3.1 - Worksheet 3 - Gravitational Field

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Worksheet 3 Gravitational field

1. Define gravitational field strength at a (a) Write an equation for the gravitational
point in space. field strength g at a distance r from the centre
[1] of an isolated object of mass M.
2. Show that the gravitational constant G has
the unit N m2 kg−2. (b) By what factor would the gravitational field
[2] decrease if the distance from the centre of
the mass were doubled?
3. Calculate the magnitude of the [2]
gravitational force between the objects
described below.
You may assume that the objects are ‘point
(a) two protons separated by a distance of (c) The satellite orbits at a distance of 5R
5.0 × 10−14 m. from the Earth’s centre and the Moon is at a
(mass of a proton = 1.7 × 10−27 kg) distance of 59R. Calculate the ratio:
separation between Earth and Mars
 7.8  1010 m
mass of Earth  6.0  1024 kg
(b) two binary stars, each of mass 5.0 × 1028
kg, mass of Mars  6.4  1023 kg
with a separation of 8.0 × 1012 m
gravitational field strength at position of satellite
gravitational field strength at position of Moon


5. The planet Neptune has a mass of

(c) two 1500 kg elephants separated by a 1.0  1026 kg and a radius of 2.2  107 m.
distance of 5.0 m Calculate the surface gravitational field
[2] strength of Neptune.

6. A space probe of mass 1800 kg is

travelling from Earth to the planet Mars.
The space probe is midway between the
planets. Use the data given to calculate:

4. The diagram shows the Moon and an

artificial satellite orbiting round the Earth.
The radius of the Earth is R.

(a) the gravitational force on the space probe

due to the Earth
Worksheet 3 Gravitational field
(b) the gravitational force on the space probe is 2.0  10 kg. Calculate the orbital speed of

due to Mars the Earth as it travels round the Sun.

[2] [2]
(c) the acceleration of the probe due to the
gravitational force acting on it. 10. There is a point between the Earth and
[3] the Moon where the net gravitational field
strength is zero. At this point the Earth’s
7. An artificial satellite orbits the Earth at a gravitational field strength is equal in
height of 400 km above its surface. magnitude but opposite in direction to the
The satellite has a mass 5000 kg, the radius gravitational field strength of the Moon.
of the Earth is 6400 km and the mass of the Given that:
Earth is 6.0  1024 kg. For this satellite, mass of Earth
calculate: mass of Moon = 81
(a) the gravitational force experienced calculate how far this point is from the centre
[3] of the Moon in terms of R, where R is the
(b) its centripetal acceleration separation between the centres of the Earth
[2] and the Moon.
(c) its orbital speed.
[3] [4]

Examination Questions
8. (a) Explain what is meant by the term
gravitational potential at a point. 1. (a) Define gravitational potential. [2]
(b) Explain why values of gravitational potential
(b) Write down the gravitational potential near to an isolated mass are all negative. [3]
energy of a body of mass 1 kg when it is at
an infinite distance from another body. (c) The Earth may be assumed to be an isolated
[1] sphere of radius 6.4 x 103 km with its mass of
6.0 x 1024 kg concentrated at its centre. An object
is projected vertically from the surface of the
(c) The radius of the Earth is 6.4  106 m and
Earth so that it reaches an altitude of
the mass of the Earth  6.0  1024 kg. 1.3 x 104 km.
Calculate the potential energy of the 1 kg
mass at the Earth’s surface. Calculate, for this object,
[3] (i) the change in gravitational potential,
(ii) the speed of projection from the Earth’s
surface, assuming air resistance is negligible. [5]

(d) Write down the minimum energy required (d) Suggest why the equation
to remove the body totally from the Earth’s v2 = u2 + 2as
is not appropriate for the calculation in (c)(ii). [1]
gravitational field. [1]
(J 03 Q1)
9. The planets in our solar system orbit the
Sun in almost circular orbits.
(a) Show that the orbital speed v of a planet
at a distance r from the centre of the Sun is
given by:

v= √ r 2. The Earth may be considered to be a uniform
sphere with its mass M concentrated at its centre.
(b) The mean distance between the Sun and A satellite of mass m orbits the Earth such that
the Earth is 1.5  1011 m and the mass of the the radius of the circular orbit is r.
Worksheet 3 Gravitational field
(a) Show that the linear speed v of the satellite is
given by the expression (iii) In practice, the Earth is not an isolated sphere
because it is orbited by the Moon, as illustrated in

v = √( r ) Fig. 1.2.

(b) For this satellite, write down expressions, in

terms of G, M, m and r, for
(i) its kinetic energy, [1]
(ii) its gravitational potential energy, [1]
(iii) its total energy. [2]

(c) The total energy of the satellite gradually The initial path of the meteorite is also shown.
decreases. Suggest two changes to the motion of the
State and explain the effect of this decrease on meteorite caused by the Moon. [2]
(i) the radius r of the orbit, [2] (J 10/42/Q1)
(ii) the linear speed v of the satellite. [2]
(J 06 Q1)
4. (a) Define gravitational field strength. [1]
3. (a) Define gravitational potential at a point.
[2] (b) An isolated star has radius R. The mass of the
(b) The Earth may be considered to be an star may be considered to be a point mass at the
isolated sphere of radius R with its mass centre of the star.
concentrated at its centre. The gravitational field strength at the surface of
The variation of the gravitational potential φ with the star is gs.
distance x from the centre of the Earth is shown
in Fig. 1.1. On Fig. 1.1, sketch a graph to show the variation
of the gravitational field strength of the star with
distance from its centre. You should consider
distances in the range R to 4R. [2]

(c) The Earth and the Moon may be considered to

be spheres that are isolated in space with their
The radius R of the Earth is 6.4 × 106 m. masses concentrated at their centres.
The masses of the Earth and the Moon are
(i) By considering the gravitational potential at the 6.00 × 1024 kg and 7.40 × 1022 kg respectively.
Earth’s surface, determine a value for the mass of The radius of the Earth is RE and the separation
the Earth. [3] of the centres of the Earth and the Moon is 60 RE,
as illustrated in Fig. 1.2.

(ii) A meteorite is at rest at infinity. The meteorite

travels from infinity towards the Earth.
Calculate the speed of the meteorite when it is at
a distance of 2R above the Earth’s surface.
Explain your working. [4]
Worksheet 3 Gravitational field

(i) Explain why there is a point between the Earth

and the Moon at which the gravitational field
strength is zero. [2]

(ii) Determine the distance, in terms of RE, from

the centre of the Earth at which the gravitational
field strength is zero. [3]

(iii) On the axes of Fig. 1.3, sketch a graph to

show the variation of the gravitational field
strength with position between the surface of the
Earth and the surface of the Moon.


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