Interview Questions Daisy - Dkus

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Brief Introduction

Borne out of the pandemic, the methods by which an individual could acquire education
became considerably limited as to direct or face-to-face contact became rather a derailing that
eventually pushed educational institutions to shift to an alternative way of delivering and
imposing education among the youth, in such online learning was given drastic recognizance.
With this issue in bustling light, opposing and concurring sides came clashing against whether
the new method will present the results/outcome expected by the general public especially to the
concerned individuals/groups such as the students, parents, and teachers. The decision, having
been through various considerations and amendments from different angles and corners of the
locals had reached its final decision to put these educational institutions in preparatory for the
adaptive way of learning. Circulated almost all social networking sites and featured by several
newspaper articles and several media outlets was the campaign to freeze the academic year in
consideration to the country’s on-going pandemic, youths from all regions around the country
amplified their voices.
As such, the government agency responsible for the decision settled and remained
unwavering to the adaptive way of learning. The conviction that education should still be
prioritized despite the growing number of cases resulted in what the masses call now “Online
Learning.” However, in recent cases that its efficiency is constantly being questioned with
degree holders, students as well as parents questioning the level of learning that their child could
acquire from this new method, online learning opened several possibilities in which education is
made accessible even at the expense of sitting on one’s chair with eyes fixated on the screen
monitor and ears to the speaker. Students from all over the places try their utmost effort to adapt
and fit themselves into the new world of digital learning however, the reality is not identical to
all whereas, a fraction of students/learners are still struggling to make it through the new method.
Interview Questions:
1. How are you currently adapting to the new method of learning?
2. Would you prefer the traditional style of learning or the new adaptive one? What are your
reasons for your preference?
3. As a teacher, what are some of the challenges that you have been facing since the start of
online learning?
4. Do you think that online education is as effective as traditional one?
5. How are you monitoring the students’ progress in learning?
6. What do you think is the impact of this new style of learning on the teachers and
7. If given a chance to be one of the selected schools to conduct a dry run of face-to-face
classes, would your school readily volunteer? Why or why not?
8. Did the number of enrollees this school year rose or dropped? What is your opinion about
9. How do you handle students who fail to attend their classes online?
10. What are your thoughts regarding the decision of DepEd to push through online classes?

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