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Issue with automatic set of “Final Delivery” indicator in STO

Dear all,

We have an issue with “Final Delivery” indicator in STO.

We have maintained Under Delivery Tolerance indicator in STO configuration. Also, we have
maintained “Delivery Completed” indicator in GR setting.

Now, even after delivery is completed for full STO quantity, the “Final Delivery” indicator was not set.
It is observed for many cases where we have necessary settings.

Is there any extra settings need to be done for “Final Delivery” indicator to be set automatically?
Please advice.

he field EKPO-EGLKZ has not much to do with delivery tolerances, it works based on the partial
delivery indicator below of this field in the STO.

The F1 help in SPRO-MM—PUR--PO--Set up STO-Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Under delivery
Tolerance – Check box ‘Under delivery Tolerance’ à says:

Indicator: Underdelivery Tolerance for Stock Transfers

Shows whether the underdelivery tolerance for the stock transfer order is taken into account when the goods issue is


If the indicator has been selected and the quantity at the time of goods issue (taking the underdelivery tolerance into
account) is sufficient, the "Outward Delivery Completed" indicator (EKPO-EGLKZ) is set automatically.


You have created a stock transport order for 100 pc with an underdelivery tolerance of 10%. A goods issue of 95 pc
is now posted in the issuing plant. If you have selected the indicator for underdelivery tolerance in the case of stock
transfers, final delivery is now regarded as having been effected for this order and the remaining quantity does not
stay open as a requirement in the issuing plant. This enables you to ensure that no unnecessary planned or
production orders are triggered at the time of goods issue.

We have maintained partial delivery indicator as blank. When partial delivery indicator is blank its working for many
other STOs.

Delivery Complete Indicator in PO

Hi everybody,
I have a doubt with Del. compl. indicator. When this indicator is checked in my PO item, I still can do
GR for that Item without any warning/error message. Any body herer know how to prompt a
message to inform user that this item is subjected to complete delivery.

I'm not sure that there's a message for the specific,the message for DCI is about "The item will be
flagged "delivery completed", its because in standard the system allow GR after DCI is ticked in PO.
please check to link below

Under Menu: Goods Receipts for Purchase Orders-->Underdeliveries, Overdeliveries, and Final

<i>The "delivery completed" indicator specifies whether a purchase order item is considered closed.
This means that no more goods receipts are expected for this item. If the "delivery completed"
indicator is set, the open purchase order quantity becomes zero, even if the full quantity has not
been delivered. It is still possible to post goods receipts of remaining quantities, but these no longer
change the open purchase order quantity.

The "delivery completed" indicator has the following effects:

 The purchase order item is considered closed, even though the total

quantity may not have been delivered.

 Although a further delivery is not expected, it is still possible.

 At the time of the next goods receipt, the system suggests the item

as unselected in the item selection list.

 The purchase order item can be deleted, even if the total quantity

was not delivered.

This means that it is still possible to receive the order despite of

the delivery complete indicator (DCI) or the under/over delivery

tolerances. This was already the case in earlier releases as well and

does not differ in transactions MB01 or MIGO.

For example :

- You got a PO with one item. Quantity 10 pieces.

- You receive 9 pieces and set DCI='X'

TA MB01: the item is suggested by the system, but it is unmarked.

You are able to mark the item and post 1 piece without any warning or
error message.

TA MIGO: the item is also suggested by the system, but the 'item ok'

indicator is not set (' '). You are able to manually set this indicator

to 'X' and post the goods receipt for 1 piece without any warning or

error message.

Please note that this is only the case if the 'item OK indicator' is

set in the default values for MIGO. This default value can be used to

define whether this indicator is suggested automatically for all items

or whether you want to set it yourself for each item.

It is recommended to set this default value in case you have to

receive multiple line items in each document.

After this final goods receipt you get the message M7 064 (no items for

PO) in MIGO unless you set the 'suggest all items' in the default

values. If this is set, even the zero quantity items are suggested.

There is no possible warning or error message which can be used when

you want to receive an item with the DCI set.

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