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Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

Chapter One: Roots of Non-Linear Equations

5.1 Introduction:
The solving of an engineering problem may is part require the determination of the roots
of some equation. Roots of an equation are defined as the values of which satisfy an equation
of the form

Examples of such equations:

The first two equation are examples equation of polynomial and the third is an example of
transcendental equation.
The zeros of a function are equal to the roots of equation (5.1). A function is said to have
zeros, and an equation is said to have roots. In general, equations can have roots which take an
either real or imaginary values. The real roots of an equation can be considered in graphical
terms. If a graph of the function as plotted as shown in figure (5-1), the real roots are
represented by the points where the curve crosses the .

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

5.2 Methods of solution:

5.2.1 Newton’s Raphson Method
5.2.2 False-Position Method
5.2.3 Bisection Method
5.2.4 Iteration Method
5.2.5 Secant Method
Before discussing these methods it may be pointed out that if are of opposite
signs then a root of lies between . If numerically then may
be taken as an approximate root, otherwise is an approximate value. Throughout we shall
assume to be single valued in the interval under consideration.

5.2.1 Newton’s Raphson Method:

If the curve cuts the at where is the exact root of . Let
be an approximate value of the root. Draw a tangent to the curve at . If this tangent meets
the at such that then is a better approximation to the root. From
(Figure 5.2)

Which gives

Equation (5.2) is called the Newton-Raphson formula for solving nonlinear equations of the
form . So starting with an initial guess, one cman find the next guess, by using
Equation (5.2). One can repeat this process until one finds the root within a desirable tolerance.

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

Example 1: Start with solve the following equation


0 1 0.15852 1.4596 0.89139

1 0.89139 0.01663 1.1544 0.8771

2 0.87698 0.000288 1.1144 0.87672

Is the better
of the root

Example 2: Applying Newton’s method to find the real root of

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations
Now , thus the root lies between

0 1 1 4 0.75000

1 0.75000 0.17187 2.68750 0.68604

2 0.68604 0.00894 2.41197 0.68233

3 0.68233 0.0000282 2.39676 0.68232

Is the better
of the root

Example 3: Applying Newton’s method to find the real root of

Now , thus the root lies between

0 1 0.7183 5.43656 0.86787

1 0.86787 0.06716 4.44901 0.85278

2 0.85278 7.7309*10-4 4.3469 0.85260

3 0.85260 1.0584*10-7 4.3457 0.85260

Example 4: Find the positive root of equation


Now , thus the root lies between

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

The limit roughly

0 2 0.1814 1.8323 1.9010

1 1.9010 0.0090 1.6485 1.8955

2 1.9945 2.8467*10-5 1.6381 1.8955

Example 5: Find the root of the following equation using Newton’s Raphson Method


Now , thus the root lies between

The limit roughly

0 1.5 0.1793 3.9975 1.4552

1 1.4552 0.0021 3.9036 1.4546

2 1.4546 3.0527*10-7 3.9025 1.4546

Stop to suitable error

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations
5.2.2 False-Position Method:
Let be of opposite signs.
Obviously are
On opposite sides of then the curve can
Be approximated by the chord . If the
curve cuts the at and the chord
at , then is the exact root and
may be taken as its approximate

The equation of the straight line is

Solving it with we get

Summary of the procedure to solve by method of false position

1. Find

2. The first approximation of the root is given by

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations
3. If are of opposite signs then the root lies between otherwise it
lies between .
4. Find the next approximation by applying the formula of step 2 with the changed interval.
5. Apply the method repeatedly till the desired accuracy is obtained.

Example 6: Find an approximate value of the root of the following equation

Using the Method of False Position correct to five places of decimal.

The root lies between 2 and 3, take a=2 and b=3.

1 2 3 2.7210 -0.5979 0.2314 -0.0171

2 2.7210 3 2.7402 -0.0171 0.2314 -0.00038

3 2.7402 3 2.7406 -0.00038 0.2314 -0.00000858

4 2.7406 3 2.7406 -0.0000085 0.2314 -1.91*10-7

5 2.7406 3 2.7406 -1.91*10-7 0.2314 -4.28*10-9

Required root is = 2.7406 Ans.

Example 7: Find the approximate value [correct to three places of decimal] the real root of the
following equation Using the Method of False Position three times in
Solution: Since

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations
As are of opposite signs, therefore the root lies between and ,

1 -2 -3 -2.1250 2 -14 0.7793

2 -2.1250 -3 -2.1711 0.7793 -14 0.2790

3 -2.1711 -3 -2.1873 0.2790 -14 0.0969

The continuous to steps of solution

5.2.3 Bisection Method:

Since the method is based on finding the root between two points, the method falls under the
category of bracketing methods.
Since the root is bracketed between two points, one can find the mid-point ,
between . This gives us two new intervals
Is the root now between or between ? Well, one can find the sign of
, and if then the new bracket is between , otherwise, it
is between . So, you can see that you are literally halving the interval. As one repeats
this process, the width of the interval becomes smaller and smaller, and you can zero in
to the root of the equation .
The steps to apply the bisection method to find the root of the equation are
1. Choose as two guesses for the root such that , or in other words,
changes sign between .
2. Estimate the root , of the equation as the mid-point between as
Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

3. Now check the following

a) If , then the root lies between ; then .
b) If , then the root lies between ; then
c) If ; then the root is . Stop the algorithm if this is true.

4. Find the new estimate of the root

Example 8: Find the real root of the equation . Using the bisection method.
Solution: Since -ve +ve
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 -0.159 -0.229 -0.205 -0.077 0.1585

Thus, the root is lies between 0.8 and 1

Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

1 0.8 1 0.9000 -0.077356 0.15852 0.026673

2 0.8 0.9000 0.8500 -0.077356 0.026673 -0.02878

3 0.85 0.9000 0.875 -0.02878 0.026673 -0.0019185

4 0.875 0.9000 0.8875 -0.00192 0.026673 0.012160

5 0.875 0.8875 0.88125 -0.00192 0.012160 0.0050668

Example 9: Consider find1ing the root of f(x) = x2 - 3. Let absolute error is εabs = 0.005 and start
with the interval [1, 2].
xl xu xm f(xm) f(xl) f(xu) ∆xm
1 2 1.5 -0.75 -2 1 0.5
1.5 2 1.75 0.0625 -0.75 1 0.25
1.5 1.75 1.625 -0.359375 -0.75 0.0625 0.125
1.625 1.75 1.6875 -0.152343 -0.359375 0.0625 0.0625
1.6875 1.75 1.71875 -0.0458984 -0.152343 0.0625 0.0313
1.71875 1.75 1.734375 0.00805664 -0.0458984 0.0625 0.0156
1.71875 1.734375 1.7265625 -0.0189819 -0.0458984 0.00805664 -0.0078
1.7265625 1.734375 1.73046875 -0.0054779 -0.0189819 0.00805664 0.0039

5.2.4 Iteration Method (Fixed Point):

This method is applicable when the equation can be put in the form
The process is as follows:
We find graphically or otherwise (as in previous method) an approximate value of the root.
We substitute this value in the right hand side of equation and get a better approximation

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Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

It can be shown that if when is sufficiently close to the exact value of the root,
Example 10: Find the root of the equation . By the iteration
method. With the first trail .

Solution: Now the given equation can be written in the form


, , The root is 20

Important notes:
1. From equation we note that For example the equation

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Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations
For . Hence the successive approximations tend to the exact

value of the root.

2. Any given equation may be written in the form
in many ways.
3. For example the equation may also be written as
Here and
For the iteration won’t work in this case. Hence
is to be chosen in this basis of the criterion that
For near the root.
Example 11: Find the root of the equation . By the iteration method. With the
first trail .

Solution: Now the given equation can be written in the form



The root is 0.876975 , error = 0.876975 – 0.8774097 = -4.34700*10-4.

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Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations
H.W: Find the root of the following equations by the iteration method.

1). 2).

5.2.5 Secant Method:

The secant method can also be derived from geometry, as shown in Figure (5.5). Taking two
initial guesses, xi-1 and xi , one draws a straight line between f( xi) and f( xi-1) passing through
the x -axis at xi+1 .
ABE and DCE are similar triangles.

On rearranging, the secant method is given as

Ex: find one root of equation: x  e  x to accurate to 10-3.

f(0) = -1, f(1) = 0.632121 , f(2) = 1.86466 , f(3) = 2.950213 , f(-1) = -3.71828
root between [0,1] , then x1 = 1, x2 =2, step two replace: x2 = x1 , x1 = x3 , in the table below

x1 x2 f(x1) f(x2) x3 f(x3)

1 2 0.63212 1.86466 0.487142 -0.12724
0.48714 1 -0.12724 0.632121 0.573076 0.009288
0.57307 0.487142 0.009287 -0.12724 0.56723 0.000136
0.56723 0.573076 0.000136 0.009287 0.567143 -1.5*10-7
0.56714 0.56723 -4.6*10-7 0.000136 0.56143 7.12*10-12
x7 – x6 = 0.567143 – 0.567143 = 0.000001

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Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

1) Find one root of equations below to accuracy 10-4:

1/ 2-te2t+4t=0 use bisection method. Ans: -0.5458

2/ 1+cos(t)- 4t=0 between [0, 1] use false position method Ans.: 0.472597

3/ e2ttan(t)=e-3π/2 use N.R.M. Ans.: 0.008681

4/ f(x)=2x3-6x2+11x-5.9 use iteration method Ans.: 0.78409243

 x 
5/ f ( x)  e  x  sin   use N.R.M. Ans: 0.4435735

2) For turbulent flow of fluid in a smooth pipe, the following relation exists between the friction
factor (Cf ) and Reynolds number (Re):


 0.4  1.74 ln Re C f 

Compute (Cf ) for Re = 105 take as initials (0.0005 and, 0.005) correct to six decimal places.

3) designing a spherical tank to hold water. The volume of liquid it can hold can be computed
(3R  h)
as: V  h 2 where V = volume (m3), h = depth of water in tank (m), and R = the tank
radius (m). If R = 3 m, what depth must the tank be filled to so that it holds 30 m3 ? Use three
iterations of the Newton-Raphson method to determine value of h ?

4) Figure below shows a uniform beam subject to a linearly increasing distributed load. The
equation for the resulting elastic curve: y  ( x 5  2 Lx 3  L4 x)
120 EIL
Determine the value of the maximum deflection using the following parameter values, L = 1 m,
E = 2*105 N/m2, I = 3*106 mm4 and wo = 340N/mm
Ans: y = ˗1.3558

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Chapter One Roots of Non-Linear Equations

5) Using false position method for the cube root, and use it to calculate 7 compute up to (4)
decimal places.

6) the upward velocity of a rocket can be computed by the following formula:

 160,000 
v  2200 ln    9.8t (m/s) with time (t) in (s). compute the time at which v =
 160,000  2680t 
1000 m/s.

7) the concentration of pollution bacteria (C) in a lake decreases according to:

C  80e 2t  20e 0.1t Determine the time required for the bacteria to be reduced to (C = 10)

8) use bisection method to find the root of { y  e 0.5 x 4  x   2 } for y = 6.

9) Locate the first positive root of f (x) = sin x + cos(1 + x2) – 1 where x is in radians. Use four
iterations of the secant method with initial guesses of xi–1 = 1.0 and xi = 3.0; to locate the root
and take a minimum of four iterations.

10). in a ocean engineering for a reflected standing wave in a harbor is given by:
 
h  ho (0.921047) sin x /10  e  x . Solve for lowest positive value of (x) if (h = 0.5ho)

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