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Impact of Personalities and Diversities


October 2, 2017

Steve Kovak

Impact of Personalities and Diversity

Part 1

Personality Results

Personalities and diversities carry a great amount impact within an organization, and with

the growth of diversity, the workplace must be functional and effective for everyone. Justin, a

manager at the local medical waste company management company has been assigned a team to

pilot a new program that will benefit the health care community. Within the new team Justin has

been assigned to, he notices that there is a lot of diversity amongst the group and wonders how

well each one will collaborate with each other. Justin decided to provide a personality test to get

things started to give himself an idea of what type of people he is working with to help with

some of the challenges he may face.

There are sixteen different personality types. Each member of the learning Team E has

taken the test to see what kind of personality they have out of sixteen types. Keyana Goode has

the ESTP personality type which is practical and observant, fun loving, exciting and

spontaneous, risk takers, resourceful and adaptable, Charismatic and fun. She is a “doer”, adapt

easily and loved by everyone. Her weakness is not being afraid to take risk. Albert Duso and

Ramona Jackson personality is the conceptualizer, INTP, Introverted, intuitive, thinking,

perceiving. INTP make up 4% of population. INTP are independent, unconventional, and

creative, they are interested in improving themselves, able to understand complex ideas,

impartial, very responsible, more trusting of themselves than others. Keekee has a personality of

ESTJ which is the coordinators. Extraverted Action oriented, Outgoing, Expressive, Hands-On,

Sensing Traditional, Realistic, Practical, Detail oriented. Thinking Logical, Reasonable, Level

headed, Values fairness, Judging Organized, Systematic, Achievement oriented, Planner. Niya

has the ISTP personality which is the problem solvers. ISTP’s are problem solvers. Introverted,

though oriented, reserved, reflective, observant. Sensing is traditional, realistic, practical, detail

oriented. Thinking, Logical, reasonable, level headed, value fairness. Perceiving, spontaneous,

flexible, open minded, adventurous. Her strength is being a great problem-solvers. Weaknesses is

having a difficult time thinking about big concepts or theories.

Impact of Personality Results on the Work of a Team

An individual's personality can affect how he or she acts or responds in or to different

situations. When working individually or in a team setting being aware of who you are as well as

learning who the employees that work around you are would prove to be very beneficial to

yourself one's coworkers, and the overall organization's goals. When teammates and managers

are unaware of the identity of the variety of personalities surrounding them frustrations, conflict,

and confusion may erupt. Such events will disrupt organizations work morale as well as the

workflow. Administering a personality test to each of the organization's employees obtains the

ability to increase the effectiveness and efficiency within the company. Knowing one another's

strengths and weaknesses in a team setting may positively affect the organization's productivity

because managers can render job assignments based on their employee's personality. Building

teams based off of its teammate's characteristics will help balance out the team's inequalities.

Embracing the diversity of each group also assist in breeding new ideas and options (Chamorro-

Premuzic, Winsborough, 2015). When a manager or teammate take time to identify their

coworker's personality this act alone helps to maximize each of the teammate's potential

(McBrayer, 2017). It is entirely natural for individuals to lean toward people that think like them

or who have the same or similar work ethics as he or she does. However, the diversity of each

team member makes the team stronger.

The Impact Personality and Abilities Can Have on an Organization's Performance.


Personality can have a huge impact on an organization performance. When it comes to a

person's personality it can affect all aspects of that person's performance along with how he/she

reacts to situations on the job. The most important thing is that an organization should recognize

personality traits and pair employees with the duties that fit their personality the best. Doing that

will lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction which will help the organization function

effectively. Let’s talk about outgoing and introverted personalities, an individual with an

outgoing personality will work better in position where they interact with others. With a person

who has an introverted personality, they will work better doing information technology which

does not require interactions with anyone really. Some organizations use a personality

questionnaire to assess the compatibility of a candidate’s personality with a job.

Part 2

Different Diversities Found Within Groups

Diversity consist of different people with different backgrounds, traits, thoughts, and

interest. It all sums up to the fact that people are all very unique with their own internal and

external factors, and working with people that are different allows you to think differently and

explore new ideas. According to Fritz (2017), “When establishing new groups or teams, smart

managers strive for diversity by balancing the individuals they select based upon differing

internal factors, such as age, race and gender, and external factors, including differing

backgrounds, educational experiences and political ideologies.” Every group member brings

something special to a team and with each member comes different strengths and weaknesses.

The important thing that you want to find out is how can one person’s strength possibly help

another person’s weakness. This is where the management will look to see what each team

member can do. They may have test or trials to see what people are good at and how each person

will be able to communicate and come together when it comes to collaborating.

The Impact of Diversity on an Organization.

There are benefits of diversity in the workplace. Organizations that are diverse can have

more solutions to problems in the workplace. They have different viewpoints to be able to see

what needs to be done more so than one person working on a problem. With a diverse work force

gives them a broader service range. It helps them to be able to connect with people on global

bases. An organization’s success and competitiveness all depends on their ability to embrace

diversity and recognize the benefits of having a diverse staff. There are also challenges of

having a diverse work force. One of these challenges is communication. When people can’t

understand each other it causes confusion, lack of teamwork, and low morale. But this can be

overcome when people are patient with others. There are people that are resistant to change.

These people make it hard to work as a diverse team. They won’t want to learn anything about

another person’s culture so that they can work as a team. To have a successful management of

diversity in the workplace they need more than diversity training. They need to create and

implement a culture of diversity that effect each department of the organization.

The Collaboration Between a Manager and Human Resources (HR) Within Organizational


The collaboration that happens between managers and human resource concerns business

strategies to determine what employees need what specific training to prepare them for. The

human resource department’s main purpose is to support the workforce needs of the

organization. Managers with the help of HR personnel should also encourage their employees to

attend and complete as much training as they can get their hands on as long it does not interfere

with daily operations. If all employees in each department across the board are given equal

opportunities to take or attend training and managers should be able to communicate with each

other to determine what skills and qualifications are needed in different areas of an organization

in order to place the right employee for the right job.


Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Winsborough, D. (2015). Personality tests can help balance a team.

Retrieved from

Fritz, R. (2017). Diversity for Groups & Teams in the Workplace. Chron. Retrieved from

McBrayer, B. (2017). How personality impacts your team’s productivity. Retrieved from

Munroe, S. (2017). How Personality Affects Work Behavior. Chron. Retrieved from

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