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YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

2020 - ANKARA
Bu sınav Akın Dil Eğitim Merkezi’nin sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile tüm YDT İngilizce adaylarının bireysel
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YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7



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YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 5. All the nations around the world have to ---- a
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. way to tackle global warming as we might not
be able to leave a habitable world to coming

1. The discovery of organics in rocks only a few A) get away with B) check up on
centimetres beneath the surface of Mars has
C) put up with D) look up to
certainly ---- hopes of finding richer deposits
of the compounds deeper down. E) come up with

A) destroyed B) diminished

C) caused D) postponed

E) raised
6. The oldest known footprints on Earth, ---- by
an ancient insect more than 500 million years
ago, ---- in China.

A) left / have been discovered

2. Besides their education, the mood swings B) to be left / were discovered
and stress teenagers experience as they go
through ---- shape their brain to determine the C) leaving / would be discovered
person they will become.
D) having been left / are discovered
A) puberty B) discovery E) to leave / will be discovered

C) liberty D) delivery

E) employment

7. Thousands of people are known ---- their jobs

in the early 1930s because of the global
economic crisis that ---- in the US and spread
3. The Spanish flu of 1918 is regarded as the everywhere at that time.
biggest and deadliest outbreak of any A) to lose / has broken out
infection, either then or now, and we still have
to take it very ---- even all these years later. B) to have lost / broke out

A) partially B) especially C) losing / had broken out

C) mildly D) seriously D) to be losing / would break out

E) considerably E) having lost / break out

8. Researchers ---- that raw fruit and vegetables

4. During World War I, while the warring nations ---- better for your mental wellbeing than
were placed under ---- wartime censorship, eating them cooked, canned or processed.
Spain’s neutrality allowed relatively free news A) find / could be
B) have found / may be
A) bright B) obscure
C) were finding / could have been
C) strict D) pleasant
D) will find / would have been
E) vital
E) found / should have been

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 13. Zoologists observing social life of monkeys
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. report that when a bonobo monkey gives
birth, ---- females gather to support and
protect her.

9. Dr Robert Atkins recognized that a diet high A) another

---- carbs led to weight gain and started a diet
revolution ---- his revolutionary Atkins Diet. B) one another

C) others
A) on / in B) in / with
D) other
C) with / for D) amid / onto
E) the others
E) onto / from

10. A plastic shopping bag has a “working life” of 14. ---- deserts and semiarid steppes, ---- dense
---- only 15 minutes, and we are obsessively forests and Arctic tundra make Russia a land
using a trillion ---- them a year. of dramatic contrasts.

A) around / in B) for / into A) Such / that

C) with / for D) about / of B) Just as / so

E) among / off C) Whether / or

D) More / than

E) Not only / but also

11. ---- humans adopt peaceful objectives and act

sensibly when they create the operating
programs, robots will bring enormous
benefits to humanity.

A) Because B) As long as

C) In that D) Even if

E) Whereas 15. For a photographer who is after a scene full

of lions, despite its attractive image, a male
lion is rarely photographed ---- it is in a large
group, even on its way to a fantastic hunt.
12. One can easily find some people even
presidents who deny climate change, but
A) since B) whereas
there are no ocean plastic deniers ---- the
problem is in plain sight. C) unless D) even if
E) in case
A) as B) until

C) while D) although

E) before

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

16. – 20. sorularda, boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 18.

düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) Therefore B) For instance

In 1958, Russia amazed the world by launching C) However D) Besides
Sputnik, the first satellite. Americans hurriedly set up a
E) On the contrary
rival institution, NASA, to (16) ---- in the space race and
has become the world’s pre-eminent space power
since. Satellites are without doubt vital in many areas
(17) ---- weather monitoring, communications, and
navigation. (18) ----, 60 years after Sputnik, high-altitude
balloons are challenging them. These balloons (19) ----
a vantage point at a distance of 30 kilometres for
communications or monitoring, much closer than
satellites. They cost a fraction of the price and, unlike
satellites, can return (20) ---- Earth easily for upgrade or
A) provided B) had provided
C) provide D) have provided
E) will provide


A) unite B) promote

C) imagine D) compete
E) matter


A) to B) on
C) at D) in

A) on behalf of B) as for E) by

C) by means of D) thanks to

E) such as

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde 23. ---- simply because seeing objects that far
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. away is a great difficulty even for our best

21. ----, bats have only been systematically A) Molecular transfer, or teleportation, is a dream
counted for less than two decades. for us
B) The dark side of the Moon is not that
A) Because butterflies are the more beautiful mysterious after all
species C) There are millions of asteroids in the asteroid
B) When it comes to butterfly sighting in the UK belt
and Ireland D) We cannot begin to grasp the dimensions of
C) As long as both species are put under our planet
protective laws E) We know very little about stars outside our
D) While butterfly sightings have been collected solar system
for 400 years in Britain
E) Besides being the species that is considered
more attractive

22. Nature is meant to be able to flourish in

protected areas, ----. 24. Many people will think of Atlanta, not Tbilisi,
A) and authorities are doing their best to
protect other areas A) if they are given a choice about the matter
B) yet we are ruining at least one-third of this B) because the latter is the more popular one
territory C) when you ask them the capital of Georgia
C) so most of the species there are about to D) as if you asked their worthless opinions
get spoiled
E) when it comes to world’s capital cities
D) for there are at least seven institutions
aimed at destroying them
E) but they are also in their weaker years of
their life cycle

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

25. Australia’s oldest wine region also happens to 27. Although the term narcissism is popular
be its easiest to visit ----. among people nowadays, ----.

A) although Hunter Valley is home to some 150 A) people tend to use these terms to describe
wineries their unwanted relatives
B) but Semillon is the benchmark variety here B) true pathological narcissism affects only
C) whether or not you are a wine lover one percent of population

D) since it is a two-hour drive north of Sydney C) the prevalence of the term among health
professionals has always been high
E) so the drive from Sydney is a little dangerous
D) true pathological narcissists remain stable
in terms of their health
E) we keep diagnosing our friends and
relatives in many ways

28. Women in America are drinking far more and

26. The weather pattern following a regular cycle
far more frequently than their mothers or
for years has been disturbed and interrupted
grandmothers did, ----.
all over the world, ----.
A) but the ads directed at them are still high in
A) so the rains may come late to many hot
regions this year
B) and it used to be men who were the
B) but they haven’t prepared for the cold spell yet
outsized alcohol drinkers
C) when a long drought broke over the forests of
C) whereas European women drink as much
as their American counterparts
D) as there is no longing like the longing for rain
D) although some women are increasingly
E) but the weather patterns in Mars are suffering from the ill effects of alcohol, too
E) and alcohol consumption is killing them in
record numbers

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 30. Which of the following can be inferred from the
cevaplayınız. text about the writer’s attitude towards

A) He thinks they are healthy and should be in our

The idea that a long and healthy life starts in our shopping baskets.
shopping baskets is as tempting to consumers as it is to
the food industry, which is usually keen to shout about B) He is of the opinion that they formed the first
the potential benefits of so-called superfoods. But a wave of GM foods.
new wave of healthier products is making its way on to C) He doesn’t believe that they will change our
our dinner plates without much noise or promotion. The opinion about GM foods.
reason is simple: they are genetically modified (GM).
And for all the potential health benefits, they come D) He doesn’t think they have superior qualities
served with a side helping of unwanted baggage. The over normal food.
first wave of GM foods was designed to benefit the
E) He believes they are quite underrated as there
farmers that grew them and the corporations that
is no promotion for them.
engineered them, rather than the people eating them.
Now we are seeing GM produce that offers healthier
alternatives to everyday staples like bread and oil, as
well as more exotic foods. In theory, this is a fresh
opportunity to make the case for GM. With products like
“good-gluten” bread, it is a chance to reach a new
generation who are ever more concerned about diet
and health, and who are among those most likely to
believe that GM foods are bad for us.

29. Which of the following is true about the first

wave of GM foods? 31. According to the passage, consumers today
A) They came with a widespread approval from
the general public. A) are different from the ones in the past in that
they are more health-conscious
B) They helped farmers earn a lot of money as
they were quite popular. B) are more likely to welcome GM foods as long
as they are healthy
C) They were good for the farmers and companies
that produced them, not for people eating C) might find it difficult to find superfoods in the
them. shelves of supermarkets

D) They are now in the shopping baskets of many D) are eager to overrate the importance of
people. superfoods

E) They were introduced for the purpose of E) prefer foods that come without much promotion
changing our minds about GM foods. or noise

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 33. What can be inferred from the passage about
cevaplayınız. the water level of Lake Kinneret?

A) It has at least 100 million cubic metres of water.

The shrinking Sea of Galilee, the inland lake where B) It is low and has to be supported with a new
Christians believe Jesus walked on water, is to be filled project.
with desalinated seawater. A project that was given C) It is quite low because it is far away from the
Israeli cabinet approval will pump 100 million cubic coast.
metres of water annually by 2022 into the lake in the
Galilee region. In 2017 Israel’s water authority said the D) It is low on account of the fact that the lake is
sea, hit by years of drought, had reached its lowest level below sea level.
in a century. Situated 200 metres below sea level and 28 E) It is going to be at its highest in 2022 thanks to
miles from the coast, the Sea of Galilee is cited in the the new project.
Bible as the site of a number of Jesus’s miracles. Known
in Hebrew as Lake Kinneret, it covers an area of roughly
62 square miles. Ten years ago, it provided 400m cubic
metres a year of fresh water and was the country’s
largest freshwater reserve. But a series of dry winters
have reduced its level to such an extent that pumping had
to be limited to 30-40m cubic metres a year.

32. The underlined word ’cited’ in the passage is

34. According to the passage, in a matter of ten
closest in meaning to ----.
years ----.
A) divided B) mentioned
A) Israeli authorities will solve the freshwater
C) finished D) approved problem in the country
E) tried B) the water level in Lake Kinneret dropped from
400 cubic metres to 40 cubic metres

C) Lake Kinneret will be visited by Christians who

actually believe in miraculous stories of Jesus

D) there will be only desalinated seawater in Lake


E) the water level in Lake Kinneret decreased


YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 36. According to the passage, permanent
cevaplayınız. members of staff ----.

A) are paid less than dispatch workers but they

have job security
Foxconn is China’s largest single private employer,
and it is known for its production line exclusively B) are not entitled to get sick pay or holiday pay
working for Apple products, iPhones in particular. But
C) are reserved for the Hengyang plant and will
it is said to be keen to diversify to reduce its reliance
only produce goods for Amazon
on Apple and it is investing heavily in the Hengyang
plant to meet the demand from Amazon. The Foxconn D) are among the founders of China’s largest
factory in Hengyang relies on the tried and tested single private company
formula of low wages and long hours. But here there
E) demand higher pays in order to work in
is another element: the extensive use of agency
Hengyang factory
workers who don’t have the security of a regular job.
These employees – known as dispatch workers in
China – are hired in from labour companies as an off-
the-shelf workforce. They are generally slightly better-
paid than permanent members of staff, but they get
no sick pay or holiday pay and can be laid off without
any pay at all during quiet months when production
drops off. In some ways they resemble the Amazon
products they are making: wanted one day and
discarded the next.

37. Why does the writer draw a parallelism

35. Which of the following is true about the
between Amazon products and dispatch
Foxconn Company?
A) It has only two production facilities in China.
A) To draw our attention to the quality level of
B) It will stop producing iPhones and will produce Amazon products
only for Amazon.
B) To compare the production styles of Apple and
C) It is producing goods for companies outside Amazon
C) To make a point about how essential
D) It invented the system of using dispatch permanent workers are for Amazon
workers in China.
D) To emphasize the fragile job status of dispatch
E) It is planning to build another factory to meet workers in China
the demand from Amazon.
E) To prove his point that regular workers should
also be fired easily

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 39. According to the passage, the baobab is
cevaplayınız. different from other trees in that ----.

A) only its barks can be used for making baskets

and hats
Some of Africa’s oldest and biggest baobab trees have
abruptly died, wholly or in part, in the past decade, B) its branches look like normal tree roots, which
according to researchers. The trees, aged between makes it look like an upside-down tree
1,100 and 2,500 years and in some cases as wide as a
bus is long, may have fallen victim to climate change, C) it is the most negatively affected tree from the
the team speculated. The baobab is the biggest and changing climate
longest-living flowering tree, according to the research
team. It is found naturally in Africa’s savannah region D) its fruits are eaten by animals, bears in
and outside the continent in tropical areas to which it particular
was introduced. It is a strange-looking plant, with
E) it is the oldest tree species in Africa and the
branches resembling gnarled roots reaching for the sky,
rest of the world
giving it an upside-down look. The iconic tree can live to
be 3,000 years old, according to the website of the
Kruger National Park in South Africa, a natural baobab
habitat. The tree serves as a massive store of water,
and bears fruit that feeds animals and humans. Its
leaves are boiled and eaten as an accompaniment
similar to spinach, or used to make traditional
medicines, while the bark is pounded and woven into
rope, baskets, cloth and waterproof hats.

38. Which of the following is true about the baobab

trees according to the passage?

A) The Kruger National Park in South Africa is the 40. Which of the following could be the best title
only habitat in which it can thrive. for the passage?

B) It is as big as a bus most of the time. A) The Baobab: The Water Source of Africa

C) Its barks offer a great water source for animals. B) How to Make Hats from the Baobab

D) It has a lot of different functions for humans as C) Under Serious Threat: Iconic Trees of Africa
well as animals.
D) The Kruger National Park in South Africa
E) Its leaves are quite similar to spinach in shape
E) The World’s Oldest Trees Are Dying
and taste.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 42. The passage makes it clear that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) anti-slavery activists have a prestigious place in
Mauritanian society
B) having darker skin in Mauritania is clearly an
In 1981, Mauritania made slavery illegal, the last
country in the world to do so. Nonetheless, tens of
thousands of people – mostly from the minority C) Mauritania lies in the north of the Sahara
Haratine or Afro-Mauritanian groups – still live as Desert
bonded labourers, domestic servants or child brides.
Local rights groups estimate that up to 20% of the D) Afro-Mauritanian groups are better off than the
population is enslaved, with one in two Haratines rest of the society
forced to work on farms or in homes with no possibility E) the government of Mauritania is not doing its
of freedom, education or pay. Slavery has a long share to abolish slavery
history in this North African desert nation. For
centuries, Arabic-speaking Moors raided African
villages, resulting in a rigid caste system that still
exists to this day, with darker-skinned inhabitants
bound to their lighter-skinned “masters.” Slave status
is passed down from mother to child, and anti-slavery
activists are regularly tortured and detained. Yet the
government routinely denies that slavery exists in
Mauritania, instead praising itself for eradicating the

43. Which of the following can be inferred from the

41. Which of the following is true about Haratines
A) Slavery first started in Mauritania with the
according to the passage?
attacks of Afro-Mauritanian groups.
A) They are slaves in a country where slavery was
B) Mauritanian government’s self-praise for wiping
abolished long ago.
out slavery has its legitimate basis.
B) They form the majority of child brides in
C) Slavery had a short life in Mauritania and
ended in 1981.
C) They form the 20% of population in Mauritania.
D) Child slaves in Mauritania have a little hope of
D) They are the descendants of the Arabic-
speaking Moors.
E) Almost half of the Haratine population is
enslaved according to estimates.
E) They are at the top layer of the rigid caste

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

44. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi 45.

- This article on longevity really has some

44. interesting insights. For instance, eating dark
Harry: chocolate, it says, has been proven to
prevent premature deaths.
- As far as I know, a plug-in hybrid car has
zero emission. I mean it releases no toxic Draper:
fumes. - ----
Kane: Don:
- You are so wrong my friend. You need to - I also thought so, but this is a scientific
update your knowledge or change your study and you know every day new things
sources. come out.
Harry: Draper:
- ---- - There’s that. Nevertheless, I don’t want to
Kane: trust the findings of a single research.

- Of course. An EV, or fully electric vehicle,

has zero emission while a plug-in hybrid will A) Hmm. It sounds interesting. What else does it
need petrol engine to extend its range, say?
causing some emission in the meantime.
B) No way! They have been telling us about the
disadvantages of chocolate for health.
A) You always seem to know everything, don’t C) What does longevity mean, anyway? First, tell
you? me what it is.
B) It is easy to say for a mechanical engineer like
D) However scientific the material might be, I don’t
trust it.
C) Who am I talking to? What’s with the humiliating
E) What is the reason for all these studies? I don’t
get it.
D) Then, you might want to enlighten this poor
E) I think we will agree to disagree for this time

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

46. 47.
Shaun: Darla:
- What do you think about the Ebola outbreak - What is your stance on vegetarianism?
in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Bennie:
Marcy: - ----
- Didn’t they find a vaccine to treat it? Or do I
remember it wrong? - Would you mind being a little specific?
- Well, I respect what they are doing, but I can’t
- ----
convince myself not to eat meat, especially a
Marcy: juicy steak from time to time.

- Then, they will have to develop a new one

that will really wipe out the disease.

A) I have complicated feelings about the issue.

B) Do you mean people who hate meat eaters?
C) I don’t have a stance. I eat everything including
A) Your memory has mistaken you; they haven’t meat.
developed a vaccine yet.
D) I don’t think most of them are true vegetarians.
B) What does it have to do with your memory? E) My stance? It doesn’t matter really. I am an
People are dying out there! ordinary person.
C) You are right, but the one they developed
doesn’t seem to work.

D) You might have a point, but I don’t remember it

clearly, either.

E) This is one of the most serious outbreaks the

continent has ever seen.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

48. 49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en

Charlize: yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
- Do you have any idea why people stare at the
ground or ceiling when they are in an
elevator? 49. Lost in the 1880s, the eighth wonder of the
Keanu: world may have been rediscovered – but it isn’t
where anyone expected.
- Actually, I do. It is an instinctive response to
a perceived dangerous social situation. A) The eighth wonder of the world was lost in the
Charlize: 1880s, but it was rediscovered in a place that is
kept secret.
- ----
Keanu: B) 1880s was the period when the eighth wonder of
the world was lost, but it was recently discovered
- Well, much of people’s behaviour in
at a highly astonishing place.
elevators is irrational. They act as if there
were a possibility of real aggression, and C) Rediscovered in a place not everybody knows,
their minds produce behaviours meant to the eighth wonder of the world was lost in the
protect them. 1880s.

D) It is possible that the eighth wonder of the world,

A) You seem to know a lot about psychology. Is it which was lost in the 1880s, has been
your major? rediscovered, though it isn’t in a place people
B) Well, if instincts are involved, I can understand expect it to be in.
any weird behaviour. E) One of the eight wonders of the world was lost in
C) Don’t you feel a little too awkward in the the 1880s, but it might have been rediscovered
presence of complete strangers? in a place unknown to many people.
D) It may be that the ground or the ceiling is more
50. Neanderthals were big-brained, intelligent
E) Now you have lost me. Can you elaborate a little
creatures who were perfectly adapted to their

A) Contrary to our knowledge, Neanderthals had

big brains and were intelligent enough to
perfectly adapt to their environment.

B) Flawlessly adjusted to their environment,

Neanderthals were intelligent beings with a big

C) Having the ability to perfectly adjust to their

environment, Neanderthals were creatures with
big brains and high intelligence levels.

D) If Neanderthals hadn’t been intelligent, they

wouldn’t have been able to adapt to their
environment in a flawless fashion.

E) The big brains of Neanderthals made it possible

for them to perfectly adapt to their environment
like other intelligent creatures.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

51. Stem cells need large amounts of vitamin C in 53. Many civilisations developed without exploiting
order to function properly. heavy minerals or metals at all.

A) A great deal of vitamin C is necessary for stem A) Without exploiting heavy minerals or metals,
cells to function in a proper way. many civilisations couldn’t have developed.

B) So as to function with good capacity, stem cells B) Exploiting heavy minerals and metals, many
need a lot of vitamin C. civilisations developed in an unprecedented
C) A lot of vitamin C is needed for stem cells to do
their tasks. C) It wasn’t necessary for many civilisations to
exploit heavy minerals or metals in order to
D) What makes stem cells to function properly is
their hunger for a lot of vitamin C.
D) Many civilisations managed to prosper with little
E) In order to meet the demand for a lot of vitamin
exploitation of heavy minerals and metals.
C, stem cells need to function properly.
E) Heavy minerals and metals may be necessary
for the development of nations today, but many
civilisations were able to develop without them.

54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

52. It is debatable whether machines can be truly
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
creative, but they are certainly smart.

A) No one can deny the fact that machines are

intelligent, but whether they can be creative or 54. A friend of yours got himself a face tattoo
not is still a question mark. although you had warned him not to do so. He
B) One can easily question the ability of the comes to you with a long face because he was
machines to create things, but he cannot deny rejected in a job interview because of the tattoo
their intelligence. on his face. Reminding your warning, you give
him an advice. So you say: ----
C) Whether machines can achieve ultimate
creativity is controversial, but it is certain that A) You shouldn’t have got it done on your face in
they are smart. the first place.

D) Machines are clearly smart, but their capacity to B) You had it coming. What are you going to do
create things is controversial. now?

E) The fact that machines are smart has started a C) You know what? Let’s get that thing removed
controversy as to whether they can really create from your pretty face.
things or not. D) The way I see it, it is your mistake. You cannot
blame them.

E) You know I have warned you before; now you

should get it removed.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

55. Your uncle has had a stroke and now the left 57. You have ordered a perfume from an online
side of his body is paralyzed, which means he outlet. It is delivered at the specified time, but it
cannot move his left limbs. Understandably, he is clear from the inscriptions on the bottle and
is depressed, so he doesn’t want to do from the smell itself that the perfume is not real.
anything. As a result, he even refuses physical When you phone the call centre to send the
therapy. You know that he won’t get over the product back, they say they won’t accept a
paralysis without physical therapy, so you product back if the package has been opened.
harshly say: ---- You know there is no way to understand if the
perfume is real or not without opening the
A) You are being as stubborn as a mule! You package. So you say in an angry tone: ----
cannot go on like this, or you will upset everyone
A) What are you talking about? Can you
around you.
personally understand if a fragrance is fake or
B) If you want to stay paralyzed until you die, it is real without opening the package?
your choice as it will be the case if you refuse to
B) You are right. I shouldn’t have opened the
take physical therapy.
package, but I don’t want this fake product.
C) That’s typical of our family. OK. Just stop doing
C) I think I will keep it anyway seeing that you
everything and things will be just fine!
won’t help me.
D) As long as you get physical therapy, you will see
D) Please put me through someone who knows
a gradual recovery.
what he is talking about.
E) How very typical of you. You were the same
E) I should have guessed from the cheap price
even when you were in good health!
that this would turn out to be fake!

56. A bank you stopped working with keeps calling

despite the fact that you cancelled their
permissions to contact you in any way. When 58. A close friend of yours is in the habit of
an employee from the call centre calls you the procrastinating and as a result he runs the risk
last time, you get frustrated and shout at him. of repeating his last year in university if he
So, you say: ---- cannot pass the make-up exams. When you
drop by his flat, you see that he is playing
A) As I clearly remember, I have cancelled your online computer games. Knowing that he has to
permissions to contact me. study for the make-up exams that will be held in
two weeks, you decide to give him a harsh
B) You should have stopped calling me long ago
warning. So, you say: ----
A) I think it is high time you stopped playing
C) You are way too late to offer me a promotion. I
computer games.
stopped working with your bank.
B) How very considerate of you to invite me to
D) Your company just won’t take ‘no’ for an answer,
your game.
will they? Stop calling me!
C) How old are you, eight? Unless you start
E) I am not interested in your loan offer or any other
studying right now, you will find yourself in big
offer you might come up with.

D) I am sure you will pass with flying colours if you

keep on playing computer games.

E) If you want, I can help you study for the make-

up exams.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 60. The brain function of infants may be boosted or
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için hindered by infections experienced by their
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. mothers during pregnancy. The finding makes it
all the more important that pregnant women get
vaccinated against flu and practise basic
59. Around half of the world’s population now has hygiene measures like hand-washing. ---- One
internet access, but there is a stark example is Zika virus, which appears to infect
geographical and gender divide. Nearly 80 per foetal brain cells and causes children to be born
cent of people in Europe are online, while in with an abnormally small head.
Africa the figure is just 20 per cent. ---- In Africa,
for example, there are three women online for A) A higher rate of schizophrenia was detected
every four men, a gap that has widened since among people who were born soon after the
2013. 1957 global flu epidemic.

A) Two-thirds of internet users live in countries B) But these studies aren’t conclusive and there
that regularly censor the internet. has been debate about whether inflammation
during pregnancy affects children’s brains.
B) WhatsApp was blocked or throttled in 12 out of
65 countries examined by the report. C) There is some evidence that maternal
infections might also affect foetuses indirectly.
C) Men outnumber women online in every region
except the Americas. D) They put the woman into a state of heightened
immune system activity.
D) Facebook added over a billion users across its
different platforms. E) Some microbes can directly infect a foetus
during pregnancy and cause developmental
E) Half of the world is wasting their time scrolling problems.
posts on the Instagram.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

61. A single finger bone found in the Saudi Arabian 63. Interplanetary travellers face two big
desert is helping to rewrite the story of when challenges: how to transport all the tools and
and how modern humans left Africa. ---- This equipment they need from Earth, and what to do
challenges the mainstream view, which is that with all their waste. ---- They genetically
our species left Africa only around 70,000 years engineered Escherichia coli bacteria to convert
ago, and then spread rapidly across Asia and human faeces to a type of plastic called
Europe. polyhydroxybutyrate. Using a 3D printer, they
showed this plastic could be made into small
A) Despite such finds, many archaeologists still tools like wrenches. “When you’re planning
think humans didn’t travel beyond the Levant space missions, there’s no way you can predict
until 70,000 years ago. everything you’ll need,” says Mayi Arcellana-
Panlilio. “The nice thing about this plastic is that
B) It now seems likely that early modern humans it can be moulded into whatever you want.”
were in southern China about 100,000 years
ago. A) A method for turning faeces into plastic could
come in handy for Mars pioneers.
C) The team also found 380 stone tools,
suggesting that lots of our ancestors lived B) Mayi Arcellana-Panlilio and her colleagues
around the lakes. wondered if they could find a simple solution to
D) Radiometric dating of the bone shows it is at
least 85,000 years old. C) It’s not just people on Mars who could benefit –
sewage could also be converted into plastic on
E) Another intriguing question is whether the early Earth.
humans of the Levant and Arabia all belonged
to the same population. D) Unlike other plastics, polyhydroxybutyrate is
not made from fossil fuels and is

62. In mammals, most brain cells are created at or E) The team envisages astronaut faeces being
soon after birth and aren’t renewed. Recently, it collected by vacuum toilets into tanks, where
was found that the human hippocampus, linked bacteria would feed on fatty acids.
with learning and memory, produces new
neurons throughout life. But this ability, called
neurogenesis, was thought to drop sharply after
middle age. However, a new study has found
that people in their 70s seem to produce just as
many new neurons as teenagers. ----

A) Does this mean that we are still evolving and

other mammals stopped the process?

B) Why then do some old people end up having

the Alzheimer’s disease?

C) This seems to explain why elephants can

remember certain things for seven years.

D) The discovery could provide clues as to how

we can keep our minds sharper for longer.

E) New neuron growth has never been studied

before in people who didn’t have any brain

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

64. - 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye 66. Despite the $3 trillion spent globally since
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 2004, just 12 per cent of the world’s electricity
came from renewable sources in 2017.

A) 2004 yılından beri küresel çapta üç trilyon doları

64. Irrespective of light levels, our eyesight gets yenilenebilir enerjiye harcamamamıza rağmen,
better around the times of dawn and dusk. 2017’de dünyadaki elektriğin yalnızca %12’si bu
A) Işık seviyelerine bakmaksızın, görüşümüz şafak kaynaklardan gelmiştir.
vakti ve gün batımı zamanları civarında daha iyi B) 2004’ten bu yana dünya çapında harcanan üç
hale gelir. trilyon doların boşa gitmiş olduğu 2017’de
B) Görüşümüzün şafak vakti ve alacakaranlıkta dünyadaki elektriğin sadece %12’sinin
daha iyi hale gelmesinin sebebi ışık seviyelerine yenilenebilir kaynaklardan gelmiş olmasından
bakmamamızdır. bellidir.

C) Görüşümüzü daha iyi hale getirmek istiyorsak, C) 2004’ten bu yana dünya çapında harcanan üç
ışık seviyelerine bakmaksızın şafak vakti veya trilyon dolara rağmen, 2017’de dünyadaki
gün batımında dışarıda olmalıyız. elektriğin sadece %12’si yenilenebilir
kaynaklardan gelmiştir.
D) Gözlerimiz, ışık seviyelerine bakmaksızın, şafak
vakti ve gün batımı zamanları civarında daha iyi D) 2017’de dünyadaki elektriğin sadece %12’si
görür. yenilenebilir kaynaklardan gelmiştir ve bu ancak
2004’ten bu yana dünya çapında harcanan üç
E) Şafak vakti veya gün batımı zamanları civarında trilyon dolar sayesinde mümkün olmuştur.
daha iyi hale gelen görüşümüz bunu ışık
seviyelerindeki farklara borçludur. E) 2004 yılından başlayarak dünya çapında üç
trilyon dolar harcanması sonucunda 2017’de
dünyadaki elektriğin sadece %12’si yenilenebilir
65. Four palm trees have been spotted changing kaynaklardan gelmiştir.
from male to female for the first time.

A) İlk defa dört palmiye ağacının erkekten dişiye

dönüşüm geçirdiği saptanmıştır.
67. Most people love cats just for their appealing
B) Erkek cinsiyetinden dişi cinsiyetine dönüşüm personalities and independent ways.
geçiren dört palmiye ağacı ilk defa saptandı.
A) Kedilerin bağımsız oluşu ve çekici kişilikleri
C) İlk defa dört ağacın toplu olarak cinsiyet birçok insan için onları sevmelerinin tek
değiştirdiği saptanmıştır. sebebidir.

D) Dört palmiye ağacının birden cinsiyet değiştirip B) Çoğu insan kedileri sadece çekici kişilikleri ve
erkekten dişiye dönüşmesi ilk defa saptandı. bağımsız halleri yüzünden sevmektedir.

E) Palmiye ağaçlarının, hem de dördünün birden, C) Kedilerin çoğu insan tarafından sevilmelerinin
cinsiyet değiştirmesi ilk defa saptandı. sebebi çekici kişilikleri ve bağımsız halleridir.

. D) Kedileri sadece çekici kişilikleri yüzünden

seven çoğu kişi onların bağımsız duruşunu da

E) Sadece çekici kişilikleri değil, aynı zamanda

bağımsız oluşları, çoğu insanın kedileri
sevmelerindeki ana sebeplerdir.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

68. Some forests contain many different species of

trees, while others contain large groups of the 70. - 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye an-
same type. lamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Her ormanda farklı ağaç türleri bulunmaz; bazı

ormanlarda aynı türden büyük gruplar
70. Kuzey Kutbu, Güney Kutbuna göre daha büyük
bir hayat çeşitliliğine sahiptir çünkü orada
B) Bazı ormanlar birçok farklı tür ağacı birçok farklı kara hayvanı vardır.
barındırırken diğerleri aynı türden büyük
grupları barındırır. A) Compared to South Pole, the North Pole is
more diverse in terms of life forms as it has
C) Bazı ormanlarda aynı gruptan bir sürü ağaç more land animals with a great diversity.
olmasına rağmen, diğerlerinde birçok farklı tür
ağaç bulunur. B) The diversity of life in the North Pole is greater
compared to the one in the South Pole
D) Ormanları içlerinde bulunan ağaç türlerine göre because of the high number of different land
sınıflandıramayız çünkü bazıları çeşitli ağaçları
barındırırken, diğerleri tek bir türe ev sahipliği
eder. C) There are many different land animals in the
North Pole, which explains why it has a greater
E) Bazı ormanlarda birçok farklı türden ağaç
bulunması diğerlerinde de bu durum olacak diversity than the South Pole.
anlamına gelmez. D) The North Pole has a greater diversity of life
than the South Pole, because it has many
different types of land animals.
E) The North Pole is a lot more diverse than the
South Pole in that it has a lot more land
69. All deserts share one feature – they are very dry,
but they form in many different ways.
71. Dünya yüzeyinin yüzde birinden daha azını
A) Bütün çöllerin paylaştığı tek özellik çok kuru kaplamasına rağmen, tatlı su nehirleri ve sulak
olmalarıdır ancak hepsi birçok farklı şekilde alanlar bir sürü bitkiyi ve hayvanı besler.
A) Despite covering less than one per cent of
B) Çöllerin hepsi çok kurudur, ancak hepsi birçok Earth’s surface, freshwater rivers and wetland
farklı şekilde oluşur. support a lot of plants and animals.

C) Çöllerin benzer bir özelliği çok kuru olmalarıdır B) Lots of plants and animals are supported by
ama hepsi farklı yollarla oluşmaktadır. freshwater rivers and wetlands that cover less
than one per cent of Earth’s surface.
D) Çöllerin hepsi aynı biçimde çok kuru olmalarına
karşın birçok farklı yoldan oluşurlar. C) Although less than one per cent of the Earth’s
surface is covered by freshwater rivers and
E) Tüm çöllerin paylaştığı bir özellik vardır; çok wetland, these support a lot of plants and
kurudurlar, ama birçok farklı şekilde oluşurlar. animals.
D) Freshwater rivers and wetland cover less than
one per cent of the Earth’s surface, yet they
support a lot of plants and animals.

E) Covering less than one per cent of Earth’s

surface, freshwater rivers and wetland support
a lot of plants and animals.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

72. Dünya çapında yaklaşık 6,000 dil konuşulmaktadır 74. Hem eski, hem de yeni birçok spor dalının
ve birçok insan birden fazla dil konuşur. kökeni geleneksel dövüş tekniklerinde
A) People speak almost 6,000 languages across
the world and some of them can speak more A) Modern as well as ancient sports have been
than one language. derived from traditional fighting techniques.

B) Traditional fighting techniques formed the roots

B) In total, the number of languages spoken
of many sports, whether they are modern or
across the world is about 6,000, and many
people are bilingual. ancient.

C) Most sports, modern or ancient, are thought to

C) Around 6,000 languages are spoken across the
have originated from traditional fighting
world, and many people speak more than one
D) Traditional fighting techniques are said to have
D) The world has about 6,000 spoken languages, formed the roots of many ancient and modern
and many people can speak more than one sports.
E) Many sports, both ancient and modern, have
E) There are more than 6,000 languages spoken their roots in traditional fighting techniques.
around the world, though some people speak
more than one language.

73. Çoğu insan sadece birkaç tane farklı peynir 75. Beslenme, bağışıklık sistemimizi desteklemenin
yemiştir, ama denenecek binlerce peynir vardır. yanı sıra zihinsel ve fiziksel enerji seviyelerimizi
A) A few different cheeses are the staple for most korumada çok önemli bir rol oynar.
people, but thousands of varieties are waiting
A) Nutrition is important for maintaining our energy
for them to try.
levels as well as supporting our immune
B) Many people make do with only a few different system.
cheeses, but there are thousands of cheeses
available. B) Nutrition plays an essential role in maintaining
our mental and physical energy levels, as well
C) A few different types of cheese are eaten by as supporting our immune system.
most people although there are thousands to
try. C) To maintain one’s mental and physical energy
levels, nutrition has a key role, but it is also
D) Most people have tasted only a few cheeses, important for our immune system.
yet there are thousands to eat.
D) What nutrition does to your body is to maintain
E) Most people have eaten only a few different
your mental and physical energy levels and to
cheeses, but there are thousands to try.
support your immune system.

E) Without nutrition, our immune system would be

left without support and our energy levels
would always be down.

YDT İngilizce DenemeSınavı 7

76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 78. (I) Studies have shown that smiling faces are judged
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü as more familiar than neutral ones. (II) Scientists
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. theorise that smiles – as well as frowns and other
facial expressions – are remnants of humanity’s
distant pre-linguistic heritage. (III) Human language
76. (I) Reef corals have stinging cells that capture food. started developing as far back as 100,000 years
(II) They also have tiny algae living in their tissues. ago. (IV) However, our facial expressions reach
(III) The coral uses some of the sugar the algae back further still, perhaps as far as some of our
produce, and in return provides the algae with a earliest human ancestors. (V) Before we could
safe environment to live in. (IV) Corals also provide communicate verbally, we had to communicate with
food for many other types of animals as reefs our faces and use our facial expressions-- especially
swarm with colourful fish, starfish, shrimps, crabs, our smiles.
and even sea snakes. (V) Sea snakes feed on small A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
fish as well as shrimps.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

79. (I) You and everyone you’ve ever known will

someday die. (II) According to some
psychologists, this uncomfortable truth constantly
lurks in the back of our minds. (III) What would
happen, though, if the ambiguity surrounding our
77. (I) Golden rice, which has been genetically
own death were taken away? (IV) It ultimately
modified to prevent blindness in undernourished
drives everything we do, from choosing to attend
children, was judged safe to eat last week by the
church, eat vegetables and go to the gym. (V) It
US Food and Drug Administration. (II)
also motivates us to have children, write books
Genetically modified food is one of the most
and create companies.
controversial inventions of the food industry.
(III) The rice contains extra genes that make a A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
precursor to vitamin A, which is vital for
preventing childhood blindness. (IV) A single
helping can supply half the recommended daily
intake of vitamin A, according to its developers. 80. (I) There are hundreds of types of cryptocurrencies,
(V) The genes also give it its distinctive golden and values for some have skyrocketed in the last
colour. three years. (II) The authorities are not sure the rise
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V of Bitcoin will go on, though. (III) A single Bitcoin, for
example, is now worth more than $7,000. (IV) It was
worth just a few hundred dollars as recently as
2016. (V) This also made the business of creating
new cryptocurrency potentially very lucrative.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


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