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Submitted To: Dr. Hameeda Akhtar



Business Introduction……………………………………………………………...02
XIAOMI Laptop………………………………………………………………......02
Economic Analysis of Pakistan……………………………………………………03
SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………04
PESTLE Analysis………………………………………………………………….06
Porter’s Model for XIAOMI………………………………………………………08
Hofstede Cultural Dimensions………………………………….………………….11
Human Resource Planning…………………………………………………………13
-What is HR Plan…………………………………………………………..14
-Seven steps of HR Plan……………………………………………………15
Financial Plan………………………………………………………………………17
-Income Statement…………………………………………………………18
-Balance Sheet……………………………………………………………..19
-Cash Flow Statement……………………………………………………..20
Marketing Plan…………………………………………………………………….21
-Competitive Analysis……………………………………………………..22
-Sales plan & Operations…………………………………………………..23
-Marketing Strategies………………………………………………………23
-Generation Model…………………………………………………………24
-Target Market……………………………………………………………..25
-Keys to Success……………………………………………………………25
Product & Supplier’s Information………………………………………………….26


Our basic plan is to import XIAOMI laptops to our country Pakistan from China. As it is a huge
country with all kind of ethnicities and cultures, there are a lot of opportunities and threats. We
are going to use different tools to overcome all kinds of problems and to make profit. The
purpose of this plan involves the development of a proposal to start a new business in an
international setting that will provide an opportunity to expand our business and enhance our
skills in the international platform.
The name of our business is ―SMART FIX‖ that aims to provide high quality products that offer
the best value to our customers.

In the world today everyone has a laptop. Laptops are expected. They are needed for work and
for socializing. They are so expected, people think there is something wrong or untrustworthy
with someone who does not have one. In truth, those without one can’t afford it.
―Smart-Fix‖ mission is to offer its customers the highest quality laptops. It focuses on offering
convenience and rapid service. Additionally, Smart-Fix will have the technological expertise to
assist customers in picking the product and service that best meets their needs.

Xiaomi was founded in 2010 by the Chinese entrepreneur Lei Jun. It started out primarily as a
maker of cell phones, but now it's expanding into other consumer durable goods like smart TVs,
laptops and fitness bands. The company strives to make high quality technology available to
everyone. Xiaomi is the fifth largest smartphone manufacturer in the world with a market share
of 7.3%. In India it is the largest manufacturer with a market share of 27.3%. The company has
also made great strides in AI technology, with AI Assistant being the finalist for the SAIL
Award. The company was founded in 2018 at a value of $ 2.16 per share and a market value of $
53.9 billion.

Economic Analysis of Pakistan

Pakistan is officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a South Asian country. It has 1,046 km
of coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south, and borders Afghanistan
and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. Tajikistan is also very close
to Pakistan, but is separated by a narrow Wakhan corridor. It is strategically located between key
regions in South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East.
Pakistan is a federal parliamentary republic made up of four states and four federal territories.
With over 170 million inhabitants, the country is the sixth most populous country in the world
and the second most populous Muslim country after Indonesia. It is an ethnically and
linguistically diverse country with similar changes in geography and wildlife. It is a semi-
industrialized economy and the 27th largest in the world in terms of purchasing power. Since
gaining independence, Pakistan's history has been marked by times of military administration,
political instability and conflict with neighboring India. The country faces difficult problems
such as poverty, illiteracy, corruption and terrorism.
Pakistan has the seventh largest army and is the only Muslim-dominated country with nuclear
weapons. It has been identified as the United States' important ally outside of NATO. He is a
founding member of the Islamic Conference Organization and a member of the United Nations.
British Federation, Next Toilet Economy, G20 developing countries.

SWOT Analysis
Strengths: Weaknesses:
 Affordable pricing  Weak brand perception
Xiaomi offers laptops and other electronic devices Xiaomi is a Chinese electronics brand.
at very affordable prices. This is very important for Unfortunately, Chinese products are considered
two reasons. First, Xiaomi's budget-friendly inferior in some parts of the world, especially the
pricing allows you to compete for more budget- United States. This means that Xiaomi had a hard
friendly consumers in developed regions. Second, time entering these biased markets. In addition,
laptops can open up new markets that were Xiaomi's brand awareness is relatively weak
previously too expensive and previously untapped. overall. This is primarily viewed as a budget
For example, Xiaomi can sell millions of devices option by consumers around the world rather than
in the Asian market, particularly China and India, a leader in terms of build quality and performance.
which is not possible with luxury brands like This realization leads many consumers to reject
Apple and Samsung. Xiaomi devices despite budget constraints.
 High quality products
Despite its affordability, Xiaomi has a reputation
for making high quality products. Consumers and
tech commentators alike are consistently
impressed by how much value they can get from
their Laptops. This is partly due to the powerful
specifications of each component that Xiaomi uses
on its devices. In addition, Xiaomi devices are well
organized at the assembly level.
 Substantial profit margins
Most surprisingly, Xiaomi offers high quality
products at affordable prices, but can still be
profitable enough for them. As a result, Xiaomi
has made hundreds of millions of dollars in profits.
Xiaomi can appreciate the low manufacturing costs
due to its high profitability. These low
manufacturing costs may be due to low labor costs
in China and the significant economics involved in
manufacturing large numbers of devices.

Opportunities: Threats:

 High competition
 New geographic markets The electronics industry has a reputation for being
very competitive. Most of the players in these
Global GDP is growing and as a result consumers markets are established brands with sufficient
are spending more and more money on electronic capital to support them. This means they can run
devices. As a result, the electronics markets are large marketing campaigns, lengthy litigation, and
growing organically. This is especially true in lots of investments in new technology. Xiaomi is a
some areas where the device was previously too relatively new electronics manufacturer, so you
expensive to even consider. Thanks to its need to be extra careful not to drive it off the
affordability, Xiaomi has a great opportunity to market. It doesn't take long for premium
enter these emerging markets such as Africa and manufacturers like Apple to offer cheaper devices,
India. This is an especially powerful opportunity which can be disastrous. Xiaomi should definitely
for Xiaomi. This is because it only takes into stay on the alert.
account competition with other budget-minded
manufacturers like Huawei and not luxury brands  Poor customer service infrastructure
like Apple. Xiaomi has grown very quickly in the last few
 Brick and mortar stores years and has sold millions of laptops. However,
Unlike Samsung and Apple, Xiaomi is making Xiaomi reports that there is no customer service
little effort to grow its brand through physical infrastructure in place to properly serve all
stores. Xiaomi has several "Mi. Stores" around the recently acquired customers. If you have a model-
world, but you can certainly invest in more. These wide problem with any of the Xiaomi products,
physical stores not only improve Xiaomi's offline you may have an overwhelming number of
sales channels, but also improve the company's support tickets and a lot of unhappy customers.
perception as a luxury or quality brand. It's worth
noting that much of Xiaomi's sales are currently
dominated by e-commerce.
 Green branding
When it comes to branding, Xiaomi has another
growth opportunity. Xiaomi may be able to stand
out from the crowd by marketing itself as a "green
brand" or environmentally friendly brand.
Environmental awareness is growing, especially in
developed countries, and Xiaomi can potentially
save the planet and benefit from it! This is of
course a two-step process. First, Xiaomi needs to
make its manufacturing process as
environmentally friendly as possible by reducing
and managing waste and pollution. Second,
Xiaomi needs to promote this message with some
clever marketing tactics.

PESTLE Analysis
This detailed PESTEL analysis of Pakistan aims to explore some of the political, economic,
social, technological, environmental, and legal factors affecting Pakistan today. Pakistan is a
powerful country in South Asia. It is the 5th most populous country in the world. It is officially
known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
 Political factors affecting Pakistan
Pakistan is a democratic federal republic, with the Prime Minister being the head of government
and the President being the ceremonial head of state. There is a multi-party parliamentary system
in which the main political actors are the Pakistan Muslim League-N, PPP and PTI. However,
the influential role of Pakistani military institutions in Pakistani politics has been questioned by
many political analysts.
Pakistan has excellent diplomatic and trade relations with its neighboring superpower, China.
The Chinese prime minister sees the relationship between the two countries as "unbreakable and
solid" (The Economic Times, 2019). Pakistan also has good relations with the United States, but
there have been ups and downs in relations in recent years.
 Economic factors affecting Pakistan
According to the World Bank quoted in Trading Economics (2020), Pakistan's GDP in 2019 was
$ 320 billion. Pakistan aims to be one of the 25 largest economies in the world by 2025 and one
of the 10 best high-income economies by 2047. It is a long way to go to meet our goals, but it is
worth noting that Pakistan has seen significant economic growth over the years.
The influx of FDI has been an important aspect of the Pakistani economy. China is the country's
largest investor. Countries like the US, UK, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong are also
increasing their investments. If more foreign direct investment is attracted and domestic
investors spend more domestically, Pakistan should contribute to further economic development.
However, selective justice systems, the lack of a friendly business environment, and poor legal
and orderly conditions often discourage domestic investors from investing in a country (Raza,
 Social factors affecting Pakistan
Pakistan is the fifth most populous country in the world. In March 2020 the total population was
around 219 million. The main religion is Islam, with a small portion of the population following
Christianity and Hinduism. The main languages are English, Urdu, Punjab, Sind, Pashtu and
Barochie (BBC, 2019).
The average life expectancy of men in Pakistan is 66 years and that of women 68 years. By
western standards, which have helped make Pakistan one of the largest domestic markets in the
world, the families are quite large. Poverty is decreasing and a stronger middle class is emerging.
The country also has an affordable and abundant workforce. Family loyalty is very important and

belonging is often viewed positively in the workplace as it guarantees the employment of

trustworthy people.
 Technological factors affecting Pakistan
The technical environment is the next element to be discussed in the Pakistani PESTEL analysis.
Pakistan has made great strides in science and technology over the years. It is the atomic power
to the astonishment of many great world powers. A significant number of online retailers are
doing very well, and Alibaba's entry into the country is also being welcomed as a major boost to
the digital economy. The vast majority of people have cell phone subscriptions and their use of
the internet has increased significantly.
Pakistan's top social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and
LinkedIn (StatCounter, 2020). The number of social media users is growing rapidly. However,
the lack of internet access in many places has hampered digital advancement. Pakistan needs to
strengthen its internet connection and improve its digital infrastructure to maximize the potential
of the digital revolution. Likewise, we need to invest in digital skills and literacy to foster
innovation and entrepreneurship (Jahangir, 2020).
 Environmental factors affecting Pakistan
Pakistan is known for its natural beauty, cultural wealth, mountains, archaeological sites and
unparalleled hospitality. However, the tourism industry has not benefited much from these
features due to poor legal and orderly conditions and negative perceptions from potential tourists.
Pakistan is also facing some serious environmental problems. Climate change, water shortages,
lack of clean drinking water, deforestation, air pollution, waste management, use of plastic bags
(Huma, 2018). Likewise, the actual effects of Covid-19 are expected to be devastating.
 Legal factors affecting Pakistan
The legal environment is the last element discussed in the Pakistani PESTEL analysis. The
Pakistani Constitution provides for a federal democratic state and guarantees the protection of
citizens from discrimination based on gender, religion, caste, race, etc. The normal working
hours per day are 8-9 hours and should not exceed 48 hours one week. The maximum overtime
per week is limited to 12 hours.

Porter’s Model for XIAOMI

Porter’s five forces model is a strategic management tool that helps determine the competitive
landscape of an industry. Each of the five forces mentioned in the model help strategic planners
understand the profit potential within an industry. These Porter’s five forces are as follows:

 Threat of new entrants  Threat of substitute products or

 Bargaining power of suppliers services
 Bargaining power of buyers  Rivalry among existing firms

Threat of new entrants:

The capital requirements within the industry are high and therefore require high spending, which
makes it difficult for new entrants to start a business. A lot of capital is invested due to the high
R&D costs. Because of all of these factors, the new entrant threat weakens power in the industry.
Politic Government policy within the industry is that companies must meet strict licenses and
legal requirements before they can start selling. This makes it difficult for newcomers to get into
the industry and therefore the threat from newcomers is low.
Bargaining power of suppliers:
The number of suppliers in the industry in which Xiaomi operates is greater than that of buyers.
This means that it is difficult for the supplier to control the price, which weakens the supplier's
bargaining power. The products offered by these suppliers are fairly standardized,
undifferentiated and have low conversion costs. This makes it easier for buyers like Xiaomi to
switch suppliers. This weakens the supplier's bargaining power.
Bargaining power of buyers:
The smartphone industry is highly competitive and the choices that consumers have when
purchasing smartphones are numerous. Because of this, today's consumers have a lot of
bargaining power due to the very low conversion costs and the many options available.
Threat of substitute products or services:
There are very few alternatives that are high quality and more expensive. In comparison, Xiaomi
sells its products at a lower price than alternatives and of the right quality. This means that
buyers are less likely to switch to alternative products. This means that the threat from alternative
products in the industry is low.
Rivalry among existing firms:

There are more competitors in the industry that Xiaomi does business in. This means that they
are taking competitive action to gain status and become a market leader. This will increase
competition between existing companies in the industry.

Hofstede Cultural Dimensions

This dimension deals with the fact that not all individuals in society are the same - it represents
the cultural attitudes towards these inequalities among us. Distance from power is defined as the
extent to which weak members of a domestic institution or organization expect and accept an
unequal distribution of power.
With an intermediate value of 55, it is not possible to determine Pakistan's preference in this
At 80 China sits in the higher rankings of PDI – i.e. a society that believes that inequalities
amongst people are acceptable. The subordinate-superior relationship tends to be polarized and
there is no defense against power abuse by superiors

The fundamental problem that this aspect addresses is the degree of interdependence that society
maintains among its members. It has to do with whether people's self-image is defined by "i" or
"we". In an individualized society, people should only care for themselves and their immediate

family. In a productive society, people belong to a "group" that looks after them in exchange for
Pakistan with a very low score of 14 is considered a collectivist society. This is reflected in the
close, long-term commitment to the "group" of members such as family, extended family or
extended family.
At a score of 20 China is a highly collectivist culture where people act in the interests of the
group and not necessarily of themselves. In-group considerations affect hiring and promotions
with closer in-groups (such as family) are getting preferential treatment. Employee commitment
to the organization (but not necessarily to the people in the organization) is low. Whereas
relationships with colleagues are cooperative for in-groups they are cold or even hostile to out-
groups. Personal relationships prevail over task and company.

A high score (male) in this dimension indicates that society is driven by competition,
achievement, success and that success is defined by the winner / the best person in the field. This
is a value system that starts in school and extends throughout the life of the organization.
A low dimensional score (female) means that the prevailing values of society care about others
and quality of life. A female society is a society where quality of life is a sign of success and
standing out from the crowd is not commendable. The basic problem here is to motivate people
to be the best (male) or to like what you do (female).
Pakistan scored 50 points in this dimension, which is exactly in the middle. It is therefore
difficult to say whether Pakistan prefers female masculinity.
At 66 China is a Masculine society –success oriented and driven. The need to ensure success can
be exemplified by the fact that many Chinese will sacrifice family and leisure priorities to work.
Service people (such as hairdressers) will provide services until very late at night. Leisure time is
not so important
The aspect of avoiding uncertainty has to do with how to deal with the fact that society can never
know the future. Should we try to control the future or just make it happen? This ambiguity
causes fear, and we have learned that different cultures deal with this fear in different ways. The
extent to which members of the culture feel threatened by vague or unknown situations and have
created beliefs or institutions to avoid them is reflected in the UAI score.
Pakistan scored 70 points in this dimension and wants to avoid uncertainty.
At 30 China has a low score on Uncertainty Avoidance. Truth may be relative though in the
immediate social circles there is concern for Truth with a capital T and rules (but not necessarily
laws) abound. None the less, adherence to laws and rules may be flexible to suit the actual
situation and pragmatism is a fact of life.


This dimension explains how all societies must maintain a connection to their past as they
address present and future challenges, and how societies set these two existing goals differently.
Has priority. A normative society. For example, people with low scores in this regard prefer to
maintain old-fashioned traditions and norms while being suspicious of changes in society. On the
flip side, people with a high-scoring culture take a more practical approach. They encourage
frugality and effort in modern education to prepare for the future.
With an intermediate grade of 50, Pakistani culture is not a sign of preference.
China scores 87 in this dimension, which means that it is a very pragmatic culture. In societies
with a pragmatic orientation, people believe that truth depends very much on situation, context
and time. They show an ability to adapt traditions easily to changed conditions, a strong
propensity to save and invest, thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results.
One of the challenges humanity faces today and in the past is the socialization of young children.
Without socialization we would not be "people". This dimension is defined as the extent to
which people try to control their wants and needs based on their upbringing. Relatively weak
controls are called "enjoyment" and relatively strong controls are called "restrictions". Culture
can therefore be described as luxury or restraint.
Pakistan, which has a very low score of 0 in this dimension, is a very reserved society.
China is a Restrained society as can be seen in its low score of 24 in this dimension. Societies
with a low score in this dimension have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism. Also, in contrast
to Indulgent societies, Restrained societies do not put much emphasis on leisure time and control
the gratification of their desires. People with this orientation have the perception that their
actions are Restrained by social norms and feel that indulging themselves is somewhat wrong.


Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to achieve
optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—quality employees. Human
resources planning ensure the best fit between employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or

What is HR plan and why we need it?

For starting any new business, only a business plan is
not enough. To run your business smoothly every
department’s operations should be concentrated. And
among these departments comes the HR (Human
Resources) department. HR plays an important role due
to many of its compliance functions and hiring
The real success for a business comes in the form of
ensuring that all the departments are working towards a
common goal and objectives.
Our business plan is to import Xiaomi laptops from China to Pakistan. For this, our HR plan is detailed in
the following major steps:

STEP#1 –Analyzing Organizational Objectives

The personnel involved in the process of human resource planning must be aware about the
organizational objectives. The effectiveness of plan will depend on how soundly the organization has
considered and planned the corporate strategy and integrated the objectives of its component departments.
The business we are starting must have a common goal and realistic, measurable and achievable
objectives. Our major common goal and organizational objective at the moment is to market our product
to prospective customers in the Pakistani consumer electronic market and gain a market position equaling
that of our major market competitors such as Apple. To achieve this objective, our major focus would be
on various fields such as marketing, advertising our product, finance, operations, estimated sales,
consumer preferences, buying behaviors which can provide us with the relevant information about the
core areas that we have to work upon in the organization.
STEP#2—Inventory of Current Human Resources
As a basis for estimating the future supply of people, a detailed and accurate account of the current
situation is needed.This step involves analyzing the HR strength of your organization across factors
including employee numbers, skills, qualifications, experience, age, contracts, performance ratings, titles,
and compensations.This information as a whole can help us to create a best fit match between employees
and jobs based on their specific skills, knowledge and capabilities.
The internal sources (i.e., employees from within the organization) and external sources (candidates from
different placement agencies) can be carefully evaluated to fill various job requirements.
STEP#3—Forecasting Demand and Supply of Human Resource
This task is concerned with estimating the quantity and quality of human resources needed to meet
various objectives of the organization. Several methods of forecasting are in regular use, some of them are
non-technical while others involve specialist statistical knowledge and skills.
As a startup business, our uttermost priority is to recruit employees at some later stage that fit our job
description and job specification and then train them accordingly to fulfill our organizational objectives.
The methods most commonly used to estimate HR forecasts are:

 Estimates made by Management

 Statistical Methods
 Work Study Methods

STEP#4—Estimate Manpower Gaps

Forecasting needs of human resources and supply of human resources—their comparison will help to
identify the gap between human resources needed and their availability. This gap may be either surplus or
deficit of human resources. Deficit represents the number of employees that we need to recruit whereas
surplus represents employee layoff ratio.
The person who best suits our organizational needs and can help us achieve our business goals and
objectives will be provided proper training (either on-the job training or off-the job training) to enhance
those particular skills that can benefit us. Customized developmental programs can be made for these
potentially able candidates.

Those employees who are performing less at their jobs would be enrolled in development programs to
enhance their performance in order to retain employees and avoid emergency terminations or layoffs.
STEP#5—Formulating the Human Resource Action Plan
After we have forecasted the required number of right type of personnel, the next step is to plan how the
organization can obtain these people. In this step, effective strategies are developed for recruitment,
selection, training, transfers, and promotions so that the future manpower requirements can be met.
The forecasted deficit of human resources in the organization will help us in designing the appropriate
training programs for the newly recruited candidates, whereas surplus can help us identify which
employees are performing less and need to be terminated or trained accordingly.
STEP#6—Implement Human Resources Action Plan
After we’ve assessed our current human resources capacity, projected future HR demands and identified
the gaps, the next step would be to integrate our human resources plan with our organizational strategy.
Practically, we will need a dedicated budget for human resources recruiting, training or redundancies, and
we will also need management buy-in across the business. We will need cooperation and the necessary
finances in order to implement the plan and a collaborative approach from all departments to put it into
STEP#7—Monitoring, Control and Feedback
The last step in the process of human resource planning is to appraise and evaluate the whole mechanism.
At this stage, human resource planning is assessed to find whether it has been successful in the
achievement of the organizational goals or not.
The actual implementation of the plan will be carefully scrutinized to identify any gaps between expected
and actual success rates, and improve them accordingly. If the plan has not worked effectively, there will
be a need to review the human resource plan and to make the necessary changes as required for making
human resource planning more efficient and effective.


Key Assumptions:-
It is assumed that our private resources will be sufficient to finance any monthly cash-flow
shortage. However we would be establishing a bank relationship as soon as possible. Sales could
very well increase at a much sharper rate than assumed in these conservative projections. Sharper
sales will result in a greater need for funds in support of inventory and receivables. An over-draft
line of credit with the bank will be an excellent cushion to fall back on.

Use of Funds:-

Our Start-up expenses are:

Legal PKR 160,000
Insurance PKR 32000
Rent PKR 64000
Equipment PKR 64000
Other PKR 32000

In addition we will have the following Start-up Assets:

Cash Required PKR 80,000

Start-up Inventory PKR 1,200,000

This brings our total required to PKR 1,720,000

Sources of Funds:-

We will be investing PKR 1,720,000 in Smart-fix laptop to cover start-up costs. We will
also invest an additional PKR 2,000,000 when operation takes off for a total of PKR 3,720,000.

Financial Statements:-
 Projected Income Statement:
2020 2021 2022
Revenue PKR 12,624,000.00 PKR 19,456,000.00 PKR 27,680,000.00

Direct Costs PKR 5,428,320.00 PKR 8,366,080.00 PKR 11,902,400.00

Gross Margin PKR 7,195,680.00 PKR 11,089,920.00 PKR 15,777,600.00

Gross Margin % 57% 57% 57%
Operating Expenses
Salaries & Wages PKR 6,643,200.00 PKR 6,776,064.00 PKR 6,911,552.00
Employee Related Expenses PKR 1,328,640.00 PKR 1,355,200.00 PKR 1,382,336.00

Rent PKR 768,000.00 PKR 768,000.00 PKR 768,000.00

Insurance PKR 384,000.00 PKR 384,000.00 PKR 384,000.00
Utilities PKR 115,200.00 PKR 115,200.00 PKR 115,200.00
Marketing / Promo PKR 230,400.00 PKR 230,400.00 PKR 230,400.00
Total Operating Expenses PKR 9,469,440.00 PKR 9,628,864.00 PKR 9,791,488.00

Operating Income PKR (2,273,760.00) PKR 1,461,056.00 PKR 5,986,112.00

Interest Incurred PKR - PKR - PKR -

Income Taxes PKR - PKR - PKR -
Total Expenses PKR 14,897,760.00 PKR 17,994,944.00 PKR 21,693,888.00
Net Profit PKR (2,273,760.00) PKR 1,461,056.00 PKR 5,986,112.00
Net Profit/Sales % -18% 8% 22%

 Projected Balance Sheet

Starting 2020 2021 2022



80,000.00 4,040.00 1,967,800.00 9,718,440.00
Accounts Receivable PKR PKR PKR
164,000.00 202,680.00 288,320.00
1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00
Other Current Assets

Total Current Assets PKR PKR PKR PKR

1,280,000.00 1,368,040.00 3,370,480.00 11,206,760.00

Long-Term Assets PKR PKR PKR PKR

- - - -
Accumulated Depreciation PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -
Total Long-Term Assets PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -

Total Assets PKR PKR PKR PKR

1,280,000.00 1,368,040.00 3,370,480.00 11,206,760.00

Accounts Payable PKR PKR PKR PKR

- 810,240.00 986,360.00 1,340,000.00
Income Taxes Payable PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -
Sales Taxes Payable PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -
Short-Term Debt PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -
Prepaid Revenue PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -
Total Current Liabilities PKR PKR PKR PKR
- 810,240.00 986,360.00 1,340,000.00
Long-Term Debt PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -
Long-Term Liabilities PKR PKR PKR PKR
- - - -

Total Liabilities PKR PKR PKR PKR

- 810,240.00 986,360.00 1,340,000.00

Paid-In Capital PKR PKR PKR PKR

1,720,000.00 3,840,000.00 3,840,000.00 3,840,000.00
Retained Earnings PKR PKR PKR PKR
(440,000.00) (440,000.00) (3,282,200.00) (1,455,880.00)
- (2,842,200.00) 1,826,320.00 7,482,680.00
Total Owner’s Equity PKR PKR PKR PKR
1,280,000.00 557,800.00 2,384,120.00 9,866,760.00

Total Liabilities & Equity PKR PKR PKR PKR

1,280,000.00 1,368,040.00 3,370,480.00 11,206,760.00

 Projected Cash Flow Statement

2020 2021 2022

Net Cash Flow from Operations
Net Profit PKR (2,273,760.00) PKR 1,461,056.00 PKR 5,986,112.00
Depreciation & Amortization
Change in Accounts Receivable PKR (164,000.00) PKR (38,680.00) PKR (85,680.00)

Change in Inventory PKR - PKR - PKR -

Change in Accounts Payable PKR 810,240.00 PKR 176,120.00 PKR 353,640.00
Change in Income Tax Payable PKR - PKR - PKR -

Change in Sales Tax Payable PKR - PKR - PKR -

Change in Prepaid Revenue
Net Cash Flow from Operations PKR (1,627,520.00) PKR 1,598,496.00 PKR 6,254,072.00
Investing & Financing
Assets Purchased or Sold
Net Cash from Investing
Investments Received PKR 2,120,000.00
Dividends & Distributions
Change in Short-Term Debt
Change in Long-Term Debt
Net Cash from Financing PKR 2,120,000.00
Cash at Beginning of Period PKR 80,000.00 PKR 4,040.00 PKR 1,967,800.00

Net Change in Cash PKR (75,960.00) PKR 1,963,760.00 PKR 7,750,640.00

Cash at End of Period PKR 4,040.00 PKR 1,967,800.00 PKR 9,718,440.00

Short-term marketing strategies are those that bring will bring us a temporary boost in traffic.
Although these techniques are very important to our
over-all plan, they are only a temporary traffic source
and must not be solely relied upon. Short-term
marketing strategies include:

 Purchasing Advertising
 Bulletin Boards
 Search Engines

Long-term marketing strategies are those that will

bring us a steady stream of targeted traffic over time.
These strategies will continue to produce results even years down the road. Long-term marketing
strategies include:

 Opt-in Lists
 Freebies
 Content

By creating and implementing a balanced marketing strategy, using both short-term and long-
term strategies, Smart-Fix will drive a steady stream of targeted traffic to our website.Using this
simple formula when creating our Internet marketing strategy and excelling at all three, we hope
to guarantee our success.

XIAOMI (7.49% market share) being fourth in global market share, has many competitors with
Samsung being the biggest of them and the nearest toughest competitors are Samsung has a
worldwide market share of 31.49%. Apple has a worldwide market share of 22.35%. Huawei
(including Honor) has a worldwide market share of 8.56 %.

 Xiaomi has officially announced the Xiaomi

Mi Notebook Pro and it is directly targeting at
the Apple MacBook Pro.
 Xiaomi released the Notebook Air last year
and as the name suggests, it targeted the Apple
MacBook Air. This year the Chinese brand
decided to take on the Apple MacBook Pro.

 The Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro comes with magnesium

alloy body which weighs 1.95 KG and feels very
premium. The display is 15.6‖ with a resolution of 1920 x
1080. The display is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3

 It comes with 8th gen Intel core processors. You have a

choice to choose from a dual core Core i5 8250U or a
quad core Core i7 8550U. The laptop comes with up to
16GB of RAM (8GB in base version) and up to 1TB of
SSD storage (256GB in the base model). The GPU
included in all models is Nvidia GeForce MX150. The
laptop has fans to maintain the temperature

 The Mi Notebook Pro has a full-size backlit keyboard

which is 19% larger than the MacBook Pro. There is a
built in fingerprint sensor embedded into the touch pad
which makes the unlocking of laptop easier

 The Notebook 2x USB 3.0, a full HDMI port, a 3 in 1 SD

card reader and a 3.5mm headphone jack. It also features
2 USB-C ports however only 1 port can be used to charge
the device, the 2nd port is only for data transfer. Xiaomi
has compared the ports to only 4 thunderbolt ports and a
headphone jack of the MacBook Pro.

When we Sales Strategy we shall follow the following steps:

 Sales Success Requires Planning – we shall formulate our sales strategy and tactics to
achieve our sales success.
 Analyze Our Potential – we shall step through a structured process that will prepare us
for the development of our sales strategy.
 Strategize Around Strengths – the description of our sales activity will be analyzed
producing a report that reveals factors impacting our sales potential.
 Develop Our Tactics – we shall receive guidance to develop a comprehensive tactical
plan to achieve our success.
 Measure Our Success – we shall constantly develop key measurements that mark the
progress of financial estimates that guide our growth.
 Employ An Action Plan for Success – we shall provide our sales force a clear tactical
plan that is also aligned with management’s strategic objectives.

The sales strategy of SMART-FIX is simple. The key to customer satisfaction is having the
product and services that meet the customer’s needs. A crucial part of that is to also have
knowledgeable employees to help customers quickly find what they want.

Locations & Facilities

SMART-FIX will operate virtually 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Although the store opening
hours will be officially 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., it is clear that due to our Internet operation the
customer support will be a non-stop one.

Quality products at low prices
Chinese brands were seen as cheap and low quality but Xiaomi changes this thinking by
providing high-quality products at affordable prices. We will be importing best quality laptops
from XIAOMI and then sell them at affordable prices. It was important to do that as Indian
buyers love to save their money. Soon, this Chinese brand established an image of value for
money products. We will be importing best quality laptops from XIAOMI and then sell them at
affordable prices

Understanding the demand of customer

For any brand to become successful, it should have one feature that is knowing the demand of
customers. We know that in today’s world each and every person need laptop so that they can
carry out their daily tasks. Taking advantage of this we will be importing XIAOMI fine quality
laptops and fulfill the needs of our customers.
Right product at right time
Timing is also very important in business, as making and selling products which are outdated is
of no value. Xiaomi kept launching new products with new features but kept the price range as
low as possible and made the customers to change their phones more frequently that they used to
do it. We (SMART-FIX) will be using the same strategy.
Partnering with famous platforms
You have a great product at a good price but, if you don’t have the right platform to sell it then
your business will most probably fail. SMART-FIX will choose the biggest online platforms
such as Flipkart and Amazon to make sure that our product reach to the maximum number of
laptop lovers. SMART-FIX will also use its own website to sell its products.

Creating a situation of scarcity

Another marketing strategy that willcontribute to SMART-FIX’s success is that the company
will never sell its products in open sale. The flash sales created a sense of scarcity every single
time and such things make customers curious about the product which adds to the urge of buying

Pricing: The SMART-FIX products will be sold at reasonable and affordable price with the best
Place: SMART-FIX products will be available initially at its retail store. Soon it will discover
new opportunities for expansion.
Promotion by Social Media: SMART-FIX will leverage social media platforms beautifully to
enhance their online presence. Engineers engaged with consumers and gathered feedback to
refine the software and remove the bugs.
Promotion by Brand Promoters: SMART-FIX will actively participate in the discussion on
social media and will succeed in generating a dedicated fan base of millions of users.
Promotion by Word of Mouth: The Flash sales will create a buzz and everyone will be talking
about it. It will help SMART-FIX to gather huge popularity.

Leveraging the power of social media marketing, the Smart Fix Company didn’t invest much in
traditional advertising. The company employed 2000 people over social media and online forums
to manage its online community. Smart Fix followed a well-strategized plan to expand its online
1. Building a strong tech fan base:
Starting the company with IMPORTED
products from XIAOMI, Smart Fix will spend
money on advertising and marketing in the
beginning phase to create brand awareness.
SMART-FIX will promote its product on online
forums. It will work very hard and spend a lot of
time on forums, making comments, sending
posts and advertising..
2. Gaining the trust of the fan base:
SMART-FIXwill collect feedback from its users every week and implement it in the next
release. Some of the employees will participate in product research, development, and
test, spread, marketing and public relation and will also organize offline city gatherings.

With ensuring better productivity at an affordable price, SMART-FIX focuses on its customer
acquisition and advertising strategy. The business model of SMART-FIX includes a variety of
electronic gadgets and internet services that are innovative and attractive. Miscellaneous
additional services and products of SMART-FIX also have their fair share in helping the
company generate good revenues.
Customer reliability is one of the critical strengths of SMART-FIX. This thing still fascinates the
customer towards the brand. SMART-FIXwill provide its users with an unforgettable experience

which will also help them to retain their customer base. This lets the company have more
subscribers for its proprietary services and will help the company make good money.

Market Segmentation

SMART-FIX will focus on five customer groups, bearing in mind that it is quite customary today
to have more than one laptop per family:

 Children in the age group of 10-17 years old

 Students
 General public
 Professionals
 Service organizations and companies that need to be in constant communication with
their employees.

The market for laptops and their accessories is very fragmented, crowded and competitive.
Among these, there are only a few large local firms that serve the entire city of and its
surroundings. The remainder are small firms that sell from kiosks in the surrounding malls.
SMART-FIX laptops current niche in its location, variety of products and expertise in serving
the public will assure the projected sales.

We expect to take full advantage of the trends described in the Market Analysis above, and try to
penetrate the market — mainly with the younger generation, using advertisements and
demonstrations. We shall also try to lure independent small sellers to join our effort.

Our company keys to success will include:

1. Provide excellent customer service

2. Grow and maintain a referral network of customers
3. Respond rapidly to customer problems with product or plan


Model features:
Port: thunderbolt 3 port
Place of origin: china
Brand name: Xiaomi
Series: For business
Graphic card type: integrated card
Thickness: <10mm
Feature: Bluetooth
Warranty: 1-year
Processor type: AMD TURION
Processor main frequency: 3.60GHz
Operating system: Windows 10

Selling unit:
Depends on how many product we will import.

Packaging Details:

Bubble wrap.

Trade assurance:
Online orders from Alibaba. Com’s built-in order services.

It also reduces risk in product quality and on-time shipment.


Per piece price: 125,443- 127,555

Supplier’s price for one piece product: 142,000 (includes freight cost and import cost).

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