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Mata Kuliah : Ekonomi Makro Lanjutan

Dosen : Dr.Fitrawaty,SP.,M.Si

Oleh :

Mutiara Shifa


The Persistency and The Sustainability of the Indonesia’s
Title Journal Current Account Deficit

Journal Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan

Download http://www.bi.go.id

Volume & Page Volume 17, Nomor 3, 325-348 Page

Date Januari 2015
Author Tuti Eka Asmarani dan Telisa Aulia Falianty
ISSN 2460 9196 
Reviewer Mutiara Shifa

Research Purposes the result shows the Indonesian current account deficit is persistent for
the period of 2011Q4-2014Q1, and is considered to be unsustainable.

Research Subject Current account deficit, random walk, intertemporal budget

constraint, unit root, ARDL
Assesment Data 1. Study documents
2. Observation
Research methods  The Persistence of the Current Account
1.Unit Root Test Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)
2.Philips-Perron Test
 Sustainability of the Current Account
Based on Pesaran et al. (2001), a modified ARDL, an Autoregression
Vector model (VAR)
Research result These results showed persistent deficits on the period 2011Q4-
2014Q1, due to the influence of the European crisis that occurred in the
fourth quarter of 2011. The transmission effects of the European crisis
was felt by Indonesia through two channels, namely the trade and
financial channels. The impact of the crisis on the trade lanes were not
perceived directly, because Indonesia is not a major trading partner for
the countries in Europe that were experiencing pressure. However,
transmission through the financial channel was in the form of portfolio
investments that caused the current account deficit bringing about the
strengthening of the rupiah.
The current account in Indonesia is in an unsustainable
condition. The condition is caused due to an unsustainable current
account deficit which occurred in the fourth quarter of 2011 to the first
quarter of 2014. The deficit was mostly contributed by the deficit in the
balance of services, particularly transportation services for the amount of
oil imports. The results of this study are consistent with the two previous
researchers, namely Baharumshah, Lau & Fountas (2002) and Rahman
(2011) which stated that the current account in Indonesia is in an
unsustainable condition. This condition is vulnerable to shocks created
by the turbulence of the world economy into the domestic market (as
examined by Baharumshah et al. for the Asian crisis of 1997/1998,
Rahman for the American crisis of 2008, and this study for the European
post-crisis, 2011). Referring to the results above, it is necessary to
optimize the four policy packages that have been launched by the
government in August 2013, particularly a package of measures to
encourage exports for addressing the current account deficit. In addition,
policy for repairing the account deficit for services, especially the goods
transportation services, with the provision of adequate transport facilities
for import-export activities.

Strength Research Strengths of this study is :

 The model used in this paper according with grand theory.
 In the introduction, author give explanation to why this research
is important to investigated.
 The references used in this paper according with research studies.

Weakness Research Weaknesses of this study is:

 In the methode research,author give explanation about sample
and population.
 Author give not suggestion after conclusion
Mata Kuliah : Ekonomi Moneter
Dosen : Dr.Fitrawaty,SP.,M.Si

Oleh :

Mutiara Shifa


The Determinants of BANK’S Efficiency IN INDONEESIA
Title Journal

Journal Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan

Download http://www.bi.go.id

Volume & Page Vol. 18 No. 02, 129-156 Page

Date October 2015
Author Astoeti Wahjoe Widiarti,Hermanto Siregar and Trias Andati
ISSN 2460 9196 
Reviewer Mutiara Shifa

ResearchPurposes The Indonesian banking industry is inefficient in its intermediation

function, which is in line with their financial indicators namely the total
increasing asset, stable ROA of around 2-3%, and their Operating to
Income Cost ratio of about 66-83%.
ResearchSubject Banking, efficiency, panel estimation, Indonesia.
AssesmentData The data used are secondary data in the form of bank financial data in
Indonesian Banking Statistics report and Publication Report 2012, 2013 and
2014 on Bank Indonesia website www. Bi.go.id. And OJK website
www.ojk.go.id. The value of GCG implementation is taken from self
assessment bank for assessment of 2012, 2013 and 2014 downloaded from
financial statements of bank and website publication of each bank.

Research methods The population used in this study are all conventional banks in
Indonesia in 2012 until 2014 ie 108 banks consisting of 4 Bank Persero,
39 BUSN Foreign Exchange, 23 Non-Foreign Exchange BUSN, 26 BPD,
6 Mixed Banks and 10 KCBA. Period of data taken is 3-year 3-year
period of observation data (Q1.2012 - Q4.2014).
          Internal determinants in this study include size, type, NPL, CAR

Step Research This research consists of 2 stages:

1. Measuring the efficiency with the DEA method of
comparing the output variables to the input variables
using the intermediation approach
2. Estimate the influence of bank internal factors as
independent variables to the dependent variable that is
efficiency (DEA measurement result) using panel data
Research result OJK as a banking supervisory authority may use the results of this
study for consideration in making policy and supervisory action steps.
The OJK policy to perform depositor funds based on BUKU is
considered appropriate to support the achievement of bank profitability
and efficiency. The need for commitment from the banking industry to
compliance in mempublika sikan GCG values in accordance with the fact
that the value of GCG is appropriate to support other research because of
the results of this analysis is known that GCG does not affect the

Strength Research Strengh Reseach is :

 The model used in this paper according with grand theory.

 In the introduction, author give explanation to why this research is
important to investigated.
 The references used in this paper according with research studies.
 Author give suggestion after conclusion for next research

Weakness Research Weakness Research is:

 In the introduction, author give not grand theory for Corroborate
this research
 The author should make samples and populations as well as
detailed analysis data

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