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190916 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R6

Soal Praktikum
Practicum Case

Database Administrator
Teknik Informatika E1-ISYS6119-DF02
Computer Science
Periode Berlaku Semester Ganjil 2016/2017 Revisi 00
Valid on Odd Semester Year 2016/2017 Revision 00

Learning Outcomes
 Create Reporting Service Administration

 Session 11 – Reporting Service Administration

Sub Topics
 Introduction to SSRS
 Setup Reporting Services server
 Email setting
 Managing Report Manager
 SQL Server Reporting Service

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MsCustomer HeaderSales MsEmployee

PK CustomerID PK SalesID PK EmployeeID

CustomerName FK1 EmployeeID EmployeeName

CustomerAddress FK2 CustomerID EmployeeAddress
CustomerEmail TransactionDate EmployeeEmail
CustomerPhone EmployeePhone
FK1 BranchID

MsNovel DetailSales MsBranch

PK NovelID PK,FK1 SalesID PK BranchID

PK,FK2 NovelID
NovelTitle BranchName
NovelStock Quantity BranchAddress
NovelPrice BranchPhone

There are many ways to create a report from database; one of the ways is by using a Business
Intelligence program. Today, we want to learn about how to make a report using Business Intelligence
program. You can open the program by click:
Start  All Programs  Programming  Microsoft  Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 – Business
Intelligence  Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

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Choose your default environment settings to Business Intelligence Settings

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Create New Project:

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Create Report Server Project Wizard in the Reporting Services menu:

Click Next > Button:

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Create connection string to connect to database by clicking Edit… Button:

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Fill the Server and database name, and then check the connection by clicking Test Connection Button:

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Click Next > Button:

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Fill the Query string Text Area with the query to select the data from database:

For the example is query to display book sales report based on the customer’s name, the book title, and
months of the sale transaction:
select CustomerName, NovelTitle, SalesMonth=MONTH(TransactionDate), QtySum=SUM(Quantity)
from MsCustomer mc
join HeaderSales hs on mc.CustomerID=hs.CustomerID
join DetailSales ds on ds.SalesID=hs.SalesID
join MsNovel mn on mn.NovelID=ds.NovelID
group by CustomerName, NovelTitle, MONTH(TransactionDate)

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Testing the query result in SQL Server Management Studio to make sure the query is running
successfully, before copying to the Query string Text Area and then press the Next > Button:

Select the type of report that you want (tabular or matrix):

Image 1 Tabular Example Image 2 Matrix Example

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Design the table displayed fields:

Image 3 Grouping data in the tabular method example Image 4 Grouping data in the matrix method example

Choose the table layout:

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Choose the table style:

Choose the deployment location:

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Give the name of the report and then click Finish Button:

You can see the report result in the Preview Tab:

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Here is the example report result:

Image 6 Report result tabular version with drilldown structure

Image 5 Report result tabular version without drilldown


Image 7 Report result matrix version

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To create the other report, you can do the right click in the Reports Folder in the Solution Explorer 
Add New Report:

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MsCustomer HeaderSales MsEmployee

PK CustomerID PK SalesID PK EmployeeID

CustomerName FK1 EmployeeID EmployeeName

CustomerAddress FK2 CustomerID EmployeeAddress
CustomerEmail TransactionDate EmployeeEmail
CustomerPhone EmployeePhone
FK1 BranchID

MsNovel DetailSales MsBranch

PK NovelID PK,FK1 SalesID PK BranchID

PK,FK2 NovelID
NovelTitle BranchName
NovelStock Quantity BranchAddress
NovelPrice BranchPhone

1. Create the jobs report using matrix version that displays the employee name and count of
transaction that’s served by the employee per year.
2. Create the sales report using tabular version with drilldown structure that displays the customer
name and count of transaction per year.
3. Create the sales report using tabular version that displays the novel title and total quantity that sold
per month.
4. Create the sales report using matrix version that displays the novel title and total quantity that sold
per month for each branch.
5. Create an income report using tabular version that displays the total novel price that sold per
month and year.

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