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Kongsberg DPS 110

Differential Positioning System

Instruction Manual

October 2011 © Kongsberg Seatex AS
Document history
Document number: G200-87
RTCM input corrections, improved antenna installation
Rev. 4.0 October 2011
instruction, minor updates

©2011 Kongsberg Seatex AS
All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or otherwise
copied without prior permission from Kongsberg Seatex AS.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice. Kongsberg Seatex
AS shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection
with the furnishing, performance, or use of this document.
Kongsberg Seatex AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this document is correct and fairly
stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was
designed. Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment and/or injury to personnel.
The user must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate
or work on the equipment.
Kongsberg Seatex AS disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation,
use or maintenance of the equipment.

To assist us in making improvements to the product and to this manual, we welcome comments and
constructive criticism.

Kongsberg Seatex AS
Instruction Manual

Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION............................................................... 7
1.1 About the reader .....................................................................................................7
1.2 Notations used in this manual.................................................................................7
1.3 Product restrictions.................................................................................................8
1.3.1 Restrictions in guarantee ............................................................................ 8
1.3.2 Restrictions in use ..................................................................................... 8
1.4 Disposal ..................................................................................................................8
1.5 Equipment handling................................................................................................8
1.6 Abbreviations and glossary ....................................................................................9
2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION................................................ 13
2.1 Purpose and applications ......................................................................................13
2.2 System features.....................................................................................................13
2.3 Position determination..........................................................................................14
2.4 GNSS systems ......................................................................................................14
2.4.1 GPS - Global Positioning System.............................................................. 14
2.4.2 Differential GNSS (DGNSS) .................................................................... 16
2.5 System components ..............................................................................................17
2.6 Processing Unit.....................................................................................................17
3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................ 19
3.1 Performance data ..................................................................................................19
3.2 Physical dimensions .............................................................................................19
3.2.1 Processing unit ........................................................................................ 19
3.2.2 GNSS antenna ......................................................................................... 20
3.2.3 IALA beacon antenna............................................................................... 20
3.2.4 Spotbeam antenna .................................................................................... 20
3.3 Power....................................................................................................................21
3.3.1 Processing Unit........................................................................................ 21
3.3.2 GNSS antenna ......................................................................................... 21
3.3.3 IALA beacon antenna............................................................................... 21
3.3.4 Spotbeam antenna .................................................................................... 21
3.4 Environmental specifications................................................................................21
3.4.1 Processing Unit........................................................................................ 21
3.4.2 GNSS antenna ......................................................................................... 22
3.4.3 IALA beacon antenna............................................................................... 22
3.4.4 Spotbeam antenna .................................................................................... 22
3.5 External interfaces ................................................................................................22
3.5.1 Processing Unit........................................................................................ 22
3.6 Product safety .......................................................................................................22

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3.6.1 Processing Unit........................................................................................ 22

3.7 Radio frequencies .................................................................................................23
3.7.1 GNSS antenna ......................................................................................... 23
3.7.2 GNSS receiver......................................................................................... 23
3.7.3 IALA beacon antenna............................................................................... 23
3.7.4 DGNSS antenna....................................................................................... 23
3.8 Data outputs..........................................................................................................23
3.8.1 Processing Unit........................................................................................ 23
3.9 Interfaces Processing Unit ....................................................................................24
3.9.1 Interfaces Processing Unit front ................................................................ 24
3.9.2 Interfaces Processing Unit rear.................................................................. 24
3.9.3 Connector board ...................................................................................... 25
3.9.4 Ethernet connection.................................................................................. 28
4 INSTALLATION .............................................................. 29
4.1 Logistics ...............................................................................................................29
4.2 Location of system parts.......................................................................................29
4.2.1 GNSS antenna ......................................................................................... 30
4.2.2 IALA beacon antenna............................................................................... 32
4.2.3 Spotbeam antenna .................................................................................... 32
4.2.4 Processing Unit........................................................................................ 33
4.3 Installation of Processing Unit .............................................................................33
4.4 Antenna and cable installation..............................................................................35
4.4.1 GNSS antenna and cable installation ......................................................... 35
4.4.2 IALA beacon antenna and cable installation .............................................. 36
4.4.3 Spotbeam (DGNSS) antenna and cable installation .................................... 37
4.5 Electrical installation ............................................................................................38
5 CONFIGURATION........................................................... 39
5.1 Navigation ............................................................................................................39
5.2 LED indicators Processing Unit ...........................................................................40
5.2.1 LED indications....................................................................................... 40
6 OPERATION ................................................................... 43
6.1 Main menu............................................................................................................43
6.2 Hardware menu ....................................................................................................44
6.2.1 Status ...................................................................................................... 45
6.2.2 Display.................................................................................................... 45
6.2.3 About HW............................................................................................... 46
6.3 Home screen .........................................................................................................47
6.4 Application menus................................................................................................47
6.5 IALA menu...........................................................................................................49
6.5.1 IALA status ............................................................................................. 49
6.5.2 IALA configuration.................................................................................. 51

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Instruction Manual

6.6 Demodulator menu ...............................................................................................51

6.6.1 Demodulator status .................................................................................. 52
6.6.2 Demodulator configuration ....................................................................... 54
6.7 SBAS menu ..........................................................................................................55
6.7.1 SBAS status............................................................................................. 56
6.7.2 SBAS configuration ................................................................................. 56
6.8 GNSS Receiver menu...........................................................................................57
6.8.1 GNSS Receiver status .............................................................................. 57
6.9 I/O Ports menu......................................................................................................58
6.9.1 I/O Ports status ........................................................................................ 58
6.9.2 NMEA output configuration ..................................................................... 59
6.9.3 RTCM input configuration........................................................................ 60
6.10 Processing menu...................................................................................................61
6.10.1 Processing status...................................................................................... 62
6.10.2 Processing configuration........................................................................... 64
6.11 Maintenance menus ..............................................................................................65
6.12 Control menu ........................................................................................................65
6.12.1 GNSS receiver......................................................................................... 66
6.12.2 Demodulator............................................................................................ 66
6.13 Upgrade menu ......................................................................................................67
6.13.1 Sw upgrade.............................................................................................. 67
6.14 About menu ..........................................................................................................68
6.14.1 About Processing SW............................................................................... 69
6.14.2 About GNSS receiver............................................................................... 70
6.14.3 About Demodulator.................................................................................. 71
7 MAINTENANCE .............................................................. 72
7.1 Periodic maintenance............................................................................................72
7.1.1 Software upgrades.................................................................................... 72
7.1.2 Cleaning of air inlet.................................................................................. 73
7.1.3 GNSS antenna care .................................................................................. 73
7.2 Repairs and modifications ....................................................................................73
7.2.1 Exchange of antenna cable........................................................................ 74
7.2.2 Exchange of antenna ................................................................................ 74
7.2.3 Repair of Processing Unit ......................................................................... 75
7.2.4 Installation of spare Processing Unit.......................................................... 75
7.3 Troubleshooting....................................................................................................75
7.3.1 System status ........................................................................................... 75
7.3.2 External output problems.......................................................................... 75
8 MECHANICAL DRAWINGS .............................................. 77
8.1 Processing Unit mechanical dimensions ..............................................................78
9 PARTS LIST ................................................................... 79

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A REFERENCES.................................................................. 80
B NMEA TELEGRAMS ......................................................... 81
B.1 GGA messages .....................................................................................................81
B.2 GLL messages ......................................................................................................82
B.3 GSA messages ......................................................................................................83
B.4 GST messages ......................................................................................................83
B.5 GSV messages ......................................................................................................84
B.6 VTG messages......................................................................................................84
B.7 ZDA messages......................................................................................................85
C COAX CONNECTOR INSTALLATION ................................ 86
D ½" COAX CABLE SPECIFICATIONS ................................ 91
E RG–214 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................. 92
F GNSS ANTENNA INSTALLATION .................................... 94
F.1 GNSS antenna installation....................................................................................94
G IALA BEACON ANTENNA ................................................ 95
H SPOTBEAM ANTENNA..................................................... 97

6 G200-87/4.0

1 Introduction

1.1 About the reader

This manual describes how to install, configure and operate the DPS 110 system. It
provides guidelines for using the LCD display to view and configure DGPS corrections
and communication operating parameters. The manual also provides guidelines for
connecting the DPS 110 system to external devices, information about NMEA messages
supported by the DPS 110 and pin-out diagrams for data cable connections.

1.2 Notations used in this manual

The following notations are used in this manual:
Bold text is used for all menu names. A series of menu selections this is indicated
by File→ New
Italics is used for manual names and for information that needs your attention.
A note is used to draw attention to special features or behaviour of the equipment

Caution is used to make the user aware of procedures and operational
practice which, if not followed, may result in degraded performance or
damage to the equipment.

Warning is used when it is necessary to warn personnel that risk of
injury or death exists if care is not exercised.

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1.3 Product restrictions

1.3.1 Restrictions in guarantee
Changes or modifications to the product not explicitly approved by Kongsberg Seatex
AS will void the guarantee.
The liability of Kongsberg Seatex AS is limited to repair of this system only under the
given terms and conditions stated in the sales documents. Consequential damages such
as customer's loss of profit or damage to other systems traceable back to this system's
malfunctions, are excluded. The warranty does not cover malfunctions of the system
resulting from the following conditions:
• Over-voltage or incorrect power connection
• Shorting of GNSS antenna cable during operation of the systems

1.3.2 Restrictions in use

The DPS function is based on GNSS signals and requires free sight to the sky, minimum
four visible satellites, PDOP value less than 6 and otherwise normal conditions to operate.

1.4 Disposal
All electrical and electronic components have to be disposed
of separately from the municipal waste stream via designated
collection facilities appointed by the government or local
authorities. The correct disposal and separate collection
of your old appliance will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health. It is
a precondition for reuse and recycling of used electrical and
electronic equipment. For more detailed information about
disposal of your old appliance, please contact your local
authorities or waste disposal service.
The equipment may be returned to Kongsberg Seatex AS if
there is no local WEEE collection. The equipment is marked with this pictogram.

1.5 Equipment handling

Observe the following when handling the equipment:
• All units must be handled with care.
• The case containing the unit must be kept dry at all times and must be sheltered
from the weather.
• It must not be subjected to shocks, excessive vibration or other rough handling.

8 G200-87/4.0

• The equipment must be preserved and stored in such a way that it does not constitute
any danger to health, environment or personal injury.
• The unit must, whenever possible, be stored and transported in its original
transportation box.
• The box must not be used for any purpose for which it was not intended.
• The storage area's mean temperature must not be lower than – 20 ºC and not warmer
than + 70 ºC.
• Once unpacked, the equipment must be kept in a dry, non-condensing atmosphere,
free from corrosive agents and isolated from sources of vibration.

1.6 Abbreviations and glossary

AP Aft perpendicular. It is the same as Frame 0 and the vertical
intersection of the design water line at the stern, alternatively
the centre line of the rudder stock.
BL Base line. The same as the keel for a vessel with horizontal
keel line.
BT Bearing to target
C/A Course/acquisition
CAT Customer acceptance test
CEP Circular error probability
CG Centre of gravity. The mass centre of a vessel. This is normally
the location with least linear acceleration, and hence the best
location for measurements of roll and pitch.
CL Centre line. Is the longitudinal axis along the centre of the ship.
COG Course over ground
CPU Central processing unit
CRP Common reference point
CTP Commissioning test procedure
DCW Digital chart of the world
DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
DGPS Differential GPS
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DOP Dilution of positioning
DP Dynamic positioning

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DPO DP operator
DPS Dynamic positioning system
DQI Differential GPS quality indicator
DRMS Distance root mean square
DT Distance to target
DWL Design water line
EBL Electronic bearing line
ECDIS Electronic chart display and information system
ECEF Earth centre earth fixed
ECS Electronic chart system
ED50 European Datum of 1950
EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic interference
EN European Norm
EPE Estimated position error
ETA Estimated time of arrival
ETE Estimated time en route
FP Forward perpendicular
GNSS Global navigation satellite system
GPS Global positioning system
GUI Graphical user interface
HDG The vessel's heading relative to North. Positive clockwise.
HDOP Horizontal dilution of precision
HMI Human machine interface
HP High precision
HWP Hardware platform
IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
IEC International Electrotechnical Committee
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
IP Ingress protection
LED Light emitting diode
LGND Logic ground

10 G200-87/4.0

LOA Length over all

LPP Length between perpendiculars
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
MOP Motion Observation Points
MP Monitoring Point
MSAS Multifunctional transport satellite-based augmentation system
NA Not applicable
NAD27 North American datum of 1927
NDS Not detected serial port
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association. NMEA 0183 is a
standard for interchange of information between navigation
NRP Navigation Reference Point. The reference point for all
measurements in this system. The NRP recommended to be
used is the vessel CG or rotation centre.
PGND Power ground
PPS Pulse per second
PRN Pseudorandom noise
PSS Physical shore station
QA Quality assurance
RAIM Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
RFI Radio frequency interface
RMS Root mean square
RTCM Radio Technical Commission of Maritime Services
SA Selective availability
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System
SL Speed along ship
SNR Signal/noise ratio
SOG Speed over ground
SPS Standard positioning service
Backup stick A bootable USB memory stick with a fully operational
Windows image and software to create, update and install a
windows image.
ST Speed transverse ship
SW Software
TMV Target monitoring view
TTG Time to go

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UPS Uninterruptable power supply used to ensure power supply

in case of mains interruption.
UTC Universal Time Coordinated. This is the official time in the
world and has replaced GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) as the
official time.
UTM Universal transverse mercator
WAAS Wide area augmentation system
WEEE Waste electrical and electronic equipment
WGS84 World Geodetic System of 1984

12 G200-87/4.0
Product description

2 Product description

This chapter describes the DPS 110 system and gives an overview of GPS, DGPS and
related information.

2.1 Purpose and applications

The DPS 110 is a high-performance DGPS position sensor that houses an IALA
beacon receiver and a DGNSS receiver. DPS 110 is capable of sub-metre performance
using the free-of-charge differential corrections from IALA beacons and SBAS
(WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS/GAGAN) and the subscription-based SeaSTAR SGG service.
When using the SeaSTAR SGG service, there is no degradation in position accuracy
as generally associated with increasing distance from a fixed reference station. The
SeaSTAR SGG service provides consistent sub-metre level accuracy positioning with
global validity.
DPS 110 is a cost efficient DGPS solution designed for users where availability and
reliability are paramount, but where accuracy demands are a little less. DPS 110 has a
built-in display for easy system configuration and status monitoring and is an ideal
solution for workboats and platform support vessels.
This system is an addition to the existing high-end DPS range comprising DPS
The Kongsberg Seatex DPS product line is well-proven and used by professional marine
and offshore operators worldwide.

2.2 System features

The system comprises the following features:
• High performance GPS L1/L2 receiver
• SBAS capability
• IALA beacon capability
• Built-in L-band receiver with Fugro SeaSTAR SGG capability
• Optional standard RTCM correction input

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• Separate GPS(GNSS), IALA beacon and Spotbeam antennas

• Configurable output for external interfaces
• Integrated 2-line LCD display and keypad for system configuration and status
• Easy software updates via USB
• Ethernet interface
• 1 PPS output

2.3 Position determination

DPS 110 comprises a signal processing core with advanced algorithms and true parallel
processing of all available GPS and DGPS signals, including SBAS (e.g. WAAS,
EGNOS, MSAS and GAGAN), IALA beacon and SeaSTAR SGG corrections. DGPS
corrections from different sources are combined by the unique MULTIREF capability.
The DPS 110 supplements SeaSTAR SGG corrections with regional SBAS and local
DGPS corrections. The SeaSTAR SGG service provides consistent sub-metre level
accuracy positioning with global validity.

2.4 GNSS systems

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a generic term for satellite navigation
systems providing autonomous geo-spatial positioning with global coverage. GPS is
the only GNSS with full constellation. However, GLONASS is operable but do not
have full constellation. Galileo is a third GNSS which is in the development phase
and scheduled to be operational in 2013.

2.4.1 GPS - Global Positioning System

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system made up of
a network of satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defence. GPS was
originally intended for military applications but in the 1980es the government made the
system available for civilian use.
GPS provides a highly accurate and continuous navigation service. It provides 24-hour,
all weather and global coverage.
The system is divided into the following three segments:

14 G200-87/4.0
Product description

Space segment This segment consists of at least 24 satellites (21 active plus
3 operating spares) in 12-hour circular orbits. At an altitude
of 20200 km, each satellite is transmitting orbital and clock
Control segment This segment comprises Ground Control Stations
geographically spread for monitoring, up-loading and control
of the satellite transmitted characteristics.
User segment This segment comprises GPS receivers installed onboard ships,
aircraft etc. to track satellite signals and transform them into
position, velocity and time.

Each GPS satellite transmits radio signals at two microwave frequencies in the L band,
1575.43 MHz (L1) and 1227.6 MHz (L2).
The L1 signal is modulated by a precise (P) code for Precise Positioning Service (PPS)
and a course/acquisition (C/A) code for Standard Positioning Service (SPS). The P
code is for military and authorised personnel only and is encrypted before broadcast to
GPS users. The C/A code is for civil users. Until 1 May 2000 the accuracy of the C/A
code was degraded to 100 m (2DRMS) horizontal positioning by the use of Selective
Availability (SA). However, SA is now switched off and the position accuracy of the
system is about 16 metres 95% CEP.
The fundamental technique for GPS is one-way ranging from the satellites. Triangulation,
based on ranging from the satellites, is the basis of the system. In order to triangulate,
the GPS measures distance using the travel time of a radio message. To measure travel
time, timing is crucial. GPS therefore needs very accurate clocks. The transmission is
referred to highly accurate atomic frequency standards onboard the satellites, which are
in synchronisation with the GPS system time base.
The time difference from when the signal leaves the satellites until it is received at the
GPS receiver, is measured. The distance is computed by multiplying with the speed of
light. Once the distance to a satellite is known, the satellite's position in space must be
found. The GPS satellites are launched into very precise orbits and their position is
transmitted to the user. Knowing the satellites' position and the distance to the user
receiver, the user position can be computed. Three perfect measurements can solve a
three-dimensional point in space.
However, the crystal clocks in the GPS receivers are drifting, and the position is therefore
inaccurate. To calculate a three dimensional position, four unknowns have to be solved
(latitude, longitude, height and receiver clock offset). To solve this equation with four
unknowns it is necessary with range measurements from four or more satellites.
The geometry, and hence the accuracy of the position calculation, varies with the number
of satellites available and their location.
Using differential corrections from one or more GPS Reference Stations significantly
reduces all major error sources. This principle is called differential GPS (DGPS).

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2.4.2 Differential GNSS (DGNSS)

Position accuracy may be enhanced by using the differential technique. This can be
achieved by using either traditional DGNSS or by clock and orbit corrections. Traditional DGNSS (RTCM)

The DGNSS system improves the position accuracy by using the differential technique.
This is accomplished by accurately surveyed GNSS reference stations which calculate
pseudo-range corrections for all the satellites tracked by the reference station's GNSS
The DGNSS system also uses a communication link for transmission of correction data
from the Reference Station to the vessel.
Each GNSS reference station compares the measured distance to a satellite with the one
calculated based on the satellites' and the reference station's known co-ordinates. The
resultant range difference is the correction data, which are broadcast from the GNSS
reference stations to the Differential GNSS correction receiver(s) on board the vessel(s).
The correction data can also be broadcast via satellite, e.g. an Inmarsat satellite.
At the vessel, these pseudo-range corrections are applied to correct the pseudo-ranges
received by the vessel's GNSS receiver, prior to using them for the calculation of a
three-dimensional navigation solution. The concept of a differential GNSS (DGNSS)
real-time system is illustrated in the figure.

Figure 1 Differential GNSS (DGNSS) concept

16 G200-87/4.0
Product description

2.5 System components

This system comprises the following main components, which are physically separated:
• Processing Unit
• GPS (GNSS) antenna
• IALA beacon antenna
• Spotbeam antenna (DGNSS)
• Mounting brackets

Figure 2 DPS 110 system components

In addition to the above delivered parts, the following is needed:

• GNSS antenna cable
• IALA beacon antenna cable
• Spotbeam antenna cable (DGNSS)

2.6 Processing Unit

The Processing Unit is designed to fit standard 19-inch racks and is typically installed
on the bridge or in the instrument room. The Processing Unit comprises the following
main parts:
• Flash card
• Serial I/O board, Ethernet and computer main board
• Power supply

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• GNSS receiver
• IALA beacon receiver
• DGNSS receiver
The power on/off switch, LAN port and USB connection are located under the lid on
the left part of the front panel.

Figure 3 Front panel of Processing Unit

The rear panel of the Processing Unit contains communication interface ports for
interfacing to external sensors. These ports are individually galvanically isolated.

Figure 4 Rear panel of DPS Processing Unit

18 G200-87/4.0
Technical specifications

3 Technical specifications

3.1 Performance data

Global DGPS position
accuracy with:[1]
SeaStar SGG < 1 m, 95 % CEP
Regional DGPS position
accuracy with:[2]
SBAS 1 – 2 m, 95 % CEP
IALA 1 – 3 m, 95 % CEP
Update frequency rate 1 Hz

3.2 Physical dimensions

3.2.1 Processing unit
Height 94 mm standard mounting on table
Width 477 mm
Depth Min 347 mm (excluding cable relief bracket) and max
412 mm (including cable relief bracket)
Weight 5.8 kg
Colour Front anodized natural

1. Accuracy specifications (CEP 95%) are based on real-life tests conducted under low multipath
conditions and an open view to the sky. Tests at different locations under different conditions may
produce different results.
2. Accuracy specifications are based on real-life tests conducted under low multipath conditions and an
open view to the sky within the respective SBAS service coverage areas.

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3.2.2 GNSS antenna

Type Novatel GPS-702-GG-N
Height 69.1 mm
Diameter 185 mm
Weight 0.5 kg
Colour White
Connector type N-female

The GNSS antenna is a right-hand circular polarised L-band antenna with an integral
low-noise amplifier. The internal thread is 5/8 x 11 (standard marine mount).

3.2.3 IALA beacon antenna

Type MA40 beacon antenna
Height 84 mm
Diameter 128 mm
Weight 0.45 kg
Colour White
Connector type TNC-S

The antenna is an active H-field antenna.

3.2.4 Spotbeam antenna

Type AD430–3141
Height 96 mm
Diameter 150 mm
Weight 1.4 kg
Connector type N-female

The antenna is a shaped dipole with right-hand circular polarisation, an onmi-directional

radiation pattern in azimuth and good reception down to 5 degrees in elevation.

20 G200-87/4.0
Technical specifications

3.3 Power
3.3.1 Processing Unit
Voltage 100 - 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption Max. 75W
Batteries None, connection to UPS recommended

3.3.2 GNSS antenna

Type Novatel GPS-702–GG-N
Voltage 5 V DC, from Processing Unit

3.3.3 IALA beacon antenna

Type MA 40
Voltage 12 V DC, from Processing Unit

3.3.4 Spotbeam antenna

Type AD430–3141
Voltage 12 V DC, from Processing Unit

3.4 Environmental specifications

3.4.1 Processing Unit
Enclosure material Aluminium
Operating temperature range -15 °C to +55 °C [3]
Recommended operating Room temperature (+20 °C)
Storage temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
Operating humidity Max. 95 % non-condensing
Storage humidity Less than 55 %
Ingress protection front IP 42
Ingress protection rear IP 21

3. Operating temperature up to +55 ºC for 10 hours.

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3.4.2 GNSS antenna

Type Novatel GPS-702–GG-N
Operating temperature range -40 °C to +85 °C
Ingress protection IP 66

3.4.3 IALA beacon antenna

Type MA40
Enclosure material PVC plastic
Operating temperature range -30 °C to +70 °C
Relative humidity 100% condensing

3.4.4 Spotbeam antenna

Type AD430–3141
Enclosure material Polyurethane coated fibreglass
Operating temperature range -30 °C to +70 °C

3.5 External interfaces

3.5.1 Processing Unit
Serial ports Serial ports, RS-232 or RS-422
Baud rate Up to 115 200 bytes/sec
LAN 2 Ethernet ports

3.6 Product safety

3.6.1 Processing Unit
Electrical safety IEC 60950-1/EN60950-1
Electromagnetic compatibility IEC 60945/EN60945
Vibration IEC 60945/EN60945

22 G200-87/4.0
Technical specifications

3.7 Radio frequencies

3.7.1 GNSS antenna
Type Novatel GPS-702–GG-N
L1 1588.5 ± 23.0 MHz
L2 1236.0 ± 18.3 MHz
LNA gain (typical) 27 dB

3.7.2 GNSS receiver

GPS L1 1575.42 MHz
GPS L2 1227.60 MHz

3.7.3 IALA beacon antenna

Type MA40
Frequency 283.5 kHz - 325 kHz (Rx only)
LNA gain 34 dB

3.7.4 DGNSS antenna

Type AD430–3141
Frequency 1525 — 1559 MHz

3.8 Data outputs

3.8.1 Processing Unit
Message format NMEA 0183 v. 3.0
Message types GGA, GLL, GSA, GST, GSV, VTG, ZDA

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3.9 Interfaces Processing Unit

3.9.1 Interfaces Processing Unit front
The power switch, LAN 1 and USB 1 are located behind the lid
to the left on the front panel. Push lid on left side to open or flip
open using slit on right side.

3.9.2 Interfaces Processing Unit rear

The rear panel of the Processing Unit contains communication interface ports for
interfacing to external equipment.

Figure 5 Rear panel of Processing Unit with connector board

Table 1 Connectors at the rear of the Processing Unit

Connector Type Connected to

GNSS 1 N connector 50 Ohm GNSS antenna
GNSS 2 N connector 50 Ohm Spotbeam antenna
IALA N connector 50 Ohm IALA beacon antenna
COM 9 (Port 1) 5–pin terminal, User configurable
COM 10 (Port 2) 5–pin terminal, User configurable
COM 11 (Port 3) 5–pin terminal, User configurable

24 G200-87/4.0
Technical specifications

Table 1 Connectors at the rear of the Processing Unit (cont'd.)

Connector Type Connected to

ALARM 3–pin terminal, relay External alarm system

1PPS 6–pin terminal External equipment

100 - 240 V AC Power Input of 100 - 240 V AC

Table 2 Connectors at the front of the Processing Unit

Connector Type Connected to

LAN 1 RJ-45 – 10/100 Mbit/s For service only
USB USB For sw upgrade and data

All terminal pin numbering goes from left (no. 1) to right.

3.9.3 Connector board

The illustration shows the screw terminal pin layout on the connector board at the rear
of the Processing Unit.

Figure 6 Connector board Serial lines

This system communicates with external equipment through the RS-232 or RS-422
configurable serial input and output lines.

G200-87/4.0 25
Kongsberg DPS 110

Table 3 Pin layout of serial input/output lines

Pin no. Signal

RS-422 RS-232
5 TX_B TX Alarm signal

The Processing Unit has a built-in alarm functionality and can be connected to an
external alarm. An alarm will open the alarm relay, which can be used to trigger an
external alarm. The external alarm can be connected to the Alarm 3 pin terminal.

Table 4 Pin layout of Alarm port

Pin no. Signal

1 NC
2 Alarm_Com
3 Alarm_NO

The diagram shows how an external alarm can be connected to the Processing Unit
ALARM terminal.

26 G200-87/4.0
Technical specifications

Figure 7 External alarm connection diagram PPS signal

A 1 pulse-per-second (1PPS) signal synchronized with GNSS time is available from the
PPS port at the rear of the Processing Unit. The port has galvanic separation. This
RS-422 1PPS signal originates from the GNSS receiver within the Processing Unit. The
1PPS signal is buffered and fed to the terminal at 120 Ohm. The 1PPS signal is active
high and has a pulse width of 10 ms. The 1PPS is generated exactly once every second
with its rising edge synchronised to GPS time.
It is also possible to select an external source as PPS. The connector at the rear is then

Table 5 Pin layout of PPS port

Pin layout of PPS port Signal Direction

1 1PPS TX_A Output
2 1 PPS TX_B Output
3 GND isolated Output
4 GND isolated Do not connect
5 1PPS RX_A Do not connect
6 1PPS RX_B Do not connect

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Kongsberg DPS 110

The signal on pins 1 & 2 and pins 5 & 6 is an RS-422 transmission.

3.9.4 Ethernet connection

The Processing Unit has the following LAN and connection possibilities.
• LAN 1 in the front. This is primarily a service port and has less capacity (10/100
Mbps) than the other LANs. To connect this LAN to a network, a straight-through
twisted pair (TP) cable with RJ-45 connectors must be used. A straight-through cable
is one where the pins of one connector are connected to the same pins of the other
connector. In special instances a crossover cable instead of a straight-through cable is
needed, for example when connecting a Processing Unit to another Processing Unit.
Below is the pin wiring for the different TP cables:

Table 6 Pin layout for LAN 1 Ethernet ports

Straight-through Crossover
Signal Pin no. Pin no. Signal Signal Pin no. Pin no. Signal
TX+ 1 1 TX+ TX+ 1 3 RX+
TX- 2 2 TX- TX- 2 6 RX-
RX+ 3 3 RX+ RX+ 3 1 TX+
RX- 6 6 RX- RX- 6 2 TX-

The pins 4, 5, 7 and 8 are not used.

Related topics
• Configuration on page 39

28 G200-87/4.0

4 Installation

This chapter covers the installation of the Processing Unit and the GNSS, IALA beacon
and Spotbeam antennas.
The installation includes:
• Location of the system parts
• Installation of the Processing Unit
• Installation of the GNSS antenna and cable
• Installation of the IALA beacon antenna and cable
• Installation of Spotbeam antenna and cable
• Connection of cables between the DPS system and external equipment
• System configuration
For GNSS antenna installation, refer to the IMCA Guidelines on Installation and
Maintenance of DGNSS-Based Positioning Systems, in References on page 80.

4.1 Logistics
General safety guidelines should be followed when working in mast and on deck.

Personnel qualifications
Trained electrical workers.

Special tools required


4.2 Location of system parts

The following sections contain instructions regarding location of the various system

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4.2.1 GNSS antenna

The most critical aspect of the system installation is the location of the GNSS antenna.
Incorrect or inadequate installation can lead to poor positioning performance or complete
loss of position.
If the antenna is installed in a poor location, it can suffer from masking, multipath or
interference from other radio sources which can affect the position performance.

The GNSS antenna should have an obstructed line of sight to the sky. The signals from
the satellite propagate by line-of-sight, which means that if the antenna cannot see the
satellite, the reception will be severely impaired, if it occurs at all.
Potential obstructions are other masts and antennas, cranes, rigs and fixed platforms,
buildings in ports, high cliffs or hills close to shore. The impact of this can be anything
from degraded performance to a complete loss of positioning.

Figure 8 Good antenna location

30 G200-87/4.0

Figure 9 Bad antenna location

Inappropriate location of the antenna can result in the antenna receiving reflections of
the incoming signal as well as the signal itself (multipath). The reflected multipath
signal takes a longer path than the direct signal, introducing an error into the position

Figure 10 Multipath

G200-87/4.0 31
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Interference from other radiating sources

Interference can be caused by close proximity to other radiating sources. Installing
GNSS antennas in close proximity to satellite communication systems operating in or
nearby GPS/GLONASS frequency bands (1.2 to 1.6 GHz) should be avoided (i.e. Sat C,
Iridium). Ideally the antenna should be situated at a minimum of 3 metres from other
radiating sources. As this is not always practically possible, a compromise location
must be sought.
Recommended distance to Sat C is 2 to 3 metres horizontally and 0.5 to 1 metre vertically.

Figure 11 Recommended distance to Sat C

During installation, comprehensive tests should be carried out for potential interference
by conducting transmissions from each RF source for extended periods, individually
and simultaneously.

4.2.2 IALA beacon antenna

The IALA beacon antenna should be protected from direct illumination of radar beams
and other transmitting antennas such as Inmarsat antennas.
• Do not mount the antenna near transmitting antennas, radar arrays or satellite
communication equipment.
• Do not mount the antenna near areas that experience high vibrations, excessive heat
and electrical interference.

4.2.3 Spotbeam antenna

Antenna location is critical to system performance. When installing the Spotbeam
antenna, note the following:
• The antenna must be mounted at least 1.5 metres away from transmitting antennas of
any frequency. Closer positioning may cause overloading of receiver RF circuits.
• The antenna should be mounted at the highest practical point that will give a good
view of the horizon and be as near level as possible.

32 G200-87/4.0

4.2.4 Processing Unit

When installing the Processing Unit, note the following:
• The Processing Unit can be mounted on the bridge or in the instrument room.
• The unit is designed for indoor installation and should not be exposed to heavy
vibrations, transformers or similar.
• The unit has an internal fan and requires free airflow from the rear and out to the sides.
It is recommended that ventilation or air conditioning is provided in order to keep the
ambient operating temperature around +20 °C. The best location is typically in the
instrument room or on the bridge mounted into a 19-inch rack with good ventilation
and resilient mounting.
• It is recommended that the area around the unit is kept free from dust and static
• All connections to the unit are on the rear side and available space for cable
connections and service must be provided.

4.3 Installation of Processing Unit

The Processing Unit should be securely mounted to a flat surface using the table
mounting brackets. The mounting brackets are provided with the system by default. The
Processing Unit can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. The table mounting
brackets provide both table top mounting or under table mounting.

Figure 12 Bottom (left) and top (right) mounted bracket

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Figure 13 Processing Unit with table mounting brackets

A pair of 2U rack mounting brackets is also delivered together with the system as
additional equipment in case the system should be installed in a rack.
In order to use these brackets, the table mounting brackets must be removed. The rack
mounting brackets are fastened under the front cover.

Figure 14 Processing Unit with rack mounting brackets

It is recommended that the cables attached to the rear of the unit should be long enough
to accommodate all service from the front.
The unit must be mounted in such a way that the minimum cable bends (on the rear side)
are not exceeded. For the antenna cables it may be necessary to use the short transition
RG-214 cable in order to route the cables properly into the cabinet.
The Processing Unit must be resiliently mounted; otherwise the warranty
will be void.

The Processing Unit should have ventilation on the sides. Screened cables are connected
to the back of the unit, directly on the rear panel or on a connector block with screen
terminals. All cables connected to the unit must be screened. Make sure that the
minimum antenna cable bends are not exceeded.

34 G200-87/4.0

4.4 Antenna and cable installation

As the signals involved are inherently week RF signals, great care and attention should
be taken regarding the selection and installation of the RF cabling and connections made.
Attenuation of GNSS signals should be considered when selecting cable type, as signal
loss will dictate maximum lengths. The number of connectors and other components,
such as lightning protection devices, which will attenuate the signal, should also be
taken into account.
The maximum length of the antenna coaxial cables is 80 metres for the cable types
normally supplied with the system. If longer cables are needed, an RF Fiber Optical
Link should be used.
The specified cable length of 80 metres only applies to the GPS–702–GG-N antenna
delivered with the system. Other lengths may apply to other types of antennas.

The RF Fibre Optical Link is used as an antenna cable extension allowing the distance
between the antenna and receiver to be extended to several hundred metres.
It should also be noted that a too powerful signal may cause saturation of receiving
circuitry in shorter cable runs, making it necessary to use signal attenuators or cables
with higher attenuation levels.
Sharp bends, kinks and unnecessary connections should be avoided.
External connections should be appropriately treated with self-amalgamating tape other
preparations to keep out water.
As far as is practically possible, antenna cables should be kept separate from other cables
which may cause electrical interference, for example power cables, radio transmitter
cables, Inmarsat and VSAT cables.
When installing antennas and cables ensure that:
• Cable runs are not close to any hot work area or touching any hot surface.
• Cables are not bent too much.
• Correct types of cables are used.
• Cables are secured and labeled.
• All connectors are securely fastened.
• All antenna connections are sealed.

4.4.1 GNSS antenna and cable installation

The cables used for the GNSS antenna are RG-214 and ½" Cellflex superflex.

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If the antenna cable is attached to the Processing Unit, do not attach the
antenna cable to the antenna when the unit is running. If the antenna cable
is short-circuited with POWER ON, the GNSS receiver will be damaged.

How to install the antenna:

1 Attach the antenna to the mounting rod and attach the rod to the ship's masthead or
pole with proper mounting hardware like U-bolts or hose-clamps.
2 Attach the antenna interconnection cable to the antenna and connect the ½" Cellflex
superflex cable to the other end of the interconnection cable.
3 Wrap outdoor cable connections with waterproof self-vulcanising tape. An
alternative way of waterproofing is to use heat shrink hose with glue. The hose
should cover the whole connector and part of the cable.
4 Dependent on the cable installation, secure the cable to the mast every one to three
metres with clamps or bands (non metal).
The cable running from the GNSS antenna to the Processing Unit should be as
straight as possible. Do not crush or crimp the cable with tie-downs, as this will
affect the electrical properties of the cable.

5 Check the antenna cable for short-circuiting. Route the connector at the other end
of the antenna cable to the main unit.
6 Connect the cable to the Processing Unit. A short interconnection cable is delivered
in order to get secure cable runs into the cabinet

Related topics
• See GNSS antenna installation on page 94 for more details.

4.4.2 IALA beacon antenna and cable installation

The construction of the mount enables routing of the cable either along the inside or the
outside of the mast tube. An RG-214 cable is used for distances shorter than 50 metres,
while an ½" superflex cable is used for distances longer than 50 metres.
If the antenna cable is attached to the Processing Unit, do not attach the
antenna cable to the antenna when the unit is running. If the antenna cable
is short-circuited with POWER ON, the IALA beacon receiver will be damaged.

How to install the IALA beacon antenna:

1 Attach the antenna to a mast tube or pole by using the provided U-bolts.
2 Attach the antenna cable to the antenna.

36 G200-87/4.0

3 Wrap outdoor cable connections with waterproof self-vulcanising tape. An alternate

way of waterproofing is to use heat shrink hose with glue. The hose should cover
the whole connector and part of the cable.
4 Secure the cable to the mast every one to three metres with clamps or bands.
5 Connect the cable to the Processing Unit. A short RG-214 cable is often needed in
order to secure cable runs into the cabinet. This cable is included in the package.

Related topics
• See IALA beacon antenna on page 95 for more details.

4.4.3 Spotbeam (DGNSS) antenna and cable installation

The antenna cable must be correctly installed for optimum system operation. Therefore,
the following should be noted:
• Do not route an L-Band receiver antenna cable with the cabling of any other radio
system. This may cause interference between both systems.
• If at all possible, do not run L-Band receiver antenna cables parallel to other radio
system cabling closer than 30 centimetres.
• Avoid routing cables alongside power generator cabling and other high electrical
noise sources. This can cause interference.
• Do not kink cables or force cables into sharp bends that may damage the cables and
cause system failure.
• Cable routing must avoid high temperature exposure.
• After installation, ensure that excess cable is looped and clamped or tied safely away
from any control cables, fuel lines, hydraulic lines or moving parts.
• When stowing over-length cabling, form loops not less than 150 mm minimum
cable bend radius.
• Cable routing must avoid high temperature exposure.

How to install the DGNSS antenna:

1 Attach the antenna to a mast tube or pole by using the provided U-bolts.
2 Attach the antenna cable to the antenna.
3 Wrap outdoor cable connections with waterproof self-vulcanising tape. An alternate
way of waterproofing is to use heat shrink hose with glue. The hose should cover
the whole connector and part of the cable.
4 Secure the cable to the mast every one to three metres with clamps or bands.
5 Connect the cable to the Processing Unit. A short RG-214 cable is often needed in
order to secure cable runs into the cabinet. This cable is included in the package.

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4.5 Electrical installation

The electrical installation consists of:
• Connecting a cable between the GNSS antenna and the Processing Unit.
• Connecting a cable between the IALA antenna and the Processing Unit.
• Connecting a cable between the Spotbeam antenna and the Processing Unit.
• Connecting cables with output data between the Processing Unit and external
• Supplying power to the Processing Unit.
Before powering on the Processing Unit, make sure the antenna cables and
antennas are connected. Connecting or disconnecting an antenna or antenna
cable when the processing Unit is already powered, may permanently
damage the antenna port on the Processing Unit or the antenna itself,
voiding your warranty. If the antenna cable is short-circuited with power on,
the receiver within the Processing Unit will be damaged.

How to carry out the electrical installation:

The antenna cables must be as straight as possible. Do not crush or crimp the cable with
tie-downs as this will affect the electrical properties of the cables.

1 Connect the GNSS antenna cable to the connector marked GNSS 1 at the rear of the
Processing Unit.
2 Connect the IALA beacon cable to the connector marked IALA at the rear of the
Processing Unit.
3 Connect the Spotbeam antenna cable to the connector marked GNSS 2 at the rear
of the Processing Unit.
4 Connect the cables for output data from the Processing Unit to external equipment
to the ports Com 9 through Com 11.
5 Connect the 100 - 240 V AC ship's power supply to the power connector at the rear
of the Processing Unit.
6 When all cables are connected, power on the Processing Units by using the on/off
button located behind the lid to the left on the front panel. The left LED indicator
located on the front panel of the Processing Unit should then start to shine red.
7 When the software is up and running, the left LED indicator turns green. The
installation is now completed and the setup of the configuration parameters can
continue through the display in the front.

Related topics
• See Coax connector installation on page 86

38 G200-87/4.0

5 Configuration

The Processing Unit includes an integrated LCD display and keypad for accessing the
internal menu system. Use the menus and screens to configure the system and review
system status.

Because the display only provides 2 lines of 16 characters, the Processing Unit uses a
number of menus and sub-menus to access the status configuration screens.

Figure 15 Integrated LCD display and keypad

All available status and configuration screens are described further on in this section.

5.1 Navigation
Button Name Function
Escape The Escape button shall be used to exit pages without
changing the parameter and/or return to the previous
menu level/move up one menu level. Hold the Esc
button to return to the Home screen.
Up The arrow keys are also used for option scroll.
Left / right

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Button Name Function

Enter The Enter button shall be used to start option scroll
and for data entry/selection. Accept/store changes
with Enter button.

▲►▼◄ Arrow symbols are used in the menu screens to

indicate possible navigation direction.

Figure 16 Arrow symbols indicate possible navigation direction

5.2 LED indicators Processing Unit

At the front of the Processing Unit there are four LED indicators. The LED to the left
indicates power and software status, the second to the left indicates GNSS receiver
tracking status, while the two LEDs to the right indicate IALA beacon and L-band
receiver status. During normal operation all four LEDs should shine green. This section
defines each possible LED state.

Figure 17 Front panel of Processing Unit

5.2.1 LED indications

Figure 18 LED indicators Processing Unit

40 G200-87/4.0

This icon indicates a constantly lit LED.

This icon indicates a flashing LED. Power/SW LED

During start-up the indicator to the left appears red.

When the software is up and running, the indicator turns green. Tracking LED

The LED is constantly red if there is no contact with the GNSS receiver.

The LED is flashing red if there is contact with the receiver, but no
tracked satellites.

During normal operation, the LED is indicating the

number of satellites tracked by the GNSS receiver.
One green flash for each GPS satellite being tracked. Each sequence is separated by one
yellow flash. IALA LED

The LED is constantly red if there is no contact with the IALA beacon

The LED is constantly yellow if there is contact with the IALA beacon
receiver but no differential correction data.

The LED is constantly green if there is contact with the IALA beacon
receiver and valid differential correction data are available.

The LED is turned off if the IALA beacon receiver is disabled in the menu. Demodulator/L-band LED

The LED is constantly red if there is no contact with the internal

The LED is flashing red if the subscription has expired.

The LED is flashing green and red if the antenna

cable is short-circuited or antenna power failure.

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The LED is constantly yellow if there is contact with the internal

demodulator but no correction data (i.e. wrong satellite).

The LED is flashing yellow if there is contact with the internal

demodulator and correction data are received but they are not valid. (i.e.
wrong subscription type, wrong baudrate but valid subscription)
The LED starts to flash green 2 weeks before the subscription expires.

The LED is constantly green if there is contact with the internal 3610
Demodulator and the correction data are valid.

The LED is turned off if the demodulator/L-band receiver is disabled in

the menu.

42 G200-87/4.0

6 Operation

This chapter describes the menu system and the displays in the system.

6.1 Main menu

The menu structure can be divided into three types of menus in addition to the home
page. The Main menu consists of the Basis menu, the Home screen, the Application
menus and the Maintenance menus.
Basis menu. This menu will also appear when the processing
software is not running. Referred to as Hardware menu in the
next sections.
Home screen.

Application menus.

Maintenance menus.

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Figure 19 Main menu

6.2 Hardware menu

The Hardware menu allows contrast and back-light adjustment in addition to displaying
all available hardware states.

44 G200-87/4.0

Figure 20 Hardware menu

6.2.1 Status Temperature
The temperature inside the Processing Unit. Normal
temperature is +40 °C to +50 °C when the room temperature
is +25 °C.

Temperature alarm
If the temperature exceeds +70 °C for more than 1 hour, the left most LED will start
to blink. Operating time

Total time in operation since first power on.

6.2.2 Display
Adjustment of the display contrast and back-light.

G200-87/4.0 45
Kongsberg DPS 110 Contrast
Display contrast.
Five contrast levels are available. Change the value by
pressing the Enter button, then use the right and left arrow
keys to select the correct level before pressing the Enter
button again to confirm the selection. Back-light
Display back-light.
It is possible to change the intensity of the LEDs and the
character display. Five back-light levels are available; 1 %, 3
%, 6 %, 25 % and 60 % of maximum intensity.
Change the value by pressing the Enter button, and then use the right and left arrow keys
to select the correct level before pressing the Enter button again to confirm the selection.

6.2.3 About HW
Information about hardware and current firmware versions. Serial number

The serial number of the Processing Unit Hardware version

The hardware version of the Processing Unit. Firmware version

The firmware version of the FPGA.

46 G200-87/4.0
Operation Soft core version

The Soft Core version of the FPGA.

6.3 Home screen

When the Processing Unit is switched on the Home screen will show. The Home screen
shows the last valid position (latitude and longitude) and time (hh:mm:ss).
To return to the Home screen after viewing other menus and screens, press ESC one or
several times.

Figure 21 Home screen

6.4 Application menus

The application menus can be divided into two types of displays:
• Status displays which will only show status information.
• Configuration displays which allow the user to change system settings.
A full overview of the menu structure of this system is illustrated.
From the Main menu, the status and configuration screens/displays can be accessed by
using the navigation arrow keys.
The status displays show information about the position solution, the GNSS receiver and
the differential correction sources. No information can be entered in the status displays.
The configuration displays are used to configure the various parameters in the system.
Editing a value/parameter can be done by pressing the Enter button to select edit mode,
then use the up and down buttons to change the value and the Enter button to store the
changes. When a screen shows more than one editable value, use the right and left
arrows to select the correct value before pressing the Enter button. Within an editable
field, the up and down arrows may be used to select a different character to be changed.

G200-87/4.0 47
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From the application menus it is possible configure and view Figure

status for the: 22 Application menus
• IALA beacon receiver
• Demodulator
• GNSS receiver
• I/O communication
• Position computations

48 G200-87/4.0

6.5 IALA menu

Use the IALA menu to configure and view the status of the internal/built-in dual-channel
MSK Beacon receiver.
When enabled and locked to a beacon signal in the 283.5 KHz to 325.0 KHz range, the
system will decode DGPS RTCM messages and provide a sub-metre position solution.
Corrections from the IALA beacons are free of charge.

Figure 23 IALA menu

6.5.1 IALA status

If the receiver is using MSK Beacon corrections, the IALA status screens display the
status of the signal and the frequency and the ID of the beacon station. IALA beacon ID

Displays the ID of the IALA beacon from which the receiver
is receiving data.

G200-87/4.0 49
Kongsberg DPS 110 Frequency
Displays the frequency of the IALA beacon from which
the receiver is receiving data.
Frequency Range: 283.5 to 325.0 kHz.
Channel spacing: 500 Hz. MSK rate

Demodulation: MSK (Minimum Shift Keying).
MSK Bit rates 50, 100 and 200 bps. Signal-to-noise ratio

Displays the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal being tracked.
If the value is less than 10 dB, there is a bad signal. Typical
value is between 15 and 30 dB.

Table 7 IALA receiver performance – SNR reading

SNR Reception description Data throughput

>25 Excellent 100 % data throughput
20 to 25 Very good 100 % data throughput
15 to 20 Good Good data throughput up to
100 %
10 to 15 Stable Moderate to good data
7 to 10 Intermittent Low data throughput
<7 No lock No data throughput Signal strength

Displays the strength of the IALA beacon signal. If the
beacon signal strength is low, it may result in loss of lock/not
be at a level sufficient for the receiver to properly decode
the broadcast.

50 G200-87/4.0

6.5.2 IALA configuration

Enter the IALA Configuration menu to set up the IALA beacon receiver. Enable or
disable use of IALA, and select IALA beacon station by selecting a beacon station
manually or enable automatic search. Enable/disable IALA

Enable or disable use of IALA beacon corrections.
The system ignores incoming RTCM messages when IALA
is disabled. Auto search

On – Auto search mode.
When the receiver is in this mode, the receiver automatically
detects the two closest or the two most powerful beacons.
Off – Manual mode.
When the receiver is in this mode, manual selection of station by frequency is possible. Frequency
Manual selection of IALA beacon station by frequency.
Selects the frequency of the channel to be used when
receiving RTCM broadcasts from IALA beacons.
Press Enter to enter the edit mode.
Use the right and left arrows to select the digit/parameter to change. Use the up and
down arrows to change the value.
Press Enter to store changes and exit edit mode.

6.6 Demodulator menu

Use the Demodulator menu to configure and view the status of the internal differential
correction L-band satellite receiver.
The system supports the subscription based SGG service from /provided by Fugro
SeaSTAR. SGG has worldwide coverage.
Unlike regional SBAS services such as WAAS; EGNOS and MSAS, and local DGPS
services such as IALA DGPS, SeaSTAR SGG utilises Fugro`s own network of dual
system reference stations to calculate clock and orbit corrections. The service provides
consistent sub-metre level accuracy positioning with global validity.

G200-87/4.0 51
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To receive SGG corrections, the internal demodulator must be enabled to track the
DGNSS satellite and it must have a valid subscription. Contact the service provider
(Fugro SeaSTAR) for service activation. A serial number needs to be provided, see the
About Demodulator section. When a subscription is activated and the demodulator is
locked to a DGNSS satellite, the system provides a sub-metre position solution.

Figure 24 Demodulator menu

Related topics
• See About Demodulator on page 71

6.6.1 Demodulator status

If the system is using the SGG service, the Demodulator status screens displays the status
of the signal and the frequency and the name of the tracked DGNSS satellite. The SGG
subscription expiry date can be found under Expiration date.

Related topics
• See Expiration date on page 70

52 G200-87/4.0
Operation Signal strength

Displays the signal strength of the DGNSS signal being
A signal strength number, C/N, is shown to the left of the
screen together with filled bars when the demodulator is locked to the L-band signal.

Table 8 Signal strength number

Bars filled C/N

No bars <1.0
1 bar 1.0 – 1.5
2 bars 1.5 – 2.0
3 bars 2.0 – 3.0
4 bars 3.0 – 4.0
5 bars 4.0 – 5.0
6 bars 6.0 – 7.0
7 bars 7.0 – 8.0
8 bars > 8.0 Satellite
Displays the name of the DGNSS satellite currently being
tracked. Frequency
Displays the frequency (MHz) on which the currently tracked
DGNSS satellite is broadcasting. Symbol rate

Displays the rate at which the tracked DGNSS satellite data
are modulated to the carrier wave.

G200-87/4.0 53
Kongsberg DPS 110 Antenna voltage

Displays if the antenna voltage is turned on or off.
Normal value is 11.00 -13.00 V.
An alarm is given on the Demodulator LED if the antenna is
short-circuited or voltage is less than 10.00

Related topics
• Demodulator/L-band LED on page 41

6.6.2 Demodulator configuration

Use the Demodulator Configuration menu to configure automatic or manual selection of a
DGNSS satellite. A DGNSS satellite is selected manually by setting the frequency and
symbol rate or selecting the satellite name from the satellite name list. Enable/disable use of SGG

Enable or disable use of internal demodulator. Satellite
Select which DGNSS satellite is to be tracked by the receiver.
If the appropriate DGNSS satellite name is not known, then
enter the Frequency and Symbol Rate of the required satellite. Frequency
Manual selection of DGNSS satellite by frequency.
It is possible to set the frequency on which the Demodulator
should receive the differential correction signal.
Press Enter to enter the edit mode. Use the right and left arrows to select the digit to
change. Use the up and down arrows to change the value. Press Enter to store changes
and exit edit mode. Symbol rate

Set the satellite symbol rate for the frequency selected in the
previous screen.
Press Enter to enter edit mode and use the up/down arrows to
select correct/wanted/desired symbol rate. Press Enter to save the selection/change.
Available symbol rates are 1219, 2438, 4876.

54 G200-87/4.0
Operation Antenna voltage

Turn the antenna voltage on of off. DAC value

This calibrates the Demodulator centre frequency. If the
Demodulator does not track any satellite, try setting this
value to 0. This will initiate a full satellite search.

6.7 SBAS menu

SBAS is a free satellite-based DGPS service with limited availability. It is available
only in North America (WAAS), Europe (EGNOS) or Asia/Japan (MSAS). To use the
WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS DGPS signal, the system must be configured first.

Figure 25 SBAS menu

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6.7.1 SBAS status

This menu displays SBAS status information. SBAS tracking

Displays the SBAS satellites currently tracked by the system.
124 - SBAS satellite 124 is tracked.
NONE – no SBAS satellite is tracked by the system. SBAS corrections

Shows if the SBAS corrections are used in the position
124 – the system is using SBAS corrections from satellite
NONE – no SBAS corrections are used in the position calculations.

6.7.2 SBAS configuration SBAS enable/disable
Enable or disable the use of SBAS corrections. SBAS tracking

Select which SBAS satellite to track. Only one satellite can
be selected.
If you select NONE, no SBAS satellites are tracked.

Press Enter to select SBAS satellite from a list.

Press Enter again to confirm the selection.

56 G200-87/4.0

6.8 GNSS Receiver menu

The GNSS Receiver menu displays status information for the internal GNSS receiver. It
is not possible to configure the GNSS receiver from the display.

Figure 26 GNSS Receiver menu

6.8.1 GNSS Receiver status

The GNSS receiver status screens display tracking information from the GNSS receiver. GPS tracking

Displays number of GPS satellites being tracked by the
GNSS receiver. GPS S/N

Displays average signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio for GPS L1 and
GPS L2. This number can be used to identify problems with
satellite tracking.

G200-87/4.0 57
Kongsberg DPS 110

6.9 I/O Ports menu

Use the I/O Ports menu to set up all outputs from/of the system. A subset of NMEA-0183
messages can be output to external instruments and equipment connected to the serial
ports. RTCM corrections from an txternal source may be input to the system on another
serial port.
This system can output NMEA messages on two serial ports: Ports 1 and 2 and it can
receive RTCM corrections on one serial port: Port 3.
As serial ports 1 and 2 are identically configured, this section describes only Port 1.

Figure 27 I/O Ports menu — NMEA

6.9.1 I/O Ports status IP address
Displays the IP address of the LAN 1 Ethernet port.

58 G200-87/4.0

6.9.2 NMEA output configuration

This section describes how to configure telegram output. The system can output NMEA
messages on two serial ports, Ports 1 and 2.
Start level for Port1 configuration. Telegram output

Use this screen to select the NMEA messages output from
the current port.
It is possible to set all NMEA messages on or off.
The following NMEA telegrams are available:

Table 9 Available NMEA telegrams

NMEA telegram Description

GGA Time, position and fix related data,
GPS/GLONASS fix data.
GLL Position data.
GSA GPS DOP and active satellites.
GST Position error statistics.
GSV GPS satellites in view, PRN, elevation,
azimuth and SNR.
VTG Course Over Ground and Ground Speed.
ZDA Time and date.

Related topics
• NMEA telegrams on page 81 Baudrate
To change the baud rate, press the Enter button to be able
to alternate between the baud rate options. Use the up and
down arrows to toggle between the baud rates. When the
correct baud rate is displayed, press the Enter button to set
the baud rate.

G200-87/4.0 59
Kongsberg DPS 110 Electrical interface

Set output electrical interface. RS-232 or RS-422.

6.9.3 RTCM input configuration

This sections describes how to configure RTCM input on Port 3.

Figure 28 I/O Ports menu — RTCM

Start level for Port 3 configuration.

The system can receive RTCM corrections on Port 3. Baudrate
To change the baud rate, press the Enter button to be able
to alternate between the baud rate options. Use the up and
down arrows to toggle between the baud rates. When the
correct baud rate is displayed, click the Enter button to set
the baud rate.

60 G200-87/4.0
Operation Electrical interface

Set output electrical interface. RS-232 or RS-422. Near link

Use this screen to select if the RTCM input link shall be
treated as a Near Link. It is possible to set the Near Link
to on or off.
Some of the reference stations do not transmit/broadcast their
station co-ordinates. The stations are then given a default range (10 000 km) and hence
given a low weight in the position computations. To avoid this problem, it is possible to
mark the RTCM correction link as a "Near Link". The stations received on this link will
hence be ensured used in a correct manner in the position solution.

6.10 Processing menu

The Processing status screens displays information about the computed position. Use
the Processing configuration menu to configure settings such as elevation mask, SGG
mode and HDOP limit.

G200-87/4.0 61
Kongsberg DPS 110

Figure 29 Processing menu

6.10.1 Processing status Position status
Displays the status of the computed position and the number
of GPS satellites used in the position computation.
DIFF – differential corrections are used in the position
NONE DIFF – differential corrections are not used in the position calculations.
INVALID – no valid fix available.
Number of GPS satellites used in the position computation. DGNSS status

Displays the correction sources used in the position
calculations. Possible sources are:
• SGG – SeaSTAR SGG corrections
• IALA – differential corrections from an IALA beacon
• SBAS – differential corrections from an SBAS satellite

62 G200-87/4.0
Operation HDOP
Displays the calculated HDOP value. Satellites
A list of all the GPS satellites tracked by the GNSS receiver.
Satellites that are used in the position calculations, are
marked OK.

The last satellite in the list.

Satellites that are rejected and not used in the position

calculations, are marked with a reject code.

Table 10 Satellite reject codes

Reject code Description

0x00000001 Differential corrections present [L1]
0x00000002 Differential corrections present [L2]
0x00000004 Rejected due to range accuracy
0x00000008 Rejected by Baarda test
0x00000010 Rejected due to old ephemeris
0x00000020 Different ephemeris for ref/mob
0x00000040 Rejected due to fresh tracking
0x00000080 Unhealthy satellite
0x00000100 Rejected due to doppler accuracy
0x00000400 Rejected due to invalid ephemeris or no
0x00000800 Rejected by elevation mask
0x00001000 Rejected due to invalid signal-to-noise
0x00002000 Rejected due to invalid pseudorange

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Kongsberg DPS 110

Table 10 Satellite reject codes (cont'd.)

0x00004000 Rejected due to invalid doppler

0x00020000 Forced unhealthy in configuration
0x00040000 Rejected due to bad phase data
0x00080000 Rejected due to fresh tracking (phase data)
0x00100000 Lack of dual frequency data
0x00200000 SBAS corrections present and valid
0x01000000 Ionosphere corrections are present
0x02000000 No differential corrections data
0x08000000 Velocity rejected
0x20000000 Clock and orbit corrections are valid
0x40000000 Ranges are ionosphere free

6.10.2 Processing configuration Elevation mask
Set the elevation mask.
The system will not use satellites below the elevation mask
in the position computations.
Available values are 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15. SGG mode

Advanced SGG settings, use with care. Possible values:
• Default (Single + Dual Freq)
• Single Freq – L1 only
• Dual Freq – L1/L2 HDOP limit

Set the HDOP limit.
When the HDOP limit is exceeded, the system stops to output
position data.
Available values are 4, 10, 100.
ClickEnter to enter edit mode. Use the up and down arrows to select desired HDOP limit
and clickEnter to store changes and exit edit mode.

64 G200-87/4.0

6.11 Maintenance menus

Enter the maintenance menus to restart, upgrade and display/read Figure
software versions. No configuration from these pages is possible. 30 Maintenance

6.12 Control menu

Use the Control menu to reset the GNSS or DGNSS receivers, shutdown the system
or start debug logging.

Figure 31 Control menu

G200-87/4.0 65
Kongsberg DPS 110

6.12.1 GNSS receiver

Reset the GNSS receiver. This will clear the internal memory
of the GNSS receiver.

6.12.2 Demodulator Reset
Reset the Demodulator. Factory reset

Reset the Demodulator satellite list. After performing a
Factory reset the system must be shut down and power
turned OFF/ON. System shutdown

Select Shutdown (press Enter) to shut down the processing
sw in the system. Wait 30 seconds before switching the
power off the Processing Unit.
The power switch is located behind the lid to the left on
the front panel. Logging
It is possible to log raw data and telegram output for post
processing to an external USB stick.

How to log raw data and telegram output:

1 Insert USB stick.
2 Select Debug Logging On. The system will then automatically start to log data to
the USB stick.
3 Select Debug Logging Off to stop the data logging.

66 G200-87/4.0

4 Wait 10 seconds before removing the USB stick.

6.13 Upgrade menu

Use the Upgrade menu to upgrade software and firmware versions on the system.

Figure 32 Upgrade menu

6.13.1 Sw upgrade
A USB stick formatted with FAT or FAT32 file system is needed to upgrade the software.
The USB stick must contain a folder named "update", which contains the files needed
for upgrading.

G200-87/4.0 67
Kongsberg DPS 110 Sucessful upgrade

How to upgrade:
1 Insert the USB stick into the PU.
2 Navigate to Upgrade and press the right arrow to enter SW Upgrade.
3 Press Enter to select and press Enter once more to confirm.
The SW upgrade now starts and the display shows “Upgrade”.
The four LEDs start flashing yellow while upgrading and the upgrade might take
up to 25 minutes.
4 When upgrading is finished, the four LEDs will all turn yellow and the unit
automatically reboots and enters the default start-up menu.
5 If the Demodulator LED is red after a few minutes of operation, go to the Shutdown
menu, shut down, wait 30 seconds and power the unit off/on.

Figure 33 Sucsessful upgrade Upgrade failed

If the upgrading for some reason fails, the display shows "Upgrade failed".

What to do if upgrade fails:

1 Press Enter or ESC to try again.
2 Check that the USB stick is inserted correctly and contains a folder named "update"
with the files needed for upgrading. The USB stick must be formatted with the FAT
or FAT32 file system, and it must have a standard partition table.
3 If the problem continues, try with another type of USB stick, after copying the
"update" folder onto the new USB stick.

Figure 34 Upgrade failed

6.14 About menu

From the About menu it is possible to read GNSS and DGNSS receiver types, serial
numbers, software versions and expiration dates.

68 G200-87/4.0

Figure 35 About SW menu

6.14.1 About Processing SW Software version
The Processing SW version. HPlib version

The Fugro HP library version.

G200-87/4.0 69
Kongsberg DPS 110 Expiration date

The Fugro subscription expiration date for the processing
SW. Subscription
The Fugro subscription type.

6.14.2 About GNSS receiver Firmware version
The version of the firmware currently installed on the GNSS
receiver. Serial number

The serial number of the GNSS receiver. Model
The GNSS receiver model.

70 G200-87/4.0

6.14.3 About Demodulator Main board
The software version on the main board in the Demodulator. IO board
The software version on the IO board in the Demodulator. Serial number

The serial number of the Demodulator. Expiration date

The Fugro subscription expiration date for the internal

G200-87/4.0 71
Kongsberg DPS 110

7 Maintenance

This system consists of both software and hardware. The software part can be reinstalled
or upgraded to the latest version in the field. Service on the system hardware in the
field can consist of:
• Exchanging damaged GNSS antenna cables
• Exchanging failed GNSS antennas
• Exchanging damaged Spotbeam antenna cables
• Exchanging failed Spotbeam antenna
• Exchanging damaged IALA beacon antenna cables
• Exchanging failed IALA beacon antenna
• Exchanging failed Processing Unit
• Checking fuse within the power connector on the Processing Unit
The Processing Unit is not designed for service in the field and opening the housing will
result in damage or degradation of the units and void the warranty.

7.1 Periodic maintenance

Some activities should be carried out on a regular basis to maintain the condition or
operational status of the equipment.

7.1.1 Software upgrades

Kongsberg Seatex will regularly offer software upgrades for the system with
improvements and new functionalities. It is up to the user to decide whether he will
upgrade his unit to the latest version.

Related topics
• Sw upgrade on page 67

72 G200-87/4.0

7.1.2 Cleaning of air inlet

The air inlet at the rear of the Processing Unit needs to be cleaned regularly to avoid
overheating of the unit. The period between each cleaning is dependent on the air quality
at the installation site. However, we recommend that the filter should be cleaned at
least every six months.
Remove the plastic cover and replace the filter or clean the filter either by washing
with mild detergent or vacuuming.

Figure 36 Air inlet

With filter cover Filter cover removed

Filter cover and filter

7.1.3 GNSS antenna care

Excerpt from GPS-702-GG, GPS-701-GG and GPS702-GG-N User Guide,
OM-20000095, rev. 1B, August 7, 2009, NovAtel Inc.
The GPS-702-GG-N is designed to withstand the elements, including rain, snow and
dust. However, to ensure your antenna performs optimally, keep the radome (top surface
of the antenna) clean and brush off any ice and snow. In addition, ensure the N-Type
connector remains clean and dry and replace the dust cap when a cable is not connected.

7.2 Repairs and modifications

Repair of the system consists of exchanging damaged antenna cables, failed antennas
and the Processing Unit. These repairs can be carried out by a skilled electrician.

G200-87/4.0 73
Kongsberg DPS 110

7.2.1 Exchange of antenna cable

How to change antenna cable:

If the antenna cable is attached to the unit, do not attach the antenna cable
to the antenna with the Processing Unit powered on. If the antenna cable is
short-circuited with power on, the receiver within the unit will be damaged.

1 Follow the Shut down procedure.

2 Dismount the damaged antenna cable. The new antenna cable must be as straight as
possible. Do not crush or crimp the cable as this will affect the electrical properties
of the cable.
3 Connect the antenna cable to the antenna.
4 The connection between the antenna and the antenna cable should be sealed against
water penetration, preferably using waterproof self-vulcanizing tape.
5 Connect the antenna cable to the Processing Unit.

Related topics
• System shutdown on page 66

7.2.2 Exchange of antenna

How to change antenna:

If the antenna cable is attached to the unit, do not attach the antenna cable
to the antenna with the Processing Unit powered on. If the antenna cable is
short-circuited with power on, the receiver within the unit will be damaged.

1 Follow the Shut down procedure.

2 Dismount the failed antenna.
3 Mount the new antenna on the mounting rod or similar.
4 Connect the antenna cable to the antenna.
5 The connection between the antenna and the cable should be sealed against water
penetration, preferably by using waterproof self-vulcanizing tape.
6 Connect the antenna cable to the Processing Unit.

Related topics
• System shutdown on page 66

74 G200-87/4.0

7.2.3 Repair of Processing Unit

The Processing is not designed for customer maintenance. All repairs and modifications
of the unit, except installation of new software versions and setup of the system, should
be carried out by Kongsberg Seatex AS qualified personnel. A failed unit should be
shipped back to Kongsberg Seatex AS or other agreed service point for repair.

7.2.4 Installation of spare Processing Unit

Use the following procedure to install the received spare unit if such a unit is available
while your unit is being repaired:

How to install a spare Processing Unit:

1 Follow the Shut down procedure
2 Disconnect the Processing Unit to be repaired from its cables and the rack, and
replace it with the spare unit.
3 Connect all cables as they were on the original unit.
4 Power up the unit.

Related topics
• System shutdown on page 66

7.3 Troubleshooting
This part of the document is written for personnel with operator experience when a
situation arises where assistance from service personnel may be required. The aim of
this section is to identify the problem so that the appropriate action can be taken.

7.3.1 System status

The error conditions in the system are usually observed by looking at the colour codes of
the four LED indicators located on the front panel.

Related topics
• LED indications on page 40

7.3.2 External output problems

During operation situations may occur where the external equipment receives no data
from the Processing Unit.

What to check if external equipment receives no data from the Processing Unit:
1 Check the serial lines, net cables and cable connectors for mechanical damage.

G200-87/4.0 75
Kongsberg DPS 110

2 Check that the connectors are connected to the correct output ports both on the
Kongsberg Seatex AS equipment and on the external equipment. The layout of the
rear panel of the Processing Unit is shown in Interfaces Processing Unit on page 24.
3 If the cable and connectors are OK, check that the external output configuration of
the Processing Unit is set up correctly. This is described in Interfaces Processing
Unit on page 24

76 G200-87/4.0
Mechanical drawings

8 Mechanical drawings

This chapter contains outline drawings showing mechanical dimensions of the Processing
The drawings are not to scale. To-scale drawings are available on request.

G200-87/4.0 77
Kongsberg DPS 110

8.1 Processing Unit mechanical dimensions

78 G200-87/4.0
Parts list

9 Parts list

A standard system is delivered with the following system parts

Part number Description
G205-16_2 DPS 110 Processing Unit
G060–24–N GPS L1/L2 antenna (GNSS)
G060-03 GNSS antenna mounting rod
G060-31 IALA beacon antenna
G060-26 IALA beacon antenna mounting rod
G071–11 Spotbeam antenna with mounting bracket (DGNSS)
G071–28 Main cable, 2.5 m
G071-29 Cable Interconnection 1.5 m N - N connector
G071-91 Cable Interconnection 0.5 m N - N connector
G071-95 Screw terminals for Processing Unit
G200-87 DPS 110 Instruction Manual

G200-87/4.0 79
Kongsberg DPS 110

Appendix A

1 NMEA 0183 Standard for Interfacing Marine Electronic Devices, Version 3.00
2 RTCM Recommended Standards for Differential Navstar GPS/GLONASS Service,
Version 2.3
3 Guidelines on Installation and Maintenance of DGNSS-Based Positioning Systems,
IMCA M 199, IMCA S 012, August 2009

80 G200-87/4.0
Appendix B NMEA telegrams

Appendix B
NMEA telegrams

This appendix describes the formats of the subset of NMEA-0183 messages that are
available for output by the system.
The telegrams listed in this section are available. For further details, refer to the NMEA

B.1 GGA messages

The GGA message contains time, position and GPS/GLONASS data. The message is as
specified in NMEA 0183 version 3.0. The message structure is as follows:


Format description
1 = UTC of position (hours, minutes, seconds)
2 llll.ll = Latitude (degrees, minutes and fractions of minutes)
3 a = Latitude sector, N - North or S - South
4 yyyyy.yy = Longitude (degrees, minutes and fractions of minutes)
5 a = Longitude sector, E - East or W - West
6 x = GPS Quality indicator: 0 = Fix not valid, 1 = GPS/GLONASS fix, 2 =
DGPS/GLONASS fix, 5 = Float RTK fix (HP/XP corrections used). This field
shall not be a null field.
7 xx = Number of satellites in use, 00 - 12
8 x.x = HDOP - horizontal dilution of precision 00.0 to 99.9
9 x.x = Altitude, reference: mean-sea-level (geoid)
10 M = Altitude unit, M = metres.
11 x.x = Geoidal separation: the difference between the WGS-84 ellipsoid and
mean-sea-level (geoid)
12 M = Geoidal separation unit, M = metres

G200-87/4.0 81
Kongsberg DPS 110

13 x.x = Age of differential corrections, in seconds. 0 when DGPS not used

14 xxxx = Differential reference station ID, 0000-1023
15 *hh = Checksum.

Telegram options
The telegram output configuration contains a list of options (see Telegram out properties,
Options drop-down list).
Some older external systems may not handle correction age values above 9.9 s. To avoid
such conflicts, it is possible to limit the correction age to 9.9 s in the GGA telegram by
checking the Limit correction age to 9.9 seconds in GGA. The default is to report the
actual correction age.
It is possible to output the last valid position but flag as invalid by checking the Use last
valid position option. The default is to stop the telegram output when no new data is
The NMEA standard allows a maximum of 12 satellites in the GGA message. As
many systems are able to use more than 12 satellites in the position solution, the actual
number of satellites used may be reported by checking the Allow more than 12 satellites
in GGA message option.

B.2 GLL messages

The GLL message presents latitude and longitude of vessel position, time at position
fix and status. The message is as specified in NMEA 0183 version 3.0. The message
structure is as follows:


Format description
1 llll.ll = Latitude component of position, in degrees, minutes and fraction of minutes
2 a = Latitude sector, N - North or S - South
3 yyyyy.yy = Longitude component of position, in degrees, minutes and fraction of
4 a = Longitude sector, E - East or W - West
5 = UTC of position (hours, minutes, seconds)
6 A = Status, A = valid, V = invalid
7 a = Mode indicator, A = autonomous mode, D = differential mode, N = data not valid
8 *hh = Checksum.

82 G200-87/4.0
Appendix B NMEA telegrams

Telegram options
The telegram output configuration contains a list of options (see Telegram out properties,
Options drop-down list).
It is possible to use the last valid position in all GNS messages by checking the Use last
valid position. The default is to present the current position.

B.3 GSA messages

The GSA message presents DOP values and satellites used in the position solution. The
message is as specified in NMEA 0183 version 3.0. The message structure is as follows:


Format description
1 a = Mode: M = manual, A = automatic
2 x = Mode: 1 = fix not available, 2 = 2D, 3 = 3D
3 xx = ID numbers for satellites used in solution: 1-32 for GPS satellites (satellite
number), 33-64 for WAAS satellites, 65-96 for Glonass satellites
4 x.x = PDOP
5 x.x = HDOP
6 x.x = VDOP
7 *hh = Checksum.

B.4 GST messages

The GST message presents pseudo-range error statistics. The message is as specified in
NMEA 0183 version 3.0. The message structure is as follows:


Format description
1 = UTC of position (hours, minutes, seconds)
2 x.x = RMS value of the standard deviation of the range inputs to the navigation
3 x.x = Standard deviation of semi-major axis of error ellipse (metres)
4 x.x = Standard deviation of semi-minor axis of error ellipse (metres)
5 x.x = Orientation of semi-major axis of error ellipse (degrees from true north)

G200-87/4.0 83
Kongsberg DPS 110

6 x.x = Standard deviation of latitude error (metres)

7 x.x = Standard deviation of longitude error (metres)
8 x.x = Standard deviation of altitude error (metres)
9 *hh = Checksum.

B.5 GSV messages

The GSV message presents number of satellites (SV) in view, satellite ID numbers,
elevation, azimuth and SNR value. Four satellites maximum per transmission, additional
satellite data sent in second or third message. The message is as specified in NMEA
0183 version 3.0. The message structure is as follows:


Format description
1 x = Total number of messages (1-9)
2 x = Message number (1-9)
3 xx = Total number of satellites in view
4 xx = Satellite ID number, GPS: 1 - 32, WAAS: 33 - 64, GLONASS: 65 - 96
5 xx = Elevation in degrees, 90º maximum
6 xxx = Azimuth in degrees, 000 - 359
7 xx = SNR 00 - 99 dB-Hz, 0 when not tracked
8 …….,xx,xx,xxx,xx = Satellite ID, elevation, azimuth and SNR for up to four satellites
9 *hh = Checksum.

B.6 VTG messages

The VTG message contains actual course and speed relative to the ground. The message
is as specified in NMEA 0183 version 3.0. The message structure is as follows:


Format description
1 x.x = True course over ground in degrees
2 T = True course over ground marker
3 x.x = Magnetic course over ground in degrees
4 M = Magnetic course over ground marker

84 G200-87/4.0
Appendix B NMEA telegrams

5 x.x = Speed over ground in knots

6 N = "N" shows that speed over ground is in knots
7 x.x = Speed over ground in kilometres/hour
8 K = "K" shows that speed over ground is in kilometres/hour
9 a = Mode indicator. A=automatic mode, D=differential mode, N=data not valid.
Shall not be a null field
10 *hh = Checksum

B.7 ZDA messages

The ZDA message contains UTC time, day, month, year and local time. The message is
as specified in NMEA 0183 version 3.0. The message structure is as follows:
For further details, refer to the NMEA standard.


Format description
1 hhmmss.sss = UTC time, hours, minutes and seconds
2 xx = Current day in UTC, day 01 - 31
3 xx = Current month in UTC, month 01 - 12
4 xxxx = Current year in UTC
5 xx = Local zone-hours offset from UTC, 00 to ±13 hrs
6 xx = Local zone minutes offset from UTC, 00 to ±59
7 *hh = Checksum

Telegram options
The telegram output configuration contains a list of options (see Telegram out properties,
Options drop-down list).
It is possible to use the last available data set as the time source of the ZDA message by
checking the item Use time from dataset in ZDA message in the list. The default is to get
the current UTC time from the system clock when the message is generated.

G200-87/4.0 85
Kongsberg DPS 110

Appendix C
Coax connector installation

The connector consists of two parts: the connector head and the cable entry.
The instructions below are an excerpt from Huber+Suhner assembly instruction,
DOC-0000179418, rev. C, March 2008.

86 G200-87/4.0
Appendix C Coax connector installation

G200-87/4.0 87
Kongsberg DPS 110

88 G200-87/4.0
Appendix C Coax connector installation

G200-87/4.0 89
Kongsberg DPS 110

90 G200-87/4.0
Appendix D ½" coax cable specifications

Appendix D
½" coax cable specifications

G200-87/4.0 91
Kongsberg DPS 110

Appendix E
RG–214 specifications

92 G200-87/4.0
Appendix E RG–214 specifications

G200-87/4.0 93
Kongsberg DPS 110

Appendix F
GNSS antenna installation

F.1 GNSS antenna installation

Excerpt from GPS-702-GG, GPS-701-GG and GPS702-GG-N User Guide,
OM-20000095, rev. 1B, August 7, 2009, NovAtel Inc.

How to install the antenna:

After a site has been selected, install the antenna as follows.
1 Verify that the thread on the mount does not extend more than 7/8" (22 mm) to
ensure the plastic inside the antenna receptacle is not damaged when the mount is
inserted. If it extends further than 7/8" (22 mm), add two jam nuts to shorten the
exposed thread, ensuring the nuts are well-tightened.
Align the mount thread with the metal adapter
on the bottom of the antenna and rotate the
antenna clockwise until it is securely screwed
to the mount. Using a wrench, tighten the
adapter to the mount.
3 Remove the dust cap from the antenna's
N-Type connector.
4 Attach the male N-Type connector of the
coaxial cable to the antenna's N-Type.
The metal adapter on the bottom of the antenna is fixed in place. Do not attempt
to remove it.

5 Attach the end of the coaxial cable to the antenna input port of the receiving device.
All NovAtel GNSS receivers provide the necessary power through their antenna
RF connectors.

94 G200-87/4.0
Appendix G IALA beacon antenna

Appendix G
IALA beacon antenna

Item type
MA40 beacon antenna (MGL-4)

Operational specifications
Frequency range, beacon 283.5 – 325 kHz
LNA gain, beacon 34 dB
Pre-amplifier, beacon Pre-amplifier, beacon Integral low noise amplifier
Frequency range, GPS 1.575 GHz (L1)
LNA gain, GPS Various available

Power specifications
Input voltage 4.9 – 13 V DC supplied by receiver
Input current 50 – 60 mA

Mechanical characteristics
Enclosure PVC plastic
Mounting thread 1-14-UNS-2B
Length/Width/Height 128 mm L x 128 mm W x 84 mm H
Weight 450 g (1.0 lb)
Antenna connector TNC-S
Antenna extension cable RG-58U, < 15 m (45 ft) in length

G200-87/4.0 95
Kongsberg DPS 110

Environmental specifications
Storage temperature 40 °C to 80 °C
Operating temperature 30 °C to 70 °C
Humidity 100 % condensing

96 G200-87/4.0
Appendix H Spotbeam antenna

Appendix H
Spotbeam antenna

General arrangement drawing for the AD 430

antenna with mounting bracket.
The diameter for the ground plane is 150 mm
(6 inches).
Three M4 fixing holes are provided on the ground
plane for an optional extension disc.

G200-87/4.0 97
Kongsberg DPS 110

A ECS, 10 L
abbreviations, 9 ED50, 10
LCD display, 39–40
air inlet, 73 EGNOS, 10
LED, 10
alarm signal, 26 electrical installation, 38
LGND, 10
antenna and cable EMC, 10
LOA, 11
mounting, 35–37 EMI, 10
logistics, 29
antenna cable, 74 EN, 10
LPP, 11
antenna exchange, 74 EPE, 10
AP, 9 ETA, 10
ETE, 10 M
ethernet connection, 28
B maintenance, 72
MMSI, 11
back-light, 45 F MOP, 11
Backup stick, 11 MP, 11
BL, 9 FP, 10
Frame 0, 9 MSAS, 11
BT, 9
front panel of processing
unit, 24
C/A, 9 NA, 11
G NAD27, 11
CAT, 9
CEP, 9 GGAmessage, 81 NDS, 11
CG, 9 GLL message, 82 NMEA, 11
CL, 9 GLONASS system, 14 NMEA telegrams, 81
coax cable specification, 91 glossary, 9 notation, 7
coax connector installation, 86 GNSS, 10 NRP, 11
COG, 9 GNSS antenna, 35
contrast, 45 GNSS antenna installation, 94
CPU, 9 GNSS system, 14 O
CRP, 9 GPS, 10 output problems, 75
CTP, 9 GPS system, 14 output telegrams, 81
GSA message, 83
GST message, 83
D GSV message, 84 P
DCW, 9 guarantee, 8
GUI, 10 PGND, 11
DGNSS, 9 PPS, 11
DGNSS antenna, 37 PPS signal, 27
DGNSS system, 16 H PRN, 11
DGPS, 9 processing unit, 17
disposal, 8 handling, 8
Processing Unit
DNV, 9 HDG, 10
dimensions, 78
DOP, 9 HDOP, 10
Processing Unit
DP, 9 HMI, 10
installation, 33
DPO, 10 HP, 10
Processing Unit location, 33
DPS, 10 HW information, 45
PSS, 11
DQI, 10 HWP, 10
DRMS, 10
DT, 10 Q
DWL, 10 I
IALA, 10 QA, 11
IALA beacon antenna, 36
E IEC, 10
EBL, 10 IMO, 10
ECDF, 10 IMU, 10 RAIM, 11
ECDIS, 10 IP, 10

98 G200-87/4.0

rear panel of processing

unit, 24
relay alarm signal, 26
RFI, 11
RG-214 specifications, 92
RMS, 11
RTCM, 11, 16

SA, 11
safety, 29
SBAS, 11
serial lines, 25
serial number, 45
SL, 11
SNR, 11
software information, 45
SOG, 11
spares, 75
Spotbeam antenna, 37
SPS, 11
ST, 11
status indicators, 75
SW, 11

telegrams, 81
TMW, 11
troubleshooting, 75
TTG, 11

UPS, 12
UTC, 12
UTM, 12

VTG message, 84

WAAS, 12
WEEE, 12
WGS84, 12

ZDA message, 85

G200-87/4.0 99
©2011 Kongsberg Seatex

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