The Evolution of Physicology

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The Evolution of physicology :-

1.Phyiscology is the study of human thoughts and behavior

2.The precursors to physicology are many with Shakespeare foreshadowing many fields of study such as
power and it’s effects,labelling issues,suicide,impression management,test anxiety etc.

Late 1800’s:-


- Wilhelm Wundt

1. Psychology as a discioline

2. 1st psy lab in Germany

3. 1ST Psy journal


-G.Stanley Hall

1. 1st Psy la

2. 1st psy journal

3. Founded APA (American Psychological Association)

Completing Schools of Thought

- Wundt and Tichner:-

1. Structuralism
- Study of structure of consciousness

-Hall and Jmaes:-

1. Functionalism

- Study of functions of consciousness

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