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Opinion about article and video:

The article shows us a sad and heartbreaking scene, a consequence of global warming
which has been accelerating as a result of human actions. People are often not aware of the
gravity of the situation, especially when they are in the comfort of their homes, with food
and water on their tables and a place to sleep. It is important to analyze the scenario and see
who is affected, because we may not see the impact on us right now but in a few years it
will. The consequences of continuing at the rate we are going can be catastrophic, losing
many species and the arctic zones completely, which according to what I have heard can
cause the inundation of several countries causing their extinction.

2. Formal letter

Road 8E # 5-48

Aracataca, 5 de marzo de 2021


Road 7 #37-69, building Teusacá, floor 1.


Subject: Air pollution

My name is Waldir Eduardo Pacheco, student of Telecommunication Engineering at the

National Open and Distance University.

It is important to mention that the oil and coal industry has been the responsible for more
than half of the pollution of the world between 1988 and 2015 and you, as the first oil
company in the country, must take care of the population complying with all environmental
regulations and making the respective treatments to not affect the country or compromise
its dense fauna and flora.

Therefore, I request that you carry out an environmental impact study and evaluation that
takes into consideration all the impacts that affect the ecosystem and implement a plan to
improve environmental quality to reduce pollution in the affected areas as much as
possible, taking the necessary measures, because the country has been going through a
serious situation and if measures are not taken, in a few years we will all be seriously

Thank you for your attention and I remain attentive for a reply.

Waldir Pacheco.


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