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Economic and Political Weekly 6, 52 (25 Dec 1971), 2555-2562.


Sheikh Mujib and Deja Vu in East Bengal

The Tragedies of March 25
Harry W Blair

In the White Paper that the Government of Pakistan published in August 1971, it was asserted that
the Awami League of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman plotted in conspiracy with India an uprising that was to
take East Bengal out of the Republic of Pakistan.
Reports from the scere indicate otherwise.
There seem to have been no contingency plans at all in case Yahya decided to crush Bangla Desh
by force, and resistance to the West Pakistan troops in those early days of March and April was almost
Why did Sheilkh Mujib and the Awami League not include some plan for the worst? It is the
thesis of this paper that they did not because the whole chain of events that took place in March of 1971
repeated almost exactly a similar sequence from March of 1969.
Everything must have looked almost the same to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in early and mid-
March of 1971 as it did two years previously. As to the immediate future, imposition of martial law,
forced cessation of political activity, and even a few firings on protesting mobs of students and workers
had become the standard fare of politics in East Pakistan, after all, and would only set things back for
awhile. After the hiatus, there would be time enough for continuing the Awami League drive for auto-
nomy. In any event, the election showed that the League was uncontestably the will of the Bengali
people, a will that would surely in the end prevail. P:eparations, then, were not made for what to do in
case the army wanted to do more than merely keep order.
But instead of reimposed martial law came cataclysm.
IN the White Paper that the Govern- to strike in the early evening of March Sheikh Mujibur Rehman addressed
ment of Pakistan published in August 25, the Sheikh himself was in the pro- huge public throngs, and became the
1971,1 it is asserted that the Awami cess of issuing directives to get the jute symbol of Bengali resistance to rule
League of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman exports moving again after the admi- from the western wing of the country.
plotted in conspiracy with India an up- nistrative paralysis of early March. Yet in some ways he was more led
rising that was to take East Bengal When he learned that the army was than leader, for student pressure forced
out of the Republic of Pakistan. "The shooting up the city and hunting down him into taking a more radical stance
operational plan was worked out in all Awami League members, he waited in his negotiations with Islamabad than
meticulous detail: it was arranged that calmly at his home to be arrested." he would have preferred. Mujib's
on a signal from the Awami League There seem to have been no contin- strongest political rival in the West,
headquarters in Dacca, the armed up- gency plans at all in case Yahya de- Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, accelerated the
rising would begin. . Early hours of cided to crush Bangla Desh by force, crisis by boycotting efforts to return
Friday morning [March 26] were fixed and resistance to the West Pakistan the country to popular rule. Against
as the zero hour for the armed upris- troops in those early days of March this background, the army steadily in-
ing." It was only a few hours before and April was almost non-existent. creased its troops and firepower in the
this "zero hour", the White Paper Why did Sheikh Mujib and the East through emergency airlift and by
continues, that President Yahya Khan Awami League not include some plan ship, and in the end the military in-
ordered the army into action to fore- for the worst? It is the thesis of this tervened.
stall the plot, put down the insurrec- paper that they did not because the The denouement came on exactly
tion, and thwart the treasonous seces- whole chain of events that took place the same day in both years, March 25.
sionists.2 in March of 1971 repeated almost ex- In 1969 it was the imposition of mar-
Reports from the scene indicate actly a similar sequence from March of tial law and a temporary cessation of
otherwise. There were a number of 1969.5 In both years the regular bu- political activity, but soon afterward
foreign correspondents present in Dacca reaucracy throughout the province had the Sheikh was able to resume his
at the time to cover the talks going on come to a complete halt in its activi- campaign for provincial autonomy.
between the Sheikh and President ties, and there were stories of peasant When the same pattern of events reap-
Yahya over the formation of a govern- jacqueries in the countryside. Actually, peared in 1971, he may well have
ment and constituent assembly, end these stories were highly exaggerated, thought that at worst there would be
there is a consensus among their des- for a parallel de facto government another period of martial law after
patches that the Awami League could under Awami League-oriented student which things would be back at the
not have made any serious plans for in- groups managed to keep order in most starting point. He was wrong. Instead
surrection and secession.3 As the army of the rural areas while they defied cur- of martial law came the slaughter of
was fanning out over the city of Dacca fews and demonstrated in the cities. hundreds of thousands, the expulsyon


of millions from the country, and the next day he dropped the Agartala case to the western wing, a disparity that
spoliation of the province. and released Sheikh Mujib. The Sheikh was 'reflected in differential growth
The underlying causes in both se- then agreed to attend the Round Table rates.12 In the summer of 1968, for
quences were much the same, but the talks (though Bhutto still refused), held example, official figures were released
immediately precipitating factors were on February 25 and again beginning showing that while in the West per
somewhat different. In November 1968 on March 10. capita income had grown from Rs 366
pent-up resentment at the decade of In the second chain of events, Sheikh in 1959-60 to Rs 463 in 1966-67, it
authoritarianrule of Ayub Khan finally Mujib was active from the outset. Na- had increased in the East from Rs 278
broke loose with a series of student tional elections, postponed from their to only Rs 313 over the same period.13
riots in Rawalpindi. Supported by the original date in October because of se- Certainly the fact that much of this
charismatic Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, stu- rious flooding in East Pakistan, were western development was financed by
dents and intellectuals elsewhere in the held in December, with those elected the retention of foreign exchange earn-
w-estern wing joined in the dissent, and to be under a mandate to draw up a ings from East Pakistan's jute exports
despite Bhutto's arrest, soon the rebel- new constitution for the country.9 De- did nothing to lessen feelings of exploi-
lion had spread all over the piovince.6 cember 7, then, which in 1968 saw the tation. And Bengali underrepresenta-
In December the unrest appeared in first of the general strikes in East Pak- tion in the bureaucracy added consi-
the East, and several general strikes istan, was in 1970 the date of the first derably to these feelings. Despite re-
occurred, first in Dacca, and then in direct franchise national election ever peated official proclamations in favour
the province as a whole. held in the country. The Sheikh's of parity for the two wings in govern-
Mujib was in jail at the time as part Awami League won an overwhelming ment service recruitment, East Pakis-
of the "Agartala Conspiracy Case" that victory, capturing some 72 per cent of tanis amounted to only 36 per cent of
the Ayub government was pressing, the votes and 167 of the 169 seats al- the members of the elite Civil Service
charging that Rahman and others had lotted to East Pakistan in the assembly, of Pakistan in 1968, and in other bran-
plotted with Indian government offi- over half of the country's total of 313 ches of the bureaucracy, similar dispa-
cials to detach the eastern wing of seats. rities prevailed, and Westerners, main-
Pakistan. Leadership in the anti-Ayub The fact that the Awami League had ly Punjabis, filled most of the posi-
agitation fell to his leftist rival Maulana an absolute majority in the assembly tions.l" Against this background, the
Abdul Hamid Khan Bhashani, who or- upset a number of calculations quite Awami League's Six-Point programme
ganised and publicised the general badly. When Yahya agreed to con- for provincial autonomy had great ap-
strikes.7 duct an election in which seats would peal in the East,15 and it was on the
As 1969 began, opposition leaders be allocated on the basis of popula- basis of the Six-Points that the Sheikh
from both wings of the country form- tion, no one thought that the Awami built his campaigns both times.
ed a centre-right Democratic Action League would win virtually all the In both years, as March began to un-
Committee to conduct more co-ordinat- seats in the eastern wing. When this fold, the patterns of events became
ed agitation against Ayub, and student did happen, Sheikh Mujib had the more and more alike. In 1969 the ge-
groups in East Pakistan converged to chance to form a government strictly neral strike had created an almost com-
establish a Student Action Committee confined to his own party, and write
plete vacuum of authority in the pro-
to do the same at the student level. his own constitution. Bhutto's Pakis- vince. Monem Khan, the Governor, re-
Politicians, students and labour unions tan People's Party, though the largest fused even to step outside his head-
all participated in the growing crescen- group from the West with 84 of its
144 seats (including about two-thirds of quarters during March, and his autho-
do of general strikes and demonstra- rity did not go beyond his office door.
tions that paralysed the province. those assigned to Punjab) could be Police and civil servants stayed away
Events in the western wing proceeded shut out entirely. On February 15, from their posts, partly in obedience to
at more or less the same pace, and Bhutto served notice that his party the strike call, partly out of fear of
after initial reluctance, Ayub announc- would boycott the National Assembly
peasant reprisals against those who had
ed on February 1 that he was willing when it was due to begin meeting on
March 3. Yahya, faced with the pos- supposedly used their positions under
to meet with opposition political lead- the Ayub regime to exact exorbitant bri-
ers at a Round Table conference to dis- sibility of a constitution that would bes and protection money from the ci-
cuss the current crisis and possible so- leave Punjab's interests out of account,
announced 48 hours before the assem- tizenry. Stories of lootings, arson, rape
lutions. Bhutto was releaed from prison and summary executions by "people's
on February 11, and Ayub proposed to bly was to meet that the meeting courts" spread quickly.16
allow the Sheikh to attend on parole would be postponed. -1The mood of the
Soon, however, it became apparent
from prison (meanwhile continuing the Bengalis changed immediately from that the whole province had not be-
Agartala Conspiracy Case against him!). euphoria to outrage. Sheikh Mujib call- come consumed in an orgy of mob
Bhutto declined to participate and, ed a general strike, which completely
violence. The rampages, in fact, were
after some hesitation, Sheikh Mujib re- paralysed the province for several days confined to only four of the more than
fused the offer also, demanding that the and precipitated a number of firings by 70 subdivisions of the province. Foi
charges against him be dismissed alto- the army.
the most part, the Student Action Com-
gether. Agitation continued to escalate Both the anti-Ayub agitation and the mittee, with its 300,000 and more ad-
in the East, and on the night of Feb- smashing electoral victory of the Awa- herents under the direction of Tofail
ruary 18, thousands of people ignored mi League sprang from the same root, Ahmad, a law student at Dacca Uni-
the army curfew in Dacca and roamed the increasing discontent and resent- versity, managed to keep the peace.
the city, the first such large-scale de- ment in the East over perceived exploi- Except for several well-publicised in-
fiance in Pakistan.8 tation by the West, especially the Pun- cidents, student "peace committees"
On February 21, Ayub announced jab. During the first 20 years of Pak- were able to keep peasant discontent in
that he would withdraw from politics istan's independence, the bulk of invest- check.17
after his present term of office, and the ment and budgetary resources had gone In the 1971 sequence, the halt in


bureaucratic activity was even more nationalisation of banks and big indus- Bhutto refused to countenance any
complete. Immediately after Yayha's tries, and withdrawal from the CENTO scheme whereby the Awami League
postponement of the National Assem- and SEATO security pacts, scarcely would form a government, whether
bly, Sheikh Mujib called for a general matters close to the heart of the middle- constituent assembly or parliament, with-
strike. He renewed the call several class oriented Sheikh.23 In his nego- out him and his Pakistan People's Par-
times and then at a mass rally in Dacca tiations with President Ayub at the ty. Mujib in turn, standing on customa-
on March 7 requested a week-long Round Table conferences, Mujib ap- ry parliamentary procedure, would not
strike over the whole province. The pears to have found himself rather box- accept the prime ministership of a
first evidence of the totality of the res- ed in by his followers. Ayub is report- coalition government, but claimed his
ponse came the very next day, when ed to have offered Mujib the prime right to organise the assembly by him-
the Chief Justice of the Dacca High ministership if only he would moderate self, since he had an absolute majority
Court (the highest judicial authority in his autonomy demands. But if the of seats.29 Probably as a compromise,
the province) refused to administer the Sheikh were to retain his political fu- the Sheikh then broached a proposal
oath of office to Yahya's new Governor ture, the least he could have settled for described later by .Yahya as a scheme
for the East, General Tikka Khan.'8 was full autonomy for the East accord-
For the remainder of the month, civil ing to the Six Points (which included whereby Martial Law would be
servants abandoned their official posts. withdrawn, Provincial Governments
provincial control over taxation and set up and the National Assembly
The province was governed through a assignment of tax revenues to the cen- would, ab initio, sit in two commit-
series of directives issued from Awami tral government's military forces) and tees - one composed of members
League headquarters. These directives a directly elected legislature based on from East Pakistan and the other
spanned the entire spectrum of public population. Ayub refused to concede composed of members from West
activity from keeping all schools closed this much, and the Sheikh had to re-
to specifying the hours during which turn empty-handed to Dacca in mid- When both the provincial committees
banks could communicate with the March.24 had finished their constitution drafting,
western wing by teleprinter.'9 they would meet as a National Assem-
Indeed, there is some indication that bly to frame the constitution for the
There were numerous charges from Mujib's very freedom from jail was a country as a whole.31 The two men
the West that mobs of Bengalis were result of his giving in to the will of seem to have tentatively agreed to this
rampaging through both city and his following. Several sources report plan, but Bhutto, who arrived in Dacca
countryside in a manner reminiscent of that at first he was willing to attend on March 21, objected strongly, insist-
the alleged atrocities of 1969. Non- the Round Table conferences on pa- ing that the proposal be changed so as
Bengalis and those who resisted the role, but his militant followers would to provide that
Awami League directives were beaten, have none of it: he would attend as a
robbed and killed in another orgy of free man or not at all. Accordingly, no law or constitution could be
presented in the National Assembly
violence, according to government re- the Sheikh refused to come to Rawal- unless approved by a majority of
ports.20 In fact, there does seem to pindi unless all the Agartala Conspira- the members of each wing.32
have been considerable violence and cy charges were dropped.25 In this way Bhutto would hang on
even mayhem perpetrated against non- to a veto power for himself, the Pun-
In 1971 there was a good deal of
Bengalis after the catastrophic events jab and presumably the rupee-hungry
of March 25, but before that, the speculation that the Sheikh's followers
would pressure him into declaring inde- army budget, which regularly consum-
Awami League with its student allies ed well over half of federal expendi-
had the province under an almost conm- pendence right away when, on Febru-
ary 28, Yahya postponed the National tures, and which would probably be
plete parallel government, which kept cut severely by a Bengali-dominated
the peace reasonably well.2' Assembly meeting. There were cer-
tainly indications that something mo- parliament.33
As a crowd drawer, Sheikh Mujib mentous would occur at a rally planned The Sheikh was unwilling to back
has had few equals anywhere. In the in Dacca for March 7.26 In the event, down, and at this point, with a sub-
subcontinent, where perfervid political Mujib steered shy of proclaiming inde- stantial portion of his supporters cla-
oratory is still a widely practiced and pendence. Instead, he demanded that mouring for an immediate declaration
popular pastime, crowds of one hun- Yahya turn over power immediately to of independence, he probably could
dred thousand are not uncommon. Mu- the elected National Assembly, rather not have given in. Thousands of
jib's audiences have been variously es- than waiting until the assembly wrote workers and students were demonstrat-
timated at up to two million.22 Even a constitution, as specified in Yahya's ing daily in Dacca and elsewhere, and
allowing for the hyperbole that is a Legal Framework Order setting up the the annual "Pakistan Day" celebrations
part of crowd counting, his popularity election and assembly.27 During the scheduled for March 23 almost turned
has been immense. next few days the Awami League vir- into a Bangla Desh independence day.
His remarkable hold on the public tually took over the administration of Bangla Desh flags went up all over
affection did not give him the ability to East Pakistan, and on March 15, Presi- Dacca (including Mujib's house), and
act as a free agent in either sequence of dent Yahya flew to Dacca to confer demonstrators tore up the national
with Mujib .on the possibility of open. flag.34 It would have been difficult in-
negotiations with the leaders of the
West, however. Just after his release ing the National Assembly on March deed to give the West a veto power
in February 1969, he found that the 25. over Bengali hopes for autonomy at
price of the enormous support he re- The available accounts of the confe- this stage.
ceived from the Student Action Conm- rences are confusing. From the begin- Throughout both months of March,
mittee was the widening of the Awami ning on March 16 down to the end on there was a steady influx of troops by
League's Six Points to include an ele- the 25th, contradictory reports of pro- air and sea to beef up the small con-
ven-point list of student demands. The gress, virtual agreement and deadlock tingent of soldiers on regular duty in
added points included such items as emerged from Dacca.28 It appears that the East. At the onset of the 1969


crisis, only the 14th Division of the NOTES of the events of February 18.
See inter alia, ibid, pp 207-209;
army was stationed in the East, but
as the month wore on, C-130 transport of
GCovewrnm::nt Pakistan, White Selig S Harrison, "Ayub's 11th
Paper on the Crisis in East Pak- Hour Move Failed", Washington
planes from the Pakistan Air Force istlan, referred to hereafter as the Post, March 31, 1969.
were used to ferry in additional troops, White Paper (Islamabad: Ministry 9 The plan for elections and a new
and there were reports of soldiers tra- of Information and National Af- constitution were laid out in Pre-
velling in civilian clothes being flown fairs, August 5, 1971). An earliel sident Yahya's "Legal Framework
and shorter version was circulated Order 1970", which is reprinted in
across India on commercial flights of
by the Government of Pakistan as the White Paper, pp 18-35 of the
Pakistan International Airlines.35 In "The Present Crisis in East Pak- appendix.
addition, several shiploads of troops istan: A Statement by an Officiai
10 For an account of the 1970 elec-
and equipmetnutsailed the long route Spokesman" (Karachi: Depart-
ment of Films and tions, see Craig Baxter, "Pakistan
around India to reinforce units in the Publications, Votes-1970", Asian Survey XI, 3
May 5, 1971). (March 1971),
eastern wing.'6 pp 197-218; also
2 White Paper, p 40. Sharif al Mujahid, "Pakistan: First
In 1971 it was again the 14th Divi- 3 Some of the more detailed eye- General Elections", ibid XI, 2
sion that was on hand in the East when witness reports were filed by (February 1971), pp 159-171.
the crisis began to build up.37 This Martin Adeney, "Why Mujib 11 For an insightful analysis of
time it was a good deal more difficult
Failed", Manchester Guardian Bhutto's role in the 1971 events,
Weekly, April 3, 1971; Henry S see Hazelhurst, op cit, and his
to fly in reinforcements from the West, Bradl.her, "East Pakistan in Agony "Pakistan on Brink of Violent Split
though. On January 20, several hijac- Atter the Storm", (Washington); After Compromise Fails", Times
kers had forced a plane of the Indian Ecening Star, March 29, 1971, (London), March 5, 1971. Also
Airlines Corporation to fly to Lahore in Simon Dring, "Dacca Eyewitness: Mohammed Ayoob, "From Martial
West Pakistan, and had demolished the
3loodbath, Inferno", Daily Tele- Law to Bangla Desh", in Pran
graph (London), republished in Uhopra, ed, "The Challenge of
plane after it had landed. In retalia- Washington Post, March 30, 1971; Bangla Desh: A Special Debate",
tion, the Indian government banned Peggy Durdin, "The Political (New York: Humanities Press,
' ictal Wave That Struck
Pakistani overflights, a prohibition still East 1971), pp 40-59 at 51-54.
in effect in Marclh.2 Thubs Pakistan had Pakistan", New York Times 12 See inter alia Arjun Sengupta,
Magazine, May 2, 1971; and Selig
to fly its troops all the way around Cape S Hfarrison, "Eyewitness: Bloody "Planning for Disparity", in Pran
Comorint to the eastern wing. Still, Blitz of Dacca", Washington Post, Chopra, op cit, pp 79-101; Edward
March 28, 1971. S Mason, Robert Dorfman, and
available planes and ships were pressed See also Peter
lHazelhurst, "Secret Catalogue ol Stephen A Marglin, "Conflict in
into service, and thousands of soldiers Ea.t Pakistan", in ibid, pp 151-
Guilt and Disaster Over East
were flown in, again in many cases 159; Richard S Wheeler, "The
Pakistan", Times (London), June Politics of Pakistan: A Constitu-
dressed as civilians for the flight.39 4, 1971; and Martin Woollacott,
tional Quest", (Ithaca: Cornell
"1lakistan in Perspective", Manches-
In sum, everything must have looked ter Guardian Weekly, University Press, 1970), pp 83-86,
July 17, 184-186, et passim; Aijaz Ahmad,
almost the same to Sheikh Mujibur 1971. It will be a long time, it
"The Bloody Surgery of Pakistan",
Rahman in early and mid-March of ever, before versions of the March
1971 events are available from any Nation, June 28, 1971.
1971 as it did two years previously. As
of the participants other than 13 Wheeler, op cit, p 185. By 1970,
to the immediate future, imposition of
Yahya Khan, and in the meantime this disparity had not changed sig-
. martial law,40 forced cessation of poli- we are dependent on newspaper nificantly; see Mason et al, op cit,
tical activity, and even a few firings on accounts. p 154.
protesting mobs of students and work- 4 Bradsher, op cit; also Gerard 14 Wheeler, op cit, pp 129-130. See
ers had become the standard fare of Viratelle, "Pakistan - The Week also Ralph Braibanti, "Research on
politics in East Pakistan, after all, and of the Bloodbath", Le Monde the Bureaucracy of Pakistan: A
would only set things back for awhile. (Weekly English Edition), April Critique of Sources, Conditions and
1-7, 1971. 'Ihe account of the Issues, with Appended Docu-
After the hiatus, there would be time Sheikh's surrender is carried in ments". (Durham: Duke Univer-
enough for continuing the Awami Lea- D ing, op cit, and P Durdin sity Press, 1966), pp 44-55.
gue drive for autonomy. In any event, op cit. 15 An account of the Six Points is
the election showed that the League 5 It is interesting to note that the given in M Rashiduzzaman, "The
was uncontestably the will of the Ben- events of March 1969 that put Awami League in the Develop-
gali people, a will that would surely in Yahya Khan into power were in ment of Pakistan", Asian Survey
the end prevail. Preparations, then, were many ways similar to those that X, 7 (July 1970), pp 574-584.
resulted in Ayub Khan's assumnp-
not made for what to do in case the tion of power in 1958. See Robert16 See, for instance, Cyril Dunn,
army wanted to do more than merely "PeasantsTake a Bloody Revenge",
LaPorte, Jr, "Succession in Pak-
Observer (London), March 23,
keep order. istan : Continuity and Change in
a Garrison State", Asian Survey 1969; Peter Hazelhurst, "Pakistan
Instead of reimposed martial law, IX, 11 (November 1969), 842-861.
Admits Mob Rule Prevails", Times
came cataclysm. Karl Marx observed 6 (London), March 20, 1969; Ernest
A thorough, though Weatherall, "Pakistani Fragmenta-
that biased, account of the student role tion" Christian Science Monitor,
Hegel remarks somewhere that all in the overthrow of Ayub Khan is March 19, 1969.
facts and personages of great impor- given by the expatriate student
leader 17 Joseph Lelyveld, "Violence Ebbing
who returned
tance in world history occur, as it Tariq All,
in East Pakistan", New York
were, twice. He forgot to add: the Irom Britain to take part in the
first time as tragedy, the second as anti-Ayul) agitation. See his "Pak- Times, March 25, 1969; Harrison,
farce.41 istan: Military Rule of "Ayub's 11th Hour Move"', op
cit. Also Rehman Sobhan, "What
Marx may have been wrong as well. Power", (New York: William
Morrow, 1970), esp pp 156-216. Follows Ayub's Abdication?" New
Perhaps he should have said, "the first 7 Tariq Ali details his role in ibid, Statesman, March 28, 1969, and
time as tragedy, the second as catas- his "East Pakistan's Revolt Against
pp 174-179. Ayub: Old Resentments and New
trophe", 6 There are a number of accounts Needs", Round Table, 235 (July


1969), 302-307; Cyril Dunn, "Why tion to Ali, passim, Aijaz Ahmad, Pakistan, Ministry of Finance,
Pakistan Must Hold That Bengal "The Bloody Surgery of Pakistan", Economic Adviser's Wing, Pakis-
''iger", Observer (London), March Nation, June 28, 1971. tan Economic Survey 1969-70
9, 1969. There was considerable 24 "Turbulent Days in Pakistan", (Islamabad: Government of Pak-
speculation that the government New York Times, April 3, 1969; istan, 1970), appendix, pp 44-45.
purposefully exaggerated the re- The year 1970-71 saw a projected
Tomalin, op cit, Patrick Keatley, increase of about 12 per cent from
ports of violence to justify "Martial Law in Pakistan as Ayub
declaration of martial law. See Goes", Manchester the 1969-70 level, and estimates
Guardian for the 1971-72 year are for spend.
llarrison, "E Pakistanis Weekly, March 27, 1969. On the
Army Takeover", Washington prime ministership offer, see the ing increasing defence expenditures
I-ost, March 30, 1969, and the two New York Times article just cited by another 14 per cent. See Mili-
pieces by Sobhan noted above. and Harrison, "Ayub's 11th Hour tary Balance 1970-71 (London:
Institute for Strategic Studies,
18 Tillman Durdin, "Military Gov- Move", op cit.
1970), pp 67, 111; and New York
ernor's Oath Blocked in East 25 Harrison, "Ayub's Foes Stiffen 'linles, June 28, 1971. The Times
Pakistan", and "Army's Rule Cut Terms for Talks", Washington story gave the 1971-72 datum as
in East Pakistan", both in New Post, February 20, 1969; Lelyveld, being 38.7 per cent of the total
York Times, March 9 and 10, "Four Foes of Ayub to Boycott government budget, whereas the
1971. Talks", New York Times, Febru- figures used for earlier years are
19 The directives are listed in the ary 19, 1969; also Tariq Ali op for what the Government of Pak-
White Paper, appendix, pp 37-46. cit, p 206. istan reters to as "total expendi-
26 Cyril Dunn, "Pakistan: Yahya Will tures met from revenues" (cf Pak-
20 A day-by-day account is given in Use Army", Observer (London), istan Economic Survey), a term
ibid, pp 29-41: see also "The Pre- March 7, 1971; Ronald Koven, which apparently excludes self-
sent Urisis in East Pakistan", op "Breakup of Pakistan Believed Im- supporting agencies like the rail-
cit, pp 6-7. President Yahya gave pending", Washington Post, March ways, or posts and telegraphs. The
voice to the same charges in his 6, 1971; "East Pakistan May De- military has been, of course, hea-
broadcasts of March 26 and June clare Secession", New York Times, vily Punjabi in composition, with
28, 1971, both reprinted in the March 7, 1971. the Bengalis having formed per-
pamphlet "Federal Intervention in 27 "New Demands Set By East haps 10 per cent of the officer
takistan: A President Explains". corps before March 1971.
(Washington: Information Service, Pakistanis", Reuters dispatch in
New York Times, March 8, 1971. 34 P Durdin, op cit; "PakistanAgree-
Embassy of Pakistan, 1971). iment Reported", op cit; also Hazel-
Yahya's scenario set out in the
21 Tillma-n Durdin, "East Pakistan Legal Framework Order called for hurst, "Left Challenges E Pakistan
Widens Self-Rule in Fight on Eco- the elected representatives to serve Leader on Independence", Times
nomic Problems", New York only as a constituent assembly un- (London), March 24, 1971.
Timnes, March 13, 1971; "Strikes til a constitution was prepared 35 John Hughes, "Pakistan Turnover"
Continue in East Pakistan", Asso- and approved by Yahya himself. and "New Regime Bars Pakistani
ciated Press dispatch in Washing- Only then would the assembly func- Split", both in Christian Science
ton l'ost, March 16, 1971. Also tion as a parliament. See thQ AiMoitor,March 27 and April 3,
Adeney, op cit, and P Durdin, op White Paper, appendix, pp 25-27. 1969. Also Lelyveld, "Ayub's Hopes
cit. On the later violence against 28 Sometimes at the same time. See Dissolve into Martial Law", New
non-Bengalis, see Anthony Mascar- "Pakistani Agreement Reported", YoorkTimes, March 30, 1969.
enhas, "Why the Refugees Fled", Associated Press dispatch, and 36 Ernest "Pakistani
Sunday T'imes (London), June 13, Weatherall,
Harrison,"PakistanTalks Hit Dead- Fragmentation?", Christian Science
1971; S R Ghauri, "Bloodbath in lock", both in Washington Post. Monitor, March 19, 1969. Selig
Bengal", Manchester Guardian March 25, 1971. Harrison reported that a whole
Weekly, May 15, 1971; Henry S armoured division was transported
Bradsher, "In East Pakistan, 'We 29 Hazelhurst, "Secret Catalogue",
Are All Afraid'", op cit. Yahya claimed later that he in "Ayub's 11th Hour Move",
Evening Star, July 19, 1971. had offered Sheikh Mujib the prime op cit.
ministership "on a platter", but 37 Mascarenhas,op cit.
22 After his release from prison in that it was refused. See "Federal 38 As might be expected, the Pakis.
February 1969, Mujib is reported Intervention in Pakistan", op cit, tan government later charged that
to have spoken to over one million p 14; also Malcolm W Browne, the hijacking was part of a plot
people at the Dacca race course. "Yahya Again Says Aim Is Civil between the Awami League and
Ralph Blumenthal, "Undisputed Rule", New York Times, May 25, the Indian Government. See
Leader of the Bengalis", New York 1971. White Paper, p 45.
T'inmes,December 9, 1970; also P 30 In his broadcast of March 26,
Durdin, op cit. Even Tariq Ali, 39 Sydney H Schanberg, "East Pakis-
who exhibits a marked distaste for
1971. See "Federal Intervention in tani Spurns Plan for Inquiry", and
Sheikh Mujib, puts the crowd at a Pakistan", op cit, p 5. A similar, "'All Part of a Game' -, A Grim
half million on that occasion, op though somewhat confusing ac- and Deadly One", both in New
count is given in the White Paper, York Times, March 19 and April
cit, p 210. A meeting in January pp 19-20.
1971 was estimated at two million, 4, 1971; Bradsher, "E Pakistan in
while an eyewitness put the crowd 31 White Paper, p 20. The "Awami Agony", op cit; and Adeney,
at the Sheikh's March 7 speech League Draft Proclamation" des- op cit.
at a half million. See "East Pakis- cribing the whole plan in detail 40 Actually, the country in March
tani Leader to Seek Autonomy", is presented in ibid, appendix, pp 1971 was legally still under the
New York Times, January 4, 1971, 47-59. martial law imposed by Yahya Khan
and P Durdin, op cit. 32 Ibid, p 21 (emphasis added). See in March of 1969. After the pro-
23 On adding the eleven points, see also Yahya's speech of March 26, mulgation of Yahya's Legal Frame-
Nicholas Tomalin, "Students Run in "Federal Intervention in Pakis- work Order at the end of March
Show in Dying East Pakistan", tan," op cit, p 5. 1970, though, the practical effects
of martial law had ceased to exist.
Sunday Times (London), repub- 33 Military expenditures, which had
lished in Washington Post, March run over 60 per cent of total gov- 41 Karl Marx, "The Eighteenth Bru-
18, 1969; Wheeler, op cit, pp 272- ernment expenditures during the maire of Louis Bonaparte", in
273; and Tariq Ali, op cit, p 206. mid-1960s, actually declined to the Marx and Engels, "Selected Works
Wheeler and Ali both list the ele- 53-55 per cent range during the in Two Volumes", (Moscow: For-
ven points. On the middle-classness period 1967-1970. See LaPorte, eign Languages Publishing House,
of the Awami League, see in addi- op cit, p 854, and Government of 1955), Volume I, p 247.


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