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[Aep Saepudin]

Dsn Karang Tengah RT. 11/03 Desa Cigugur Kaler Kec. Pusakajaya Subang jawa barat 41255 |
0851 5605 5650 | | ig - @aepsaepudinn_

About Me
introduce my self, I am Aep Saepudin, a graduate of STIE Miftahul Huda Subang 2020 Marketing
Management study program. Has organizational experience as the Chairman of Dewan Kerja Cabang
Subang and mastering various Microsoft office programming. Able to work well together, discipline
in work and able to work under pressure. Interested in applying for the Business Unit Staff.

Abilities & Competencies

 Microsoft Office  Editing foto & video
 Manajemen Data 
 Leadership

Work Experiences
Store employees (Foto dan Video Shoting)
Prewed photo / video service providers, weddings, and camera rentals (February 2016 - April 2019)

Organizational Experience
Dewan Kerja Cabang Subang (Pramuka)
Community Service Members (February 2016 - December 2018)
Chairman of DKC Subang (December 2018 - Present)

Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)

Secretary 1 of the Student Executive Board (March 2017 - Februsri 2019)

Satria Pusaka (Basket Ball)

1st Winner of Popda Subang 2016
1st Winner of Ciasem Cup 2017

SMAN 1 Pusakanagara (2013-2016)
 Head of Scouting at SMAN 1 Pusakagara 2014-2015
 Non Academic Achievement Students (Pramuka)

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Miftahul Huda Subang (2016-2020)

S1 Marketing Management
 Campus Representative for 2019 Student Debate Competition
 Secretary 1 of the Student Executive Board (BEM)

1st Winner of Popda Subang in 2016
1st Winner of Ciasem Cup in 2016
Eagle Scout Penegak Kab. Subang

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