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U1: English ---Nicolae Balcescu

Grade:2nd A and B class

Teacher: Daniela Sora

Topic:English Alphabet- Fairyland

Time: 45 minutes

Date: 22.09.2020

2. The competence of speaking and reading in a foreign language;

3. The competence of learning;

6. The competence of producing oral and written messages.

Specific Competences:

Communicative competence – receiving written messages (Reading);

Communicative and pragmatic competence – producing oral messages and interaction (Spoken Interaction);

Interdisciplinary competence – knowledge of interlingua and intercultural resemblances and differences (Integrated Skill Combinations).


2. Participating in simple oral communications (with the teacher or colleagues) on familiar topics (Community Area);

3.1. The acknowledgment of letters, groups of letters, syllables, isolated words in printed or hand printed form (Reading);

2.3. Reproducing of letters, sounds and groups of foreign language specific words to confirm the understanding of it (Spoken Interaction);

7. Describing the different colours of the English Alphabet;

5. Reproducing cultural abilities of singing, reciting and comparing (Integrated Skill Combinations).

Operational Objectives:

O1 – to recognize the letters from English Alphabet

O2 – to be able to read, repeat, write and sing the English Alphabet

O3 – to make English words from three, four or five letters.

O4 – to make English sentences from all repeated words at the lesson..

Strategies: direct method, spelling method, making up words and sentences, discussion, reading, presentation, frontal work, class work.
N Lesson stages Ti- Interaction Teaching Activities Resources Skill Focus
r me
1 Warm up 5 min T-Ss T greets and marks the absent Ss, if any.
. Ss-T
Class work b

All the
2 Lead in - Topic “The English ABC”. Board
. My letters
Aims: to Movie “Starlight 2 -The alphabet” Speaking materials
review the 25 min You tube are added
knowledge -- to read the completed alphabet and to repeat it several times. to the
from the Book--- projet.
previous -to ask some questions like: What colour is the letter A, S, D, F, … It is …(colour).
lessons Alphabet with
What word do you know with this letter? For ex: apple, sister, dog, frog… What coloured letters Writing
does this word mean? De ex: mar, sora, ciine, broasca…

-to spell some words writing them on the board. For ex: tree, bench, tie…
-to make words from the mixed letters, like: pnicle-pencil, rleur-ruler, dske-desk…
-to play in the game: to make words from three, four or five letters. For ex:1. book-

Class work

3 Reflection 15 min -to make a sentence with the learnt words in English. The sentence begins with: Sentences Direct method
. The… (subject) is … (colour). formation Exercising
For ex:The desk is brown. Repeating

The flower is red.

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