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To God Almighty

To my Aunty, Tita Doh Likiatu

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

As my academics and internship experience are success, I express my deepest

appreciation to all those who provided me the opportunity and guidance.
 First and foremost, I thank the almighty Lord for giving me Life. I cannot wish for
anything more from Him.
 Mr. GUIMEZAP PAUL, Founder and President of IUC for the establishment of this
structure for the purpose of training students.
 To my boss and supervisor, Mr. EKANGA FERDINAND, your contribution in stimulating
suggestions and encouragement is forever going to guide me in my engineering career
path, thank you sir.
 To MR AKO PROSPERO, my academic supervisor, my whole project could not have been
completed without your time in providing the needed procedures for the completion of
my project. I say thank you.
 I can never forget to mention my Aunty and guardian, TITA DOH LIKIATU, if it hadn’t
been her, with her financial support, my education would have been a difficulty. God
bless you aunty.
 In addition, I thank my friends who consistently gave me their scientific advice and
understanding. They were always there when needed.
 Also, thanks to everyone that has been there for me for his/her enthusiasm

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Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

This internship report entitled “Design of interns, workers and client management system
and an online application form for internship” by SUNDZE MOHAMMED meets the
requirements and the regulations that governs the award of the HIGHER NATIONAL
DIPLOMA (HND) in Software Engineering by the University Institute of the Coast (IUC) under
the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education hence, approved for its contribution to
scientific knowledge and literary presentation.

Academic Supervisor………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Professional Supervisor………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



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Software Engineering Interns are entry-level professionals who are gaining hands-on
experience in a software development company. Job responsibilities of a Software Engineer
Intern understand client requirements, writing and testing code, helping to develop software
solutions, and updating their job knowledge by using the latest development tools. Based on our
collection of resumes in the field, most Software Engineering Interns should hold the following
skillset: coding abilities, problem solving, teamwork, the willingness to learn new things and to
follow instructions, and computer proficiency. Successful example resumes make display of a
Bachelor's Degree in computer science or information technology.

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Les stagiaires en génie logiciel sont des professionnels novices qui acquièrent une expérience
pratique dans une entreprise de développement de logiciels. Les responsabilités professionnelles
d'un stagiaire en génie logiciel comprennent :

 Les exigences des clients,

 La rédaction et le test de code,

 Le développement de solutions logicielles et

 La mise à jour de leurs connaissances professionnelles à l'aide des derniers outils de


Sur la base de notre collection de CV de terrain, la plupart des stagiaires en génie logiciel
devraient avoir les compétences suivantes : compétences en codage, résolution de problèmes,
travail d’équipe, volonté d’apprendre de nouvelles choses, de suivre les instructions et de
maîtriser l’informatique. Les exemples de CV réussis affichent un baccalauréat en informatique
ou en technologie de l'information.

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

This report is based on 11 weeks (1th July to 24th September 2019) internship carried out at both
Camtel Akwa and Camtel Bepanda. This report explains every detail of what was done at the
company during this internship period, the company's literature overview, functioning and
services of the company offered to the public.

The main purpose of this internship is to convert theory into practice by working in a practical
environment in order to tackle problems using the knowledge and skills acquired during
theoretical lessons and those learned in practical lessons. In this report, findings and discussion
with regard to the company have been cited including the services offered, through what media
they’re offered, what are their advantages and disadvantages and what conditions are
necessary for their installation.

This report contains the presentation my project titled “Design of interns, workers and client
management system and an online application form for internship” which is explained in
details with all the policies, procedures and cautions thoroughly described.

In addition, this report also focuses on the various internal and external factors that cause the
company to thrive among others in the nation. Factors that pose a threat to the company have
also been discussed and the various means through which they can be prevented and



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Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
TABLE OF CONTENT..............................................................................................................vii
GENERAL INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1
CHAPTER ONE: ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE..........................................................2
1.0 GENERAL PRESENTATION OF CAMTEL......................................................................2
1.1 TABLE 2...................................................................................................................................4
COMPANY IDENTIFICATION FORM....................................................................................4
1.3 OBJECTIVES AND GOALS OF CAMTEL........................................................................5
CAMTEL BEPANDA...................................................................................................................5
CAMTEL AKWA..........................................................................................................................6
2.3 ADVANTAGES.............................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER THREE: STUDY OF EXISTING SYSTEM........................................................18
3.1 FUNCTIONALITIES OF THE SYSTEM...................................................................................18
CRITICS CONSEQUENECES AND SOLUTION...........................................................................19
PROBEM SOLUTION........................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER FOUR: ....................................................................................................................20
4.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................20
4.2 GENERAL PRESENTATION OF THE METHOD OF ANALYSIS.......................................20
4.3 Use Case Diagram..................................................................................................................21
4.4 SOLUTION TO THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS..........................................................................26
4.5 USE CASE DIAGRAM OF A TASK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM...........................................26
TEXUAL DESCRIPTION AND FUNCTIONALITIES...................................................................27
4.6 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE.....................................................................................................34
DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES...........................................................................................34
USER GUIDE...............................................................................................................................36
GENERAL CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................44
DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED DURING THE INTERNSHIP......................................................44
A. TECHNICAL.............................................................................................................................44

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B. SOCIAL.....................................................................................................................................44

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CAMTEL Cameroon Telecommunications

MIDF Main Distribution Frame

SC Sub Cabinet

ISP Internet Service Provider

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer

EQN Equipment Number

DP Distribution Point

LP Line Protector

ACE African Coast to Europe

WACS West African Cable System

VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal

ADM Add-Divide Multiplexer

RAM Random Access Memory

HDD Hard Disk Drive

PC Personal Computer

OS Operating System

SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

CNI Carte Nationale Identitie

RAM Read Only Memory

PC Personal Computer

IUC University Institute of the Coast

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WAMP Windows Apache MYSQL and PHP

PHP Hypertext Processor

HTML Hypertext Transfer Markup Language

CSS Cascading Style Sheet

HND Higher National Diploma

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

This internship is basically based on the Design of interns, workers and client management
system and an online application form for internship to ease tasks done all over the enterprise
and to increase the level of team work. The implementation is pass from one system to
another. The manual system to the numerical system.



Cameroon Telecommunications created by presidential decree N°. 98/198 of 8

September 1998, is Cameroon's national telecommunications service provider, offering voice,
data and VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) services. CAMTEL is wholly owned by the
Government of Cameroon and serves its local high-tech, industrial and service sectors.
CAMTEL is statutorily governed by two bodies: The Board of Directors and Executive
Management. The daily management and implementation of the company's general policy is
carried out by a Director General assisted by two Deputy Managing Directors, under the
authority and control of the Board of Directors to which it reports. CAMTEL is made up of 4
Urban Delegations, 10 Regional Representations, 76 Sales and Marketing Agencies and 53
Sales Points. These agencies are responsible for supplying the company’s goods and services
which include; selling of phones, UIM (Universal Identification Module) cards, USB
modems, ADSL modems and many more.

CAMTEL is a CDMA network in Cameroon with a wide range of services (connection to

landlines, mobile phones, USB modems, ADSL modems, etc.). CAMTEL stands as an
essential ISP (Internet Service Provider) because it is the state company and now holds the
exclusive deployment of optical fiber in Cameroon, so it is the one providing optical fiber
connections to all other ISP’s operating in Cameroon. Since the deployment of optical fiber,

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
it has served as the primary communication channel for mobile networks in Cameroon with
microwave as a standby.

Camtel was born in 1998  from the transformation of

the Telecommunications Department (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications) into a
public limited company, to which was added the public company Intelcam, then responsible
for international telephone communications. The mobile phone subsidiary Camtel-Mobil was
sold to the telecommunications operator MTN in February 2000 .These changes occurred
during the liberalization of the telecommunications sector in Cameroon. The next step should
have been the privatization of Camtel, which could not be done for lack of investors. Indeed,
the company did not benefit from GSM license, main attraction of the investors of the
telephony sector at that time.

In 2005, the company launched the mobile phone service CT-Phone, based
on CDMA technology. The equipment needed to start the service was donated by the People's
Republic of China .

Camtel holds a monopoly over the national fiber optic network that it leases to other
operators. In March 2018, the operator announced its ambition to embark on the distribution
of satellite internet.

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
1.1 TABLE 2


Name Camtel

Creation Date 1998

Legal Status Societe Anonyme
Activity Area Secondary and Tertiary

Main Activity Telecommunication

Number of Employees 3,271

Head Office Yaounde

Taxpayer No M 0998 0000 9853

Telephone +237 222 23 40 65

Fax8 (237) 222 230 303


Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

The main objective of CAMTEL is to provide customers with innovative solutions based on a
reliable, secure and ever-expanding network. CAMTEL, beyond the obligations to serve the
common good conferred on it by its status as a state-owned company, finds itself at the
source of some specific activities in the field of state-of-the-art technology, for which it has
had to showcase its expertise through the execution of certain projects including:

 The National Broadband Network: The Expansion and modernization of the Internet
network, implementation of value-added services;

 The Implementation of the mobile network or Mobile Communications Networks

(ongoing); the completion of phase 3 of the National optical fiber backbone project

 The development of Cameroon’s Agro pastoral Portal Project (ongoing);

 The commissioning of the SAT3/WASC/SAFE, WACS and Main One optical fiber
submarine cable.


Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

Figure 1: Location of Camtel Bepanda


Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
Figure 2: Location of Camtel Akwa

The company location of both Camtel Bepanda and Akwa are as shown above respectively.


Générale (DG)

Administration Services Service Rattachés à la

Centrale (AC) extérieurs (SE) direction générale

Direction Direction Direction

Direction Régionale du
Régionale du Régionale du Sud Régionale du
Sud –Ouest (DRO)
Centre (DRC) (DRS) Littoral (DRL)

Département Administratif Département Département

et Financier (DAF) Technique (DT) Prospection et Suivi de la
Clientèle (DPSC)

Service Jonction Urbaine

Service Réseaux IP (SRIP) Service Energie (SE)


La gestion intranet: La maintenance et sécurité: Les supports aux applications:

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

CAMTEL is built around an appropriate infrastructure, derived from the most recent
technologies, which makes it possible to ensure the availability and the quality of the global
and efficient solutions in telecommunications in
 47 fully digital telephone exchanges and as many local networks for a fleet of 153,818
telephone lines in cable network and 140,946 in switching. The infrastructure
modernization program provides for the extension of all telephone exchanges;
 76 hubs to offer rural telephony to as many localities with a capacity of 10,940 lines;
 A national network of transmission in progressive digitization, composed of about
fifty transmission centers and about 75 relay stations for an almost total coverage of
the country;
 3 satellite telecommunications centers in Douala, Yaoundé and Garoua, some of the
most modern in the world, with computer-controlled earth stations, two digital
exchanges for international transit and a hub;
 For VSAT systems. Cameroon is thus connected to the rest of the world by automatic
direct dialing;
 2 electronic exchanges which provide national and international telex traffic, to which
109 telegraph operating centers are connected;
 Cameroon connection to the SAT3 submarine cable;
 Operation of a telephone network under CDMA technology;
 Operation of a GSM mobile phone subsidiary;
 Construction and operation of the national fiber optic and FH transmission network.
 CAMTEL has partnered with the INTELSAT and INMARSAT organizations to offer
satellite solutions for the transmission of voice, data, and images via VSAT or small
portable units.

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

July 1, 2019 marks the first day of arrival at Camtel Bepanda. As soon as we arrived, we
were cordially received by the Human Resource Center Monsieur S’amajeste where he
presented us to Department and showed us the various services of Camtel. We were then
taken to the technical department where we saw some interns who were there already for
After this tour at Camtel, we were then told to sit and wait for 2PM to have a meeting
with the General Manager and his staff in order to tell us our objectives and to partition us
to the various branches of Camtel.
In the meeting, we were told we arrived at a time in which Camtel had launch a project
of “Fiabilisation” which is in English known as Reliability (the arrangement and partitioning
together with the scanning of customers files to save or store it in a more convenient form.
In order words it is a computerize method of storing customer files.) which were going to
last for 6weeks after which we will return to Camtel Bepanda where we will finish our
After the meeting, we were partitioned to the various branch of Camtel in Douala. I and
some interns were sent to the branch of Camtel Akwa to carry out this project.

Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
02/07/19 – 03/07/19 02/07/19 marks our first day in Camtel Akwa in which we were
received by a manager called Madam Signe.
This very first day, we were explained on how the project was
going to look like. Our first two days at Akwa was more of
explaining how the Reliability project was going to be
04/07/19 – 25/07/19 During this 3weeks, we were working on customers files to
accomplish the project. The working involved:
• Obtain and check for the absent of files in customer
document. Such files include survey form, taxpayer card,
CNI etc.
• Registering of customer document in Microsoft excel in
the form of a table according to SRC, FDT, FTTH
precising the files absent.
• After the registration of the files, we then proceed to the
scanning which was done with a mobile phone using a
scanner application downloaded from play store.
• After the scanning, the files are then uploaded into an
26/07/19 Choosing of theme.
After haven worked on the project of Reliability, I discovered the
problems that led me to choose my project theme
29/07/19 Working on the main distributor. Here, we were told to remove
some cables from the main distributor at Camtel Akwa, wrapped
them and then pack them.
01/08/19 - 30/08/19 Working on the project of Reliability while working on my
04/09/19 Return to Camtel Akwa.
Continuing working on my theme with my professional
10/09/19 This day, the Human Resource Center had a problem of internet
connection so we were called to go and check why the connection
wasn’t going through. For us to solve this problem, we went
Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
through some various steps:
- We checked the internet cable if it was well connected to
the computer.
- We checked if the internet cable was still functional
- After been assured that the fault wasn’t from the internet
cable, we then ran a troubleshooting in which we were
prompt to fix the problem so the problem was fixed and
internet connection was going through now.

Figure 3: Internet cable

13/09/19 While at Camtel Akwa on this date, we did Maintenance of
various computers which had a problem of powering on. The
maintenance work involved:
- Testing different RAMs on the computer to see if the
problem was from the RAM or not.

Figure 4: Random Access Memory

When it was concluded that the problem was not from the Ram,
we had to proceed with the testing of the hard drive.
- Changing the Hard Drive to see if that was the cause of
the computer not turning on

Figure 5: Internal Hard Drive

Fortunately, as soon as we changed the hard drive, the computer
powered on which we concluded the problem was from the hard

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We proceeded with this procedure for all the other machines that
was not functioning.


During our internship, the main difficulty I encountered was
 The fact that I had to adapt to the environment because it was my first internship.
 And also, we took a little bit of time to understand how the Reliability project was
going to be accomplished.
 Lastly, I face some problems with communication with the staffs of Akwa since as
most of them speak in French and understands little English, so I had to perfect my
way of speaking French for a better understanding and communication.

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For some reasons, the theme I chose was " Design of interns, workers and client
management system and an online application form for internship."
The reasons will be listed and explained below.
1. Indeed, throughout the process of the project of Reliability, we were told to use
Microsoft Excel to save the customer document that were checked to see if some files
were absent. The process of using Microsoft Excel made the work to be less effective
and usually take lots of time and again less secured reason why I created this web
application to manage and store all this file.
2. My second reason for choosing this theme was the fact that I asked one day to a
worker at Camtel Akwa if he could give me the names of the interns that was there
before us. Without shame, he told me he couldn’t retain all the manes. Reason why in
my application I created a section in which was going to save all the information of
the interns. In addition to that, I also created a section which was going to save the
information of the workers.
3. My third reason for choosing this theme was the fact that I noticed that to apply for
an internship at Camtel, it was only done manually meaning one had to go to the main
branch of Camtel to deposit an application for internship which was very stressful for
some people leaving far away from Camtel. This reason made me to include in my
application a page to apply for an internship.



The specifications are a document that must be respected when carrying out a project. It
allows all project actors (designer, developer and client) to have an overview of what needs to
be done. The customer needs to know if the final product will meet its requirements, likewise,
the developer is assured that it will not produce features unusable by the customer.

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These specifications have been used to formalize the different needs of the reception and
explain it to them to ensure that everyone agrees. There is a brief presentation of the project,
the expression of the needs, the presentation of the constraints and finally the progress of the

During my internship at Camtel, I noticed that the management of the trainees at

Camtel Akwa was done manually using Microsoft Excel. So, I choose as my project to design
a web application that will ease the collection and storing of intern, workers and customers
information and also an internship application form which will help reduce transport cost for
some students who wishes to apply for internship in Camtel.
The question worth asking is: Why a web application?
There are many reasons why I went for this theme which in this case be considered as the
possible solutions to the problems faced throughout my internship which are:
 The data will be stored on a web server which is very safe and secured instead of
storing in the pc as usual through Microsoft Excel which were very prone and open to
loss through an unintentional deletion or a virus attack of the pc.
 Personnel of Camtel Akwa will be able to login and see all the information of the
interns who previously were there and also that of intern present. The information
they could see was their first name, last name, email address, phone number, location
and also their picture. Such application never existed in Camtel Akwa which was
really a necessity.
 Part of the Reliability project involved saving the client information contained in
his/her file that was not complete in a table form in Microsoft Excel which was less
secured and somehow stressful. Reason why in the application, I included a section
which will easily manage and replace this excel work about the clients.


This part involves the problems that ran through my mind on how this project
theme was going to be accomplished.

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- How can information about the subjects (interns, workers and client) be retained over
a long period of time by reducing the risk of data loss?
- How will the online registration for internship be put in place?
- The Programming Language that was to be used was not fully taught in year1 so, I
had to go extra miles to learn to the fullest the programming language that was to be

Having taken the database, web programming courses during the year, I analyzed my
theme project with some motivations from my professional supervisor, I took upon myself
that I could build a system that does all that.
With the help of YouTube and Google, I did an online research on the programming
language I was going to use. This online service helped me a lot.


A management system is an activity in which an individual gets information and

records about the individuals in an organization. This management software is done using
software tools that help effectively organize and manage information by using functions such
as creation, updating and deleting.


o Easy to use
This application is very user friendly, easy to use and also easy to understand. For
instance, if you wish to know any information about a particular intern, to just have to go to
the internship section, click on it and choose the month then you will see all the names of the
students. The same procedure applies to the client.

When it comes to the worker, you just have to choose the services whether technical or
financial. If technical, you click on the technical section and then see all the names that falls
into the technical site, from there you can easily get the information about a particular

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When it comes to applying for an internship, you just have to navigate to the internship site at
the first page then chose apply now. This will take you to a site in which you have to fill a
form and then sent.
o Saves Time
With this application, instead of going back to trainees or customers file kept
somewhere in physical form, you can simply access this information anywhere and anytime
which is going to save time.
For the registration of client info during the Reliability process, instead of creating an excel
file to save all the client information, you just have to open the application and start filling the
information as easy as that.
When it comes to applying for an internship, you just have to open the application, navigate
to the internship site at the first page then chose apply now instead of going to deposit your
files manually.

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o Anytime, anywhere

This software requires you simply to have an internet connection to be able to access
any information you need.

You can log into this management software, from anywhere and anytime to see updates.


In this chapter, we discover the benefits of this management system. How a

management system can improve team work, ease time, easily accessible, easy to use and to
increase efficiency.



Basically, the current system of such management was either done handed or using
Microsoft Excel or mouth saying which was less effective. This system never had a long
range of distribution and the information gotten from it wasn’t authentic.

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Figure 6: Login form Use Diagram of the actual Management system

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The management of interns, client files had many deficiencies. According to the internship
perform in this structure and from personal analysis this problem usually arises because of the
oral and file handed way of storing such information.


o Time Wastage

Those problem will lead to Time wastage since as before creating a new a file in excel, one
had to go through various steps such as launching excel, creating a new file, creating tables
and so on which will take more time.

o File Loss

Files saved in Excel is not as secured as those saved on the server. Such files may be attacked
by viruses, or unintentional deletion which may be hazardous.

o Transport Wastage
Usually, before applying for an internship, one had to deposit his/her files manually i.e. going
to the Camtel Bepanda to deposit it which was a hindrance to those leaving further away from


Those major problems led to the launch of the project titled “Design of interns, workers and
client management system and an online application form for internship”. This
application takes care of all the problems listed above. It is secured, efficient, fast and easy to

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To offer an optimal solution, it was necessary to go through an analysis. The

analysis phase is the first critical phase in a software development project. Yet, many
designers neglect this part of the project and favor the production of source code. This code is
in most cases extremely long, fraught with errors or worse, unusable by the customer. This
method called "code and fix" does not respect the principles of software engineering and
cannot be used to build a reliable product. This analysis file first gives a brief presentation of
the analysis and design method used, then I made a study of the existing one and finally
presented the analysis of the project itself.


The approach used for the analysis and design of this project is the Waterfall
Model. In this model, each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no
overlapping in the phases. Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used for
software development. It is made up of 6 phases which are explained below.

 Requirements: The first phase involves understanding what needs to design and what
is its function, purpose, etc. Here, the specifications of the input and output or the final
product are studied and marked.
 System Design: System Design helps in specifying hardware and system
requirements and also helps in defining overall system architecture. The software code to
be written in the next stage is created now.

 Implementation: With inputs from system design, the system is first developed in

small programs called units, which are integrated into the next phase.

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 Integration and Testing: The software designed, needs to go through constant
software testing to find out if there are any flaw or errors. Testing is done so that the client
does not face any problem during the installation of the software.

 Deployment of System: Once the functional and non-functional testing is done, the

product is deployed in the customer environment or released into the market.

 Maintenance: This step occurs after installation, and involves making modifications

to the system or an individual component to alter attributes or improve performance.

4.3 Use Case Diagram

A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize system
The basic components of a use case diagram include:

 The boundary, which defines the system of interest in relation to the world around it.

 The actors, usually individuals involved with the system defined according to their

 The use cases, which the specific roles are played by the actors within and around the

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 The relationships between and among the actors and the use cases.

A use case diagram looks like a flowchart. Intuitive symbols represent the system elements.
Here's a simple example:

Sequence Diagram
Sequence diagrams, commonly used by developers, model the interactions between objects in
a single use case. They illustrate how the different parts of a system interact with each other
to carry out a function, and the order in which the interactions occur when a particular use
case is executed.

Example of Sequences Diagram are:


They represent the different objects or parts that interact with each other in the system during
the sequence.

Entity element:

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A lifeline with an entity element represents system data. For an example, in a customer
service application, the Customer entity would manage all data related to a customer.

A lifeline with a boundary element indicates a system boundary/ software element in a

system for example user interface screens, database gateways or menus that users interact
with, are boundaries.

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Activation bars:

The activation bars example, a synchronous message is used when the sender waits for the
receiver to process the message and return before carrying on with another message.  The
arrowhead used to indicate this type of message is a solid one, like the one below.

Return message:
A return message is used to indicate that the message receiver is done processing the message
and is returning control over to the message caller. Return messages are optional notation
pieces, for an activation bar that is triggered by a synchronous message always implies a
return message.

Class Diagram
A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies
among classes in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In this context, a class defines the
methods and variables in an object, which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code
representing that entity.

Example of Class Diagram


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Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
Classes represent the central objects in a system. It is represented by a rectangle with up to 3

The first one shows the class’s name, while the middle one shows the class’s attributes which
are the characteristics of the objects. The bottom one lists the class’s operations, which
represents the behavior of the class.

Simple Class
The last two compartments are optional. The class notation without the last two
compartments is called a simple class and it only contains the name of the class.

Class Diagram Relationships

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To solve the problematic of the actual system that existed in Camtel Akwa I presented above, I
decided to put in place a software that will help reduce such problems.

This software will be able to save time instead of going back to trainees or customers file kept
somewhere in physical form, you can simply access this information anywhere and anytime
using this software.
This software is easy to use and also easy to understand. For instance, if you wish to know
any information about a particular intern, to just have to go to the internship section, click on
it and choose the month then you will see all the names of the students. The same procedure
applies to the client.


The function can be summarized in the diagram below.

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Figure 7: Use case diagram of Interns, workers and client management system and an online
application form for internship.


In this use case three users are able to interact with the system that is we have three actors
which are the admin, user1 that can be any employee of the organization and user2 which can
be any body applying for an internship.

The arrow from the admin to the user indicates that the administrator can do everything the
user can do and this is called inheritance. The administrator may also need to sign or
validates some important documents thereby will be called upon to sign some documents
hence inherits the user abilities.

a. Login
o Objective: to identify and give access to individuals who connect to the
o Pre-assumption: the actor is in front of the connection interface;
o Actors: admin
Trigger: the actor clicks on the '' login '' button;
Pre-condition: the administrator is on the task management home page;
Post condition: the application redirects the administrators his homepage (dashboard).
Normal course
1. The admin completes the login form;
2. The admin clicks on the '' login '' button;
3. The application verifies the validity of the form;
4. The application recovers the login and the password;
5. The application searches the login-password pair in the database;
6. The application retrieves the administrator information;
7. The application redirects the administrator to his homepage.
o Alternative course

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I. The form is not valid
 The application displays the login form plus an error message;
 The use case resumes in step 1.

Figure 8: Class diagram of login

Figure 9: sequence diagram for login

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b. Add intern
o Objective: Add a new intern
o Pre-assumption: The administrator is connected to the application.
o Actor: administrator
o Pre-condition: login
o Post condition: The application records the information entered by the member.
o Normal course
1. The administrator clicks on intern on the dashboard, select the year of internship and a
list of interns will be displayed.
2. The software generates a form below to add
3. The administrator fills in necessary information in the forms
4. Click on “save”
5. The software verifies the form
6. The information is stored in the database
7. The software displays a successful message
o Alternative course:
I. The information entered are correct
 Record has been added successfully
II. The information entered are incorrect
 An error message is displayed

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Figure 10: sequence diagram add intern

c. Add Client file

o Objective: Add a new client file
o Pre-assumption: The admin is connected to the application.
o Actor: admin
o Pre-condition: login
o Post condition: The application records the information entered by the member.
o Normal course
8. The administrator clicks on customers on the dashboard, customer page will be
9. The software generates a form below to add
10. The administrator fills in necessary information in the forms
11. Click on “save”
12. The software verifies the form
13. The information is stored in the database

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14. The software displays a successful message
o Alternative course:

I. The information entered are correct

 Record has been added successfully

II. The information entered are incorrect

 An error message is display

Figure 11: sequence diagram to add customer file

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c. Delete any Intern or Customers file
o Objective: Delete any unnecessary Task
o Pre-assumption: The admin is logged in
o Actor: admin
o Pre-condition: login
o Post condition: The application records the information entered by the admin.

o Normal course:
 Click on “intern or customer” from the dashboard
 A list is generated according to what was click
 Select the intern or customer and click on delete the task
 Success message appears.

Figure 12: Sequence diagram delete customer or intern

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d. Update any Intern or Customers file
o Objective: Update any unnecessary Task
o Pre-assumption: The admin is logged in
o Actor: admin
o Pre-condition: login
o Post condition: The application records the information entered by the admin.

o Normal course:
 Click on “intern or customer” from the dashboard
 A list is generated according to what was click
 Select the intern or customer and click on Update the task
 Success message appears

Figure 13: Sequence diagram update customer file or intern

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Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

With the analysis and design phases completed, we are now moving to the
implementation phase of our solution. In this part, we present initially the development
technologies, the environment of realization, the Framework and libraries used; then we
present the environment in which the application was deployed.



 PHP: PHP is a language specially designed for the development of web applications. It
can be easily integrated with HTML.

 JavaScript: JavaScript is an object-oriented script programming language. It fits into the

HTML code of a web page, and allows to increase the spectrum of possibilities. This
language is executed on the client side. JavaScript is said to be an extension of HTML.
JavaScript that energizes an HTML page, adding user interactions, animations,
navigational aids, such as:
 View/hide text
 Scroll through images
 Create a slideshow with a "big" preview of the images.

For this application, I used a Template bootstrap that alone manages HTML, CSS and

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 MYSQL: MYSQL is a sequential query language which is use by the web application to
interact directly with the database and bring relation between tables of the database.


 HTML5: HTML is the data format designed to represent web pages. HTML also allows
semantically and logically structuring and formatting the content of pages, including
multimedia resources including images, input forms, and computer programs.

 CSS3: Cascading Style Sheets1, commonly referred to as Cascading Style Sheets, form a
computer language that describes the presentation of HTML and XML documents.

WampServer is a web development application that acts as a server to manage one or
more databases. I decided to use WampServer because it is very easy to use and that
the one, I master.

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 We used a text editor known as Atom for the HTML + CSS + JS + PHP development of
the application;
 The web server that offers us a database server (MySQL);
 UML modelling was done mainly with Gliffy Diagrams.


The application runs locally so no internet connection is needed for the main functioning.

We can say the system is a no cost system since every resource used to develop it were
already available and no new resource was purchased, hence no cost.

The accomplishment of this work was very enriching and made me face real difficulties of a
project and made me combine the theory and little practical done in school to pure practical
implementation to solve a real-life problem. It enabled me to learn a new language and
ameliorate my programming skills.


Before the use of our application, the user will have to assure that
 He has a web browser
 He has a local server that he had launched like WAMP, XAMPP or MAMP
depending on the operating system used.
1) To Login
 To login in the application the first condition is to be registered in the database;
 To have access to the login form http://localhost/camtel/login/ must be type.
 A login form is generated were username and password must be entered and validate
by a Sign In.

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Figure 14: Login form

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2) Dashboard

The dashboard contains many sections which are: Les Gestionnaire, Gestion Clientele,
Service Technique, Stagaire, Customers and Logout. All this sections redirect to different
sites hence, have different functions.

Figure 15: Dashboard

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3) Add new intern
 To add a new intern in the database of the application, click on “stagaire” found on
the left navigation bar.
 Click on the year of internship
 A list of interns will appear with a button “Add another intern” Enter all information
required on the registration form and click on save.

Figure 16: intern form

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Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
4) Add new customer
 To add a new customer in the database of the application, click on “customer” found
on the left navigation bar.
 A list of clients will appear with a button below “Add a new client here”.
 Enter all information required on the registration form and click on save.

Figure 17: Client form

From the client table, the “0” sign means a file is absent whereas, the “1” sign means a file
is present. This makes it easy to identify the missing files in order to call the customer to
come update his/her files in the database.

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5) Update and Deleting
The update and delete button appear on both the client and intern page. To update,
 One just need to click on the edit button by so doing,
 All the current information will appear in the form below.
 Replace all the information with what you desire then click on update.
For deleting, you just click on the delete button and a name will be deleted.

Figure 18: update customer info

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Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE
6) Home page
The homepage is where everything begins. From the homepage, one can either apply for
an internship as well as login to the Camtel Akwa infoormations.

Figure 19: Homepage

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7) Applying for Internship

To apply for an internship,

 from the homepage click on “apply now”
 A form will appear in which you have to fill all the information
 After filling the form, click on submit.

Figure 20: Internship application form

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Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

The main objective of this internship was to acquire knowledge and experience on how work
function in our date to date life enterprises and to bring up analysis on how things can be
improved or reorganize. As for me, the chosen theme was the best option to improve the
management of information in Camtel Akwa and to bring me closer to my field of study.


During the internship and while carrying out this work we went through many difficulties.


I encountered many problems during the implementation phase and the analytic phase of task
management system because of lack of skills in many web programming languages like PHP,
JavaScript and CSS and some UML Diagram.


I face some problems with communication with the staffs of Akwa since as most of them
speak in French and understands little English, so I had to perfect my way of speaking French
for a better understanding and communication.

As technology keeps on developing and new requirements come up every day, my work
cannot be said to be complete. The work I did meets the requirements and objectives set at
the beginning of the internship. However, it can still evolve and be improved.

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44 | P a g e
Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

 Learn HTML and CSS with w3schools Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., 111 River Street,
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774;



Written and Presented by SUNDZE MOHAMMED NTIEMENKE

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