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Title of Lesson Emotional Hands using the Soap Resist Method

Grade Level High School Visual Arts

Measurable Objectives VAHSVAMC.1 Engages in the creative process, imagines new ideas by using mental and visual
imagery, conceptualizes these ideas by using artistic language and contextual understandings in
assessing learning, and develops a personal artistic voice that gives unique form to these
c.Identifies a personal viewpoint

VAHSVAMC.2 Finds and solves problems through open-ended inquiry, the consideration of
multiple options, weighing consequences, and assessing results
b. Generates more than one solution to a single artistic problem and assesses merits of each
e.Supports peers though informal, on- going critique of works in-progress

VAHSVAMC.3 Cultivates critical thinking and logical argumentation in aesthetics.

a.Discusses aesthetic issues, such as what is beauty? What affects my personal aesthetic?

VAHSVACU.1 Articulates ideas and universal themes from diverse cultures of the past and
b.Discusses how understanding the original context of an artwork affects a viewer’s connection with
and interpretation of the artwork.

VAHSVAPR.1 Uses formal qualities of art (elements and principles) to create unified
composition and communicate meaning
c.Uses thumbnail sketches and visual/verbal notes to plan compositions

VAHSVAPR.2 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes in drawing

c.Combines contour and value in drawing from direct observation

VAHSVAPR.3 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes in color / painting
d.Demonstrates understanding of the dark/light value quality of specific colors
f.Lightens and darkens color with tints/shade

VAHSVAAR.2 Critiques artwork of others individually and in group setting

a.Provides respectful and constructive criticism to peers in formal class critique
e. Discusses the connection between intent and viewer’s interpretation—active participation by
viewer to bring personal experience to the interpretation

- TLW apply previous mastery of thumbnails by completing ten thumbnail sketches

- TLW observe and construct value as it relate to rendering realistic two-dimensional art
- TLW compose a soap resist drawing of their hands using knowledge of color theory and
context to demonstrate an emotion.
- TLW observe and identify the new media process, soap resist
- TLW participate in criticism of their own and other’s work
- TLW analyze the work of self and fellow classmates
Resources & Materials - A variety of images that do not show facial characteristics but that evoke emotion. These items can
be alive or still. Suggested artists: Leah Giberson, Mapplethorpe, Edward Hopper, classical
landscapes etc.

Images and/or PPT displaying artwork

Black Canson paper
Primsacolor Art Stix (cut to 18 in x 24 in in size for student use)
Bar Soap
White sketch paper
Motivation Demonstrate a large teacher completed exemplar of the soap resist method, explain students will be
executing something similar.

1. Motivate Students.
Sequencing 2. Demonstrate Exemplar.
3. Show collected images from other artists
4. Ask students if the works seem to evoke an emotion or not. If they say “yes” ask them how
they know the work is emotive.
5. Ask students to hypothesize ways in which they can demonstrate emotion without facial
6. Explain project to students: Students are to create adrawing of their own, or someone else’s
hands that somehow emotes.
7. Explain the artwork process students are going to undergo.
8. Hand out white sketch paper and pencils.
9. Ask students to complete 10 thumbnail sketches and then select their favorite two and make
an 8 in x 10 in sketch.
10. Gather students and have a brief crit. Ask students to help their classmates identify their
strongest sketches.
11. Have students transfer their sketch to black Canson paper
12. Gather students and do a quick demonstration about how to use Primsacolor Art Stix.
Demonstrate how to use lights and darks to create value (shadows). Go over this a few
times. Value should be an ongoing skill and one that has been previously taught.
13. Hand out Art Stix.
14. Circulate and aid as necessary (they will need it).
15. Fill sink with about an inch of water (place stool if needed)
16. As students finish, call them to the sink and aid them in rinsing off their works.
17. Gather students for a final crit of artworks.

Assessment will be graded using the following scale:

Excellent (10-8) Good (7-5) Fair (4-3) Poor (2-0)
1. Student completed thumbnail sketches (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
2. Student participates in thumbnail crit (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
3. Student completed a soap resist drawing (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
4. Student demonstrates an on-going understanding of value as demonstrated by accurate
rendering in final drawing (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
5. Final drawing emotes (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
6. Final drawing emotes the students’ intended emotion (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
7. Student is able to articulate intended emotional response in crit (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
8. Student used materials appropriately (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)
9. Student behaved respectfully during crit (10-8) (7-5) (4-3) (2-0)

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