Statistics Assignment

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Business Statics

Assignment on
Qualitative Variable and Quantitative Variable

Date of submission: 06 February, 2021

Answer to the Question no 1

i. Categorize all the variables according to its type (Qualitative or quantitative, Discrete,

Answer: According to type variables can be divided into two categories, Qualitative and Quantitative.
Again Quantitative variables are divided in to two types, discrete and continuous. Here I’ll categorize 20
variables according to their types.

No Variables Type
1 Hair color Qualitative
2 ID No Qualitative
3 Roll NO Qualitative
4 Number of children Quantitative( Discrete)
5 Number of eggs Quantitative( Discrete)
6 Family size Quantitative( Discrete)
7 Income Quantitative( Continuous)
8 Wind speed Quantitative( Continuous)
9 Water Temperature Quantitative( Continuous)
10 Height Quantitative( Continuous)
11 Gender Qualitative
12 Happiness Qualitative
13 Volts of electricity Quantitative( Continuous)
14 Distance Quantitative( Continuous)
15 Country name Qualitative
16 Mobile no Qualitative
17 Marital status Qualitative
18 Family type Qualitative
19 Number of FB likes Quantitative( Discrete)
20 Number of book pages Quantitative( Discrete)

ii. Categorize all the variables according to its scale or level of measurement (Nominal,
ordinal, interval, and ratio)

Answer: According to its scale or level of measurement variable can be of four types. These are nominal,
Ordinal, Interval and ratio. Nominal and ordinal scales are qualitative variables, Interval and ration scales
are quantitative variables. Below I’ll categorize 20 variables according to their scale or level of

No variables scale or level of measurement

1 Height Ratio
2 Weight Ratio
3 Name Nominal
4 IQ Score Interval
5 Temperature Interval
6 No of Mobile Ratio
7 Rank Ordinal

8 Brands Nominal
9 Marks Ratio
10 Letter Grade Ordinal
11 Number of stars in galaxy Ratio
12 Time Interval
13 Species name Nominal
14 Age Ratio
15 Country name Nominal
16 No of election a person has voted Ratio
17 Location of a country on a map Interval
18 Number of children Ratio
19 Colors Nominal
20 Rating scale responses in a survey Ordinal

Answer to the Question no 2

i. Population: 92 people
Sample: 18 voter ID

Variable Not Variable

Name (Bengali) Image
Name (English) Signature of citizen
Date of issue Signature of authority
Date of Birth Name of country (Bangla)
Father’s name Name of country (English)
Mother’s name
Wife/husband name
ID no
Present Address
Permanent Address
Blood Group

Qualitative Variable Quantitative Variable
Name (Bengali) Date of issue
Name (English) Date of Birth
Father’s name
Mother’s name
Wife/husband name
ID no
Present Address
Permanent Address
Blood Group

iv. Date of issue and date of birth are discrete variable. There is no continuous variable
Variable Scale or level of measurement
Name (Bengali) Nominal scale
Name (English) Nominal scale
Date of issue Ratio scale
Date of Birth Ratio scale
Father’s name Nominal scale
Mother’s name Nominal scale
Wife/husband name Nominal scale
Present Address Nominal scale
Permanent Address Nominal scale
ID no Nominal scale
Blood Group Nominal scale

vi. In this case we’ve to collect data of 18 people for a research purpose. I would suggest to go for
Primary data collection method, as this is feasible for collecting small number of data and all
required data can be collected very easily and correctly as per requirement.

Answer to the Question no 3

No Name Blood Group

1 Hajera A+
2 Preoty O+
3 Samiha A+
4 Sabbir A-
5 Sakib B+
6 Rafid B+
7 Fahim B-
8 Ariba O-
9 Rawnak AB+
10 Sudipto AB-
11 Mehzabin A+
12 Shama A-
13 Taj O+

a. Population: 51 Students
Sample: 13
Variable: Type of Blood Group
b. It is primary data. Because the data are collected directly from the students
c. The two variables are qualitative variable, as these are not numerical and can’t be
compared among themselves rather can be categorized be name or blood group.

Because they are not quantitative variable they can’t be separated as discrete or
continuous variable.
d. Both of the variables are nominal scale variable by their scale of measurement.
Because these can be scaled on by their name not by their orders.
Blood Group Frequency Relative Percentage of Cumulative Cumulative
Frequency Frequency frequency(less frequency
than type) (More than
A+ 3 3/13=.23 23.076 3 13
A- 2 .153 15.39 5 13-3=10
B+ 2 .153 15.39 7 8
B- 1 .08 7.69 8 6
O+ 2 .153 15.39 10 5
O- 1 .08 7.69 11 3
AB+ 1 .08 7.69 12 2
AB- 1 .08 7.69 13 1
summation 13 1 100

f. Both the variables are qualitative variables. For qualitative chart/diagram (bar
diagram/pie chart) is appropriate. Here I am graphically representing the Frequency
vs. Blood Group by bar diagram.

Figure: Bar Diagram


A+ A- B+ B- O+ O- AB+ AB-

Blood Group

Answer to the Question no 4

a) Population= 900 students
Sample= 22
Variable= Distance of university from residence

b) It is primary data. Because the distance data are collected directly from the students (source).
c) The name of the students are qualitative variable and distance is quantitative variable as it can
be measured. Distance is a continuous variable because it can be either whole number or
fraction number.
Criteria Scale/level of measurement
Name of students Nominal scale
Distance Interval scale

As Name of students are qualitative variable and can only be specified by their names so its
nominal scale. On the other side, Distance is a quantitative variable, if someone say distance is
zero that actually means zero, so its ratio scale.


Number of students Distance (M)

1 31
2 33
3 34
4 35
5 37
6 39
7 40
8 41
9 43
10 44
11 45
12 47
13 48
14 50
15 55
16 60
17 65
18 72
19 76
20 80
21 81
22 90


Total no of observation, N =22

Highest value= 88
Lowest Value= 31
No of classes, K= 1+ 3.322logN = 1+ 3.322log22 = 5.32 =6
Class interval = (88-31)/6=9.5=10

Class Frequen Relative Percentage Cumulative Cumulative Mid

Interval cy Frequen frequency frequency(m frequency(m values
cy ore than ore than
type) type)
31-41 7 7/22=0. 7/22*100=31 7 22 31+41/2=
32 .82 36
41-51 7 0.32 31.82 7+7=14 22-7=15 46
51-61 2 0.09 9.09 16 15-7=8 56
61-71 1 0.04 4.54 17 8-2=6 66
71-81 3 0.14 13.64 20 6-1=5 76
81-91 2 0.09 9.09 22 5-3=2 86
summati 22 1 100

f) Distance is a quantitative variable. Quantitative variables can be represented by Histogram,

frequency diagram and Frequency curve. Here, I’ll represent the Frequency vs. Distance (KM)
graph by histogram.

Figure: Histogram


31 41 51 61 71 81 91

Interpretation: In this Histogram Distance is shown in X-Axis and Frequency is shown in Y-Axis.
For interval 31-41 and 41-51 the frequency is 7 which is highest. For range 61-71 the frequency
is lowest that is 1.

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