Facebook Report

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By: Your Name

Table of Contents


What Is Facebook?................................................................................................................... 4

Facebook Usage Statistics.....................................................................................................5

Benefits of Using Facebook for Your Business...............................................................6

How To Set Up A Facebook Business Page.....................................................................7

Ways to Get More Facebook Fans.................................................................................... 12

How to Engage with Your Fans..........................................................................................14

Facebook Page Features & Apps....................................................................................... 16

Facebook Mistakes to Avoid................................................................................................18


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Are you wondering why your local business may not be doing as well as
some of your competitors? Are you confused about why they may be taking
over your share of the local market?

Many small business owners are struggling to get more people through their
doors, but they're still scratching their heads trying to figure out how to do it
effectively. Unfortunately, many of them tend to overlook one of the most
powerful tools available to them: that’s online marketing.

Online marketing has become more than a trend; it’s a necessity today.
Companies all over the globe are taking advantage of this method to grow
their business and, more importantly, to connect with more potential
customers and clients in their target markets.

In most cases, companies struggle to get new customers because people

don't know about their business. The Internet has grown tremendously in
over the last 15 years as more and more people have become regular
Internet users. This is why you need to take your business to the online
world. By using online marketing, you can reach out to more potential
customers and ultimately, get more foot traffic through your doors.

One of the biggest changes to the Internet is social media. Social networking
has made a huge impact on the marketing and advertising arena; it has also
transformed the way companies across the globe connect with their target

The largest and most popular social networking site amongst consumers and
businesses alike is Facebook.

As a business owner, Facebook is a fantastic way to bring more awareness

to your business. With over one billion active users today, it's no wonder
businesses are taking advantage of this heavily-populated network to reel in
new customers.

In this report, you will learn why Facebook is a great marketing platform to
help you generate more leads and sales.

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What Is Facebook?

Created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is basically an online social

media network that allows users to connect with others, post comments,
send messages, play games, create groups for events and so much more.

Once a private and exclusive social media network for college students,
Facebook has now expanded to allow everyone to join; more people are
using it to socialize, keep in touch with family members and old friends, and
stay connected with their favorite businesses. In fact, today, there are
approximately 1.3 BILLION monthly active users on Facebook.

Many businesses that use Facebook as an online network to connect with

their current and prospective clients are seeing success. By using Facebook
as an online marketing platform, they are building valuable customer
relationships, bringing more attention to their brands, and establishing
authority and credibility in their niche.

With a Facebook business page, you can effectively grow your business with
its tools and features by:

 Adding photos of your business and products

 Sharing helpful, engaging, relevant content with your fans
 Offering promotions and discounts on your products or services
 Updating your fans on the latest news in your industry
 Getting feedback from your customers
 … and so much more

Think of Facebook as an online “word of mouth” type of marketing; you're

communicating online with your Facebook fans (your customers and
potential customers) and they, in turn, can share your business page and
content with others. With over one million links shared every 20 minutes on
Facebook, news travels fast.

In fact, half of all adult Facebook users have more than 200 friends in their
network. When you have awesome content on your Facebook business page,
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your fans will definitely want to share what you have to offer to others – all
at no additional cost to you.

Facebook Usage Statistics

Let’s take a deeper look at some statistics to help you understand just how
powerful and popular Facebook truly is:

 As mentioned earlier, there are approximately 1.3 BILLION monthly

active users on Facebook.
 64% of Facebook users visit the site on a daily basis.
 40% of Facebook users check Facebook multiple times per day.

 Approximately 1 BILLION mobile users log into Facebook. This allows

you to reach the massive mobile audience just by having a Facebook
business page.

 There are approximately 53% of females and 47% of males on

Facebook, which means you'll reach both genders in your target
 The average time spent on Facebook is 18 minutes.
 Every 20 minutes on Facebook: 1 million links are shared, 2 million
friends are requested, 3 million messages are sent.

 Every Minute on Facebook: 510 comments are posted, 293,000 status

updates are made, and 136,000 photos are uploaded.
 About half of Facebook users are in the 18 to 34 age group, which
gives you an idea of how many engaged users may fit your target

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As you can see by these numbers, Facebook usage is massive. Therefore,
it’s a great place for businesses to tap into their target audience, get more
exposure, and ultimately increase revenue.

Benefits of Using Facebook for Your Business

1. Increases Exposure – as you’ve probably noticed, just about everyone is

using Facebook these days; including your existing and potential customers.
Having a Facebook business page will give them 24/7 access to your

2. Reduces Marketing Costs – a Facebook fan page is free and Facebook ads
cost just pennies on the dollar compared to traditional marketing methods.
The local audience you can reach via this massive network is far more than
any print circulation can deliver at just a fraction of the cost.

3. Generates Leads – with the tools and sharing features in Facebook, you
can reach more leads than you ever could by only having a website.

4. Effective Targeted Marketing – when you have local consumers as

Facebook fans, all of your marketing messages are extremely targeted to
your audience. In addition, Facebook ads let you really put your market
demographic information to use in crafting a narrowly targeted ad campaign.

5. Increases Website Traffic – your Facebook business page will send more
traffic to your company website; and vice versa. The two should be
integrated and used in conjunction with each other for the best results.

6. Better Search Engine Rankings – Social media has become a major

influence on how well websites rank in the search engines, such as Google,
Yahoo, and Bing. Of course, the better your ranking, the more sales you can
get as a result.

7. Increases Foot Traffic – by simply offering your Facebook fans an

occasional promotional offer, you can effortlessly increase foot traffic coming
into your doors.

8. Increases Customer Loyalty – instead of just letting customers come in,

make a purchase, and walk out the door, a business page allows you to build

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a relationship with them. As your business takes on a real personality
through Facebook interactions, people will naturally become more loyal to

9. Competitive Advantage – by using Facebook, you can gain an edge over

local competitors who are not using it yet. If people are talking about you
online, you are getting more attention than those competitors who are not.

10. Multiple Marketing Tools – not only does Facebook have business
“Pages” that can be used by businesses. But they also have “Groups” and
“Ads.” Facebook Groups can be used as a place to discuss any topic you
want in detail with your audience. Facebook Ads is a paid marketing platform
that can help you reach your customers based on specific demographics.
These are just a couple of features that can take your marketing efforts to
other levels.

How To Set Up A Facebook Business Page

One of the main features that Facebook provides for businesses is a Fan
page. A Facebook “page” is different from a “profile” in that it is used more
by businesses, organizations, brands and celebrities.

With the Facebook page, people will “Like” your page instead of requesting
you as a friend; having one will also allow you to keep a professional
appearance and use Facebook advertisements if needed.

A regular Facebook profile doesn't allow you to promote your business

properly, so it's important to set up a business page because it:

 Gives you a way to track views on your page and posts

 Allows you to include more than one person to be your Facebook page
admin, which is convenient if you plan to have multiple people
handling your Facebook page

 Ability to promote any posts you deem to be important or want to give

more awareness

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 Allows you to brand your business effectively with its added features
 … and so much more.

Steps to Setup a Facebook Business Page

To get started with your Facebook business page, here is a step-by-step
guide to help you through this journey:

1. Before you create a Facebook page, register for a personal Facebook

account if you don't already have one. Then, go to “Create A Page” and
choose the “Local Business Or Place” option.

2. When you click on the “Local Business Or Place” option, you'll see an area
where you can choose the category your business is in and fill in your
business details.

Tip: Make sure that you include your business information, especially your
address, so that local prospects can find you more easily.

3. You'll be redirected to a different page where you have to fill out more
detailed information about your business. Take the time to go through each
step of this process so that you can have a complete Facebook business

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In this set-up wizard, you'll be asked to:

 Select a category to put your for your business

 Add a small yet appealing description about your business
 Enter your business website if you have one
 Answer if your page is associated with a school, organization or the
After entering the details for the first part, click “Save Info.”

4. The second part of the set-up wizard will ask you to upload a profile
picture; here, you can use a picture of your physical establishment or your
company’s logo/name. Since this is a Facebook business page, you want it
to represent your business completely.

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Depending upon the nature of your business, you can also simply use a
professional headshot of yourself. Make sure to click “Save Photo” after you
have uploaded it successfully.

5. The third part of the set-up wizard is where you can put your page under
the “Favorites” menu option on the left-hand side of your Facebook Home
screen. You can do this now or skip this step.

6. The fourth and last step of the set-up wizard is called “Reach More
People,” and this is where you can set up a payment method for any future
advertising you plan to do on Facebook. This step is just to prepare yourself
for advertising, but you can skip it in the beginning if you'd like.

7. After completing the page set-up, you'll be redirected to your Admin panel
called “Page Manager.” This is where you'll see all your messages, new
Facebook fans, etc. You will also be able to edit your page here. Underneath
the Page Manager, you'll see your page, which also has features for you to
directly edit it.

Here are a few ways for you to personalize your business page:
 Where it says “Add a Cover,” you can add a bigger picture to represent
your brand. Cover images should be at least 815x315 pixels. You can
use that area to add a picture of your business' logo, slogan or even a
picture of your business team to personalize your page.

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 You can upload photos by clicking on the “Photos” button, which will
also help personalize your business page.

 On your Facebook Timeline, you will find a place to post a status,

upload a photo or video and even create an event or milestone, which
is just a way for you to add more about your company.

 Use the “Invite Friends” option on the Page Manager to invite existing
customers, friends, associates, and family members to “Like” your
business page.

 Click on the box underneath your profile where your short description
that you created in the first part of the set-up wizard should be. You'll
be taken to a page where you can edit your business information and
write a longer business description for your “About” section.

After creating your page, you can edit it as much as you want until you're
happy with it. Remember, this is your Facebook business page, so it's crucial
to take the time to enhance it.

The more you put into your Facebook business page, the more you'll attract
interest from prospective customers and encourage your existing customers
to spread the word about your business.

Now that you've finished setting up your Facebook business page, you're
ready to start connecting with local fans and start building your page into a

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Ways to Get More Facebook Fans

The purpose of a Facebook page goes far beyond just creating a presence on
the platform. However, many business owners tend to hit a brick wall when
it comes to getting fans for their pages.

As a local business owner, your customer base is within your area, so focus
on getting more people in your area to join your Facebook page network. In
other words, you want them to “Like” your page.

Don't know what a “Like” is?

The famous “Like” feature on Facebook is a way for people to show that they
support a comment, status and, in this case, a Facebook page. If someone
wants to support a small business in their area, they will “Like” that page
and stay connected with them. The “Like” button on Facebook looks like

Your goal is to get as many people in your target market to “Like” your page
as possible. Here are some ways to accomplish that:

1. Use Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are fantastic when it comes to getting letting your target
market know that you're out there. Facebook ads produce high-quality leads
for your business and are well worth the investment.

If you go to your Page Manager, you'll notice a blue button on the top right-
hand corner that says “Ads Manager,” which looks like this:

You'll then be taken to the ad campaigns page where you can create your
first ad. At this point, you get to customize your ad and budget. Facebook
has several ads you can choose from, such as promoted post ads, event ads
and sponsored story ads.

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Unlike many other types of online advertising, Facebook ads can be
customized so that only your target market or people in your local area see
your ad. As a result, you can expect to get right in front of the people you
want to connect with the most.

2. Tell Your Current Customers or Clients About Your Page

They already do business with you. They already like you. Therefore, most of
them would love to stay connected with you on Facebook. Although it's
important to focus on getting new customers, its equally important to keep
your existing customers coming back.

One way to let your existing customers know about your Facebook business
page is to put up a sign that simply says “Join Us on Facebook” inside of
your establishment.

You can also put this on your business cards, flyers, posters, and other
printed marketing materials along with the link to your page.

Do you use coupons? Put a call-to-action there as well.

Do you send out email newsletters to your customers? Be sure to tell them
about your new Facebook page along with the link.

As you can see, you should let your customers know about your Facebook
page any way you can for the best results.

3. Put an Image Link on Your Website

It’s a very good idea to put a link to your Facebook page on your website.
This way, all of your website visitors will know you have a Facebook page
and will likely check it out. Putting a link on your site makes it super easy for
them to connect with you.

Facebook also has a feature that allows viewers to Like/Comment/Share

your blog posts, so you if you have a company blog, be sure to use this
feature whenever possible.

In fact, you can also link people to your Facebook page via video sharing
sites, presentation sharing sites, and many other online properties.

Facebook has a variety of plugins available to make all of this possible.

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4. Create Content That is Shareable

“Sharing” is a viral type of marketing, and it can be very effective. When

people share your content, you're exposed to even more people. For
instance, when you post something on your Facebook page, one person can
share it on their Facebook account with their friends.

Shareable content includes tips, photos/pictures, videos, inspirational quote

images, or any other content that fits your type of business. Just be sure it’s
relevant and keep it professional.

How to Engage with Your Fans

Since Facebook is a social media network, its main purpose is to give people
a way to socialize and connect with each other. With your business page, not
only do you want to connect with them, but you want to build relationships
with them – this is what will keep them around.

Many businesses make the mistake of setting up a page, getting fans and
then do nothing more with their page. Ultimately, this is a waste of time.

After setting up your page and getting fans, it's important to keep them
engaged with great content and information. Engaging with your Facebook
audience also involves encouraging them to Like, Share or Comment on
posts that you create on your Facebook page.

Here are a few effective techniques to keep your fans loyal:

 Offer discounts and deals on your products or services. People

love a great deal or money-saving offer. So it's beneficial for you to
occasionally offer a discount on your products and services.

If you have a popular item, offering a discount for it can attract more
buyers to your business. So not only are your fans happy, but you will
be happy too with the additional income.

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Furthermore, these discounts can reach outside your current fan-base
because people love to share great deals with others in their network.

Just be careful NOT to bombard your fans with offers every single day
as this hard-selling tactic will be a turn-off and cause people to unlike
your page.

 Give them helpful tips and advice. Your fans will appreciate any
small tidbits of information you give to them related to your industry.
This will help you build authority status, as well as trust.
For instance, if you own an auto repair shop, provide tips on how to
maintain their vehicles. This will go a long way in keeping you at the
forefront of their minds should they need your services.

 Talk to your fans. If your fans comment on your page or on your

posts, make sure that you talk back to them so that they know that
you are listening and care enough to respond. You should also answer
messages and questions promptly to keep your fans' interest. This
especially includes any customer service issues that may arise.

On the flip side, be sure to ask your fans questions that are relevant to
your business. Asking questions shows that you are interested in their
thoughts and opinions. This also helps build a community for your
page where your fans can talk to each other about different topics
related to your industry.

 Let your fans know about any job positions available in your
business. There are some small business owners who use their
Facebook pages to get prospective employees for the business.

What better way to add someone to your team than to ask your
Facebook fans? If your fans have friends and family members who
may be a good fit, they'll most likely share this information with them.

If you do hire someone that was a fan on your Facebook or a friend of

a fan, you can give a shout out to them on Facebook and show people
that you love your fans and love working with them – literally.

 Notify them about special events, new products, and new

services. Your Facebook page is the perfect place to get more people
to come in to your establishment for special events. It’s also a great

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place to notify them about any new products or services you may
have. This will make them feel special and more intrigued.

 Have contests. You can run different types of contests for your fans
to make things more fun, especially if you offer prizes and freebies for
those who participate.

Facebook Page Features & Apps

Facebook has several different features and apps that can help you get the
most out of your page:

1. Facebook Graph Search – Unlike regular search, Graph Search is a

more advanced search tool that helps people find information based on
specific and personal traits.

For instance, users can type in “Italian restaurants that my friends have
been to,” and Graph Search will pull up posts, pages, photos, etc. from
others within their network.

As a business owner, this feature is powerful when it comes to helping you

get more information about your fans, as well as your competitors; this
information can be extremely useful. You can learn about their interests,
identify other pages they “Like,” and so much more.

2. Promoted Posts – Also known as boosted posts, promoted posts are

great for local business owners. These posts are like ads, but they are more
specific and are displayed differently than typical ads.

When you promote a post from your business page and your fans “Like” it,
that post will show up on their friends' Facebook feed. This method helps
you increase the chances of gaining more fans for your business page.

If you decide to do promoted posts, make sure that they are a more
elaborate and special compared to regular posts. For instance, you can
promote a post with a YouTube video that you think many people would like.

3. Facebook Offers – Facebook has made it very easy for business owners
to give their Facebook fans special offers on their products or services. By

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using Facebook Offers, you give your fans a special incentive to visit your
business and purchase from you.

4. Facebook Customer Reviews – As a local business owner, you know

that your customers are an important part of your company growth; but
having happy customers who leave you reviews is even more important as it
will provide social proof to your potential customers – helping them make
the decision to buy from you as well.

With Facebook’s customer reviews feature, Facebook users who are

browsing your page can view customer testimonials conveniently and decide
right away if they want to do business with you.

5. Page Insights – Facebook Page Insights is a useful tool to help you track
the activity on your Facebook page. You can see how many people “Like”
your page each week, how many people see your posts, and much more.

Overall, Page Insights gives you detailed information about your Facebook
business page activity. You can use that information to create goals for your
page, to make adjustments to get more engagement from fans, or to simply
see how well your posts are doing.

Note: in order to see and use Page Insights, you need to have at least 30
people who have “Liked” your page.

6. iFrame App – This app allows you to add an HTML page into your page.
In other words, you can embed content from any external website page right
into your page giving it a unique experience for your audience. The best part
is, they don’t have to go outside of your Facebook page to access the

7. Fan Gate – Also known as a “Like Gate,” a fan gate allows you to restrict
access to specific content for your visitors; only making it available to them
after they have “Liked” your page. Your goal is to get as many targeted fans
as possible and this feature will help you do just that. For instance, you can
create one that says “Like our page to get our 50% off coupon.” In other
words, you’re giving them something in exchange for Liking your page.

These are just a few of the MANY features and apps that Facebook makes
available to its users.

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Facebook Mistakes to Avoid

In their excitement to get started on Facebook, many businesses make

mistakes along the way; and, unfortunately, they face serious
consequences. Therefore, it's important to know what you should and
should not do to ensure that your page remains as effective as possible.

Here are some of the common mistakes companies make with Facebook
marketing and how to avoid them:

1. Spamming – Many businesses wonder if they’re posting too much or not

enough on their Facebook pages. Although it's important to post often, it
doesn't mean that you need to post 20 times a day. People will consider that
spam and quickly become annoyed. Every business should come up with a
posting schedule that works best for their company, but posting once a day
is usually enough.

2. Not adding visuals to your posts – It’s a good idea to add a

captivating visual – image or video – to your text posts. Most people are
visual, and that's the first thing they see when they see a post; it's faster
than reading words.

Also, using images and videos with your posts makes your Facebook page
more attractive. If people like the visual in a post, they're more likely to
share it, which means more views and possible fans for you. Make sure that
you add a visual that relates to your post in some way.

3. Not being consistent – As mentioned earlier, some businesses forget to

update their Facebook pages, and that can result in losing fans. It's
important to remain consistent with your posts, even if it's just a couple of
times per week, so that you can continue to build relationships with your
audience. Whatever you do, do not let weeks and months go by without
posting on your page.

4. Disrespecting your fans - Even if an unhappy customer posts a

comment on your Facebook page, you should not retaliate and comment
back in a defensive way. Since this is your business, you should handle the
situation professionally by letting the customer know that you care about
their concern. Then, you can follow up with them by sending them a private
message to rectify any problems that they have. It's important to respect all

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your fans in order to maintain credibility as a business that treats its
customers with the utmost respect.

5. Sharing stories or posts that are too personal - Your Facebook page
is for professional uses only. You can share a light story that happened
during your day and use it to relate to your customers. But venting about
your work stresses or talking badly about a client in your posts isn't a good
way to portray yourself as a professional business owner.

Religion, politics and sexuality are three very controversial topics, so you
should avoid talking about them altogether. You don't want to cause
arguments between your fans or between yourself and your fans.

If you want to post pictures, make sure that they are appropriate and
professional. You never know who's going to be checking out your Facebook
page, so it's important to keep your posts “business-friendly.”

6. Turning off comments - It's understandable that you may not want to
show any possible negative feedback or comments to other fans, but turning
off your comments isn't a wise choice. It's important to allow your fans to
comment on your page if you want to build relationships. Besides, if you get
comments that are completely false or profane, you can simply delete them.

7. Not knowing the Facebook Terms and Conditions - The most

important part about using Facebook is to understand their Terms and
Conditions. Facebook has specific requirements and guidelines for pages.
Not following Facebook’s guidelines could cost you your Facebook business
page. If you don't follow the rules, you can also lose your fans and credibility
as a business.

To learn more about Facebook page policies, you can visit this link:

If you want to check out Facebook's general terms and conditions, you can
go to this page:

By learning what you should and shouldn't do on Facebook, you'll be well-

equipped with the right information to make your Facebook experience a

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Although some of the once popular traditional advertising methods are still
being used today, the fact is that they’re no longer as effective as they once
were. Tapping into the online marketing world, including Facebook, can help
you expand your business greatly.

From setting up a Facebook page to learning about mistakes to avoid on

Facebook, this report has covered a wide range of information that you need
to know to get started on the right track.

Now that you know the basics of marketing with Facebook and the amazing
benefits that you can gain from it, where do you go from here?

You’re probably ready to get started on this journey.

The first step is to create a Facebook marketing plan to avoid going into it
blindly. This way, you will know where you want to go with your page, how
to present it, and how to build upon it.

If you go on Facebook without having a plan first, you could set yourself up
for failure before you even start.

Facebook contains a goldmine of new potential customers in your area; not

only that, but most of your existing customers are already using it.
Therefore, you don't want to miss out on the potential growth that your
business could have once you venture off into this popular social media

Contact me if you would like some assistance with setting up your Facebook
business page, or simply want to learn more about how Facebook can help
you get more exposure, more leads, and more sales.

I can be reached at _________. I would love to discuss your ideas and help
you develop a plan that will further grow your local business.

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
Your Website Address

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