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WE) 1 Describing people IE {© Use have or is to describe eye and hair color: |have brown hair. = My hair is brown. He has blue eyes. = His eyes are blue. |® Don’t confuse How and What in questions: Hew tall are you? (nor: Whattattere-you? ‘What color is your hair? (nor: How-eoloris-your hair?) Unscramble the questions. Then write answers using the phrases in the box. ‘A: brother like look what your does What does your brother look like? B: He's tall and good-looking. Artal is how he, How tall 1g he? B8 He 1s foar 2 Azhe does glasses wear lots Ae (wear G, 8 NO, he Wear contact lenses A: what hair color his is what color 1s his hair? & Ae's-color ha/y_ 1s bond. - A:he does blue have eyes does he have blue € B20, AC have brown 2925 Arold he how is how. is hf he's 26> fue year older 2 Modifiers with participles and prepositions = '= Don't use a form of be in modifiers with participles: Sylva is the woman standing near the window, (Nor: Syvie ts the-womenis standing nearthe window) Rewrite the conversations. Use the words in parentheses and one or ones. 41. A Who's Carla? ‘As Which one is Carla? (which) She's the woman in the red dress. BiShe's the girl wear ng Amat. (wearing) 2. A: Who are your neighbors? Auwhich one 1S yar J rath? (which) B: They're the people with the baby. Bikes ny drothet wading next ts (walking) 3. A: Who's Jeff? Awhich one is Wa¥t (which) B: He's the man wearing glasses. Bhee the doy with The lap Tof P (with) Unit 9 Grammar plus * UNM 1 Present perfect; already, yet \= Use the present perfect for actions that happened some time in the past. 1= Use yet in questions and negative statements: Have you checked your email yet? No, | haven't turned on my computer yet. Use already in affirmative statements: ve already checked my email. ‘A Complete the conversations with the present perfect of the verbs in parentheses and short answers. 1. A:___Has___Leslie_called___(call) you lately? B: No, shehasn'? Caided (not call) me, but fi2.already_ got (get) some emails from her. 2a _why you and Jan. had (have) lunch yet? B: No, we'V2 quayAecl . We're thinking of going to Tony's. hay? you Tri2d (try it yet? Come with us. As Thanks. | hav2n'Yeaien (not eat) there yet, but|'ye heard _ (hear) it's pretty good. B Look at things Matt said. Put the adverb in the correct place in the second sentence, yet 4. I'm very hungry. | haven't eater, (yet) 2. I don't need any groceries. I've gone shopping, (already) 3. What have you done? Have you been to the zoo? (yet) 4. I called my parents before dinner. I've talked to them. (already) 2 Present perfect vs. simple past = Don't mention a specific time with the present perfect: I've been to a jazz club. Use the simple past to say when a past action happened: | went to a jazz club last night. Complete the conversation using the present perfect or the simple past of the vverbs in parentheses and short answers. 4. A: Did you see __ (see) the game last night? | really2nloymevt (enjoy) it. B: Yes,1 Sow. It_waS (be) anamazing game. Did ~ youever We art (go) toa game? A:No,1didn'T 1 have never 422 0 _ (be) to the stadium. But I'd love to go! Maybe we can go to a game next year. 2.At Did youever ia 5 _ (be) to Franco's Restaurant? (es, ula. .Myfriend and! gfe (eat) there last weekend. How about you? A: No, | dGn't But! hea val (hear) it’s very good, Oh, yes~it’s excellent! 3 For and since A= |= Use for + period of time to describe how long a present condition has been true: ‘We've been in New York for two months. (= We arrived two months ago) 12 Use since + a point in time to describe when a present condition started: We've been here since August. = We've been here from August to now) Choose the correct word. 41. I bought my car almost 10 years ago. I've had for since almost 10 years, 2. The Carters moved to Seattle six months ago. They've lived there for {singe six months. 3. I've wanted to see that movie: fame long time. Its been in thestar¢ for) since March Unit 10 Grammar plus

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