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Chinese here. With a lot of relatives in early 20s I talk to in Guangzhou.

They don't know what they are being censored from. Even though they know the
government IS censoring stuff (fb and Twitter is obvious as they make accounts when
they come to the US for grad school).

The majority of Chinese is content with the direction of the government, as they
care more about material gain over intangibles like freedom to _____.

Chinese middle class and the government FEARs instability. When shit goes down in
the US, it will deal with whiney redditors, angry public demonstrations, but
eventually it blows over. The West never has to worry about the backbone of its
government being dismantled. Westerners in general take pride of its political
system (democracy) so the worst they can do is impeach a president or replace some
politicians. China is different as in discontent leads directly to the backbone of
its government. In China's long history almost every national "demonstration" lead
to revolution and bloodshed. For many Chinese, things like censorship is a small
price to pay for general stability.

Also, Chinese admire Western freedom but they also know West wants it to collapse
and in general has no good intentions towards the Chinese people. They believe the
Chinese government cares about its people more than any Western countries would so
they are skeptical whenever it receives criticism from West. Like "US only wants
democracy for China because they know it'll lead to unrest and unseat China from
its current power. So hah! I'll support the Chinese govt. cus fk the west"

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