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The Three Methods

You'll train each muscle using three different methods, a different one
each day. One will be focused more on heavy lifting, the other one on
maximum mTor activation, and the third one on fiber fatigue/growth
factor accumulation.

1 – Heavy Lifting

You'll use two different options for the heavy method. Stick with each
for 2 or 3 weeks then switch to the other one. Those two methods are
rest/pause and clusters:

1 – For the rest/pause

Your work set will require a weight that you can lift for 4 to 6 reps.
You'll complete as many technically correct reps as you can with that
weight. Your goal will then be to double that number of reps. To do that
you take short rest periods.

For example, let's say that you get 5 reps in the initial bout. This means
you want to do 10 total reps for your set. After your 5 reps you'll rest for
15 seconds. Then you might get an extra 3 reps. This means you'll
need to get 2 more reps. Rest another 15 seconds and then you'll be
capable of getting the last 2 reps.

2 – For the clusters

Use a weight that you could lift for 2-4 reps. Then do as many sets of 1
rep as possible with 15-20 seconds of rest between each. Stop when
you know that the next rep will be iffy. It might look like this:

 1 rep, rest 15 seconds

 1 rep, rest 15 seconds
 1 rep, rest 20 seconds
 1 rep, rest 20 seconds
 1 rep

2 – mTOR Activation

The two types of actions that have the greater impact on mTor
activation are accentuated eccentrics and loaded stretching (holding a
muscle contraction while in a stretched position).

So you'll use a nice torture method called post-fatigue loaded

stretching. You pick a weight you can do 8-10 reps using a slow
negative – lowering under control for 4-5 seconds. Go to muscle failure
or very close to it. When you reach that point, go down to the stretched
position and hold the weight for as long as tolerable. It's a great way to
stimulate growth, but also to improve mobility and stability.

3 – Fiber Fatigue (Myo Reps)

For maximum muscle fiber fatigue you'll use the myo rep method
developed by Borge Fagerly. It's a form of rest/pause. You reach
failure or close to it, then do as many micro-sets of 3 reps as possible
with around 20 seconds of rest.
When you can only get 2 reps on a micro-set, you stop. The initial set
can use any number of reps from 6 to 20, but with this program we'll
use a weight that you can get 10-12 reps with.

Start by doing as many reps as you can with that weight, then rest 20
seconds and do 3 more reps. Rest 20 seconds and do 3 more reps.
Continue doing that until you can only get 2 additional reps. If you can
get more than 5 micro-sets you likely faked yourself in that original set
and didn't go close enough to failure.

The Split

It's a modified push/pull split. Why modified? Because there's a lower

body lift each day. Quads go on the push days and hamstrings on pull

Push Day

 Quads
 Pecs
 Delts
 Triceps

Pull Day

 Hamstrings
 Lats
 Rhomboids and rear delts
 Biceps

The Lifts
These recommendations are personal preferences; you can make
changes as long as it maintains the spirit of the plan. Don't replace a
back squat with a single-leg extension for example.


 Heavy Front squat or Zercher squat

 mTor Goblet squat or lumberjack squat
 Myo reps Leg extension


 Heavy Bench press or incline bench press

 mTor Dumbbell flat press or dumbbell incline press
 Myo reps Machine pec deck or machine chest press


 Heavy Military press or Smith machine shoulder press

 mTor Lateral raise on incline bench
 Myo reps Lateral raise or machine shoulder press


 Heavy Close-grip bench press or close-grip floor press

 mTor Overhead single dumbbell tricep extension
 Myo reps Rope tricep pressdown


 Heavy Romanian deadlift (rest/pause) or deadlift clusters from

pins at mid shin
 mTor Dumbbell Romanian deadlift with front of feet elevated one
 Myo reps Leg curl


 Heavy Neutral grip pull-up or lat pulldown

 mTor Dumbbell pullover
 Myo reps Straight-arm pulldown


 Heavy Seal row or Pendlay row

 mTor Neutral-grip seated row
 Myo reps Rear delt machine or dumbbell rear delt raise


 Heavy Standing barbell curl

 mTor Incline dumbbell curl (both arms at the same time)
 Myo reps Cable curl

The Weekly Program

This plan is for 6 days a week, though we'll go through some other
options below.

Monday (Push 1)

 A. Front squat or Zercher squat: 2-3 warm-up sets of 4-6 reps,

then 1 work set of rest/pause or cluster.
 B. Close-grip bench press or close-grip floor press: 2-3 warm-up
sets of 4-6 reps, then 1 work set of rest/pause or cluster.

 C. Dumbbell flat press or dumbbell incline press: 1-2 warm-up

sets of 8-10 reps with a slow eccentric, then 1 work set of 8-10
reps to failure (slow tempo), then hold the stretched position as
long as tolerable.

 D. Dumbbell lateral raise or machine shoulder press: 1-2 warm-

up sets of 10-12 reps, then 1 work set of 10-12 reps to failure,
then as many micro-sets of 3 reps as possible with 15-20
seconds of rest in between.

Tuesday (Pull 1)

 A. Romanian deadlift (rest/pause) or deadlift clusters from pins at

mid shin: 2-3 warm-up sets of 4-6 reps, then 1 work set of
rest/pause or cluster

 B. Dumbbell pullover: 1-2 warm-up sets of 8-10 reps with a slow

eccentric, then 1 work set of 8-10 reps to failure (slow tempo),
and finally hold the stretched position as long as tolerable.

 C. Rear delts machine or dumbbell rear delt raises: 1-2 warm-up

sets of 10-12 reps, then 1 work set of 10-12 reps to failure, and
finally as many micro-sets of 3 reps as possible with 15-20
seconds of rest in between.

 D. Standing barbell curl: 2-3 warm-up sets of 4-6 reps, then 1

work set of rest/pause or cluster.
Wednesday (Push 2)

 A. Military press or Smith machine shoulder press: 2-3 warm-up

sets of 4-6 reps, then 1 work set of rest/pause or cluster.

 B. Goblet squat or lumberjack squat: 1-2 warm-up sets of 8-10

reps with a slow eccentric, then 1 work set of 8-10 reps to failure
(slow tempo), and finally hold the stretched position.

 C. Overhead single dumbbell triceps extension: 1-2 warm-up

sets of 8-10 reps with a slow eccentric, then 1 work set of 8-10
reps to failure (slow tempo), and then hold the stretched position.

 D. Machine pec deck or machine chest press: 1-2 warm-up sets

of 10-12 reps, then 1 work set of 10-12 reps to failure, and then
as many micro-sets of 3 reps as possible with 15-20 seconds of
rest in between.

Thursday (Pull 2)

 A. Neutral grip pull-ups or lat pulldown: 2-3 warm-up sets of 4-6

reps, then 1 work set of rest/pause or cluster.

 B. Neutral grip seated row: 1-2 warm-up sets of 8-10 reps with a
slow eccentric, then 1 work set of 8-10 reps to failure (slow
tempo), and finally hold the stretched position as long as

 C. Leg curl: 1-2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps, then 1 work set of
10-12 reps to failure, and finally as many micro-sets of 3 reps as
possible with 15-20 seconds of rest in between.
 D. Incline dumbbell curl (both arms at the same time): 1-2 warm-
up sets of 8-10 reps with a slow eccentric, then 1 work set of 8-
10 reps to failure (slow tempo), and finally hold the stretched

Friday (Push 3)

 A. Bench press or incline bench press: 2-3 warm-up sets of 4-6

reps, then 1 work set of rest/pause or cluster.

 B. Dumbbell lateral raise on incline bench: 1-2 warm-up sets of

8-10 reps with a slow eccentric, then 1 work set of 8-10 reps to
failure (slow tempo), and finally hold the stretched position as
long as tolerable.

 C. Leg extension: 1-2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps, then 1 work

set of 10-12 reps to failure, and finally as many micro-sets of 3
reps as possible with 15-20 seconds of rest in between.

 D. Rope triceps pressdown: 1-2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps,

then 1 work set of 10-12 reps to failure, and finally as many
micro-sets of 3 reps as possible with 15-20 seconds of rest in

Saturday (Pull 3)

 A. Seal row or Pendlay row: 2-3 warm-up sets of 4-6 reps then 1
work set of rest/pause or cluster.

 B. Dumbbell Romanian deadlift with front of feet elevated one

inch: 1-2 warm-up sets of 8-10 reps with a slow eccentric, then 1
work set of 8-10 reps to failure (slow tempo), and then hold the
stretched position.

 C. Straight-arm pulldown: 1-2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps, then 1

work set of 10-12 reps to failure, and finally as many micro-sets
of 3 reps as possible with 15-20 seconds of rest in between.

 D. Cable curl: 1-2 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps, then 1 work set of
10-12 reps to failure, and finally as many micro-sets of 3 reps as
possible with 15-20 seconds of rest in between.

How to Do the Warm-Up Sets

You can do 1 to 3 preparation sets for every exercise. Normally you'd

do 3 gradually heavier sets for the heavy exercises and 1-2 for the
others. If you're in the very-strong category of lifter, you might need
more than 3 warm-up sets for the big lifts (if you squat 600 you might
need 4-6 warm-ups).

Don't overdo them. Remember the main principle of the program:

minimizing volume to avoid excessive cortisol release. For most
exercises, 2 warm-up sets will be sufficient.

Do NOT use the special methods for warm-up sets. For example, if
you warm-up for heavy rest/pause sets, and you know that the weight
you'll use is something you can lift for 4-6 reps, then warm-up using
only 4-6 reps per set. The first warm-up set being easy – maybe a rate
of perceived exertion (RPE) of 6/10 – and the last warm-up would be
challenging, but not all-out, 8/10 RPE.
For the mTOR Work

Do sets of 8-10 reps with a slow eccentric, but don't do the isometric
hold at the end. Again, the first warm-up is easier and the last one is
hard, but not all-out.

For the Myo Rep Sets

Don't use the rest/pause portion (the mini-sets of 3 reps). You do 2

sets of 10-12 regular reps, again one easy set and one hard but not all-
out set.

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