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Activity 2

Name: PUERTOS, FERLYN S. Date: March 10, 2021

Year & Section: 2nd Year HS-S2M Score:

1. Using the stratified sampling technique, compute for the sample size at a 5% margin
of error for each hospital listed in the table below.

Distribution of High Fever Patients in Five Hospitals

Hospital Population Percentage Sample size, n

A 560 19% 67
B 284 10% 35
C 790 26% 92
D 1,000 33% 117
E 366 12% 42
Total (N) 3,0000 100% 353
E= 0.05
n= 353
N = 3,000

2. Compute for the sample size required for each of the following populations.

a. N = 5,263 e = 3%
n = N/1 + Ne²
=5263/1 +5263(0.03)²

b. N = 8,000 e = 5%
n = N/1 + Ne²
=8,000/1 + 8,000(0.05)²
=8,000 + 21

c. N = 1,000 e = 2%


n = N/1 + Ne²
= 1,000/1 + 1,000(0.02)²
= 1,000 + 1.4
= 714

3. Identify the type of sampling used in the following statements. Write only the answer.

a. A reporter writes the name of each senator on a separate card, shuffles the cards,
and then draws five names. RANDOM SAMPLING

b. A dean at DLSU-D surveys all students from each of 12 randomly selected classes.
c. A reporter obtains sample data from readers who decide to mail in a questionnaire
printed in the latest issue. CONVENIENCE SAMPLING

d. A mathematics professor selects 18 men and 18 women from each of four classes.
SYSTEMATIC SAMPLING (Stratified Random Sampling)

e. Ms. Morales wants to give away 3 movie tickets. In order to avoid bias, she wrote the
name of each of her students in a paper and placed it in a hat, To determine the 3
winners, she picked 3 rolled papers from the hat. RANDOM SAMPLING

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