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English Test 1

1. Situation: John is buying a book.

Salesgirl: This book is eighty baht.
John: O.K. __A__
Salesgirl: __B__
A. 1. This is my money. 2. Here you are.
3. There it is. 4. It is.
B. 1. How nice. 2. All right.
3. Thank you. 4. Good.

2. Situation: Jane sees Don and talks to him.

Jane: How are you, Don?
Don: Fine. Thanks. __A__
Jane: __B__
A. 1. What do you do? 2. What are you doing?
3. And you? 4. Are you?
B. 1. Very well, thank you. 2. That‟s good.
3. It is very nice. 4. I‟m sorry to hear that.

3. Situation: Mary is asking Jum to go swimming with her.

Mary: Jum, I‟m going for a swim tomorrow. __A__
Jum: __B__ I‟ll see you at the pool, then.
A. 1. Would you like to come? 2. Can you swim?
3. What do you want to do? 4. Where do you like to swim?
B. 1. I don‟t like swimming. 2. Swimming is difficult.
3. I‟d love to. 4. Oh no, I can‟t swim.

4. Situation: Fred and Jill are having lunch together.

Jill: Oh, this soup needs salt. Fred, __A__
Fred: __B__
Jill: Thank you.
A. 1. does your soup taste good? 2. do you like soup?
3. will you pass the salt, please? 4. do you want more salt?
B. 1. Yes, I like soup. 2. Certainly. Here it is.
3. I like some more salt, too. 4. Yes, there is some salt here.

5. Situation: Nisa offers Betty some cake.

Nisa: My mother made a cake for me. __A__
Betty: __B__ It looks very good.
A. 1. Do you eat cake? 2. Have you ever eaten this?
3. Can you eat cake? 4. Would you like some?
B. 1. I don‟t like that. 2. Certainly I will.
3. Sure, it is. 4. Yes, please.
Part2 vocabulary

6. Which word means say again ?

1. read 2. react 3. repeat 4. redo
7. Which word means give back?
1. return 2. remake 3. regain 4. remain
8. Which word means very good?
1. rest 2. best 3. jest 4. test
9. Which word means a place where prisoners are kept?
1. jail 2. rail 3. sail 4. mail
10. Which word means a place where we keep money?
1. bang 2. bank 3. back 4. band
11. Which word means to take one and give another?
1. change 2. exchange 3. return 4. receive
12. Which word means to feel sorry?
1. regret 2. reset 3. react 4. refill
13. Which word means something wrong?
1. mistake 2. misbehave 3. mislead 4. mistreat
14. Which word means a flower that has not bloomed?
1. bud 2. mud 3. but 4. cut
15. Which word means a way or path?
1. route 2. root 3. soot 4. sort

Cloze Test

Nut and his friend are driving downtown. Nut is driving very _____16____ . A police
car is behind them. “You should stop, Nut,” says his friend. “The _____17____ on the police
car is flashing.” When Nut stops, the policeman tells him, “The _____18____ in the city is 30
kilometres an hour. You should ____19_____ ,” says the policeman while looking at Nut‟s
____20_____ . “I‟m giving you a ticket. You shouldn‟t drive so fast.”

1. quickly (adv.) อย่างรวดเร็ ว 2. measure (n.) การวัดระยะ, การวัดขาด
3. student card (n.) บัตรนักเรี ยน 4. driving license (n.) ใบขับขี่
5. ticket (n.) ตัว๋ , ใบสัง่

16. 1. loudly 2. slowly 3. quickly 4. happily

17. 1. sign 2. light 3. lamp 4. roof
18. 1. speed rate 2. time measure 3. time limit 4. speed limit
19. 1. speed up 2. stand up 3. slow down 4. sit down
20. 1. Motorcycle 2. photograph 3. student card 4. driving license
Reading Comprehension


Angela’s story
Last Saturday I got up very early, took a bath and had breakfast with my parents and
my brother, Simon. After breakfast we took bus number 12 to the zoo. It was too crowded, so
we went to the market instead and bought some books, art paper and crayons.

1. crowded (adj.) คนแน่น 2. art paper (n.) กระดาษสี 3. crayon (n.) ดินสอสี

21. What did Angela do this past weekend?

1. Went shopping. 2. Drew a picture in the park.
3. Took care of her lovely animals. 4. Made breakfast for her parents.


One day Fred went swimming in a canal. He dove to the bottom of the canal and came
back up with a big wooden box. He opened it and found a jacket, two pairs of trousers, five
shirts and three pairs of shoes. He put his hand into the right pocket of the jacket and took
out a plastic bag full of coins. In the pocket of one pair of trousers he found a pocket knife.
In a pocket of a shirt he found a pair of glasses. He was very happy and took all the things

1. canal (n.) ลาคลอง 2. wooden (adj.) ซึง่ ทามาจากไม้
3. be full of (adj.) ซึง่ เต็มไปด้ วย 4. pocket knife (n.) มีดพก

22. Where did Fred get the box?

1. He found it while he was swimming.
2. He got the box open.
3. Someone left it at his house.
4. It was floating on the canal.
23. How many shirts did he find?
1. 1 2. 2
3. 3 4. 5
24. What did he do with those things?
1. He threw them into the canal.
2. He put them back in the box.
3. He took them home.
4. He left them near the canal.
25. What was in the pocket of one pair of trousers?
1. a knife 2. a plastic bag
3. coins 4. reading glasses

It is Maggie‟s birthday. Her mother bought a big cake for her from a bakery near her
house. There are twelve candles on it. She is not twelve years old yet. But the baker put one
more candle on the cake for good luck. Her mother bought 15 balloons and put them around
the room. She gave her a nice bicycle for her birthday. Maggie invited a lot of friends to her
party: Joy, Jane, Bob, Mary, Tom, Peter and John.Joy and Jane gave her a box of water
colors, Bob and Mary a beautiful basket, Tom a book, and Peter and John a nice music box.
She likes all the gifts very much.

1. candle (n.) เทียน 2. good luck (n.) โชคดี 3. invite (v.) เชิญชวน
4. watercolor (n.) สีน ้า 5. music box (n.) กล่องดนตรี

26. How old is Maggie?

1. She is eleven years old. 2. She is twelve years old.
3. She is thirteen years old. 4. She is fifteen years old.
27. How many boys and girls came to the party?
1. 3 boys and 4 girls 2. 4 boys and 3 girls
3. 3 boys and 3 girls 4. 4 boys and 4 girls
28. What did her mother give her?
1. a basket 2. a new bicycle
3. a music box 4. a box of water colors
29. Where did the cake come from?
1. Her mother made it. 2. Her friends brought it.
3. It came from a bakery. 4. Maggie baked it.

Choose the right answer for each blank (30–50)

30. My house is _________ the bank and the school.

1. between 2. among 3. behind 4. in front of
31. Bob _________ in the badminton tournament yesterday.
1. will lose 2. lost 3. loses 4. was losing
32. Hurry up! The train _________ .
1. comes 2. came 3. is coming 4. will come
33. Please see me _________ Tom. We will be late.
1. slowly 2. immediately 3. excitedly 4. patiently
34. Did your father _________ those flowers?
1. water 2. waters 3. watered 4. watering
35. Next holiday, I‟m going to go camping in the _________ .
1. ocean 2. beach 3. jungle 4. mountain
36. We say “Close your eyes and make a wish” before you _________.
1. get married 2. go out on Halloween
3. blow out your birthday candles 4. go out on a date
37. They speak English. They are _________ people.
1. speaking English 2. spoken English
3. English - speaking 4. English
38. Thai people hope that the trouble with Thai Moslem in the south _________.
1. will close 2. will be ended
3. is coming to an end 4. is ended
39. He _________ down the tree last week.
1. fall 2. felt
3. feel 4. fell
40. Which word is pronounced differently? It is “_________ .”
1. briefed 2. needed
3. talked 4. stopped
41. Which word is pronounced “ed” at the end. It is “_________ .”
1. wanted 2. robbed
3. kissed 4. watched
42. _________ has the same vowel sound as “speak.”
1. Cake 2. Bake
3. Break 4. Peak
43. At the market we can _________ .
1. buy some food 2. watch a film
3. fly in an aeroplane 4. play tennis
44. You can drink coffee from a _________.
1. jar 2. mug
3. cup 4. pot
45. Do you go to your uncle‟s house every day?
1. No, you don‟t. 2. Yes, I do.
3. Yes, you do. 4. Yes, I am.
46. You put your letter in _________.
1. basket 2. cupboard
3. mailbox 4. trash can
47. _________ tells you to stop or go.
1. police officer 2. traffic lights
3. bus stop 4. bridge
48. Teacher : Are you doing your homework, Susan?
Susan : Yes, _________ .
1. I can 2. I am
3. I do 4. I have
49. Tom felt really _________ when his final scores turned bad.
1. bored 2. disappointed
3. anxious 4. hopeful
50. The tourist : Excuse me, I‟m a ________ here.What does that sign _______ over there?
1. foreigner, speaks 2. foreigner, speak
3. stranger, says 4. stranger, say
English Test 2

At the Mall (No. 1-6)

Shop assistant : Good afternoon. (1) ?
Sack : Yes, (2) like these, please.
Shop assistant : Just a moment, please. (3) .
Sack : (4) . Haven‟t you got another longer one?
Shop assistant : (5) . Yes, here you are.
Sack : Oh! Yes. These are O.K. (6) .

1. 1. Can you help me 2. May I do with you

3. Do you want me 4. Can I help you
2. 1. I‟d like a pair of trousers 2. I‟m sure I would
3. I‟m looking forward to seeing 4. I‟m looking around
3. 1. Here I am 2. There you are
3. Here it is 4. Here are you
4. 1. I don‟t like them 2. They‟re long enough
3. They‟re a bit too short 4. They‟re too long
5. 1. Don‟t worry 2. Let me try them on
3. I‟m sorry 4. I‟ll have a look
6. 1. I‟ll bring them 2. I‟ll take them
3. I won‟t buy them 4. I don‟t want them

7. 1. How did it happen?

2. I cut my finger.
3. All right. Let me have a look.
4. What‟s the matter?
5. While I was peeling mangoes, I cut my finger.

1. 1 5 4 2 3 2. 4 2 1 5 3
3. 5 2 1 3 4 4. 1 2 4 5 3

8. 1. Two cars crashed. But no one was seriously hurt.

2. What happened? I heard a scream.
3. Was it bad?
4. There was an accident over there.
5. Thank goodness.

1. 2 1 3 4 5 2. 4 2 1 3 5
3. 2 4 3 1 5 4. 1 3 2 4 5

9. Wipa : It‟s raining. Can you close the door, please?

Suda : _____________________
1. Why not? 2. Take care of yourself
3. Thank you very much. 4. Next time, please
10. Noi : I forget my dictionary ___________________
Nid : Yes. Here you are.
1. Can I borrow yours? 2. Could you read it forme?
3. I‟ll go to buy one. 4. Please get it to me.
11. Joe : Do you have any rose apples?
Fruit seller : Yes. How many kilos do you want?
Joe : ___________________
1. No,thanks. 2. Yes,please.
3. Three, please. 4. Two kilos, please.
12. At the party
Tim : Hello.
Nan : Hello.
Tim : Would you like some coke?
Nan : ________________ May I have some iced-water?
1. let me think 2. That‟s right.
3. yes, please 4. No, thank you.
13. At home
Mother : ______________________
Suda : Here you are.
1. How‟re things? 2. Pass me some eggs, please?
3. May I come in? 4. Let‟s eat some cake.


14. Excuse me, Narit, do you think I could _________ your phone?
1. offer 2. lend
3. borrow 4. take
15. Don‟t _________ about your final examination.
1. worry 2. worried
3. sorry 4. anxiety
16. There is a lot of _________ in this apartment.
1. gap. 2. distance
3. space 4. interval
17. My mother _________ his invitation to his birthday party because she is very busy.
1. refused 2. quit
3. accepted 4. admitted
18. She went to school by bus yesterday and she _________ her umbrella on the bus.
1. forgot 2. couldn‟t remember
3. left 4. forgotten
Cloze Test1

You come out of the bank. Turn ____(19)_____ . Walk over the bridge and go past
the ___(20)____ on your right. Turn left at the ______(21)______. Go past the supermarket
on your ____(22)____. Go along the road. The office is on your right. It‟s _____(23)______
the café.

19. 1. left 2. right 3. away 4. along

20. 1. park 2. school 3. station 4. traffic lights
21. 1. traffic lights 2. supermarket 3. park 4. zoo
22. 1. own 2. left 3. right 4. hand
23. 1. opposite 2. next to 3. by 4. out of

Reading Comprehension


Walt Disney is famous all over the world for his films. He won 26 Oscars and this is a
world record. Some of his cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, are now
very old! Mickey‟s date of „birth‟ is 18th November, 1928! What do we know about his early
Walt was born in 1901 in Chicago, the USA. His family was poor, but Walt drew
fantastic pictures, he sold some pictures to neighbors and made some money. He loved
drawing animals. He started his small company at the garage of his uncle.

1. famous (adj.) มีชื่อเสียง, โด่งดัง 2. character (n.) ตัวละคร
3. fantastic (adj.) ยอดเยี่ยม, น่าอัศจรรย์ 4. garage (n.) อู่รถ, โรงรถ

24. What is Walt Disney famous for?

1. His photos. 2. His films.
3. His drawings. 4. His books.
25. Where was Walt Disney born
1. In Chicago, the USA. 2. In London, the UK.
3. In Tokyo, Japan. 4. In Shanghai, China
26. Where did he start his company?
1. At his friend‟s house. 2. At his own apartment.
3. At his uncle‟s garage. 4. At his mother‟s room.


On Saturday, Dan gets up at 9 o‟ clock. Then he reads his newspaper before he has his
breakfast in the kitchen at 9.30 after, his breakfast he telephones his mother in Chonburi.
In the afternoon, at 3.00, he plays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat dinner
in a restaurant. At 6.00, he swims for two hours and then he rides the bike to his brother‟s
house. They talk and listen to music together.
He watches television in the evening, drinks a glass of soy milk, and goes to bed at

1. get up (v.) ตื่นนอน 2. together (adv.) ด้ วยกัน
3. soy milk (n.) นมถัว่ เหลือง 4. midnight (n.) เที่ยงคืน

27. Where does Dang have breakfast?

1. In the kitchen. 2. In the bedroom.
3. In the living room. 4. In his brother‟s house.
28. Where does his mother live?
1. In Bangkok. 2. In Chonburi.
3. In Pattaya. 4. In UbonRatchathani.
29. How long does Dang swim for?
1. One hour 2. Threehours
3. Two hours 4. Four hours
30. What does Dang drink in the evening?
1. Wine 2. Beer
3. Soy milk 4. Water
31. What time does Dang go to bed?
1. 11 pm. 2. 12.00 pm.
3. 1.00 am. 4. 2 am.


32. I saw Katy Perry _________ she didn‟t see me.

1. and 2. but 3. because 4. so
33. We have rice _________ curry for our dinner.
1. but 2. and 3. because 4. so
34. I like shopping at Lotus _________ my mother like shopping at Big C.
1. and 2. but 3. or 4. So
35. I switched off the air-conditioned _________ the weather was very cold.
1. and 2. but 3. because 4. or
36. I want to borrow some books, _________ I go to the library.
1. or 2. so 3. but 4. because
37. _________ the students taking a test in the class now?
1. Do 2. Does 3. Are 4. Is
38. Do you want _________ cake or fresh juice?
1. the 2. some 3. any 4. lots of
39. I often go to school ________
1. by a car 2. on feet 3. with a car 4. by bus
40. My father gives me a present _______Christmas Day.
1. in 2. with 3. at 4. on
41. _________ was having dinner with you when I called you last night?
1. Why 2. What 3. Where 4. Who
42. She sits ______ her two lovely sisters.
1. between 2. near 3. under 4. among
43. Our neighbor‟s children _______ loudly last night.
1. speaks 2. are speaking 3. speak 4. spoke
44. John is _________ on the blackboard at the moment.
1. write 2. wrote 3. writes 4. writing
45. I ________ born in 1991.
1. was 2. were 3. is 4. am
46. Mary _______ her car last night.
1. wash 2. washed 3. washing 4. washes
47. She __________ hard this month.
1. works 2. worked 3. is working 4. has worked
48. Malee: __________ is your brother?
Peter: In Bangkok.
1. Who 2. What 3. When 4. Where
49. Mr. Sek: _________ does your father do?
Mr. Dang: A teacher.
1. What 2. Who 3. Where 4. When
50. Manee: _________ didn‟t you come to the party?
Malee: Because I was sick.
1. Who 2. Why 3. What 4. Where
English Test 3
Part 1: Choose the best answer with the most suitable answer from 1, 2, 3 or 4

1. My father is an architect________my mother is a baker.

1. and 2. so 3. or d. because
2. A: what is in that silvery box?
B: There________some cans in the box.
1. is 2. have 3. has 4. are
3. ________ the students ________ a test in the class now?
1. Do/ taking 2. Does/ take 3. Are /taking 4. Are/take
4. Do you want ________ cake or fresh juice?
1. little 2. some 3. any 4. lots of
5. I often go to school ________
1. by a car 2. on feet 3. with a car 4. by bus
6. My father gives me a present _______Christmas Day.
1. in 2. with 3. at 4. on
7. ________ was having dinner with you when I called you last night?
1. why 2. what 3. where 4. who
8. She sits ______ her two lovely sisters.
1. between 2. near 3. under 4. among
9. Our neighbor‟s children _______loudly at nights
1. speaks 2. are speaking 3. speak 4. spoke
10. I should do my homework________
1. careful 2. carefully 3. more careful 4. more carefully
11. She__________ in the room for eight hours.
1. is sleeping 2. slept 3. sleeps 4. has slept
12. The bus _________ already arrived.
1. is 2. was 3. has 4. have
13. ________ looks very modern at your place
1. Many furnitures 2. Much furniture 3. A few furnitures 4. Some furniture
14. I ________ born ________ 1991.
1. was /at 2. were / on 3. was /in 4. were / in
15. Mary _______ her hair last night.
1. wash 2. washed 3. washing 4. Washes
16. Tell me ________yesterday.
1. what you do 2. what you did 3. what did you do 4. what have you done
17. A :________. Is this the way to Central Park ?
B : Yes , go straight ahead.
1. Hello. 2. Excuse me. 3. I‟m sorry. 4. Pardon.
18. Tony doesn‟t go to school , because he has a ________headache.
1. highly 2. terrible 3. softly 4. lot of
19. A : Where can I buy a pet?
B : At the pet shop.
A :________________
B : It‟s right here. Across the road.
1. How far is it ? 2. Where is it ?
3. How can I get to it ? 4. How about it ?
20. A : What do you think about the cinema?
B :___________. I enjoyed it very much.
1. It was terrible. 2. It‟s not too bad.
3. It was fantastic. 4. There were a lot of actors.
21. Which one is correct?
1. This bear is white beautiful. 2. This is a bear white beautiful.
3. This white bear beautiful is. 4. This white bear is beautiful.
22. They are Italians. Where are they from?
1. They are from Germany. 2. They are from Italy.
3. They are from France. 4. They are from Spain.

Part 2: Directions. Complete the conversation with the most suitable answer from 1, 2, 3
or 4.

23. Wipa : It‟s raining. Can you close the door, please?
Suda : ____________________
1. Why not? 2. Thank you very much.
3. Take care of yourself. 4. Next time, please
24. Noi : I forget my dictionary_________________
Nid : Yes. Here you are.
1. Can I borrow yours? 2. Could you read it for me?
3. I‟ll go to buy one. 4. Please get it to me.
25. Joe : Do you have any rose apples?
Fruit seller : Yes. How many do you want?
1. No, thanks. 2. Three, please.
3. Yes, please. 4. Two kilos, please.
26. At the party
Tim : Hello.
Nan : Hello.
Tim : Would you like some coke?
Nan : ______________ May I have some iced-water?
1. let me think 2. yes, please
3. That‟s right. 4. No, thank you.
27. At home
Mother : _____________________
Suda : Here you are.
1. How can I get it? 2. May I come in?
3. Pass me some eggs, please? 4. Let‟s eat some cake.
28. What should you say before leaving the party?
1. Congratulations 2. Watch your purse
3. Come and see 4. I had a great time.
29. Jane ________________. Her mother took her to see the dentist
1. had a fever 2. got a pain in the tooth
3. was unconscious 4. had a broken leg.
30. Don‟t ____________ the door because I don‟t have the key
1. open 2. lock
3. push 4. pull

Directions. Read the following and answer the questions. Choose the correct answer
from 1, 2, 3 or 4

(Items 31-32)
Food&Drink Father Mother Thomas Tom Jenny
Rice and eggs P P P P P
Bread P P O P O
Hamburger P P P O P
Ice cream O P P P P
Orange juice O P O P P
Coffee P O O O O

31. Which sentence is incorrect?

1. Everybody likes rice and eggs.
2. Thomas and Tom like orange juice.
3. Father likes coffee but other don‟t.
4. Jenny likes hamburger but she doesn‟t like bread.
32. What is their dislike most?
1. Iced cream 2. Juice 3. Coffee 4. Bread
33. Both Joe and Jane like to watch TV and read newspaper.
What does this sentence tell you?
1. They like to do the same things.
2. They don‟t like to do the same things.
3. Joe likes to read but Jane likes to watch TV.
4. Jane likes to read but Joe likes to watch TV.
34. Water is important for life. We need about 6-8 glasses a day. Plants need water
twice a day. Animals need a lot of water each day.
The passage is about ______________.
1. how to water plants 2. when we need water
3. the importance of water 4. the difference of water
35. Last night, we did not watch TV. We played Scrabble. Father told us some jokes.
We had a good time until the bedtime. We enjoyed ourselves very much.
Which is the best Title for the above?
1. A night without Television. 2. The broken Television.
3. Our enjoyable night. 4. My favorite game.

Part 3:Reading

Passage 1

On Saturday, Dang gets up at 9 o‟ clock. Then he reads his newspaper before he

has his breakfast in the kitchen at 9.30 after, his breakfast he telephones his mother in
In the afternoon, at 3.00, Dang plays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat
dinner in a restaurant. At 6.00, Dang swims for two hours and then he rides the bike to
his brother‟s house. They talk and listen to music together.
Dang watches television in the evening and drinks a glass of soy milk, He goes to
bed at midnight.

36. Where does Dang have breakfast?

1. In the kitchen. 2. In the bedroom.
3. In the living room. 4. In his brother‟s house.
37. Where does his mother live?
1. In Bangkok. 2. In Chonburi.
3. In Pattaya. 4. In UbonRatchathani.
38. How long does Dang swim for?
1. One hour 2. Threehours
3. Two hours 4. Four hours
39. What does Dang drink in the evening?
1. Wine 2. Beer
3. Soy milk 4. Water
40. What time does Dang go to bed?
1. 11 pm. 2. 12.00 pm.
3. 1.00 am. 4. 2 am.

Passage 2

Walt Disney is famous all over the world for his films. He won 26 Oscars and this
is a world record. Some of his cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck,
are now very old! Mickey‟s date of „birth‟ is 18th November, 1928! What do we know
about his early life?
Walt was born in 1901 in Chicago, the USA. His family was poor, but Walt drew
fantastic pictures, he sold some pictures to neighbors and made some money. He loved
drawing animals. He started his small company at the garage of his uncle.

41. What is Walt Disney famous for?

1. His photos. 2. His drawings.
3. His films. 4. His books.
42. Where was Walt Disney born?
1. In Chicago, the USA. 2. In London, the UK.
3. In Paris, France. 4. In Tokyo, Japan.
43. Where was his small film company?
1. In his uncle‟s shop. 2. In his uncle‟s garage.
3. In his uncle‟s house. 4. In his uncle‟s company.
44. How many Oscars did he win?
1. He won 21 Oscars. 2. He won 24 Oscars.
3. He won 26 Oscars. 4. He won 28 Oscars.
45. Did Walt Disney love drawing animals?
1. Yes, he was. 2. No, he wasn‟t.
3. Yes, he did. 4. No, he didn‟t
46. A : Good morning. How are you?
B : Good morning. I‟m fine thank you. And you?
A : ______________________________.
1. I am going to shop. 2. How about you?
3. wonderful, thanks 4. How do you do?
47. How _________ is it from your home to your school? It is 5 kms.
1. much 2. Far
3. long 4. many
Look at the map. You are at the bank. Complete the directions to the office. No.48-52

You come out of the bank. Turn ____(48)_____ . Walk over the bridge and go past
the _____(49)_____ on your right. Turn left at the ______(50)______. Go past the
supermarket on your _____(51)_____. Go along the road. The office is on your right. It‟s
______(52)______ the café.

48. 1. left 2. right 3. away 4. along

49. 1. park 2. school 3. station 4. traffic lights
50. 1. traffic lights 2. supermarket 3. park 4. zoo
51. 1. own 2. left 3. right 4. hand
52. 1. opposite 2. next to 3. by 4. out of
53. A : Excuse me. ___________can I find the internet café‟?
B : Certainly. It‟s opposite the library
1. Where 2. What
3. Who 4. When
54. A : What do you do?
B : _______________.
1. I‟m fine thank you. 2. I‟m studying English.
3. I‟m an engineer. 4. I‟m in my first year.
55. Where is he from?
1. I am from Ranong. 2. She is from Bangkok.
3. He is from KhonKaen. 4. We are from Suratthani.
56. A : Where is the police station?
B : ________________________.
1. It‟s at the school. 2. it‟s near the bus station.
3. It‟s on the car. 4. It‟s in the house
57. She is from Canada. What is her nationality?
1. She is Cambodian. 2. She is Canadian.
3. She is Columbian. 4. She is Chinese.
58. Where do you live?
1. I‟ve lived here for 10 years.
2. I live in Bangkok.
3. No, I don‟t.
4. Yes, I do.
59. A : Would you mind copying a file on a company?
B : ___________________
1. I‟m afraid. I can‟t. 2. Don‟t bother me.
3. No, thanks. 4. Yes, please.
60. A : Could you tell me if the post office open on Sundays?
B : __________________
1. Nice idea 2. Yes, of course.
3. I‟m sorry. 4. Thanks.
61. A : Can I try this shirt on?
B : __________________
1. Yes, please. 2. Yes, thank you.
3. Yes, of course. 4. Yes, that‟s right.
62. A: ________have you stayed here?
B: I have been here for 4 years.
1. How often 2. How far
3. How long 4. How much
63. A : Excuse me, where can I leave my baggage?
B : __________________
1. At counter 2. At the fitting room.
3. I‟m sorry. I‟m busy. 4. Not at all.
64. A : Hello, SK international _________________?
B : I would like to talk to your manager.
1. Who is speaking, please?
2. Can I talk to your manager?
3. Can I help you?
4. I‟m a secretary.
65. A : Would you like to leave the message?
B : No, I‟ll___________________.
1. tell her you call. 2. call back later.
3. come back here 4. go to his house.
66. A : I‟m sorry _________________
B : It‟s too bad.
1. He doesn‟t have time.
2. He‟s in the meeting right now.
3. He‟s here.
4. He‟s not away at the moment.
From number 67-69 use the answer from 1-4 below.
1. extension 2. put
3. Who‟s 4. Hold on

Operator : The line is free now. I‟ll ___(67)__you through.

A : Information. Good afternoon.
B : Can I speaking to Miss Julie, please?
A : ___(68)____calling, please?
B : Roger Green.
A : ___(69)___ please. Mr. Green, I‟ll get her.

Read and answer

Today is dry with sunshine, but some cloud is coming in Scotland starts cloudy
but becomes sunny in the afternoon. Generally, today is warm, but wind from the
southwest is keeping the temperature cool.

70. What‟s the weather like in the Scotland in the morning?

1. sunny 2. cloudy
3. warm 4. cool
71. What‟s keeping the temperature cool?
1. the cloud 2 the sun
3. the southwest 4. the wind

I am Sutee. We‟re from Kanjanaburi. I have a small resort. My wife‟s name is

Supee and she is a teacher. We have one son and one daughter. They are Sombat and
Somsri. My sister, Suda and her husband Pipop, have a big house in Bangkok. They
have only one son.

72. Sutee is _____________.

1. Supee‟s daughter 2. Supee‟s husband
3. Sombat‟s daughter 4. Sombat‟s husband
73. How many people are there in this passage?
1. 4 2. 5
3. 6 4. 7
74. Whose house is in Kanjanaburi?
1. Sutee and Suda 2. Sutee and Somsri
3. Suda and Pipop 4. Sombat and Suda
At Siam Paragon, Michael, an American foreigner has lost his passport.
A : How can I go to the police station?
B : You keep walking along this street and then turn right. You will see Soi 15.
You go through that Soi and then turn left, then walk about 2 blocks, the
police station is opposite the book store.
A : Yes, long the street, turn right, go through Soi 15 and then turn left, walk for
2 blocks. It is opposite the book store.
B : That‟s right.
A : Thank you very much.
B : You‟re welcome.

75. Who might be A?

1. a police 2. a tourist
3. a grocer 4. a barber
76. Where does A want to go?
1. hospital 2. book store
3. police station 4. a church

Read Susan holiday plans. Answer the questions.

77. When will Susan have lunch with her mother?

1. Monday 2. Wednesday 3. Tuesday 4. Thursday
78. How will Susan travel to Mexico?
1. By bus 2. By taxi 3. By sea 4. By air
79. Why will she leave work early?
1. go shopping 2. pack the baggage
3. see the doctor 4. meet Ed and Lucy
80. What will Susan do with Lucy and Ed?
a. They will study b. They will go shopping
c. They will go to the movies d. They will have dinner

1. turn off your mobile 2. PLEASE QUEUE THIS SIDE



81. You can see at the convenience store.

82. You can see at the construction area.
83. You might see at the theater.
84. You might see at the restaurant.

Complete the job profiles by choosing the correct answer. (85–87)

Lisa is a very diligent woman. She____(85)_____two jobs. She ____(86)____as a
waitress at night but she‟s really an actress. She is ____(87)____a lot with her work. She
needs___(88)____ money to support her family.

85. 1. have 2. had 3. has 4. is

86. 1. work 2. worked 3. works 4. is working
87. 1. tire 2. tired 3. tries 4. tiring
88. 1. little 2. few 3. lots of 4. many

89. There ___________ in the kitchen.

1. aren‟t any plates 2. isn‟t many coffee
3. is no spoons 4. are some tea
90. What do you do?
1. I do a teacher. 2. I working in a bank.
3. I‟m taking a test. 4. I‟m a doctor.
91. What do you do _______ Thursdays?
1. in 2. at
3. on 4. of
92. We need _______ meat and bread for dinner.
1. any 2. some
3. a few 4. Many
93. What do you do on the weekend?
1. I usually go out with my friends. 2. I go out always shopping.
3. I go often out for a walk. 4. Never I stay home.
94. Right now Khalid ________ his homework.
1. is doing 2. is going to do
3. does 4. doing

The camel can live and go without water for a long time in the hot deserts.
Some people think it stores water in its hump. This is not true, it stores food in its
hump. The camel‟s body changes the food into fat. Then it stores the fat in its
hump. It cannot store the fat all over its body. Fat all over an animal‟s body keeps
the animal warm especially in the cold periods.
The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two
humps. It also has long hair because the winters are cold in Central Asia.
There is a lot of sand in the desert. The camel has long eyelashes. The sand
cannot go into the camel‟s eyes
Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel. The Arabs need all these
words because the camel is very important to them.

Choose the best answer.

95. The camel can go without ___________ for a long time.
a. food b. water
c. heat d. fat
96. Where does the camel store its food?
a. in the back b. in his stomach
c. in the hump d. his legs
97. Why do camels have long hair?
a. They can keep them cold
b. The camels will feel comfortable
c. The hair makes them warmer
d. The camels use hair to keep their fat
98. Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel because __________ .
a. winter are cold there
b. the camel lives in a hot desert
c. the camel is very important to them
d. there are many kinds of camels
99. Which is true?
a. All camels have only one hump on their back.
b. Fat can‟t be kept in the legs.
c. The Arabs and the Egyptians love camels
d. Long eyelashes can protect camels from sands.
100. Where can we find camels?
a. in hot deserts b. in cold deserts
c. in rainy forest d. a and b
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เฉลยแบบทดสอบ ชุดที1่

1. 2./3. จอห์นพูดสานวนที่แปลว่านี่ครับ พร้อมยื่นเงินให้และพนักงานจึงบอกขอบคุณค่ะ

2. 3./1. เจนถามว่าดอนสบายดีมั้ย ดอนตอบว่าสบายดี พร้อมถามกลับเจน เจนจึงตอบว่าสบายดีเช่นกัน
3. 1./3. เป็นประโยคที่แมรี่ชวนจุ๋มไปว่ายน้าและจุ๋มก็ตอบตกลงไป โดยดูจากประโยคสุดท้ายว่า
4. 3./2. จิลต้องการเกลือเพิ่มจึงขอให้เฟรดส่งให้ เฟรดจึงตอบตงลงพร้อมกับพูดสานวนว่า ได้เลย นี่ไง
5. 4./4. แม่ของนิสาทาเค้กมา นิสาจึงชวนเบตตี้ทาน และเบตตี้ก็ตอบตกลงอย่างสุภาพ
6. 3. say again = repeat แปลว่า พูดใหม่อีกครั้ง
7. 1. give back = return แปลว่า ให้กลับคืน
8. 2. very good = best ทั้งคู่มีความหมายใกล้กันมากที่สุด
9. 1. a place where the prisons are kept = jail สถานที่คุมขังนักโทษคือคุก
10. 2. a place where we keep money = bank สถานที่ที่เราเก็นเงินคือธนาคาร
11. 2. take one and give another = exchange แปลว่า แลกเปลี่ยน
12. 1. feel sorry = regret แปลว่า เสียใจ
13. 1. Something wrong = mistake แปลว่า สิ่งผิดหรือความผิด
14. 1. a flower that has not bloomed = bud แปลว่า ดอกตูม
15. 1. a way or path = route แปลว่า เส้นทาง
16. 3
17. 2
18. 4
19. 3
20. 4
21. 1
22. 1
23. 4
24. 3
25. 1
26. 1
27. 2
28. 2
29. 3
30. 1. ระหว่างคนสองคนหรือของสองสิ่งใช้บุพบท between
- 149 -

31. 2. เป็นเหตุการณ์ในอดีตใช้กริยาช่องที่สอง โดยดูจากคาว่า yesterday

32. 3. เป็นเหตุการณ์กาลังเกิดใช้ be + V.ingโดยดูจากคาว่า Hurry up
33. 2. แปลว่าในทันที เพราะข้างท้ายมีคาใบ้บอกว่า เรากาลังสายแล้ว
34. 1. ใช้V.inf เพราะข้างหน้ามีคาว่า Did แล้ว
35. 3. เราใช้บุพบท in jungle
36. 3. “Close your eyes and make a wish” จะใช้พูดเวลาจะขอพร
37. 3. English-speaking (adj.) ขยาย people แปลว่า กลุ่มคนซึ่งพูดภาษาอังกฤษ
38. 2. เป็นการแสดงความคาดหวังในอนาคตและเป็นโครงสร้าง Passive Voice จึงรวมกันเป็น
will be V.3
39. 4. เป็นเหตุการณ์ในอดีตใช้กริยาช่องที่สอง โดยดูจากคาว่า last week (fall-fell-fallen=ตก)
40. 2. คานี้ออกเสียงว่า นีดดิด ส่วนทุกคาออกเสียงท้ายเป็นเสียง /t/
41. 1. Wanted ออกเสียงว่า วอนท์ทิด
42. 4. Speak ออกเสียงว่า สปีค และ peak ออกเสียงว่า พีค
43. 1. โจทย์ถามว่าที่ตลาดเราสามารถ ....... ซื้ออาหารได้
44. 3. เราจะดื่มกาแฟจากแก้วกาแฟ(cup)
45. 2. โจทย์ถามว่าคุณไปบ้านลุงคุณบ่อยมั้ย จึงตอบว่า ใช่ครับ และใช้ v. to do เหมือนกันกับในโจทย์
46. 3. เราจะใส่จดหมายลงในกล่องจดหมาย
47. 2. ไฟจราจรจะเป็นตัวบอกเราว่าให้รถหยุดหรือไปได้
48. 2. ในโจทย์ใช้ v. to be เวลาตอบก็ต้องใช้ v. to be เหมือนกัน
49. 2. แปลว่า รู้สึกผิดหวัง เพราะด้านท้ายเป็นคาบอกว่าคะแนนของทอมออกมาไม่ดีเลย
50. 4. I am stranger here มีความหมายว่า ผมไม่ใช่คนที่นี่ครับ และ ด้านท้ายเป็นประโยคคาถาม
กริยาที่ตามหลัง does ต้องเป็น v.inf.
- 150 -

เฉลยแบบทดสอบ ชุดที่ 2

1. 4. พนักงานจะต้องเสนอให้ความช่วยเหลือเวลาลูกค้าเข้ามาในร้าน
2. 1. ลูกค้าจึงตอบว่าผมกาลังมองหากางเกงแบบนี้
3. 3. เป็นสานวน เมื่อพนักงานยื่นสินค้าให้
4. 3. มันสั้นเกินไป โดยดูจากด้านหลังที่ต่อว่า มีตัวที่ยาวกว่านี้ไหม
5. 4. พนักงานไปเช็คสินค้า ก่อนที่จะกลับมาตอบว่า นี่ค่ะ สินค้า
6. 2. แปลว่า ผมเอาตัวนี้ครับ เพราะด้านหน้าตอบตกลง
7. 2.
8. 3.
9. 1. วิภาขอให้สุดาช่วยปิดหน้าต่าง สุดาจึงตอบว่า ทาไมจะไม่ได้ล่ะ (ได้สิ)
10. 1. น้อยลืมเอาพจนานุกรมมาด้วย จึงพูดขอยืมของนิด
11. 3. พนักงานขายผลไม้ถามโจว่ารับกี่กิโลกรัม โจจึงตอบว่า สามครับ
12. 4. ทิมถามแนนว่ารับโค้กมั้ย แต่แนนขอรับน้าเย็นแทน จึงปฎิเสธแบบสุภาพ
13. 2. แม่ขอให้สุดายื่นของให้ เพราะสุดาตอบว่า นี่ค่ะ แม่
14. 3. เป็นประโยคของยืมใช้โทรศัพท์
15. 1. เป็นตาแหน่งของกริยาและมีความหมายว่าอย่ากังวล
16. 3. ซึ่งให้ความหมายว่าอพาร์ทเมนท์นี้มีขนาดกว้าง
17. 1. คุณแม่ปฏิเสธการเชิญชวนโดยให้เหตุผลว่าไม่ว่าง
18. 1. ในประโยคแปลว่าเธอลืมร่มไว้บนรถเมล์และเป็นอดีตจึงใช้กริยาช่องที่สอง
19. 2. เมื่อออกมาจากธนาคารให้เลี้ยวขวา
20. 2. จะเดินผ่านโรงเรียนอยู่ทางขวามือ
21. 1. เลี้ยวซ้ายที่สี่แยกไฟแดง
22. 3. จะเห็นซุปเปอร์มาร์เก็ตอยู่ทางขวามือ
23. 1. ที่ทางานจะอยู่ตรงข้ามตรงข้ามกับคาเฟ่
24. 3.
25. 1.
26. 3.
27. 1.
28. 2.
29. 3.
30. 3.
31. 2.
32. 2. แปลว่า แต่ เพราะในเหตุการณ์เราเห็นเคที่ แพรี่ แต่เธอไม่เห็นเราเป็นเหตุการณ์แสดงความขัดแย้ง
- 151 -

33. 2. แปลว่าข้าวกับแกงหรือข้าวราดแกงในบ้านเรา
34. 2. เป็นการบอกเหตุการณ์ขัดแย้งว่าเราชอบที่หนึ่งแม่ชอบอีกที่หนึ่ง เป็นเหตุการณ์แสดงความขัดแย้ง
35. 3. เป็นการบอกเหตุผลว่าปิดแอร์เพราะอากาศหนาว
36. 2. เป็นการบอกเหตุผลว่าต้องการยืมหนังสือ จึงไปห้องสมุด
37. 3. เพราะประธานเป็นพหูพจน์และ be + V.ingเป็นการเล่าเหตุการณ์กาลังเกิดขึ้น
38. 2. ประโยคคาถามเชิงเสนอให้ต้องใช้ some
39. 4. เป็นสานวนบอกวิธีการเดินทางใช้ by + พาหนะ
40. 4. เราใช้บุพบท on + วันต่างๆ
41. 4. ในประโยคต้องการถามว่าคุณกาลังกินข้าวกับใคร โดยดูจากคาว่า with you
42. 1. ระหว่างสองคนหรือสองสิ่งใช้บุพบท between
43. 4. เป็นการเล่าเหตุการณ์ในอดีตใช้กริยาช่องที่สอง ดูจากคาว่า last night
44. 4. เป็นการเล่าเหตุการณ์กาลังเกิดใช้ be + V.ing โดยดูการคาว่า at the moment
45. 1. เป็นการเล่าเหตุการณ์ในอดีตใช้กริยาช่องสอง ประธานเอกพจน์จึงใช้ was
46. 2. เป็นการเล่าเหตุการณ์ในอดีตใช้กริยาช่องสองโดยดูจากคาว่า last night
47. 3. เป็นการเล่าเหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นแค่ช่วงเวลาสั้นๆต้องใช้ be + V.ingโดยดูจากคาว่า this month
48. 4. ถามว่าพี่ชายเธออยู่ที่ โดยดูจากคาตอบที่เป็นสถานที่
49. 1. ถามว่าคุณพ่อของเธอทางานอะไร โดยดูจากคาตอบที่เป็นชื่ออาชีพ
50. 2. ถามว่าทาไมเธอไม่มางานเลี้ยง ดูจากการตอบเหตุผลว่าไม่สบาย
- 152 -

เฉลยแบบทดสอบ ชุดที่ 3

1. 1 21. 4 41. 3 61. 3 81. 2

2. 4 22. 2 42. 1 62. 3 82. 4
3. 3 23. 1 43. 2 63. 1 83. 1
4. 2 24. 1 44. 3 64. 3 84. 3
5. 4 25. 4 45. 3 65. 2 85. 3
6. 4 26. 4 46. 3 66. 2 86. 3
7. 4 27. 3 47. 2 67. 2 87. 2
8. 1 28. 4 48. 2 68. 3 88. 3
9. 3 29. 2 49. 2 69. 4 89. 1
10. 4 30. 2 50. 1 70. 2 90. 4
11. 4 31. 2 51. 3 71. 4 91. 3
12. 3 32. 3 52. 1 72. 2 92. 2
13. 2 33. 1 53. 1 73. 3 93. 1
14. 3 34. 3 54. 3 74. 2 94. 1
15. 2 35. 3 55. 3 75. 2 95. 2
16. 3 36. 1 56. 2 76. 3 96. 3
17. 2 37. 2 57. 2 77. 2 97. 3
18. 2 38. 3 58. 2 78. 4 98. 3
19. 2 39. 3 59. 1 79. 2 99. 4
20. 3 40. 2 60. 2 80. 2 100. 4

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