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The problem in materials is the availability of it and also the limitations of the materials. In the
Philippine libraries, as we go around we can see the different sections and one of them is called the
“Filipiniana” section. On this section, it contains of the books in which the authors were the Filipino even
though it was published inside or outside of our country. The books maybe written in different dialects
or languages in Philippines and also guarded by our librarians. We should be thankful of having a
Filipiniana section in our libraries because we can be familiarized with the literary works by the Filipino
authors. We can see here how proud we are with the Filipino writers on what they’ve accomplished.

With the Philippine climate that we have experience, it had done much to devastate profitable

records that have not profited airconditioned files or in the fire-proof vaults. Most of the vernacular

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literatures were imprinted in the newspapers but it was easily fall into pieces as years passed by. The

accessibility of the vernacular literature become limited which results to another problem.

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The problem of men is that the Filipino considered that the English literature is the highest one
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achievement. With this, they need to offer courses that would give them an attentions and vitality to
their collections in collecting scholarly and culture artifacts but still there is insufficient for offering token
course in the vernacular literature and the ponder of having a vernacular literature can be only

significant when it is related to the battle of the Filipinos to attest their own characters as an individuals
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and this characters would be connected in the culture of the colonizers, which are the Westerns.
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The first step in methodology is to humanize the literary works, it means that the work of a
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writer must related to his or her own life. It was basic that seeing the scholarly neutralize the writer's
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historical foundation and the foundation of occasions that left an engraving on the creative mindset of
the writers and his creations ought to likewise be thought of.

The second step in methodology is to situate the literary work in history. With this it implies not
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just with the chronological and progression of the literary word in a given period of time but it must be
more broadly that could impact the improvement in terms of political, social and financial aspects.

The third step in methodology is to define the critical perspective that could help an individual to
understand literary work. In this step, we should find for the sources of the themes, what would the
literary works want to say to the readers and in the end we can finally see the meaningful ideas of the

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