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In the CloudForms GUI, move to Services → Requests, refresh the page every few minutes, and
monitor the Last Messagecolumn.

When the message "VM Provisioned Successfully" appears, CloudForms starts the VM automatically. The build proces
time and may seem to hang.

6.5. Clone VM
1. From Compute → Infrastructure → Virtual Machines.
2. Check the box next to the VM named rhel7 .
3. Click Lifecycle → Clone selected item.

4. Fill out the Request tab, as before.

5. In the Catalog tab, set VM Name to training-clone .
6. Select the Environment tab.
a. Make sure that Choose Automatically is checked. and click Submit.
7. Verify that cloning is successful:
a. Monitor the cloning request as you did during provisioning in CloudForms under Services →
b. In a separate window or tab in your web browser go to vcenter-$ and confirm
any security exceptions.

VMware vCenter requires Flash and pop-ups to be enabled.

c. Click Log in to vSphere Web Client and confirm any security exceptions.
d. Enter root and r3dh4t1! to log in to the web client.
e. Select VMs and Templates.
f. Click DC01 to expand the folder.

You may have to manually refresh the vCenter GUI. It does not keep good real time track of the VM being cloned.

g. When VM cloning is complete and the VM is started select training-clone in the vCenter GUI and
click Launch Console.
h. Verify that the VM boots.
i. You now have a VM that is an exact replica of the original VM ( rhel7 ).

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