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Name: Steven Yoah S

NIM : 18.j2.0010

Tea Business: Simple but with Big Turnover, Analysis of Indonesian Iced
Tea in Tembalang.

Who doesn't know and doesn't like this one drink, everyone will love it, from
children to the elderly, like to consume tea, especially if it is drunk warm and beside it,
there are cookies while chatting with family members? But did you know that during a
pandemic like now, tea can be a business that can generate large turnover? "The
opportunity is enormous, considering that people's awareness to maintain their immune
system increases," explained tea expert Ratna Somantri. This is the time for tea
business people to turn challenges into opportunities, he added. As did public figure and
CEO of Es Teh Indonesia Haidar Wurjanto, starting from a short video about the
business he is doing in an application called "Tiktok", which can reach hundreds of
consumers, including Indonesian artists. Starting from a booth that was exhibited in the
market test to almost 100 branches throughout Indonesia, it is clear that the researcher
can turn challenges into opportunities that have a big turnover. Even though he only
sells iced tea that we can find anywhere or even the readers can make it ourselves at a
relatively cheap price, but he can get hundreds of millions even now he provides a
franchise for those who want to partner with his business.

 Why can a simple beverage product, can be found anywhere, can be made by
anyone, at a relatively low price, be a profitable business?

 How do you turn a simple product into a product that is desired and liked by the
wider community?


This research was made to analyze and get answers to why local products can become
all the products that are liked and targeted by the community, even to the Indonesian


The benefits of this research are theoretical and practical, the theoretical benefit is the
contribution of research results to the development of theories related to research topics, while
the practical benefit is the contribution of research results intended by the wider community.

 Review Literature :

 Tea business

 Tricks and sales strategies to sell well

 Supporting factors for success:



 Advantage

 Loss

 Challenge

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