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Listen to Mandy and Sam talking about their jobs and circle the right option or answer

the questions:

1. Mandy Jones…
a) works in a new hotel. b) is a cook. c) is the head cook.

2. Where is Mandy from?

How old is she?

3. Sam, the chef, is…

a) efficient and creative. b) patient and responsible. c) efficient and active.

4. Stephen…
a) works in Oxford. b) is a waiter in London. c) likes pubs.

5. What are his duties in the pub?

a) he serves drinks and meals. d) he makes different types of a) he makes meals.
1. She always plans her work; she’s so ______________
a) polite b) organised c) reliable.

2. I only work two hours a day. I’ve got a

a) temporary b) full-time c) part-time job.

3. Molly always ___________ coke.

a)drinks b) drink c) drinking

4. He ___________to pubs at the weekend.

a) doesn´t goes b) don´t go c) doesn´t go

5. _____________fruit and vegetables?

a) do you usually eat b) you do usually c) you usually eat

6.___________four chairs and one table in the dining room.

a) There is b) There are c) There

7. (A) _______ a taxi waiting for us?

(B) Yes,___________

a) Is there / is there b) Is there / there c) Are there / there is

8. __________ any pencils on the table.

a) There isn´t b) There aren´t c) Is there

9. A __________ works in a bar or restaurant.

a) receptionist b) waitress c) maid

10 ……... Linda got a nice house?

a) Do b) Has c) Have

11. 4) They ……... like golf.

a) not b) don’t c) aren't





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