The Twelve Houses Understanding The Importance of The 12 Houses in Your Astrological Birthchart

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CONTENTS Acknowledgements Prefice Introduction Part 1: The Landscape of Life Chapter 1 Basic Premises Space, Time and Boundaries Parc 2: Mapping the Journey ‘The Ascendant and the ist House The Second House ‘The Third House ‘The Imum Goel and the Fourth House “The Fifth House ‘The Sich Howe ‘The Descendant and the Seventh Howe The Eighth House ‘The Ninth House ‘The Midheaven and the Tenth Howe ‘The Eleventh House ‘The Twelfth House Grouping the Houses B ” » 4 7 “a 4“ 6 n %6 82 87 2 98 108 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people have helped, supported and rolerated me though the agony and ecstasy of wating this book and my incete appreciation ‘extends to allo them. Tn particular, an expecially hear thanks goes to Max Hafler forall we shared and for pushing me inthe beginning: and wo Robert, ‘Walker for pushing me dough the middle and end, forhisexellent advie, ritesm and suggestions, his patent support through my ‘more difficult periods, and jus for being there when needed hel. My appreciation also goes ro Mary Ann Ephgrave for her adept tanscription ofthe Houses Seminar to Christine Murdock forber expert and much needed help, guidance and encouragement 0 Isley Coeril for her profesional advice and to Sheila Sasports for her warm suppor Tam naturally indebted toal chose people who have shared their knowledge with me ove the years. Special acknowledgements go to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for his invaluable eaching and forthe ‘experince of meditation and what i opened up for me to Darby CGonello for vtillting me with het Geminian insights and for introducing me to astrology way back when; ro my first atology teachers, Brty Caulfield and isabel Hickey, co Ean Begg fo elping ine co begin to understand myself litle beter; to lan Gordon: Brown, Burbara Somers and Diana Whiumore for the enormous amount [learned fom them; to Judy Hall for her generous and ‘Constant suppor, wisdom, healing and help; and avery war hanks toLiz Greene whose insight and grace ass good friend, eacherand asuolopical colleague have left deep mark onal my work “Two more people deserve special mention. Words cat express ny felings of appreciation roa cenain Dona Margarita, Out Lady of Gomera, fo hating with me the powe of her Leonine lve and. ‘pitt and for ponding me with an idlic atmosphere (in all sess) a ‘THE TwHVE Houses to begin writing. And lat, but certainly not las, Lam especially tateul to Jaqueline Clare fr beings tra fiend though lof this tnd for the impeccable diagrams she so caringly produced PREFACE The houses of the horoscope form one of the basic bulding-blcks vith whichever udenofsuology mus eum to woekat the outset ‘of any serious study ofthe subject. Because the houses ae basic it isoftenassumed that therefore they ae simple — pethaps te most Simple and accesible of the uiniy of planetsgn-house which comprises the foundation of horoscope analysis And because the houses ae often considered so sumple and accesible, chey re aso believed to be the least worthy of any in-depth perusal inthe body of ssologcal literate Tae found in my own experience, however, thatthe houses are ‘simpler than the planes and signs, nd pethaps even more suble. How could they not be so, when afer all everyone born ona given day wll have the same plants in the same signs, while planetary placements the houses are dependent upon that mos individual fffactor, the moment of bith? Because they are so very individual, ‘hey portay a map ofa very individual destiny, and ate worthy of ‘much more exensve interpretation and analy than i usualy fered in atologial textbooks. Theresa large and unfortunate 3 inthis aeacf the study, and certainly no past author has done {5h juice this appareny v0 simple yer df ue ofthe ‘spheres of lie. Tam therfore delighted wo be able co wre a preface toa book hich fel not only fil this gap in current astrological literature, but abo extends the understanding of asvology itself Howard Sasporas has managed to do this without ether violating those aspects of asuologicl wadition which have proven tobe valid, oF Jgnoring — asso many authors do — the current urgent need to Bring psychological understanding inc a study which has for far too Tong been purely prognestcaive and behavioural in its inerpreations. This book seems tome to be unique alsin that, “ ‘THE Twa HOUSES although ics ‘pphologilaoloy’ cis bes, i doesnot hide behind pcologial jargon, and i language seas both tthe beginne and she enenencedpracsionr equally cleat "Thetsueot‘psyhnogl aslo apes tobe nthe thoy ne i some respec, because many asloges who bat studied teldrenioes hah ngangs hs od eet ‘of mary centres, is being eatoathed spon bythe language pontlogy snd hat apy inches hende enge ae Bits becoming an extention of the helping profesons” Bat porchologiea tology in he way iis applied ia Howat book Snotan erosion ofthe beauty and completeness ofthe slog ‘model Irembodies. rhe. one apparently wry simple concep the ‘ely of te poche. Tha an ndindual sie carer ofthe {bditdualough to beobru, burt ceding aie fly {gupurles one vn porte ately tooneell The inerpreason SF the hes that Howard fen sich depth oth book “ponhologial inthe mox profsnd see, bce ipl in ey ‘Reh cron haa peal cai experiences ina para se of ie bese hat sow the pe ef the individ perceive, ec ad interprets tae pre of lie The author phasis very Coguenly inthe fst chapter, The philotic premise spon wich phology ibd thas pono ceiy spins outa om err me dap SF cough elgs expec ad ble ‘This is certainly asuology. and not an exteasion of anything ele; butitisanastrology which preseres the exential dignity and value ofthe individual psyche, and in which che house, no les than the Sas and plans at inside a wll sous, and bce lla ‘meaning fr the individual rather thao remaining atic ‘places or ‘evens in life which have no connection to the sol. “The personal experience of xrology which evident throughout the book is exensive and impresve: have had many occasions 0 Jean from and have my own astrological insights enhanced by Howards work as we hae juny founded and co-direcr the Cente foc Psychological Asuology in london which focussed on peciely this approach wo asuology can dherefoe recommend Howatds book fot only for the ariey and depen ofits content, but allo Because ‘Tam well aware thatthe interpretations which he offers ate built ‘upon many yeas of diet experience, and not merely upon clever incellecrual theorizing. Also implicit in the book 12 personal ‘ommiument t0 the astrologers own development and inner PREECE » confrontation, which Ihave alway fle tobe the chief cterion for ny penon wasting co take up dhe esponsibiy of counseling cher in any way. The poche is obviously a teal tothe author, and therefore he is able to communicate ts tality and its subsletes to the reader through the astrological model. Genuine authority of this kind cannot be fiked, although numerous asrological witers “appear to offer excellent theories which hae never been put othe tet in Life. No one observing the efeces of 2 particular planes in 1 particular houte can really understand the complex issue of how tindividual unconsciously crates, brick by bic, the apparently "outer reality which he of she encountes unless there is some ‘clatonship wit the unconscious, Otherwise the interpretations are deacripeions of behaviour, which leaves us back where we started ‘When tis happens, the create, tlelogicl dimension of asology ts capacity to open doors toa peson and allow that person (0 sechow an atte might be shaping outer life and cherefore how ‘ome conscousnes ofthat ariude might shape adfferent quality of ie — cannot be present, Astrology then ceases ro be creative, tnd becomes quite pointless xcept a8 a method of using sues, {or which the individual does noc wish to take responsbilcy "As leering textbook, Howard’ book is invaluable, because it begins atthe beginning with basic principles and takes the eadet furherand further into the compleniis of interpreting the houses ‘while retaining Uoughout an essential clarity of wating and a “Tsciplined arora, Ihave no doubt hati wil beeome an esencal textbook for any serious stadt vo srology wishing to develop his other undemanding. Asa satemen af what psychalogial stology Sealy about, ics abo valuable, because could no putt point ‘more clearly, Paychologial astology is noe about abandoning ‘strology to peychotherapy, but about away of understanding a {eading the symbole of the horoscope which encompasses boch anes tnd outer lvls of experienc, and points the way tothe esti tichetypal pattems which undedie both. Usually the houses are ‘confusing becase ofthe apparent diversity of themes which often cx er one uel Fr cample, che prfunciis end Imynercs of death are conjoined with life insurance polices inthe ‘ight, and the complexities ofthe telaionship beeween body and Sprit are mised up with ‘smal animals ince sath. Howard sbook ‘Provides the excntal meaning which underes all these pparenty ‘ispaatechemes connected with one house, which thereby allows the reader toundermand why all these ‘owe’ circumstances are part ‘of one coe. Thiskind of nsightisrareand cannot be overestimated. in its mle, ‘Tae TwHVE HOUSES ther wit repeat an inode bk ih am cenain wl pond an ipoant and unigue convent the body of sxclogial iterate. : uzun INTRODUCTION, Manse wo make oie hat he sniper to bee vo fui hs desi Paul Tic Al around us in eature, life unfolds according to cenain inner designs. rosebud opens ito arose, an acorn grows int an oak tnd caterpillar emerges as 4 buttery from i coon. [ei luntasenable ro assume that haman beings sate tis quality with the testa creation — that we, on unfold acording to an inne plan? “The concept that each of us has a unique set of potentialities yearning 10 be realized an ancient one Se Augustine wot that ‘there sone within me who ismore myself than hy sel" Aristotle used the word enlehy to eferto the evolution and full blooming. ‘of something orginal in astat of potential. Along with enilecby, “Aristotle ale spoke ofexence se those qualities which one could ‘ot lose without ceasing to be oneself In like manner, Faster Bhilosopy aplis the erm arma vo denote the inti ideity nd latent ile pater presen from bith nallofus isthe dharea tof fly to Buzz alion fo oar and an attic person tocreate. Each lof these patens ha i own kindof truth and digaiy Modern phology attaches many diferent ames tothe perennial aquest ‘to be that self which one ly” — theindividuaton proces, ‘elf realization self acualieaton, self delopment et By whatoet label cis clled, the underying meaning s clear allof us possess ¢ertainntinsc potentials and capabilities. Whar more, srmewhere ‘deep within us there primordial knowledge or preconscous perception of aur mse nature, ou destiny, Out abilities, and out "alling'in life. Not only do we havea parcuar path ro fllom, but, on some insite level, we know what tha ‘Out fulfilment, happiness and well-being hinge on discovering » “THE TWHVE HOUSES this pate and coopers wih is realization. The Danish ‘hlosopher Kirepardobsered that the mot common em of spas that of nor being who we ty, ang ha an en cept form of despa stems fom chooting tobe smeone ether ‘han ones The boli Rl May we, When he peso deneshis pores fs afl hem hscondionsBalle™ Thrlogars hae inerpeed he fh inal sn, door de 2s 'thesnoffaling odo wi one alta one Kaos ope could {4 Buthow can we connect tha pat ures Which Lncws nha ne ould be How ean we find te path spain, once we hae Ihe a team tae wich an pies ack ‘The atoll inh issih map. pure fhe heavens asitapeaed tone place and an ob, chan boll forays out own unique reli, inate pate and inter design ‘Rinowledge ofthe chart enables sto pects things which ‘woul atrly be dung. we hd oc bee raster ‘sey and pepo ye embineces fore ‘tr being i no oly given ous but demanded of ws, andi isup to ust make of over wha we are mean fo bso. ‘heen male export we do wih oe ‘hedepecto which we accep ot eject ou oe neue purpose and ‘deny The bithchar the ben gue we hae co ead us back to uaches Each placement inthe char foveal te mox war and appropriate way wo unold we and wha ease Whyoasten tothe clues the chat ha oof Howarn SASPORTAS PART I: THE LANDSCAPE OF LIFE L BASIC PREMISES ‘One may indeed say that io he event which happens forthe peta, but the pena ich happens to the wen ‘Dace Raat ‘There ae tice basi ingredients which combine ro make up an astrological char — planets, sg and houses. Planes cepresent particular pochologcal drives, urges and motivations, Like verbs, bey depict a certain acon nhich going on — for eample, Mar laser, Venus baronies, Jupite expan, Sarum reset et The ‘ignssepresentcwelve qualities of Being or attudes towards ie “Thedave of plant sexpresed through thesia n which dhe planet isplaced. Mats ean ascent im an Arien way of Hurean way: Venus fan harmonize ina Geminian ot Canceian fashion, and 9 on lowes however. show the specific aeas of every Ie or flds ofexpetice in whichall hiss occuring. MarsinTaurswillaser. Ise in a slow and steady manner, but is placement by howe ‘determines the exactaea fife in which thisslow and steady action ‘an most obviouly be observed — whether it sit che peson'scarer that he or heats that wa, ori isot her relationships or at schoo, ‘ce Pat very simply. dhe planets show wha is happening, the signs ‘ow it se happenieg, and the houses where its happening ‘Serving athe lens to focasand personalize the planetary bluepine ‘onto the landscape of actual if, che houses bing the chart down toearh, And yet the meanings and functions of the eweve houses te usualy the least underscod of al the basic astrological factor. Its the purpose ofthis book to examine howa proper appreciation » » “THE TwEIVE HOUSES of hei nd plain uh te wr scan ide ws {our ue iden lluminating the path of self-dseney and the nine fo pan = “There ate ew rests my she fll sgiicance ofthe houses hasbeen wotenoeooked, Most solic taboos del on the eadidonal bute meaning ofeach house and nee te more sublc or basic undeting pipe: Unies the cote meaning of house grasped, the true etence ofthat house. Ror insane the Ith houses normally known asthe Howse of fends Group, Hopesand Waes if hms scm stage — what Goes and groups have to do with operand was? Why ae dese things All imped together under the sare house? Hone, when the deeper, mos basic principe ofthe haute explained, thet the ‘onnection become The kere ofthe ir howe the ge to became something greater than we alteady are We do ths By