REB Basic Principles of Ecology

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Tan Principles of Ecology, Urban and Rural land use, Planning Development and zoning BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGY, URBAN AND RURAL LAND USE, PLANNING DEVELOPMENT AND ZONING |. ECOLOGY ‘The term Ecology was coined in 1866 by the German biologist Etnst Haeckel from the from Greek: ofxog, oikos, "household", and A6yoc, logos, "knowledge") the "study of the household of nature." It is the distribution and abundance of life and the interactions between organisms and their environment, Ecology is the branch of science that studies the distribution and abundance of living organisms, and the interactions between organisms and their environment. The environment of an organism includes both its physical habitat, which can be described as the sum of local abiotic factors like climate and geology, as well as the other organisms which share its habitat Ecology defines the relationship which is shared amongst animals, plants and the biological and physical environment. In this context, the physical environment comprises of light, heat of solar radiation, wind, moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, and atmosphere, and even the nutrients in soil. All kinds of organisms, plants and animals, co- existing in a common environmental region, comprise of the biological environment. Ina broader sense, ecology can also mean: the natural environment, or environmentalism an analysis or study using the principles and methods of ecology the study of ecosystem Ecosystem can be defined as any situation where there is interaction between organisms and their environment. Ecosystem - A community of living and non living things together in a specific location Ecosystems sustain every life-supporting function on the planet, including climate regulation, water filtration, soil formation (pedogenesis), food, fibers, medicines, erosion control, and many other natural features of historical, spiritual or scientific value. All living beings, in fact, we human beings are animals who are dependent on our earth and this dependency is for everything, from food, shelter to water. Nothing on this earth is present without having dependency but ecology is one aspect that is extremely dynamic | Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals, Inc. li Real Estate Consultants, Appraisers. Assessors, Brokers and Salespersons a Principles of Ecology, Urban and Ruralland use, | 2 Planning Development and zoning Living beings, for example plants have their average temperature and other elements to survive; global warming as such would upset the life eycle of plants, along with their process of photosynthesis. As a result animals that depend on plants would be left without food and other animals that depend on these animals would also have deficiency of food. Interference of us human beings with our ecological system in various places would lead to the different problems and also aggravate natural calamities and disasters. For example, logging on hills and mountains, causes a destabilization of the landscapes” topology and soils. After this, erosion is caused and when there is a heavy rain there results landslides thus blocking roads, causing hazards to the place and the inhabitants! Therefore, ecology is important for the very survival of our planet. And we have to take measures towards its protection! ‘A. Constitutional and Legal Framework Philippine Constitution of 1987 Article II Declaration of Principles and state policies, Sec. 16. The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7640 “Its the policy of the State to formulate after consultations with appropriate public agencies, the private sector, and local government units socioeconomic development programs taking info account the requirements of conservation and ecology and in accordance with its constitutional mandate to promote a more equitable distribution of opportunities, income, and wealth; ‘a sustained increase in the amount of goods and services produced by the nation for the benefit of the people; an expanding productivity as the key to raising the quality of life for all, especially the under privileged. The State shall promote industrialization and full employment based on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries that make full and efficient use of human and natural resources, and which are competitive in both domestic and foreign markets However, the State shall protect Filipino enterprises against unfair foreign competition and trade practices.” Presidential Decree 1586, Establishing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) system including other environmental management related measures and for other urposes. Malacafiang Palace, Manila, Philippines, 11 June 1978, =|, Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals, Inc. ale Real Estate Consultants, Appraisers, Assessors, Brakers and Salespersons Principles of Ecology, Urban and Rural land use, | 3 Planning Development and zoning DENR AO 2003-30, Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) for the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) System . Administrative Order No. 30, Series of 2003. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines. 30 June 2003. W on cre’ n of DENR Executive Order No. 192 dated June 10, 1987 ~ “Providing for the Reorganization of the Department of Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, Renaming it as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and for other Purposes” The Department is mandated to be the primary agency responsible for the conservation, management, development, and proper use of the country's environment and natural resources. To accomplish this mandate, the Department shall be guided by the following objectives: 1. Assure the availability and sustainability of the country's natural resources through judicious use and systematic restoration or replacement, whenever possible: 2. Increase the productivity of natural resources in order to meet the demands for forest, mineral, and land resources of a growing population; 3. Enhance the contribution of natural resources for achieving national economic and social development; 4, Promote equitable access to natural resources by the different sectors of the population; 5. Conserve specific terrestrial and marine areas representative of the Philippine natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations. g. Terms - Definition 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA ) An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a "process that involves predicting and evaluating the likely impacts of a project (including cumulative impacts) on the environment during construction, commissioning, operation and abandonment, It also includes designing appropriate preventive, mitigating and enhancement measures addressing these consequences to protect the environment and the ‘community's welfare”. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE, ey Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals, Inc. Real Estate Consultants, Appraisers, Assessors, Brokers and Salespersons Principles of Ecology, Urban and Rural and use, Planning Development and zoning A certificate of Environmental Compliance Commitment to which the Proponent conforms with, after DENR-EMB explains the ECC conditions, by signing the sworn undertaking of full responsibility over implementation of specified measures which are necessary to comply with existing environmental regulations or to operate within best environmental practices that are not currently covered by existing laws. Contents of an ECC ‘An ECC shall contain specific measures and conditions that the project Proponent has to undertake before and during the operation of a project, and in some cases, during the project's abandonment phase to mitigate identified environmental impacts. In general, the following are salient features of an ECC: ‘+ Scope of project or undertaking + Conditions conformed with by the Proponent to implement the mitigation measures for potentially negative impacts and/or enhancement measures for potentially positive impacts as identified in the EIA Report + Suggestions/recommendations to assist LGUs and other agencies of the government to incorporate the EIA Results in their decision-making process. 3. CERTIFICATE OF NON-COVERAGE ( CNC ) A Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC) is issued by the EMB certifying that, based on the submitted project description, the project is not covered by the EIS System and is not required to secure an environmental compliance certificate or ECC. 4. Environmentally Critical Project (ECP) al Projects belonging to project types declared thru Proclamation No. 2146 and Proclamation No. 803 which may pose significant negative environmental impact at certain thresholds of operation regardless of location. Updating of technical descriptions of ECPs is vested on the DENR-EMB thru Section 2-D of AO 42 (2002), in coordination with the DT! as provided for in Section 3-A of AO A. Environmentally Critical Projects |. Heavy Industries a.Non-ferrous metal industries Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals, Inc. RealEstate Consultants, Appraisers. Assessors, Brokers and Salespersons 4 Principles of Ecology, Urban and Rural land use, | $ Planning Development and zoning b. Iron and steel mills ¢.Petroleum and petro-chemical industries including oil and gas d. Smelting plants Il. Resource Extractive Industries a. Major mining and quarrying projects b. Forestry projects 1. Logging 2. Major wood processing projects 3. Introduction of fauna (exotic-animals) in public/private forests 4, Forest occupancy 5. Extraction of mangrove products 6. Grazing c. Fishery Projects 1. Dikes for fishpond development projects Ill. Infrastructure Projects a. Major dams. b. Major power plants (fossil-fueled, nuclear fueled, hydroelectric, or geothermal) cc. Major reclamation projects 4d. Major roads and bridges. 5. ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA ( ECA) A general area declared thru Proclamation 2146 as environmentally sensitive such that significant environmental impacts are expected if certain typesithresholds of proposed projects are located, developed or implemented in it. =|, Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals, Inc. ’palpp | Real Estate Consultants, Appraisers. Assessors, Brokers and Salesparsans Principles of Ecology, Urban and Rural land use, Planning Development and zoning Updating of technical descriptions of ECAs is vested on the DENR-EMB thru Section 2-D of AO 42 (2002). B. Environmentally Critical Areas 1 10, "1 a li All areas declared by law as national parks, watershed reserves, wildlife preserves and sanctuaries; . Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots; |. Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or threatened species of igenous Philippine Wildlife (flora and fauna); |. Areas of unique historic, archaeological , or scientific interests; ‘Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural communities or tribes; Areas frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural calamities geologic hazards, floods, typhoons, volcanic activity, etc. . Areas with critical slopes; . Areas classified as prime agricultural lands; |. Recharged areas of aquifers; ‘Water bodies characterized by one or any combination of the following conditions;; a. tapped for domestic purposes;; b, within the controlled and/or protected areas declared by appropriate authorities; ©. which support wildlife and fishery activities. Mangrove areas characterized by one or any combination or the following conditior a. with primary pristine and dense young growth; b. adjoining mouth of major river systems; c. near or adjacent to traditional productive fry or fishing grounds; 4d. which act as natural buffers against shore erosion, strong winds and storm floods; Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals. Inc. Real Estate Consultants, Appraisers, Assessors, Brokers and Salespersons Principles of Ecology, Urban and Rural land use, Planning Development and zoning . on which people are dependent for their livelihood. 12. Coral reef characterized by one or any combination of the following conditions: a. with 50% and above live coralline cover; b. Spawning and nursery grounds for fish; . Which act as natural breakwater of coastlines, URBAN AND RURAL LAND USE, PLANNING DEVELOPMENT AND ZONING LAND USE PLANNING Land-use planning is a dynamic, evolving field that emerged out of the convergence of two concerns: The provision of urban infrastructure; and © Social reform through land-use planning, Today land-use planning has expanded to include the development, implementation and evaluation of a wide range of policies, while at the same time continuing its underlying focus on community well-being. Urban and regional planners, in both developing and developed countries, are specifically concerned with: © Land use planning and management, especially between rural and urban uses, in coastal zones, among contemporary urban functions, and with regard to urban form; © Environmental management and risk management in hazard prone areas; © The design of the municipality/city and harmonization of conflicts with the surrounding region; © Regional planning, with particular interest in globablocal interaction, uneven land-use development, industrial location and regional economic growth; ©. The identification of social needs and the design and provision of services and facilities to meet these needs; © The distribution of benefits and costs of resource allocation and use among people; © Citizen participation in planning; and © Decision making processes, policy and program evaluation. Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals, Inc. Real Estate Consultants. Appraisers, Assessors, Brokers and Salespersons Principles of Ecology, Urban and Rural land use, Panning Development and zoning Laws that Ensure Rational Land Use and Sustainable Urban and Regional Development . Executive Order No. 72 - Providing for the Preparation and Implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plans of Local Government Units Pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 and Other Pertinent Laws + Memorandum Circular No. 54 - Prescribing the Guidelines of Sec. 20, R.A. 7160, ‘Authorizing Cities/Municipalities to Reclassify Lands into Non-Agricultural Uses + Executive Order No. 124 - Establishing Priorities and Procedures in Evaluating Areas for Land Conversion in Regional Agricultural/industrial Centers, Tourism Development Areas Sites for Socialized Housing Comprehensive Land Use Plan LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE. (©) The local goverment units shall, in conformity with existing laws, continue to prepare their respective comprehensive land use plans enacted through zoning ordinances which shall be the primary and dominant bases for the future use of land resources: Provided. That the requirements for food production, human settlements, and industrial expansion shall be taken into consideration in the preparation of such plans. (Sec. 20, RA 7160) Reclassification of Lands. ~ (@) A city or municipality may, through an ordinance passed by the sanggunian after conducting public hearings for the purpose, authorize the reclassification of agricuttural lands and provide for the manner of their utilization or disposition in the following cases: (1) when the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for agricultural purposes as determined by the Department of Agriculture or (2) where the land shall have substantially greater economic value for residential, ‘commercial, or industrial purposes, as determined by the sanggunian concerned: Provided, That such reclassification shall be limited to the following percentage of the total agricultural land area at the time of the passage of the ordinance: x x x. (b) The President may, when public interest so requires and upon recommendation of the National Economic and Development Authority, authorize a city or municipality to reclassify lands in excess of the limits set in the next preceding paragraph eS] Philippine Association of Licensed Property Professionals, Inc. Palpp ) Real Estate Consultants, Appraisers, Assessors, Brokers and Salespersons

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