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46 L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert!

7 Language Charm: OMG! New Word


to VR
I S + be + seen/heard/noticed + 課文第
V-ing18~19、26~27 行

觀念講解  要表示「(某人╱物)被看見╱聽見╱注意到(做某事)」,用
 不定詞和現在分詞都是指主詞所做動作。不定詞表示「事件發
 特別注意:不定詞的to不可省略。
 感官動詞的用法可參考第二冊第二課句型。
例  句  People can now be heard saying “Let me google that.”
 Chelsea was seen to help an old man at the bus stop.
練  習 1. 一隻鵝被注意到在校園裡走動,並朝著河邊去。
A goose       was       noticed      walking
on campus, heading
toward the river.
2. George被看到在會議結束前先離開會議室。
George      was      seen to
conference room before the meeting was over.
補充講解 如要表示「(某人╱物)被看見╱被聽見……」,seen/heard後可接
being p.p.或p.p.。being p.p.表示「正在承受動作」,p.p.則是「動作已
補充例句  A thief was seen being chased by the police.
L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert! 47

Ⅱ 手機圖內對話;
All + (that +) S + have to do + is/was + (to) VR 課文第 34 行

觀念講解  此句型表示「(某人)唯一要做的就是……」。
 all為主詞,之後「S + h ave
t d 」為形容詞子句,修飾all。關代
o o
that做do的受詞,所以 that可省略。因為 all的意思相當於「一
 主詞補語是不定詞(to VR),但習慣上常省略to。
 have t 可換成must、should、need
o t ;用can表示「唯一能夠做的
 類似句型可參考本冊第五課句型。
例  句  All you have to do is google them!
 All that students have to do is (to) learn as much as possible.
練  習 1. 你只需要閉上眼,想著以前的美好經驗就夠了。
     All you have to do       is       close your eyes and
think about the best things that ever happened to you.
( D )2. All we could do     in the airport terminal.
(A) were to wait (B) was waiting
(C) were waiting (D) was wait
補充講解 「All + that + S + have to do」當中,「All + that」可以用疑問代名詞
what代換,變成名詞子句「What + S + have to do」,作is/was的主
補充例句  What you need to do is (to) press the button on the washing

Ⅲ A be associated with B 課文第 13~14 行

觀念講解  associate作及物動詞表示「把……聯想在一起」。用法是「 sb.

associate A with」,表示「(某人)把
B A和B連繫╱連結起
48 L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert!

 改成被動式時,結構變成「A be associated with B (b


 被動用法常用於形容詞子句,省略關代和be動詞,簡化成分詞片
 常 搭 配 副 詞 c l o s e(l 緊
y 密 ) 、 d i r e c(
t l恰
y 好、直
例  句  E-words are closely associated with technology and the Internet.
 Others often associate Sean with sports, but his favorite activities are
actually baking and painting.
 The following are diseases (which are) associated with HIV
練  習 ( D )1. We often associate hamburgers and French fries
McDonald’s and Burger King.
(A) in (B) for
(C) to (D) with
2. 紅玫瑰常和愛情跟情人節聯想在一起。
with romance and
Red roses are usually      
Valentine’s Day.
補充講解 意思相近的動詞還有connect和relate,被動用法「A be connected
with B」和「A be related to B」較常見。注意介系詞不同。
補充例句  There was no evidence to connect the man with the missing diamond.
 “The ability to grow is directly related to the amount of insecurity you
can take in your life.”—Bruce Jenner
受能力愈強,愈能成長)。」──Bruce Jenner,1976年奧運田徑

Ⅳ take… for example vs. for example 課文第 30~31 行

L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert! 49

觀念講解  take… for example和for example意思都是「舉例來說、例如、

 take… f ore xample
「Take + N +/V-ing
f e or xample.
」。如課文例句中,the b asketball
star為take的受詞。Jeremy Lin是the basketball star的同位語。
 for e xample 常夾在主要子句內補述例子,也可置於主要子句前或
例  句  Take the basketball star, Jeremy Lin, for example.
 Many European countries, for example Austria and Italy, are
struggling with severe winter conditions.
練  習 ( A )1.     me for example. I practice yoga to relieve my
(A) Take (B) Took
(C) To take (D) Taking
2. 簡單的省錢方式很多。舉例來說,你可以在購物前列清單,還有
There are many easy ways to save money. You can make a list before
g o i n g s h o p p i n g a
expenses, example
補充講解 for instance和for example用法類似,可參考第二冊第一課句型。

Ⅴ by + V-ing vs. with + N 課文第 32~34 行

觀念講解  by + V-ing表示「藉由╱利用(某行為)來達成……」。
 with + N表示「用(工具)、以(手段╱材料)」。
 by表示「藉由」的用法可參考第一冊第八課句型。with表示「擁
例  句  By combining “Lin” and “insanity,” fans created a new word that can
50 L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert!

now be seen on T-shirts worldwide.

 I memorize new words by keeping a vocabulary journal.
 Caramel sauce is made with white sugar and heavy cream.
練  習 ( C )1. It is unhealthy to deal with negative emotions
overeating, drinking, or smoking.
(A) for (B) to
(C) by (D) from
( B )2. Now, mix the butter     the sugar, using an electric
(A) by (B) with
(C) to (D) at
補充講解 by也有接名詞的用法,其一就是說明通勤方式或行經路線,如by
train是「搭火車」、by sea是「經由海路」,by the front door是「從
補充例句  Your order will be shipped by air within two days.

Ⅵ S + be + easy/hard + to VR 課文第 16~17 行

觀念講解  在此句型中,主詞是不定詞的受詞。以課文為例,these w ds是or

 包含介系詞的片語動詞,如get rid of、take care of、keep away
 此句型可依句意改寫成「It + is/was +adj. + (for sb.+) to VR」
(用法可參考第一冊第一課句型),如課文例句可改寫成「It is
quick and easy (for people) to type these words.」。
例  句  These words are quick and easy to type.
 Neil thinks that his father-in-law is hard to please.
L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert! 51

練  習 1. 這個謎語很難理解。
This riddle       to
hard       figure out.

2. 杯子蛋糕不但製作簡單而且又美味。
Cupcakes are not only       to
but also delicious.
補充講解 部分形容詞也可套用此句型,如simple、difficult、convenient、
補充例句  The text is impossible to read because many lines are crossed

I. 文法選擇30%(一題6分)
( C )1. D u r i n g a m u s i c a l p e r f o r m a n c e , c e
   , coughing is often considered disturbing.
(A) Such as (B) Like
(C) For example (D) Take for example
( A )2. Certain w J ords u i h ackl ases     n the is
n eighborhood
grew up in.
(A) associated with (B) connected to
(C) related with (D) resulted in
( A )3. The football players were     on the field.
(A) seen to practice(B) seen practice
(C) seeing practicing (D) saw practicing
( D )4. The child is still learning to eat     chopsticks.
(A) for (B) by (C) through (D) with
( B )5. The African violet, a type of flowering plant, is easy    .
(A) to take care (B) to take care of
(C) to taking care (D) to taking care of
52 L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert!

II. 句子重組20%(一題10分)
1. is/to/The out-of-print-book (絕版書)/find/nowadays/difficult
 The out-of-print book is difficult to find nowadays.
2. the actress/The public/in her action movies/her tough image/often associates/with
 The public often associates the actress with her tough image in her action movies.
L7  Language Charm: OMG! New Word Alert! 53

III. 句子合併20%(一題10分)
1. You try your best. (用 All 開頭合併)
That is what you should do.
 All you should do is (to) try your best.
2. T h e d r i v e r s a r g u e d a b o u t w h o s
accident. (用 The drivers 開頭合併)
People heard them.
 The drivers were heard to argue about who should take responsibility for the accident.

IV. 翻譯填空25%(一格5分)
1. 以秀姑巒溪為例。它是很棒的泛舟地點。
the Xiuguluan River      example . It is a perfect place
for rafting.
2. 藉由填寫這張抽獎券,我就有機會贏得一臺汽車。
by filling in this lucky draw ticket.
I got the chance to win a car       (f)     

V. 中譯英5%(一題5分)
1. 我們唯一必須做的,就是接受我們是什麼樣的人。(All…)
 All (that) we must do is (to) accept what we are.

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