of linear relationship (or the Hilbert problem) to the problem of straight or circularare cracks along the bond line of two diferent material wll be discussed in a separate pape. Tn an effort to obtain a complete solution of the problem, Bahar [4] proposed an alternative method based on integral transforms, He resolved the problem to the solution of simulta- neous dual integral equations which in turn were reduced to & system of linear algebraic equation by means ofthe discontinuous ‘Weber-Sonine-Schatheitin integrals. In contrast to all the pre vious results (1,2 3 5, he found that the stresses near the rack Tote that in (2] the Gouret functions were expreted inde- gpaent of ancrani obth th enteral ln nd he creck Ne @ = half crack length R = complex force, Q + iP B= (Gm + DIGI + b = dimension ‘Uy vy = displacements (j = 1, 2) 1) 4,B.0 = sampler stants 44 5 moanaureprdinaiss y= Pouwa'sratio (= 1,2 'F, = Youngs mot = 1 comlervean.s Pay 2 a CT SEERA Gee fen) tm meme [04019 Fs) = cole fnatin of 5 tniteonpeaet fo) 7 G, = shear moduli (j = 1,2) ay = 3 —4y, for plane strain 2), Vi(z) = Goursat functions (j = i= (pv and (3 — »))/(L +») 1,2) . byte = serntensty factors brolasesiea (i=, cop = rotation atin (j= P,Q = yandz-components of R ) 1,2) {up are not oscillatory in character Lt deeay monotonieslly as r the radial distance from the erack front, inereases. ‘The validity ofthis result is therefore questioned. In what follows, ite shown how the complex-variable method combined with eigenfunetion expansion in (1, 2] etn be applied to formulate the problem of bonded dissimilar elasti planes con- taining eracks along the bond. Solutions sre given in closed form for a number of extensional problems of fundamental interest. In particular, the problem of an isolated complex fore, ie, force veetor having components in the z and y-drections, ap- plied at an arbitrary loeation on each side of the crack surface is solved. Aside from ita application to such problems as wedge loading at an arbitrary angle, the isolated-force solution may be used as Green's functions to obtein the streses in welded dis- similar plates owing to any arbitrary distribution of tractions on, the crack surface ‘The results in this paper are also discussed in connection with the Grifith-Irin theory of fracture. Tn their theory, th eritial length of a crack may be predicted from the eruck-tip stress intensity factors, tis shown that these factors can be evaluated readily from « complex potential function ®(2). Statement of Problem Let a material with elastic properties By and » ocoupy the upper half-plane, y > 0, and a material with elastic properties Fy and ¥ occupy the lower half-plane, y <0. The two materials fare bonded along straight-line segmenta of the z-axis. In the following, all quantities such as the elastic constants, stresses, sand soon, pertaining to the region y > O and y <0 will be marked ‘with subscripts Land 2, repectively. ‘Muskhelishvli [5] and others have shown that the solution to ‘an individual problem in the plane theory of elasticity ean be re- ‘duced to finding two complex functions, which satisfy the bound- ‘ary conditions of that problem. In the case of two diferent ma- terials, however, the elaatie properties are discontinuous seross the bond line and a complete solution to the problem requires the knowledge of four complex functions ,(2), V2) j = 1, 2, of the complex variable z = x + iy. The basic equations for two- ‘dimensional isotropic elasticity in the form used by Kolosov- ‘Muskhelishvil re (oa + (oy = 4 Rel 2) (oy — (eds + Bites = BEB, (2) + YON) a and 2G,(uy + in) = nO (edde ~ 2B Ye) — SB And — (2) where uy, % are components of displacement, (24) (yy (Fu are components of stress, and G, isthe shear modulus. Alto’, = 3 — 4h, for plane strain and n, = (3 — 9,)/(1 +») for general ined plane stress, , being Poisson's ratio, Isolated Forces on Surface of a Semi-Infinite Crack Let the semi-infinite planes of different materials be joined along the postive z-axis, Fig. 1. A Tine crack is situated along, the negative zaxis extending from z= 0 to = —© and ie ig. 1 noate forces om @ i apened by a complex force R= Q + iP atz = —a0on each side af the crack. For this problem, the general forms of the Goursat funetions| are given by equation (41) in [2]. These were derived by express- ing the Airy stress function, obtained by the Williams method as 1 power series in terms of polar coordinates rand 8 in the form Re [8,(2) + xe] The functions f() and x(e ate (2) and (2) inthis paper, sespectively. Upon defining f= 2 FD ~salen +H — soos) tis possible to exprest the functions 4+) and Ve) in terms tftebalone. ‘The rents are 4a) = 4) le) = ere Ha) = =o forthe region y > Oand 42) = eects) © Wola) = ate) — eet ~ foe) + CO) for the region y <0. Tn equations (8) through (5), «is defined as ‘the bielatie constant given by (se equation (98) in [2]) 1 my lV i(m 42 camel(E+a/(B+a)] ‘The problem is to find the function f(z) such that it ia holo- sorphicin a region close to the crac tip. Outside of this region, fe) may have poles of the order 1/z. Tn effect, this permits load- ing on the erack surfece except for olaed loads near the tip of the erack, Hence, in the proximity of the requisite foree & at 2 = —ain Fig. 1, the Goursnt functions, say for y > 0, must take the form “ “Cd — fete) + 2°) C) Ra tay = -2 ” Ri Re WO) ora toe Gta Equation (7) represents Boussinesq's solution (6) of an isolated foree acting on the boundary of « half-plane, but now ex- presed in terme of complex potentials. Upon comparing both ‘equations (4) and (7) for the stresses inthe neighborhood of the pole at 2 = —o, itis found that P= iQ at! 8) ee f= Inserting equation (6) into (4) and (5) gives the Goursat func- tions frm which the stressee and displacements ean be computed ‘ithout difficulty Goursat Functions for Finite-Crack Problems ‘The Goursat functions, equations (4) snd 5), originally derived for semi-infinite crack, may be modified to solve the problem of a finite crack, Fig. 2. Since the branch points are now located at t= Ea (the crack tip), the singular terms (2 — a)~!~"* and (@ + a)1*% must be introdueed into the complex potentials $42) and V,(2). This is seromplished by defining f2) in equa- tions (4) and (5) a8 Sle) = (24 0) HFG) o ja which o(2) is well behaved at ¢ = a and it may have poles ‘ulfcienty far away from the eruck tip when isolated forees are resent Fig. 2 Init pate with «crack subjected to srosses ot infty In addition, the effect of the translation of coordinate axes on the Goursat functions must be considered. Denote by (2), Wi(2) the functions refered to the axee 2, y and ®,9(2), (2) to'2*,y* (see Fig, 2). Since the stress components, equation (G1), sr@ not altered by the translation = 2* +a, itis observed that Bf2) = 4% — 0) Ufa) = Fre — a) ~ 08," ~ 0) Making use of equations (9) and (10), equations (4) and (5) may ‘be rearranged to read as Bs) = ole)Fe) + A Wee) = Aree) Fle) (10) an + [SES ao -we]eo-a+a a Oye) = Peter) + oA = 90 a + an [SEM Gy ato] rma where b= (04 + D1/GCm + DI wa ro ae on(tts)" as ‘Those terms containing the complex constant A represent the degenerate caseof @,(2)and V,(z). A detailed derivation is given, in Appendix 1. Tecan be shown that equations (11) and (12) give zero stresses fon the erack surface and continuous stresses across the bond line, |e] > afore ~ 2. The continuity of displacements may be veri- fied by Grst computing forthe complex displacements 2Gi(ui + in) = fate) Fene = a Solon + (2 - nm) FLe) (14) in the upper half-plane ard 20a + ies) = Prem Sole)Plelds — Sole Fe = are = FO) 15) in the lower half-plane. from equations (14) and (15), the dif- ference between the displ: cements for y > O and y <0is found to be 1 + In view of equation (6), this diference is &) saovrene 2) saan 3) Saorene (8) on the bond line 2 = indeed sero when SileVFehde issingle- valued on the bond line. Hence, the Goursat functions given by equations (11) and (12) ‘satify all the conditions of the problem of a finite erack between ‘orodissimilar materials. ‘The foregoing analysis may be extended easly to a finite or infinite numberof collinear eracks. An ex- ample is given in Appendix 2. Tt is now more pertinent to iMlustrate the use ofthis method by finding the constant A end the fonetion 9) for specie problems. Extension of Infinite Plate With a Crack ‘From the point of view of application, the consideration of in- Site region is of interest when the crack length is small in com- ‘parison with plate dimensions. ‘The geometry of the present problem is shown in Fig. 2, where the plate composed of two dif- forent materials is subjected to normal and shear stresses at in- fnity. Tn order for the stresses to be bounded as + + «, the function o(2) can at most be linear inz; Le, oe) = Bec an where B and C are complex constants yet to be found. The physical interpretation ofthe constant A = Ay + iy in equa- tions (11), (12) and B = B, + iBsin equation (17) is considerably ore complicated than in the case of similar material, « = 0. Patting equation (17) into (11) and (12) and letting 2+ ©, then ‘by way of equation (1), the stresses at infinity led to eb as) Te-should be mentioned that the normal stress, oy in the zdirec- tion is discontinuous across the bond line. Thus itis necessary to distinguish (2,7): in the region y > 0 from (a,") in the region 1 <0, Infact, it follows directly that they are related to each other by G+wer =u +0, 16 oo (ork = Hoh + ‘Alternatively, quation (19) also may be obtained from the condi- tions of continuity of stresses and displacements across the z-axis ‘long which the component 2, has a jump (see Appendix 3) ‘The constant A, may be related to the rotation at an infinitely remote pat ofthe, -plane as follows: Bar 1 (2, Tan iter AL si) +m 20) "ire in which ox" and ay” denote the rotations a infinity in the upper and lower halfplanes, respectively. After some algebraic ‘manipulations, equation (20) gives wnt) o0 In contrast to the homogeneous ease (3; = G), where the rotation a may be assumed to vanish aa it does not afect the stresses, ai" znd uy in the bimaterial problem cannot be et abitraily to zero atthe same time unless r,> = 0. Hitherto no cosderation has been given tothe onditon of single-valuedces of displacements, Tt i neccseary ad euficient for the one-valuednes of uy + ny (J = 1, 2) thatthe integral Sele)Pajde in equations (14) and (15) be a single-valued function of 2 For le > o, the function F(e)in equation (18) may be represented bya series of theform or = 40) = (22) roy by By By virtue of equations (17) and (22) Sole)Fle)de = Be + (C + 2ieaB) logs re 7 2 For single-valued displacements, i.e., solutions involving no dis- locations, the integral should have no logarithmic term. ‘There- {ore the constant Cis determined: C= ~2i0B Cc) ‘where B is given by equation (18). The final result in terms of o(2) may be written as ae) = vata) 4 co) Oo = ita re from which the Goureat functions &,(e) and W,(e) may be ob- tained, Green's Funeti ‘The problem of two semi-infinite planes bonded slong the axis with « crack of length, 2a, centered at the origin, Fig. 3, ‘and having two equal and opposite forees R = Q + sP applied at = bis of fundamental interet, since it may be used asa Green's function to form the solution to other problems. Replacing the constant a in equation (7) by —b and equating ‘the results in terms of stresses with those obtained from equations (11) and (12) the vicinity of = b,j gives where A = 0 as the stress are zero at infinity. The isolated force solution, equation (25), may now be taken as a Groen's function to eolve problems with any loading desired on the ack, surface ‘Moreover, by judicious application of the “principle of super- postion,” the solution of the problem of crack with surface fractions may be further used to attack all the general problems of so infinite plate with a crack whose surface is fre from trac: tions. First, the stresses ¢4(z, 0) and r4(z, 0) on the prospective ‘rack surface with no erack present are computed from the pro- scribed loading in the original problem. ‘Then, superimposing ‘ractions equal and opposite to those on the prospective crack surface (i.e, to free the crack surface), the result is we) 69-5 fot le «GRY ‘Once (2) is known, the strestes and displacements are com- pletely determined. Hence, equation (26) provides a direct ‘method of solving any problem involving erack between two bonded dissimilar materials tz (26) ‘A ote creck eponed by wedge frees ‘Stress-Intensity Factors in Dissimilar Materials Tn previous paper [2], the stresees in the immediate vicinity of the eruck tip were given as function of rand 8, where ris the distance from the crack front and @ the angle between r and the crack plane, It was found thatthe singular behavior of the stresses remains proportional to the inverse square root ofr (i, 77%) asin the case of homogeneous materials, but the stresses, ‘ossess a pronounced oscillatory character ofthe type 1 (2) ren bch was int obnerved hy Wiliams 1). Equation (27) shows That the striate factors hj = 1,2) aed in the Gite Irvin hey of rach ane crated i anne ada 1 {int of the orogens cas 7] However, the ite Probe, hand ican po loge be reared rhe crack ipso Eleni fact for syne aed akew-emetel ses Gintsbtons ‘Tis poit wil be diumed inter “hn exaniaton of equations (42) hough (4) i [2] indicates {ag te purrs fain gener may Se considered ste Siengh of te sires tingle ot crack tp, Quantaray, (5 ~ 1,2) depend onthe exeoal lads sad th eek dines: SEL Fore pen problem, the stomintoty factor say be Computed rom te expla potent 2) Take the case of senate crack with ia Up tthe og Fig 1, ‘Toe sear iSecity facta at = Oar iva by = sh) = 2 e** Lim (0) AO) — #840) = 2-73 7 Lig ob (2) en (23) ‘As a Grst example, consider the somi-infnite crack problem stated earlier, Fig. 1.” The isolated forces P and @ are located ut 4 distance a away from the origin. Using equations (4) and (8), 2quation (28) becomes 1/2)" wo) = 5 UP cos(e log a) + @ sin (¢ log a)] ™ en wo) = 2 (2)"" 10 codetng) ~ Pi (ele 0 Contrary tothe conclusion in (2, the strse-intensty factors for 8 fingle bond do depend on the bielastic constant «Thus, the dependency off, on the material constants isnot a simple matter of identifying it with the numberof bond lines. A should have ‘been expected, when ¢ = 0, equation (29) reduces tothe solution for the homogeneous material. Similarly, the evaluation of by for a fnite crack of length 2a, Fig. 2, may be earriod out by redefining equation (28) in the form (a) ~ tha) = B/E er" Lim (e — a)! +(e) (80) ‘As & second example, consider 9 stright crack of length 23 ‘long the z-axis in an infinite pate with normal and shear stremae st large distances from the erack, Fig. 2. From equations (11), ‘Equation (48) in 2) (24), and (80), the stress-ntensity factors at # = a are obtained, They are { [cos (¢ log 2a) + 2¢ sin (€ log 24)] yw Ut rlsin (eg 20) — 2c (log 22 4, 7 comb we on { ‘loos (¢ log 2a) + 2¢ sin (¢ log 20)] ty = Leen el 20) = Boog 201 f An interesting feature of equation (31) is that both the sym- metric and skew-aymmetrio loadings, 2," and 1,", are inter: ‘mixed in the expression for and fy As a result the B= 1 2) do not have the simple physical interpretation as in the homogeneous ease where the symmetric and skew-symmetric loads are separately contained in ky = 0,7a'/* and ky = 1,,°2"" for ¢ = 0. When ¢ » 0, even if the external loads were sym metric, say 7.," = 0 in equation (31), more than one strese- intensity factor ia involved. Hence, in the application of the Griffth-Iewin theory of fracture, itis necessary to assume that & function of ly fy will cuuse the eruck to grow upon reaching some critical value.” ‘The erterion may be written as Mb) = fr ‘The specific form of equation (32) must be determined experi- ‘mentally. Such studies will be lft for future investigations. (22) Conclusions A simple method for determining the Goursat functions for ‘two dissimilar (or similar) materials bonded along straight-line segments is developed. The unbonded portion of the interface may be regarded as crackike imperfections. The derivation combines an eigenfunction-expansion method with the complex. function theory of Muskhelishvii. The problem of isolated forces on the crack surface is solved with the i of Boussinesq's solution, {In genera, the results in this paper ean be used in ny one ofthe current fracture-mechanics theories, In particular, itis shown ‘that the concept of stressintensity factor in the Grfith-Irwin theory of fracture may be extended to cracks in dissimilar materials. ‘The Gouraat function for out-of-plane bending of cracks along the interface of two joined materials may be obtained inthe same way. These resulte will be reported at a later date. References 1M. L. Williams, ‘Tho Stresses Around a Fault or Crack in Dis sinilar Media." Buln of te Setomlaplea! Society of America, val 49,1050, pp. 190-208. 2 G.C. Shand J. R, Rice, "The Bending of Plates of Dissimilar Materials With Creek" Jovmat or Armuind Mucus, vol. 3 ‘Taaxa. ASME, vo. 80, Series E, 1064, pp. 477-482, 3 F. Erdogan, “Stree Distbution in a Nonhomogencous ‘Bhstie Plone With Crackn”" Jouavat or Arruizo Mucus, vol 80, Taans. ASME, vol 85, Series E, 1969, pp. 202-238. 4, 1. ¥. Bahar, "On an Elstostatic Problam in Noubomogencous ‘Media Leading to Coupled Dual Ttegral Equations” PLD disertar tion, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa, 1868. 5" N. 1. Muskhelihvill, Some Bavic Probleme of the Mathematical Theory of Blaaicty, 1983, English translation, P. Noordot and Company, New York, N. ¥. 1053. 6 J. Bousinesg, “Equllbre e'latcit," Comptes Rendus de Académie dea Sconces, Pars, France, val. 118, 1892, pp. 1610-1616. 7 G.C. Sih, P. C. Paris, end F. Erdogan, "Crack-Tip, Stresetn ‘tansity Faotor for Plane Extension and Plato Bending Problems, Tounsar op Awruizy Mrcnanies, vol. 29, Traxs. ASME, vol. 84, Serie E, 1962, pp. 300-812. ‘An Infaite Row of Collinear Cracks in an Ia- Inooneur-Archir, vol. 28 196, pp. 108-172 APPENDIX 1 Degenerate Case of Goursat Functions When the Gourast functions © (2) and Ws) degenerate to the constants A, and By, respectively, equations (1) and (2) may be ‘writen se on), + (a), = MA, + A) (64h) ~ (04), + 2areny = 28, 20 uy + ie) = (mAs ~ 4, ~ Bde (33) where j= 1, 2._ Now, conser a uniaxial state of stress parallel to the crack surface which i not afected by the pretence of the crack, This is given by (oh + lrgh = (oh + ile = 0 Hence, equation (88) yields ~B= Asta, fone ow ‘From equation (34) and the continuity of displacements along the bond line, i, tins atin at ya it ie found that Gdm + AL = Gil + As ) ‘To simplify the notation, et Ay = A. Thus, the Goursat func- tions fo the two materials become a= 1 Wa (A +A), for y>0 and ett a-8(GH)4 o we | (38) +1 Gs Ami, Jeeta, te v0 APPENDIX 2 An Infinite Row of Collinear Cracks ‘The problem of an infinite series of equal eracks of length 2a ‘along the bond line of two dissimilar materials end spaced at con- stant intervals (2a) may be solved by the method described ‘earlier. Referring to Fig. 4for notation and the external loads at infinity, analogously to the expressions of (11), (13), and (17), Fig. 4 An nfote tres of collinear cracks between two dlasmiler imelaate (2) is reprosented in the periodic form, giving strss-tree crack surface and uniform streas at infinity, +. 0) = BT (end aFe mb) +4 _ sy yr}. One may show that fr single-valued displacements, d = 2iea; and that boundary conditions at infinity are satisfied by expressing A= A+ idsand B= B, + éBein terms ofthe applied stresee ‘and rotation through equations identical to (18) and (20), Noting tht a= Bo) Fig and the remaining Goursat functions are given by We) = PreBle) — A] - (le) A + 28) - (4 + A) Ble) = Sreldy(s) — A] + Va) = (Bla) — A) ~ Arle) ~ 4 + ev] — wld + A) In the special ease when ¢ = 0, the foregoing solution reduces to that obtained by Koiter (8] for two similar materials, APPENDIX 3 Stress Jump Across Interface In general, equation (19) may be derived by considering the ‘uiibrium of an element oceupying both the region y > 0 and 1-< 0, y = O being the bond line. “The stress component «7 is Jaken to be discontinuous across the line y = O and the strain >omponent ¢, tobe continuous along such sling, i, (eh (ee "follows from the strain-stres relations that toa er) tesante wn (Sado [Pe] oy for plane strain. Equations (38) and (39) may be made into tingle generalization upon defining 99 = 1, 2) such that ny = 8 = 49, for plane strain and n, = (8 — v,}/(1 + 2) for plane stress. ‘Moreover, using oquation (6), the final result may be put into the form of equation (19).

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