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combination is ei. Examples are ceiling, receipt, conceive, neighbor, and leisure.

f people.
Parts of Speech
For the sentences, do as instructed.
1. N_______________: names of persons, things or
objects, places, animals, ideas, occurrences or occasions;
can be singular or plural in form.

Underline the correct word (noun).

f. C_______________ nouns: material thin
a. P_______________ nouns: Choo-Choo specific
an earthquake
in capital
is letters
I named my pet (Choo-Choo, dog).
  g. A_______________ nouns: cannot be se
b. C_______________ nouns: any general names
I have a pet (Choo-Choo, dog).Do you think fishes in an aquarium have freedom?
c. C_______________ nouns: names taken as a collection or group
h. Special nouns – plural in form, plural in use,
Why can’t we have a (school, pride) of fish in the aquarium?
Do you have an extra (jean, jeans,pair of jeans)?
Do you have extra (jean, jeans, pair of jeans)?
Special collective nouns – may be singular or plural depending on use
the (is , are ) my jeans.
The audience (is, are) enjoying concert.
The audience (clap, claps) their hands every now and then.
i. Special nouns – plural in form, singular in use
The United Nations (is, are ) against the import an
d. C_______________ nouns: can be counted; plural –s
Don’t let Choo-Choo eat those  (chocolate, chocolates)!
j. C_______________ nouns: made up of tw
e. M_______________ All (editors-in-chief,
uncountable;editor-in-chiefs) of the publis
nouns: same singular and plural
I have to change the (sand, sands) in our aquariums.
‘s etc.
numerals, acronyms – +s
and buts
anymore, because all other invited ( CEO’s , CEOs ) are attending.

es below, the other fish is salmon

ez’s bag, Ms.


Think About This!

All count nouns, mass nouns, concrete nouns, abstract nouns,
compound nouns, collective nouns, and some special nouns are
common nouns.
Nominative or Objective Possesive Reflexive
Subjective Case Case Case
1 person I me my, mine myself
2nd person you you your, yours yourself

3rd person he, she, it him, her, his, her, himself,

it hers, its herself,
1 person we us our, ours ourselves
2nd person you you your, yours yourselves
3 person they them their, theirs themselves
Table of Pronouns

2. P _______________: replaces noun. Antecedent of the

pronoun is the noun to which a pronoun refers

noun will follow; can be q_______________ that intensify to what degree

_ jokes.
__ pronouns: introduce questions
hich, whom, what
re you? I don’t know _______________ way am I going to take.

_ pronouns: relate to nouns or other pronouns; introduce clauses (adjectival)

hich, that, whoever
__________ I love.
______ scores higher wins.
____ I have at home is annoying.

t _______________ become a part of the rug.

3. V____________: indicates action (we danced
together),event (the dance hall has collapsed), state or feeling
(she seemed in love with the music)
Tense Form Environment
(Singular/ Plural
Simple -s form/base form - current/present occurrence
Present - scientific truth
Simple Past -d, -ed, irregular - past occurence
past form
Simple will + base form -future occurrence
Present is/are + -ing verb -currently ongoing occurrence
Progressive form
Past was/were + -ing - ongoing occurrence in the past
Progressive verb form
Future will be + -ing verb -future ongoing occurence
Progressive form
Present has/have + verb in - an action that started in the
Perfect past participle form past but continues in the present
- an action that started in the
past and has just completed
Past Perfect had + verb in past two actions in the past; the
participle form action which occurred earlier
takes the past perfect form; the
later action takes the simple past

A. T_______________ verbs: describes, relates action to thing.

The patient_______________ her medicine last night.
B. I_______________ verbs: doesn’t always need reference.
The lion _______________.
The baby _______________.
C. R_______________ verbs walk-walked-walked
D. I_______________ verbs come-came-come; go-went-gone
E. L_______________ verbs
Examples: be (am, is, was, are, were, will be) become, seem, look, smell,
appear, feel, taste, sound, remain, grow, stay, turn (some are either LV
or A(ction)V).
I _______________ listening although I________________
not attentive.
Conditional Sentencesa. I_______________mood: fact, assertion, que

a. Present, unreal Do you like ampalaya shake?

If I were PNoy, I would give jobs
I will to thethe
attend poor.
General Assembly in June.
I volunteer to teach English.
b. Future, possible  
If it rains, I will marry you.
b. I_______________mood: command, urgent
Kindly pass the rice.
c. Past, unreal Shout for help.
If you had arrived earlier,  you could have seen me on TV.
c. S_______________mood: wish, unreal cond
d. The “wish” clause - Verb in subjunctive form
I wish it were true.
I wish I could… I wish I were…
  If she were in my place, she would have killed you.
Voice of the Verb
a. A_______________voice Were they to hire me, I would gladly accept.
Kenneth drives that white Tucson.
Ktine_______________ most that
I propose of these followed.
his suggestion
b. P_______________ voice
They insist that he be the president.
be + past participle verb (+by)
That white Tucson _______________ by Kenneth.
Most of these accessories were made by Ktine.
Mood: property of the verb which refers to the manner in which the action or s

4. A_______________: modify nouns and pronouns
Degree of Comparison
Positive Comparative Superlative

Royal Order: DeNuSiQuaShaAgCoOrMaT:

D_______________ adjectives:SiQuaSheAgCoOrMa – Common
descriptive (SiQuaShaAgCo) and Proper descriptive (OrMa)

Determiners: The (definite article), a/an (indefinite article)

I had _____ sandwich and _____ apple for lunch.
_______________ sandwich wasn’t very good but
_______________ apple was delicious.

Arrange the following adjectives in a series.

1. my teacher old Math smelly: ____________________________

2. black small box Turkish a old: __________________________
3. young how
friendly a man fat: ______________________________
P____________________: where
4. businessman horrible a greedy:__________________________
5. new when
a system perfect: ________________________________
F____________________: how often
5. A_______________:
D____________________: modify verbs,
to what adjectives
extent, intensifier
or other
A____________________: positive
N____________________: negative
Adverbs in a series: M and P are interchangeably after the verb, T is
usually at the end of the sentence, F is after LV/before AV
Do not confuse adj and adv. Example: good vs. well This is a good
printer. This printer is working well. Which is an adjective? An adverb?
Correct errors (if any) in the use 2. Paige is sure glad to see you.
  of adjectives and adverbs in the 3. Prince feels miserably.
following sentences. Underline the 4. Etti is more strong today than
erroneous word/s and rewrite yesterday.
it/them. NE is No Error. 5. You must pay close attention to
the speaker.
1. I know Jolo will perform good in
the recital tonight.
6. P______________________: relates noun/pronoun
tosome other words in a sentence; can be more than one
Prepositional phrase: group of words with either a noun or pronoun;
the N/PN is the object of the preposition
Common prepositions:
at, in, on, into, for, during, since, between, among, from, off, beside,
besides, behind, within, by, about, across, against, over, under, through,
above, after, along, around, before, below, beneath, beyond, but,
despite, except, inside, like, near, of, out, outside, throughout, to,
toward, until, up, upon, with, without

Compound prepositions
-made up of two or three words
Examples: apart from, aside from, as of, because of, by means of, in
front of, instead of, in view of, next to, out of, on top of, far from, close
to, ahead of, by way of, back of

Fill out with the correct preposition.

A. Preposition of Place: in front of, between, on top of, next to, opposite,
under, in, above, behind, on, at
(1) Cinema 1 is _____________________ the restaurant and Cinema 2.
(2)The ticket seller is ____________ the ticket booth. (3) The man and the
woman are walking ____________ the sidewalk. (4) Cinema 1 and Cinema
2 is ___________ #630A, Gemini St., Upper Kalaklan, Olongapo City.
B. Preposition of Direction: down, through, from, around, up, past, to,
along, across, into of, at
(5) One hot summer morning, we decided to take a trip
____________________ the city (6) ____________________ the beach. We
got (7) ____________ the car and drove (8) _____________ the highway.
C. Preposition of Time: at, before, after, from, for, during, until,
on, since, in
(9) They will celebrate their first anniversary ____________ June
30. He will arrive (10) ____________ 5 o’clock in the afternoon.
She will do her shopping (11) ____________ the morning. They
have been apart (12) _____________ last year.
D. Preposition of Cause and Purpose: on, in, to, of, from, for
(13) Somebody has just died _____________ a heart attack. (14)
The teacher contributed his success _____________ patience and
hardwork. (15) We blamed our ruined project _____________ the

a. C______________ conjunctions: connect similar kinds of
words or groups of words (and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet)
b. C______________ conjunctions: connect similar kinds of
words or group of words that always come in pairs (not only…but also,
both…and, either…or, neither…nor, whether…or, not…but)
c. S_______________ conjunctions: connect two complete
ideas by making one of the ideas subordinate to the other (after,
although, as, as if, even though, before, unless, if, until, as long as, as
soon as, as though, because, since, so that, while, when, whenever,
where, than)
7. C_______________________:
Select wordinused
the correct conjunction to be supplied each to connect
given sentence.
other words or group of words
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.(clauses, sentences)

1. He___________ arrived on3. The meat I ordered was very

time, ___________ did hetough ___________ the
apologize. vegetable was tasteless.
a. both…and b. not only…buta. unless b. moreover
also c. however d. so that
c. either…or d. neither…nor
  4. Transferees are not accepted
2. He had enough money for___________ they have good
tuition ___________ he decidedacademic standing.
not to enroll. a. unless b. because
a. moreover b. however c. if d. consequently
c. otherwise d. therefore
8. I______________________________: express feeling
or emotion and functions independently of a sentence
Examples: ah, aha, alas, dear, goodness, ouch, gracious, hey, hurray,
oh, wow, pssst, tsk, well, whew, darn


Synonyms (n) – a word that has the same meaning as another word in
the same language (Merriam-Webster).
Antonyms (n) – a word with a meaning that is opposite to the
meaning of another word (Merriam-Webster).
A word’s synonym or antonym can usually be determined through the
given context clues.
a) Take note of tricky choices
b) Take note of positively/negatively charged words.
c) Eliminate answer choices that have no clear antonyms.
d) Eliminate answer choices that are close synonyms.
e) Try to associate the word with a familiar context.
Examples: In the example, we are trying to find
Look for the antonym of the word the best synonym for the word
RESTIVE: maligned. So, we should begin by
A) patient ascertaining its charge. The prefix,
B) rigorous "mal" is typically used in negatively
C) deceptive charged words. Therefore, the
D) active answer will likely have a positive
E) cautious charge.
Let's go through the list to see how
 The word, restive, is tricky,
each word is charged.
because it sounds like it has  A) beneficent (+)
something to do with rest.B) magnanimous (+)
Therefore, D) active would be theC) downtrodden (-)
best antonym. However, this is a D) destitute (-)
trick. Restive actually meansE) elegant (=)
restless. So, the correct answer is
patient, a good antonym forAfter labeling each, we are left with
restless (English for Everyone). two words that are positively
charged: beneficent and
Choose the best synonym of themagnanimous. Even if you don't
word MALIGNED: know the meaning of any answer
A) beneficent choices, you have narrowed your
B) magnanimous choices down to two and are left with
C) downtrodden a 50% change of answering correctly.
D) destitute This is a quick technique that can be
E) elegant very beneficial when attempting to
answer a question with several words
that you are unsure about.
Verbal Analogy: Thinking with WORDS
Two Approaches: Single-word and Paired
TIPS 5. Whole-Part
and STRATEGIES 12. Gender
clock: a sentence
1. Form handshowing a::clearMasseuse and(female
specific relationship
the given words and the answer
bachelor :: choices.
a. room:
VAGUE: house
Driver is tob.bus
as pilot is toa.plane.
doe: stag b. alumna:
CLEARstar and SPECIFIC: The driver steers the bus in the same way that
the  pilot steers the plane.
2. 6.Watch
Part-Partout for tricky questions. The test maker will
13. Worker-Action
keys: include
purposely pedals
traps to test::howchauffeur: you are.
clever drive ::
If the
given words are NOUN: VERB,_____________________
the answer should also be
NOUN:a. roots:
VERB.stemsBut there are b. head:
also a.choices
consul:inlead the b.
reverse order. E.g.
DRIVER: eyes
BUS (direct order) and SHIP: CAPTAIN
negotiate (reverse order).
The  RELATIONSHIP of the words to each other will determine the
7. Classification
E.g. synonymy, antonymy, etc.
3. Consider all guava
answer choices. ::14. Worker-Tool
If you find two or more
choices, make your sentence surgeon:more specific scalpel until you::
in on shape: circle
answer. _____________________
  TREE: FOREST a. singer: voice b. teacher:
a. BIRD: SKY b. FISH: SEA lesson plan
8. Action-Object
  kick: football ::15. Worker-Creation
If your sentence is “A TREE IS FOUND lyricist:IN THE FOREST,”song then::all
a. hug: friend b. smoke: pipe _____________________
choices will sound right. But if you’ll be more specific, “THE FOREST IS
MADE   UP OF TREES,” then it author:
with thenovel b. ___.
right answer,
9. Purpose/Function mother: dress
barometer: pressure TYPES
::  (Relationships)
For the exercises, choose the
_____________________ letter of the correct answer.
16. Action-Significance
a. glove: ball b. foot rule:hug: affection
1. Synonymy
 3. Grammatical ::
length _____________________
ice: pretty
cold :: _____________ :: big:
  a. drink: thirsty
a. sugar: sweet b.
10. Sequence sneeze: irritation
a. wide loudly b. lofty
b. dog:
Monday: Thursday ::  c. cramped
fast: cheetah d. enormous
_____________________ 17. Characteristics  d. fish: swim
a. second: fourth b. B:king: nobleof Intensity::
2. Antonymy
4. Degree
E _____________________
desire: spurn
Occassionally, shoutocasionally,
7. Temperment, temperament, a. leaf: green b. lawyer:
ocassionally, occasionally
11. Cause-Effect defends 2.a.Aweful,
great: greater b. unbiased
temporament awful, awfull
race: fatigue ::  c. systematic
b. walk: run d. methodical
8. Exagerate, exaggerate
_____________________ 3.  Accomodate, accommodate,
a. fasting:
9. Consistant, hunger
consistent b. accommodate
bacteria: colds
Circle the
10. Correspondant,
  correct choice in each group.
correspondent 4. Occupant, occupent, ocuppent
11. Subpena, supoena, subpoena, 5. Beleive, believe
supena 6. Developement, development
Bahagi ng Pananalita

1. _______________________
Pantangi (tiyak), Pambalana (karaniwan), Lansakan (pangkat)
2. _______________________
a. Panao (nasa kaukulang d. Pananong
Palagyo kung gamit na simuno) Sino, Anu-ano, atbp.
ikaw, ako, tayo, atbp. e. Pamatlig (nagtuturo sa layo o
b. Paari (nagsasaad ng distansya)
pagmamay-ari) dito, doon, nariyan, atbp.
akin, kaniya, naming, atbp. f. Panaklaw (kaisahan, dami,
c. Paukol/Palayon (gaganap kalahatan)
ng pandiwa, layon ng pang-ukol) madla, sinuman, atbp.
Ang bukirin ay tataniman g. Patulad (nagpapakita ng
namin ng palay. pagkakawangis)
Handog sa inyo ang salapi. ganito, ganyan, ganoon
*Unang Panauhan- tumutukoy sa taong nagsasalita
Ikalawang Panauhan- tumutkoy sa taong kinakausap
Ikatlong panauhan- tumutukoy sa taong pinag-uusapan

3. _______________________
Aspekto: Pawatas – Pangnagdaan – Pangkasalukuyan –
Sa pangungusap, karaniwan (panag-uri bago simuno) at kabalikang
Layon ng Pandiwa: Tuwiran (tagatanggap ng gawain) at di-tuwiran
(pinaglalaanan ng gawain).
Si Karl ay bumili ng bisikleta (T) para kay Meg (DT).
4. _______________________ (Panuring)
Anyo: (pangit Payak) – Maylapi (maganda) – Inuulit (kahali-
halina)– Tambalan (biglang-hirap)
Uri: Panlarawan (maayos) at Pamilang (tatlo) Antas: Lantay
(mabango) – Pahambing o Katamtaman (mas mabango) –
Pasukdol o Masidhi (pinakamabango)
5. _______________________ (Panuring)
a. Pamaraan: kusa, sadya, f. Pananong ;ilan, paano, kailan
pabagsak g. Pang-agam: baka, maaari
b. Pamanahon: kahapon, h. Pananggi: hindi, aywan
noong+ i. Panang-ayon: tunay, totoo
c. Panlunan: dito, doon, sa+ j. Panunuran: muna, bago,
d. Panggaano: kulang, sapat saka
e. Panulad: gaya, higit, lalo

6. _______________________ (Pantukoy)
Pook, bagay na pinagmulan, tinutungo, kinalalagyan, pinangyarihan,
pinag-ukulan ng kilos
Nagising si Delo sa narining niya sa likuran.
VERBAL ANALOGY.Piliin ang salitang tumutugma sa bawat bilang.
Bilugan ang titik ng tamang sagot.
7. _______________________
O, at, ngunit, subalit, atbp. Mamili ka, ako o siya?
1. Upuan: kasangkapan :: soneto: ___________
8. _______________________
a. awit (Pang-ugnay)
b. tula c. dula
Malakas na malakas Gulong:
ideya bisikleta :: saknong: ___________
a. tula
Balong malalim b. kwento c. sanaysay
3. ako: 1st point of view :: ___________ : 3rd point of view
a. kaniya b. kami c. natin
Tandaan! 4. mayumi: maganda :: matarok: ___________
*Ng at Nang: Ang “nang” ay pangatnig, sinusundan ng pandiwa.
a. maiwasan
Nangmakitasiyanginangbata, b. maintindihan
tumakbosiyapalayo. c. masang-ayunan
1. Naglalaro kami 3. Ang Pangulo ay sumakay ng
  5. unan: kwarto :: daral (rice crepe): ___________
___________ bigla siyang eroplanong ___________
*Pahirin a.atkusina
Pahiran:Pahirin b. mo ang natirang gatas c.sapaaralan
iyong labi.
umiyak. SA FILIPINO banyo Cebu.
Pahiranmoako ng langissalikod.
6. Asus: laptopNG SALITA.
:: tapaya: Piliin ang salitang
a. tungosa
___________ aangkop sa
b. tungong
a. nang
bawat pangungusap.b. ngBilugan ang titikc. ng tamangd.
tungo sagot.
a. banga b. pagkain c. damit
c. noong d. nong  
7. mabaho: amoy :: maalinsangan:___________
4. Bukod sa pagsasayaw, alam
2. ___________
a. tao akong dalangb. lasa
___________ ngc. bata panahon
libro para basahin. pagkanta.
8. Tawa: laugh :: saya: ___________
a. rin b.din
a. May a. grin b. Mayroon b. joy
c. ring d. ding
c. smile

c. Meron d. Me
ipinagpapalagay na ibig sabihin ng mga idyomang nakasulat sa
1. Kalog na ang baba ng mga tao sa Sitio, halatang kinalimutan na ng
a. matatanda b. baliw c. patay
2. Sa wakas ay magkakaroon na si Luisa ng kapilas ng buhay.
a. asawa b. kapatid c. kaibigan
3. Napatunayang puro buwayang lubog ang kaniyang mga
a. pala-away b. palakaibigan c. taksil sa kapwa
4. Masama ang kaniyang naging bungang-tulog kaya siya umiyak.
a. tulog b. panaginip c. pakiramdam
5. Nagpanting ang tenga ng kaniyang ama nang malaman ang balita.
a. nagalit b. natuwa c. nagbingi-bingihan

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