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Oey VE 2018 Study Course Computer Science & IT Objective Practice Sets Engineering Mathem Contents Page No. Sl. Topic Propositional Logic Combinatorics Set Theory and Algebra Graph Theory Probability Linear Algebra Calculus GS MADE ERSu for IS, GATE & FU sl Cro Argument: (IP (av r)]aq a7) P is (@) valid argument (©) unknown’ (b) invalid argument (d) none of these AV, Vylle < y) > (x? < ¥2)] is equivalent to (@ 3,3/lr Gs, 0] (d) None of these AXA Yo XviaXv N)is logically equivalent to (@) ~Kv) (©) -Xa¥ (b) -Xv¥ @ ~Kay ions over the variables sof xand yare from set, following two functions, Ps yore iP Oe, yx +522-y Find which one of he following gives truth value as FALSE? (2) AB, 8) v Qt, -3) (©) 3,4) ©) ¥,3, 2x9) @ 3,¥, O89) Consider the following compound proposition: [Av B)A(A> 0) (8 D)] + (DV) Which of the following is true for the above proposition? (@) Satisfiable (©) Contradiction (¢) Tautology (@) None of these Consider the folowing predicates. S(x} : "xis student’ GATE (x, ):"wwhas written gate in every stream’ Find the equivalent predicate logic for the following statement There does not exist a student who has written a GATE in every stream,” @) 3y3r[S(x) .~GATE(x,y)] (0) Wy3e[~ S{e}v ~ GATE(x y)] (0) 3yvx[~ S(x)v ~ GATE(x, y)] (d) 3y3x[~ S(x}> ~ GATE(s. y)] Og made EASY 10 "1 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, “if GATE rank is needed, i willnot write the GATE ‘exam, if | do not join MADEEASY, GATE rank is needed and i will join MADEEASY. Therefore i will write the GATE exam.” Identify the above inference? (@) Valid (©) Invalid (©) One arguments missed (@) More than one argument is missed. Consider the following statement: “Every bird can fly” The negation of the above statement in simple english (@) Nobird cannot fy (©) There isa bird t (©) Every bird cannot fly (d) Thore is a bird that cannot fly san fly Which of the following statements the negation of the statement 4 is odd or 5 is not negative. (@) 4is odd or-5 is negative (©) Ais even or Sis negative (©) 41s even and -5 is negative (@ ~4is even and +5 is negative (pag) a~(pv q)is anegation of (@) tautology (b) fallacy (©) Both(a)and(b) —_(@) None of these Let Abe “she looks pretty” and let Bis ‘she is tall, The statement “It is false that she looks ugly and She is tall” is (@) ~(AvB) © ~(-Av8) Choose the correct statement (@) ~(p © @) and ((p a~ q) v (g a~ p) equivalent (0) ~(p @ Q) and (p >- gag ~p)is equivalent (¢) Both (a) and (b) (@) None of these (b) ~(~An B) () An 8 Consider the following formula atapyav(rs3) Which of the following is equivalent to the above CONF formula, 17, 18, 20. GgmAdE Ensy reac) 2078] Engineering Mathematics | = (@) (Paarvasatagvarans) (0) (pvarvasjatavaryas) (0) (PArrans)y(aganrans) (@) None of these Consider the following statements: Py Be3y (v4 ya V2 (Apple (2) (z= 2) v(z =”) P,; ax By (Applo(x) a Apple (y) ax y) AV x yz ((Apple(s) a Apple (y) Apple (2)) se=yy x=zvy=2) 3y (Apple (x) Apple (y) (x# y) Wz (Apple (2) > (2= 8) v(z= y)) \Which ofthe predicate logic statements represent the following statement. “there are exactly two apples’ (@) PyandP,only ——_(b) P,and Pyonly (©) PandPonly —(d) Py, Phang P, Which of the following is not correct (a) ~(¥2) @y) Pax, Y)= Gx) (¥) [-Ple Yi] (0) ~(¥x) Pls) =r (Fel () x) (¥y) [Ale 9) v Ole, yi] = (Wa) Gy) [Pls ya ~Olx, (d) None of these 12 predicate statement vz [P(z) > (Q(z) > FZ) is (2) Satistiable (&) Tautology (© Contradiction (6) None ofthese Consider the following staterient over the domain ofnatural number "No prime number except 7 is divisible by 7" Find the equivalent predicate logic for the above statement @ Vse N [xr 7 aPrime () > (—Divisibleby7 el (0) ~3ve N[v#7 aPrime (2) a Divisibleby? (x)} (©) Both (a) andi) (6) None of these Objective Prac Set + | Computer Science & IT 21. Match List-! with List-ll and select the correct 24. answer using the codes given below the lists: List Everybody loves Modi Everybody loves somebady There is somebody whom everybody loves There is somebody whom no one loves List-l 1. Vx Loves (x, modi) 2. Wx 3y Loves (x, y) 3. Sy Ve Loves (x, y) 4, 3y Vx Loves (x, y) gop> Codes: A B C D @ 12 3 4 @ 1 3 2 4 2. (Oj oe (@) 1 2 4 3 22. Which of the following is negation of Wa¥yll(x> 0) ay > 0) 9 (w+ y> OV? (2) AnBy [(e> 0) aly > 0) a (e+ ys0)] (0) By [> 0) » (y>0)) a(x + yS0)] © BBy[ a> 0) a(y> 0) vee ysO}] (@) None of the above 23, What is the predicate logic for the following statement? There are atmost two males in the class, (3) ste ¥y((Male (x) «Male (y)) +(x =y vy =a) (0) 3y (Male (x) a Male (y) are ya vz(Male (2) > (z= x v z=y))) (6) ry ¥e (Male (x) «Male (y) Mate (2)) > (esyvrezvy=2) (@) None of these (EB objective Practice Sets Postal Study Course FIER) fg made ERsa [a mApe Easy Let atx, , Bex, and ofx, y be three statements with variables x and y chosen from some Universe, Consider the following statemont: GA, [ae as Wa sols. Y)] Which one of the following is equivalent to the above statement? (a) (YG, Nhat y)v (lx, )) > ox, YI] (b) (2X, late, yw bbs y)) 4 sola, yl] (6) ALC.) lal y) a ble, y)) > ots yI]] (a) 09,1, )[@lx v)v bfx, y)) > ol, y)] @!x) Aix) is equivalent to (@) ¥x3, (Pla) AlPlY) 3 (ele) (b) 3, (¥xP(x) a [P(y) > (x= y]) (0) 3, (Pda vylPy) (x= y)]) (d) None of these C3 MADE EASY fi Propositional Logic ih C) 6S ch OG) 10. (b) 11. @) 12 () 13. (@) 14. 19. () 20. (©) 21. (@—) 22. (6) 23. nal Logic 1. @ (P 3 (qvlagaT)>P istautology hence it is valid argument. 2. @) WY, [lx 0? <¥*)] 3,3, -[e) 17. @) 18. () 24. () 25. (0) RHS: some values satisfies P and some value satisfies Q, but these 2 values need notbe same. His true, since Ifthe same value satisfies both Pand Q surely some value satisfies P and some values satisfies Q. inother words LHS of implication is stronger than HS and hence implication wil be true. (a) ¥, Als) 0319 ¥, Pls): Square of every integer is always 2 0, 80 V, FAs) is true, 3t Cd: If f= 2 then 22-5 x2+6= 80 310(0 is also true. ¥, Als) 0 3t OX) is tue. So option (a) is correct o) . (XA N(-Xv (XV) “(XA ¥) 9 (XV) = OKAY V(EXW HY = (XaYWv=Xv¥ = Xv -Mall¥v-Nv¥ =TA(Yy=Xv¥ Yuex =-XvY So option (b)is correot (@) (2) (3, -5) v QU, 8) = Fv T= (0), 4. = T Aa yid= 2 = 4=2tory=2 ()V,.3, Ole, y)is true (3, ¥, QC, is false (same x can not hold forall valu Option (d)'s correct of yy Objective Pracca Sts | Computer Science & IT 8. (c) [Av B)a(A+0)a(8 4 D)] >(0v0) = a [(AvB)a(Av C)a(aBvD)]v (Ov) = (AV B)v HAV O)y 4-8 v0) vDve = (AA =B) (AAC) v(Ba—D)vD ve = (Ana8)V(Ana€ )vByDve = ApsBlvAvByDve =AvAvBvDve TvBvDve rue Itis tautology 8 (0) ~ [Be S(x) 9 VGATE(s, y)] ~ vy3[S(s) AGATE (x, y)] By vx [- S(x)v ~ GATE (x y)] 10. (b) Let_p: GATE rankis needed q: Iwill write the GATE exam +r: twill join in MADEEASY, Given arguments: 1. IFGATErankiis needed, iwill not write GATE exam, if ido not join MADEEASY. 2. GATE rank is needed : p 3. Iwill join MADEEASY : r | will write the GATE exam : q Inference is: (pA=1) 93 p r eae We can also write the above inference as following: (p 4-1) (ea) > -g)apar)sq If above proposition is tautology then given inference is valid ‘Above given arguments are independent of q. because pand rare true. Given inforenceis invalid and we cannot judge about missing arguments, (SJ objective Practice Sets Postal Study Course PIE] " 12, 13, 14, 16, 16. 7 18, MADE EASY G]mMAde EAsy (d) The statement “every bird can fly" can be expressed as Vi Ax). Supposing Aix) :x can ly So negation will be 3xe A(x) which can be expressed as “there is a bird that cannot fly’ ption, (a) After drawing truth table of the statement itis found that itis fallacy hence negation of fallacy = tautology. (b) She looks ugly Sho is tall = ~B Now she looks ugly and she is tall ~An Band given itis false => ~ (~Av 6). So option (b) is correct, {c) ~poge (2 ga p) option (b) (~Pv qd) a(~av p)) (P.A~ a) v (q.A~ p)) option (a) Hence both option (a) and (b) are correct. (©) AGRA) (F999)2(BA5g) VGarv—s)= (pvarva8)a(aqvary7s) (a) P,, Ppand P, are equivalent. Allare representing the same statement: "here are exactly two apples" (0) ~(¥3) BY) Pls, ) =) (WA (Fs, yl) ~(¥s) Pls) =3e(~A)] ~ GH) (VIA Nv Oe, Nav. Oxy] Alllogical equivalents are correct. [-Pony) 0 www Ga MAGE EASY 19. (c) 20. 21. 22. avz[A(z) > (= Az) A2))] a ¥z[-Pl2)v 2) v P2)] avz{Tv @@)] (c) VWaeN [x# 7» Prime(x) + —Divisibleby7(x)] = VxeN [x= 7 vPrime(x) v- Divisibleby7(x)] = Give N [x#7 a Prime(x) a Divisibleby?(x)] All represents that ‘no prime except 7s divisible by 7" (a) Everybody loves Modi: Wx Loves (x, Modi). Everybody loves somebody: Vx 3y Loves (x, y). ‘There is somebody whom everybody loves: ‘Vx Loves (x, y). ‘There is somebody whom no one loves: 3y Wx Love (x, y). {b) vavyl((x> O)aly>0)) (+ ¥>0)) Nogation of above logic statement. AL¥xV Yl > 0) (> 0) > (e+ y>O)) Br 3y-[(@ > 0) a (y> 0) + @& + y> 0] Be Aya [ alle > 0) a(y>0)) v r+ y> O}) Br 3y((r > 0) a (y> O)) a e+ ySO)] Postal Study Course BURT) 23. 24, 25. [gmaoe easy Engineering Mathematics | ©) 4 My (Male (x) aMale (y)) > (= y v y=) ‘There is atmost one male in the class. xy (Male (x) a Male (y) 0.x y «-¥2(Male (2) > (=x vz=y)) ‘There are exactly two males in the class, Mbp Vy Vz ((Male (2) aMale (y) «Male (2)) > (vsyvx=zvy=2) ‘There are aimost two males inthe class. ©) GNF, )[lats Ya (0l, y)) 40x, YI] s oquivalont as [8 [lal ya x.y) > ots yl] (c) 2!) Ax) is true if Px) is true for exactly one x [Assume there are many x's in domain). ( ! x) x) is called unique existential quantification of a predicate Pts) over a domain (31) Pls) 62 3x (Pte) 0 WIP 9x = Yl) Here x and yare from same domain. Every element y in domain ensures only one element.which makes Pls) 's tue ie..x= y For unique existence of x, Px) is rue, So, option (c) is correct. Objective Pracce Sets yi ro The number of distinguishable permutations of the letters in the word ELEPHANT are (@) 40320 (b) 20760 (©) 20610 (6) 40280 How many words can be formed out ofthe letters of the word "TECHNOLOGY’ starting with T and ending with ¥ (a) 40320 (&) 20160 (©) 10080 (@) 1814400 Total number of words of 4 letters can be formed with leters 4, 6, ¢, d, 2, f.gand h, when @and fF are excluded and aoccurs twice. (@) 360 (b) 180 (©) 15 (@) None of these Find the coetficient of x2 in (1 +2-+x2+..)®@_! In how many ways can 11 men and 8 women sit in a row if all the men sit together and all the women sit together. tg! fo) 18! (@ 1118 = (© 2.1118! (d) None of these Suppose that a state's license plates consist of letters followed by 3 digit then total number of diferent places can be formed (no repetitions alowed) ___? ring 5 (") os @ a1 ware ox oe Find the number of arrangement that can bemade from the letters of the word MADEEASY, without changing the place of vowels in the word? (@) 6 (0) 24 10. "1 12. 13. 14, erica Combinatorics (©) 120 (@) None of these Find the solution of x, xp=Sandx,=1 (@ a1" or yay + Bey o MB 2with fb) 243" (6) None of these How many numbers (Each with different digits] between 1000 and 10000 can be formed with 7,6,5,4,3,27 @ @ (© 720 (b) 960 (6) None of these The number of ways of distributing 52 cards to 4 people with ahand of 5 cards each is sl sal © ara © oF ot @ (2 yaa! Howmany ways can 10 balls be chosen from an Um containing 10identical green balls, 5 identical yellow balls and 3 identical blue balls, (@) 10 (©) 15 (©) 18 (a) 24 The numberof triangles that can be formed from a ''sided regular polygon, none of whose sides comes from the side of the polygon is @"C, (0) °C,—{(n~2} (0) "Geinfn=4}+n} (a) Cyn Let a, =-4a, , 412+a,_». Then find a,? @ 2,=A6)"+B-(3)" (0) a,= AG)" + B-(-2)" (© a,=AC-3)"+ 8.(2)" @ 4,=A-6)"+ 8-(27" Gamape EAs GEES 2078) Engineering Mathematics 15. Find the number of possible 5 character 16. passwords, if all characters must be lower case letters and cistinct. Assume characters are only from atoz 26! . o) 28 (a) (26 oF 1" 261 26 wy at iss EXE combinatorics ih () eh) th i) ch) te 122. @ 13 @ 14 @ 15 © 16 () Combinatorics 1. (d) ‘Total number of distinguishable permutation of word ELEPHANT = 5=8x7x6x5x4x3 = 20160 2 5. 2. (b) TECHNLOLOGY Excluding Tand Y there are 8 letters eft, Among these letters two O's present. Sototal permutation Bl axrusibxSetn «20160 6. 3. (b) Excluding @ and f total number of letters is 6. ‘Among this 6, select 4 letters then arrange among themsolves (there are two a’), 7 SP, 6x5x4x3 ate 4. (21) Let Ax) =(14x4e x44 +x" gg MADE EASY In how many ways can 4 girls and 5 boys be arranged in a row so that all the 4 girls are together? (@) 1440 (b) 4320 (©) 17280 (6) 86400 In how many ways can we distribute § distinct balls, B,, 8... By in 5 distinot cells, C,, C, C, such that ball B, is not in cell C, i= 1, 2, Sand each cell contains exactly one ball? . 8 &) 9% @ 10. © 11. © the coofficiont of x2 is equal to atl 2 2G? - neecs 20167 {c) Men permutation => 11 ! ways Women permutation => 8 ! ways There are two choices Men follow the women = or = 2x11IxB! Women follow the men (11232000) Pa Py = 26 * 25+ 24109849 = 11232000 (a) ery Elo 3H =(1egpear So option (d) is correct. ‘Objective Pract wea | Computer Science & IT 8 (b) MIA ]O[EEA|sy 4 positions are fixed. Remaining 4 positions can be arranged in *P, 24 ways So option (b) is correct, 3 x=4,3 (-1)"+ 83)" =3 33-408 “wo = 1=-A+38 (i) From (i) and (i) and B= 1 : Ay" + 3" So option (a) is correct. (b) Eachnumber contains 4 digits and all digits are distinct, [Srerarecieto 1000 place in each postion. |g x § x g x g=960 So option (b) is correct, 10. 11. (e) ‘The problem is ordered partitions of type 52 (52:5,5,5, 5, 32) = © (syFs2t 12. (a) ‘The problem corresponds to the number of non negative integral solutions to x, #42 +5 = 10 with the conditions, Osx,s10 O Zdefined as Am, n)=m-nis (a) one-to-one (b) onto () biective (0) neither one-to-one nor onto Let N be the set of natural numbers and Gis a set defined as: G= (x|reNand¥, eN.x =y modulo 5) Relation Ac G x G which is defined as: (a,b)| |a-b{=1} 10. 11. eae EL Set Theory and Algebra Consider the following relations: () Reflexive (i). Symmetric and (ii) Transitive Find the relation R? (2) @only (©) (id only ©) (i and (ii) (@) None of these Let(S, ) be a semigroup where S=19..t.¢.6 sland@=s,g-aste-gaa Find the value of @- 1? @t @s Og (@) None ot these Let X-={{),(0}. Then find Py? @ {0.00.0} (04m to) {th 09 {0}. (0 C0} Co) {0.{00}. 00, {00} @) {O.{0} (0), (0.0 Let f be a function from set of integers to set of integers (ie., f: Z—» Z). Find which of the lowing function fis onto function? () fx) 1 (0) fx) Let f: A+ Band g: 8» Cdenote two functions, Itthe function gof: A» Cis a surjection and g is an injection, then function fis___. (@) Injection (©) Surjection (©) Bijection (@) None of these Ina survey of 85 peopie itis found that 31 speak Hindi, 43 speak English and 39 speak Bangla. Also 13 speak both Hindi and English and 20 speak both English and Bangla and 18 spoak hone. Find out nuriber of peaple who speak all the three language. gamane ensy a 2 (0) 25 ) 5 (@ 10 12, The relation {(1, 2), (1. 3). (3. 1), (2, 1), (2, 2) (3,2).6, 1). (1, 4). (4,2), 3) (@) Rofiexive (b) Symmetric (©) Transitive (d) Asymmetric ) *) 13. Let A=ip.g.71 B=1,2.3,4) C=1ab,c,d,e) then the difference of element in (Ax 8) x Cand (AxB)x Bis ? (Neglect the sign] 14. Arelation “congruence modulo m set of positive integers is given by x yis divisble by m) then relation is (EEEIZIN set theory and Algebra 1G 2 @ 3 © 4 @ 5. 9 (10. ) 11, © 12 © 14. Set Theory and Algebra 1. (c) X= RU Ry = {(@. B), (4, 0) (6, a4. 8), (6, 0). (0, b), (a, ), (0, bY) Xis not reflexive, (6, b) € X Xis not symmetric, (@, 6) € X but (b, a) € X Xis not asymmetic, (a, c)e Xbut(c, a) © X Xis transitive 2. @) (a) fis both one-one and onto. () fis one-one, and not onto (c) fis one-one, and not onto. (d) fis not one-one and not onto fx) = 241 4-1) = f(t) = 2, notone to one rf) Cane) ‘and zero has no preimage, hence not onto, ei) 2073) 15, 16. ©) @ GgMADE Ensy Engineering Mathematics (@) Reflexive relation (b) Symmetric relation (©) Transitive relation (d) Equivalence relation Let A = (0 ylx, ye N, x= 10-y. Then is (@) Reflexive, symmetric, vanstive () Symmetric, reflexive, not transitive (©) symmetio, not rellexiv, not transitive (d) not reflexive, not symmetric, not transitive Asurvey of students reveals that 83, ‘own cars, 97 own bikes, 28 own motoreycles, 53 own a car and a bike, 14 own car and a motorcycle, 7 own a bike and a motorcycle and 2own all three. How many students own a bike and nothing else? 6 ©) 7 &) & 15. (©) () Ave=A+e-An8] (0 AvBuC| = lA] +/8l + lcl-lAval -lAncl-leacl+langacl 80.= 56 +57 +59- |AnB| - 46-44 +41 lAnal =43 laval = lal + lal -lAnsl = 56 +57-43=70 (a) d*c=ds(a*b) [Given, c= a* b} =(dea)eb [Associative holds in semigroup) =b*b [Given be b= a)=a (b) One to-ne: We need to check if Aly.) = My Yo) Objective Pace Sets | Computer Science & IT bya) = On) @ 9. LHS: fhey.23) = 4. 0) = M182 = VV which does not imply that x, = y, and x, = yo So in eq. (i) LHS 2° RHS So, fis nat one-to-one Onto: For every number say ke Z Since we have fk, 0) = k-O=k 3 apre-image (k, 0) « Zx Zsuch that Ak, 0) So its onto, 6. (b) G= {x]veNandx=y modulo 5. vyeN} = G=(0,1,2,3,4) Given Ae {ab)|le-l=3}.RcGxG => R= (0,0,(10), (121.2 0.2.9).18.2,8.4).(4,.9), () Ris not reflexive ;(a, a) eB (i) Ris symmetric ; f(a, b) eA = (bale R (ii) Ris not transitive; (0, 1) and (1, 0) ¢ Abut (0,.0)eR + Option (0) is correct. 7. (0) et=e(9-8 [steg-a} (e-g)-a [+ Associativity] saa [veg=a] =@es i Sooption (b)is correct. 8. (d) Given X={{). {1} = {a,b} [Assume a=(}, b= (1]] Pd = {¢.{a}, {6}. fa, bl} = {0{0} 0} {0 0}} Note: if X has 2 elements then its power set contains 22 = 4 elements, 1" Option (d)is correct. cs Objective Practice Sets eBay 2018] GQMRDE EASY S83 MAE ERsy (a) nzoz fis both one to one and onto function (@) fi) = x8 = 1s not onto ~7]in between 0 and -7 {(-1)=0. Jelements have no preimage (b) 4 1ig also not onto same element (2) has 2[ two preimages: Ope 5. Jeflx)=7x~Sis not onto ze all elements are mapped So option (d) is correct, (b) hAGB g: 8 Cis injection: VbeB,g(b)=c distinct images in C. gef: A Cis surjection fla)=b So, f: A> Bis surjection (co) ‘Suppose P, Qand Ris set of people who speak Hindi, English and Bangla respectively, fg mabe ERsu => |Pl=31 lal =43 In| =30 lenal [Pal = 13 lanrl=2 =| PUQUA| = 85-15 =70 therefore | PAQARI = 70+ (15413420) ~ (91443439) = 70-448 (113) = 118-11 12. (c) Since (4, 4) is notin elation hence not reflexive. IF (4, 1)is there then, in relation but (4, 1)is not in symmetric relation. If follows all the transitive property. 13. (0) (AxB)=3 x4 = 12 elements (Ax) x C= contain 12 x 5 = 60 elements Now (AxC) contains 3 x 5 = 15 elements (Ax Q)x Bcontains 15 x 4 = 60 elements So, difference = 60 ~ 60 = 0. 14. (d) a-a=Ois divisible by mie. a So=is reflexive. Let (mod m) + kmwhere ke 2 = km +m (rod m) is symmetric. Postal Study Course BUE| 15, 16. [made easy Engineering Mathematics | 15 Again, let a= b(mod m), b= ¢(mod m) = a- b= kmand b- c= Km, where k, Kez = a-b+b-c=km+km sano (k+K)m = a= c(modm) So, sis transitive. Hence, = is an equivalence relation. (c) x= 10-ycan be written asx + y= 10 x+x 410 = (x, x)eF Not roflexive] Itx4 y= 10 then yx = 10 {Symmetric} Itx+ y= 10 and y+z = 10 then x+z# 10 [Not transitive] Riis symmetric only. (39) A The set of students owning cars B~ The set of students owning bikes C—The set of students owning motorcycles, 1a} =83, 18] = 97. [cl =28, [An Bl =53 lAncl =14, 18a cl =7, AnBncl =2 lAvBuCl = 150. 'B~ (AU OY" denotes the set of students who own a bike and nothing else. 1a-(Avg)l = |Bl-1BA Ua ¢: XY Ixl-lxa vy Bl - (en au(encyl) = lal-(enal+|encl Bl - (lB Al+ 1B cl =97-(53+7-2)=39 IBnanBocl) lAnsacl) ~ objective Practice Set a Cro Find number of edges in an undirected graph with 2 vertics of degree 5, 4 vertices of degree 3 and remaining 4 vertices of degree 4? @ 15 ©) 19 © 2 (17 If the graph has more than one component (K> 1) then find the Euler formula? [Assume ‘n' vertices 'e' edges, 'r regions} (@) n-e+r=2 () n-r+e=2 () n-etreK+1 (d) n-rsenKat Identify he corect statement. (Assume a graph is Hamiltonian graph if it contains Hamiltonian cycle, and a graph is Euler graph if it contains Euler circuit) (@) Every Hamiltonian is Euler graph (b) Every Euler graphs Hamiltonian graph (©) Both (a) and(b) (@) None of these Find number of possible cut vertices in the following graph? ® © (a 3 (b) 4 os (0) None of these Find chromatic number forthe following graph? Graph Theory a 2 3 4 @s Leta graph (G)has 4 vertices and there are two veriices are of degree 2, one vertex of degree 1 and remaining vertex of degree 3. Then complement of Gis (@) connected (© either (a) or (b) (b) disconnected (d) none of these ‘Agrach G's self complementary graph and G has n vertices then find number of edges in set complementary graph @ ne 0)" (© "Gye @n ‘Assume undirected graph Gis connected. Ghas vertices and m edges. Find the minimum numiber of edges whose deletion rom graph G is always guarantee that it will become disconnected. @ °C, +14m (©) "C, -n+2 (©) 90, + 1-0 (©) m-n+2 Consider the following lattice Find the number of complements of h? 3 ) 4 os (@) None of these MADE EASY 10, " 12, 13 14. Consider the following graph G MACERARY Find the chromatic numiber for the above graph, @a4 ©) 5 os (2) None ot these Asgume a full binary tree contain L-eveis. Find the number of cut vertices in the tree, (a) 2 () 2 (©) 4 (@ 2-1 Suppose a graph G has the degree sequence (1,1,2,2,3.3,3,3, 4.5.5). Then find the degree sequence of the compiement of G (@) (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7.8, 9, 10, 11) (b) (6.6.7, 7,7,7,8,8,9,9,9) (©) (6.5.6,7,7,7,7,8,8,9,9) (@) None of these Which of the following graphs have hamiltonian cycle? @ vy 4, 2) oad fA\s @, Bt 2) gS xy Consider the following graphs, “ " — @) =e Find the order of each graph in decreasing order oftheir covering number? (@) 2.1.3 (©) 23.1 (© 3,1.2 3.2.1 Postal Study Course BXIE] 15, 16. 17. 18, 19, 20. (gmRDE EASE Engineering Mathematics | Let Ge a finite group. IAand Bare subgroups of G with orders 4 and 5 respectively then lane Which of the following properties of algebraic systom isfare not defined by lattices? (@) Join and meet opeations are commutative. (b) For any a and b in lattice A. av(aad) an(anb)=a (©) Both join and moet operations are not associative (©) For everyainA,ava=aandanaza Which ofthe folowing graph has both eulerian andhamitonian circuit? @ Ky (©) Both (a) and (bo) ©) Ky (@) None of these What is the number of r-vertex labelled graph whose vertex set can be partitioned into two parts Pand Qwith Pbeing clique and Qbeing a set of isolated vertices? f@ 2 (0) 2-1 (b) 2=1 (@) None of these Consider the hasse diagram of a poset given below. What is the number of lower bounds of the subset {g, A, fl? oe) ° ' ‘ a » e @2 ©) 3 @a os Let G be a directed graph where vertex set is the set of numbers from 1 to 100. There is an edge froma vertex: toa vertex jf either j = 31. The minimum number of edges in a path in G from vertex 1 to vertex 100 is: f@ 4 7 (©) 23 @ 9 ie Dojeclve Pracien Se | Computer Science & IT 21. Consider the graph GLV, E) 22. What is the colouring number of the graph? EEEEZIEN craph theory 1 0) 2 © 3. 10. @ 11, @ 12 20. (c} 22. (b) EEN cierh theory 1. (b) @ 4 «13, GG (14, o @ ZdV) = 2 [El 205 44094444=26 16 if 104124 16=2+ |E| lel = B= 192090 3. (d) If graph contain Euler circuit, teed not contain 5, Hamiltonian cycle and converse also true. M ‘a—b-e~b—c—alsEuler circuit 19 hamiltonian eycte. a » a Ns No Euler circut (al vertices must even degree) a-b-d—c~ais hamitonian cycle (Sy objective Practice sets. Ga map Postal Study Course EXE [a MApE EAs Consider the following bipartite graph. 6, 4 Identify the maximum matching for the above graph? @) (tb. 4)Ac, 41.0, 4)) (b) (la, 11,6,3)c, 41} © (la. 1).{6.4} — (@) Noneofthese — GOuewo & Oo O 16. (c) 17. (b) 18 (0) 19 (6) (1) is Euler but not Hamittonian graph. (2) is Hamittonian but not Euler graph. | (c) Delete 8, graph can be disconnected. By deleting any of B, G, C, D, E the graph will bbe disconnected, Hence 5 possible cutvertices inthe graph (b) a ‘ Taree colors required to color the above graph, £ Chromatic number a) Ghas 4 vertices Mast ct gee = 88-9. gedges 2*24143=2/6| 3 4414+3=2/E| = lel=4 G32 MADE EASE Ghas 4edges 12 G has 0,4 = 6-4 = 2 Edges With 4 vertices and edges the graphis alvays disconnected 7. (c) If G is self complementary, then G=G and G and G has same number of edges only when G has "C2 edge. 43. 8 (@) Complete graph has "C, edges (worst case). To make a connected graph, atmost (n~ 1) edges required, To make it disconnected, graph should contain (n- 2) edges. “C,= 6 edges "0,-4.2 = 6-442 = 4 edges deleted 16. (m-n+2) edges deletion always guarantee that any graph will become-cisconnected 9. (c) t= 'gorPortord orb x and yare complement each other 16 itt rvy=LuB ed rays GLB 10. (a) 7 2224 | ) ey 1. mai colours are required 11. (d) i a ut = # cut vertices = 2411 (mace easy Postal Study Course EXXE}| Engineering Mathematics | 19 () Number of vertices = 11 Each vertex can contain maximum degree 10. In compiomentof G: (10-1, 10-1,10-2, 10-2, 10-3, 10-3, 10-3, 10.8, 10-4, 105, 105) = (9,9,8,8,7,7,7.7.6. 5, 5)is degree sequence. ‘So option (c) is correct. (a) f-¢-b-a-i-g-h-d-e It covers all vertices in cycle. So option (d) is correct, (d) Graph 1 covering number = 6 Graph 2 covering number Graph 3 covering number a) An B= {0} where eis an identity of A and B. An Bisa subgroup of each of A and B. So, order of An 8 must divide each of 4 and 5. lAnsl=1 (c) Both join and meet are associative for the given lattice. (b) K,qdoesn'thave Euler circuit (b) + One graphin which IPI <2i.e, there is no ledge inthe graph + Secondis "oq; where [Pl 22 where al vertex make complete graph. So, total number of such graphs are + OM. a = 2-1 Objective Practice Sets J | Computer Science & IT 19. (b) The lower bound of subset 1g, hf d} are dy, b, @ le. 20. (c) There is an edge from a vertex ito a vertex jiff either j= i#1 or j= 31 (SJ objective Practice sets (mabe Ease GgmApE ensy So, possible set of edge are: 19253549545-4748595.....5 100 So, minimum number of edges in a pathor from vertex 1 to vertex 100 is 133-99-427-81-482-4.,,..499-4 100 LWJj LH So, total (6) For complete graph colouring number is equal to the number of vertices, (b) {{a, 11, {b, 3h. (¢, 4} is maximum matching, +19 = 23. CHAPTER ‘Alair six sided die is thrown twice. If the sum of the face values of these two tosses is 5 then what is the probability that the face value of the first toss is less than that of second toss? There were three candidates for the position of the chairman of a college Mr. X, Mr. ¥ and Mr. Z, whose chances of getting the appointment are inthe ratio 4: 2 :3 respectively. The probability that Mr. X if selected would introduce computer ‘education in the college is 0.3. The probabilities of MY and Mr.Z doing the same are respectively 0.8 and 0.8. What is the probability that there was computer educationin the college. Fifty-two percent of the residents of New York city are in favor of out lawing cigarette smoking in publicaly owned areas. Approximation of the probability that greater than 50 percent of a random sample of n people from New York are in favor of this prohibition when (@o-11 (b) n= 101 (c) m= 10001 are 55, .65 and .89 respectively How large would n have to be to make this, probability exceed 0.95 __atleast. A six card hand is dealt from an ordinary deck of cards. Find the probability that there are 3 cards of one suit and 3 of another sult. %G, @ © “RG Find the probability of getting number of tails more than 1 time in n fips (n > 3) of a fair coin? Probability (a) 241 (b) =n (©) 2=n- (@) 2-41 Let X be a real valued random variable-taking value in the interval [-1, 1] with a density function of the form f(x) = x2 + a fort 5 first wins, If A throws the dice first then probability of B winning the game is___. 15. Fifteen coupons are numbered, 1, 2, 3, .... 15. Five coupons are selected at random one ata ag time with replacement. The probability that the largest number appearing on the selected coupon is 8, is (@) None of these (EY objective Practice sets Postal Study Course BYE] Rg MADE EAsy (9™MA0E EASY Acan hit a target 3 times in 5 shots, 8 hits target 2 times in 5 shots, Chits target times in 4 shots. Find the probability of he target being hit when all of them try, A box contains 4 white balls and 3 red balls. In succession, two balls are randomly selected and removed from the box. Given that the first removed ball is white, the probability that the second removed balls red is @ 18 (b) a7 © 12 @ 47 Ajar-1 contains m red and n green marbles, Jar- 2 contains n red and m green marbles. If a marble is taken from tst jar and put into 24 jar, and then a marble is randomly picked from 2°¢ jar, what is the probability that the marble selected is red? a (nse @ then ©) Grenimensyy _2ma © Gneny (@) None ofthese tna boxot 20 pens, five are defective, Two pens are drawn at random without replacement. The probability of both pens being non-defective is, 2 2 ® wo Os 4 9 © 5 @ % A problem in statistics is given to four students A, 8, Cand Dand their chances of solving it are 3.4.4 and especialy Th pbb ht the problem will be solved is _ G3 MADE EAsy PREIS Protas ot) th © th @) a C) ou 17. () 18. (&) 19. (b) 4. (0.5) Total number of possible pairs = 36 ((ab)l1sas6,1 1.645 (as9(1.645) =0.95) n> 1601266 = n> 1682 4. (d) Two suits can be chosen: *C, ways cards can be picked from same suit: °C, ways ote. Probability incre (3mMAdE EASY Engineering Mathematics 9 @ 10. © 11. @ 15 © eo? Sf So option (d) is correct. (c) P (number of tails < 1) Pe Ts=0)+ AHTS= 1) = 14°C, +n 2n-(#Ts<1) 2n—(t +n) aan-1 s. Option (o)is correct. (b) Given fx) Density function: PETS> 1 seatortsxst Jfo)-ax 1 > a= 6 So option (b) is correct. (a) a Poisson distribution = Expected typos on one page is 1 Objective Practice Sets | Computer Science & IT = Expected typos in 10 page is 10, a= 10 Probability So option (a)is correct 8. (b) Belg gare Probability | ‘So option (b) is correct, 9. (a) Coin is tossed 1 times: HHT... HE (or) nis even number THTH-..1T Probabil Probability fore (EY objective Practice Sets en number of times = 2times +4 times + RSE es2os] GIMASE EASY 10. QamMRDE Ensy Option (a) is correct ) PU<2=Fe fe de Ver Changing Xto Zon RHE, Lied, RHS = 1 fe Zaz Bh (2>2) P(z<-v3) Now P< -2) = a(z< So, a(z< 2-H, ie So a es 3 Here w= 0. 2-0 So, B29. _ 5 oe So variance = o? GQMADE EASY EEE) Engineering Mathematics 44. (a) P(A) = 4p Given: A, B, Care independent with P(A) + P(B)+ P(Q)=1 AA) = AB) = AC) = p+2p+4p=1 Now : . P{En(An(avc)}} paz P[CAn(enc)} = PEOWAo {e1anteno) » Cer ; = Pa=4 Using boolean algebra wo can simplity 7 Enf{An(Bu: = ot 400 Enfan(Bve)} = C{AB+O)} voor = 2 = C(AB+ AC) CAB +0= CAB 14. (0.4) Cn AnB Ay-A throws number greater than or equal to, Sorequires probebilty _ = we 63 e econne)e throws number less than 5 P[An(Buc} . - PIA) = P()xP(a)xP(a) 63 P(A)x{P(B) P(C)-P(B)AP(C}} similarly 8, 3 2 3 (epee For Btowin = A, - By + A,B,A, By plp+p-pxp) 2-e 22,21 12. (0.04) ooo 4 cards can be choosen from 40 cards in °C, 22,21 ways. 3*3*a*3 Total number of outcomes = “°C, 4 Assume tis 25. There are 24 cards preceding a 25. t, and, can be choosen from these 24 cards The sum is infinite GP in®*C, ways. 1, should be greater than 25. Probability of B winning is Number of such cards = 15 Number of ways of choasing t, = "°C, . Favourable outcomes ="*C, "SC, 15. (c) 20, x6, Total ways = 15° ». Required probability = —=fy——* For favorable ways, we must 5 coupons numbered from 1 o 8 sothat'8'is selectedatleast ‘one. Thus total numiber of favorable ways are, 8-75 13. (67.14) => Required probability = ° =" let P(C)=p 6 P(B) = 2p ‘ (gmAdE EASY Objective Practice Sets 16. 17 18 is} | Computer Science & IT (0.94) Let P(A) be the probability of Ahitting the target, {B) be the probabil of Bhilting the target, and F(C) be the probability of Chitting the target. Given F(A) AO) S 5 5 PO) =F The probabilty thatnone ofA, 6, Chis the targot = Pn Bn d)=P(a)-(8).(O) = PA) = =. PB) = 234 554° 50 Required probability = P(A Bm C) The probability of atleast one of A, B, Chitting or (c) nde whi) {fis white and 2°¢ is red) lf is white) (b) The tree diagram for problem is | marble selected i marble selected m ae mea mR aa ~s amie mms Rk Objective Practice Sets Postal Study Course EXE] ia 19, 20. MADE BASU (amAoe ensy oxi lon a OM en namei men nema m(n+1)+n? Grenjine nv) (b) ~ Detective Non cece é Ys POMC, _ 18x14 _3 14 | 3x7 _ 21 Be8C, ~ 20x19 419 Bxta BB (0.75) Prababilty that A fais to solve the problem is 13.2 373 Probabilty that B fais to solve the problem is 4.3 a4 Probabilly that C falls to solve the problem is 2 373 Probability that D fails to solve the problem is 1 a4 Since the events are independent, the probability that all the four students fal to solve the problem 2,3,2,304 0.25 The probabiliy that the problem will be solved 1-0.25 = 0.75. ) Cro Consider the difference equation: 4a,-204,.+ 6, 174, 4a, = 0 with characteristic roots are 44 4.44. Then homogeneous solution is 22 _ @) a,(P)=(Ar+ Ay (12y+ Asay (0) a,(h) = (AP Ayre A) (12y + AA) (©) a,(h) = (Ayr+ AQ) (112) + A,(4)" Zo (d) None of these For the linear system yez=2 2e48e = 5 xayez=8 Solution gives value of z as 2 Number of eigen value for aie 1 are Find the value of x in the matrix 4” for the following matrix A and & 1 9 io 302 Oa Az|o 2 4/andat=[o 5 x oo1 aa ab od] tap © thee then element f @a (b) at @b () 1-6 Linear Algebra Consider the following system of equations, xty=2 xtpy 2 Where pis constant. Find the value of ‘p' such that the system has more than two solutions. Which of the following is a scalar matrix? 012 000 (@ |103 fi o4 230 010 100 ort @lo19 {104 001 ao Consider the following matrix A. 114 Az|0 12 oer For which value of xs the matrix Anot invertible? Find an eigen vector corresponding to largest 1 eigen value of matrix A=] 1-1 1 1 @y 2 1 1 2 2 oi @}t 1 0 10. 1". 12, 13. 14. (EY objective Practice sets | Computer Science & IT where x, y, zand ware 4 unknown. Suppose | 4] is an eigen vector of A, 1 then find the corresponding eigen value 000 Let M=]0 3-1). Then find which of the o-13 following is not an eigen value of M. (a) 2 ) 3 4 (@) None of these ‘Assume the following set's linearly dependent. +2y-r (6%. %)=4] 3 |] —alf 1 -all sla Find the value of h? @ 5 6 o7 os 14d letAs|o 12 5x6 Find the value ofx, ifthe matrix Ais not invertible? @ 92 (o) 72 © 192 (@ 12 Consider the system: xy#2y 4x, +x, = 5 Ifthe above system has infinitely many solutions, find the values of ‘a’ and ‘b"? 5 5 =5,b48 @ a=3be () ae2,b=8 a (a aa8,o00 Postal Study Course POE] aa 16, 16. fa MApE EAs 110 LetA=|2 1 2). Find a1? 220) I 33-2 3-3 2 @ |-23 2 ) ]2 3 2 224 2214 3-32 23-2 |-2 3 -2 (@ |-2 3 -2 22 4 22-1 Compute the determinant of the following matrix A 147,105) 40000 A=|17 21-5 116 070 2700) 03000 @ 0 (o) -14 (©) -24 (6) None of these Consider ne atx =| ° A Consiver the a |. Ais Hermitian I. Ais Skew-Hermitian Ul, Als Unitary Which of the above statements are true? (2) tonly (©) Monty (© Monly (@) Vand itt only la matrix Ais singular, then which of the following ss the constant term of the characteristic polynomial of A, Assume i, are the eigen values. @ », () 0 1 (d) Negative 1020 o-a10 Let M= nd i= V7. Then ot =|) DO] and ta vei. The 0000 ‘M-~ iL has rank (where I's the identity matrix of order 4) @1 @s 2 @ 4 oamane Ersy 20. A matrix M has eigenvalues 2 and 5. The corresponding eigenvectors are [1 2ITand [1 7] respectively. Let X= [3 11]/. What is MX? @ 943)" (©) (2 9)" © 17 397 @ 15 35) 25. 21, Which one of the following matrices is LU- decomposable (without interchanging rows or columns) for non-singular “and U? 023 0 406 () |a (© |4 0 @ 26. aan ean 122 LetA=|212 pia 22. then the incorrect statement (@) #-4A-61,=0 1 () At = 2(4-41) () Ais not invertible (@) Aisinvertble 28. 23. Let Abe a3 x 3 real matrix, Suppose 1 and ~1 are two of the three eigen values of matrix Aand 1Bis one of the eigen values of A? + 34, Then (@) both Aand 4? + 34 are invertible (0) 4? + 34s invertible but A is not invertible (©) Alsinvertible but 4? + 34 is not invertible (@) both Aand 4? + 3A are not invertible 29. a3 24. Matrix A= |1 b 4l, if abe = 70 and 22 Basdbs30= 0, then 64 0 0 0 6 0} 0 0 64 0 > (adj A) is equal to 880 0 0 a8 0 0 88 30. @ (amabe easy Postal Study Course BIXE Engineering Mathematics | 730 0 a4 0 0 @|o wo} mio 340 0 0 78 0 0 34 B-x 2 The values of x required for which A~' can't be determined will be @) 0.3 (©) 0,-4.4 01,3 @ 1-13 Ifthe system of equations: x ky-Z=0,ke-y-z=0,x4+y-z2=0 has a1non-zero solution, then the possible values of k are: '-a and 'b’ then |a + bl Choose the correct matrix given below, that has aninverse ~ @ [: 3] ef] #f4 Adj A are x and -y then the value of x + y is. Consider the matrix What are the eigen values of above matrix? @ 141.4 {o) 1,0,4 (©) 21,4 @) 1.4.4 =|? 8] ang a= [* ® wae [t Sforaae=[f Be Objective Raia Sei 31 32. 33. cs | Computer Science & IT (@) a= 2ab, B= 2+ (0) a=a +b B=ab (©) a= 2 +62, p=2ab @ a=e+ be p=2-v For what values of a and B, the following simultaneous equations have an infinite number of solutions? xtytz=5 x+3y+9z=9 x+2ytaz = B @ 27 (OR a3 7, Find the absolute sum of squares of eigen values for the matrix 000 Az|1 0 -1 O10 Let Abe a square matrix, whose characteristic polynomial is p() 2 vate determinant of A? 3 3 @z ) -F 1 @o © 7 Objective Practice Sets Postal Study Course LYE 34. 36. 36. (mace Easy MBDE ERsY Matrix A 32 y 4 | ifxyz=60and 8x + 22 Ay + 3z = 20, then A (adi 4) is equal to 88 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 88 340 0 © @| 0 34 0 [Pee] [sea] ttaveas aii sem [2] 640 0 @|o 60} & 0 0 64 6 0 0 0 68 0 0 0 8 are eigen vectors corresponding to eigen values ‘and 2 ch Arespectively, Then Ais o [24] of 3 ob} «fg Consider the matrix A ofits eigen values is __ G2MADE EAS PRES 2078] EEEIEIEN Linear Algebra 1 @ 58 © 7 @ %® @ 11 16. (©) 17.) 18 (@) 19. (@ 20, 25. (a) 27. (b) 29 (@) 30. (©) 31 Linear Algebra 1. (a) Characteristic equation for given difference equation is 4a%- 200? + 174 - 4 = 0 and characteristic roots given are 2,2,4. Which j 7 gives homogeneous solution as a,(h) (A + Ap) (1/2) + Al)” 2 (1) As matrix will be 0112) (2038) [1 0 9/2 512] 203 5/f0112\>Jo1 1 2) 113i 1 J lL pi deibo gd > 2s 3. (3) Values of eigen values are 0, 1, 2 4. (2) 30 2/100 ln=|o 2 slo 10 oo 1joo1 F< R,-2R, and Rye R,— AR 3.00/10 2 =}o2o0j01-4 oo 1fo0 1 Rye RB and Ry R/2 1,2 toolro = 1 = ula) O1ojo > 2 allay) oortfoo 4 MADE EASY Engineering Mathematics 12. ©) 13. () 14 ©) 15. ©) 21. (©) 22, (0) 23. (@) 24. (©) 33. (6) 34. (0) 35. (0) - (c) to 3 1 rele! °3 O04 ab afl ° ef | ° ef Given AB =1 sas, fee de 4-f 3) [164 baf=0>f=b If p= 1 rank of A= rank of 8 and rank is less than 2. :. The systemhas multiple solutions when p= 1 Objective Pracice sets ED [ Computer Science & IT PASEeered 20s] GIMACE EASY 7. (0) [Acre 20 al Le If all diagonal elements of a square matrix are equal then such matrix is scalar matrix, 100 0 1 OJis scalar matrix. 001 8. (55) f hag * aye] t]ancigan vet Azo 12 5 x 6 10. (-2) lal = I(6-2x)-1 0-10) + 1 (0-5)1 AD = av = 11-2 : Hf [Al =0 = Aisnotinveriie ee is + -3 olf4jeala 1 1-22 05 sy = zit 1 11-2r=0 i y p 4 pt) = 2-|4] (pand qare unknown Vall = (1-2) (2-2) + (2-2) 2 | | a : ue “W022 9 1 3-4 =0 = 2 = A-1)=0 a 2 2202 The largest elgn value fs 4 11. (0) oat a 0 0 a-e)y 21 SAI—MV=deK)0 2-3 4 11 Oba, oo - = M(-3)?-1) _ = MA~2\(A—4) = oo = MA=2)0.=4)=0 11 Oh ave = 0.2 a ++ Option (b)s nat correct eigen valve. = ont 12. (0) 0-1 thera (54. ¥p, 9) islinearly dependant ae = [¥4,¥p, Vg] = 0has non trivial solutions ~ o-14 1-2-1) [1-2 0 0 Oh nom =|s 4 1J-fo2 4 -3 1 a} [o -3 a+ 10-4 = o-4 Fa Ry -3R, oo 0 Py Ry + Rp (Ey objective Practice sets (gMaDe easy aE fa MADE EASY dot slo 1 2 0 0 a7 Ifa+7=0, then equation will have free variable, a=~7 [vectors are linearly dependent} 13. (a) Determinant = 1(6 - 2x) -1 (0- 10)+4(0-8) ~2e Matrix is not invertible it determinant = 0 = 11-220 14. (c) 1/2 12)a]_[t 2] a : aR, [r alel=[o ovele “sale 8- lf b= Band a = 8/4, the last row is reduced to zero, 1. System has infinite solutions 15. (c) lan) 23 -2 poe Postal Study Course BUH] 16. 17, (mace Easy Engineering Mathematics (c) ‘Three row changes in the determinant as following, 34795 40000 det=|17 21-5 116 00200 03000 40000 0 3 0 0 0} ) RoR = (-13de]0 0 2 0 0] 2) ROR, 17 21-8 11.6/ @) ROR, es 7 oo 3000 -|ade}® 2 © °los0-0+0 a5 16 47 95, Pe 2 24 #1 =-26 (b) The cénstant term of characteristic polynomial of any matrix Ais always = TTA, = [A Here, Ais singular & hence [Al The constant term is therefore = 0 () In this matrix ot cea wor[8 |] 4fo -]_fo i Fl: o} [4 o Since here A® = A, the matrix is Hermitian Since, also A? = A“, the matrix is Unitary So both |& Ill are true Objective Practice ets & | Computer Science & IT 19. (d) [eRe aed 2018] O03 MADE ERS = mf Mowe] O “et 4 Now, substituting from equation (i) and (i), we 2 1 240 set, 0 0 0 4 2115 iI] [3] ux= 2]*]+[>] = [41 By Gauss-Elimination, we reduce this to echelon ( [ss 8)"[35] ~ [a3 form and find its rank 2 1-1 0 2 0 ‘The condition for LU decomposabslty is that all the principle minors should be non-zero, Inchoice (a) and (b), ,, = 0=9 fist principle minor = So the matrices in (a) and (b) are not LU decomposable. Inchoice (c) The principle minors are 1) of! 4. = 140, [) 9 =-a40 ea | 4 0 @ = 13240 7 8 O ‘Sothe matrix in choice (c) is LU-decomposable. The matrixis in echelon form and In choice (d) the third principle minor rank = Number of non-zero rows = 4 1 2 3 20. (a) 4 5 6 =Oandhence the matrixin choice (d) a 7 8 9 Where 2% is eigen vector and his corresponding \enot LU decomposable, eigen values. 22, (c) 1) _ I t_[2 o af]-EE} 9 lems Y= |2 1 2t}2 1 2l= of] = sf "]-[§ ii) tera pee 7} > L7}*[3s. We have A?~4A~5ly Now eu express | a near combination 9 8 ay fi 22 a =|/8 9 8]-412 1 2|-5/0 1 + eso) l221 f follow otf] we fF estos Se ate Aan ay 1 a) _ ty pt : faa) fl GbE] 3 1 = t= Maan 34-415) (65 objective Practice sets MADE EASY Wcean 3 MADE ERsY Note that| Al = 5. Since | 4*1=| A]? = 5° #0, 4? is invertible, Similarly, A? is invertible. 23. (2) 1, 4, “1 are eigen values of A then 2+ 8, 4, 2are eigens of A+ 3F 22 + Bh, 4,-2are eigen of A? + 34 Since A? + 3h=18 1A? + 3Al #0 Since 2#0 leo 24. (0) AadjA=lAlr = 781 v8 0 0 =|0 78 0 oo 7 or Aagj A=lAlr IAI = abe—8a-3(c-8) + 2(2-26) IAl = abo-(8a+ 3c + 4b) + 28 = 70-20 +28 =78 25. (a) For A” to be non existent, [Al = 0 B-» 2 2 lAl= | 2 ety 2075] 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. [gmaoe easy Engineering Mathematics (a) B-2(-4-2 44) =0 (x) (8 -x) (8-2! =0,3,3 2) For the given homogeneous sytem to have non zer0 solution, determinant of coefficent matrix should be zero; Le. 1 -k +4 =| 1 =a) 210141) Moke) ket) 20 114 3 2-Rek-k1=09K=1 4-1 a=1b=13a+b=2 (b) I LAl is zero, A does not exist and the matrix Ais said to be singular. JAl #0 then only A” exists. Hence (b)is correct answer. (3) Why Dy aot gen ot Aten te corn vane tag a0 AA Aw 20 ut Thus doen ves otad Aare 4-4, 2nd “1, 80,x = 2, y= 1 then sum x + y=3, (@) A- 2] “AS + 612-9244 =0 Characteristic equation 23-6h492-4=0 Aat44 (c) « B]_fa b]fe © ae 7 B al |b allo a _ [+e? 220 Zab a+b? a= a+b B= 2ab Objeatve Practice Sets 31. 32, is) | Computer Science & IT (a) By putting the system of simultaneous equations inthe form 33. 34, Fy > FoR, Ry > Fy, + [tt 118 Rash jor 1) 2 01 a-1|B-5 11 1718 RoR-R [01 1] 2 f 0 a-2 | Now for infinite solutions, the last row must be zero. $0, a-2=0-0=2andB-7=0 = B=7 (2) a 00 aad 0-14 Note: det (X/~ A) = Dis same as det (A~ 2) = 0. dat (M~A) = A. (2+ 1) ‘Sum of squares of eigen values = b+ = (0)? + (iP + (- =O0+(-1)+(1)=-2 + Bis absoutevaue Objective Practice Sets Bret 2078] Game Easy fa mAoe ermsy ) The constant term in any characteristic polynomial is always | Al So, JA) since constant term of 2(2) is A.adj A=LAlt IAI = xy2-80-9(2-8)4 212-29) VA| = xyz (@e + 324 4y) +28 = 60-20428 = 68 [A-a] = 2-9) = 8460? characteristic equation 99-62+92-4=0 Rett on44 4 vA Cori nsider the following function, ray) Find the values of x for which f(x) is increasing? (@) -2sxs2 (b) -2x>2 (0) -22422 =H [Jo = 0 fx} where [xis the greatest ogerless than or equal tox, then k lim f(x) is @1 (b) does not exist @o @- eae) caro dx (x ‘i, “() @ (0) - on a se [FPsinxcosi ds is Consider the function (x) = x + In.x and fis differentiable on (1, 8) and f(x) is continuous on. [1 €]. Determine the c value using mean value Hb)~f(a) theorem. (By computing f(c) = “1K @e (e) e-1 es @ 10. 11 12. 13, Calculus Let z = x siny—y sin x. The total differential az (a) (sin y+ ycos x) dr + (x 00s y+ sinx) dy (0) (sin y— yo0s x) de + (x cos y+ sin x) dy () (sin y+ yoos) dr + (x cos y-sin x) dy (@) (sin y- y cos) dk + (x c0s y—sin x) dy What is the value of the following limit. a-Ver5 lim, a Consider the following function. fa) = 36-42? Find the points at which fhas absolute minimum, and absolute maximum respectively. (@) x=0,x=6 (0) x (©) x=0x=3 (d) x Find the x values for which the following function is increasing ft) (@) x<2 (© x<-Randy>2 () x2 (0) x>-2andr<2 Let fx) = x: f fy? +3-dy . Find (1) The output of lim (sina)™* is 2 sin(th a Value of lig S02) asin The value of [-"[sinx{ +[oosaJax is equal to @ > (o) ® o% (6) & > | Computer Science & IT Postal Study Course EERE] G9 ™ADE EASY 14. Consider the function y= 4-6 +9, The 17. Thefunction fr, y= 2x2 + Dry 9 has ‘maximum value ofy obtained when x varies over {@) only one stationary point a (0,0) the interval 2 to § wil be at {b) two stationary points at (0, 0) and (1/6. 1/3) (C)_ two stationary points at (0,0) and (1, -1 18. A function fx) is citferentiate twice such that Gi oe ee its ferential equation Aix) = 24 F(a) Drowdestwosaualvauect oral. MO)=", 49 (3009 4. «cos ns) x cthen vals 1(0) = 2, then fx) at x = 1 willbe _ x ais 16. Thevalue of im —28* a 19. — (@ -= wo @1 @ 2 20 2, the maximum occurs : uinen ss equal to PEE catcutus 1 6 2 0) 3. @ 5 6 WM & WH 9 @ 13. @ 18 ( 16 @ 17. @ 12 @ 1. () 2. (0) Lett limit = lim f(0-h) f= Fo . a2 Since [0-hl#0 2 +4)-()=x42x) __4 = tye EPs | Le limit = e ett = fn SHO sinh = Beseen (x? 44)? Right limit = lim s(0+A) 19) =0- fis increasing for x > -2 and x <2 Sinco [0 +n) =0 {0+ A) = 0(by detintion given) : So ight iit = fim 0=0 5 Since let iit right iit option t eee The limit at x =O doesn't exist, [EW objective Practice sets MADE ERsy MADE ERSY Postal Study Course BXE| Engineering Mathematics 3. (a) 6. (d) 2 = asiny-yoine 2s rr) aS % x siny- yooss or a SE = xcosy- sine and 2 oe de = Bades Hay (siny—seosx) d+ (xcosy-sina)cy 7. (-0.83) 4, (0.5) oy 3oNETS Let sinx wa x4 du = cos x de y f So | sinxcosxdx = fudx a 3 = im —2=(+5) : Gar der8) 5. (b) fx) = xt In = Pa) = 194 a) 8. (a) an ft) = Joga? fo) = WH) — AL x20,f)=6 fo xe0=hy<6 + thas absolute maximum atx = 0 euieso At’ x=3,fx)=0 oT et Tet thas absolute minimum atx = 3, 9. (d) => [from equation (1)} , . = 2=x2+x) 1 (44? 7" (2-2)2+%) = eset f9)=0= oe G3MADE EASY Objective Practice Sets KEP | Computer Science & IT v2 Fed fis increasing for -2-2andx<2 Note: fis decreasing for x <-2 and x > 2. 40. (4) fa) = x [VP 3-dy 2] go 1a) = « ali of [VF 88-0 = f= x [Fa]: | Fs oy 3 Ni) = [vba Va]s|YiP43-0y = 2424004 41. (1) y= lim fsinay* Taking log both side, lim, tanxtog(sin) log(sinx) 2150) ormoo) (Hisinx)cosx log, = lim 2 =cosec"x log, = lim, sinxcosx y-e y= 12. (0) fim © SIU) _ jpg SINC) 2) sing = ssusing” 1x x 1 lien tim x- lim sin saosin 290" soe (1) .(0) (finite value) = 0 (EJ ovjective Practice sets S Postal Study Course ETXE| 13, 14, 16. 16. (3 MRoE EASY (a) Let fs) = [Isin x +1o08 x] asisinal + lcosst2 1 and Isin xi + leosxls (Fae = 1s [bins|+\cosxl]< v2 Thus, [Isin al + loos sf] = i [sins|+loosal]de = J 1.ds=28 pl fs (6) yer Gr+9=(r-3F y(2)=1 (5) = 4 ++ Maximum value of y over the interval 2 to 5 willbe at x = 5 (7.39) Pe) —2AF (x) + AFlx) = 0 MADE EASY ERTS 2075] Engineering Mathematics | 47 18.9 Then dt = tas when x92, 140 2 Hence, Jsntat =—cost +c La 19. (a) il var (es) 17. (a) fos, 9) = Be + Day Hearsay - 20. (2) Zor at e ay TF 2-87) + ot Be (2-22) For stationary point off, y) Putting f(a) = 0 ar 2 = oand x=00rx = 2are the stationary points . ar42y=0 Now, #” (x) = * (2— 2x) + (2r~ x2) (-e%) €* (2-2r- (2-2) o and 2-3 =0 (w) * (2 dx + 2) Solving (i) and (ii) at x -~y oreo (0-0+2)=2 > y+3~=0 &> Oatx = Owe have arinima = y(t +3y)=0 =y=0,-13ands=0, 116 So, the stationary points may be (0, 0) and (176, 1/3) But point (1/6, -1/3) doesnot lie on the curve, so + atx = 2we have a maxima, ‘here is only one stationary point at origin (0,0) wemmadeeoyin SS GMRIDE EASY objective Practice Sets LD)

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