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Quote #1745
Date: 08 March 2021
Prepared For:

Péricles da Costa Gomes

Logística JRCC - Centro Conjunto de Coordenação de Salvamento

Guarda Costeira de Cabo Verde

Rotchinha - Ao lado do edificio de INMG (Meteorologia) - Caixa Postal Nº
1449 - Mindelo
São Vicente - Cabo Verde

Description AMOUNT
TRAINING: SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) – English
Course tailored for JRCC Cabo Verde personnel
(2) X 15-day session delivered onsite in Mindelo, Sao Vicente island
One JRCC SAR SMC instructor
Maximum 8 students each course, both courses delivered back to back
All-inclusive-training material and delivery, airfare, hotel, local transportation, meals $39,500 USD
Client provides suitable classroom environment/computers/IAMSAR manuals (2019)
Includes free usage of SARMaster 600 for each student
No other fees

*A deposit of 50% is due upon confirmation of training and invoicing. Balance payable no less than 60
days prior to mutually agreed course start date. Quote valid until 30 June 2021.

Thank you for choosing IAMSAR Solutions

P.O. Box 6162, Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0, CANADA

Tel. : 613 885-6100 Email:

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