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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.

2011, 3 (4): 373–384

Advance of in-situ stress measurement in China

Meifeng Cai1, Hua Peng2
University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China
Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, 100037, China
Received 12 April 2011; received in revised form 14 September 2011; accepted 28 September 2011

Abstract: In-situ stress is an essential parameter for design and construction of most engineering projects that involve
excavation in rocks. Progress in in-situ stress measurement from the 1950s in China is briefly introduced. Stress relief by
overcoring technique and hydraulic fracturing technique are the two main techniques for in-situ stress measurement in China at
present. To make them suitable for application at great depth and to increase their measuring reliability and accuracy, a series of
techniques have been developed. Applications and achievements of in-situ stress measurement in Chinese rock engineering,
including mining, geotechnical and hydropower engineering, and earthquake prediction, are introduced. Suggestions for further
development of in-situ stress measurement are also proposed.
Key words: in-situ stress measurement; new development of techniques; engineering application

dam site of the Three Gorges Project [3].

1 Introduction Professor Siguang Li (J. S. Lee), the major founder
 of geological science in China, emphasized the
The knowledge of in-situ stress state is function of horizontal tectonic stress for the first time.
indispensable for design and construction of most In the 1920s, he pointed out that at a certain depth of
engineering projects that involve excavation in rocks, the earth’s crust, the horizontal stress is much larger
such as mining engineering, geotechnical engineering, than the vertical stress [4]. He initiated stress
hydropower engineering, petroleum engineering, railway measurements for earthquake prediction at the
and road engineering. The original stress in rocks is a beginning of the 1960s. The first practical in-situ
kind of natural stress existing in the earth’s crust. Its stress measurement in mines with stress relief method
formation is firstly related to tectonic movement, at local rock surface was completed by Professor
especially the mutual pushing and extruding of the Zongji Chen (Tjongkie Tan), the founder of rock
tectonic plates, and secondly to the earth’s gravity. mechanics and rock engineering in China, at Daye
Before excavation, the stress in the earth’s crust is in open-pit iron mine in 1964 [5].
equilibrium. The excavations in rocks break the stress Stress relief by overcoring technique was used for
equilibrium and make the stress released. Just the in-situ stress measurement in the late 1960s. Various
released stress is the basic force causing deformation types of piezomagnetic stress gauges were developed
and damage of rock engineering [1, 2]. for the measurement at the early stage. Then,
In-situ stress measurement in China started at the “doorstopper” type strain gauges, borehole diametrical
end of the 1950s when the flat jack and local stress deformation gauges and triaxial strain cells were used
relief methods were used to measure stresses at the [6, 7]. The in-situ stress measurement with nationwide
rock surface of tunnels, slopes, pillars and cavities in repercussions was made in Jinchuan nickel mine using
hydropower projects and mines. The typical work was overcoring technique, which was conducted by
completed at Pingshanba, the originally pre-selected Institute of Geomechnics, Chinese Academy of
Geological Sciences, and Institute of Geology,
Doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1235.2011.00373 Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1975–1980 [8]. The

Corresponding author. Tel: +86-13701252928;
measurement revealed that the horizontal principal
374 Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384

stress was larger than the vertical principal stress at a

certain depth. The measured results led to 2 New development of stress relief
modification of original design of tunnels and by overcoring technique
roadways, in which the orientation and sectional
shapes of the tunnels and roadways were in good
2.1 Advantages and problems of stress relief by
agreement with distribution of in-situ stress based on
overcoring technique
the theory of elasticity. It successfully solved the
Stress relief by overcoring technique has been used
problems caused by unexpected deformations and
for in-situ stress measurement for a long period of
damages of tunnels and roadways.
time since it was firstly adopted by N. Hast to measure
Hydraulic fracturing technique was first introduced
in-situ stress state in Scandinavian Peninsula in the
to China at the end of the 1970s by F. Li and J. Ding.
1950s. A rough estimation showed that 70%–80% of
They completed the first in-situ stress measurement in-situ stress measurement data in the world were
with the hydraulic fracturing technique at Yi County, obtained by using this technique. Stress relief by
Hebei Province, China, for oilfield exploration. overcoring technique is especially suitable for in-situ
During 1983–1987, they made a joint work cooperated stress measurement in mining and geotechnical
with M. D. Zoback and B. C. Haimson from USA to engineering, because in such engineering projects,
complete hydraulic fracturing experiments at a 800-m many entrances, such as shafts, tunnels, inclines and
deep borehole and three 500-m deep boreholes to roadways can provide accessing ways to the position
investigate the tectonic stress field in western Yunnan where the stress measurement is conducted. Therefore,
Province. Since then, this technique was widely used a great cost can be saved for driving a special
in hydropower, hydraulic and petroleum engineering thoroughfare to the measuring position [10].
[9]. In the 1980s, systematic tests were completed by
Besides the aforementioned two main techniques of Cai and Thomas [11] to check the performance of the
stress relief by overcoring and hydraulic fracturing, main overcoring stress measurement devices,
there are also several other techniques, such as including USBM deformation gauge, CSIR
acoustic emission technique, differential strain curve doorstopper, CSIR triaxial strain cell, CSIRO hollow
analysis, sonic wave anisotropy measurement and inclusion strain gauge and UNSW solid including cell.
borehole wall breakout measurement techniques, Among these devices, the hollow inclusion strain
which are used as supplements to the two main gauge is most commonly used in various rock
techniques for different engineering fields. They are conditions. There are two main problems influencing
relatively simple and easy to use in usual conditions. the reliability and accuracy of the overcoring stress
However, their measuring accuracy is lower than those measurement: (1) most of the overcoring stress
of the two main techniques and roughly suitable for measurement devices use resistance strain gauges as
primary estimation of in-situ stress state. the sensing elements, and the measured strains
induced by stress relief during overcoring are
The importance of in-situ stress measurement was
interpreted as the in-situ stress based on the known
gradually recognized by more and more engineers and
relationship between stress and strain of the rocks. The
administration workers from the beginning of the
measured strains are recorded by a Wheatstone bridge
1980s in China. Large-scale and elaborately organized
type indicator. Because the resistance strain gauges are
in-situ stress measurements were completed in all
sensitive to temperature variation, the additional strain
major rock engineering projects in China, such as the
induced by temperature variation will induce a large
Three Gorges Project, South-to-North Water Transfer error in the measured stresses. Therefore, the
Project, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Railway Project. The reasonable temperature compensation is critical for
measured results provided solid basis for optimal validity and accuracy of the measurement. (2)
design and construction of the projects. Traditional methods to calculate rock stress according
During the later 20 years, new ideas and techniques to the measured strain values are based on the theory
of in-situ stress measurement were developed due to of elasticity, which assumes that the rock is linearly
the requirements of various engineering projects, elastic, continuous and isotropic. However, field rock
which were developed towards larger scale, deeper masses have characteristics of nonlinearity,
position and more complicated geological and discontinuity and anisotropy to some extent. The
environmental conditions. difference between the practical and assumed rock
Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384 375

conditions will cause errors in the calculated stresses. To solve the second problem mentioned above,
2.2 Full temperature compensation technique some techniques have been developed to interpret the
Traditional temperature compensation methods use measured strain caused by stress relief to original
dummy gauges as compensation elements, which are stress state considering nonlinearity, discontinuity and
not effective for devices bonded to rocks during the anisotropy of the practical rock masses [13].
measurement, such as the hollow inclusion strain (1) Interpreting the measured strain to in-situ stress
gauge. According to the principle of Wheatstone state needs the value of deformation modulus of the
bridge, for effective compensation, the strains rocks. For nonlinear elastic rocks, the value of the
measured by the dummy gauges and the working deformation modulus depends on stress level. To
gauges during temperature change should be the same. ensure correct interpretation, the value of deformation
However, the working strain gauges are bonded to modulus should exactly correspond to its stress level.
rocks, and their deformation behaviors are mainly Because both stress and deformation modulus are
controlled by the rocks. In order to obtain the same unknown, an iterative program is used for the
strain, the dummy gauges must be kept at the same interpretation. Before calculation, the nonlinear
position and also bonded to rocks as the working relationship between deformation modulus and stress
gauges, which is not allowed because the dummy should be determined and inserted into the iterative
gauges should be stress-free. To address this problem, program.
a full temperature compensation technique was (2) For orthotropic and transversely isotropic rocks,
developed by Cai [12]. It consists of the following 4 a method to determine anisotropic parameters with
main significances: biaxial loading test of overcore has been developed,
(1) Resistance elements in the Wheatstone bridge which makes it possible to calculate rock stress from
type indicator are all of low temperature coefficient the measured strains based on the constitutive
except for the working strain gauges at the measuring equations of the rocks.
position, which ensures that no additional strain (3) The results of the biaxial loading test of
induced by temperature change is recorded by the overcoring can also be used to determine anisotropic
indicator. factor of strain measured by each strain gauge. The
(2) Temperature changes at the measuring points are ratio of strain measured by each strain gauge to the
continuously recorded by a thermistor during average strain value in the same direction is defined as
overcoring. the anisotropic factor of strain measured by each strain
(3) After the completion of the overcoring test, the gauge, which is used to modify the measured strain
overcoring with the working strain gauges still inside values during overcoring to get correct strain values
is put in a temperature-controllable oven to make a for in-situ stress calculation. If the rocks are perfectly
temperature calibration test, conducted at temperature isotropic, the strains measured by strain gauges in the
difference of 1 C, from which the thermal strain rate same direction should be equal under biaxial loading.
for each strain gauge is obtained. (4) The performance of rock stress measurement
(4) Lead wires of the strain gauges can also induce devices in various rock conditions with different
remarkable additional strains due to temperature distributions can be evaluated and extents of
change. To solve this problem, the lead wires with the anisotropy and discontinuity through systematical
same length and same type coming from the same laboratory modeling tests can be determined. Based on
measuring point as the working strain gauges are the modeling test results, the in-situ stress
connected to a neighboring arm of the strain gauges in measurement result is modified according to the real
the bridge, which neglects the thermal effect of the rock condition.
lead wires. (5) Numerical modeling and iterative methods can
From the calibrated thermal strain rate and recorded be used to account for the effects of nonlinearity,
temperature change during overcoring, the additional anisotropy and discontinuity on the measured strains,
thermal strain values for each strain gauge can be which make the calculated results of rock stress close
determined and then eliminated from the totally to the real situation step by step.
measured strains to get the correct strain values for The full temperature compensation technique and
stress calculation. techniques accounting for the effects of nonlinearity,
2.3 Techniques accounting for the effects of anisotropy and discontinuity have greatly improved
nonlinearity, anisotropy and discontinuity of rock the reliability and accuracy of the overcoring stress
masses on calculation of in-situ stress measurement.
376 Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384

2.4 Techniques for effective and convenient use of

overcoring technique at great depth
2.4.1 Wireless automatic data transmission and
collection techniques
The measuring depth of commonly used overcoring
stress measurement devices, such as the hollow
inclusion strain cell, is limited by their wire-dependent 
data transmission technique. To solve this problem, a
series of wireless automatic data collection techniques
with overcoring stress measurement devices were 45
developed to make them effective and convenient at
 45
great depth [14, 15]. A typical device is shown in Fig.1.
The main body of the device is a hollow inclusion
strain sensor, which is connected with an automatic
Fig.2 Measuring layout of the local borehole-wall stress relief
data collection and recording unit. The unit is
wireless-remotely controlled, so the device can be
reliably and conveniently used at any depth for stress
Therefore, it can be used in slightly fractured rock
mass condition and may provide an alternate approach
for in-situ stress measurement at great depth.
Application of drilling robot and new automatic
recording system will make it more popular.

3 New development of hydraulic

fracturing technique
Fig.1 A hollow inclusion strain cell with automatic data
collection. 3.1 Advantages and problems of hydraulic
fracturing technique
2.4.2 Some local stress relief techniques able to be Hydraulic fracturing technique is an efficient
used at great depth without full overcoring technique for in-situ stress measurement at depth. It
The process of stress relief by full overcoring is has been mainly used for in-situ stress measurement in
somewhat complicated. To ensure successful hydropower engineering, highway and railway
measurements, a relatively integrated rock condition is engineering, etc., but less used in mining engineering
needed, which is difficult to be satisfied in some in China. However, in recent years, it was used in
places. To solve this problem, some local stress relief mining engineering for in-situ stress estimation at the
techniques without full overcoring were developed, exploration stage of the mine. It is an important
which could be used at great depth. Among them, the progress for mine administrators to get the information
local borehole-wall stress relief technique without full of in-situ stress state before design and construction of
overcoring developed by Ge and Hou [16] is the mine. At the exploration stage, there is no any
especially useful, which is shown in Fig.2. Its entrance to underground positions for stress
measurement with overcoring and other techniques.
measuring principle is similar to those of triaxial strain
Therefore, hydraulic fracturing technique is a
cell and hollow inclusion cell. Three strain gauge
relatively economical and convenient technique for
rosettes are cemented on the borehole wall distributed
detecting the underground stress state of the mine,
in the same circumference with an interval of 120.
because it can use the readily drilled boreholes to
The rock mass around the strain gauge rosettes is conduct the hydraulic fracturing tests, which saves
stress released by local overcoring one by one. From costs for drilling special entrances if using overcoring
the measured 9 strain values induced by stress relief, and other techniques. Hydraulic fracturing technique
the 3D in-situ stress state at the measuring point can has also been effectively used in deep-concave
be determined. open-pit mines. The design of open-pit mines is
The new technique has remarkable advantages of no traditionally based on limit equilibrium analysis,
need of full overcoring and no limit of borehole depth. which neglects the influence of in-situ stress on
Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384 377

stability of the mine. But for design of deep-concave (1) A new type of sealing packer with special
open-pit mines, overall mechanical analysis with structure was developed, whose pressure-enduring
numerical modeling or other techniques is necessary capacity is 70 MPa, enough for hydraulic fracturing
and information of in-situ stress is indispensible. test at depth of 2 000 m.
The hydraulic fracturing technique has two basic (2) A single-loop hydraulic fracturing system was
disadvantages: (1) It is a 2D measuring technique. In developed, in which a push-pull switch with high
order to get 3D in-situ stress state, measurement at strength was used for transferring the pressurizing
three boreholes that cross the same measuring point lines to the sealing packers or the sealed section of the
and are not parallel to each other is necessary. This borehole.
condition is difficult to be satisfied. (2) It is assumed (3) An automatic valve for low-pressure relief of the
that the fracture in the rock borehole wall is initiated at sealing packer was developed, which could
the minimum tangential stress position. If there are automatically make pressure relief of the sealing
original fractures, the assumption may not be valid. packers after completion of the hydraulic fracturing
Although the hydraulic fracturing technique is test.
efficient for in-situ stress measurement at great depth, (4) Two sets of pressure monitoring equipments
the maximum measuring depth of this technique in were used to detect water pressure in the pipeline,
China was only 800 m before the measurement in ensuring the measuring accuracy of water pressure
Wanfu coal mine in 2004. The traditional hydraulic applied to the sealed section of the borehole.
fracturing equipment used at great depth has the (5) The loading and unloading process of pressure
following three bottlenecks: was automatically program-controlled, which
(1) The pressure-enduring abilities of the sealing eliminated the influence of manual control in the
packers and pressurizing system of the hydraulic traditional hydraulic fracturing system on the
fracturing equipment are not good. Because at depth measuring results.
over 1 000 m, the pressure provided by the pressurized With the improved equipments and techniques,
water should be high enough to make the borehole in-situ stress measurement at depth more than 1 000 m
wall fractured. However, the high pressurized water has been successful completed in the Wanfu coal mine.
will also make the sealing packers and water pipelines
The maximum depth of the measuring point was 1 105 m,
damaged or malfunction.
which created a new record of measuring depth for
(2) With the increase in the measuring depth, the
in-situ stress measurement using the hydraulic
groundwater pressure is increased. In many fracturing technique in China [18]. The old record hit
engineering fields, such as in Wanfu coal mine 800 m in 1983.
situated in the alluvium of the Yellow River, the soil 3.3 Measuring results in the Wanfu coal mine
layers with thickness greater than 700 m will make the The Wanfu coal mine is a part of the Juye coal field
borehole filled with slurry at the measuring point. It located in southwest of Shandong Province, China.
will strongly influence the sufficient pressure relief The Juye coal field is within the range of the alluvium
and removal of the sealing packers after completion of of the Yellow River, and the overburden soil layer is
the fracturing test. 726 m thick on average. The average overburden
(3) The traditional hydraulic fracturing equipment depth of the coal seam is 1 104 m in the Wanfu coal
uses double-loop system. Because the borehole is mine. The complicated geological conditions and high
more than 1 000 m deep and will cross soil layers with level of rock stress at depth more than 1 000 m will
thickness more than 700 m, the hydraulic fracturing strongly influence the stability of mining structures
equipment will suffer removal difficulty because it is and safety of mining operation. To provide reliable
stuck on the borehole wall during its transferring from engineering-geological information for design and
the lower to upper positions. construction of the mine, in-situ stress measurement
3.2 Improvement of the hydraulic fracturing should be carried out before the design and
technique at great depth construction of the mine.
To increase the pressure-enduring ability, removal To save measuring cost, the hydraulic fracturing
flexibility and measuring accuracy of the traditional stress measurement was performed in the exploration
hydraulic fracturing technique with equipment, the boreholes. There were 29 exploration boreholes in the
following five techniques were developed and used in mine, of which 7 boreholes were meticulously chosen
the Wanfu coal mine by the authors in 2004 [17]: for hydraulic fracturing tests, as shown in Fig.3.
378 Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384

stress, are shown in Table 1, where Pi, Ps and Pr are

the fracture initial pressure, shut-in pressure and
fracture re-open pressure, respectively; t is the tensile
strength of rocks at measuring point; P0 is the
groundwater pressure at the measuring level; H and
h are the maximum and the minor horizontal
principal stresses, respectively, which are calculated
from the measured fracturing parameters in a set of Pi,
Ps, P0 and T or the other set of Pr, Ps and P0; and v is
the vertical principal stress, which equals the gravity
stress (0.02 MPa/m) in the Wanfu coal mine.
3.4 Further improved techniques and spot test
results in Xinjiang oilfield
After the measurement in the Wanfu coal mine, the
hydraulic fracturing equipments and techniques were
further improved [19]. A series of newly invented or
Fig.3 Location of measuring boreholes (unit: m).
developed equipments were used. The diameter of the
sealing packers is increased from 130 to 230 mm,
Successful hydraulic fracturing tests were carried made of specially developed high-strength material.
out at 3–6 measuring points in each borehole and Several sealing packers can be serially connected to
altogether 37 hydraulic fracturing tests were increase their sealing pressures. An ultrasonic
completed in 7 boreholes. The measured results, scanning probe is used to detect fractures in the
including hydraulic fracturing parameters and in-situ borehole wall, which can determine fractures less than

Table 1 Results of in-situ stress measurement in Wanfu coal mine.

Measuring Fracturing parameters (MPa) Stresses (MPa) Fracture
depth (m) Pi Pr Ps P0 t H h v orientation
891.2 27.55 21.74 20.40 8.91 5.81 30.55 20.40 18.64 NE65.3°
960.2 25.23 25.02 24.38 9.60 0.21 38.52 24.38 20.46 —
#1 1 011.3 26.29 26.07 24.91 10.11 0.22 38.55 24.91 21.81 —
1 046.2 28.61 25.33 24.28 10.46 3.28 37.05 24.28 22.74 NE78.7°
1 063.0 30.62 27.87 26.60 10.63 2.75 41.30 26.60 23.19 —
1 104.9 33.27 29.47 27.67 11.05 3.80 42.49 27.67 24.30 NE62.9°
890.3 26.93 24.92 23.55 8.90 2.01 36.83 23.55 18.47 NE76.8°
976.6 28.09 25.97 24.18 9.76 2.12 36.81 24.18 20.75 —
1 025.1 28.62 26.82 24.50 10.25 1.80 36.43 24.50 22.05 NE63.4°
1 056.4 33.17 27.67 25.55 10.56 5.50 38.42 25.55 22.87 —
1 074.6 32.43 25.66 24.50 10.75 6.77 37.09 24.50 23.37 —
1 079.6 35.17 30.60 25.98 10.80 4.57 36.54 25.98 23.50 NE68.5°
791.0 33.00 28.40 21.60 7.91 4.60 28.49 21.60 15.75 NE46.1°
859.0 40.90 35.30 26.00 8.59 5.60 34.11 26.00 17.55 NE44.7°
#3 910.0 41.50 37.60 26.50 9.10 3.90 32.80 26.50 18.90 —
1 012.0 42.80 39.10 27.60 10.12 3.70 33.58 27.60 21.86 —
1 063.0 38.40 36.20 29.00 10.63 2.20 40.17 29.00 22.95 NE52.4°
799.6 40.80 38.30 32.80 8.00 2.50 52.10 32.80 16.16 NE36.0°
900.4 43.70 37.60 34.30 9.00 6.10 56.30 34.30 18.81 —
#4 988.6 43.10 37.70 35.20 9.89 5.40 58.01 35.20 21.16 —
1 026.4 42.70 33.80 32.70 10.26 8.90 54.04 32.70 22.14 NE39.2°
1 052.7 40.90 35.70 33.90 10.53 5.20 55.47 33.90 22.85 NE43.6°
874.7 36.20 31.80 29.10 8.75 4.40 46.75 29.10 18.08 NE45.5°
1 011.7 35.60 30.10 28.70 10.12 5.50 45.88 28.70 21.70 —
1 027.9 37.20 30.70 29.70 10.28 6.50 48.12 29.70 22.12 NE67.9°
1 080.4 30.40 26.80 24.80 10.80 3.60 36.80 24.80 23.50 NE52.8°
813.8 29.62 26.92 20.47 8.14 2.70 26.35 20.47 16.53 NE98.1°
843.8 31.94 30.38 26.89 8.44 1.56 41.85 26.89 17.32 NE110.6°
#6 861.5 35.95 30.25 26.63 8.61 5.70 41.03 26.63 17.77 —
879.3 37.89 35.17 28.05 8.79 2.72 40.19 28.05 18.25 —
891.8 45.78 37.63 30.51 8.93 8.15 44.97 30.51 18.59 NE92.5°
891.2 24.97 22.10 20.34 8.55 2.87 30.37 20.34 18.57 NE38.5°
960.4 28.10 26.88 21.74 8.94 1.22 29.40 21.74 20.39 —
1 011.3 28.32 26.05 23.65 9.13 2.27 35.77 23.65 21.74 —
1 046.2 27.84 26.40 24.85 10.42 1.44 37.73 24.85 22.67 NE32.6°
1 063.0 29.76 28.56 27.72 10.68 1.20 43.92 27.72 23.12 —
1 105.0 37.29 32.75 29.99 10.95 4.54 46.27 29.99 24.23 NE39.0°
Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384 379

0.1 mm in width. The high-pressurizing system with a hydraulic fracturing technique in a single borehole
specially developed pump, the automatic controlling As mentioned above, the traditional hydraulic
with data collection system and the sealing packer are fracturing technique is basically a 2D measuring
integrally connected and sent to the measuring points technique. To get 3D in-situ stress state, measurement
in the borehole with a armored cable, as shown in in 3 non-parallel boreholes is necessary. There are
Fig.4. The cable is also used as remote controlling three problems to be solved for such measurement: (1)
signal line to the automatic controlling with data Directional drilling of inclined boreholes is difficult
collection system at the measuring point. and drilling length is strictly limited. (2) It is
impossible or difficult to make the 3 non-parallel
boreholes cross the same point, i.e. the fracturing
measurement point. (3) High cost and long time are
needed. For deep in-situ stress measurement, such a
technique is even more useless.
To solve the problems, a 3D stress measurement
method with hydraulic fracturing technique in a single
borehole was developed by Liu [20]. In the method,
besides a normal hydraulic fracturing test, fracture
re-opening tests in at least 3 natural fractures in the
borehole wall near the measuring point were added.
Some other researchers also presented similar designs
Measuring section

The method is based on the principle that the 3D
stress state at a point is composed of 6 stress
components, which are taken as 6 unknowns. To get
the 6 unknowns, firstly, a normal hydraulic fracturing
test is performed, which can provide 3 independent
equations. Secondly, fracture re-opening tests in 3
natural fractures in the borehole wall are conducted.
One fracture re-opening test can provide one
independent equation, thus 3 natural fracture
re-opening tests can provide 3 independent equations.
Then, 6 independent equations are used to slove the 6
Fig.4 A new type of hydraulic fracturing stress measurement
unknowns and the 3D stress state is finally determined.
This method enlarges the usability of the hydraulic
With the further improvement of hydraulic fracturing fracturing technique. To make it successful, finding 3
equipments and techniques, a field experiment was natural fractures closely near the normal hydraulic
successfully completed in an exploration borehole fracturing section in the borehole is the key. If the
named Caican #1 in the Xinjiang oilfield in 2010. The natural fractures are far from the fracturing section of
experimental measuring results are shown in Table 2. the normal hydraulic fracturing test, this method will
The maximum measuring depth reached 2 800 m, be less useful for calculation of stress state at the same
which created a new record of measuring depth with measuring point. Correct information of the natural
hydraulic fracturing technique again in China. fractures’ attitude is also important. It has been found
3.5 Techniques for 3D stress measurement with that in many cases, especially in the field with high

Table 2 Measuring results in Caican #1 exploration borehole.

Fracturing parameters (MPa) Stresses (MPa) Fracture
Measuring section Depth (m)
Pi Pr Ps P0 t H h v orientation
#1 2 750 55.10 52.07 50.92 27.50 3.02 73.70 50.92 68.75 NE30
#2 2 765 56.52 52.08 49.82 27.65 4.44 69.73 49.82 69.13 NE21
#3 2 785 58.97 53.72 51.41 27.85 5.25 72.66 51.41 69.63 NE10
#4 2 800 59.26 52.78 51.69 28.00 6.48 74.29 51.69 70.00 NW12
380 Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384

in-situ stress, initial fracturing is not along the natural In such a condition, the boundary of the tunnels and
fracture if its orientation is far apart the orientation of roadways will be in an even-compressed stress state,
the maximum principal stress, which means failure of which means that the values of tangential compressive
fracture re-opening test in the natural fracture. stress at every point of the boundary are equal. It is
very favorable for stability of the tunnels, roadways
4 Application of in-situ stress and rock excavations.
measurement to rock engineering and Jinchuan nickel mine is the largest nickel mine in
earthquake prediction China, whose nickel production occupies 90% of the
nickel production of the whole country. This mine
4.1 Application in mining, geotechnical and other began construction in the mid-1960s, but until the
similar rock engineering mid-1970s, it could not be put into operation. The
Mining, geotechnical and other similar rock main problem was that the transport tunnels and
engineering, such as hydropower, railway and road mining roadways could not be stabilized because large
engineering projects, all involve rock excavation and deformation or destabilization often appeared in a few
construction. Rock stress exists in the surrounding months after completion of excavation. In-situ stress
rocks of the engineering structures prior to and during measurement was carried out for a few years in the
the whole procedure of excavation and operation. late 1970s. The results showed that the horizontal
Therefore, it is necessary to understand in-situ stress stress was remarkably larger than the vertical stress in
state for guiding design, construction and operation of the mine. The sectional shape of the original tunnels
rock engineering, especially in the following 5 aspects and roadways is shown in Fig.5, with height greater
[22, 23]. than width. Based on the stress measurement results,
4.1.1 Overall layout of engineering structures the sectional shape of the tunnels and roadways was
In primary stage of engineering design, clear changed. The changed section has a larger width than
understanding of in-situ stress condition is a its height. After that, with improved shotcrete-rock
prerequisite for design of the overall layout of the bolts support, the stability problem of the tunnels and
engineering. In the design, important engineering roadways was addressed quickly and subsequently the
facilities, such as main chambers, shafts, tunnels and mine was put into production in a short period of time.
transport roadways, should be kept away from the
high stress areas. Orientation of the above-mentioned
excavation structures should be in or along the
direction of the maximum principal stress, because in
such layout, there are two smaller principal stresses in
the vertical section of the excavations, which is
favorable for stability of the excavation structures.
To make the best of overall layout of the Original shape Changed shape

engineering structures, in-situ stress measurement Fig.5 The original and changed shapes of the roadways in the
before engineering design is necessary. Since there is Jinchuan mine.
not any existing underground way to access the
measuring position before construction of the 4.1.3 Optimization of excavation sequences and steps
engineering, hydraulic fracturing is the relatively of the engineering
suitable technique for the measurement. Stress Excavation in rock engineering is usually a
measurement with the improved hydraulic fracturing complicated procedure. Different excavation
technique in the Wanfu coal mine is the first time to sequences and steps will cause different mechanical
make large-scale in-situ stress measurement in the effects, i.e. different stability status of the engineering.
early exploration stage in Chinese mines. Because the structural shapes and excavation steps of
4.1.2 Selection of the optimal shape of underground the most rock engineering projects are very
tunnels and roadways complicated, it is impossible to implement engineering
According to the theory of elasticity, to minimize design, including selection of excavation methods and
stress concentration around the tunnels and roadways, arrangement of excavation steps by theoretical
their ideal sectional shapes are an ellipse, in which the calculation. Therefore, the traditional excavation
ratio of horizontal to vertical axes matches the ratio of design mainly relies on the experts experience and is
horizontal to vertical principal stresses in the section. less reasonable and reliable. The rapid development of
Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384 381

numerical modeling methods provides efficient and measuring points was obtained. Using the hydraulic
powerful tools for quantitative calculation and optimal fracturing technique, stress measurement at 6
design of mining, geotechnical and other similar rock boreholes was performed with the maximum depth of
engineering excavations. All the calculation and 137.6 m, from which the 2D stress state at 39
design should be performed in a condition of known measuring points was determined. The measured
stress state in the engineering area. results show that the stress state in the measured
4.1.4 Optimal design of high and steep slope in region is dominated by horizontal tectonic stress with
deep-concave rock engineering lateral factor of 1.08–1.82, which provides solid basis
Traditional method for slope design is the limit for scientific design and construction and safe
equilibrium analysis method. This method is based on operation of the shiplock.
the gravity equilibrium principle, which neglects the 4.1.5 Prediction of rockburst and other dynamic
influence of horizontal tectonic stresses, rock mass disasters induced by deep excavations
characters, faults, etc. However, these factors play key Rockburst and other dynamic disasters induced by
roles in stability of the slope in deep-concave rock deep excavations are closely related to rock stress state.
engineering. They are all dynamic processes of energy
It is often assumed that the tectonic stress in hillside accumulation and stress release during excavation. To
area has been completely released. Stress quantitatively calculate magnitude and distribution of
measurement with both overcoring and hydraulic underground energy accumulation as well as its
fracturing techniques was completed in the Ekou iron evolutionary process based on clear understanding of
mine in 1992. In the mine, the final vertical height of in-situ stress state is the only way for making time-
the slope is 720 m and the excavation depth is 440 m. space-strength prediction of dynamic disasters induced
It was the first time to carry out systematical in-situ by deep excavations. Quantitative calculation with
stress measurement in deep-concave open-pit mines in numerical modeling method can provide detailed
China. The measured results showed that the information on magnitude and distribution of stress
horizontal stress was significantly larger than the and strain in the surrounding rocks. From the stress
vertical stress, in which the traditional assumption is and strain, the magnitude and distribution of the
limited. For reliable and optimal design of the slopes energy accumulation around the excavation face can
in deep-concave open-pit mines, the effect of the be obtained. Through energy analysis, evaluation and
horizontal tectonic stress should be considered [24]. prediction of rockburst and other dynamic disasters
The shiplock in the Three Gorges Project is a key induced by deep excavations in the engineering can be
engineering structure for the project. It is located at the made using the knowledge of earthquake theory.
left side of the Yangtze River with a length of 1 600 m. Therefore, in-situ stress measurement is indispensable
Both sides of the shiplock are high and steep slopes for the evaluation and prediction.
with the maximum vertical height of 170 m. The Based on the above theory and technique, a ML =
shiplock walls at two sides are almost vertical with 3.7 mining seismicity (artificial earthquake like
height of 50–70 m. The shiplock of the Three Gorges rockburst in metal mine) induced by mining
Project is the typical deep-concave rock engineering excavation in the Laohutai coal mine, which is located
with high steep slopes. To ensure long-term stability of in Fushun City of Liaoning Province, was predicted a
the shiplock, stability analysis and optimum design of month before its happening [27].
the high and steep slopes should be performed. To 4.2 For earthquake monitoring and prediction
provide sufficient information for the analysis and Professor Siguang Li believed that the earthquake
design, in-situ stress measurement with the largest occurs as the stress exceeds the strength of rock mass.
scale in China has been carried out since 1984 [25, 26]. It is the origin of the energy theory for earthquake
The two main techniques, i.e. hydraulic fracturing and prediction. After the M6.1 earthquake happened at the
overcoring techniques, were used for the measurement. Xinfengjiang reservoir in Heyuan County of
Using the overcoring technique, stress measurement at Guangdong Province in 1962, Professor Siguang Li
3 deep boreholes was performed with the maximum made effort to study the inducing mechanism of
depth of 304 m, from which the 3D stress state at 33 earthquake through in-situ stress and displacement
measuring points within 21 sections was determined. measurement. In 1964, through measurement using
Besides, overcoring stress measurement was also overcoring technique with piezomagnetic stress
conducted at 4 shallow horizontal boreholes within gauges, the magnitude of the maximum and minor
adits, from which the 3D stress state at other 9 principal stresses and orientation of the maximum
382 Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384

stress were determined at the Xinfengjiang reservoir remarkable precursor of the Wenchuan earthquake.
area. On March 8, 1966, an earthquake of M6.7 with The above monitoring results indicate that the
death toll more than 8 000 occurred in Xingtai of remarkable warning signs before earthquake have
North China, 350 km northeast to Beijing. After this been captured by the strain/stress monitoring system,
earthquake, practical earthquake prediction study which demonstrates that the strain/stress monitoring
started in China. Researchers were looking for various technique is useful for prediction and forecast of
precursors of the earthquake at that time, including earthquakes. Strain/stress monitoring can provide
seismicity, deformation, electric resistivity change, information on the strain energy accumulation in the
groundwater change, animal response, etc. In-situ earth’s crust, which is the source to induce
stress was also considered and expected as the most earthquakes. In contrast, seismological monitoring can
promising one [28]. So stress measurement is a key only record seismic waves that reflect the energy
issue in earthquake prediction. Under organization of release. Therefore, strain/stress monitoring has
Professor Siguang Li, several tens of in-situ stress stronger early-warning capability than seismic
monitoring stations were established, which were monitoring for earthquake forecasting. However,
distributed in 21 provinces of China. strain/stress monitoring at only one or few points does
The in-situ stress monitoring station in Shandan not achieve a practical prediction. It is necessary to
County of Gansu Province in Northwest China was build a monitoring network over a large enough range
established in 2007. It is 844.3 km away from the around active earthquake belts. The monitoring results
epicenter of the M=8.0 earthquake that happened in from such networks can provide prediction
Wenchuan on May 12, 2008. In the station, a high- information on the location, strength and time of
precision volumetric strain gauge system was installed earthquakes [29].
in a borehole drilled in the red coarse granite for In recent years, great progresses have been made for
in-situ stress monitoring. During the Wenchuan stress measurement used for earthquake prediction
earthquake, the volumetric strain gauge system at the study in China. Repeated in-situ stress measurements
Shandan monitoring station successfully observed the by overcoring technique found a stress drop of a few
whole evolution of the in-situ rock strain. Figure 6 MPa after the Kunlun earthquake. In-situ stress was
shows the complete strain curve from May 10 to 13. also measured with hydraulic fracturing technique in
From the figure, it can be seen that before May 11, the the northeastern end of the active faults of the
strain curve is smooth normally with only periodic Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, indicating that a high
strain changes caused by solid earth tides. However, maximum horizontal shear stress existed near the fault,
quite strong strain wave activities were observed in and it kept a high value even after the coseismic stress
two periods, i.e. from 7:45 AM to 5:57 PM on May 11 drop. Long-term monitoring of stress variations in
and from 6:32 AM to 7:41 AM on May 12. The China now can provide reliable records of earth tides,
duration of these strain wave activities was about 30 which was found in Guza station, 140 km away from
and 8 hours, respectively, before the Wenchuan the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake. Azimuthally
earthquake, which could be considered as the anisotropic responses to earth tides were found in
Strain (1010)

Fig.6 Strain curve of 96 hours observed in Shandan station during Wenchuan earthquake.
Meifeng Cai et al. / J Rock Mech Geotech Eng. 2011, 3 (4): 373–384 383

many stress stations. Variations of the responses were techniques for in-situ stress measurement were
observed in Yushu station before the Yushu earthquake developed based on the demand of various newly
in 2010, while no such change was observed in stable developed engineering projects with larger scale,
regions. These progresses are exciting, and a project deeper position, and more complicated geological and
for construction of about 300 new stress stations is environmental conditions. Especially, a series of
underway [26]. techniques and equipments have been developed for
the two main stress measurement techniques. Full
5 Conclusions and suggestions temperature compensation technique, techniques
accounting the effect of nonlinearity, anisotropy and
(1) The knowledge of in-situ stress state is discontinuity of rocks on the measuring results,
indispensable for design and construction of all wireless automatic data transmission and collection
engineering projects that involve excavations in rocks, techniques, local stress relief without full overcoring
such as mining engineering, geotechnical engineering, techniques and so on, have been successfully used to
hydropower engineering, railway and road engineering, increase the measuring reliability, accuracy and
petroleum engineering. It is suggested that for reliable practical usability of the overcoring technique.
design and construction of rock engineering, Application of new type of sealing packers with
information on in-situ stress state should be provided high-pressurizing strength, automatic valve for
before design and construction of the engineering, low-pressure relief of the sealing packers, ultrasonic
which means that it is necessary to carry out primary scanning probe for precise detecting of fractures on
in-situ stress measurement in the early exploration the borehole wall, high-pressurizing system with a
stage of the engineering. Progress and development of specially developed pump and so on, has significantly
in-situ stress measurement, since the end of the 1950s increased the pressure-enduring ability, removal
in China, have made the scientific level of rock flexibility and measuring accuracy of the traditional
engineering design and construction greatly improved hydraulic fracturing technique. With the improved
and enhanced. Application of in-situ stress techniques and equipments, the record of measuring
measurement to earthquake monitoring and prediction depth with hydraulic fracturing technique in China
has already made exciting progress. was changed from 800 m in 1983 to 1 105 m in 2004,
(2) Stress relief by overcoring technique and and changed again to a new record of 2 800 m in 2010.
hydraulic fracturing technique are two mainly used (4) Current commonly used techniques for in-situ
techniques used for in-situ stress measurement in stress measurement, including overcoring and
various rock engineering fields in China. Stress relief hydraulic fracturing techniques, are all “point”
by overcoring technique has been used for in-situ measuring techniques. Based on the measured results,
stress measurement for a long time and is relatively using fitting and back analysis methods to build an
mature with a higher measuring accuracy than other in-situ stress model for an engineering area is useful.
techniques. It is especially suitable for detailed in-situ In recent years, nonlinear plural regression, neural
stress measurement in mining and other similar network, numerical modeling, fuzzy comprehensive
engineering at their operation stage, in which there are appraisal, genetic algorithm and particle swarm
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measurement is conducted. Hydraulic fracturing analysis [30, 31].
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