Marketing The School - Group 6

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a. Definition of Marketing The School
”Marketing is the planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and
distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational goals”. Meanwhile Davies & Ellison(1997) stated that “marketing schools
in the world of education as a school activity to communicate and achieve the goals of
schools, values and products to students, staff and the wider community”.
b. School Marketing Strategy
It use marketing mix 4 there are:
1. Promotion
Promotion refers to any type of marketing communication used to inform target
audiences of the relative merits of a product, service, brand or issue, most of the time
is persuasive in nature. It consist of:
 Sales Promotion
 Advertising
 Public Relations
 Direct Marketing
2. Product
Product means the goods-services combination the company offers to the target
market.(Philip Kotler and Gray Armstrong, 8th Edition). It consist of:
 Feature
 Quality
 Branding
 Packaging
 Services
 Warranties
3. Place
Place includes company activities that make the product available to target consumers
(Principles of Marketing 9th Edition). It consist of:
 Channels
 Marketing Coverage
 Assortment
 Location
 Inventory
 Transport
4. Price
Price is the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the product (Philip and
Armstrong). It consist of:
 Price Strategy
 Pricing
 Allowances
 Discounts
 Payment Terms

c. Factors In Affecting Education Marketing Strategy

1. Organizational Type and Structure
The type and structure of the organization that suitable to use must relate to the
identity of the organization.
2. Managerial Style (Leadership)
This factors that must be exist in each chairman of the school in implementing a
strategy requires careful reading of the situation.
3. External Environment Complexity
The external environment of the organization that always moves dynamically. This
dynamic movement affects how to manage an organization and it’s included in
formulating and determining the strategies.
4. Production Process Complexity
The production process to produce maximum output can be a delivered of promotion
5. Nature of Problems Faced
The organization must be able to face the competition problems with competitors and
have to great ideas or out of the box to market the education.

d. The Elements of Marketing

1. Competitive Strategy Elements
(a) Market segmentation, this is the act of identifying and forming separate groups of
buyers or consumers.
(b) Targetting, that the act of selecting one or more market segments which will be
(c) Positioning, the determination of market position. The goal of positioning build
and communicate the competitive advantage of the product that is in the market into
the minds of consumers.
2. Elements of Marketing Tactics
(a) Differentiation, which is related to how to build a strategy marketing in various
aspects of the company. Building activities This marketing strategy is the
differentiates of carried out by company with another company.
(b) Marketing mix, related to activities regarding products, prices, promotions, and
places as known as 4P, namely Product, Price, Promotion, and Place.
3. Values Elements of Marketing
It relate to: name, terminology, symbols, or designs, or a combination which is
intended to identify goods or bad services of a group of sellers and differentiate them
from competitors.

e. Kinds of Promoting Media

1. Social Media
In the media social there are so many founder of the school foundation that use
internet media to promote their school, this kind of online promotion is familiar in
society, for example is facebook, Instagram, twitter, youtube, whatsapp, website/
blog, and other social media that school management publish the content like photo or
video, vision and mission, school achievement, facilities, and other to increase the

This kind of promotion is a small paper that publish by school marketing to get a
new students in hope that people will know about the school. Brochure must unique
to catch people attention like picture, vision and mission, school achievement,
facilities and etc, brochure is freely to share in public.

3. Banner
Banner is a advertisement tool in common public can find in a website/blog. The size
of banner have a differences based on the request by school marketing. It kind of
simple media promotion from billboard. Banner in common contain about an
information and made with a portrait shape.

4. Television
Television is the kind of media promotion that society knows, in watch television it
can increase popularity of the school with the advertisement in promoting the school,
because when it display in television society can know and remember about the

5. Radio
Radio as an option for entertainment and media information by deliver and
conveying messages or information to the public, especially customers, societies,
regarding the existence of a product or service, especially in marketing and promoting
the schools.

6. Merchandise
Merchandise is kind of souvenirs that often used by many people and generally
found in many places, for example, T-shirts with inscriptions or brands. This often
found on wall clocks, pens, cups, flash drives, books, batik for school and etc. To
attract more attention, the merchandise is uniquely as possible so that anyone who
sees it can remember quickly.

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