Acoustic Characteristics of Voice in Different Cycles of Life: An Integrative Literature Review

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Rev. CEFAC. 2019;21(3):e15018


Review articles

Acoustic characteristics of voice in different cycles

of life: an integrative literature review
Evelyn Alves Spazzapan1

Viviane Cristina de Castro Marino1

Vanessa Moraes Cardoso1

Larissa Cristina Berti1

Eliana Maria Gradim Fabbron1

Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP – ABSTRACT
Marília, São, Paulo, Brasil.
Purpose: to carry out an integrative literature review about the acoustic characteristics
Project carried out at the Departamento de of healthy voice production, from childhood to old age.
Fonoaudiologia, Faculdade de Filosofia e
Ciências, Universidade Estadual Paulista Methods: a bibliographic survey was conducted on the databases PubMed, SciELO,
Júlio de Mesquita filho – UNESP – Marília, MEDLINE and LILACS, covering the last 10 years. Nineteen studies were found, mee-
São Paulo, Brazil.
ting the proposed criteria, on acoustic measurements: F0 (fundamental frequency), jit-
Research support source: Coordenação
ter, shimmer and/or noise measurements, in males and females, with normal voices in
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino their different stages of life.
Superior - CAPES.
Results: the analysis showed that F0 is the most changing acoustic parameter as peo-
Conflict of interests: Nonexistent
ple grow up and grow old. Its values present gradual fall from childhood to old age in
the female population, whereas among men such decrease lasts until adulthood. Jitter,
shimmer and noise remain stable throughout childhood and adulthood, while shimmer
and noise measurements increase in old age. In the literature, there is no consensus
regarding increase of jitter measurements in the elderly.
Conclusion: from childhood to old age, in both genders, vocal changes take place
which are reflected, especially by F0. There is a scarcity of information on acoustics
related to specific populations with ample age range, using the same methodology. The
information in this study may guide future investigations aiming to understand natural
changes occurring in the human voice, in addition to guiding in the clinical practice.
Keywords: Voice; Acoustic; Child; Adolescent; Adult; Elderly

Received on: October 1st, 2018

Accepted on: September 23, 2019

Corresponding address:
Evelyn Alves Spazzapan
Rua Goiás, 808
CEP: 16900-049 - Andradina, São Paulo,

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INTRODUCTION and noise measurements. These measurements are

From childhood to old age, the human voice goes possible to be analyzed with different software7, and
through changes that may be identified through are frequently used to describe vocal characteristics
acoustic analysis1-3, an objective evaluation processing in different age groups in normal5,13,14 and/or patho-
the vocal signal produced in the vocal folds and logical12,15 conditions.
estimating vibration patterns, vocal tract shape and In general, descriptions of voice acoustic charac-
modifications in it4. Among the objective voice evalua- teristics in normal conditions are presented in the liter-
tions, the acoustic analysis is one of the most used tools ature for specific age groups. Particularly, information
for clinical and research purposes2,5, being favored on F0 and noise measurements for normal voices
by technological advances involving computers and throughout human life1-3 are scarce, and the results
programs specific for voice analysis6,7; this has brought obtained generally suggest that these measurements
about the emergence of trustworthy, quickly-obtained are important to reflect changes in vocal production,
measurements4. from childhood to old age, in both genders. Thus, it
is understood that the knowledge on F0 and noise
The acoustic analysis infers indirectly the vibration
measurements established in the literature up until
patterns of the vocal folds, as well as the vocal tract
now, both for specific age groups and for life span, may
shape4 in men and women of different age groups.
favor the clinical practice of voice therapists.
This analysis offers quantitative information which
Perturbation measurements of frequency and
enables deductions to be made on the laryngeal
amplitude may infer physiological aspects of the
function, besides being a non-invasive instrument,
laryngeal system and of the vocal production, so
making it easier to be used in research and in clinical
possible variations in the jitter and shimmer measure-
practice. Particularly, such analysis aids in diagnosis5
ments that may take place throughout life3 must be
and treatment monitoring5,8. Furthermore, it provides
made known to the voice therapist. More specifically,
knowledge on vocal changes that naturally take place
knowledge on normal voice reference values estab-
from childhood to old age in healthy people1-3.
lished for specific populations enables comparisons
Acoustic measurements reference values are exten-
to be made with pathological voices, in which acoustic
sively recommended for the comparison of findings
signal irregularities are expected16.
obtained in clinical voice evaluation2,9,10. Hence, vocal
Considering that F0, jitter, shimmer and noise
changes that occur in the different cycles of life, in both
reference measurement values described for different
genders, must be taken into account when searching
age groups (child, adolescent, adult and elderly) may
for reference values for clinical comparisons. Some
favor the clinical practice of voice therapists, such
acoustic analysis software provides normality data for
knowledge must be made available to researchers and
each investigated measurement11. However, the data
workers in voice clinics. Thus, an updated survey of
composing these databases derive from speakers of
articles present in the literature is necessary, in order to
different languages and, commonly, from a specific age
systematize previous information on acoustic measure-
ments in different age groups. Therefore, this study
Scholars recommend comparison of normative data
aimed at conducting an integrative review concerning
to be made with population of the same age group
acoustic characteristics of healthy voice production,
and speaking the same language12. In this sense,
from childhood to old age.
clinical populations must be compared to normality
data obtained from subjects with similar characteristics.
Besides being used as reference in comparison with METHODS
clinical populations and in monitoring vocal therapy, This integrative literature review started with the
the standardization of acoustic measurements may aid theme of interest being identified and the following
in understanding vocal changes taken place in people’s research question being defined, in order to guide
speech throughout life. the review: “What are the acoustic characteristics of
Among the various existing acoustic parameters vocal production of healthy individuals in the different
that characterize voice in the different cycles of life, cycles of life?”. The articles were selected based on
there are some which stand out, namely: fundamental a survey conducted in the national and international
frequency (F0), short-term perturbation measurements scientific literature in specialized journals available
of frequency and amplitude (jitter and shimmer), on the databases: PubMed, SciELO, MEDLINE and

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LILACS. The descriptors and terms used to find the life, through acoustic analysis, especially the F0, jitter,
articles were defined after a query on DeCS (Health shimmer and noise measurements. In these studies,
Sciences Descriptors) in both Portuguese and English, healthy voices were considered to be those with the
namely: voice (voz), acoustic (acústica), child (criança), absence of established dysphonia in previous vocal
adolescent (adolescente), adult (adulto), aged (idoso), evaluation.
aging (envelhecimento), and reference values (valores The exclusion criteria were defined as the studies not
de referência). The search for the descriptors and directly related to the theme, studies involving subjects
their associations was made independently by two with dysphonia or with history of neurologic, metabolic,
researchers, in the period between May and June 2018. hormonal or head and neck diseases, or craniofacial
The combinations used between the descriptors were: anomalies, and studies investigating the effect of vocal
voice AND acoustic AND (child OR adolescent OR techniques. Furthermore, studies investigating acoustic
adult OR aged); voice AND acoustic AND reference measurements by means of sequential speech (instead
values; Voice AND acoustic AND aging. Besides these, of sustained vowel) and those with level of scientific
the combination life span AND voice was also included, evidence of four and five (case studies and experience
due to the theme of interest of this investigation, and to reports), according to the scale from the Oxford Centre
studies that use life span as a descriptor, although it is for Evidence-Based Medicine17.
not contemplated in DeCS. Initially, two researchers conducted an exploratory
As inclusion criteria, it was established that they reading, through the titles and abstracts, in order to
would be original articles present on the selected identify the studies that met the inclusion criteria. A
databases from the last 10 years (from 2009 to 2018), total of 19 articles were selected to be read in full. The
available in full, in either Portuguese or English, possible researchers did not agree about the inclusion of two
to be accessed through the institution of origin. The articles, which were thus excluded from this research
articles needed to have investigated the characteristics after discussion and consensus. The selection of
of healthy voices of individuals in different cycles of studies is represented in Figure 1.

Articles identified on the

databases: 944
Pubmed (615); Scielo (23);
MedLine (198); Lilacs (108).

Articles selected based on Articles excluded by

inclusion criteria: 44 the exclusion
Pubmed (13); Scielo (4); criteria:900
Medline (15); Lilacs (12)

Repeated articles: Total of articles

25 included: 19
Figure 1. Selection and identification of the studies

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The studies were grouped together according reported in the literature\ for the different age groups,
to the acoustic measurements explored: F0, jitter, besides the information about population, acoustic
shimmer, and noise measurements. This organization analysis software, vowel used in each study, and p-value
was proposed because they are the most commonly when there was statistically significant difference. On
investigated ones for the description of vocal behavior each figure, the studies are ordered according to the
in normal5,12,13,14 and pathological13,15 conditions, age of the subjects investigated, in order to facilitate
besides being possible to be analyzed through distinct the comprehension of acoustic changes taking place in
acoustic analysis software7. Hence, such organization each measurement, in the different cycles of life.
was chosen in order to favor the verification of acoustic
changes in voice production occurred throughout life.
Fundamental Frequency
The F0 is an acoustic measurement frequently used
LITERATURE REVIEW in research and in clinics. It is correlated with pitch and
Based on the survey conducted on the databases reflects the vibration speed of the vocal folds. Moreover,
PubMed, SciELO, MEDLINE and LILACS, 19 articles it is related to the biomechanical characteristics of the
that met the inclusion criteria for this study were vocal folds, such as the strain of elastic fibers and the
analyzed. These articles report acoustic characteristics fibers of the vocal ligament2. Such measurement is
of the voices of healthy individuals from different age related to the anatomophysiologic characteristics of
groups. the vocal folds, as length, mass, vibration, tension and
This review presents information regarding the stiffness during phonation; for this reason, it is affected
acoustic analysis of voice, separated in four acoustic by the speaker’s age and gender9,12.
parameters (F0, jitter, shimmer, and noise measure- The analysis of F0 is of great relevance for studies
ments) from childhood to old age. aiming to understand voice in the different stages
In the following, the normality values are described of life1-3, as it furnishes information enabling a better
for the measurement of F0 (Figure 2), jitter (Figure 3), comprehension regarding laryngeal physiology, from
shimmer (Figure 4) and noise measurement (Figure 5), childhood to old age.

Nationality of the Stimulus Characteristics of

Author Program used Groups studied F0 (Hz) p-value
population used the population
M: 275.09
4 to 5 years
F: 257.14
M: 243.37
Tavares, Lábio and 6 to 7 years
N=240 F: 257.14 p=0.001
Martins,18 Brazilian MDVP /a/
4 to 12 years M: 227.30 (older <
8 to 9 years
F: 258.93 younger)
M: 222.4
10 to 11 years
F: 234.09
Finger, Cielo and N=56 women
Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 18 to 38 years F: 210.92 NS
Schwarz20 18 to 38 years
N=25 men
Beber and Cielo28 Brazilian MDVPA /a/ 20 to 40 years M: 120.16 NS
20 to 40 years
M: 113.1
20 to 30 years
F: 214.5
Dehqan, Ansari, N=90 M: 112.8 p=0.000
Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ 30 to 40 years
Bakhtiar12 20 to 50 years F: 214.4 (F>M)
M: 112.5
40 to 50 years
F: 215.0

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Nationality of the Stimulus Characteristics of

Author Program used Groups studied F0 (Hz) p-value
population used the population
N=44 Youth F: 202 p=0.007
D’Haeseleer et al.21 Belgian MDVP /a/ 20 to 28; 46 to 52 (premenopause
Premenopause F: 190
years < youth)
N=83 M: 127.11 p=0.000
Demirhan et al.5 Turkish CSL /^/, /i/, /u/ 18 to 32 years
18 to 32 years F: 239.78 (F>M)
F: 226.4
menstruation(I) p=0.01
Stage: (III<I)
N=89 women postmenstruation F: 223.9
Tatar et al.22 Turkish MDVP /a/
20 to 42 years (II)
premenstruation F: 213.4 (III<II)
M: 122.32
18 to 39 years
F: 214.74 p=0.001
M: 124.44 (F>M)
Zraick; Smith- KayPENTAX N=157 40 to 59 years
American /a/ F: 203.30 p=0.001
Olinde; Shotts19 PAS Model 18 to 86 years
M: 159.81 (adults >
60 to 86 years elderly)
F: 191.90

N=41 M: 113 p=0.001

F: 210 (elderly M >
70 to 90 years
Dehqan et al.9 Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ M: 146 young M)
Elderly (elderly F <
20 to 49 years F: 194
young F)
N=159 M: 128
Youth 0.001
18 to 28 years; F: 251
Goy et al.8 Canadian Sonneta /a/ F= (elderly <
N=133 M: 127
Elderly youth)
63 to 86 years F: 211
60 to 69 years F: 193.81
Cerceau, Alves, N=96 women
Brazilian MDVP /a/ 70 to 79 years F: 195.71 NS
Gama31 60 to 103 years
Over 80 years F: 187.60
60 to 70 years F: 182.16 p=0.02
Scarpel and N=23
Brazilian PRAAT /é/ 71 to 80 years F: 168.86 (older <
Fonseca23 over 60 years
+ 80 years F: 148.69 younger)
N=60 women Youth F: 215.47
Menezes et al. 25
Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 20 to 35 years NS
Elderly F: 227.20
60 to 82 years
N=81 (elderly <
Lortie et al.29 Canadian PRAAT /a/ * * young and
20 to 75 years
M: 141.64
Youth p=0.001
N=142 F: 217.54
Mezzedimi et al.26 Italian PRAAT /a/ F= (youth <
20 to 93 years M: 139.56
Elderly elderly)
F: 177.98
F: 202.6
60 to 75 years
N=72 M: 130.9
Pessin, et al.24 Brazilian MDVP /a/ NS
60 to 90 years F: 199.4
76 to 90 years
M: 133.3

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Nationality of the Stimulus Characteristics of

Author Program used Groups studied F0 (Hz) p-value
population used the population
M: 292.44
4 years
F: 292.53
M: 288.33
5 years
F: 289.75
M: 284.15 p=0.00 (F>M)
7 years
F: 282.40
M: 219.12
12 years
F: 258.65 F= lower in the
M: 124.32 14y, 50y and
14 years
N=400 F: 217.2 60y groups
Soltani et al.2 Persian PRAAT /a/
4 to 80 years M: 118.53 (p=0.00)
20-22 years
F: 214.8
M: 117.65
30-32 years
F: 214.2 M= lower in
M: 117.81 12y, 14y, and
40-42 years 60y (p=0.00)
F: 213.07
M: 114.06
50-52 years
F: 190.27
M: 127.45
60-80 years
F: 178.96
Stathopoulos, N=192 (F>M)
American - /a/ * *
Huber, Sussman1 4 to 93 years p=0.001
Legend: * not informed by the article; Hz: Hertz; F: Female; M: Male; F0: fundamental frequency; MDVP: Multi-Dimensional Voice Program; MDVPA: Multi-Dimensional
Voice Program Advanced; CSL: Computerized Speech Lab; NS: nonsignificant value.

Figure 2. Normality values for F0 measurements and p-values presented in the literature between the groups studied

The child’s voice was investigated by a study genders during adulthood, indicating that changes
involving the voices of children aged four to 12 years18. in this measurement would be expected only in old
The authors reported that, during childhood, the F0 age12,19. Other authors21, though, have shown that, in
measurement values fall as the person gets older. These women, decrease in F0 begins even before menopause,
changes are explained by natural development, which at the age of 40. In addition to acoustic changes, a
affects the laryngeal structures as the body grows, e.g., tendency to differences in auditory perception between
the increase in mass and length of the vocal folds. In the groups has been described, with the presence
small children, values of 275 Hz for boys and 257 Hz for of greater roughness in middle-aged women, when
girls are expected; by the end of childhood, as they are compared to young women. Thus, the anatomic and
11 years old, this measurement is found to be around physiologic changes that can affect vocal quality
220 Hz and 234 Hz for boys and girls, respectively18, and the acoustic parameters of women’s voices take
with greater fall during adolescence1-3. place not only in old age, but have their beginning in
During adulthood, based on the consulted literature, adulthood, before the hormonal changes occurring in
it can be observed that F0 measurement remains the time of menopause.
stable12, particularly in young adults19. Authors found According to the investigated literature, the inter-
an average F0 of 210 Hz in adult women20; in the ference of the menstrual cycle in the voice of adult
male population, the values are around 120 Hz20. It is women between 20 and 42 years old was also investi-
consensual that with aging the measurement of F0 goes gated. The F0 is found to be lower in the premenstrual
through changes, especially in women. However, the period in relation to the menstrual and postmenstrual
beginning of these vocal transformations is not clear. periods, because of the increase in mass in the vocal
It has been observed that F0 remains stable in both folds resulting from hormonal changes22.

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Hence, during adulthood, the F0 values are expected age. In women, the F0 decreased until their 60 years
to be stable in young adult men and women, though and increased at the age of 80 years, though subtly.
in women such changes may happen prior to the The decrease in F0 from childhood to adolescence
menopause period14,21. has been explained, according to the authors, by the
With aging, the human voice goes through increase of mass in the vocal folds. During adulthood,
changes noticeable in F0, particularly in women. In
hormonal changes resulting from menopause explain
general terms, in women, there is a decrease in F0
the decrease in F0 in middle-aged women. In men over
measurements in the elderly population in relation to
50 years old, there was an increase of F0 due to the
young women8,19,23,24. The decrease in F0 found in the
literature is justified by the anatomic and hormonal decrease of mass in the vocal folds.
changes taking place in the human larynx8,12,19, as age Another study which investigated changes in the F0
advances. Other studies, however, have not observed throughout life2 has shown that this measurement goes
difference in F0 values when comparing the voice of through changes from childhood to old age in both
young and old women24,25, even though the F0 is the genders, with greater changes in males. The authors
acoustic parameter that changes most with aging24. reported that F0 decreased from childhood to adulthood,
In relation to the male population, most of the studies
and the differences between the genders began from
found do not point to acoustic changes in the voice
the age of 12, due to differences in this population’s
of elderly men in relation to the younger ones8,19,24,26.
craniofacial growth and hormonal development. In
Nevertheless, Dehqan et al.9 observed the increase of
F0 in elderly men when compared to adults, due to the adulthood, up until 40 years old, the stabilization of the
reduction in muscle tissue affecting the male larynx in craniofacial development and hormonal conditions was
old age. The main vocal complaints presented in the observed, without changes in the F0. In women over
elderly population are hoarseness, difficulty to sing, 50 years old, there was a decrease of F0, justified by
and phonatory effort. The most frequent videolaryngo- the increase of mass in the vocal folds resulting from
scopic findings are atrophy and arching of vocal folds, menopause. In men, there was an increase in F0 when
especially in older seniors24. These anatomic changes they were over 60 years old, justified by the reduction
in vocal folds of the elderly may justify the changes in of mass in the vocal folds and changes in the laryngeal
F0 found in this population. In general, a reduction in F0
muscles and cartilages2.
of up to 40 Hz has been found when comparing young
and old women8,26, whereas in the male population, Regarding gender, the consulted studies did not
those studies indicating changes between young and point to differences in the F0 between boys and girls
old men pointed to an increase of 27 Hz in the F0 of the in childhood18. Such differences begin in puberty, at
elderly population. around the age of 12 years, because of changes in
Two studies made available information concerning the craniofacial development and hormonal changes
transformations in the vocal characteristics throughout taking place in adolescence2. After adolescence, men
life, using the same methodology, reflected by means and women present differences in F0 in adulthood and
of the F01,2, according to the literature consulted. These old age5,8,9,12,19. The F0 is influenced by the speaker’s
studies differ from previous ones, which aimed to
gender (and also age), and is changed according to the
present information on the F0 in specific ages.
characteristics of the vocal fold, such as length, mass,
One of the studies1 brought information regarding
tension, vibration and stretching, besides presenting
voice production, based on information derived from
relation with subglottic pressure4. Hence, as a conse-
the F0, in subjects aged from 4 to 93 years. The authors
stated that, throughout life, the vocal production quence of the existing anatomic and physiologic differ-
goes through changes, which behave differently in ences in the vocal tract of men and women, such as the
each gender. In men, the F0 decreased steadily from difference in size of the larynx and lowering of the tract,
4 to 50 years old, and present an increase after this for example, the male F0 is smaller than the female one.

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Nationality of the Stimulus Characteristics of

Author Program used Groups studied Jitter (%) p-value
population used the population
M: 1.71
4 to 5 years
F: 1.63
M: 1.18
6 to 7 years
Tavares, Lábio and N=240 F: 1.72
Brazilian MDVP /a/ NS
Martins18 4 to 12 years M: 1.53
8 to 9 years
F: 1.62
M: 1.70
10 to 11 years
F: 1.67
Finger, Cielo and N=56 women
Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 18 to 38 years F: 0.42 NS
Schwarz20 18 to 38 years
N=25 men
Beber and Cielo28 Brazilian MDVPA /a/ 20 to 40 years M: 1.51 NS
20 to 40 years
M: 0.24
20 to 30 years
F: 0.23
Dehqan, Ansari, N=90 M: 0.22
Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ 30 to 40 years NS
Bakhtiar12 20 to 50 years F: 0.23
M: 0.22
40 to 50 years
F: 0.22
N=44 Youth F: 0.89
D’Haeseleer et al.21 Belgian MDVP /a/ 20 to 28; 46 to 52 NS
Premenopause F: 0.9
N=83 M: 0.51 p=0.000
Demirhan et al.5 Turkish CSL /^/, /i/, /u/ 18 to 32 years
18 to 32 years F: 0.9 (F>M)
menstruation F: 0.68
N=89 women p=0.021
Tatar et al.22 Turkish MDVP /a/ postmenstruation F: 0.67
20 to 42 years (III>II)
premenstruation F: 0.70
N=41 M: 0.2
Youth p=0.001
70 to 90 years F: 0.18
Dehqan et al.9 Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ M: 0.31 (elderly >
Elderly youth)
20 to 49 years F: 0.24
N=159 M: 0.38
18 to 28 years; F: 0.37
Goy et al.8 Canadian Sonneta /a/ M: 0.48 NS
63 to 86 years F: 0.47
60 to 70 years F: 0.42
Scarpel and N=23
Brazilian PRAAT /é/ 71 to 80 years F: 0.78 NS
Fonseca23 over 60 years
+ 80 years F: 0.78
N= 60 women Youth F: 0.4
Menezes et al. 25
Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 20 to 35 years NS
Elderly F: 0.8
60 to 82 years
Lortie et al.29 Canadian PRAAT /a/ * * (elderly >
20 to 75 years
M: 0.28
Youth p=0.001
N=142 F: 0.27
Mezzedimi et al26 Italian PRAAT /a/ (elderly
20 to 93 years M: 0.65
Elderly >youth
F: 0.49
Legend: * not informed by the article; F: Female; M: Male; MDVP: Multi-Dimensional Voice Program; MDVPA: Multi-Dimensional Voice Program Advanced; CSL:
Computerized Speech Lab; NS: nonsignificant value.

Figure 3. Normality values for jitter measurement and p-value presented in the literature between the groups studied

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Jitter women, jitter measurement was higher in the premen-

strual period, in comparison to the menstrual and
The short-term perturbation measurements of
postmenstrual period, because of hormonal changes
frequency, jitter, provide information on the cycle-to-
in this period22. in spite of the slight change in values
cycle variation of the vocal folds vibration frequency27,
for jitter, this datum with significant difference points to
and may be related to hoarseness26.
an increase in perturbation of the acoustic wave in the
The vocal analysis software MDVP (Multi-
premenstrual stage.
Dimensional Voice Program) and PRAAT were the
In old age, some studies indicate that jitter
most used in the studies found for this review. The
measurement tends to increase as age advances,
measurements of these programs that are related to
which may be explained by the stiffness of vocal folds
this discussion are the local jitter of PRAAT and the jitter
occurring in this stage of life12,26,29. In old age, there are
(%) of MDVP, according to nomenclature given by the
physiological changes - such as alterations in glottal
software19, as they are the measurements most often
closure, asymmetry and irregularity in vibration of vocal
approached in the literature. PRAAT does not present
folds24, which could justify increase in jitter measure-
reference values for the comparison between normality
ments. Despite this, other studies that investigated the
and vocal disturbances. The speech-language-hearing
elderly’s voice indicate that this measurement remains
therapists that use it in the voice clinic rely on literature
stable in old age and does not reflect the changes
data to understand the findings from their assess-
resulting from the aging process8,23,25, although they
ments. MDVP, on the other hand, and MDVPA (Multi-
comment that, with aging, the vibration of the vocal folds
Dimensional Voice Program Advanced), which is a
becomes less symmetric and with greater vibratory
variation of the MDVP software, present a normality
irregularity. Thus, it was observed that there is no
value for both men and women, without distinction of
consensus between the studies regarding the behavior
age group. The normality value for jitter of these two
of jitter measurements in the elderly population.
programs is of 1.038% for men, and 0.633% for women.
Differences between the genders in jitter
In the survey conducted, the jitter measurement in
measurement are not clear. Some authors have
childhood was found in only one study, which reported
not observed differences in this measurement12,18,28,
values for children aged 4 to 11 years from 1.18% to
while another study, as it investigated the voices of
1.71% for boys, and from 1.53% to 1.72% for girls18. It
adults aged from 18 to 32 years, reported that jitter is
is observed that this measurement does not change
presented more highly among females in relation to
in childhood, and seems to be a stable parameter in
this stage of life18. Nonetheless, the authors indicated
that the greatest variability of this measurement takes
place in small children19. As for adolescence, there are Shimmer
no reports of studies having investigated this acoustic The short-term perturbation measurement of
measurement, according to the survey conducted. amplitude, shimmer, indicates the cycle-to-cycle
During adulthood, the jitter measurement for women variation of the vocal fold in relation to the amplitude of
was reported to vary between 0.18% and 0.9%5,8- the wave, and is influenced by the age and gender of
; two of these studies, by the way, refer to the each person4. Increased values of this measurement are
Brazilian population20,25. For men, the values for this related to roughness, hoarseness27 and breathiness4,10.
measurement varied from 0.2% to 1.51%5,8-9,12,25,26,28. The The shimmer reference measurements presented
only Brazilian study28 pointed to a value of 1.51%, which in the programs MDVP and MDVPA is of 2.523% for
is higher than the normality values proposed by the men, and 1.997% for women. The shimmer measure-
program (Multi-Dimensional Voice Program Advanced ments related to this discussion are the local shimmer
– MDVPA) used in the study for adult men. However, of the PRAAT software and shimmer (%) of the MDVP,
discussing normality values between the results is according to nomenclature given by the software20, as
difficult, for the programs used are different and not they are the most often approached measurements in
all of them present normality values, as MDVPA does. the literature.
Among the studies consulted for jitter measurements, it According to the literature, the shimmer
was observed that aging does not affect them in adult measurement does not change in childhood, indicating
men12 and women12,21, which points to the stability it to be a stable parameter in this stage of life18. Shimmer
of this parameter in this stage of life. Particularly in values for children aged from four to 11 years were

doi: 10.1590/1982-0216/201921315018 | Rev. CEFAC. 2019;21(3):e15018

10/16 | Spazzapan EA, Marino VCC, Cardoso VM, Berti LC, Fabron EMG

Nationality of the Stimulus Characteristics of

Author Program used Groups studied Shimmer (%) p-value
population used the population
M: 4.36
4 to 5 years
F: 5.05
M: 4.01
N=240 6 to 7 years
Tavares, Lábio and F: 5.15
Brazilian MDVP /a/ NS
Martins18 4 to 12 years M: 4.24
8 to 9 years
F: 4.74
M: 4.01
10 to 11 years
F: 4.22
Finger, Cielo and N=56 women
Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 18 to 38 years F: 2.96 NS
Schwarz20 18 to 38 years
M: 1.22
20 to 30 years
F: 1.23
Dehqan, Ansari, N=90 M: 1.21
Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ 30 to 40 years NS
Bakhtiar12 20 to 50 years F: 1.22
M: 1.22
40 to 50 years
F: 1.20
N=25 men
Beber and Cielo28 Brazilian MDVPA /a/ 20 to 40 years M: 4.54 NS
20 to 40 years
N=44 Youth F: 2.38
D’Haeseleer et al21 Belgian MDVP /a/ 20 to 28; 46 to 52 NS
Premenopause F: 1.84
N=83 M: 2.56 p=0.005
Demirhan et al.5 Turkish CSL /^/, /i/, /u/ 18 to 32 years
18 to 32 years F: 3.1 (F>M)
Stage: menstruation
F: 2.25
N=89 women Stage: p=0.018
Tatar et al.22 Turkish MDVP /a/ F: 2.11
20 to 42 years postmenstruation(II) (III>II)
F: 2.32
premenstruation (III)
N=41 M: 1.68
Youth p=0.001
70 to 90 years F: 1.65
Dehqan et al.9 Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ M: 3.74 (elderly >
N=40 Elderly
F: 2.30 youth)
20 to 49 years
N=159 M: 2.71
Youth p=0.001
18 to 28 years; F: 2.36
Goy et al. 8
Canadian Sonneta /a/ M: 4.17 M= elderly
N= 133 Elderly
F: 2.78 > youth
63 to 86 years
N=23 60 to 70 years F: 2.41
Scarpel and
Brazilian PRAAT /é/ 71 to 80 years F: 3.35 NS
Fonseca23 over 60 years + 80 years F: 3.57
N= 60 women Youth F: 3.8
Menezes et al. 25
Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 20 to 35 years NS
Elderly F: 2.8
60 to 82 years
Lortie et al.29 Canadian PRAAT /a/ * * (elderly >
20 to 75 years
Elderly M and F: 5.2 p=0.01
N= 50
Schaeffer, Knudsen 60 to 80 years
American MDVP /a/ p=0.001
and Small30 N=50 Youth M and F: 3.5
(elderly >
20 to 30 years
M: 3.25 p=0.001
N=142 Youth
F: 3.12
Mezzedimi et al. 26
Italian PRAAT /a/ (elderly >
20 to 93 years M: 6.71
Elderly youth)
F: 6.31
Legend: * not informed by the article; F: Female; M: Male; MDVP: Multi-Dimensional Voice Program; MDVPA: Multi-Dimensional Voice Program Advanced;
CSL: Computerized Speech Lab; NS: nonsignificant value.

Figure 4. Normality values for shimmer measurements and p-value presented in the literature between the groups studied

Rev. CEFAC. 2019;21(3):e15018 | doi: 10.1590/1982-0216/201921315018

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reported to average 4.1% and 4.8% for boys and girls, amount of noise in the vocal signal affects the acoustic
respectively. As for adolescence, there are no reports of signal and seems to reflect the processes involved in
studies having investigated this acoustic measurement, the glottal closure1. While the NHR (noise-to-harmonic
according to the survey conducted. ratio) acoustic measurement relates acoustic noise
During adulthood, the studies indicate that shimmer to the harmonic present in the sound wave18, the
measurement is not influenced by aging in adult HNR (harmonic-to-noise ratio) relates the periodic
men12 and women12,21. According to the literature, the component of the vocal folds signal to the noise present
average is of 2.96% for females20, and 4.5% for males28; in the signal34. In normal voices, increased NHR values
however, for men these values are found to be higher or decreased HNR values suggest vocal aging29,30. It
than the recommended by the program used (MDVPA). is important to investigate measurements that pick up
In the premenstrual period, an increase in shimmer noise in the signal, since they can provide important
was found in adult women in comparison to the information on the vocal deterioration resulting from
postmenstrual period22. In old age, there is an increase aging, as well as on pathological voices (e.g., lesions
in shimmer measurement in the elderly population on the larynx)15,34, in which the altered vocal production
in relation to the adults9,29,30; it is higher in men, a is presented differently form the expected for normal
fact explained by the histologic changes that take voices in the various age groups.
place in the elderly’s vocal fold, such as decrease in The software (MDVP and MDVPA) offers reference
the epithelial thickness of the vocal fold and muscle values for the NHR parameter, namely: 0.12 for men
fibers, in addition to the degeneration present in these and 0.11 for women.
fibers32,33. Such changes in the mucosa and in the vocal The noise measurement was indicated as stable
muscle could justify an increase in the perturbation in childhood, as it had not changed in the age group
measurements in the elderly population. In spite of the from 4 to 12 years18 in both boys and girls. In this study,
increase in the shimmer measurement in the elderly values were found varying from 0.141 to 0.125 for the
population in relation to adults, when two groups of boys, and from 0.142 to 0.134 for the girls. There are
elderly women were compared, the older one did not no reports on this type of measurement in the stage of
present differences in relation to the younger23. Another adolescence, according to the survey conducted.
study that investigated young and elderly women did In adults, a study that investigated young adult and
not find change in the shimmer measurement between middle-aged women did not find change in the noise
the groups25. Hence, most of the studies indicated an measurements in the older group21. According to
increase in perturbation of amplitude in old age in both D’Haeseleer21, changes in noise measurements would
men and women, when compared to adults; however, be expected only in old age. Moreover, other authors
such increase is not expected in comparisons between who investigated different adult age groups observed
two different groups of elderly. that the male population presents greater amount of
Regarding the differences between genders, it was noise in the vocal sign than the female population12.
observed that adult women present higher shimmer Other authors22, when studying different stages
measurements than adult men5, even though other of the menstrual cycle in women, indicated that this
authors had not found distinction in this measure measurement was found to be higher in the premen-
among adults12. In old age, higher values of pertur- strual period in adult women, when compared with
bation of amplitude were described in men than in the menstrual and postmenstrual periods, due to the
women8,29,30. The increase of this measurement in hormonal changes in that period.
this population is due to the diminished thickness of
Noise measurements during adulthood tend to
the vocal folds and to the present arching, caused by
remain stable in men and women. Nonetheless,
presbylarynx, which is more acute in men and affects
men may present a greater amount of noise in the
the stability in vibration of the vocal folds30.
acoustic signal in relation to women. This datum is little
discussed in the literature, and there is no consensus in
Noise Measurements it regarding such result.
The noise measurements take into account The changes involving glottal closure seem to be
the acoustic noise component with the harmonic reflected in noise measurements1, and greater amount
component present in the sound wave18, and they may of noise in the vocal signal in old age reflects vocal
indicate an aperiodic vibration of the vocal folds34. The deterioration resulting from aging9,29,30. An increase

doi: 10.1590/1982-0216/201921315018 | Rev. CEFAC. 2019;21(3):e15018

12/16 | Spazzapan EA, Marino VCC, Cardoso VM, Berti LC, Fabron EMG

Nationality of the Stimulus Characteristics of
Author Program used Groups studied measurements p-value
population used the population
M: 0.132 (NHR)
4 to 5 years
F: 0.135 (NHR)
M: 0.137 (NHR)
6 to 7 years
N=240 F: 0.142 (NHR)
Tavares, Lábio and
Brazilian MDVP /a/ M: 0.141 (NHR) NS
Martins18 4 to 12 years 8 to 9 years
F: 0.135 (NHR)
M: 0.125 (NHR)
10 to 11 years F: 0.134 (NHR)
M: 0.132 (NHR)
Finger, Cielo and N=56 women
Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 18 to 38 years F: 0.04 (NHR) NS
Schwarz20 18 to 38 years
N=25 men
Beber and Cielo28 Brazilian MDVPA /a/ 20 to 40 years M: 0.18 (NHR) NS
20 to 40 years
M: 1.22 (HNR)
20 to 30 years
F: 1.23 (HNR)
Dehqan, Ansari, N=90 M: 1.21 (HNR) p=0.02
Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ 30 to 40 years
Bakhtiar12 20 to 50 years F: 1.22 (HNR) (F>M)
M: 1.22 (HNR)
40 to 50 years
F: 1.20 (HNR)
N=44 Youth F: 0.12 (NHR)
D’Haeseleer et al.21 Belgian MDVP /a/ 20 to 28; 46 to 52 NS
Premenopause F: 0.12 (NHR)
N=83 M: 0.13 (NHR)
Demirhan et al.5 Turkish CSL /^/, /i/, /u/ 18 to 32 years NS
18 to 32 years F: 0.13 (NHR)
menstruation F: 0.11 (NHR)
(I) p=0.03
Stage: (III>I)
N=89 women
Tatar et al.22 Turkish MDVP /a/ postmenstruation F: 0.11 (NHR)
20 to 42 years
(II) p=0.00
Stage: (III>II)
premenstruation F: 0.13 (NHR)
N=41 M: 28 (HNR)
Youth p=0.001
70 to 90 years F: 29.4 (HNR)
Dehqan et al.9 Iranian Dr. Speech /a/ M: 18.5 (HNR) (elderly <
N=40 Elderly
F: 21.3 (HNR) youth)
20 to 49 years
N=159 M: 0.011 (NHR)
18 to 28 years; F: 0.007 (NHR)
Goy et al.8 Canadian Sonneta /a/ M: 0.16 (NHR) NS
N=133 Elderly
63 to 86 years F: 0.12 (NHR)

N=23 60 to 70 years F: 18.92 (HNR)

Scarpel and
Brazilian PRAAT /é/ 71 to 80 years F: 15.96 (HNR) NS
Fonseca23 over 60 years + 80 years F: 15.30 (HNR)
N=60 women Youth F: 19.54 (HNR)
Menezes et al.25 Brazilian PRAAT /a/ 20 to 35 years NS
Elderly F: 20.07 (HNR)
60 to 82 years
(youth >
middle age

N=81 p=0.001
Lortie et al.29 Canadian PRAAT /a/ * HNR
20 to 75 years (youth >


Rev. CEFAC. 2019;21(3):e15018 | doi: 10.1590/1982-0216/201921315018

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Nationality of the Stimulus Characteristics of
Author Program used Groups studied measurements p-value
population used the population
N= 50 M and F: 0.158
Elderly p=0.003
Schaeffer, Knudsen 60 to 80 years (NHR)
American MDVP /a/ (youth <
and Small30 N=50 M and F: 0.133
Youth elderly)
20 to 30 years (NHR)
M: 0.01 (NHR) p=0.001
N=142 Youth
F: 0.01 (NHR)
Mezzedimi et al 26
Italian PRAAT /a/ (youth <
20 to 93 years M: 0.05 (NHR)
Elderly elderly)
F: 0.04 (NHR)

Stathopoulos, N=192 M= (children
American - /a/ * (SNR) > elderly)
Huber, Sussman1 4 to 93 years

(children and
elderly >
Legend: * not informed by the article; dB: decibels; M: Male; F: Female; NHR: Noise-to-Harmonic Ratio; HNR: Harmonic-to-Noise Ratio; SNR: Signal-to-Noise Ratio;
MDVP: Multi-Dimensional Voice Program; MDVPA: Multi-Dimensional Voice Program Advanced; CSL: Computerized Speech Lab; NS: nonsignificant value.

Figure 5. Normality values for noise measurements and p-value presented in the literature between the groups studied

in the amount of noise in the vocal signal was found closure; in elderly, by changes in morphology and in
in the elderly of both genders, when compared to the glottal configuration that take place in the presby-
adults9,26,29,30, which points to it as an indicator of vocal larynx, causing the greater amount of noise in the
aging29. The only study that used the MDVP software acoustic signal.
found the values of 0.158 in the NHR parameter for the Concerning gender, in the child population there
elderly. This increase in old age takes place because are no differences in noise measurements. However,
the noise measurement is related to the changes in no consensus has been reached as to whether there
perturbation of frequency and amplitude of the wave, are differences in the amount of noise in the acoustic
besides being related to the subharmonic components. signal between men and women in adulthood and old
Thus, noise measurements reflect the vocal deterio- age. While some authors report similarity between the
ration caused by aging30 and make alterations caused genders in adults and elderly8, other studies indicate
by presbylarynx possible to be objectively measured26. that in old age there is a greater amount of noise in the
In spite of the increase in the amount of noise in the vocal signal in the male population, in comparison to
acoustic signal present in old age in comparison to the female29,30. Furthermore, it has been reported that
adults, when such measurement was compared in women over 50 years old present more noise because
women in three different decades of old age (60, 70 of the hormonal changes resulting from menopause1.
and 80 years), no differences between the groups were In summary, based on the survey conducted for
registered23. Furthermore, in another study, greater this review, it was observed that the F0 measurement
amount of noise was found in women than in men in gradually decreases from childhood to adolescence
old age29. in both genders, although more abruptly in boys. In
In addition to the studies that investigated specific adults, this measurement remains stable. With aging,
cycles of life, one particular study examined a noise the female voice goes through greater falls in F0 in
measurement throughout life1. A greater amount of relation to the male, though there is no consensus
noise in acoustic signal was observed in children between the researchers as to when this fall begins,
and in elderly. In children, this is justified by anatomic whether before or after the hormonal changes resulting
and physiologic differences which modify the glottal from menopause. The jitter, shimmer and noise

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14/16 | Spazzapan EA, Marino VCC, Cardoso VM, Berti LC, Fabron EMG

measurements remain stable throughout childhood and throughout life. These two studies, in particular, enable
adulthood, and tend to increase with aging, although comparisons to be made of acoustic measurements in
there is no consensus between authors in relation to the different age groups, as they include speakers of
the increase in jitter measurement. the same language in different cycles of life, using the
During childhood, there is the laryngeal growth same software for analysis. Hence, studies are made
and lowering in the vocal tract, the stretching of vocal necessary to investigate the vocal production acoustic
folds, and the craniofacial development that justify the characteristics from the child population to old age,
decrease in F0 in both genders2,4. Particularly in adoles- using the same methodology, with speakers of the
cence, when the voice is changing, vocal efficiency is same language, in order to make possible a better
diminished because of the increase in size and mass of understanding of acoustic changes during the different
the larynx and vocal folds, which results from endocrinal cycles of life. This type of methodology may favor even
control and growth hormones that are produced in this more its use in the voice clinics. Studies with popula-
stage of life, causing greater vocal instability35. In girls, tions of specific ages are of great importance; however,
sexual hormones begin to be produced by the ovaries, they do not provide comparable information about the
and hormonal fluctuations occur throughout the entire different cycles of life.
reproductive cycle36; and, in boys, the increase in The report on differences in results between the
production of testosterone by the endocrinal system various acoustic analyses programs used for vocal
takes place35. These changes affect the morphological assessment makes data comparison more difficult, both
and functional characteristics of the larynx and, conse- in the literature and in clinical practice. Nonetheless,
quently, voice production, as highlighted by Soltani vocal changes taking place throughout life are pointed
et al.2. out to in the researches, regardless of the program
During adulthood, the craniofacial, laryngeal and used. The reference measurements offered by one of
hormonal development stabilize after the adolescence, the most used programs in researches found in the
which reflects in the stability of acoustic parameters1-3. literature make no distinction of age group in the values
For women, in particular, the hormonal fluctuations they present. Thus, the professional performing the
caused by the process of menopause result in vocal acoustic analysis of vocal assessment must, in addition
changes36. to the normality measurements offered by the program,
In old age, the changes occurring in the search for the references in the literature, according to
acoustic measurements are due to anatomophysi- the age group of the patient being analyzed.
ologic transformations resulting from the presbylarynx.
Morphologically, there are changes in the structure of CONCLUSION
the vocal folds of the elderly. With aging, the diameter According to the literature reviewed, from childhood
of the vocal muscle fibers diminishes, as compared to to old age, F0 is the acoustic parameter that goes
the adult32, the elastic fibers decrease, and a dense through most changes as one grows up and grows old.
and compact network of collagenous fibers forms The F0 is high during childhood in both genders.
in the lamina propria, with fibers in the degenerative With growth and aging, there is a gradual decrease
process33. Besides these, there is atrophy of vocal folds in these values until old age in women, while in men,
in the elderly, and the epithelial cells are separated such decrease takes place until adulthood; regarding
due to impairment of the intercellular junction33. In old age, there is no consensus whether F0 remains
some elderly, there is a concentration of fibroblasts in stable in the elderly or presents an increase in its values
a dense fibrous matrix of the vocal folds, which affects towards the end of the human life.
their flexibility and elasticity, thus bringing vocal altera- The jitter, shimmer and noise measurements remain
tions in the elderly. These morphological transforma- stable during childhood and adulthood in both genders.
tions occurring in the vocal folds of elderly justify the In old age, there is an increase in shimmer and in the
increase in acoustic parameters of perturbation of amount of noise in the acoustic signal, with more noise
frequency and amplitude, as well as those of noise in males. However, the increase in jitter measurement
measurements, in addition to changes found in the in this stage of life is debatable.
fundamental frequency. Therefore, it has been observed that the human
It has been noticed that, out of the 19 studies voice goes through changes throughout life, which
analyzed, only investigated acoustic measurements are also reflected on the F0, jitter, shimmer and noise

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Rev. CEFAC. 2019;21(3):e15018 | doi: 10.1590/1982-0216/201921315018

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