Introduction To Counselling Profession

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The Counseling Profession:

A Definition

Dr. Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin

University of Malaya

What Is…Counseling?? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

On a sheet of paper please list the following:

The definitions of counselling that you have
learnt before;
all the different types of counselors you heard of
(e.g., new home counselor, auto service
counselor, personal counselor).
The characteristics of an effective counsellor;
We are going to list all the different types.


What Is…Counseling?? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Without looking at your text, please define the

following two terms:



What Is…Counseling?? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

The term “COUNSELOR” is one that is used to

describe many different people in many different
types of jobs.

The type of “counselor” that you will hear about

and the type counseling that you will be learning
about and experiencing is different from the
informal and improper usage we find in today’s


Guidance & Counseling… Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

As students learning about the art & science of

the mental health field there are terms and
definitions that will be helpful, if not necessary
for you to know. They include:


Different Types of Counseling Providers
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

The people who provide

counseling services also come in
different types and with different
credentials, licenses, certifications,
educational experiences,
philosophies, ways of
understanding development &
pathology, etc…


Different Types of Counseling Providers
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Social workers
These providers include:

What Is Guidance? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

“Guidance is a process of helping people make

important choices that affect their lives, such as
choosing a preferred lifestyle” (Gladding, 2000,
pg. 4).

Guidance can be seen is such activities as helping a

student make decisions about what courses to take or
which vocation to pursue. It is a relationship
between two unequal persons.


What Is Psychotherapy? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Traditionally focuses on serious problems

associated with intrapsychic, internal, and
personal issues and conflicts. It deals with the
“recovery of adequacy” (Casey, 1996, p. 175 as quoted
in your text).
The focus of psychotherapy tends towards:
Past more then present
Insight more than change
Detachment of the therapist
Therapist as the expert

What Is Psychotherapy? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

The distinction between “psychotherapy” and

“counseling” has been blurring more and more recently
as more and more “counselors” more into the world of
clinical mental health and are recognized for what they
have been doing for decades. The major traditional
differences between counseling and psychotherapy
revolve around:

Length of time in therapy—psychotherapy tends to last

longer—20-40 sessions, counseling tends to be short-term—
6-8 sessions).

Counseling tends to happen in outpatient settings.

Psychotherapy tends to take place in both outpatient and
inpatient settings.


What Is Counseling? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

According to the American Counseling

Association, counseling is:

“the application of mental health, psychological or human

development principles, through cognitive, affective,
behavioral or systemic interventions, strategies that
address wellness, personal growth, or career
development, as well as pathology.”

What Is Counseling? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

This definition was written to

try and meet the needs of the
several different types and
styles of counseling practiced
by the members of the ACA.
The elements of the definition
are important to understand.


What Is Counseling? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Counseling is a profession.
requires appropriate training at graduate level, professional
associations, licensure & certification, ethical standards, etc.

Counseling deals with wellness, personal growth,

career, and pathological concerns.
Counseling deals with wellness and pathological concerns. It
is a comprehensive profession. (Note: pathological concerns
was not listed in 3rd edition of your text--this represents a
change in the definition of counseling from the American
Counseling Association in 1997).

What Is Counseling? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Counseling is conducted with persons who are

considered to be functioning well and those who
are having more serious problems.
Counseling is conducted with those considered
within the "normal range" of functioning and with
those having more serious problems. Historically,
the abnormal range has not been emphasized, but
with newer definitions, counselors are extending
their work to include the treatment of people with
disorders included in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).


What Is Counseling? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Counseling is theory based.

The professional counselor works from a theory of
counseling that guides his/her work. It is applied to
individuals, groups, families, and other systems.

Counseling is a process that may be

developmental or intervening.
Counseling is a process in which clients learn how to
make decisions and formulate new ways of
behaving, feeling, and thinking, related to
self-determined goals (rather than the goals of the

What Is Counseling? Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

School Counseling
Community Counseling
Counseling includes Mental Health Counseling
various subspecialties. Marriage & Family
The profession of
counseling has several Group Counseling
different types of College Counseling
practitioners with Rehabilitation Counseling
specialized training. Substance Abuse
They included: Counseling
Gerontological Counseling
Offender Counseling


The Mental Health Hierarchy
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Psychiatrists Psychologists
• medical doctors; thus
medical model • medical model based
• can prescribe medication • Ph.D., Psy.D.
• most training • research oriented
• work with chronically • work with severe
mentally ill
mentally ill; organic
• organic causes

The Mental Health Hierarchy
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Counseling Psychologists

• Ph.D., Ed.D., Psy.D.

• APA internships favored
• State regulates title "psychologist" (license)
• Fighting for limited authority to prescribe drugs
• Can administer psychological tests; fighting for exclusive rights
• Licensure laws allow counselors to do testing in 94% of states


The Mental Health Hierarchy
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Social Workers

• Aligned with industry and government agencies

• Provide multiple comprehensive services
• Public assistance/social administrations
• More direct intervention
• Recognized MSW (two years)
• Interaction between individual and community institutions
• Licensure in 48 states

The Mental Health Hierarchy
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Marriage and Family

Professional Counselors
• Masters or Ph.D., Ed.D.
• Educational/develop-mental • Last on the scene
roots • Views problems as arising
• Master's Ed.D., Ph.D. from system
• 48-60 hour programs • Licensure in 42 states
• Broad range of specialties
• Licensure in 45 states


Counseling and Theory
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Counseling theory – an effort to explain the

process by which a set of activities begins,
develops, and ends.
The functions of counseling theories:
1. Guidelines
2. Model
3. Process-and-outcomes
4. Mapping

Marks of a Good Theory Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Simplicity. The simpler the better. Complex

theories tend to confuse. Good theories are broad
and parsimonious.

Testability. Is it valid and reliable? Will it hold up

consistently over time? Is it internally consistent?

Novelty. Does it bring something new to the

knowledge base?


Marks of a Good Theory Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Empirical support. Has it been tested and does it

have supportable data?

Understandable and predictive. Can it be easily

understood when applied? As it is being applied, can
certain prediction be made accurately?

Why Have a Theory Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

A theory provides a counselor with:

Unity and relatedness within the diversity of

Compels counselors to examine relationships they

would otherwise overlook.

Gives counselors operational guidelines by which to

work and helps them to evaluate their development
as professionals.


Why Have a Theory Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

A theory helps counselors focus on relevant data and

tells them what to look for.

Theory helps counselors assist clients in effective

modification of their behavior.

Theory helps counselors evaluate both old and new

approaches to the process of counseling. It is your
base to understand other approaches.

Pure Theorist or Eclectic Generalist
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Counselors have many choices in theories.

Some adhere to one theory (about 30%-40%)
and others combine theories or use various
theories & techniques to work with clients.
Neither way is better then the other. The
important point is that you have a theory!!


Counseling and Philosophy
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Essentialism – rational human beings

Progressivism – “What will work?”
Existentialism – the meaning of life

Counseling and Culture
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC


Becoming a Counselor Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

List what you think are the qualities of an

effective counselor.

The Wrong Reasons to Become a Counselor
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Emotional distress—needing
your own counseling.
Vicarious Coping—living your
Many people enter live through others.
the counseling Loneliness—seeking
profession for friendship through clients.
reasons that do not Power—seeking to control
make for a good others.
counselor. Some Need for Love—Seeking love
of those reasons to fill narcissistic needs.
include: Vicarious Healing—acting out
your needs through others.


Qualities of an Effective Counselor
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Curiosity Emotional insightfulness

Ability to listen Introspection
Comfort with Capacity for self-denial
conversation Tolerance of intimacy
Empathy & Comfort with power
understanding Ability to laugh

Characteristics of a Counselor
Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Stability of character Sensitive to oneself and

Harmony with self and the effect you have on
others others
Constancy and Knowing your own
purposefulness wounds and working to
Flexible resolve them
Seeking goodwill for Energetic
others Intelligent


Don’t Burnout Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Burnout is a state of becoming emotionally or

physically drained to the point one cannot
perform functions meaningfully.

One person stated that once you have been burned

out in a profession, you are no longer effective. The
wires of a radio can be replaced when they are
burned out. You cannot replace the wires in a
persons head.

Tips to Stay Healthy Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC

Associate with healthy Engage in self-

individuals assessment/ monitoring
Work with committed Know and understand
colleagues & your job profile
organizations that have a
sense of mission Obtain personal therapy
Find a theory of Balance free-time and
counseling and use it work
Use stress reduction Don’t become over
exercises involved in client’s lives
Modify environmental Retain an attitude of
stresses hope


Questions Perry C. Francis, Ed.D., NCC, LPC


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