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Class:…11th.......Subject:..English….Chapter:…1,3,5,7 ……..

Short Term Questions:

Question # 01: What happened when the wandering stars came nearer and nearer ?
Question # 02: What are planets and how did they come into existence ?
Question # 03: Why there is no life on stars ?
Question # 04: What conditions are necessary for life to exist ?
Question # 05: How, why and when life come into existence ?
Question # 06: What place would you accord to sportsmen in college ?
Question # 07: How does mistaken ambition on the part of boys and their parents
lead to the failure of the boys ?
Question # 08: There are some students who join college for the fun of it. Should
they be allowed to stay ?
Question # 09: What are the two main classes of boys who fail in college ?
Question # 10: How can the failure of talented students be prevented ?
Question # 11:What sorts of books were presented by the British public to soldiers?
Question # 12: Why should the bad books be destroyed ?
Question # 13: Why is it difficult to destroy books ?
Question # 14: How did the writer decide to get rid of his books ?
Question # 15: Why could the author not burn the unwanted books ?
Question # 16: Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful
secret to reveal ?
Question # 17: After the misadventure in the bank where did Leacock keep his
money ?
Question # 18: Why did the Stephen Leacock want to meet the manager of the
bank ?
Question # 19: What was open at the side of the private room ?
Question # 20: What did the clerk ask in surprise when the Stephen Leacock gave
him the cheque ?

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