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By: Umm Salmah (1805124312)

Supervisor: Dr. Sc. Syahril, S.Si, MT

To Complete Physics Course English 6B April 23, 2020




FY 2019/2020


1.1. Background

Basically Physics is the science of natural phenomena as outlined in the form of facts,
concepts, principles and laws that are proven true and through a series of activities in the
scientific method. Physics is also a branch of science that provides quantitative experience
about the nature, behavior and mathematical analysis.

There are various types of motion in objects, there are straight motion, vibration and
there is motion circular or rotational motion. Examples of objects that move rotations are
people who open the door, rotate the earth, move the wheels and like the picture above
someone who took off a car tire.

Rotation is the rotation of objects on an axis that is fixed , for example, turnover tops
and the rotation of the earth on a spindle / axis . For earth , this rotation occurs in the north-
south line / axis / axis ( vertical line and slightly tilted to the right ). So a line north-south
earth does not coincide with the axis of rotation of the Earth , such as that seen in the "ball
globe world " that is used in teaching the science of earth / geography . This rotation speed is
measured by the number of turns per unit time . For example , our earth rotates 1 rotation per
24 hours . For rotation engine that spins much faster than the rotation of the Earth , we use
the unit rotations per minute (rpm).               

As a result of the motion of rotation is , the object that will experience the force of
centrifugal , that is the type of style in the science of physics that result in objects will be
thrown out . It 's going to appear noticeably at the time we ride cars that pass through the
bend circular . When the car is moving at a rather high speed, passengers in the car will feel
thrown sideways or outside the circle as a result of centrifugal force.        

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              2.1 . Definition of Rotational Motion

Rotational motion ( circular ) is movement on a flat plane whose path is a circle . we

will learn how an object can be rotated and what the cause . By because it is , we will start
with a discussion about understanding the moment force , moment of inertia , and momentum
angle of the motion of rotation .    

A rigid body moves in pure rotation if each particle in the object moves in a circle
whose center is located in a straight line called the axis of rotation. Like the following

The moment of force is a quantity that can cause a point of a particle to rotate (rotate).
The moment of style is symbolized by "τ" .

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Image of a British key and its style diagram

The picture above states that a force F is holding a force to the point O with the arm
force L, so that the point O rotates in a clockwise direction. The moment of force F with
respect to point O is defined as the result of a cross between arm force and force F. Or it can
be formulated by:

Great moment of style :

Information :

F = large force (N)

L = arm length force (m)

τ = large moment of force (Nm)

α = angle between the direction of the arm's force and the direction of the force

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The moment of force is a vector quantity . There are two kinds of force moments,
namely moments of positive force and moments of force


Kinds of style moments

If a particle works on a number of force moment moments, the resultant force

moment will be the algebraic number of those force moments .

In the previous subject matter, you have studied irregular circular motion (GMB) and
irregular circular motion (GMBB), please understand again some provisions and some
equations in both GMB and GMBB.

b. Coupling

A bus driver during running his bus often gives a coupling to the steering wheel so
that the bus can run regularly. Coupling is a pair of two forces that are equally large, parallel
and opposite. Coupling causes an object to rotate.

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The coupling moment is the product of the vector between the force vector and the
arm vector force.

So that the moment of force can be stated:

              Information :

M = coupling moment (Nm)

L = arm force (m)

F = force (N)

α = angle between arm force and force

there are two types of coupling, namely Positive Coupling and Negative Coupling:

If on a working object, the coupling of the plot of the coupling moment can be stated:


Coupling properties.

A coupling can be replaced with another coupling with the same direction and magnitude.          
The number of coupling moments of the same number of coupling is equal to the algebraic
number of coupling moments of the coupling.         

The resultant of a force and a coupling are forces of the same magnitude as the initial
force and the location is shifted as far as:
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c. Angular Momentum

The picture above depicts a point of mass particle m which is rotating with the radius
of the crossing R and with velocity v. The direction of the speed of a particle point that
moves the motion at a point is the direction of the tangent at the point . As long as the p point
of the article performs rotational motion, because it has mass and velocity, the particle point
el has momentum. The momentum possessed by the point of the particle that carries out
rotational motion is called angular momentum ( angular momentum ) , which is symbolized
by L. The magnitude of the angular momentum is expressed by the equation :

Information :

m = mass (kg)

v = speed (m / s)

R = path radius (m)

L = angular momentum (kg m2 / s)

From the equation L = m. v. R dida pat m. v = p (linear momentum) to obtain: 

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Information :

p = particle momentum

R = particle position vector

The direction of angular momentum can be found by the right hand rule that is when
we clench our four fingers from the direction of R towards P then the direction of the thumb
indicates the direction of angular momentum L.

Angular Momentum Direction

                            Angular Impulses

The picture above depicts a point particle with mass m doing irregular circular motion due to
the influence of force F.

Based on Newton's second law:

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F = m. a

F = m. α. R

F. R = m. α. R2

The magnitude of mR2 is called the moment of inertia or the moment of inertia n of m
mass particles that make rotational motion with radius R, which is given the symbol I, and FR
is the moment of F yes to point O, so the equation is obtained:

              The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum

In the transition motion, as long as the object moves if there is no external force
acting then the total linear momentum of the system is constant ( Σm.v = constant). Likewise,
if in rotational motion, if as long as the object is rotating, the resultant torque acting at object
a is zero, then the total angular momentum of the system is constant (ΣI. Ω = constant) or can
be stated:

2.2. Tight Rotation

In translational motion based on Newton's first law, we get the understanding that
every object has a characteristic of being immature, which is the tendency to maintain its
state (standing still or moving in a straight line). This tendency is called inertia . The measure
that states this tendency is called the mass .

In the rotational motion of each object also has a tendency u ntuk maintain the
situation. For example, the earth rotates on the axis starting from the earth created until now
without ceasing. This tendency to rotate is called rotational inertia .

The measure to express the magnitude of this tendency is called the moment of inertia
. Distinct a with the mass of the object that only That depends ng on a number of substances

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in the b enda the moment of inertia in addition to depend p No amount of content substances
(ma ssa objects) also depends on how the substances t or mass is distributed. The farther the
distribution of mass from the center of rotation the greater the moment of inertia.

Next is the moment of inertia to wake up regularly:

              2.3. Newton's Law of Rotational Motion

The picture above depicts a particle of mass m which is given a force F upright radius
(R). According to Newton's law, objects will be accelerated by acceleration in the direction of
force. This acceleration is called tangent acceleration

(at). This relationship between force and acceleration is: F = m. at

Because the acceleration of tangent at = α. R then:

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F = m. α. R.

If the two segments times R are obtained:

F. R = m α R2

FR is called the moment of force (σ) which acts on particles rotating with the radius R
and mR2 called the moment of inertia of particles with mass m and

rotates with radius R.

From equation F. R = m. α. R2 is obtained :

This equation is similar to Newton's Second Law (F = m. A). In this case τ acts like a
force in translational motion, τ acts like an acceleration in translational motion and I acts as a
mass in translational motion. Thus the greater the value of I, the more difficult the object will

For example energy

Kinetic Rotation (Ekrot)

Based on the translational motion Ek = 1⁄2 m. v 2

If we connect with the rotational motion v = ω. R

then the kinetic energy of m mass with rotating motion can be stated:

Ekrot = 1⁄2m. ω . R
2 2

For the ball rolling case:

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During the ball in moving clicking rolling without slipping, then basically the ball was
doing a combination of two movements lang sung namely shifting (translation) and spinning

The ball rolls without slip, if the distance traveled by the ball is equal to the length of
the bow traveled by the ball during rolling. For the following formula:

S = distance traveled

θ = central angle of ball traveled

R = the radius of the ball

Because rolling without slip is a combined motion of translational motion and

rotational motion, the condition of the object rolling without slip if:

The kinetic energy of a rolling object is stated by:

Ek = Ek Tran + Ek Rot

2.4. Sturdy Body Balance

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1) Particle Balance     

Particle understanding is an object whose volume is small and is considered a point. If

a particle works on a number of forces and the particle is in a state of equilibrium (stationary
or moving straight irregularly) of course in this state applies Newton's First Law. The particle
conditions are equal if the number of algebraic forces acting together is zero.

Forces acting on particles in one plane, for example in the XOY plane, ΣF = 0 can
also be expressed as ΣFx = 0 and ΣFy = 0.

2) Sturdy Body Balance     

Understanding rigid objects are objects that do not change its shape or the distance of
each of its parts remains. If a rigid body works on several forces and a rigid body in an
equilibrium state, then the rigid body meets the conditions of rotational equilibrium and
conditions of translational equilibrium .

Rigid objects are in equilibrium if they meet the requirements:

ΣF = 0 is a translation equilibrium condition

Στ = 0 is a condition of rotational equilibrium


              Example of rigid body equilibrium construction due to three forces:

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3) Center of gravity     

Basically an object consists of an infinite number of particles , each of which has a

certain mass.

Consider the following picture :

If the object is in a gravitational field, then each particle has a weight (w1, w2, w3,
w4, wn ). Resultant of gay a heavy-gravity of each respective partik el was later called to be
rat objects (W) and the catching point of gravity is called the center of gravity (Zo).

4) Kinds of equilibrium     

There are three kinds of equilibrium objects, namely stable, labile and indifferent
(neutral) equilibrium with the following properties.

Equilibrium is stable, if the object is disturbed by its equilibrium, then it will return to
its original position. This happens if in the interruption the center of gravity moves
Unstable equilibrium, if the object is disturbed by its equilibrium, then it will not
return to its original position. This happens if in the interruption the center of gravity
moves down.         
Neutral (indifferent) equilibrium if the object is disturbed by its equilibrium, then in
its new position it remains balanced. This happens if the disturbances in the center of
gravity remain high.         

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1) Rotational motion ( circular ) is movement on a flat plane whose path is a circle .  

2) The moment of force is a quantity that can cause a point of a particle to rotate (rotate).
The moment of style is symbolized by "τ". Style Moment Formula:

3) The momentum possessed by the point of the particle that carries out rotational
motion is called angular momentum (angular momentum), which is symbolized by L.
The magnitude of the angular momentum is expressed by the equation :

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4) a rigid body is an object that does not change its shape or the distance of each of its
parts remains. Rigid objects are in equilibrium if they meet the requirements:

ΣF = 0 is a translation equilibrium condition

Στ = 0 is a condition of rotational equilibrium


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